Tooth Abscess
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Tooth Abscess Relief

Posted by Missmommamimi (Santa Barbara California ) on 04/03/2021

I can tell you for a fact Turpentine works for a tooth abscess. I had a huge blister on side of the gum where the abscess was and so much pain and soreness. I'd take the turpentine and hold it in the mouth directly where the infected tooth was for up until I couldn't stand it any longer snd spit it out. It needs to be undilute 100% pure pine gum spirits of turpentine (Diamond G Forests has the BEST in my opinion).

Also if you can start using chlorine dioxide solution as s mouth was and add w few drops of DMSO right before you're going to use it because DMSO deactivates the Chlorine Dioxide within hours of mixing the two. If you're only using the Turpentine I'd say continue to use it until the infection is gone but shouldn't take long.

You should see some improvement within a few days but I'd use it multiple times. But it's also crucial to ensure there's no food stuck between or in a crack of a tooth. A Waterpik on semi low or higher if it doesn't cause too much pain in your mouth really really helps.

Activated Charcoal
Posted by Jean (USA) on 11/04/2021

I had read about a procedure for an abscessed tooth in the Reader's Digest. I talked my dentist into doing it but he said there were no guarantees. $25 was the cost. It involved drilling through the tooth to the infection, flushing the infection out, then filling the tooth. I still have that tooth and it healed perfectly, nerves and all, according to the later X rays. - Jean

Baking Soda and Salt
Posted by Hillary (Indiana) on 08/04/2017

I have horrible teeth, no insurance. I know, shame on me, but I was desperate to get this abscess popped. I'm a stay at home mother, so it was important to me to get this taken care of. I was reading natural remedies to drain an abscess and the baking soda and salt on a a cotton ball really works! One try for me and BAM! It worked.

Salt Water
Posted by Elias I. (Vancouver, Bc) on 06/13/2016

For a tooth abscess, swoosh salt water around first. The abscess will subside very quickly. Then mess around with your oils and your herbs. Salt should come first. It works, I can tell you from personal experience. And very quickly.

God bless.

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Suzy (Seaside) on 03/30/2016

Buyers Beware - the new GSE no longer has citricidal in it, that is why it tastes different than the old stuff. The reason is some red tape. There is a brand that has it but you have to do so research to find it, supposed it is the one that is for external use.

EC: Nutribiotic, the company that was the first to manufacture Grapefruit Seed Extract, now makes one called "Citricidal Grapefruit Seed Extract". Their old brand of GSE is called Vegan GSE.

Bentonite Clay
Posted by Diane (Sacramento, California)

Montmorillite form of Bentonite clay. I had an absessed tooth that broke off. The absess was not really painful but my dentist advised a root canal because the tooth was dead. How I wish I would have tried the clay first and just had a temp crown put on. I continued to have a soreness at the root. The pocket of infection had been there for years. I didn't want to do the antibiotic thing or have more work done, so I tried the clay. I simply tucked a pea sized bit of clay with a bit of cotton up at the root where the pain was. The next morning it was somewhat better. I continued for months until every bit of the soreness was gone. It took time but I just know I probably could have healed it without the root canal. I still do it once in awhile because I know dead teeth in your mouth infect the body eventually, per Dr. Weston Price. The one advantage?...It takes almost no effort to do.

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Chirka (Gurgaon, India) on 07/02/2021

Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth (FG DE) for rotting or painful teeth and rotting wounds

The fastest acting use I have experienced for FG DE is for teeth. I have a lot of teeth problems from a narrow jaw and bad dentist interventions. When I get a tooth pain, I place a wad of DE (made into a dough like blob with a drop of water) on the offending tooth, clamp down my teeth and go to sleep. Right as rain in the morning. And this is the report with everyone I've prescribed it to. Unfailingly. But use it the first sign of pain you get.

What more, two teeth that the dentists said have to be pulled off six years ago are serving me fine after my having given them the DE wad treatment for a week continuously.

The DE just pulls out any kind of necrosis.

And that's the second great thing I've seen it work its magic on. It also saved the paw of my cat, which was just rotting and the digits were falling off. Dipped her paw into DE, and the whole thing became a hard lump. But finally, the paw stopped rotting and whatever was left of the paw was saved.

Same thing with another cat I recommended it for. Another cat had an anal sac, with a hole as deep as the first digit of my index finger, and a foul smell. I stuffed it with DE multiple times in a day. After two days reduced application to once a day. By the seventh day, even the scar was barely visible.

Activated Charcoal
Posted by Ira (Zuid, Holland) on 09/23/2020

I had an infection under a tooth, where I already had two times a rootcanal treatment and I refuse to do a third one as more and more I start to think that this is just another business model for dentists. I applied a paste of activated charcoal and water on a cotton ball and left it overnight. The pain subsided. I also continue oil pulling, baking soda rinses and I apply lemongrass oil, but after nearly 12 hours the pain still has gone.

Activated Charcoal
Posted by Karen (Mead, Wa) on 02/20/2018

This past Saturday, I developed an abscessed tooth. By Sunday, I was hurting bad enough that I went to the store and bought charcoal. Before leaving the parking lot, I mixed a small amount of with a couple drops of clove oil and used a paper towel to pack the gums with the mixture. within 45 minutes the pain was drastically reduced. Once I got home, I mixed up some more charcoal with cloves and olive oil. I soaked a cotton ball with the mixture and put it on my gums, left it there a couple hours. That night I took a heating pad and ice pack to bed, switched them out a couple times before going to sleep. Monday morning, the left side of my face was swollen, but there was no pain. Of course it was a holiday weekend so the dentist was not in that day, but I called and left a message on their answering machine. I did get a call back and scheduled an appointment for Tuesday morning.

All day Monday I was pain free. Monday night I slept with a charcoal pack on my gums. Still no pain the next day. The dentist looked at the x-ray and said I had two areas of raging abscess. He was shocked I was not in pain, so I told him about the charcoal. When he looked in my mouth, he was an area on my gums that was very swollen, red, and oozing. He was able to drain some of the pus out, but was surprised that the abscess had come to the surface. I asked him if that could be a result of the charcoal pulling the infection out and he agreed it might be. I am scheduled for a root canal on Friday. Until then, I will keep up with the charcoal packs.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Btr (Va) on 10/21/2017

I don't have insurance and that's how I landed here after being in severe pain that Excedrin wasn't touching for several days. Beginning Thursday, I started using remedies I found on Earth Clinic for an abscessed root.

First, I cut carbs out of my diet so the infection didn't have any sugar to fuel with. I also drank a ton of water, and brushed and flossed as normal. Every 6 hours, I rinsed my mouth out with warm salt water. Following that, I oil pulled for 10-15 minutes with either olive oil or coconut oil mixed with 1 drop of clove essential oil which numbed the ache. Then, I rinsed the excess from the oil pull with either a diluted hydrogen peroxide or diluted raw apple cider vinegar to remove any toxins. Following that, I peeled a clove of fresh garlic and crushed it on a plate, as I read it needs to be exposed to air for 10 minutes or so to activate the allicin. Then I would take that clove and bite it with the offending tooth as long as I could stand the burn before I swallowed it. I usually didn't get more than a few seconds in, I find garlic really irritating to my gums. Once a day, I also took a warm black tea bag and held it on my tooth for 30-45 minutes, before or after the garlic. I also applied ice as needed along my jaw. I felt pretty blind since my abscess wasn't visual, it was inside the tooth, and I was just guessing with all of this.

The first night I did all of this, I woke up after a couple of hours of sleep with a salty, garlicky, bitter liquid in my mouth which I believe was the abscess draining. The next day I felt more sharp pain upon contact with the tooth rather than the constant dull ache from before, but it got steadily better after that.

It's been a few days since I've been treating my tooth with all of these remedies and as I lay here on Saturday night, I have no pain and very little pressure, it's like it never happened. My pain easily went from a 9 to a 3 almost immediately upon starting my regimen above, and from a 3 to a 0 within a day or so more. I haven't taken a pain killer in over 12 hours for the first time in 8 days. I don't know which thing is the hero of the day or if it was the combo of things but I am almost as good as new.

Baking Soda, Coconut Oil, ALA
Posted by Charity (Faithville, Usa) on 08/17/2017

Tooth Abscess:

Baking soda with coconut oil 50 /50 paste at bedtime, soaked into it all night and also take alpha lipoic acid.

Some frankinsense essential oil on outside of mouth, very little, 1-2 drops on back of hand and then rub around on mouth!

Dental Abscess Remedies
Posted by Om (Hope Bc Canada) on 07/28/2013

MADDTOM from Colorado: I really like posts like yours because I have a lot of experience now with good results re my teeth to pass on. I am a senior with ALL my teeth except one I lost many years ago. Even in that case I should have known better but thanks to EC I have a completely new and far more effective tooth care regimen which empowers me to know what is in my mouth and to keep business away from my health.

Recently I saw a dentist after years and the first thing was that he expectd me to accept fluoride. Then, when I told him that when I was much younger a very well respected dentist who taught a a university, sent a piece of mercury down my gullet, saying:don't swallow it! When I told this dentist about it, He mentioned that it probably "went right through. Hmm! Very casual attitude.

I have now been oil pulling for about two years. At the beginning there was a molar that felt loose and the dentist said it had to come out. Then I found: That changed everything. Oil pulling had given me a fresh breath daily, a clean and healthy tongue and probably detoxed my system without any trouble. It also fixed the loose tooth more firmly in its socket. I don't like to lose a tooth since it has such an effect on the facial features. Oil pulling had also brightened my teeth somewhat.

However, thanks to the site above, I am now trying to heal a cavity on my front tooth. My gums that had always been a problem, are looking really good and the previously exposed tooth necks are almost all right at the gum line, looking really good.

But now, to heal any cavity, I am using MMS (Jim Humble's website) and wow my teeth are getting actually white. I did not really expect that. I thought my yellow/grey teeth would never but they are really nice looking. I am working on some pockets and to eliminate possible sites of infection. I keep the MMS solution in my mouth for two minutes twice a day. If I forget it once, or I am too tired, I use Xytol in my mouth before falling asleep. Of course, I will not forget my oil pulling as it has an overall effect on the body which may vary with the individual. You will find that present practices of dental care are far from beneficial to ones health and thinking of the sums that have to be surrendered!

Anyway I am taking responsibility for my health and again thanks to EC have initiated more changes to the great improvement of my health. The sites mentioned also deal very well with abscesses and pain.

All the best! Om

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Jen (Carson City, Nevada) on 02/12/2012

I have found that grapefruit seed extract kills the infection and takes away pain. After trying many home remedies including cloves and vanilla extract (which helped quickly, but didn't last), I decided to try grapefruit seed extract. I put three drops in about 1/3 cup warm water and swished for about a minute. The pain usually goes away quickly. After a few days of swishing a few times a day, the pain was gone and didn't come back for over a month. Now, I use GSE anytime I have a toothache, and it's gone within a day. I'm trying to avoid a root canal. I also need to change my bad sugar habit and eat healthier to really heal the problem.

Colloidal Silver, DMSO
Posted by Lindsay (Wi) on 04/09/2017

You still need to spit because at this point, it is NOT perfectly good silver anymore. It's contaminated with whatever impurities you are swishing out. If you have a infection, why swallow what leaks out? It's only a tablespoon that you need to swish anyways. Coconut oil and silver serving great to take internally but both, or anything you swallow, should be fresh and not used for oral health first.

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Katrinika (Morehead City, Nc Usa) on 12/09/2010


I wish somebody had mentioned in the tooth abscess thread that grapefruit seed extract should not be used full strength in the mouth. It was one of the few items mentioned in the thread that I had in the house when at 3:00am this morning I read four pages of the thread and decided to try it as part of a poultice in a bit of gauze, which I left in my mouth until the pain from it seemed so much worse than the abscess I was trying to relieve that I got up and took it out (about three hours). I've been sick and have missed a lot of sleep over the last five months... At 3am I'm not too cogent. I didn't read the bottle. Now I've got second-degree burns in the entire left side of my mouth.. Gums and cheek. It's worse than the tooth abscess, will last longer (with tissue sloughing and probable infection), and is likely to leave significant scars. Now there's no chance that I can avoid the antibiotics. I really could have used just a tiny warning.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Indiansummer (Seattle, Wa.) on 02/09/2010

Update: I went to see the Dentist today and was told that the tooth I had the abscess on needs to be extracted. Years ago I had a root canal and crown done on this tooth, and to my understanding the root now is fractured (the crown is loose due to the crack). According to the Dentist the options are extraction and either an implant or a bridge. The cost share on my part would be appr. $3500.00!!!

A week after I wrote my first post, I finally decided to go ahead and get the Oil of Oregano made from the wild mediteranean oregano (I had used the "regular" oil of oregano and didn't seem to have much success with it). I continued treating the tooth with oil of oregano applied to a small piece of gauze, left on fissure above tooth, overnight. In addition I started taking the mediteranean oregano in caps. from the original producer. I haven't had any pain, nor drainage ever since. The fissure above the cracked root tooth is still there though. Is there anyone out there that has knowledge about how to avoid getting the tooth pulled? If the tooth would be a molar I most likely would go ahead and have it pulled but it is tooth no. 12 and pulling it would be very noticable to other people. Any advice? Anybody??? Please!!!

Posted by K.Lynn (Mt Healthy, Ohio) on 03/04/2009

a great painkiller and infection fighter for tooth/gum/abcess pain is turmeric for $4.00 or less in your local grocerie store in the spices section. I was amazed when I used it how it took away the pain and inflammation. just a teaspoon in a bowl with just enough PURIFIED WATER to make it the consistency of wet mud. You can use a cotton ball or a small cut piece of cotton cloth with a blob of wet turmeric ( careful- it is what mustard stains are made of), and place it on the tooth so it can seep between the teeth and to the abcess, the taste isn't that bad, especially when you can't sleep or anything w/o pain. If you are lying down, don't forget to take out the cotton ball/cloth before you fall asleep. Also, rinsing prior with PURIFIED WATER, 1 teaspoon of h202 (drugstore kind ok), and 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda ( organic-about $3.57 a lb. bag but goes very far when using small amounts. I don't care what Arm and Hammer says, they put something in their bs because organic is MUCH more body friendly). Have the turmeric ready to go in before you rinse because it can be painful if the abcess is bad but the turmeric is also a painkiller. When I think of all the times in my life I used oragel just to cry myself to sleep-ughhh! As usual, how long it takes will depend on the severity of the infection but it sure worked for me. MANY BLESSINGS TO YOU.

Activated Charcoal
Posted by PB (NC) on 04/23/2022

I had three abscessed teeth recently, thought I only had one. I still had to wait a week after getting a referral from the dentist before seeing an Endodontic specialist. I mixed up some bentonite clay and activated charcoal; then applied it to a strip of press n seal that I had cut to fit around the gums above my three abscessed teeth. I then applied the mixture of charcoal and clay paste it to my infected gum area and changed it with a fresh one every couple of hours. I also put a fresh one on before bed time and left it on my gums over night.

That mixture of clay and charcoal took out the pain and discomfort. I did not have any issues with the press n seal sliding around my gum area either. The trickiest part was getting the consistency right with the clay and charcoal paste. A little trial and error went a long ways. The right side of my face had swollen up so I put clay on it and then small strips of press in seal to keep it moist. The swelling in my face and gums continued to go down. I always keep a bottle of capsules of activated charcoal and bentonite clay handy especially when traveling.

Arsenicum Album - Homeopathy
Posted by Griselda (Valencia) on 08/27/2021

Hi thank you so much, everyone,

I'm following the advice posted here for an infected tooth that the dentist said either had to be extracted or root canaled. Added to much of the advice here, I am now taking the homeopathic remedy Arsenicum Alb 7ch.

The homeopath who gave it to me said ´"use it til the dentist says "you´re fine! "´ I am continuing with the natural remedies at the same time- hopefully they don't negate the homeopathy Will definitely tell you what happens.

Bee Propolis
Posted by Barb (Red Deer AB) on 05/05/2021

Bee Propolis Anti-Inflammatory for Tooth Abscess and Infections

Bee propolis is the best natural anti-inflammatory, antibiotic that I have found. Depending on what I'm dealing with I'll take up to 8 at a time, it will kill an infection. I've been using it for 21 yrs on me and my family, won't be without it.

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