Tooth Abscess
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Tooth Abscess Relief

Alpha Lipoic Acid
Posted by Annette (Cuy Falls, Ohio) on 06/13/2009

Several years ago, my husband had an abcessed tooth. A filling had been broken out for some time and we did not have dental insurance. He went to a health food store and asked about a remedy for pain relief. The propietor highly recommended Alpha Lipoic Acid. My husband bought the 50mg caps, which were the least expensive. Back then, he weighed 230 pounds (6' tall). He took 2-50mg caps of Alpha Lipoic Acid every 4 hrs, 4 times daily, for 7 to 10 days, decreasing the dose after the pain was gone.

I can attest to this remedy also, because some time later, I had a toothache that would not quit. I treated myself with Alpha Lipoic Acid. It was kind of like a do-it-yourself root canal. My pain subsided each day and was totally gone within 3 days. I continued to take it a few more days. My tooth is still A-OK 10 years later. Did not require any dental work, even though I've been in for cleaning and x-rays several times since.

On a polar opposite note, I have been reading about Urotherapy - a little known frontier with claims of curing numerous aliments, including various cancers. Each of us have this readily available, tailor-made, built-in health dispenser at no cost. Research online, as it's limited experimental findings are under wraps among med books (has been for years). I did try it myself for a lower abdominal ache, after other natural remedies did not work over a 2 month period. I searched for a cure and found it. After 2 weeks of drinking a few ounces of 'mid stream in the morning', all pain was gone. Never had another symptom of who knows what. No, it doesn't taste bad. Think of it as intended - it's personalized medicine that won't harm you, but most likely will cure you. Do the research. I've found it tried, true and an essential entry in my emergency home care journal.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Oral Health Guy (Earth) on 03/13/2016

At one night, I noticed a swelling on my gums above one tooth with a huge amount of composite filling. I went to the pharmacy first to get some Corsodyl (both the mouth water and the gel). Also I used salt-water for rinsing. The swelling subsided a bit. then a few days later I went to the dentist, who said that the root was infected and that I needed root canal treatment.

I had some distrust to this diagnosis, as I did not have any pain (pain typically precedes the swelling in periapical abscess). he had taken x-rays, but he was not very clear why that indicated an infection of the root.

I learned though that in some cases there may not be any pain with a periapical abscess. On the other hand, I found that some infections may seem like they are at the root but are in fact not and are just periodontal. Anyway the pain was non-existent, and the swelling was small. So I thought it was a bit early to say that horrible treatment (both in terms of the poisining as well as the amount of money) is the only thing you could do for a tooth. And if I failed to cure it myself, there was time enough left before things would get wrong severely.

So I start looking for some of the natural treatments online. The first thing I found was neem powder which has strong antiseptic effect. Then I found this great website earthclinic, where there were many things you could do for an abscess: garlic, oil pulling, echinacea, etc.

My regimen:

-oil pulling as I woke up and at other times when I had a near empty stomach. olive oil worked best for me. coconut oil is simply too delicious.

-rinsing with salt water after meals

-taking a clove of garlic, then biting it in smaller pieces. If burn, then swallow some or add some water. most of the pieces however parked right next to the abscess.

-putting a wet teabag on the abscess after the rinsing

-drinking tea with neem powder and echinacea powder a few times a day. maybe a third of a small spoon of each added to grean tea or water.

-I stopped eating bread which sticks to the teeth and whose carbohydrates seem to be ideal for feeding bacteria.

-in a few days, the puss became visible, so I started some draining procedure.
Draining procedure: sterilize needle by boiling it in water; poke a hole at the site where the puss is visible; then use paper tissues to push the puss out.

-when it was draining, at some point I decided to give the alternative (no fluoride) toothpaste a go, and to stop the fluoride toothpaste. While the abscess was very miniscule at this point, it is noteworthy that the day after the abscess was gone. The toothpaste I used was using water, coconut oil, neem powder and echinacea powder. I now use this and sometimes add some salts (e.g. sodium+potassium) in there.

-After using the regimen, it only took me 3-4 days and the abscess was entirely gone.


Now that the abscess is gone, it is worthwhile to think that there may still be a small infection inside that may come back to form an abscess at some time. So I plan to maintain a oral health regime like this, though perhaps with a bit lower frequency.

-I will report back if the abscess reappears so to inform the community.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dv (Israel) on 08/16/2013

For a dental abscess, all you really need is Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) and dental floss, if you have dental brushes that fit in between your teeth, even better. Floss, brush, drink diluted ACV around 2 tbl per glass. If you're not able to swish and swallow, add honey, dilute even more. Twice daily, within a day or 2 amazing results. If you can adjust diet to avoid infections all together even better, if not keep ACV in the house.

Activated Charcoal
Posted by Joy (Battleground, Wash) on 04/30/2013

An abcessed tooth is really a pain and the decision to have a root canal can be a thoughtless one since we trust our dentist. The dentist that created the root canal decided later that it was unhealthy and wrote a book called the root canal coverup.

Hope you make wise choices with your teeth.. I would make different choices... if I only knew then what I am dealing with now.

If you have denture questions a wonderful site for answers FREE

Implants are also very dangerous as they are a point of impact for a potential crack or infection in your jawbone.

Posted by Dennis (Byhalia, MS) on 01/04/2008


Abscess tooth WITH SUPER SORE swollen jaw.

This recipe is famous for getting that abscess down (even beneath a crown tooth)

3 parts Slippery Elm, 2 parts baking yeast, 4 drops cloves, 1/3 teaspoon cayenne pepper, and open two activated charcoal capsules and mix..

Add a little water enough to make a paste. It will be gummy due to the slippery elm. Then pack this mixture around the gum. The slippery elm, and charcoal, draws out the inflammation, the cayenne stimulates the cells around the tooth to release toxins and the cloves are added as a pain remedy, especially toothache. repeat every three to four hours as needed.

NEXT: Back it up by taking two capsules of turmeric in the AM and also two in the PM..TILL SWELING AND PAIN GO AWAY.


AND BY THE END OF (DAY Three) totally healed!



PS: Also now daily as a natural antibiotic and as an immune booster /antioxidant.

I mix one heaping tea-spoon of cayenne pepper into one cup of tomato juice and drink in the am and another cup before bed in the pm..

This great tasting treat will gently purge out your whole system and will enhance your total physical and emotional health...(hey guys it has an effect on us even better than viagra).

PPS: cancer cells under a microscope hate this mix as well!

Best wishes for better health!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Omgitsme323 (Lehighton, Pa) on 07/21/2017

I have a history of horrible teeth.i have broken teeth, cavities, I need root canals and an impacted wisdom tooth. So you can only imagine the pain I have to endure sometimes. So recently my wisdom tooth was coming through. However its impacted so there is literally a slither poking through the gum and the pain and the infection was absolutely excruciating. I really just wanted to die. I cried for about 6 or 7 hrs. I had gone through and entire bottle of ibuprofen in 6 days and was working on Tylenol. I went to the hospital to get antibotics and what she prescribed me I couldnt afford. So I turned to natural remedies.


ok so I brushed my teeth, flossed the infected areas (which I recommend flossing your entire mouth, itx just the pain was so bad I was in a rush) I apply 3-4 drops of tea tree oil directly to my gums and teeth. Making sure to get inbetween my teeth and I massaged. You should feel slight relief immediately. Not complete relief though. As I began salivating more I swished it around to get the tt oil working. T

he next thing I did (my sister in law swears by it and now so do i) is I took a piece of garlic clove and ran it under warm water and bite down on it in the infected area. I left it there for as long as I could handle. (l recommend 20-30min) Before removing it I chewed it up and then spit out and rinsed with warm water. Your pain should be a dull ache at this point.

I then made a mouthrinse of tumeric, salt, and tt oil. I rinsed and held it in the area for a couple mins. I then made a paste from cinnamon and applied it to the area for 10mins.

It may seem like over kill but my pain and infection was so bad I felt the need for extra measures. I continued rubbing tt oil throughout the day for several days even though it felt better just bcuz I wanted to make sure the infection was gone. I also did the same with the tumeric mouthwash and garlic. Treat this treatmeant as an antibiotic and continue for 7 to 10 days. I also recommend sipping on cinnamon water. Its simply warm water, cinnamon powder or sticks which ever, and a green tea bag. Sip.swish and enjoy. It works wonders for a tooth infection on top of the other treatment.

I hope this helps someone!

High Dose Vitamin C
Posted by Sharon (Lou Ky) on 06/17/2017

Dental Abscess - High Dose Vitamin C in daily divided doses

Using 500 mg (what I had in the cabinet - ordinary low cost)

I took 2.5 grams first day by 1 500mg pill for 5 x day @ 8am noon 4pm 8pm midnite - next morning remarkable improvement with start of fistuala draining (already tried to lance abcess with pin the month before w nominal drainage) pimple-like process, pain and swelling down remarkably.

I doubled the dose for day 2. I took 5 grams on second day in divided doses, 2-500 mg pills per dose for 5 times (8am 12 4pm 8pm midnte) I woke up the next morning nearly 95% resolved. You could see the draining and I used my fingernail to direct it out. You need to remove this pus and this brought it to a head. Pain gone, doesn't hurt to eat on that tooth now, slightly noticeable. Swelling down immediately around tooth area but still swollen at the jaw/bone part.

3rd day - same as second. Extra insurance and I don't know if I will continue for 5 or 10 days yet, so I will reduce later dose and maintain a basic level for the future. At the end of the day, swelling done farther. The vitamin C is acting like an antibiotic. I know it needs to be taken on schedule and maintained at high levels for up to 10 days. So far so good. Very happy because it's basically gone in two days, but I want to make sure to get it all.

I am 5-5 at 112 lbs. This dosage did not hurt my stomach. I was compelled to jug water to get the pills down. I think it is important to drink water until you feel the pill go down your esophogas. This helps to keep it from dissolving in your throat which can cause acid reflux. With any pill that causes this I also eat about half of a bananna. It's a great buffer and helps push the pill down. Also, with vitamin c there is something call bowel tolerance. If the daily dosage you are taking causes nausea or diarreah, then lower the dose.

Note - I had already tried placing garlic on the tooth and abscess area. It worked. I did it once and after 5 days the infection was reduced after 1 15 min garlic treatment. It wasn't enough and it came back. (I never did the second round, learned this later that I should have done it again 5 days later) Yes, garlic did work as well, not as fast as Vitamin C dosing.

At this point, I am going to take advise on some of the other things I've read here. I will be applying vit E or Aloah topically in the mouth to help healing on the sore area. I will also add minerals to my supplements to help maintain or rebuild my teeth.

The reason I wrote this is because I want others to know that there are other options when your dentist tell you you need a root canal and crown and you don't have $3000.

DMSO, Nascent Iodine, Garlic
Posted by John (Usa) on 02/21/2018

If a tooth infection returns, this will get to the root cause. Iodine has been used throughout history in denistry because of its ability to help rebuild tissue, while acting as one of the worlds strongest natural antibiotics. The combination of iodine and garlic internally will also kill any infection that might be lingering in the blood. I had a very serious bone, root and possible blood infection, as a result of reoccurring root infection and abscess. This was stemming from an underlying jaw bone infection. I have tried all of the other cures on here, and garlic especially does work. In my case however it would always return, maybe even months later. It was not until I dealt with the underlying bone infection, (and dmso is the only way I know how to do this), that I have been infection free for years now.

DMSO and Nacent Iodine Rinse, plus 6 drops of Nacent Iodine and 6 cloves of garlic internally daily.

(Iodine and garlic to be taken separately) (Not for people on thyroid medication)

This will not only cure ANY abscess, but will also cure any underlying jaw bone infection that may be present, to prevent infection re-occurrences.

(Test mouth sensitivity first with a couple drops)

7 parts dmso1 part distilled water2 parts nacent iodine

1. Make sure mouth is clean(salt water or hydrogen peroxide rinse first)

2. Swish iodine dmso solution for 10 min, better swallowed after rinse, again thyroid must be healthy. (this will also ease the pain)

3. Wait 10 more minutes without eating or introducing anything into the mouth, and better not to rinse immediately this will give it more time to reach deep into the gums and even bone.(the dmso, will take anything with it into the blood so keep this in mind) including smoking, drinking or food.

4. After waiting 10 mins, follow with a 5 min salt water or hydrogen peroxide rinse, to close the mouths super absorbent state.

5. Do not eat anything, or drink anything except water, for at least 1 hour following this.

This can be done several time a day, but watch your iodine consumption if swallowing the rinse everytime.

Always better to see the dentist first but for those of us that can't, THIS WORKS!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Salt Water Rinse
Posted by Shara (Indiana) on 08/15/2017

I have had an infection in my mouth for the last 2 weeks. Pain and swelling and I had tried everything to help pain on the first day...nothing I seemed to do was helping aspirin etc. A few days of pain and swelling and no sleep lead me to this site to find help to deal with my pain.

I found that ACV works great along with rinsing with salt water. Getting a good amount of rest and pray worked as well. My tooth infection is not 100% gone but with trying different home remedies I can say that the infection is almost gone and once I can afford it the bad teeth (which there are 3) are getting pulled.

Oil Pulling, Iodine, Oil of Oregano
Posted by Lavaca (Austin, Tx ) on 10/02/2016

I have to get a new dental policy and get a crown on a molar. As an FYI, if your dental insurance doesn't cover a root canal or crown due to length of time. You still are given the contracted rate where the dentist cannot charge over a certain amount for the service and crown. Most people don't know this and many people in admin don't know this but this is a fact. This can save you hundreds of dollars typically- still going to be expensive but MUCH better than full price.

Okay, so while I am arranging a new dental policy, my tooth that I planned on crowning this month starts REALLY hurting. I did not have an abscess but it must have been inside because that was definitely a sign of infection and it was only going to get worse. I have had a root canal and crown on another tooth 5 years ago and the pain from the infection was beyond agony. Fortunately, I never had problems after the procedure and I have pretty good dental health, but I never want to experience that again so I got busy!

I had recently started taking iodine supplements by capsule and by drops in my water. So I immediately gave myself a super dose for a couple of days to get it going in my system. Still the pain lingered (I think the iodine was keeping the infection in check but not completely killing it), and I could tell it was starting to become more intense and more frequent. So I got online and started researching what I could do to at least keep the infection under control until I get some Penicillin from my doc so hopefully I won't need a root canal.

The following things I discovered and tried to a good measure of success:

1. Oil pulling with unrefined organic coconut oil. I got IMMEDIATE RESULTS!! My swelling in the roof of my mouth and all of my pain were gone! I was not congested at all, but the second I spit the oil out I got crazy pains all through my head as I felt the sinuses clearing and adjusting pressure! I did not even know I was inflamed! My body was having an intense immune response and it was going completely unnoticed until that moment! That is scary and I am actually so thankful I had this toothache or I might never have tried this! My lymph nodes are back to normal and they have a tendency to always stay a little swollen but I always come out "healthy" I am shocked and again thankful to all the good people that post on these websites! I began oil pulling 2 or 3 times a day but still after a couple of days I was not getting complete resolution. But I believe it is a part of the resolution.

2. I bought Turmeric in capsule form. I took 1 pill of 450 mg of Tumeric and curc. I did not notice anything with my tooth but other things were happening including my nose would run and other purging types of scenarios where I believe my body was detoxing! I felt that even though I could not feel a difference in my tooth, that obviously it was detoxing my system which overall is helping my body heal.

3. I tried OIL OF OREGANO! This stuff is crazy intense and STRONG. when they say drops I mean heed that warning!!! Trust me I didn't take it that seriously and I thought screw the tooth I think I just killed myself with oregano oil!

I put a couple of drops in my sparkling mineral water with fresh lemon and my iodine and it was completely good. So try this if you want to get it internally as well as topically.


Keep in mind I continued oil pulling 2 to 3 times a day, took my 1 pill of Turmeric in the morning with my iodine pills and also drops in my water (2 diff kinds of iodine are both needed by the body), but I then got a cotton ball and put 2 droppers of iodine on it with 3 to 4 drops of Oil of Oregano and put it directly on the gum above the tooth. GROSS and you will drool like a St. Bernard so seriously get a towel. I am not exaggerating. I kept it on my gum and did not move it for about 25 minutes. When I took it off WOW! No pain, all swelling completely and totally gone! I did not have pain for several hours and then I oil pulled again and took a Tylenol. Completely pain free into the middle of the next day! I still oil pulled and took my Turmeric and iodine and did the procedure again, but for only 10 minutes.

My situation is completely under control as I prepare to get my crown and prevent a root canal. As an extra measure I am going to make sure I take Penicillin for 5 days or so to prevent any potential lingering bugs that might get trapped in the crown. Penicillin is super cheap thank god and dentists don't have a problem prescribing it even just a call in. This is an FYI for others that might have a dentist at least get them some penicillin to help save a tooth. I never take antibiotics and never get sick, so I respond well to things and if you are the same way this could be an extra idea for you.

I really hope this helps someone because I think it is something that is pretty easy to follow and reasonable to maintain that also will help your general health.

French Green Clay
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee, Usa) on 04/02/2016

My four year old had a tooth abscess a few weeks ago. It was in the gum above one of his top front teeth. I only knew what it was because my firstborn had had the same thing almost 20 years ago. At the time we knew nothing else to do so we went to the dentist. I think the dentist pulled the tooth and gave him an antibiotic.

Well, knowing what to do at home didn't mean a four year old was going to be too keen on my treatment plan. The best course of action seemed to be putting clay on the abscess overnight. I have done this myself and knew the clay would stay put, or at least would only slowly wear away from the area overnight. Anyway, it seemed the best option!

I had French Green Clay powder handy (thanks to Mmsg's mention of it a number of times over the years! ) and mixed equal parts in a little cup. I waited a few minutes until it was like mud. I smeared a pea sized amount over the abscess area after he was in bed and very sleepy. I made a point of making sure he was tired at bedtime so he wouldn't mind so much. I was afraid if he was awake for a while he would fool with it and it would end up not being where I wanted it. In the morning, I removed what was left with a paper towel.

I did this 3 nights in a row. I didn't do anything else. (Maybe I gave him vitamin C during the day, can't remember now. It would have been a good idea anyway! ) After 3 days it was gone. As if it had never been there.

Bentonite clay would have worked as well I think, the French Green was just the most handy at the moment. And I love French Green Clay. It is so silky!

~Mama to Many~

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Nickie (Ruislip, Middlesex, Uk) on 07/15/2010

To those suffering tooth abscesses, I recommend Grapefruit Seed Extract. Put about ten drops in half glass of water, stir thoroughly and swish around the mouth before swallowing. Do this a couple of times before sleep and next morning - pain gone! This stuff is great as it works for sore throats, incipient colds, upset stomach and fungal infections. You can soak your athlete's feet in it, it's safe for children, takes care of diarrhea. You can dilute and use as a topical antiseptic for open wounds and I dab it neat on insect bites and a precautionary dose each morning will protect from the trots if you are vacationing somewhere the water is dubious. It is a natural anti-biotic and anti-viral and, unlike amoxycillin etc, will not kill off the friendly gut bacteria and expose you to fungal infections. In other words, it's really effective and won't hurt you and because it is good for so many things you shouldn't leave home without it. Tastes bitter of course but you can put in orange juice to mask the flavour if you are a cissie. I've used this for ten years, sung its praises to all and sundry who usually ignore me but the abcess sufferers to whom I have given some are now TRUE BELIEVERS. Nickie

Arsenicum Album - Homeopathy
Posted by Griselda (Valencia) on 08/31/2021

Yay! I have just been to the dentist and I don´t need it pulled out! (3 weeks ago an emergency extraction was necessary!!! )Thank you so much to everyone here who wrote in with your brilliant remedies. I spent 7 hours reading everything about teeth here starting with pain after extraction! Then I happened on posts saying they´d saved their tooth and I thought I´d try.

What I did:

First thing in morning: seawater rinse then oil pulling over the bad tooth for 10 to 20 min with eco coconut oil then rinse with seawater then 1 tsp colloidal silver ( argentyn 23) (ie 23 ppm which is apparently the best) held for 2 min over tooth. All this I repeated 3x a day.

I took throughout the 3 weeks:

1000 mg vit C 5x a day olive leaf extract 1 capsule every 2 or 3 or 4 hours
propoleo tincture about 5x a day in water
zinc citrate 50 mg 1 capsule a day
vit D3 2000iu 1x a day
Turmeric 600 mg 2 or 3x a day

then added to the stuff taken during all 3 weeks pycnogenol 2 tabs a day for the 1st 2 weeks
Neem 325 mg capsule 2 a day for the last week
Ashwagandha 2 caps a day for the last week
Wild oregano oil gels 3x a day for the last week
Bromelaine 2 tabs a day for the last week
Arsenicum Alb 7ch I dose 5x a day for the last week

All 3 weeks I also made a cataplasm of activated charcoal powder with slippery elm powder mixed with coconut oil (the first 2 weeks I added 2 drops of clove essential oil) and put it over the tooth keeping it there for half an hour to 3/4 hour (at least 2x a day) and all the rest of the time including at night while sleeping I placed propolis over the tooth(pure propolis no other ingredient - it's like a chewing gum)

I also ate a raw vegan diet (only 2x in the 3 weeks did I have a boiled potato ) I carried on drinking coffee - eco using a paper filter 2 mugs a day. Needless to say - no refined sugar but I did have honey Only mineral water never tap Btw I will continue all this but less frequently until the infection is 100% gone And probably very important- I took anti biotics for the first 5 days prescribed by the dentist (in preparation for the dreaded extraction)

Again thank you to all of you for saving my tooth, and saving me from an agonizing ordeal, and a huge gap, never mind all the other things teeth are so important for like memory and nerves to organs!

Best of luck.

Bentonite Clay, Colloidal Silver
Posted by See (California) on 04/19/2018

Clay clay clay + Colloidal Silver

I tried everything for a recent abscess. I'm out of the country, so a little desperate. I ordered a brand after researching most effective colloidal silvers, and whammo, it kicked the infection in the butt immediately. I swished a bit with it, but also had about 2 tbsp. each day.

At the same time, I also packed the tooth on both sides with food grade bentonite clay overnight. The swelling diminished substantially within 2 days, by day 4 pretty much gone, but I continue to use.

I also drank a half teaspoon or so of bentonite clay in a big glass of water before I went to sleep.

I was taking all kinds of other supplements (C, olive leaf extract, oregano oil, quercitin, tumeric, etc) but it wasn't until I started with colloidal silver and bentonite clay that the abscess went away, swollen glands went away, discomfort went away.

Activated Charcoal
Posted by Orh (Ten Mile, Tn) on 09/07/2020

OHIO, ORH here, boy howdy, you right on the money. You teeth control far more than most know. Each goes all over your body. I have told the story of my high dollar dentist in Knoxville and his wife. She was a model and did not want to have the tooth pulled. She died instead of breast cancer. He told her she would. He cries when he tells that story. We don't need doctors, we need Native American Medicine Men, that know what plant will help you get through your problem. EC is the best we have in the here and now.


Garlic-Infused Yogurt
Posted by Carra (San Diego, Californa) on 07/13/2008

I have had two startling healing successes using fresh plain yoghurt with active cultures infused with fresh raw garlic and I wanted to share this.

Recently I had a tooth unexpectedly abcess so swiftly that my jaw swelled overnight and became extremely painful. I had transportation and schduling problems and couldn't get into a dentist, didn't know what to do. Until I re-red an old herbal of mine that listed clinical studies on the antibiotic prpperties of fresh garlic on wounds and infections. I then went on the internet for more current information.
I had a container of fresh, plain yoghurt with probiotics /active cultures and I had cloves of fresh garlic on hand. I decided to peel and slice several cloves of garlic and infuse the yoghurt with the garlic as a means to get fresh garlic into my system and directly on the affected tooth as well. My decision to use the fresh yoghurt as a medium for the garlic was based in the research that has sown raw garlic to be supportive of friendly bacteria and to target harmful ones. I figured that the yoghurt's having the probiotics would support my system and help cushion the shock of my suddenly ingesting the raw garlic.

I started eating the strongly-inflused yoghurt before I went to bed that night and then again when I woke up the next morning. My stunned family and I watched as the swelling in my jaw decreased almost on the hour. Within in 24 hours after starting the garlic-infused yoghurt my jaw was back to normal and I had no tooth pain.

My second occasion to turn to garlic-infused yoghurt occured several moths later.

When a mis-step sent me sprawling and I caught the corner of a concrete step on my right shin I found another use for garlic-infused yoghurt that was equally amazing.

In the process of falling and trying to catch myself I had one small gouge in my right shin right beside a very deep gouge that took out several layers of skin-- through a boot no less.

I tried the topical antibiotic ointments that are typically recommended on gauze as the doctor recommended and had a painful mess.

Following traditional doctor's orders I either had a gash that wouldn't close or a bandage painfully stuck to the wound. In desperation one night I soaked a painfully stuck and encrusted gandage in garlic-infused yoghurt before I went to bed. lightly covering it with a thin layer of more gauze.

The next day when I went to tend the wound the garlic-infused bandage had painlessly released. I began to put the garlic-infused yoghurt on fresh clean gauze and continued to tape around the bandage. Not only did the bandages never stick -- the yoghurt dries and released apinlessly--- but the rate of healing and cell regeneration was astounding.

I had no stitches and I have no scar today.

I was pleased by the way the wound stayed clean, and healed so rapidly.

Since I have never heard of anyone using actife culture yogurt infused with fresh garlic before this, I thought I would share my experiences in case this remedy can open the doors for healing for others.

Within the past two days I have just begun the oil-pulling and I plan to try the apple cider vinegar remedy -- I hope to be writing again with successes there as well.

Thank you for all the work you do and for the doors of healing you are opening to all of us!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Arlene (LA Florida) on 11/20/2021

I just wanted to report my experience and to thank everyone for their input because using several remedies has helped me so much.

Out of the blue one day last week I got a sharp pain in my lower molar. The pain stopped and I thought no more of it until eating lunch the next day I thought I was going through the roof-like someone stuck a stick in my ear. Right away got on EC for help. The first thing chewed garlic and pain let up quickly. I tried the salt water rinse but it brought the pain back but it subsided after a few minutes. Then I put some put of oregano on it. It helped. Later on the evening I had a slight fever so I ate a bowl of soup and put turmeric powder and cayenne powder to the soup. Fever went down instantly.

Started oil pulling the next morning with EVOO. I cannot pull longer than 5 minutes but my teeth look nice afterwards. As a side note here I was distressed that 5 minutes is about as much as I can handle but reading one of Ted's posts, clearly states that 5 minutes is all he recommends. He thinks that any longer than that can be counterproductive because the bacteria can escape and cause further problems.

Also someone posted how your teeth may hurt as you first start pulling- not really painful but more like how it feels when you get a cleaning. This did happen to me and that should subside. I also think it's time to toss the whitening toothpaste because maybe it's harsh on teeth. Also, I switched to a soft brush.

Another thing about the oil pulling is that EVOO will cause fewer side effects than coconut or sesame or sunflower according to Ted. I must mention that I read years ago in Dr Peter D Adamo blood type book that type O should not use coconut oil. As I have Italian heritage EVOO is probably best for me.

Ted mentioned that daily oil pulling is not good. He said you should take two days a week off to give your body a chance to rest. Do make sure to keep hydrated. A remedy that helped me was in the morning and before bed I put a few drops of oil of oregano on a Q tip and then dipped it in to turmeric powder and rubbed it on gums and teeth and as far down inside of my cheek that I could. 5 days later I have no pain or swelling. I plan to continue this regimen for at least a week and regular oil pulling for the future.

I'm sorry this is so lengthy but I had to report. Stay well and stay positive❤Arlene

Bentonite Clay
Posted by Janna (California ) on 01/02/2018

I use Food grade bentonite clay mixed with organic olive oil inside my mouth for tooth infections. I became a believer of bentonite when my son had a terrible rash that kept growing and no medicine would get rid of it. I used my homemade bentonite paste on it for about a week and a half and the whole thing went away. I had to keep applying it or the rash would start to grow back. So now I use it for everything!

Turmeric, Salt, Clove, Garlic
Posted by Sandy (Bangalore, India) on 06/10/2009

Fingz, dont pull out the tooth. Try oil pulling for a few days with coconut oil. It will heal your tooth. Decide whether you want to pull out your tooth only after you have oil-pulled with coconut oil for a few days.

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