Tooth Abscess
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Tooth Abscess Relief

Posted by Smartie (Seattle) on 12/21/2015

Ozone works for some people. I would start slow. My first visit, I noticed I had a very odd sensation in my brain, my mind felt so weird. The holistic dentist told me some people just can't stand the ways it makes them feel.

Posted by CeeCee (San Diego, CA) on 05/06/2009

calcified tooth root abcess:

Having never heard of oil pulling, I tried a very expensive alternative method to try and save an upper molar which had a calcified root that was infected and could not successfully be root canaled. The gum was sore and spongy. I signed many release forms before taking injections of ozone in the gums around the tooth. This was preceeded by ozone gas in the mouth, ears and nose and followed by vitamin injections. Six treatments a week apart was recommended. It was painful and painful to pay for-$500 per treatment, but the gum was no longer spongy and painful by the end of the treatment. It was recommended to retreat in six months or so. Unfortunately the ozone dried my saliva glands horribly. And after three plus months there is no improvement in my saliva glands, leaving me with horrible dry mouth.

Now I feel twinges of mild pain in that tooth area as well. I am trying the oil pulling as we speak and we see what happens.

Has anyone else tried similar ozone treatments or does anyone have natural remedies for dry mouth. Thank you. CeeCee

EC: Our dry mouth remedies page is here:
