Natural Remedies

Easy Home Remedies for Constipation Relief

Seltzer Water
Posted by Carol (Cumberland, MD) on 11/19/2006

The first time my sister was pregnant she tried every product she could find for constipation. During her second pregnancy I suggested she drink seltzer water. I had read about it in a magazine. I also had cravings for seltzer water during my last 2 pregnancies and never had any problems with constipation. She told me she didn't like the taste and couldn't drink it. A few weeks later she let slip she was mixing it with juice and was actually regular for once.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Desire (Chicago, IL) on 10/30/2006

5HTP, Omega3, Chlorophyll, ACV, Lemon and H2O everyday, Yoga 4 days a week. This combination has cured plenty; depression, regularity, appetite suppressant, etc. I'm just one happy camper

Posted by Carol (Southern NJ) on 10/29/2006

I eat about 1 cup of raw Savoy Cabbage a day with a meal. It relieved my roller coaster episodes of diarrhea in one day...and constipation for the next week. Also it helped with PMS. I can think more clearly, I have a higher energy level, my mood is improved, and I feel really healthy.

Prune Juice
Posted by John (Baltimore, Maryland) on 09/21/2006

Ever since my wife and I were married she would drink a glass of prune juice 2 times per week. This resulted in not only a cleansing but an end to constipation after trying it myself. It is also good to drink a glass of water as well to wash it down.

Posted by Lisa (Missouri) on 08/22/2006

Pineapples! Fresh pineapple juice works great. I have a juicer and have it every morning. I'm not sure about store bought seeing as they usually have additives in the juice. A juicer is the best investment you'll ever make.

Olive Oil and Orange Juice
Posted by Nicki (Ontario, Canada) on 12/23/2006

It's not on this site, I don't think. For severe constipation (I had no movement for 5 days), I tried equal amounts of olive oil and orange juice. I had 1 cup of this in total, you may be able to get away with less. Within 15 minutes, there was movement. I was able to have many soft bowel movements after that. It was incredible. I also find eating 1/3 cup of Bran with Psyillium every day will help in getting back on track, going forward.

Olive Oil and Orange Juice
Posted by susan (jupiter, florida) on 11/26/2007

I tried the olive oil and orange juice remedy for the constipation. It worked within ten minutes without stomach cramping and awful side effects like all the other over the counter laxatives can do. Thank you very much, I wish I found this remedy sooner.

Posted by KC (Columbia, South Carolina) on 07/02/2006

I have tried and am still using this for constipation and bloating. This only cost me $6 for 1 lb. and it has been a miracle for me. I had tried Colonix for colon cleansing and it was a very dramatic experience for me. I believe it was more or less a laxative with additives to get you addicted and it gave you close to diarrhea. I felt like had to go to the bathroom all of the time. So I had developed even more anxiety which lead to IBS I believe. Anyways- It has been a few months and I tried this cheap natural remedy and it works! I've been using it a little more than a week and I've seen greater results than Colonix had ever promised. I just followed the recipe on this site which had led me to the road of happiness. Thanks!

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Kat (USA) on 07/16/2006

Lemon Juice/Olive Oil is one of the best & natural ways that I was able to stop my constipation. I had everything I needed at home. The lemon and oil didn't mix completely, but i would put a pinch of salt in the lemon juice to take away the sourness.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Enza (Hamilton, ON CANADA) on 07/06/2006

1 TBSP FRESH SQUEEZED LEMON MIXED WITH 1 TBSP OF EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL. Take mixture 2-3 times a day until it relieves constipation. Stop taking the mixture once you have a normal bowel movement. It works great.

Posted by Gail (Powell, Wyoming) on 11/15/2005

I struggled with severe constipation for years, and it was getting worse. I tried many natural products and had always tried to stay away from harsh laxatives. I had a colonoscopy several months ago just to see if there was anything wrong. I did have 2 pre-cancerous polyps but no blockage. I had resorted to taking Golytely twice a day per my physician's recommendations, with poor results. (Golytely is used as a bowel prep!) My chiropractor said I should try honey, 2 teaspoons, three times a day. I thought, yeah, right! It works! (Do not give honey to babies, it can cause botulism in infants).

Pomegranate Juice
Posted by Delores (Atlanta, Georgia)

1/4 cup of pure Pomegranate concentrate with 16 oz. water, twice daily. Adjust as needed. This works wonders for constipation.

Oat Bran
Posted by Ami (Harlingen, TX)

If you want a simple way to solve your constipation problem eat a bowlful of 100% bran cereal for breakfast each day.Or you if that doesn't taste to your liking them try cutting back on dairy products especially cheese, and yogurt. Then try adding more leafy green veggies such as salads and spinach(salad). Also cut back on certain fruit products such as apple juice and apple sauce. Then and more fiber to your diet. It works!

Posted by Donna (Aspen, CO)

Every morning, before you get out of bed -- rub your tummy with your fist, not too hard, gently, but make an impression, only for about 10 seconds. It may take two mornings of rubbing, but you'll never be constipated again.

Posted by Mimmer (LONDON, ENGLAND) on 06/04/2007

Hi all, I was chatting with a lady at work who suggested BSM and ACV [apple cider vinegar]. For a year I have suffered with constipation, bad back and general tightness of muscles in the neck area. For 20 yrs i have had trouble with fibroids (had surgery but too multiple to remove all). On 26-5-07, I bought BSM and ACV. I took it right away, doses-2 large spoons of BSM in warm water, followed by 3 tablespoons of ACV in warm water. I done this morning b4 breakfast and last thing at night. The second day on it I had a very easy bowel movement and have done everyday since. My constipation is now a thing of the past. My back (which I had to get medication from the doctors for-didnt help) was cured during the week, along with the muscle ache. I sleep deeper and don't seem to eat as much. I totally know that this 'tonic' as I like to call it will clear my fibroids eventually. I also want to see after 3months how i do as I want to give it to my Auntie for her Arthritis. I thank you all for posting your experiences as this has given me constant strength and encouragement. I look forward to this journey and please if you are having or have had VICTORY over fibroids with 'The Tonic' then please post so I can read it. I am a big believer in foods for healing and this sure is a testament to God's produce.
