Natural Remedies

Easy Home Remedies for Constipation Relief

Oat Bran
Posted by Maribel (Miami, Florida) on 12/03/2008


You go to Whole Foods and in the bulk section you buy OAT BRAN, it's very unexpensive. it is like powder and you just put 1-2 spoonfuls in your cereal or in anything and it's like magic, in less than 1 hour you have a bowel movement and natural not forced like with laxatives.

Posted by Susan (Atlanta, Georgia, USA) on 11/27/2008

For constipation, I use an acupressure point in the arm. The point is found when you bend the arm - for example, place your right hand on your left shoulder. At the bend of the elbow, use your left hand to locate the acupressure point about halfway between the crease of the bend and the bone. Massage that point for about 15 seconds, then switch to the other arm. Back and forth. I also do this while standing. Usually works within 10 to 15 minutes at most. Also, I have cut out wheat and all gluten grains. I did not think I had a gluten problem but found out that I have that sensitivity.

Posted by Nisel (Crestline, CA) on 11/26/2008

I waited two months before sending my feedback on Blackstrap Molasses because I wanted to be sure it was working for me. I have had severe constipation since I was a young girl and am now 57. I have suffered much with this condition and have tried endless remedies without permanent relief. After reading the reviews, I decided to try Blackstrap Molasses; taking one table spoon in the morning and one table spoon in the evening (I also take one one teaspoon Cayenne Pepper in the morning and one in the evening). After two months I can honestly say that I am having one, and sometimes two bowel movements a day. To add to my joy, I also have more energy. I work full time and by the afternoons I am really tired, but have noticed lately that most days I feel fine during afternoon/eveing hours. I am amazed and very grateful to God and to your website for providing a miracle cure!!! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Linda (Erlanger, Ky) on 11/25/2008

Wow, I tried this concoction and yes indeed it works. Just a TBSP of each in a small glass, gulp it down, late in the PM and low and behold the next AM we have a BM! haha Thanks for the great advice!

Posted by Marjorie K. (Las Vegas, NV, USA) on 11/22/2008

I learned as a director of a health retreat that the ans to most constipation problems was very easy. Drink lots and lots of water and walk at least 2 to 3 times a day. Generally within 24 hours the constipation was over. Now continue drinking at least 6 8OZ glassed of water a day and walk or even have a gentle massage or reiki treatment.

Posted by Mujahid (Tobyhanna, Pennsylanvia) on 08/31/2008

I stopped eating meat, and started eating cabbage everyday, yes gas is part of what is expected, but my bowel movement is now regulated, my system is cleansed, stool is no longer dark and there is no unbearable smell. my weight is going down. And most of all I feel better physically. I juice 8 oz twice a day. And eat 1/4 pound per day. Basil and Fennel and black pepper for flavor.

Posted by Cathy (Cambridge, Oh) on 08/28/2008

Blackstap Molasses cured my constipation problem! I am an avid reader of your site and have received a lot of good info from all who post to it.

I have had bowel problems my entire life. I have been to numerous doctors and have been told that I have the longest colon they have ever seen and it has many twists and turns. After fighting with the doctors about my elimination problem they operated just to see what they could see. Low and behold, they found a large section of my colon that was folded over......leading to another operation to remove 18 inches of my colon. I thought that would solve my problem, but due to years of taking ovc laxitives just to survive and for all the meds the doctors thought would cure me, I developed a lazy colon. Well, to make a long story short....I saw and read the articles on Blackstrap Molasses and purchased some four days ago. I took a tablespoon in the morning and again at night. This has been the best thing that could ever have happened to me. After two days...I am having regular, soft, bowel movements. I am thankful and amazed. I will pass this on to all my friends who also have that problem. I will continue to read as much as possible on your site because I found the answer to a lifetime problem through it that even doctors couldn't help. Thank You from the bottom of my heart.

Posted by Trisha (Berkeley, California) on 07/22/2008

In response to a reader's constipation problem: Try coffee! It may seem obvious, but in case you haven't tried it, a cup of coffee will get you going in no time at all! I drink it black every single morning and I am very regular. It always prompts digestion when I've eaten too much as well, and makes my stomach feel calmed.

Apple Juice, Warm
Posted by Angel (USA) on 07/11/2008

I was bloated swollen, there was pain in my upper left rib cage, all the way around my back. I went to the ER thinking it was my gallbladder, thank God that it wasn't. I was told that I needed to poop! I was given magnesium took almost 2 hours to work and it didn't bring out the beasts that were within me. I called my little brother who insisted that I try some apple juice. I took out a mug and filled it with apple juice and warmed it in the microwave. About an hour and a half later, I was on the free of poop list. It worked wonderfully. Left me feeling sluggish but well worth it. I'll continue to drink a cup of warm apple juice once a week to keep myself regular. I loathe medications, so this natural remedy is what I recommend.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Kalia (DC, United States) on 06/11/2008

Constipation Remedies: wow! This worked within 3 minutes and 15 seconds. I highly recommend the orange/lemon juice and olive oil treatment for anyone suffering the agony of immobile bowel.

Posted by Jay (Altoona, Florida) on 06/01/2008

After many years of struggling with chronic constipation the answer finally appeared from the ocean. Each evening before retiring I mix a (TBS) Tablespoon of powdered kelp and dulse flakes into 4+ounces of cold water and drink. I no longer get colds, acid reflux, or fever blisters. I buy my seaweed in bulk form.

Bentonite Clay
Posted by Ken (Cendtnnial, Co.) on 05/22/2008

I used the Psyllium and Bentonite shakes With Paragone at the same time for colon cleanse for 3 mo. It was quite amazing. Although You must take Vitamins and Liquid minerals with it because it sucks everything out. Bentonite absorbs 90x it's weight in toxins. 2Tbs of Psy. and 1 Tbs of Bent. in 12oz. of water at bed time. No other medication or Vitamins within 2 hrs. before or after, since they won't be absorbed with the shake. Also you must take Acidophilus to replace the healthy bacteria in youe colon or you may have major problems. Neem oil may help the Rosacea.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Tandy (Orange County, CA) on 05/17/2008

Constipation remedy (lemon juice and olive oil) -- thank you for posting this remedy. i have had bowl movement problems since i was in highschool and i've gone to the doctors taken medication and many laxatives and even gone to the emergancy because it got so bad with stomach pains. But this actually worked for me. i just tried it worked. thankyou so much. i'm going to keep this in mind.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Jean (Calgary Alberta, Canada) on 05/08/2008

Constipation Remedy: Eat your porridge! A bowl of oatmeal porridge every morning (preferably made with large old fashioned oats) will keep your body working regularly. Adding some pumpkin seeds and dried fruit is even better. Takes only 4 minutes in the microwave.

Dietary Changes
Posted by saab (vancouver, canada) on 04/28/2008

Using sea salt/acv for constipation has worked better for me than following remedies: psyllium husk, extra fibre every night(wheat bran), water+b.soda+acv etc. I use 250 ml warm water, few sprinkles of sea salt (pinch)+1 tbsp organic ACV. This has also cleared up stubborn adult acne on the throat.I am just not sure of the long term use of salt every in the morning,if it would corrode the organs. Many heartfelt thanks, nevertheless for the site and its info.

Posted by Lydia (Miami, FL) on 12/06/2006

I have been constipated for the past thirteen years due to meds and my years of suffering from anorexia and especially bulimia. I only eat healthy food and I HAVE tried everthing and wasted a lot of money to help my situation between doctors' visits, medicines and supplements. Lately the thing that is proving to be helpful is acidophilus (in the millions), All brand fiber cereal (I find it delicious) and magnesium (750mg/day) I have accepted mine as a hopeless case; however, this may help somebody out there!

Hot Tea
Posted by Kegan (Illinois) on 12/12/2006

Have you ever stopped to think about chinese people how with every meal no matter what meal they have hot tea?? well the reason behind it is, when you eat food's that have fat or oils in them you usually drink COLD bevarages after right?? Well that causes the fats to sit and harden, causing many problems constipation, clogged arteries, many! So when you eat something, try to drink something hot along with it and see what you will poop right on time and won't be constipated.

Posted by Rick (Victoria, Australia) on 11/24/2006

Cut garlic clove into small pieces. Swallow them in one go with just a little water. This cures Bloating, stomach cramps and constipation.
