Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Arthritis Remedies: Relief & Healing

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Lee773 (Chicago, Illinois, United States) on 09/24/2009

I have been reading and researching for the last few weeks about the many cures of Hydrogen Peroxide 35% Food Grade. I purchased a bottle from ____, and had my mother start with the treatment 1 drop in an 8 ounce glass of water 3 times a day, increasing the drops by one drop each day. She is now up to 5 drops as of today, and will be on her 6th drop tomorrow morning. My mother has been suffering from severe artritis for many years, but over the last year it has gotten to the point where she could barely walk. So let me tell you that as of today 9-24-2009, since starting this therapy of oral ingestion 5 days ago, she is not complaining at all of the pain in her lower back, left shoulder, wrist or leg areas. My mother said the only thing she feels now is stiffness in the back of her leg (knee area), but its starting to loosen up. I can tell by looking at how she walks now compared to last week, that it is working for real, It is still early, but I have to say that I am shocked!

Today as I was talking to her, she told me that the feeling in her toes have returned, she didn't bother to mention this to any of my siblings or myself until I was asking her how she has been feeling, since I got her started on the Hydrogen Peroxide 35% diluted with the dropper in 8 ounces of water. By the way my mother is 85 years old. I don't know what to expect as we continue with this therapy, but I have to say I'm thankful for a site like this, and all the information that I have read online here, and all the readily available information on the internet. I will update as I continue to watch my mother's progress. Thank you again!

Lee from Chicago, Illinois.

Posted by John (Auckland, New Zealand) on 08/17/2009

My mother has tried various things to treat Arthritis but nothing worked well enough till she heard from someone else that 6 cherries a day works to fix it. (I have heard cherries are effective at fixing gout too) She tried it with near perfect success, she has to keep taking them but as long as she does she is pain free.

She has told other people and they have had success.

It was noticed that my aging cat was no longer willing to jump up on the arm of my chair and would take longer to get up in the morning, it is defiantly arthritis. So I mushed up some cherries into hit cat food which he happily ate and after a week he was freer and freer and found it easier and easier to jump up.

While fresh organic cherries are obviously the healthiest canned or bottled cherries and the surrounding cherry juice works fine even with the added sugar and is cheaper and can be obtained year round without great expense.

I have also heard of someone who took 1 tsp of Turmeric a day for 5 days and wiped out their Arthritis for good.

But I must give Cherries the highest marks for being enjoyable, amazingly effective and cheap/easy.

Posted by Valerie (Cleveland, Ohio) on 06/18/2012

She's right about cherries. I'm not sure if 6 are enough, but cherries are very anti-inflammatory.

Hydrogen Peroxide and Distilled Water Spray
Posted by Kelly (Anywhere, USA) on 06/22/2009

arthritis cures... I have recently come upon a natural help for arthritis pain derived from another post. I have terrible pain in both knees ( left is injured so it's worse ). I keep a ( garden) spray bottle that holds 32 oz. of liquid. I fill it w/ 2or 3 oz.'s of drug store H202 hydrogen peroxide and 20 oz.'s of distilled water (various strengths can be tried depending on how sensative one's skin is to drying out. I keep this by my bed and shake and spray myself all over, especially knees and hips. It is not automatic like a pain pill but once you get that concentration to the joint IT DOES WORK. I'm 49 and have just experienced this pain in the last 5 years. If you can run around in shorts, spray the concoction on joints 4,5,6x's a day you will feel the difference. There are nights that I would not be able to sleep from the hip pain if I didn't spray.

Dried Dates
Posted by Edward (Norwich, United Kingdom) on 02/14/2009

I have suffered from arthritis for years and have tried several types of medications.Most give pain-killing results but with side effects. Feeling hungry one evening, I ate a large handful of dried dates, and next morning I felt like a different person. All pain had gone! Why is this? Have I discovered a miracle cure? Could others try this, to confirm or refute. I double checked the food I had eaten the previous couple of days, but the only item that was unusual was the dates. Your's Edward.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Robin (Rocky Ridge, Oh) on 01/28/2009

Oh please, please research your options before having joint replacement surgery! Check out a guy by the name of Pete Egoscue, I believe at He is the author of several books as well. This guy started out as a physical therapist or something along that order. He started researching kinesiology and other movement methods and has come up with a way to overcome arthritic conditions.

You see, many cases of arthritis are alignment problems. Our muscles have memory and can loose that memory to do a specific job in a few days or less of bed rest from a cold, injury, etc. When you are back up and around, often times the wrong muscles start doing the wrong job. Over time, this pulls joints out of place and a rubbing of the cartilage starts. After awhile, the cartilage is worn to nothing and pain sets in. What most people don't know is, cartilage can regrow if the proper muscles are re-taught the proper job and joints are pulled back into place, eliminating the wearing away of the cartilage and a rejuvination of the joint takes place.

This guy helped Jack Nicholson (the famous golfer) when he was set to retire because of severe pain. One day he was to be in a tournament and was about to announce his retirement due to unbearable pain when an associate of his convinced him to try Egoscue out. He got an appointment that day and within a very short time on his first visit he had reduced his pain to the point that he made it to the tournament later that day. He then continued treatment with Egoscue until he made a complete recovery.

The last time I checked, you could find the simple movements meant to correct the alignment problems you suffer from on his website. I would suggest getting his books as a guide and for further research before you decide to go through with this surgery. All you would be out is some time and a few bucks for the books. It would be worth it if it saved you a complicated, painful surgery and rehabilitation if a simple movement plan could remedy the problem. Blessings, Robin

Posted by John W. (Deer Park, NY, USA) on 10/21/2008



Posted by Erin (Pensacola, Florida) on 07/03/2014

I've been using finger supports for arthritis that you can buy rather than building your own, and I dip my fingers in castor oil and pull on the support. It does quite well for me, but your idea of cayenne included - well, I just now opened one of my cayenne capsules (I take a lot of such things) and dropped it into my castor oil. I love all this great information on Earth Clinic and am forever recommending it.

Posted by Annie (Cali) on 09/26/2022

I feel like cayenne helps my heart or blood pressure, Now I have severely swollen knees from RA and now weak bones due to inactivity and years of prednisone/cortisone. I am looking forward to your cayenne and castor oil but on my knees. Oh please pray my knees become unstuck, I want to walk again!!!!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by James (Montreal, Canada) on 06/11/2008

i was a arthritus cripple at age 15yrs and got no help from doctors so i suffered for over 20 yrs before educating myself concerning natural products and now at 61, i am enjoying the best health of my life and most of the products discussed here i use regularly, apple pectin, wild origano oil, apple cider vinigar, coral calcium..yes i take them all and they all work!!chlorella also is a fantastic product and ditto for acai, gogi, they all work fantastically!

Linseed Oil, Tyrosine, Echinacea
Posted by Anonmyous (Australia)

Linseed oil (refrigerated), Tyrosine and Echinacea cures wrinkles, arthritis, varicose vein pain, Parkinsons Disease, fibromyalgia. 5 tablespoons Linseed oil and 2 echinacea tablets 3 times a day. Don't take calcium, evening primrose and glucosamine if you have any of the above conditions. Just try to eat less meat and plenty of fruit and vegetables. Fresh vege juice is very good also try 1 clove of fresh garlic a day. Tyrosine stops the shakes of Parkinson's very quickly. You will feel so much better.

Posted by Roelof (Pretoria, South Africa) on 07/22/2023

For me Boron was truly a miracle cure. I am a 78 year old male and blessed with good health, but over the past seven years I have had serious trouble with arthritis in my knees, one shoulder and the fingers of my left hand. I had the normal symptoms: pain, stiffness and swollen joints. Walking became increasingly difficult. I tried a number of the OTC medicines, as well as a few of the remedies on this site. None of them brought any relief worth mentioning. Eventually I started with Boron, the 3mg tablets. I take three tablets per day. It has now been fourteen days and I am astonished by the success: no pain, the swelling and stiffness have disappeared and I can walk at a brisk pace. I am now scaling down to two tablets per day as a maintenance dose. (Ps. Using Boron tablets instead of the Borax solution was just a personal choice.)

Posted by emmanuel (montpellier) on 09/28/2022


on it's written that calcium can be got from milk and dairy but that's not how it works:

Finland country is the world's top milk drinker but it also has the top broken bones, same for Sweden :

And you'll see that each of the country in the list is heavily involved in using milk: France for example, UK, US. The osteoporosis comes from milk ->

We are the only specy to drink the milk of another specy and thus even after being weaned!!! Cow's milk is perfect for growing calves fast, not for human beings. When will cows will milk artificially made pregnant human women to nourrish their calves?

Milk is popular because it serves huge economical interests:

Posted by Vegan (Somewhere) on 09/29/2022

I'm 5'8" and drank pasteurised cow's milk every day as a child. Besides well water it was nearly the only calcium in my diet. I have never broken a bone. My teeth were perfect until I began drinking soft drinks. Though my wisdom teeth were removed. You may consider fluoride levels as a factor in brittle bones. I doubt, despite the studies, that milk caused the weak bones.

The best argument for veganism is this:

"Causing animals unnecessary harm" is the definition of "animal abuse". Since people have no biological requirement to eat animals, all carnivores are guilty of animal abuse.

Best wishes.

Posted by cj (Florida) on 05/14/2023

I have arthritis for the last 6 yrs, I was on medications, but when Covid hit, I lost my job and my medication. I am in excruciating pain every single day. I saw this remedy the other day, I hope it works for me. I know it will probably take more than a couple of days to work. Pray for me that it will work for me like everyone else. I want the pain gone.

Posted by cj (Florida ) on 05/19/2023

I see that a lot of people take different doses, how much should a women take. Is a 1/4 teaspoon too much for a person?

Posted by Tom 70 (Auckland, New Zealand) on 05/22/2023

Hi Gary,

1/4 teaspoon of borax weighs 1.25 grams, which is over 125 mg of elemental boron. Is this too high a daily dosage long term?

Posted by Moongie (Florida ) on 01/18/2024

My husband and I have been taking 30 mg of boron for years with no side effects.

Celery Juice
Posted by Lauren (NY) on 06/05/2022

I'm trying this tonight for my really bad knee arthritis. When I was juicing celery three months I was walking 2-3 hours at a time with my Pitbull. I should never have stopped. I fell a few weeks back on both knees because of a broken sidewalk and I can't bend my right knee to walk. Weird that I can bend and sit sideways but not to walk. It was just time consuming to juice but I'm gonna start again. Going to try Apple Cider Vinegar tonight, praying it helps a bit by morning.

Posted by Tricia (Bucks County) on 06/09/2022

I have the beginnings if arthritis in my left thumb for a month now. I decided to try the borax method on the site here, the 1/8 tsp in 4 cups of water. I'm sure I am improving my health in general but I wasn't seeing any pain relief. Then just now I saw your interpretation with the tsp in the litre of water and decided to try it. Maybe when one has something going on in particular, it's good to take enough to “clobber” the pain. Then, ease back once you are comfortable. Sort of a slide rule. I love how you make the stronger version but then take a smaller amount. Thank you for posting. I will be happy to check in again after a month or two.

Flax Oil and Cottage Cheese
Posted by Gracie (Nottingham) on 07/28/2021

Hi Michael from Down Under,

Thank you for your post, lovely to hear from you again and learn that you are keeping well.

I can relate to you 'almost becoming a monk' by eating just once a day. I discovered a couple of years ago that I was pre-diabetic and now follow a low carb diet. However, occasionally, my resolve goes and I eat the things I shouldn't.

You mention that your evening meals are 'creeping' away from meat, and this seems to be a global trend. For a long time it has been recommended that we reduce the amount of meat we eat, especially if we suffer from any form of arthritis. However, Michael Moseley, author of both the 500 and 800 Diet, was recently quoted in the Daily Mail as saying he would not give up meat!

I'm still following D Johanna Budwig's protocol, having two bowls of the cottage cheese/flaxseed oil a day. She also recommends to cut out meat and replace it with legumes and nuts. The diet is aimed at people suffering with cancer, but it has been found to help other conditions such as arthritis, hence my interest. How long I follow the diet remains to be seen.

She also believes everything in the universe has a vibrational level, and this resonates with me as in the past I've done Reiki healing. Have I ever cured anyone? The answer has to be 'no', but it does make one aware that we are more than purely the physical.

The golden sultanas in gin sound a bit decadent, Michael. Are you sure they will improve my arthritis? What will the neighbours think if they see me pushing a shopping trolley around the local supermarket containing a large bottle of Gordon's Gin?

Shocking news about the high number of young New Zealanders committing suicide, and that New Zealand has the third highest obesity figures in the world. Bang goes the mental image I've always had of fit young New Zealanders surfing through white tipped waves under an eternally blue sky. Or was I thinking of Australia and Bondi beach!

So pleased that the Bicarbonate of Soda worked for your wife's eyes. It's good for so many things. Will not be long before she's posting on Earth Clinic!

By the way, I went looking for Robin Hood in Sherwood Forest the other day. Couldn't find him but it sure was beautiful under that canopy of trees. Saw the thousand year old Major Oak, and it's still going strong.

Stay well, and my best wishes to you both.

High Dose Magnesium, Vitamin C
Posted by Stefan (Polska) on 04/11/2021

[Google translate from Polish - not great, apologies to the author of this post!]

Once I read an article about [parrot beaks] from a priest who had healed with magnesium and I thought to myself that I had nothing to lose because I had a problem with my back and hip, which 10 years ago was dying, he said that it would need to be replaced soon. I started drinking 2.6 grams of magnesium chloride in divided doses during the day with Vit.C. I took 1,000,000 mg. i.e. 1 kg. and the same amount of vit C. It's hard for me to say now how much time it took, but I won't go to a doctor for advice on joints and spine, because I normally don't limp. I would like to point out that I have a lot of traffic on the plot and during renovation. If someone does not work physically, he should exercise a lot. Now, when I overwork a bit, I lubricate the sore spots with DMSO and after the pain.


Kiedyś przeczytałem artykuł o dziobach papugi u pewnego księdza który wyleczył się magnezem I pomyślałem sobie że nie mam nic do stracenia mając problem z kręgosłupem I biodrem, które to 10 lat temu pewien konował zqpowiedział się że niedługo będzie trzeba wymienić. Zacząłem pić 2,6 grama chlorku magnezu w podzielonych dawkach w ciągu dnia I vit.C. Przyjąłem 1000000mg. czyli 1 kg. I tyle samo vit C. Trudno mi teraz powiedzieć ile czasu to trwało ale więcej po poradę odnośnie stawów I kręgosłupa do lekarza się nie wybiore, bo normalnie chodzę nie kuleję. Zaznaczę przy tym że mam dużo ruchu na działce I przy remoncie. Jeżeli ktoś nie pracuje fizycznie to powinien bardzo dużo ćwiczyć. Obecnie jak się trochę przepracuję smaruję bolące miejsca DMSO I po bólu.

EC: If anyone can improve that translation for us, please reply!

Posted by Rae (Ontario Canada) on 03/24/2022

thx for your hilarious post...informative too

laugh out loud reaction was a remedy in itself :)

Colloidal Gold
Posted by Steve (Hendersonville, North Carolina) on 05/25/2018

Take colloidal gold 200 ppm. That will get rid of your arthritis.

Posted by Vicky (Nsw) on 12/26/2017

For arthritis, read up on serrapeptase please and the testamonials on any site you find... it sometimes (not usually) takes weeks even months for some but others have improved DRAMATICALLY within days :)

Hope this helps- it's an amazing product from all I've read.

Chanca Piedra
Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 12/20/2016

To "Jointwhisperer"

Gosh, what a nice Christmas Present for these Sufferers!! Maybe you deserve a Nobel Prize for that Discovery!


Dietary Changes
Posted by Cabeau (Netherlands) on 12/04/2016

Avoid or preferably eliminate all foods from the nightshade family (tomatoes, peppers, eggplant etc, google it) from your diet. It worked for me! It should be removed from your diet for 6 weeks to see results. I had a trigger thumb beside the painful joints which both are cured with this remedy. I also soaked my thumb in a hot bath of MSM.

It has everything to do with your vitamin D3 levels. If you have enough vitamin D3 it is not a problem to eat these foods (like in Italy :-)).

Organic Sulfur
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile , Tn) on 11/15/2016

ARETE,,,,,,,, reflected on your organic sulfur and suggest you research Collard Greens. When cooking these, it will run you out of the house the sulfur smell is so strong.

I get a kick out of the latest rage about soul food. Soul food is what poor Southern folks ate whether they were white or black. That is what I was reared on and love it to this day.

Getting frost, so we will pick a mess of Collards as soon as we think they are producing sugar and are not bitter. You keep posting because you are causing me to think. At my age, I need all the help I can get.

Yo buddy, ======ORH=======

Posted by Janet (Indiana) on 10/14/2015

Elinor, I also had some issues with both. The msm I got off wheat gluten and then no problem. The turmeric it was the other ingredients. The most troubling ingredient [I was sick for nearly 2 months] it contained titanium dioxide. I have found many added ingredients to be troublesome. From what I have been reading the titanium dioxide is used in nano form, which means it penetrates more than it should and reactions are severe for some. Janet

Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 10/15/2015

Elinor, you are very inspiring!

Maybe you can try taking a LOT less at a time.

Posted by Jim ( Frostburg, Md) on 10/15/2015

Elinor, regarding your experience with MSM, it is quite possible your pain was/is due to going off the prescription drugs. I'm assuming they were narcotics ...and people do become 'hooked' on these 'pain pills'.
