Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Arthritis Remedies: Relief & Healing

Posted by BackToNature (Brownville Me) on 08/01/2022

Vinegar definitely has miraculous properties and could easily put aspirin/tylenol out of business.

Using a mix of 2/3 +/- plus 1/3 water in a spray bottle to relieve an itchy rash (and also a fever) decided to spray sore ankles/ feet. In minutes, my ankles snapped (normal for me except when swollen), relieving the pressure. Applied to my hands, my knuckles enjoyed the same fast relief.

Spritzing water alone never provided this kind of relief, so I'm holding vinegar accountable.

Boron and DMSO
Posted by Bob. S. (USA) on 11/21/2020

I have arthritis in the back & neck real bad along with herniated discs, but what I found is that capsules of boron a supplement, taking a loading dose at first 4-5 time usual dose for 4-7 days, combined with DMSO applied topically, takes away the pain far more than the pain killer and muscle relaxant I was prescribed. I also had an epidermal to try to calm the pain, and it worked OK, but the pain just keeps coming back, normal with an epidermal, it is not permanent.

It also took away the severe headaches I started to get after the epidermal, another common side effect.

Again the DMSO and boron work better than the scripts. You can add anything else you like, including turmeric, which also helps quite a bit but don`t count on the recommended dose. You might have to up the amount according to your own needs, but all I can say is it works for me and better than any script I have been given.

Posted by J.Park (United States) on 09/16/2019

DMSO spray or lotion to affected area to be first choice of Arthritis remedy (whether rheumatoid or osteo). There are plenty of authoritative documentations as to how effective DMSO is. It is surprising that not many people seem to use it. The typical 99.9% is too strong to spray, best skin absorption is 70-80% they say, but one shouldn't use such high concentration since it stings too much. There shouldn't be any rush, I use 40% spray to hip joints (which I have been suffering few years & getting worse), and I saw much improvement in only few days!!! I don't feel much stings with 40% (just add 6 parts of distilled water to 4 parts of 99.9% DMSO, this will HEAT the solution, don't be surprised, this is normal reaction – this is NEVER mentioned in any literature I saw). Some plastic melt in DMSO, so preferably buy DMSO spray bottle. Also don't forget Red/NIR Light Therapy too. This is very effective on arthritis as well as many many body conditions, you will be surprised to find so many health benefits in Red Light Therapy including skin rejuvenation. Again plenty of documentations. Study them. This is NOT UV high frequency light, but low frequency red and beyond NIR (Near Infrared that is invisible & has longer wave length than red).

Posted by Jodi (San Diego, Ca) on 04/14/2016

I have found that frankincense works wonders for arthritis. I use it on my hands my husband uses it on his knees and on his shoulder. Not only does it help bring down swelling but actually helps pain. Brings tremendous relief. It is amazing.

Posted by Odis (Louisiana) on 12/28/2015

The borax cure didn't do me any good at all. My joints are still as stiff as they always were. I followed the recommended Earth Clinic cure, but didn't help. I drank four gallons over about a month's time, and nothing. So disappointed.

Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 03/28/2017

Dear Margaret,

We have found turmeric to work quite well even without the black pepper. I think purists think the black pepper isn't necessary!

~Mama to Many~

Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn) on 03/29/2017

MAMA,,,,,,,,,, I have no clue, but all my reading says that Cayenne is the KING. This spice will make all others work more better. Think it is because it causes the blood to thin and gets to places spices normally would not otherwise go. That is the reason I take it when I go into A FIB. My Dad had an A FIB and it killed him instantly when the clot formed and hit his brain. His problem was in yesteryear. Ole Doc Ranier would come to the house and take a handkerchief and pull on his tongue. If that did not help, then he pushed on his eyeballs until he could not stand it. Then he would have him stand up and hit him right in his heart. That usually worked. Times have changed a little, but I can almost promise you that most doctors cannot get you out of A FIB. They tell you to go to the emergency room after 24 years of schooling. Welcome to American medical education.

I do not do rat poison, but do Nattokinase because it does the same thing, but does not create a whole new wing at some pharmaceutical plant. You really help people with your down home counsel and I commend you.

There are getting to be fewer and fewer of folks on EC that have been half way around the watermelon. We do have some bright ones coming on like ART. I was so delighted to see Joyce of Joelton, Tn posting recently after several years of absence. She has sent us all to school over the years. Sorry to veer off subject, but you know I's a story teller.

I wish you well. =====ORH=======

Posted by KT (Usa) on 09/06/2015

Any information I have shared on nutrition has been taken from a Nutrition Almanac, copyright 2007. I have recently read updated information that I feel is important to inform EC members with regard to magnesium. In the NA and on the bottles of Magnesium Oxide, the instructions are that it is to be taken with meals because it needs to bind with protein before it will be absorbed.

A 2014 report by a practitioner of natural therapies suggests that it not be taken with meals, but an hour before or after.

Even though I eliminated my joint pain (i.e., neck, spine, elbow, knees, and one toe) for decades after I had been taking it right after a protein meal, I recently (in the last few days) started to feel some arthritis type of pain in my right hand. I thought maybe I better read the article. I don't remember when I got it...I had intended to read it...I just kept moving it aside, to do later when I had the time. Now is the time.

The article recommends mixing the powder in 1/2 glass of water, which I used to do, but because it hardened and seemed to "coat" the glass, I wondered if it could be doing that in my veins. I started mixing it in about 4-6 oz. of OJ, slightly warmed (30-45 sec. in microwave) and it seemed to dissolve better.

If anyone is interested in the article, here is the link: select "Colon Cleanse" then "Read More". Scroll down past "Magnesium Oxide", then PASS "Learn more about Magnesium Oxide" and select Magnesium Oxide Information". It should take you right to the article.

I just tried my first dose with water again (I ate about four hours ago so I don't know if it will do any good), I just don't like the way it mixes with water. I will let you know if my hand improves...or even if it doesn't.

I'll have to confess that I had also stopped taking the mag powder everyday and alternated using the tabs instead because it was easier and I'm running low on my powder.

The mag powder is 400 mg. per 1/4 tsp. and the tabs are 250 mg. per tab. Gee, that's pretty obvious. Why didn't I think to look at that before? Maybe this will help someone in pain.

I've learned so much over the last two decades. I had switched to the powder because I had reactions to the binders and fillers in tabs (hidden MSG) Maybe that's why, although "NatureMade" was supposed to be tolerated well by people sensitive to MSG.

It's taken me over a couple hours to type this and I'll have to say the pain in my hand is not as bad as it was earlier. Thank you for allowing me to "process information" as I dealt with the pain.

New things are being discovered all the time...KT

Posted by Chris (Lancaster, England) on 03/28/2015

Hi anyone with hip arthritis, I started using MSM 3yrs ago it helped with the pain but then I read that to get a significant relief if you take a higher dose, you need to take more than the stated dose on the package.

I was taking tabs 2gms a day. Now, very gradually, I take 9gms. Hey what a difference, wonderful, but I have rose hip tab as well,

I take 4 MSM with breakfast, 4 for lunch and 2 early pm with a snack.

My arthritis was caused by a very bad fall from a horse straight onto the back of my hips when I crunched into the road 18 years ago. I would hate to be without MSM. But go easy at first, just a low dose, also I take glusamine. I don't have any side effects at all and would consider taking more dosage if needed.


Borax vs. Boron
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 03/23/2015

Hi Linden...It defeats me why people even bother to buy the boron supplements from the health shops because dosages of 3 mgs to 6 mgs are way to small and it's expensive. You are better to just buy the borax off the internet -- even technical or lab grade borax is dirt cheap and you will get more for your money. Taking 1/4 tspn borax in a liter of water per day means that you are taking 1000 mgs of borax. But if you work out the actual content of boron in the 1000 mgs of borax -- it only comes to about 115 mgs of boron. Similarly women should take 1/8 tspn (or 500 mgs) borax in a liter of water. That works out to a daily dose of only 57 mgs boron per day.

I've been supplementing borax regularly for about 9 years. I now usually just add a pinch of borax(same as a pinch of salt) to my coffee or tea twice a day. I do this because the MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) for borax has about the same toxicity level as common table salt. More info on borax for you here.

Best Regards,


Low Dose Naltrexone
Posted by Chip (Playa Hermosa, Costa Rica) on 09/21/2014

I have posted my story before. I was turned on to Earthclinic by a retired Pharmacist from Houston. He was adamant that advice from Earthclinic saved his leg while big pharma's solutions only made his condition worse. Unfortunately, I do not what his problem was, however I became an avid reader of Earthclinic as a result of talking to him. I suffered from MS like symptoms due to aspartame poisoning. I have a long post about aspartame in the Artificial Sweeteners section. However, this post is about how I got rid of Arthritis symptoms. It resulted from several posts on the use of LDN (Low-Dose Naltrexone) in the Earthclinic section on MS.

When I first started reading Earthclinic I thought I had MS, in fact 6 different Neurologists all said I had MS. Although my currant Neurologist thought that initially, once she looked at 9 years of MRI's, she told me that I had MS-like damage to my nerves, but I did not have MS. However, prior to that diagnosis, since several posts on Earthclinic talked about using Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) to successfully treat MS symptoms. I started using it. After 3 months, totally unexpectedly, my arthritis symptoms went away.

I had been taking a strict regimen of supplements that included Fish Oil, Zyflamend and White Willow bark to control the stiffness and pain in my hands; I had had arthritis symptoms for over 10 years. The LDN helped to boost my Immune System, and got rid of the Arthritis symptoms. LDN did not cure it, but as long as I take it, it works. Since I travel frequently I once forgot it and after 4 days without it, the pain and stiffness returned. I have since found from numerous websites that boosting the body?s Immune System with LDN helps it to overcome many autoimmune diseases. One UK website claims that 80% of Arthritis suffers experience relief after taking LDN for from 1 to 12 months. If someone suffers from Arthritis and they can't get rid of it any other way, I strongly recommend LDN.

The website explains how it works in detail. Many other sites discuss it as well. It is without a doubt worth looking into for Arthritis as well as other diseases that are affected by your immune system. I use a dosage of 1.5 mg of LDN taken each night at bedtime. The max dose for LDN is 4.5mg, but I have Restless Leg Syndrome and can't take that much without making those symptoms worse. I had to get a prescription to get it and I use Skip's Pharmacy in Boca Raton, FL as the compounding pharmacy.

Note that the lowdosenaltrexone website lists several compounding pharmacies that provide LDN but Dr. Skip has probably the most patients and provides great advice. He told me that even though the MD who wrote the prescription specified 4.5 mg, that I would get better results if I started with 30 days of 1.5mg then 30 more days of 3mg then going to 4.5 mg. Then, when I found out I had problems with the higher doses, he recommended diluting the 4.5mg doses by emptying two 4.5mg capsules into 1.5 cups of distilled water and drinking a quarter cup each night. Then storing it in the refrigerator. I saved a lot of money this way. I have now been using LDN for 18 months and it is still working well.

Posted by Nicholas (Edison, Nj) on 12/09/2013

Had a feeling I'd be asked for smoothie ingredients. Got most of it from Dr. Mercola's site.

  • 1 large ripe banana (overly ripe, if possible)
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/8 t-spoon powdered clove
  • 1/4 t-spoon powdered oriental five spices
  • 1/2 t-spoon powdered cinnamon
  • 1 t-spoon bee pollen
  • 1 t-spoon honey
  • 1/2 cup apple juice
  • 1 cup water

I watch my diet, do daily exercise and take a ton of supplements based on what I learned on EC. I also eat chyawanprash daily - Indian jam made of healthy herbs and spices.

Wild Oregano Oil
Posted by Daisy (Jacksonville, Florida, U.s.a) on 09/24/2012 8 posts

Last night I was searching this site for something that might help some really annoying bone and muscle pain I have been having in my right arm. Some of it is arthritic (the wrist) but most of it is tendonitis from overuse and poor typing posture. It seems like once you get tendonitis in a certain place it's forever after ready to spring into recurrence. And for whatever reason, last night both were really, really hurting -- to the point I doubted whether I'd even be able to sleep with my forearm and wrist both aching like that. It hurt even to touch those points.

So I looked here on EC and happened to see this post, and since I already have some oil of wild oregano I decided to try it. I started with the wrist because that's where the arthritis is, rubbing a few drops of olive-oil-diluted wild oregano oil into the skin. Then I wondered if it would help the tendonitis areas too, because of what one of the posts said about its opiate-like qualities, so I rubbed some in there too. I thought I'd smell like a pizza, and I sort of did, but it wasn't that bad.

And within 10-15 minutes, BOTH pains were greatly reduced -- within a half hour almost completely gone. I can't say it was a complete 100% relief, but it was definitely 80% - 90%, and I'll take that any day. What I could barely touch a half-hour earlier I could then press hard on without pain, both the wrist and the worst tendonitis points, and the steady sharp aching was almost completely gone, enough so that I could easily ignore it and go to sleep.

To counter the smell a bit, I rubbed some lavender extract into the same areas (it also has anti-inflammatory properties) and slept like a baby, but the oil of wild oregano had been on my arm for an hour before I added the lavender so I know it works on its own. I'll do the same again tonight, it worked so well!

I would add that if you've never used oil of oregano on your skin before, check your bottle carefully and see whether it's full strength or already diluted. Mine is already diluted; not all are, and if yours isn't you're going to be stinging if you put it on full strength!

Thank you EC, and to the people who posted this lovely remedy as well! (Maybe you could post this in the tendonitis area too; I don't think oil of oregano is mentioned over there. Thanks! )

Baking Soda
Posted by Gordon (Sunderland, Tyne ) on 05/06/2012

hi, just wanted to relate my experience with bicarbs. I have had problems with my knees (a stabing pain under the kneecap) and feet (cramps and tenderness in the balls of feet) for years and used a number of alternatives to help with little or no effect.

After some research on the net I was directed to some info that pointed to an acidic body could be the cause and bicarbs was the treatment so I tried it. The effects were immediate and lasting (for a short while anyway) I have stopped and started my own treatment and the problem surfaces again.

I realise that there is damage in my knees so am waiting for my body to heal as I give it the right conditions by alkalising my body. It seems to be working as my knees feel better but not completely healed, yet. It seems that the problem could be a fungus (candida) but there does not seem to be a quick cure for that, but bicarbs does fight/combat and give my body the chance to heal.

I wondered if anyone else has used or heard of anyone using bicarbs to combat fungus or arthritis.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda, Chicken Cartilage
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 02/13/2012 2063 posts

Jennywren, my Dad suddenly came down w/ RA and was really debilitated. I suggested a good broad spectrum joint formula that contained: Glucosamine, Chondroitin, Vit-C, MSM, and Manganese. Also daily Flax Oil. Results were very slow and it wasn't until about 1 yr latter that some degree of regained normal function occurred.

Chicken Cartilage
Posted by Vickthechick (San Francisco, California) on 12/10/2011


Well, my favorite disease is Arthritis. The reason why I love Arthritis is that it's easy to fix. And when you can fix something as horrible and debilitating and painful and expensive and as miserable as Arthritis, you get kind of excited about this concept of preventing and curing disease with nutrition. And so I tell people about this arthritis thing all the time. So let's have a quick look at arthritis.

Number one, 75-80% of all Americans over the age of 50 get arthritis to one degree or one type or another, and according to the CDC, the Center for Disease Control, 35 to 50 million baby-boomers are going to get arthritis in the next 7 to 10 years and there's not a single medical treatment designed to treat or fix it. Aspirin certainly doesn't fix arthritis, it causes gastric bleeding and death. Tylenol doesn't fix arthritis, there's 50,000 cases of kidney failure each year, 5000 so severe you need a kidney transplant. Then there's Ibuprofen, Advil, and Aleve, these things don't fix arthritis, and they cause liver disease in 2-5% of users including liver sclerosis, even if you don't drink. And then there's metholtrexate(?) and gold shots(?). These things don't fix arthritis, they subdue your bone marrow so that you can't make normal platelets and white blood cells. Then you have the granddaddy of all medical treatments for arthritis, Prednizone and Cortisone. They don't fix arthritis. They subdue your immune system which leaves you open to diseases far, far more horrible than arthritis, and Prednizone and Cortisone accelerates the loss of minerals from your bone. Something you don't want when you have osteoporosis and arthritis.

When these prescription medications and over-the-counter medications don't work anymore to relieve pain and inflammation, the only thing left for you medically is joint-replacement surgery. And I never liked to send my patients in for joint-replacement surgery, cause they never work out well. In fact, many times you are worse off after the surgery than you were before the surgery.

The advantage my patients have always had is that I'm a veterinarian as well as a physician. So I always used to tell my patients "Look, we have all these nutritional formulas designed to prevent and cure disease in animals, including arthritis, and so I tried adapting nutritional arthritis formulas designed to prevent and cure arthritis in pigeons and turkeys, dogs and cats, sheep, pigs, horses, cows, lions, tigers and bears to human use. It was no surprise to me, it works just as well in humans as it does in animals, because it was designed to prevent and cure arthritis in pigs. And of course it has some really nifty stuff in it, which I have been telling people to use for 20 years, and I have literally seen tens of thousands of people who have had a regrowth of cartilage, ligaments, tendons, connective tissue, bone foundation, bone matrix. Doesn't matter if they are 20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90, I've seen people 97 years old regrow cartilage and bone, even if they had bone to bone arthritis. If there's blood supply to that joint and that bone, they will regrow bone and cartilage.

Well, Harvard Medical School goes berserk when you say stuff like that. "Wallach, you can't say those things! And the only thing left when they get bone to bone arthritis is joint-replacement surgery. " And I would agree with him if the only raw materials you are using is Tylenol and aspirin and Prednizone and Cortisone. We have learned over 50 years that you can't regrow cartilage and bones using those things.

Now one of the basic things, of course, that the Harvard Medical School jumped on and said "this is so ridiculous that this couldn't work! " And so they took 29 arthritis patients who had not responded in any way to heroic medical treatment for arthritis over 15 to 20 years. They took them off their medication, it wasn't working anyway, lined them up for joint-replacement surgery, and for 90 days before their surgery they gave them heaping tablespoon of ground up chicken cartilage in their orange juice every morning for 90 days. They were sort of chuckling in their beer saying "nothing is going to happen". Well, here's what happened. In 10 days these people had complete relief of pain inflammation that they hadn't had in 15 to 20 years. In 30 days they could open up a new pickle jar that had never been opened without pain to the fingers, wrists, elbows and shoulders. In 90 days 28 of the 29 were clinically cured. Now this is from the Harvard Medical School and the Boston VA. That meant that they had complete return, 100% return, of the range of motion, all of the pain and inflammation was gone, in their fingers and toes and hips and knees and neck, and certainly many of them still had knots on their fingers, cause it was only 90 days, and you would think they would call me up, these professors from Harvard Medical School and from the Boston VA, and say "Look, Wallach, we have to apologize to you. We've been bad-mouthing you for 20 years and why don't you come up to Boston, let's talk about the whole thing?" Here's what they said, "After 3 months it was clear that the drug was beneficial."

Chicken cartilage had become a drug in 90 days! Now why would that happen? Well, because you can't patten chicken cartilage, and they convinced the US Patten Office that they were using a drug to do this study, and they actually got a use-patten on chicken cartilage. And you, too, for $3500 a month, can get Harvard Medical School's chicken cartilage in a capsule for arthritis. (You can get it for 30 cents a day, ha, ha). That's kind of interesting. And of course, cartilage or gelatine, has chondroitin sulfate in it, glucosamine sulfate, collagen, these are all the basic raw materials to rebuild cartilage and bone. Now again I have been telling my human patients this for 20 years. They've been using gelatine and cartilage for race horses for 100 years for their cartilage and ligaments and joints. And in 1995, a Luke Bucci, an exercise physiologist came out with a great book called "Pain Free", and he talks about the advantages of gelatine and cartilage and glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate and collagen for regrowing cartilage, ligaments, tendons, connective tissue, bone foundation, bone matrix, he does this with nutrition. He does this with glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate and collagen and cartilage and gelatine. Just a couple of months ago, a medical doctor, Dr. Jason Theodisakus, MD, wrote the "Arthritis Cure", subtitle "the medical miracle that can halt, reverse and may even can cure osteoarthritis."

Chicken Cartilage
Posted by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia) on 01/13/2012

Someone has to sell it. If it works who cares! If you have ever read his books you would know he is very knowledgable. He was a vet and performed many autopsies on animals before he decided to become a physician. He hated that animals get nutritional help when sick and humans don't.... They get medicated. He has been tireless in spreading the word. In his book he says down syndrome is a zinc deficiency that was cured in animals many years ago.... Yet humans are still born with it.... Shameful.

Cinnamon and Honey
Posted by Parag (Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA) on 10/29/2008

This is a remedy I have seen other people use around me in India for arthritis. I teaspoon of ground cinnamon powder, mixed with 1 teaspoon pure, organic honey. Take it in the morning before you eat anything. And do not eat/drink anything for 30 minutes after. Drinking water is fine. You should see effect within a week, if not within days.

Posted by Ani (Ontario, Canada) on 04/02/2008

Wearing a copper bracelet can significantly help with arthritis, back pain, aches and joint pains. My parents swear by it. In fact my dad makes jewelry and after he discovered that copper helped him with his bad back pain he started making copper bracelets for sale. He has been selling them for over 15 years and the personal testimonials he's heard are remarkable. The amount that it helps is individual of course and varies but most people feel at least SOME improvement while others say they experience DRAMATIC improvement. In any case it's cheap to try and can't do any harm. I'm surprised copper wasn't posted before and curious to read other people's experiences with this.

Posted by Katherine (Los Angeles, USA) on 03/20/2007

Arthritis Remedy: Ginger Root/Mint tea. I have found that making tea out of ginger root and mint is more helpful than any capsules. Take about a 1 1/2 inch piece of fresh ginger root, peel and then slice root into mug, add some fresh mint leaves, pour good boiling water over and steep at least 1/2 hour (the longer the better) drink before you retire for the night. This not only helps with the joint pain but has also helped me sleep more sound. The mint is important as it helps the stomach - ginger root tea alone can be a bit difficult if one is no longer 20 . This is an acquired taste. DO NOT get carried away like I did the first week and drink more than one huge mug a night. As my Chinese Dr. friend said "it is like listerine for the body". Cleans out the toxins and it is a natural anti inflammatory.

Posted by Yvonne (Wentzville, MO) on 09/16/2006

I'm 74 have arthritis in my shoulder-can't afford the creams, when I found out the main ingreatent was the same as cayenne pepper, I stared buying hot sauce that is made from aged cayennes, rub it on my shoulder couple times a day, it stains your clothing, but sure helps, and it is a lot cheaper.

Posted by Bunny (Ohio) on 01/07/2024

Check out Barbara O'Neill on YouTube about castor oil compresses…I have bone spurs on spine for 1O plus years ….had neck surgery to prevent the possibility of paralysis, it helped but still had lower back pain to the point of BARELY able to walk…Decided to faithfully use castor oil compresses for one year, into 7th month, can walk for 2O or 3O minutes straight without pain….
