Health Benefits

Turmeric for Cysts in Dogs and Cats

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Posted by Myra (California) on 03/20/2024

Oh my, my 14-year-old Shepdrd mix has had a softball-size cyst on his right shoulder for years. Something happened last Friday night. He hurt and could barely walk, so I came to see what I could do. I started putting turmeric in his food twice daily (1 tsp) each, then backed off to 1/2 tsp. It's been four days, and today, it exploded. Wow, but I think we are onto healing. He can already walk better.

Posted by Myra (California Missouri) on 03/20/2024

My 14 yr old Sheperd mix

had a cyst on right shoulder for yrs the size of a softball and this past Friday he as coming in from outside and something happened he yelped real loud and then he could barely walk. Next day he was still rating and drinking and going to potty as best as he could so I got on here and started looking and reading.I had used termuris for boils before and it worked so I thought why not, starting putting in his food(1 tsp) 2xday then 3rd day started 1/2 tsp, on 3rs day saw improvment well the 4th day that thing exploded blood and goob everywhere.He can walk alot better so now its healing time Thanks Earthclinic

Posted by Sandy (CA) on 11/16/2021

My 12yrs f shepherd I noticed a large looked like fluid filled sack between back legs. Having just had surgery myself & we have 2 rott pups, hard to see. I read up on site. Gave her yesterday turmeric. My granddaughter was at vet so I took pic to send to her. This a.m. looks like it has 2 holes & no longer filled with fluid. Looks like it burst open. Now what?? All 3 try to lick. Put warm castor oil compress on or get her antibiotics??

Posted by Kristin D. (Danbury, Ct) on 02/19/2018

Thank you SO much for the info on your site! It has been a life-extender for our cat. I wanted to share this in case it helped someone else.Wanted to share our experience in case it helps someone else.

Last week, our 16 year old cat was diagnosed with small intestine cancer, kidney stones, and most importantly, large liver cysts that were pushing on her stomach, preventing her from eating. She stopped eating and drinking altogether (thus, the vet visit), and we weren't sure she was going to last through the weekend.

We opted against the surgical option for the cysts and the cancer for a variety of reasons, and thought we would just be making her comfortable for the next couple of days until the inevitable.

I am shocked but happy to report that for the time being she has done almost a complete 180. She is eating and drinking again as well as spending time with us again and it is almost as if we have our original cat back.

Specifically, I have been using Thorne's Meriva Soy Free (because I had it from my Lyme disease treatment) and opening the capsules, giving her approx 1/16 tsp mixed w/ warm water 2x/day via syringe. (Straight Tumeric is not advised due to bioavailability issues.) Literally, after 2 doses, she was MUCH better. Yesterday we started with pet-grade Milk Thistle drops found on She is back to being super squirmy and nervous (i.e. normal for her) which gives us hope. Even if she passes sooner rather than later, the Meriva supplement made a HUGE difference for her quality of life. Maybe this anecdotal evidence will help others who are struggling with the same choices for their cats.

Posted by Hummingbirdlady (Irvine, Ca) on 10/12/2017

Turmeric stopped Dog's cyst from bleeding.

Wow! My friend's dog was bleeding from a cyst for days. We researched and researched and tried many things, but this is what worked:

  1. First we bathed him in a mild warm water solution of soapy water to get blood off of his legs from cyst on abdomen.
  2. Next we used a mild solution of Epsom Salt and warm water, and repeated again for about 15 minutes.
  3. Next we applied turmeric. It bled again but it slowed down, so I applied the turmeric again and it finally stopped.

This is how we stopped it from bleeding. He is sleeping on a dry white towel and not even a drop of blood an hour or so after treatment. AMAZING stuff turmeric.

Posted by Mimi (Corpus Christi) on 03/14/2015

When I read about this remedy for dog cysts, I was happy to try it. My vet wanted me to bring my dog and have her operated on to remove it. At fifteen in dog years, I was worried that she might have difficulty during surgery and the recovery. I took it upon myself to try the powdered turmeric (spice isle) and extra virgin olive oil. I mixed the ingredients adding more turmeric to the oil to make a salve and piled it on her cyst. I let it dry and applied more as necessary if she rubbed it off. Its been two months and the cyst has dried up considerably. You must be patient and keep up with the applications. I did this outside because it does get messy. I let her in the house only when the application was dry. The turmeric does stain clothing, sheets, towels, etc. Using stain remover helped me with the cleaning. You can wrap a bandage around the body part where the cyst is and hope the dog doesn't pull it off. My dog pulled bandages and the ace bandage off constantly. The remedy is giving me good results. Good Luck!

Posted by Tiffyb1414 (Durant, Ok) on 05/03/2014

My 10 year old mini schnauzer has a fatty pocket, or tumor on his left side. I started giving him turmeric in coconut oil and mixing it in with his food. I've been giving this to him for a week now, and the tumor is almost completely gone! Also, he's been running and playing like he's 4 years old again! Turmeric will be a daily part of his diet regimen from now on!

I'm going to start giving him BSM for a growth the vet thinks is cancer. I've read a lot of others posting about how it has cured their pets cancer!

Posted by Shih Tzu Momma (Gibsonburg, Ohio) on 02/13/2014

My Boots got a cyst a couple months ago. Took him to the vet and $65 later I had a vial of antibiotics and the cyst took several weeks to ago away, long after meds were gone.

Monday I noticed another one growing in the exact same spot, gave him benadryl so he wouldn't mess with it but by tuesday it was broke open. So I got on the internet and found this site. I followed the advise of a few different people, mixed tumeric with coconut oil and applied directly to cyst. Also sprinkled a little in a slice of cheese and rolled it up.

Wednesday it was the size of a ping pong ball. I repeated the same steps. This morning (Thursday) this thing is practically gone!

I suppose I was lucky that it worked so fast for us. I want to thank you all for your posts and Boots does too:)


Posted by Sueyd (Harrison, Me) on 01/15/2014

Editor's Choice

Our dear family dog developed a cyst near his tail recently. We noticed it under the fur for several weeks before he finally started biting at it and removed the fur. It was quite a mess! My husband was afraid that it was time to put him down (he's a 10 yr old, big, furry husky/shepherd, etc mix). I searched online for a home remedy and came across your site - and was SO pleased to find that many others had experienced similar things with their dogs and offered solutions that seemed to WORK!!!! So - I bought some turmeric from the grocery store. We started sprinkling it on his dry dog food morning and afternoon - probably 1/2 teaspoon per day. By the end of the first week, the skin was growing back, by the end of the second week, the fur was growing in. It's been two months now - we give him a sprinkle a couple times a week - I think he misses it! - but the cyst is completely gone! AND - he is more lively and 'happy' ever since!

OK - that's only HALF of the story! My husband broke a tooth the other day and is experiencing flu-like symptoms since then, so I told him I'd go on-line and do some home-remedy research for him. Well...I've been reading on your site for HOURS today (we'll be starting the oil-pull soon! ), and was reading about the benefits of turmeric (for humans! ), and thought, "Oh! I should post on here that it works for pets, too! " and...come to find out - it's the SAME wonderful site that I had found that saved our dear dog!!! You guys are amazing! I'm so thankful and excited - and taking notes - that I found your site - what a great resource!!! And so thankful for all the comments from people that have tried the different remedies.

Posted by Wendy (Columbus, Oh) on 07/05/2013

For cysts in dogs - Get some turmeric (real cheap, in bulk, at the Indian store... That's India). Add 1/2 tablespoon to his food, and mix it all up, each time you feed him. I did this with my golden retriever who had a cyst which was the size of a pea when it first started, but grew to the size of a quarter and got all red and oozing when her immune system was compromised. Within 2 weeks the cyst disappeared!

Posted by Bea (Sacramento, Ca) on 02/25/2013

I just had to share what success we've had with using turmeric as a treatment.

My 4-year-old German Shepherd had a strange growth on the back of her neck, almost an inch long but not very wide. Upon taking her to the vet to get it checked out, it tore off as my dog strained against her collar. This gave us a chance to see what was inside, and the vet believed it was a sebaceous cyst given what was coming out of it. Unfortunately, this was not my dog's usual vet and she didn't clean it up or treat it with anything. She merely suggested surgically removing it.

I immediately decided to search for homeopathic treatments, as I was worried about having my dog undergo surgery, having to pay for the surgery, and who knows what else. When I found the success stories on here using turmeric, I figured that would be the best path. I decided to treat her with turmeric both topically and orally.

I chose to mix the turmeric with coconut oil due to the oil's antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. Since the cyst had torn open, I wanted to avoid any infections. I cleaned her up with warm water and applied the mixture. I've been cleaning the area and applying the mixture daily. I've also been giving her half a teaspoon of turmeric mixed with coconut oil twice daily. Sometimes it goes into her food, other times she'll lick it right off the spoon.

We've been at this for a little over a week now, and there is a noticeable difference in her cyst! The top of it has dried up and become almost scab-like. The bottom of the cyst has become much smaller and almost seems to be receding. We're going to continue treating her with this mixture in hopes that it'll completely go away and surgery can be avoided altogether.

Posted by Elaine (Gum Spring, Va) on 03/24/2011

I read about the turmeric remedy for cysts in dogs & cats. Our cat has had one for years that was never any problem and the size of a pea. Last year the vet drained it and it was gone for awhile. I noticed it was back the size of a pea then a little over a week ago the size of a grape. It was located on his neck so I was concerned. I tried the turmeric (just a dash mixed in the food) and as of yesterday the cyst was completely gone. We are so happy to have saved a trip to vet by using this.

Posted by Bill (Grand Prairie, Texas) on 10/29/2010

Our 13 year old chow started developing these cysts just in the last year. She had one that had grew to about half the size of a grape right beside her eye. We found this site and have been giving her the extract of turmeric which is curcuminoids. Have been giving her a dose of 500mg per day for 45 days with no ill effects. The large cyst near the eye changed in color from a clear-whitish to pinkish color and has shrunk to the point where it is just about flat. It looks like it is healing from the inside because it hasn't opened or ruptured. This has really works wonders for our little girl.

Posted by Erin (Rock Hill, Sc, Usa) on 10/04/2010

Yea! My 11 y.o. Aussie has had these cysts for years. She had one surgically removed about 9 years ago. A really bad one finally ruptured on her head and I was horrified at the hole it left! The thought of it coming back was a nightmare and she's too old for surgery. I saw this site and started with 1/2 tsp. Tumeric in each bowl (2x / day). She is 58 lbs. Her head is almost completely healed 3 weeks later, the older ones are 1/2 their size! Thank you! **I will say I went out and bought fresh turmeric from the bulk bin and didn't use what was sitting in my spice jar cause it didn't even have an odor unlike the stuff I bought. Fresh probably better. **

Posted by Gilda (Fayetteville, Nc, Usa) on 05/18/2010

I was searching for a natural cure for my dog Lizzy's cyst on her head. My other dog had one in the same spot and it cost a lot to have it frozen off. I tried using the turmeric on Lizzy's food( I would say I used about 1/8 teaspoon on each meal, just sprinkling enough to cover her food) and now her cyst is almost flat!!!I have been using it for about a month. I am so happy for these posts about turmeric. I will start using it on my family's meals from now on!

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