They performed a "fine needle aspirate" to determine what it consisted of and they concluded that it was a "probable keratin filled subaceous cyst". (The test alone cost $250!) They said that it would eventually have to be surgically removed. I was pretty freaked out because I am getting married in May and cannot afford to fork out the amount of money that would be required to operate on him.
I was looking into the problem online and stumbled onto Earth Clinic where I read about using Turmeric as a cyst remedy. I ran to the market and picked up a jar of Turmeric powder and began sprinkling 1/2 tsp of it into his food morning and night (totaling 1 tsp per day). His first dose was on Wed (3/10/10).
On the following Mon night (3/15/10 (tonight)) I came home and found the cyst draining a brownish, reddish goo! Once I began treating him with the Turmeric the lump seemed to grow. I was beginning to wonder if it was going to work but I think it only appeared larger because it was bringing the material to the surface to drain.
The lump is not gone just yet but it is rapidly venting its contents and I am sure it will be gone in no time! (I'll post another comment if I'm wrong).
I am ecstatic with the knowledge that I don't have to spend a gazillion dollars and put by my buddy through surgery!
I don't usually write reviews and I am super skeptical when it comes to alternative medicine but this is no joke! EC saved me big money so I figured it was worth sitting down for a few minutes to share my experience. Turmeric rules and I plan to go tell it on the mountains!
Thanks EC!
I found a growth on my 7 year old golden retriever's neck. His name is Zeus, great dog. I couldn't afford a vet and didn't know if it was cancerous or not, it was growing and then it seemed to be getting irritated, even some blood or crust on it, it looked scary and I was upset. It got to be about 3/4 of an inch. So I prayed for a cure and was researching natural cures because quite frankly I believe nature heals and truly cures better than modern medicine much of the time anyway, not that I'm anti-doctor because I'm not, just wish they'd get themselves familiarized with what foods/herbs can help too, instead of only pills and surgeries. SO ... I've been giving him about a teaspoon sprinkled in with his food twice a day, morning and night. I mix with a little water so it mixes in well, sortof an indian dog food gravy if you will LOL. The good thing is, he seems to LIKE it! So I don't have to force feed it to him. I've been doing this since 07/27/09, it's now 08/04/09, so about a week, and mind you the first day or two I gave him less to be cautious in case it didn't agree with him. He has had no issues, and this dog has a sensitive stomach so that's good. Well, last night I check and it's shrunk to less than half the size, now it's slightly smaller than the size of a pea and no crusts, it is smooth and no longer looks swelling and dangerous and scary. It looks like it's just shrinking and healing away. This in a week! I'm continuing until it's gone and then will continue using a smaller quantity, maybe one half teaspoon twice a day as a preventative measure. This is just awesome. I got my turmeric in a big bag from an Indian spice store by the way, it's pretty fresh but I'll bet any will do.
It's good for people too! I think I'll start taking a little every day, too! Good luck! And I'll try to post later with follow up to let you know our results.
well, i immediately started giving her high doses of tumeric in ensure or oatmeal. the lump has not gotten any bigger and it has been several weeks. it actually appears to be getting smaller. this is a godsend. she is an older rat (1 1/2 years) and has always been frail and i don't think she would be a good candidate for surgery. i would suggest that anyone with pet rats that get lumps give them tumeric. actually, i plan to give all my rats tumeric from now on because it also helps with abcesses, and it said to keep lumps from forming. i have told all my rat friends about your site!
YAY! thanks for this site!
I would have started Max on turmeric ages ago had I known how helpful it is with benign cysts (he has them all over his body). Many thanks again to Lisa for telling us about this great remedy.
Supplements: I also recently started adding turmeric, msm and glucosamine to Max's food. Dosages: 1/4 teaspoon of powdered turmeric in his food in the morning, diluted with chicken broth. At night I crush a 1000 mg tablet of MSM and give him half of it (500 mg), plus a full capsule of glucosamine blend from Trader Joe's (glucosamine sulfate 750mg and glucosamine HCI 750 mg). My vet mentioned that she likes the combo of MSM and glucosamine for dogs with arthritis, which is why I started him on that a few weeks ago. The turmeric has helped heal up a benign cyst that had burst through the skin on his front paw. Very glad one of EC's readers reported a cure for dog cysts recently -- thanks! At any rate, Max seems to be doing better on the supplements -- walking faster, wrestling with the other dogs, less confusion at night when the lights go off. Yea, yea, yea.
My 4 year old sheltie had a cyst about the size of a pebble on her head. The vet had aspirated it to check for cancer, which was negative and said at some point we will need to remove it surgically, as it had grown at least twice its size in a year. A friend had sent me the earth clinic web site a while ago, so I decided to look up cyst. Although I didn't see it listed for pets, I did see that people were using turmeric to remove cysts by digesting it, so off to the grocery I went. I bought the store brand turmeric and sprinkled it in her food 5 days a week for 3 weeks. I mixed it with warm water and a little bit of canned food to hide any taste she might not like. I didn't measure, I just sprinkled it in, I'd guess 1 tsp a day with her food. After about a week, I noticed the cyst was in fact shrinking. After 3 weeks it was completely gone and has been gone for a month now. I read that tumeric contains curcumin, which is probably what made it work.