About a year ago I noticed a large 1 1/2 boil on the back of my German Shepard. I tried lots of natural remedies with no success. Some time later I took her to the vet and he looked at it and then took a small lance and popped it open and out came this pimply white poop. He said it was basically a clogged oil gland, like a large pimple. He left a small hole and gave me some antibiotic ointment to inject into the hole to clear it up. I did that for a while, but it didn't work. It kept filling up, but the hole was still there. Again, I tried all my natural anti infection remedies and I have lots...nothing working worked. It kept filling up again. Then I had a flash. What's happening is the gland is clogged and coagulated. It needs something to dissolve the gook that's blocking it. DMSO I's a solvent and presto...
I squeezed out as much as I could and then I soaked a Q tip with DMSO and applied it for a few days and it completely dried it out.
Many months later, I noticed another one closer to the tail. I tried popping it, but it wouldn't budge for me. I thought maybe it's something else. Coco went for her regular vet visit and I asked him to look at it. Again he lanced and drained it. When we got home, I squeezed out what was left and again applied DMSO with a Q-Tip and then poured a little over it and again it completely dried it up.
Just to clarify, this is not the more flat fatty tumors, which are more jelly like to touch. These are like round boils, but I'm sold on the DMSO for this.
Turmeric and Coconut Oil
EC: Hi Epsy, can you please upload the other photo. Unfortunately the program we use only allows one photo per post. Thank you!
Turmeric and Castor Oil
Everyday I dabbed it with castor oil then heavily applied turmeric paste mixture and now after 3 months if fell off with no problem or side effect to my dog.
I also sprinkled a small amount of turmeric powder in his food each time I fed him. He experienced no problems digesting the turmeric in his diet. When I first began using it the cyst grew extra big, bled daily then it began to dry up, separated from his face and on Mother's Day it fell off by itself.
Thank you! Earth Clinic for post the information about Turmeric & Castor Oil it healed my dog and we both are very grateful.
OK - that's only HALF of the story! My husband broke a tooth the other day and is experiencing flu-like symptoms since then, so I told him I'd go on-line and do some home-remedy research for him. Well...I've been reading on your site for HOURS today (we'll be starting the oil-pull soon! ), and was reading about the benefits of turmeric (for humans! ), and thought, "Oh! I should post on here that it works for pets, too! " and...come to find out - it's the SAME wonderful site that I had found that saved our dear dog!!! You guys are amazing! I'm so thankful and excited - and taking notes - that I found your site - what a great resource!!! And so thankful for all the comments from people that have tried the different remedies.
Spring Water
10 days after I started him on the water, the cyst is gone and his eyelid 100% healed!! It makes me think that the tap water that I had been putting in his water bowl, even filtered by a Brita container, was the cause of the sty in the first place.
This simple remedy saved me at least $800 in surgical bills at the vets. I am very grateful for the person who posted this remedy on Earth Clinic.