Sinus Infections
Health Benefits

Hydrogen Peroxide and Sea Salt for Sinus Infections

44 User Reviews

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Posted by Sarah (Hill Afb, Utah) on 02/08/2011

Editor's Choice Hi all,
I have had a cold, now sinus infection, for 3 weeks now(mainly in my left sinus passages). I NEVER write comments on sites where I find random remedies for myself/animals/husband/etc. but this site is amazing! I had tried the Apple Cider Vinegar mixed with water(yuck! )and didnt really see/feel any immediate results but felt a little difference in my right nostril, I then put my head over a mix of 3 TBS peroxide and 3 TBS salt mixed with enough hot hot hot water to fill the bowl and put a towel over my head and inhaled for 15 mins, my right sinus was completely cleared but my left was still being stubborn. I had been using the AYR saline solution my doc had given and wasnt seeing any results (felt worse actually) so I tried the hydrogen peroxide and sea salt with water mix.... AMAZING!!! My left nostril cleared up almost completely for about 10 mins and then I went back an hour later and did it again, feeling so much better! I went straight to my laptop to write this! I cannot thank you enough, I have to go to work and school full time during the week and do not have time to be sick and get headaches every time I move my head :(.... Let alone do it all with a horrible sinus infection that put me right back into bed every morning for about 3 days. Yes, it does burn a bit, I am a huge sissy so I also teared up a little too, but it is totally worth it. I will be doing this once more in the morning and again tomorrow night and repeat until its gone.

I do have two notes though:

1. I have been on Amoxicillin for 2 days now (no results, felt worse) and I am not discontinuing the antibiotic bcz I do feel as though it will help keep my infection AWAY, but for immediate results, I felt this saline remedy is best.

2. DO NOT BLOW YOUR NOSE TOO HARD!!!! I have witnessed a friend do this and blow out her ear drum and then get an infection in her ear from blowing the infection into it(she was blowing VERY HARD haha). If you have too much sinus pressure/it hurts to blow your nose, only blow it VERY gently and dont put ur finger over the other nostril to just get the boogies out of one side, leave both nostrils completely open.

Thank you again so much for all your responses/advice and for providing such a wonderful site!! I will be back again when the next sickness comes my way!

PS I also am planning on trying the Tomato Spice Tea tomorrow, no tomato juice/V8 at the moment and I will update you as I (hopefully!! ) get better!!

:) Sarah

Replied by Ed

I just used it and had almost all the same feelings; Chest, ears, sinuses, but not my throat. Anyway, although I had the same pain like symptoms that you had, it wasn't as bad as you explain it. It actually felt like I was being cleansed not killed.. Kind of like when you clean out a cut with peroxide...... Haha. By the feeling I got, I knew that the mixture hit my sinuses which is exactly what I wanted so Indodnt mind. Maybe you put too much peroxide in. I could tell you that I just free poured it so I definitely out more than I should have. Peroxide and Salt can not kill you. But I just did it so I am not sure how the ending "results" will be. Hopefully by tomorrow my sinuses will be in a little better shape, than all that pain will be worth it.

Hydrogen Peroxide and Sea Salt
Posted by Marie (Clawson, Michigan) on 05/21/2009

WOW!!!! Yes it clears your sinus cavities right up. I tried it without the baking soda, not recommended. The burning was strong, I beleive the baking soda stabilizes the vinigar. BUT IT DID WORK RIGHT AWAY!! .... ;o)

Hydrogen Peroxide and Sea Salt
Posted by MBW (Boston, MA) on 04/19/2009

I Just tried this about two hours ago, and immediately the pressure in my face and head got extremely better. My nasal passages, ears and everything else effected became around 80% better. I did it once again about 20 minutes after that and plan to do it before bed, but so far i can breath so much more easily and i'm far more comfortable than i was before i tried it. I suffer from sinus infections far too often for up to two to three weeks. I did this remedy a day or two in and it worked! It does sting/burn but only for up to 10 seconds.

Hydrogen Peroxide and Sea Salt
Posted by Cathy (Pittsburgh, PA) on 01/26/2008

The H20 Peroxide rinse cleared my sinuses! I can't believe it! Hang your head back, let it drip in..IT BURNS!!!!!! But it is well worth it, believe me! You blow your nose like crazy, sneeze like crazy, then you can breathe, and pressure and pain is SO much better! Thank you so much for this website!!!!!

Replied by Kellie
(Frisco, Tx)

I've had horrible sinus infections for the past two years, since moving to TX. I've been all all sorts of prescription drugs. But I started to have heart palpitations from the steroids in the nose sprays and all the allergy med's. I didn't want to go on permanent antibiotics! Whenever I take antibiotics they only work for a few weeks, then the infection is back. This Jan I had a horrible infection and found the Earth Clinic site. I am very excited to say I'm 99% better! I've been using the Hydrogen Peroxide/Salt/Baking Soda recipe, plus Apple Cider Vinegar, plus Oregano Oil, plus NAC, daily for 20 days, and supplements. I'm so happy with the results! Here's my recipe:

50 ml (aprox 1 teaspoon) warm water
pinch baking soda
pinch salt
2-5ml of hydrogen peroxide
I multiply by 5 and mix it all in a cup. I got a syringe from the pharmacy. It is the type that you attach a needle to (no needle of course). They give them away for dosing children's medicine.

I lean over my sink and put my forehead on the back of the sink, then shoot it up one nostril. I blow my nose and repeat with the other side. If it burns too much, decrease the peroxide.

I did this as often as needed, but no less than 3x a day. I was getting all colors from my nose, including blood. My infections are very severe.

I also take 2TB Unfiltered Unpasteurized Organic Apple Cider Vinegar, mixed with water before meals and before bed. Remember to rinse your mouth well with plain water!! (This cures all sorts of issues, and I use it mainly for curing my allergies)

I take 4 drops of Wild Oregano Oil under my tongue and then rinse with water 3x's a day. (it is an antibiotic)

I also take NAC (600mg) with 1500mg of Vit C 2 times a day, and Primal Defense 1x day. Both are to help boost my immune system and fix my system after so much antibiotics.

Nothing happened for 5 days, then there was a bit of improvement. Now I'm at 20 days, and I no longer get any color from my nose. I still have my allergies, but they go away as soon as I take the vinegar. I plan to start sipping the vinegar all day, rather than chugging it 3x's a day.

Replied by Kellie
(Frisco, Tx, Usa)

I wanted to give an update. I am now totally sinus infection free! As of 10 days ago I have not had any sign of an infection. I'm working to use less of each of the remedies, but so far, I find I do take everything in the morning with 2 more doses of vinegar throughout the day. I've also found that instead of 2TB ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar) 3x's a day, if I mix 3TB in a large glass and sip it all day long I get much better results. I feel great! If I skip a day of ACV, I do notice I start to sniffle and my nose runs a bit. I think the ACV is a great solution and I'll keep using it! Thanks to everyone for the great advice!

Replied by Cheryl
(Lynnwood, Wa)

I tried this and it worked great. I had a sinus infection for 4 weeks and even was taking antibiotics. Then I saw this post, I have done it twice in one day and feel great! Thanks!

Replied by Ben
(Los Angeles, California)

All you need is:
It took three days doing this 2-3 times daily to get rid of the sinus infection. I mixed the following in 1 cup of water microwaved at 30 sec (use reverse Osmosis or purified water or boil the water), if boiling the water you must let the water cool to touch. I use RO water and microwave for 30 seconds:

2ml Hydrogen Peroxide
1/4 tsp kosher sea salt
1/2 tsp of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)
Mix well, use low pressure sinus rinse bottle. Start with the nasal passage that you feel has the most sinus pressure (empty 1/3 of the bottle into this passage) then use the rest of the fluid to flush the other nasal passage.

Replied by Xlntmommy
(Palm Beach County, Fl, Usa)

I see people writing about a sinus infection "for 6 months" or "the past year".. Whereas I hav had sinus pressure/problems for over ~20~ years. I tried the antibiotics that dry out the nasal passages, I hav been prescribed the daily "allergy" pill(s), I regularly put a cold soda/can from the fridge each morning to alleviate the swelling and headache I hav for several hours after I wake up.. I even drink copius amounts of (any) drink filled to the top with ice as the coldness would also help my constantly-swollen throat, because of the drip-that-never-ends. It has been years and years and I hav even had procedures done, and noticed a gradual improvement (which took months to notice) but was minimal and didn't last. I had resigned myself to just having to put up with this, until I happened upon this site.

I didn't try the ACV remedy. I tried the H202, baking soda and salt irrigation. I lighten my hair sometimes so used a smaller, pointy-tipped bottle from that. I also did not mix the h202 in a 50/50 ration, but instead used:

one cap-ful of h202

2 pinches of baking soda

1 pinch salt

in about 4-6 oz. of warm tap water. I hav a worse hedache after doing this, hence I only hav done it once/day, in the AM. I get no "flooding" but do hav a drip still at the back of my throat, but it is different now, and the biggest thing is that I can breathe! For the first time in decades I can inhale and exhale almost completely, through my nose. I hav only done this "irrigation" for about 4 days now, but again, I notice more of difference than ANY of the things I hav tried for over 2 decades. The H202 "burns" a little, and I don't get "blood". My right nostril was clear after the second day, and I am continuing until my left nostril (the worst one) is clear. I plan on doing this in intervals whenever I feel a "flare up". I am sure this is the answer for my problem and I am SO GRATEFUL for this site.

~MOMMY, Palm Beach County, FLORIDA

Replied by Cat
(Elko, Nevada)


A little burn is hardly the phrase I would use to describe the insane burning and pain when you use the baking soda, H202 and salt! So be prepared, with that said, I used it a few minutes ago and after a hot bath to soothe the pain in my head and facial cavities, I am breathing much better. Maybe no pain, no gain applies here.

Replied by Ralph
(Cleveland, Oh)


Make sure you boil the tap water. It has bacteria in it and can be dangerous since the nasal cavity is so close to the brain.

Replied by Susan

Don't use tap water, boiled or otherwise, up your nose. Only use distilled water.

Replied by Sinusinfector6

The post is part metric. For those wondering, 2ml is about 0.4 tsp.

Hydrogen Peroxide and Sea Salt
Posted by Bob (Miami, Florida) on 05/03/2007

I've been flooding my sinuses with Hydrogen Peroxide, Baking Soda and Kosher Salt for over five years. It has totally healed my nasal membranes and I no longer get sinus infections, and I very seldom have to do any type of sinus flooding anymore. My sinuses feel great!

Replied by Cindy
(Cochrane, Wi)

i wanted to respond to this posting from several years ago. i just tried it as EVERY other remedy seemed to make congestion of a cold worse. as i write this i have relief and can breath much better.i plan to continue with this remedy. i did also add acv to the mixture. as a side note of my own i accidentally found i got short term relief from having my hands in hot water, would open sinuses.after looking at a reflexology book there are sinus points on each finger, maybe that's why. thank you earth clinic.

Hydrogen Peroxide and Sea Salt
Posted by Richie (Newport, NC) on 02/21/2007

Editor's Choice I have been taking pain killers for four(4) months now, have noticed mucus was becoming very thick and amber in color. being a person who pays attention to what comes out of my body, I became alarmed. I do not not like the idea of taking prescriptions, but at the time this was my option. Anyway, long story short; found your site, agree with most of your cures, but I also know that one size does not fit all. I tried most of your sinus remedies, paid attention to what ingredients were working, and found a simple technique to drain sinuses early morning w/little prep work. Turn on hot water, grab coffee cup, put 1 tsp sea salt, 1/2 tsp H202, small amount of hot water( enough to make paste out of sea salt) take q-tip, dip in solution until saturated, put in nostril , tilt head back and inhale deep. This will make you cry, but your sinuses will drain immediately. I suppose, just based on my own exp. that when taking meds, the binders in the meds that can't or don't get broke down find something else to bind to in your body. For me, it has been my mucus. Which also lends me to believe that the cure is worst then the disease, because we don't know how long these things can stay in our system or what else they are attaching them selves to that can become problematic over the course of your life.

Hydrogen Peroxide and Sea Salt
Posted by Shannon (San Diego, CA) on 02/08/2007

The Hydrogen Peroxide and Salt remedy mentioned really helped! As a vegan, I rarely get sick more than once a year (I agree with the feedback on the site that links dairy and preservatives to a number of ailments). I was born asthmatic and never given any help other than rescue inhalers. Which means that I have very weak lungs; and in turn that every sickness I get goes straight to my lungs. This season I had already had two sinus infections which resulted in both massive chest congestion and my first ever eye infection. When I woke up 2 days ago with that familiar sinus pressure and lung congestion I was definitely frustrated. My last sinus infection was so severe that I went to the doctor and got antibiotics (something I haven't done in years). I was determined not to have to do that this time. I stumbled upon your site and found a remedy that I could make from items I already had in my home. After combining the hydrogen peroxide and salt with boiling water and sticking a towel over my head for 15 mins to breathe in the steam, one sinus completely cleared. I repeated the process but didn't get the same result on the other side. However, when I woke up this morning, I could breathe out of both nostrils with a very minimal amount of congestion! I'm very excited! In addition, I'm going to try oil pulling with sesame oil today to see if it helps clear some of the mucous from my lungs. I look forward to further success!

Replied by Jerry
(San Antonio Tx.)

Read what Dr Weil had to say about congestion, eat all the horseradish or hot mustard you can tolerate. Helped me shake the chest gunk. I alternate colloidal silver with the h2o2 and sea salt. Big fan of both. Blessings all jk.

Hydrogen Peroxide and Sea Salt
Posted by Mike (Newton, NJ) on 10/25/2006

After suffering for three days with my twice/yr sinus infection and not getting any sleep, I wandered into the computer room @ 2am and did a search for a homemade remedy. I grew up visiting a grandmother who NEVER had a medicine in her house. It was always a 'concoction' that usually tasted horrible, but worked like a charm (ie. fresh cracked pepper in a shot of brandy before bedtime when you had a head cold. Tell that one to child services, but it put you out and you woke up without any symptoms! 100% better than Nyquil) Anyhow.....since it was so early in the morning and I couldn't find a eye dropper without waking the rest of the clan, I improvised with placing 3 TBS of peroxide, 3 TBS of salt in a bowl (don't use stainless steel, trust me!) and added boiling water. With a towel over my head for 15 minute, it work wonders, enough to let me go to sleep....until 6am, when WHAM! I awoke to the cool rush of air that hit my now clear sinuses!!!! I actually felt the pop and the rush it was so intense. I will never suffer through a sinus infection, that usually went into my chest for a few weeks, again!

God bless everyone who posts these remedies and I look forward to seeing if my recent BP reading of 150/102 will decrease with a little apple cider vinegar! Can't go wrong with Mother Nature.

Replied by Healthier
(West Coast, Usa)

Sandra, many of us hope you are much better now. We found EC surfing cures for hubby's many yrs sinus infection/GERD, he has GREAT relief in neti pot-even on tired days just using warm water. His bad reaction phobics are from years of aggressive flu-rx's, longterm braces/oral metalwork, 18 months accutane during puberty, 14 yrs air travel blended in-flight air, working on computers in dusty, musty bldg closets, working behind dirty wall/floor/ceiling panels. Sounds like surgery needles and meds introduced many metals into you (immunities diminished). Cleansing before building up is best. As stated at page top, doctors say no cure known. These posts attest otherwise. Prayers.

Replied by Skip
(Vancouver, Wa Usa)

I read these remedies and was excited to try to Purified water, hydro peroxide, apple cider vinegar, sea salt, baking soda which I used through my neti bot. It was a terrible experience. My jaw hurt so bad I could not close it, could not talk, I was in terrible pain, It took me to the floor. I called the dentist trying to talk with mouth open he said it was the sinus infection. I had sinus surgery for deviated septum years ago and this has helped a lot to lessen these infections and migraines, but this one's lasted a month, finally tried Sudafed and that's helping. Maybe my infection was just so bad it placed me in undue torture. I am scared to try this remedy again. Skip from Vancouver WA. 7-13-2012

Hydrogen Peroxide and Sea Salt
Posted by Hardy (Inverness, FL) on 08/07/2006

Hi Everybody, my name is Hardy and i was suffering from an off and on sinus infection for about a year now! First i uses Flonase for about 6month, it helped and gave me relief but did not cure anything, and that at the price of about $90.00 a bottle! Then i went to a specialist who gave me a checkup and recommended Neil Med Sinus Rinse, also very good and helped BUT again did not cure anything!He recommended a CAT scan next and since i have to pay for it cash i waited . So far i spend about $1000.00 on my sinus problem and still have it. then i found THIS WEBSITE, and after reading all he recommendations i decided to go to the grocery store and fix my self a solution of the mentioned items. So here is what i did and it had an UNBELIVABLE POSITIVE EFFECT! at the cost of less then $1.00 !!!

1 Cup of boiled (Purified) water,
1-1/2 Tablespoons of Hydrogen Peroxide,
1-1/2 TBS Apple Cider Vinegar,
1-1/2 TBS Sea Salt,
1-1/2 TBS Baking soda

i stirred the whole thing until it was dissolved and did as somebody else on this board recommended: Head upside down with a Dripper into my nose so that gravity can do its job and it can flow into the sinus cavities, and BINGO! It stings a little but you can really feel that there is some action going on in the sinuses :) as soon as i stood up i had to all kinds of mucus running out my nose. I repeated it again before i went to bed and when i woke up this morning i was thrilled about how good i felled! Needless to say i did it again and plan on using my solution a few more days to make sure that what ever Bacteria or Fungus is in my sinuses is DEAD. This mixture works miracles and although all the ingredients have cost about $6.00 the amount needed is about $0.25 worth and not $1000.00 like i already spend. beside the financial part, this is the first thing that actually helped to cure my sinus infection. Please try it you will be VERY HAPPY you did! Hardy

Replied by Emily
(Denver, Co)


BAD NEWS!!!! This was horrible!!! WARNING, STAY AWAY!!! I have used sea salt rinses for my sinuses many a time with my netty pot, and I love those, but I started getting a wicked sinus infection and thought I'd look up some other remedies to knock it out before it became full-blown. I had a root canal and then was in LA (all the smoke from those fires really killed me), and knew it would be a humdinger! Looking at this recipe, I thought maybe they meant teaspoons instead of tablespoons, because tablespoons seem really excessive. I'm glad I used teaspoons, because I might have passed out had I not. I followed the directions, let the mixture cool to room temperature and filled my netty pot and poured into my right nostril very slowly. Instantly I felt horrible pain in my sinuses, chest, throat and ear. I thought my ear was bleeding! I really did. I started jumping up and down and running cold water on my head because I was in so much pain. My dog and boyfriend came running to my aid, but I couldn't even find my words to tell him what was wrong. The worst part is the ear pain lasted for a full five minutes, my throat hurts worse, my ear still feels achy, and my sinuses feel just as bad as they did before!! I say stay far, far away from this deadly concoction. I'll stick to hot tea and 1c water to 1tsp sea salt in my netty pot from now on. That was the worst!

Replied by Matt
(Edison, Nj)

I've been using the Sinus Rinse for a while now on the recommendation of a friend who is a pharmacist. I'm a sufferer of chronic sinus infections, and I found that while the rinse itself does a good job of relieving the discomfort of a sinus infection once one set in I almost always had to go to the doctor and get on antibiotics to knock it out.

I found this site and tried the Hydrogen peroxide mixture and it worked wonders! All I did was add 2 capfuls of H2O2 to the regular NeilMed mix of warm water and the saline packet. A little stinging but nothing I couldn't handle. Thanks!!

Hydrogen Peroxide and Sea Salt
Posted by Ash (Zurich, Switzerland) on 06/25/2006

I tried the sinus infection cure using water, salt, and hydrogen peroxide. It felt great just after I was upside-down, but within ten minutes I was stuffed to the max again. May try it again tomorrow, but wonder how many times/day I can do it without hurting my sinuses.

Replied by Anna
(New York, NY)

I tried this because I have a severe post nasal drip and throughout the day 1 of my nostrils closes up. I put 2 tsp into 8 oz cup and at first it was okay, then all of a sudden lots and lots of mucus started pouring out of my nose thick/whitish/slimy then both my nosdrils clogged up. Before I did this I could breathe through at least 1 of my nosdrils, but now both are clogged with more and more mucus coming out. I won't be doing this again. Hopefully my sinuses will clear up. I can't believe that I did this, after weeks and weeks of trouble, I finally managed to open my sinuses with just a neti pot & solutions that comes with the neti pot, now I'm back to square one. Don't do it! It seems to have irritated my nose and more antihistamines got activated causing the nose to swell. VERY UPSET. :(((

Hydrogen Peroxide and Sea Salt
Posted by Deirdre (Port Chester, NY) on 04/18/2006

Editor's Choice Though not prone to chronic sinus infections like many others posting here, I have had a couple of doozies and know what they feel like and how bad they can get and how long they can drag on, and I know the signs of the beginning of the onslaught. Over the past weekend seasonal allergies seemed to have kicked another one into full swing, I had a headache for three days, so bad that my TEETH had started to really hurt, and the mucus coming out when I blew my nose was dark green to brown; it was NOT headed in a good direction. I sensed a trip to the doctor sometime this week (IF I could even get an appointment), and with no health insurance, that just wasn't in the budget. But I knew this wasn't going to clear up on its own, so I found this site online, decided to try something home-based to see if I could nip it in the bud, as I prefer to avoid antibiotics whenever possible. Wasn't sure about the ratios/portions in some of these listings, so here's what I tried, winging it on my own. It POSITIVELY WORKED!!! Within less than a half hour, my headache was gone, the sinus pressure was gone, I was breathing through my nose, I ended up with a good night's sleep for the first time in almost a week, and my teeth no longer hurt! The discomfort level of the solution was minimal (it is uncomfortable to put liquid up your nose, for sure, and it DOES sting/burn just a little bit), the ease of procuring the ingredients and making it was amazing!

I found I wasn't sure how much of each thing I needed, so I ended up with way too much, but here's the recipe I used, you can figure out how to scale it down:

1 cup boiling filtered water (tap water run through my Brita filter)
3 Tablespoons Natural Sea Salt
3 Tablespoons 3% solution Hydrogen Peroxide

I boiled a kettle of water to make sure I killed off anything in there that might get me a WORSE infection, poured out 1 Cup into a measuring cup, stirred in the sea salt until it dissolved, then added the Peroxide, stirred it up, let it cool down to just warm. I sterilized a child's medicine dropper (holds 1 tablespoon of liquid) with rubbing alcohol, and then used that to suck the solution up from measuring cup. I then leaned over the arm of my couch with a towel under my chin and on the floor (this IS a little messy), so that my head was hanging upside down, and then gently squirted a full dropper into each nostril, one at a time, gently shaking my head to move it around, held it as long as I could, then sat up, let it finish dripping out, and GENTLY blew my nose. My left nostril was the real culprit this time, so I did the procedure on it twice. The whole thing took less than 15 minutes to prepare, cool solution and administer, and I felt almost instant relief. Within a half hour, after GENTLY blowing my nose several times, I felt 100% better! I was still a little skeptical, but when I woke up this morning, I felt great! I don't know what it is that makes this solution work, but it does! It probably didn't hurt that I also made sure to take some vitamins, drank a half a gallon of grape juice and had chicken soup for dinner - liquids and vitamins in your system surely help your body combat something like this. It's also important to note that I was very careful to make sure that everything I used to prepare this remedy and put it into my sinus cavity was STERILIZED. The morning after I still have some slight congestion and have had to blow my nose a few times, but the mucus is almost clear, I can actually GET IT OUT, and there is no headache or toothache - AT ALL. Hope this helps someone else, I feel SO much better, and I had been looking at what I knew was another week to ten days of worse misery.

Hydrogen Peroxide and Sea Salt
Posted by Penny (Fresno)

Clean out a medicine bottle with an eye dropper. Put one eye dropper of 3% hydrogen peroxide, one pinch salt, one pinch baking soda, and purified water. Shake well. More hydrogen peroxide can be added if a little discomfort is not felt (some is normal). Next, get down on knees putting head on floor and put a little in each nostril and keep in there awhile, making faces to move it around, move head, etc. to move it around. This has stopped a severe sinus infection I had dead in its tracks AT ONCE. I learned it online by a man who does a much more severe version of this, so you can make it stronger at will, but start weak like I mention. Just a normal medicine bottle. Never put the straight peroxide into the nose! It must be very diluted, so one eye dropper per bottle. It should sting just a little bit. Some say a TEEEEEENNY bit of cayenne in the formula works wonders too.

Hydrogen Peroxide and Sea Salt
Posted by Dani (Savannah, GA)

I have had a sore throat due to my sinus congestion/drainage for 4 days now. I assume it is due to allergies. I never had this problem until a few years ago, and it happens several times a year. I always end up at the doctor with a sinus infection and bronchitis. I'm tired of taking antibiotics, so I found this website and thought I'd give it a try. I tried 1 tsp salt, 1 tsp baking soda, and 1 tsp hydrogen peroxide mixed in about a cup of warm water. I layed on the couch and used a bulb syringe to squirt up my nose. I won't lie-when it flushed my sinuses and ran down my throat it did burn. Immediately after, I could breathe from both nostrils. It took a few minutes to quit burning, but it works. My nose began draining lots of mucus that was trapped in my sinuses. I gargled with milk and that soothed it. I also did the gargle recommended on this site for a sore throat-10 oz warm water and 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper and drank a shot of it also. This also immediately soothed my sore throat. I'm really amazed and relieved after days of feeling terrible. This really works and I'm very grateful to everyone who posted these remedies !

Replied by Liz

Can I ask, do you put your tongue on the roof of your mouth when you do this (?) or just squirt it up each nostril and it naturally goes down the throat?

I don't want to end up choking on the solution or it getting into my lungs. Thanks!

Replied by Bill
(Coventry, Uk)

I've tried all kinds of treatments and had three operations to cure my Sinus problems.Nothing made it better - some made it worse. I can tell you now that this worked for me. Four days using a squeeze bottle and I can breathe again after years of suffering.Can't believe how good it feels.Thank You.

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