Sinus Infections
Health Benefits

How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar to Treat Sinus Infections Naturally

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mandy (Avon OH) on 12/30/2006

This stuff is amazing. I mixed 1/4 cup of ACV with water and used fruit punch as a chaser. It has only been 10 minutes and I feel better. The pressure is almost gone and I can breathe again. Thank you so much. I hate taking medicine so any natural cure I can find that works is amazing.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Laura (USA)

I believe I am suffering from a recurring sinus infection due to allergies which are extreme this season here in the Coachella Valley Desert. I can't believe the results that I have already seen. The infection is gone from the sinus area. Now I'm just hacking up phlegm, which makes me think that it's breaking up and on it's way out. What really trips me out is that Apple Cider Vinegar and water is helping me to overcome this yuck. I will be keeping up the treatments along with building up my immune system. This has opened up my eyes to really clean myself up. I am so glad that I went Web Searching little more than a week ago. You guys are awesome and I have already book marked your site. Thank you. Laura D.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kate (Chandler, AZ)

After years of sinus problems, the apple cider vinegar has allowed me overwhelming relief. Thank you.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Terry Ann (Oregon) on 07/19/2016

How many days in a row should one drink the ACV mixture? Also, I would think it is hard on tooth enamel to have this much vinegar….thoughts? First time I drank it, I got reflux.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dam (Newtown, Pa) on 09/15/2017

That does not sound good. I know I've used it by steaming it in a pot mixed with water and it can burn but I think it is also from the intense heat.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Joyce (Montgomery, Al) on 10/11/2016

I believe the Apple Cider Vinegar is good but it stings horribly. I thought I had done something wrong. I'll keep trying.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Nancy (Oh) on 02/24/2016

I am looking forward to reading through the pages and pages of natural remedies! I've been on antibiotics (Azithromycin) for the last two years and can tell I'm becoming immune.

I suffered with sinusitis and bronchitis my entire life and was finally diagnosed with PCD. My cilia do not work and my sinuses and lungs have no way of filtering out impurities. PCD is genetic and very rare so there is very little info on how to treat. So far, Zpack is the only thing that has shown to reduce inflammation in people with PCD, thereby producing less mucous. There's no cure.

The information in this article and the comments are priceless, perhaps lifesaving in my case. I will definitely give ACV a try and try going gluten-free as well. I've noticed I am worse after having ice cream, so I've already limited dairy products.

Thanks so much!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Paul (Uk) on 03/22/2016

Yes I had trouble finding some in major supermarkets and Aspall Cyder Vinegar (Organic) was the only one I could find.

I suffer from sinusitis and I have definitely noticed an improvement. This stuff acts like an anti-biotic without the horrible side effects!

I took 2 tea spoons, mixed with apple squash and warm water for a few days and noticed about 15 mins after taking it, I started to sneeze and then cleared my nose of horrible stuff and felt so much better.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by John (Chelmsford Uk) on 04/01/2016

Hello Anne, I have only just found out that sinus problems can be caused by acid reflux.

I used to get throat problems where I tried to clear it like you and it just comes back time after time. I also used to get anxiety attacks through it until my GP told me it was acid reflux and prescribed omeprazole. I am now using silicolgel before meals as this coats the stomach lining and this seems to work better. Hope this helps.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mariluz L (Westchester, Ny) on 01/30/2015

I have to say, I tried both TX, the steam and the drink. I used ACV 1/2 Cup mixed with 1/2 filtered water- 5 min steam total of 2 treatments 1 day apart. It helped me with the headache, but still have a weak cough non-productive. Did not help with phelgm or mucus release, I supposed I don't have that much left in me. I switched to drinking in 2 TBSP ACV+ 1 tsp manuka honey at room temp. or warm filtered water. I have been drinking for 2 days, once daily.. and today feeling much better, no headache, no blowing my nose at all, only still the weak occasional non-productive cough and feeling some small amount of "phlegm" literally stucked in the upper lungs that does not move with coughing. Will keep on drinking this stuff, I am a firm believer in ACV beneficial properties.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jeanne (Los Angeles) on 05/13/2014

Apple cider vinegar for sinus infections works very well because it alkalizes pH in such a big way. I used to get sinus infections about 4 times a year thanks to the air quality in LA. Now I get one only if I've caught a virus, so about once a year. I attribute that to drinking ACV in water at least once a day. I keep a bottle hidden under my desk in the office for those Santa Ana windy days that really kick up my sinus inflammation!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Niki (Florida, US) on 02/25/2015

Thank you for sharing all the info, today I will try these remedies, home sick for days.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lynn (Houston, Texas) on 01/23/2014

I have been suffering with a sinus infection for the last four days, I just tried the Apple cider vinegar with honey and warm water and what a relief. I can actually breath out of my nose!!!! I also took the warm glass and rolled it against my face as I breathed in the steam, that really seemed to relax me and I feel so much better!!! Thanks Earth Clinic

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jon Mccarty (Thailand) on 11/12/2013

Improvement for me. I have tried apple cider vinegar before a long time ago and then forgot about it. Last night, after reading this site, tried again and was first time I could sleep on me back and breath through my nose in ages.

Helped with the current sinus infection after a couple of hours and after another dose in the morning, have been breathing not completely clear, but much better today.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lakeisha (West Haven, Ct) on 01/25/2014

Hi, I was wondering did you drink this? Because I read where someone actually put that mix on a cotton swab and put it in their nostril.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Vanille Chai (Holland) on 08/25/2013

I've had this cold since October last year. I always carry tissues around with me, because of the runny nose I had. Runny nose is gone, but then I got even worse symptoms:

pain in the ears (pressure, popping), head, sometimes in throat, but worst of all... RINGING IN EARS 24/7 for three months now.

I went to the doctor, he said I had a chronic sinus infection, and that my eustachian was completely clogged because of it. He gave me a nasal spray first; did not work. Went back to the doc again, and I got antibiotics; quit those, because they made me feel worse. That was it...

i started using Apple Cider Vinegar yesterday evening; 1 tbsp ACV, 2 tsp honey, 8oz purified water. Took another two cups today. (I find ACV sooo sour! Yuck, but I am desperate).

I feel like it got worse. Worse ear pain, and louder ringing in the ears. Does it get worse first before it gets better? (I always seem to react like this, whether I take modern or natural cures)

I also decided to start using a neti pot to rinse the mucus out of my nose. I feel so desperate right now, it hurts and the sounds inside my head are driving me to the edge.

Am I doing something wrong/ how long does it take to work?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Anon (Usa) on 08/25/2013

Zinc is said to help ringing in the ears. Zinc is helpful for immunity, too. They say no more than 100mg per day.

A half teaspoon each nutmeg, cloves, and turmeric stirred into a glass of water and drunk should dry up the sniffles and help you feel better. Drink plenty of water, not milk or coffee. This is helpful if you have to go to work, or out among people and such and you don't want to be sniffling.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Toourlady89 (Ca, Usa) on 08/26/2013

I use Oil of Oregano capsules for cough and colds twice a day till I'm better or to max of 3 weeks. Oil of Oregano is very effective to kill of upper respiratory viruses. It also comes as wild Oil of Oregano drops in a bottle but I prefer the capsules. Make sure it's 70 - 80 % Carvachol.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Salyk (Kelowna, B.c. Canada) on 03/10/2013

Question: do I take the ACV on its own, and then drink loads of liquids. Or do I put the ACV in the liquids each and every time, for my sinus congestion?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Te (Charlotte, NC) on 06/13/2013

Can you add sea salt to your drinking water and if so how much. This post is enlightening.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Anonymous (Florida, Miami) on 07/24/2013

Listen in high school I drank almost two gallons of water within a couple hours! It was my silly way to try get rid of a UTI my body began to tremble and shake it was like going into SHOCK. So it disrupts the electrolytes balance. So be reasonable drinking 9 to 10 glasses a day seems fine.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Vivi (Nottingham, United Kingdom) on 12/07/2012

Thankfully I found this website. I had a nasty cold and chesty cough, which turned into a vicious and lingering sinus infection, which would not budge even with numerous saline rinses and steaming, so by the 5th week I was driven to go the doctors, who prescribed antibiotics. I have also lost my sense of smell and taste for the last 2 weeks. I have ME/CFS and am very sensitive to medication especially antibiotics & steroids, so didn't really want to try them, but felt desperate. Needless to say I got terrrible side effects after only 2 tablets, so had to discontinue them.

I strated taking ACV last evening. I also did the special tea that Joel from Aliquippa, Pa posted on 12/20/2011. I was amazed that my sinuses began to clear straight away and I could smell fleetingly. This morning I suddenly could smell fully & went round sniffing everything. I had a lovely tasty, aromatic brunch of onion soup, then tuna, spring onion & lettuce salad with cider vinegar/olive oil dressing followed by poached pears in cinnamon with sultanas!! It tasted great!! I am so thankful. It was so getting me down.

I have had some more ACV today and my nose has cleared some more and I am beginning to feel better too. My chest is fine with only the odd cough. I am quite amazed by the effect of ACV. I only had the ordinary variety, but have ordered the special organic ACV & will always keep some in my kitchen from now on.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Roselenee (Miramar, Florida) on 12/21/2012

I have been suffer with a sinus problem seing I was teenager, every year my doctor have to put me on antibiotic for two weeks. I always has sever headaches, I think if apple cides vinegar is good for sinus infection. thanks for your information!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Laurie Wilson (St. Charles, Mo) on 02/28/2015

I tried this 3 times with the organic "Mother" ACV but have not had much results. I am wondering if I should try just regular ACV? Would this be like Heinz? I just found this yesterday and willing to try anything to get over this cold/sinus infection.

I took 2 TBS with 8 oz apple juice with a squirt of lemon and a small amount of honey.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kathy (Henrico, Va) on 10/14/2012

You may want to start taking magnesium. Stay away from chocolate until you don't have anymore pain in your neck and back. ~Kathy~

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Remei (Port Arthur, Texas Usa) on 10/24/2012

can you comment on the oil-pulling? I never heard of that. I would like to know more. I hate medical doctors so I use all natural remedies. I believe that the body was created from natural elements and synthentic drugs don't work. so tell me about oil-pulling.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Medcalfchef (Albany, NY - USA) on 09/05/2012

2 TBSP Organic Apple Cider Vinegar
1 TBSP Organic Honey
8-10 oz Hot Water

In approximately 20 minutes the drainage will begin, and the pressure will be relieved. This lasts for an hour to an hour an a half. It was my saving grace with the last sinus infection I had. This, along with saline irrigation cleared up the infection--NO steroidal nasal spray, NO antibiotics needed.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kristina (Mt. Pleasant, Sc) on 09/21/2012

We use real Maple Syrup with ACV and like it much better than honey.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Wonder (Dallas, Tx) on 01/20/2013

Some people, myself included, react to the "mother" in some ACV. I found the regular ACV works for me. Plus there are many other uses for ACV as well. I could be wrong but the mother seems like mold. I am allergic to mold. So I don't use it.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Stephanie (Buffalo, Ny Usa) on 01/28/2013

How often did you take this mixture? I just tried it for the first time and I'm not sure if I should be doing this daily, a couple times a day, etc? Thanks!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Adambur (Kansas City, Missouri) on 08/24/2012

Similar to others I hate antibiotics and the negative side effects associated with them. Came to this site for a sinus infection that I suffered with for over a week. Tried saline sinus rinse which would clear me up enough to sleep through the night along with breathe right strips. After continuing to be miserable I tried 8oz warm distilled water, 2tbsp organic unfiltered apple vinegar with mother, and 1 tbsp honey. Maybe I am a baby but this tasted awful. I had major troubles drinking it without gagging. I hated it. Being desperate, I forced it down. A few minutes later I noticed pressure relief in my forehead but nostrils weren't as clear as I had hoped. I could definitely tell a difference in my facial pressure so will use this again (with more honey and maybe a green tea bag) along with the sinus sinse. Made me a believer.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Skeptic To Believer (Chicago, Il) on 08/16/2012

I had to add my success with ACV for sinus infections. I recently got hit quickly with a sinus infection after having travelled on a long flight. I've been a sufferer for several years now and have always gone to the doctor for a script. Never again! This worked so well! The infection hit me Tues morning and I knew I wouldn't be able to get in to see my doc - plus, I was so tired of being bound to going to the doc and to prescriptions every time this happened. I found this site and got the recipe for a couple of TBSP ACV (organic, raw, unfiltered with the "mother" - that's the key), warm water and honey. I eyeballed the amounts and took the first cup on Tues night. I couldn't believe that I slept through the night - that never happens with the onset of a sinus infection. I continued to drink 3-4 cups throughout the day on Wed. By Wed night, I was feeling fine. Fine!! I will continue to drink it today because I'm not quite 100% yet, but I am stunned by the effectiveness of this natural remedy! Very happy to report a very enthusiastic "yea". Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Shawn (Ny) on 08/02/2012

I have been suffering from mulitple sinus infections for the past year now. I took antibiotics over and over just as soon as it would work a week or two later it was back. I came upon this site and decided to give Apple Cider Vinegar a try thinking it was better than a run to the emergency room. I took the 2 tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar with 8oz of water and abracadabra just as simple as that it was gone.......... Definitely, definitely, definitely works. Im so thankful for this site.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Freezekewl (New York) on 08/05/2012

Shawn, when you say you "took" apple cider vinigar, what do you mean? Do you mean you ingested it orally or used it in a neti pot by irrigating through the nose?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Allison (Cheonan, South Korea) on 09/20/2012

Netipots should only be used with water and the salt sold with it! Drink the ACV.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Simone (Maryland) on 05/06/2015

Yes I would only suggest drinking ACV diluted with water (and honey if needed). I tried the ACV diluted with water as a nasal rinse and it burned so bad! My sinuses seem a little more clear but the burn is terrible. Much better reaction to just drinking.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Android (Vancouver, Canada) on 07/11/2012

I get chronic sinus infections and my best remedy starts with apple cider vinegar, I also take echinacea and use a saline rinse. Always make sure to drink lots of water and I find that if I lay on the couch or in bed the mucus turns thicker and more stagnant, whenever I get a sinus infection I make sure to alway keep moving, nothing too intense just keep busy doing things around the house or going for small walks.

If you follow this routine as soon as you feel the start of a sinus infection it will be gone quickly, sometimes in my case it only lasts for a day or too.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Bradshad (North Providence, Rhode Island) on 07/01/2012

Yes I have used Apple Cider Vinegar in the neti pot, and I got the suggestion off earth clinic. I used 1 teaspoon in luke warm water. You may want to use less the first few times because it does burn a little. I use it when I am really clogged or have a sinus infection. It draws quite well. Also if you looking to kill a sinus infection off try cutting up a little garlic in the neti pot and leave it for awhile or a small amount of cayenne powder. I have killed of sinus infections this way. I dont know the long term side effects so I only use these remedies occasionally. Good luck.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Rachel (Plainfield, Illinois) on 07/01/2012

I had a wicked sinus infection. The pressure was all through my face, head, and ears. It felt like my head was going to explode! I went to the doctor but they wouldn't see me because I couldn't find my insurance card (blessing in disguise). I came home (totally upset and crying which doesn't help! ) and Googled how to get rid of a sinus infection without antibiotics and I found this wonderful website. I get an infection about 1-2 times a year and off to the doctors for antibiotics I go. Well NEVER AGAIN!

I read through all the posts, then went down the street to our local health store and bought ACV with the mother and a local honey, all natural and raw. When I got home it was about 5pm. I made the drink- 8oz water- 2 Tbls ACV- 1 Tbls honey. I drank it slowly. Right away I was blowing out a bunch of gunk. It wasn't immediate complete relief, but this really does work. I drank a total of 3 glasses of the drink throughout the evening. I went to bed around 11pm. I just got up now and feel sooooooo much better. I am still not 100%, but all of the pressure in my head is gone. I am completely amazed!! On antibiotics within this short of a time I do not feel this much of a relief. WOW DOES THIS WORK!!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Diane (Los Angeles, Ca. United States) on 07/02/2012

Regarding Apple cider vinegar in a neti pot.

My sinusitis became so bad that I could barely live with it. I was so desperate that I resorted to using a couple drops of apple cider vinegar in the neti pot up my nose and into my sinus cavity. I don't know how I would have survived my sinuisitis nightmare without this treatment at the time. After using this treatment for about 4 months I never had any problems in my sinuses due to using it! Sinusitis attacks are similar to hot chili sauce pouring down the sinuses and into the nose and ears, down the throat and into the chest! Pure hell on earth!

My sinuses were completely normal after I found the true cause of the problem!

What totally cured me of sinusitis was discovering that I had a cold spot at the top back of my head that may have been an infection of some type.

I could not confide in a professional because not one doctor knew how to help me in 11 years!

What I did was notice that heat or warmth (even a blow dryer) stopped my sinus attacks. So I wore a warm hat or cap day and night for about 3 to 4 months and my horrible sinuisitis nightmare ended.

Whatever the problem in my head stopped with the heat.

In other words there was nothing wrong with my sinuses---my problem was a cold head infection!

At least this worked for me.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mama T (Sparks, Nv) on 05/27/2012

I was working at a job site where the receptionist had a sinus infection. She told me she was on antibiotics. She was coughing a lot and blowing her nose. I was exposed to this for about 3 days. Two days after I finished the job I was working in the garden and had an overwhelming sinus attack. I thought it was spring allergies and treated it as that. It did not abate. As I continued working at a different job sight, I got worse and the sinus infection turned green! Then I got larengytis.

I looked up on EC how to treat laringytis and did the vinegar and cayenne pepper gargle. Within minutes I coughed up a lot of gunk! I felt a lot of relief from the pressure in my voice. But it was not over. I had also seen a post about the Tomato Tea. I looked it up and made some that night. Drank it again the next day. While I was still working I was not really taking care of myself and I got worse!

When the weekend came I made more Tomato Tea and drank it often. I kept it in a pot on the stove and would drink 1 cup every couple of hours. By the end of the day the green had turned to yellow. By the next day it was gone! Faster than anti biotics(when you do what you need to do! ) I also use the netti pot with a change after checking on EC, I use 1 tablespoon vinegar and 1/4 tsp baking soda with warm water to rinse my sinuses. I think this is even more comfortable to use than salt. I keep getting out a lot of the yellow stuff.

I am getting better so fast, I am so thankful. I still have a plugged internal ear but my nasal passages are clear so continue the netti pot. I have now developed a dry cough and have drank organic apple cider vinegar with agave syrup because I am allergic to bees/honey. Again the EC has suggested this and the cough has already calmed down. Tomorrow I have to go back to work, and in one weekend I have learned so much and healed a lot! Thank you all for your contributions.