Sinus Infections
Health Benefits

How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar to Treat Sinus Infections Naturally

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Anon (Shoreacres, Texas) on 06/30/2012

I was just diagnosed with sinus fungus and was wondering if you could use Apple Cider Vinegar in your neti pot? Has anyone tried that?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 07/01/2012

Hi, Regarding the neti pot and apple cider vinegar solution- it certainly can be used but personally I think it is much harsher than a saline solution. I remember my daughter trying the Apple Cider Vinegar and it really irritating her sinuses. I use a neti pot every morning and just use about a quarter tsp. Of sea salt in it. It works beautifully.

I would suggest that if you have a fungus in your sinuses you use the neti pot w/ salt water more often and also consider changing your diet such as eliminating dairy, eating more alkaline to support your whole body in this effort. My daughter was plagued with chronic sinus infections and nothing helped until she finally changed her diet. It's been about 4 years now and she is committed to eating right since it was the only real difference that changed that for her. Hope this information helps. Best to you, Lisa

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jaylene00 (Ft. Lauderdale, Fl) on 05/03/2012

Thanks for sharing this! Only raw organic apple cider vinegar has the "mother of vinegar" that makes the vinegar so beneficial. The "mother" is made up living nutrients and bacteria. You can actually see it settled in the bottom of the bottle like sediment.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Norm (Menifee, Ca, Usa) on 04/19/2012

I tried the apple cider vinegar mixture and it helped some the first time, but after that no benefit. My doctor had me on Mucinex, 4 pills a day for ten days and Motrin for pain. I'm still not out of it, but it's better.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Anne (Asheboro, Nc, Usa) on 10/26/2012

I had a hard time downing the mix in 8 oz of water and found it much easier to use a shot glass with 2T ACV with mother and just enough hot water to melt the honey. So much easier to get down, because it was faster. Just don't do it right after brusing your teeth, so you don't harm the enamel.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Erik (Denver, Colorado) on 03/28/2012

My sinus infection must have been different from that of the 183 people who have said on this site that drinking apple cider vinegar cured their infection or helped somewhat.

I had had a bad sinus infection for less than a week when I tried drinking the ACV. I didn't notice anything different after I tried it. So I would say that drinking apple cider vinegar definitely did not help.

The next day, miserable, very sick and exhausted, I did what I should have done a few days earlier, namely, I went to a clinic and got a prescription for antibiotics. I paid $20.45 for a generic, 3-day, 500mg Z-Pack and 2 hours after taking the first one I felt remarkably better. Today is day 2 and I'm almost back to normal.

In my case, modern medicine was the right solution.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jamie (San Diego, California) on 05/22/2012

Took ten days worth of anti biotics. They helped at first but maybe they were not strong enough to kick the infection completely because I am starting to get a severe headache again and still spitting out yellow stuff. On my way to get some ACV and see if that will help.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kellyd (Seattle, Wa) on 12/03/2014

In response to Dave:

Colloidal silver kills both bad and the good bacteria, so would not be a good idea for sinus infections.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Helen (Milwaukee, Wi) on 03/17/2012

I'd like to try the ACV for my sinus infection and hoping it will work for me. However, I read a book about eating according to your blood type and it suggests that people like me with A pos blood type should not ingest vinegar. I'm hoping that all of you who have had success with ACV for sinus trouble would be willing to share your blood type. It would, at least, make for interesting research.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Deborah (Phoenix, Az) on 02/29/2012

ok, I'm giving this a whirl; I've had sinus infections seems every year for the past decade... always had to get an antiobiotic to cure it, determined now to find a better way!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Wiseman (Johannesburg, Gauteng South Africa) on 01/03/2012

Good day I just wonder if this will help me. I battle with blocked nose, sometimes the 1 side of my nose will be running non stop, then when I blow my nose yellow stuff comes out of my nose.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sarah (Orwell, Oh) on 01/26/2012

How long did it take to clear up, I"m on hour 3 and no relief.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Alicia (Seattle, Wa) on 03/27/2012

The tea at night... One whole clove of what?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Starlogva (Orange, Va) on 03/28/2012

Alicia - Clove is a spice. It's a dried flower bud and can be found at the grocery store.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ginger (Westbrook, Ct) on 01/29/2013

This is my first time trying the ACV route to curing my sinue infections. Please tell me how to make ginger tea. Thanks.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Andrew K (Seattle, Wa) on 01/06/2012

It's a Miracle. I've been having the worst headaches for the last two days, where two Motrin IB pills do almost nothing to help, due to a cold and sinus infections. Out of desperation, I went to this web site and read about the ACV cure. I did not have ACV, but only some balsamic vinegar, which I mixed with a glass of water. My nose stopped running almost instantly and the temple crunching headache was gone in 10 minutes. I can't believe this, amazing. Thank you.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Diane (Margaret River, Wa, Australia) on 07/30/2011

Try using Hair Combs or as I do, use Hair Comb Slides. With teeth from combs slighty pressed on fingertips [pressure points] keep this up for 15 minutes a day for 2 Months and you will have no more Sinus problems. But I still continue with this at least twice a week to make sure it never returns.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Carlos (Winnetka, Ca) on 08/01/2011

I have been suffering a chronic sinusitis for about 5 months does this ACV actually work to cure it n be relieved?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Gail (Charlottetown, Pei, Canada) on 12/27/2011

I had persistent sinus infections for years, each episode getting a little worse until it got really bad. Started going to a naturopath for another problem (candida), and when I took grains and dairy out of my diet, sinus problems went away.

It is now 2 days post-Christmas... Over the period of the last month, eating some of my forbidden foods has once again presented me with a sinus infection. Am using ACV and oil of oregano... Seems to be working for all except the chills-- broke down and took a Tylenol a few minutes ago. Planning to have a detox bath later this evening (contains epsom salts, baking soda and ACV) just before bedtime and hope that it will give me a good night's sleep. The health food store where I purchased the oil of oregano also suggested probiotics two hours after taking and ACV or oil of oregano. Apparently the oil of oregano will kill the good bacteria as well as the bad.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lynn (Victoria ) on 06/25/2016

Could it be you are having migraines?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jean (Las Vegas, Nevada) on 08/14/2008

Apple Cider Vinegar has cured my chronic sinus infection.

About 4 years ago a root-canal on an upper back tooth developed an abcess that drained into my sinus. For two years I had a chronic sinus infection on that side and it seemed as though I would never be able to breath through my nose again! Anti-histamines, antibiotics, nasal sprays & saline rinses would knock down the pain and swelling temporarily, but nothing worked permanently until I found this site and started using ACV & baking soda. I used 2 TBS ACV and 1/4 tsp baking soda morning and night in small glasses of fruit juice. Put the ACV in the glass first, then the Baking soda (it will foam up and then subside) then fill with fruit juice.

Almost immediately the sinus started to drain and I can't describe the yucky blod filled mucous that came out at first. Gradually, the discharge became clear and now I feel "normal" for the first time in years. I can even smell the roses again!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by H.T. (Charlotte, North Carolina) on 07/30/2008

I am truly amazed at how effective acv really is. I have been a sufferer of sinus problems for nearly 10 years now. I feel like I have tried everything. Recently, I was down and depressed because I was dealing with another episode for 4 days straight. I could barely make it through the day. And suddenly the light bulb went off...why not search the internet for a home remedy. Well, thank the lord. I am a former caterer so I always have apple cider vineger in my pantry. After reading this site I went down to the kitchen and did a 2 ounce shot. I figured if I could do tequila this would be a cakewalk. In less than an hour I felt relief. I actually slept like a baby without the use of a sleep aid. I did another shot in the a.m. and I felt even better as the day went on. Best day I have had in a very long time. I cant wait to share this with friends and family who also suffer. Oh, it always curbed my appetitie all day. I am trying to shed 15 lbs I picked up this past year. And I am sure acv will be a huge help. I'll keep you posted on the progress. Yippee!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Audrey (Lancaster, CA) on 04/10/2007

Wow! last night I was in alot of pain. I just moved into a house where myself and my roomate have had to clean from the former tenents. Not only to mention that I live in the desert where we have had gusts up to 60 mph! The dirt caked on my window is gross! I am also fighting candida. So when I got this last infection it came on STRONG and HARD!The left side of my face felt like someone had pierced me with knitting needles (ouch). I also had the fake flu symptoms (achy and feverish, headache). I looked up "sinus infection natural cures" and found you guys! So this morning I drove to the store bought some apple cider vinegar and mixed 8 oz w/100% cranberry juice and noticed a differance right away! 20 min after taking it my mucas was clear and runnier. It had been thick and green (gross). Praise God! It has been about 4 hours and the left side of my face even feels better! I just took my 2nd cup and will probebly keep using it on a daily basis. Thank You!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Zookie (Baltimore, Md) on 11/04/2010

I have had allergies and sinus infection for 11 years now. 3 or 4 infections a year. Antibiotics have destroyed my body. Found this site, started using the apple cider vinegar twice a day with honey bout 10 days ago. Sinuses are clear with NO headache. Yessss!!!!!! This is a godsend for me. I will probably continue for the rest of my life. I still have my allergies, but at least im not all stuffed up and in pain. Hopefully no more drs for me. :-)

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Siah (Silver City, New Mexico) on 04/08/2007

I am currently 9 months pregnant and finished a course of antibiotics for a sinus infection about 1 week ago, only to develop a yeast infection because of the antibiotics. I felt good for 1 day after finishing the antibiotics and then symptoms returned. I did not want to take another course of antibiotics and risk getting another yeast infection so close to delivery so I got on the internet to look for a natural cure and came across the apple cider vinegar remedy. I went directly to the health food store and bought some organic apple cider vinegar and drank 1/4 cup mixed with 16 ounces of organic apple juice. I didn't notice anything, but later tried the steam (1/4 cup apple cider vinegar and 1/4 cup water). My sinuses finally began to drain. I have continued drinking the mixture and breathing in the steam for 3 days and feel almost 100% better. I can breathe easily now, but I still have some crud down my throat when I first wake up in the morning. I am sold on this remedy and am so grateful I came across this website so I didn't have to get on more antibiotics. I actually felt relief faster from the apple cider vinegar than I did from the previous course of antibiotics. Interestingly, I had just eaten a Dairy Queen ice cream cone the day before my symptoms returned.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Carolyn (Salem, NH) on 04/03/2007

I have suffered sinus infections for years. This was one of the worst. The pain was intolorable. It was 1:00 am when I googled sinus pressure natural cures and your site came up. I read the feedback and left the house at 1:15am to go to a local all night store to get some ACV. I immediately drank 1/4 cup and tried the steaming. Within 10 minutes my nose was running and the pressure had diminished. I am going to stay up a little longer and steam again and I can't thank you enough for this GREAT natural remedy. Oh, by the way I had been on an antibiotic for 7 days at this point and taking otc decongestants. Nothing helped as much as the ACV. I will never be without it!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Brian (Gainesville, VA) on 04/02/2007

It has been two months since I started trying the apple cider vinegar for my sinuses and I cannot deny any longer the positive effects. I didn't see much of anything for the first week and a half or so, but then I could feel the pressure start to ease slightly. By a month in, I could sleep on my back for the first time in years (I've had to sleep on my side to avoid sinus headaches in the morning). My wife, who made fun of me at first for trying this now freely admits to me and to our friends that I don't snore as much anymore. We are both pretty surprised. I just take two spoonfuls in my bottled water each morning and one spoon in my herb tea. Many thanks - I am so glad I happened to google your site up!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lanna (Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada) on 03/29/2007

ACV helping a sinus infection: Just when I thought I had tried everything, along came your website. I have had a sinus infection on and off for the last 6 months. They have plagued me for 20 plus years. In December I took a full course (3 weeks) of Biaxin and thought it was gone...Surprise! It wasn't. January comes and we go to England for a holiday. Once again it rears it's ugly head and I am put on Cipro, while over there, and continue (once home) with more of the same from my own Doctor. Within a month I am back to the same old symptoms once again. Needless to say I am fed up with drugs that don't work, and Doctors that have no answers for me. I should mention that I have also tried Grapefruit seed extract irrigation, Salt water irrigation, as well as Colloidal Silver. Yes...each of these remedies is as fun as it sounds! Fast forward to Thursday March 22. I type in "cure a sinus infection without antibiotics" and up pops this web site. Today is March 29, and as they say, the rest is history. I did the drink and the steaming and I am feeling well on my road to "normalness"!!! No more discolored stuff, no more post nasel drip and best of all I have energy again! Cannot thank you enough for what a great solution to for an illness that is rapidly becoming an epidemic in our modern world.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Audrey (Solvay, NY) on 03/28/2007

I googled sinus infection your site was one that appeared. I read the article about acv and said why not try. I had a sinus infection going on three weeks still had headache and stuffed up. I drank 1/4 c acv straight and with 1-2 hrs felt better. I also tried 1c acv & 1 c water bring to boil and inhale steam, my nose started running within 5 min. I told my mother and she stated she, my father and also sister have used acv previously. Also my grandmother said she used to drink it and my mother thought she was nuts. It does work try it you will see.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by PW (Inglewood, California) on 03/26/2007

Like many others, I believe that milk causes many problems and creates more mucus in the body. It never really stopped me from eating it - I just "knew" it. But I'm not a big milk product consumer anyway. A slice of cheese here and there. A little cream in my coffee. But my weakness is ice cream. Generally - I prefer a single brand "Breyers" that I can't recall having problems with, but occassionally - I'll take my daughter out for a treat somewhere. One day we were out and stopped for lunch - on a whim, I got a milk-shake. A rare treat for me. Inside of 24 hours - I started to feel sick. My husband - an EMT (a PURE organic eater and non-milk drinker), swore I had the flu. But it never *felt* like the flu to me. About 24 hours into the "flu" I started looking up info about ACV - something I'd researched before after suffereing a horrible bout of food poisoning a year earlier. I found this site and originally discounted what it had to say. *I* hadn't eaten any ice cream! Then I REALLY thought about what I'd been eating - and yep, I remembered the milk shake. AH... I started right in on the ACV and within 24 hours felt better. Yep - it was truly an allergic reation I was having. I've gotten several friends (who were suffereing with sinus problems for weeks) to try the ACV as well and they ALL report great improvement. I've stayed away from commercial ice cream since then (but I still get my milk in my coffee) and I can report a clear sinus passage with nary an infection again. I learned my lesson! And I keep a supply of ACV at ALL times.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Bee (Baltimore, MD) on 03/20/2007

I have been drinking 1/4 cup of ACV straight now 3 times a day for 3 days. Has really helped my maxillary sinuses and sore throat from post nasal drip. I think I can avoid seeing the Dr. for antibiotics! I plan to continue this remedy.