Sinus Infections
Health Benefits

How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar to Treat Sinus Infections Naturally

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Madeline (Little Falls, MN) on 07/12/2007

Yesterday was day 4 of sinus agony. I wanted to avoid the local clinic because the doctors there treat patience who use home natural cures like neurotic wack-jobs. So instead of subjecting myself to their condescention I logged on to your website and made a ACV cocktial. Tasted nasty but within 15 minutes the pressure disappated so much that my ear popped and I could hear again. Within an hour I was 80% better, by morning I was pain-free. There is still slight congestion but I will continue on with the ACV treatments. I also appreciated the information on sinus sprays and over the counter allergy pills and the side effects. I knew they weren't good but now I have new options to try.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dayna (Pendergrass, Georgia) on 07/03/2007

i had a terrible sinus infection and decided to try the apple cider vinegar remedy. I read all the feedback from others and it seemed great. But, i think i might not have did it correctly because i got the worse stomach ache i have ever had in my life, accompanied by nausea and finally vomiting. No one else complained of this so i figured it was me. What do you guys think? ps, did not help with sinus infection either

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Rena (Ossining, NY) on 05/30/2007

I battle sinus infections about 3 times a year. I just went through a body detox plan for a week to remove chemicals from my body & wouldn't you know, I got a sinus infection on my 7th day of detox. I really didn't want to take antibiotics. I found this site & thought that this was a sign that I didn't need antibiotics. No such luck. I tried the ACV while irrigating with a saline solution. Basically when your mucous is green, it is bacterial. Bacteria multiplies at such a rate i think it would be almost impossible to knock it out of your system. So i am sad to report that i have to go on antibiotics to get some relief. BUT...i will continue with the ACV & irrigation to perhaps speed up the process.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Karen (Consecon, Ontario) on 03/15/2007

I have been suffering from sinusitis on & off for 4 months now which flared up again this week. I can't see my doctor for 2 weeks & a wait at the hospital can be anywhere from 3 - 9 hours. So I thought I would check the net & found this site. I was amazed at the wealth of information I found here on my problem (I believe now I also have Candida which causes the sinus infection). This particular flare up started about 23 hours after eating ice cream but I thought it was something I picked up when my family was here & they weren't feeling well. I went straight to town to get some ACV & when I got home & tried it I was amazed at the immediate result! Within 10 minutes I could feel my sinuses starting to drain! This morning was my third round of it & I actually found a way to drink it that tasted good. I used 2 tbsp of ACV, 1/4 tsp baking soda, 1/2 cup apple juice & 1/4 cup water. I forgot the honey but it tasted good. The only question I have is, is the honey important or just for taste?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Christa (Tulsa, OK) on 03/13/2007

I have been suffering with a severe bacterial infection as I suffer from sinus infections and allergies all year round anyway I was on antibiotics like always and they didn't seem to help steroid shots helped for a few hours. I couldn't sleep at night because I was so stuffed up and my throat was unbelievably sore I tried the acv it was horrible but i do feel better I also tried the coconut oil. Not sure which one worked or if a combination but will keep using it until this is gone.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jodi (Redmond, Oregon) on 03/11/2007

On Wednesday, March 7th, I woke up with a maxillary sinus infection, after fighting a cold for about a week and a half. I called my doctor to request antibiotics, but before he had a chance to call me back, I got online to research some natural cures. I came upon your site, and decided I had nothing to lose. I took my first dose of ACV, 1/4 cup (which I mixed with about 1 cup of White Grape Raspberry juice), around 3:00 pm. Ten minutes later, I was breathing for the first time in ten days and I could feel the pressure under my cheek bones and the pain in my tooth (common with maxillary sinus infections) dissipating! I thought it must have been a fluke. I started feeling a little more pressure coming on later in the evening, so I took another dose at 8:00 pm. I woke up Thursday morning totally clear, and the sinus infection was GONE!!! I took three doses on Thursday "just incase" and one dose Friday (also "just incase"). The ACV was definitely not the best thing I'd ever tasted. It was MUCH worse when I mixed it with more juice. After the first dose, I found mixing the ACV with an equal amount of juice (1/4 cup juice, 1/4 cup ACV) was much easier to take. Plug your nose, drink it down, and chase it with plain juice. I have already recommended this to a dozen people and I've only known about it for five days!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Matt (Springfield , VA) on 03/07/2007

Yes the ACV does work to get the mucous moving and draining again. I usually do the ACV, and Vitamin C from Garden of Life, and the biggest help I've found so far has been a Nasal Irrigator (google it), since I started using the irrigator I no longer need to get antibiotics in which I was almost living off of previously. Also when having a sinus infection NO - MILK, SUGAR OR BREAD.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Maria Isabel (NYC) on 03/03/2007

I am so happy I found your web site! I was feeling horrible from a sinus infection that I had. Really bad headache, pressure around the sinuses and eyes, and constant runny nose. Clear liquid. I saw your information about drinking 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar with 8 oz. water and started it around 3 pm. I was actually able to breathe, cough less and slept last night! I feel so much better today! It totally worked for me.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Maria Isabel (NYC) on 03/03/2007

I am so happy I found your web site! I was feeling horrible from a sinus infection that I had. Really bad headache, pressure around the sinuses and eyes, and constant runny nose. Clear liquid. I saw your information about drinking 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar with 8 oz. water and started it around 3 pm. I was actually able to breathe, cough less and slept last night! I feel so much better today! It totally worked for me.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sheryl (New York, NY) on 10/28/2009

ACV made my asthma worse as well. I tried it only twice but it did nothing for my clogged sinus

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Anne (Bronx, NY) on 09/30/2006

Although I was hoping that these remedies would cure or at the very least help with my sinus infection, it did not help me. I tried both the tomato tea and the apple cider vinegar for 5 days in a row. No luck for me. Still can't smell, taste or hear after 3 weeks.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by PÃ¥l (Oslo, Norway) on 05/04/2010

I instantly woke up when I read this because it sounds like such an excellent idea to really get pure acv straight into thos mucous membranes.

I just tried it.

Did you get a cough? When the acv mist gets down into my lungs its pretty strong and I cough a bit. It seems fine though. Ill do this three times a day and let you know what it did to my sinusitis which has now been there for years.

again thanks for the idea.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jane (New York City, Usa) on 03/07/2010

I followed directions exactly for three days(2 Tb AVC and 1 tsp baking soda in water 3X day) and also steamed with AVC in water about 5X/day. Also did nasal rinse following steaming. I would feel good relief for an hour or so, and then the sinuses would fill up again. After three days, pressure in head was so bad, that I broke down and took the antibiotics. I will continue to do AVC treatment because I also have reflux, and from what I've read, that takes two weeks. But I would love to understand why this didn't work for me. I am plagued with sinus infections, and get one every time I get a cold. I've only been able to treat them with antibiotics, but I've taken so many antibiotics that two years ago, I got C-diff, a nasty superbug that caused my current stomach problems. I now take probiotics religiously, but if anyone has any idea what I might be doing wrong (or how to get this to work better) I'd really appreciate it. I hate the antibiotics, but hate the sinus infections even more.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Susan (USA)

I was skeptical in believing that ACV would help my sinus infection. However, I took 2 tablespoons by itself and I felt my throat burning. Immediately it cleared up my nasal passages, and my throat was so much better. It was instantaneous! Forget going to the doctor!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Audrey (Suffolk) on 03/03/2022

Hi, having been diagnosed with osteoporosis a few years ago, after giving up dairy under an anti-candida nutritionist for fatigue, I am wary of avoiding milk and cheese. Have you found a way to keep your calcium up? I have a friend who is a nurse who says from anecdotal evidence Calcichews can ruin your stomach.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Emma (Fitzgerald, Georgia) on 07/02/2016

When I drink two tbs. of Apple Cider Vinegar in eight oz. water, a couple hours later my whole face is in very bad pain, it hurts to touch my face. Can someone tell me whats going on?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Anne (California, US) on 03/25/2015

I have been suffering from sinuses infections for years now. Antibiotics no longer work for me. Hellllp!!! My nose isn't even stuffy, but the post nasal drip (I assume that's what it is) is causing me to have a constant feeling of something being in my throat. I can clear it, but it comes back within seconds. It actually makes me feel anxious. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. There are so many natural remedies, I don't know where to begin. Thanks.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sybille (Billings, Montana) on 11/30/2014

I hate having common colds because inflamed sinuses are very painful. In my case, the pain will only lessen if I will be able to sneeze mucus with trace of blood. I will try taking ACV daily to treat it but would it do be better if I also do an ACV rinse? How do I prepare the rinse?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Rosa (Irving, Tx) on 01/10/2015

I would like to know how to mix ACV for the rinse to put in the nose? Does anyone know the measurements and how to administer? HELP? ~in Pain~

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by T (Fl/usa) on 01/26/2015

Hello... Thanks for the info..... Do you recall how much ACV to drink each day? Thanks

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Bakerquest (Elkhat, In.) on 10/31/2014

How much apple cider vingar is used in a sinus rinse?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Habib (Melbourne, Vic) on 03/04/2013

Hi Susie, can u pls tell me how did u take apple cider vinegar for sinus, I appreciate.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sticks (West Point, California Usa) on 03/12/2013

I think you just click on the treatment tab next to the reviews and ratings tab, and it will show you the recipe.

- 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar
- 16 0z water
- 1 drop to 1 tsp of honey (optional)

I have heard of using 2 tbsp of the ACV in the same amount of water.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Salma (Uk) on 06/18/2013

Hi, could you tell me how to drink it? Like a few tablespoons with water or do I mix it?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lauren (La, Ca) on 01/30/2013

This sounds amazing and I have been suffering so much. How often do you drink the ACV mix and what oil do you use for OP?

Thanks in advance

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Willow (New York) on 12/20/2012

This works. I was suffereing from a full blown sinus infection. It takes longer than antibiotics to kill all the bugs and feel the difference, but I did it with the fresh ginger tea mixed with unfiltered organic AVC and oregano leaf oil 3 times a day, Neti pot 3 times a day, frequent hot showers, and humidifier. Yes, the drinks are so intense even the bacterias can't survive.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jeff (Long Beach, Ca) on 12/10/2012

Thankful for the Internet! Recently had the flu & I'm prone to sinusitis/sinus infections. Decided to use ACV for the first time ever, & did 2tbl in 8oz water. It wasn't too bad, & now most importantly, it has been breaking up the mucus so much so, that my nose has been running now. It works & will plan on using it for my next cold/allergy. Also endorsing GSE, Nasal saline, Neti Pot, & I'm looking to try that tea! Thank you all for our better health!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Organicgirl (Jacksonville, Florida, Usa) on 10/20/2012

I'm 45 and have suffered from allergies and sinus troubles all my life. The fact that my parents smoked in our house while I was growing up didn't help my problem... At all. As an adult, I was diagnosed with chronic sinusitis. Drats! After dealing with antibiotics and steroid nasal sprays (I can't take OTC decongestants), I decided to research natural remedies. Fortunately, my search eventually led me to this site. I tried the ACV treatment - 2 TBSP of organic ACV, 1 TBSP organic local honey or maple syrup, and 8 oz of purified water. Had a drastic effect after the first cup. Major drainage and pressure relief. Consecutive elixirs proved to be not as effective or dramatic as the first, but I've definitely felt a difference - less congestion, pressure, easier nasal breathing, less dizziness, and eye gook, just to name a few. I found coupling the ACV drink with NeilMed's hypertonic extra strength Nasa Mist works very well. Compared to this past dose of antibiotics and steroid nasal spray with little if any results, I highly recommend the ACV elixir and NeilMed's products.

Good luck and cheers to hopefully curing our sinus problems!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Cindy Green (Conklin, New York, Usa ) on 10/14/2012

Thank you for the information! I have been sick now for 15 days and already had an antibiotic with little success. I only have 1 question, did you have neck pain also? This will not go away and I get it some in my back. It's like a pinched nerve. I really don't want to go back to the doctor unless I have to. Anymore advice/ tips would be helpful! Thanks, Cindy

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mel6288 (Nashville, Tn) on 11/06/2012

Thanks, OrganicGirl! I tried the "mother" ACV this morning for my sinus infection, and it helped a little, but it didn't have the amazing results that many people have talked about here. I'll try just the regular organic ACV this time.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Wonder (Dallas, Tx) on 01/20/2013

I had a severe head cold and it has turned into a sinus infection. I was searching for a natural remedy for sinusitis and came across this site. I am going to try the ACV and honey. I've always taken garlic. I've run out right now. I have also tried the organic ACV with the "mother" in it and did not care for the results. I like the regular ACV.