Oil Pulling: Unlock Natural Oral Health & Detox Benefits

Canola Oil
Posted by Kelly (Charlotte, North Carolina) on 07/20/2007

I have been doing oil pulling now for about a week but not consistently. My mouth had a sore in the roof of it and my gums were very sensitive and started bleeding. They bled a little more once i started OP but now it's completely gone and not much bleeding. My husband recently started it a few days ago. We have been using canola oil but i will get the sesame or sunflower oil because it seems to have a better result based on the testimonials i read. I look forward to hearing about more natural remedies. Let's put these pharmacuetical companies to shame and do it the natural way, the way it was intended. I do have a question...Do you have to drink water after OP? Please advise. KRM

General Feedback
Posted by Barbara (Lowell, Indiana) on 07/20/2007

I started doing the oil pulling about 2 weeks ago for no other reason than teeth and gum health. Sounded simple enough and if any other problems cleared up so be it. The second day after oil pulling I put a new contact in my eye,a new contact will last about 2 weeks for me, then I dispose of it. The second day I had a bad build up form on the contact and I had to throw it away. Put in a new one and 2 days later the same thing. It did this every other day for a week. I had just been to the eye doctor 2 weeks before starting this oil pulling, so I was confused. I said if this does not clear up in a week or so I'm going back to the doctor. After a week of this I put a new contact in one morning and to my surprise honestly I could see as never before it was like scales fell off my eyes. Colors are so corlorfull I mean like awsome. I can see each indiviual, blade of grass (but the color) I find myself almost driving off the road taking in the beauty And I only wear one ontact because they say my vision is that good. I'm 50 and feel like I have 15 years old eye balls. The only thing different is the oil pulling. I know it's not in my head (it's in my eyes) :) Barbara

General Feedback
Posted by Mare (St Louis, MO) on 07/23/2007

fran from montreal, I can hear the deep need in your message! You need to find out about the Budwig Diet. Dr. Johanna Budwig was the foremost expert in the world on fats and oils. She was able to heal people even from their deathbeds using flaxseed oil and cottage cheese. (It's all about the electrons!) She also recommends veggies and fruit. (no meats, animal fats, or sugar.) She lived into her 90's. and was a nominee for the nobel prize many times. Earth Clinic should be all over this one. It helps all sorts of diseases, Heart Infarction. arthritis, cancer etc, and is good for athletic performance and in fact, the whole family. I have done oil pulling for only a short time and it has helped the floaters in my eye get smaller & less dark. (they were the result of a burst capillary.)

General Feedback
Posted by A. (G, North Carolina) on 07/28/2007

I've been oil pulling for a little over two months now. Here are some of the things that OP has helped me with:

1. PMS - my cramps are almost completely gone now! I used to live on ibuprofen but I didn't even take it this time.

2. Bloating - non-existant

3. Gas - nearly gone!

4. Extremely tired in the mornings - gone.

Oil pulling is one of the most amazing things. I wish everyone could learn about it!

General Feedback
Posted by Nele (Skopje, Macedonia) on 08/02/2007

I have read about oil pulling and decided to try it. I did not suffer of any health aliment, but I prefer to be proactive and take care of my health, especially after I had close family member who passed from Lymphoma and chemo. After several weeks, I have noticed much less earwax than I had before and that sometimes actually clogged my ears.Also my gums almost fully stopped bleeding (they used to bleed a bit after heavy brushing) and I have felt increase in my energy levels. However, as I still have several metal amalgams in my mouth, the biggest one actually deteriorated and part of it fell of and further degenerated. I cannot guarantee that it was due to OP, but I had it for more than 15 years with no problems. I now have it removed. Not that I see it as a problem since I anyway was thinking of removing the amalgams one by one, but can anyone tell me does OP also affect other type of artificial tooth fillings since I have one porcelain crown on my first front tooth and I would not like to loose it? At the same time, I would like to continue enjoying the proved benefits of OP

General Feedback
Posted by Joy (Montreal, Quebec, Canada) on 08/08/2007

I read your article by mistake when I was looking for a remedy to loose weight without any medication involve. I feel numbness on my left leg. My doctor told me to loose weight after giving birth to my daughter. I'm suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome for almost 7 years now. I'm using brace on my right hand because the nature of my job was repetitive. When I saw your article last August 2nd, 2007 I was amazed. That afternoon after work, I bought all the necessary things I needed. I read the entire testimonial you had on line to educate me more on how I could follow exactly your simple recipe you had on line. From Oil Pulling to ACV and Molasses. Oil pulling, the result was really amazing. My gum feels clean, my teeth are tighter and hay fever is diminishing slowly. My mucous after doing the swishing comes out naturally. I have to say that on my first swishing, mucous was so bad and now I still have mucous but it's becoming thinner. I'm happy of the result. With the ACV I'm also doing it and I haven't seen any changes I guess it's too soon to see the difference. The molasses, I'm patiently observing myself. I know it's working slowly because I feel the difference. I will update you after maybe a month or so. Thanks for having this site possible. JOY;-)

General Feedback
Posted by Anu (Chandigarh, India) on 08/15/2007

I tried oil pulling today for the very first time and I expected that the oil will feel very yucky afterwards but my mouth felt fresher and lighter and the heavy headed feeling was somewhat better, also maybe due to working on the cheek and face muscles. i am going to do op everyday only if to exercise my cheeks.Thanks for this amazing site.

General Feedback
Posted by Maya (Singapore) on 08/16/2007

Hi. I only discovered about oil pulling while browsing the web on information on how to cure me of my skin disorder (keratosis pillaris). I read a posting done by this lady who SWEARS by oil pulling and its remarkable effects! I tried it just yesterday and was shocked at how fast results can be observed! I'm suffering from a knee injury due to my active lifestyle and since i'm not exactly young, i don't recover too easily. I've been having a bad knee for weeks now. But when i did my first oil pulling yesterday, i got IMMEDIATE results! My knee felt so light and i was able to do squats with no problems! I'm really a sceptic so i was finding ways to credit the improved knee flexibility to other 'health practices' of mine. But when my mom tried it later that night (she sufferes from acute arthritis), she too said that her joints felt remarkably better! i did it again this morning and later today, my heart was racing. Also, i feel a bit of discomfort in my private region. I don't know if it could be because i had an infection before and it was probably in the process of healing...i'll continue the OP and see what happens! I'm a convert!

General Feedback
Posted by Tanneika (Kingston, Jamaica) on 08/18/2007

I started oil pulling two days ago. The first time I tried it my gums bled immediately after. I never had bleeding gums before. I tried it again the next day on two separate occasions, The first time a small hard plaque of mucus came up and about three hours later I did it again and something that I'm not quite sur what it is came up. It was very smelly. I'm seeing if OP will help me with my acne.

General Feedback
Posted by Donna (Athens, Alabama, USA) on 08/21/2007

I have been having a lot of different problems that have taken years to get to this point. So, this last 6 months or so I have been trying to heal myself naturally. I started by becoming a lacto-ovo vegetarian in April. I have stopped drinking diet drinks and started walking a mile a day as well as doing yoga 3 times a week. All this gave me a better frame of mind but didn't heal my body. I started looking on the internet to find a cure for all my problems. My main problem is yeast. I started getting ringworms, nail fungus, then very dry skin especially on my head, started loosing hair, achy joints, long heavy periods and discharge. I first looked at the thyroid and started a 21 day cleanse for my liver and colon. In looking at all the different things that can be affected by yeast I knew that is what I had in excess amounts.

YEAST OVERLOAD IS MY PERSONAL DIAC-NOSIS. I found this site Thursday and read all day from others and THEIR PROBLEMS. I started Friday with the spit in the glass test and to my amazement strings INSTANTLY streaked to the bottom of the glass. I started the oil pull THEN being Thursday morning. I did the lime and baking soda that day. As I was doing the pull I started getting a headache across my brow and down into my ears. This lasted all day Thursday.

Friday: That day I really started feeling bad. I had a pain under my shoulder blades that traveled my back into my kidneys down the butt on to my knees. I got chilled stayed covered all day and napped 3 times. Heavy head. Slept poorly. Saturday: This time the pain was in the ovary area. I ached all day. Heavy head. Slept poorly. Sunday:Felt better but had no energy. Heavy head. Slept Poorly

Monday:aches on right side in kidney area off and on. Head better. Slept slightly better.

Tuesday: I spit in the glass and the strings didn't happen as before. IT traveled about a fourth of an inch into the glass and stopped. My head is not heavy feeling and I feel really good. This is really amazing. I am now doing the oil pulling, taking lime and soda, taking sea salt and probiotic. I also have the lugol's solution that I plan to start since I don't eat meat or seafood now. I will write back with an update in September. Thank you for this site...

General Feedback
Posted by Patricia (Montreal, Canada) on 08/23/2007

I am 22 and have membranous glomerulonephritis. I have had it for 6 years. I have been on TONS of different medication and nothing has worked. Recently I decided to go off all of my medication, since it wasn't working anyways I figured whats the point of me being on it then.I see a naturpath and homoepath and am very into natural health. My protien levels in my urine are the problem, I am now at around 3.mg protein a day in my urine. Over the past few years I have gotten better and better with other symptoms (water retention) and the oil pulling which I started about a month ago has really helped my energy.I am now able to work part time. A couple of years ago and I was taking 2 naps a day. It is just the darn protein!I had severe stress in my life before I got this, for sure this was the cause. Do you have any advice to get my protein in my urine down? Thanks! I love your website!

General Feedback
Posted by Kendra Rose (Haiku, Hawaii) on 08/24/2007

I have now been oil pulling for two months both morning and night. Twenty-eight years ago I was exposed to agent orange here in Hawaii from the pineapple fields. It had gotten into the water supply. I have been ill ever since, I especially suffered from migraines. To make things worse I have heavy metal poisoning that is off the charts.

Two friends put their grandmother's rosaries on me and prayed for me by my request... as I had been feeling so terrible.. kept telling my friends that my blood feels poisoned. That night I found EarthClinic and my prayer was answered. My life has been restored to me. Glory be to Buddha, Marys, Christ, angels and all the Saints! HO!

I have consistent energy. I no longer feel poisoned, my blood feels joyous! I am sleeping so deeply from the very first day I tried it. Now that I feel so good, I understand how deeply sick I've been all this time. My body feels so relieved not to start the day with a toxic overload. A new acquaintance of mine said that since she's known me she can't believe the quality of my skin...

I have tried for over 28 years many modalities, herbal medicines, prescription medicines.. nothing helped me.. I began to feel I was the only person on earth who could not heal... and I'm a healer... I am healing and everyday I am amazed, startled, surprised, delighted that I wake up feeling grrreat! Blessed Be!

General Feedback
Posted by Tricia (San Francisco, California) on 08/28/2007

Oil Pulling: starting out. I've had a cold that wasn't going away, and seemed to be getting worse, if anything. My congestion, and the amount of mucus that was coming out when I blow my nose has been alot. I started wondering if I might have a sinus infection, so I thought I'd try oil pulling. Did it once in the afternoon yesterday, and once in the evening, and suddenly realized that, for the first time in a week, I could breathe clearly. Have done it twice today, and have just experienced a strange thing: I blew my nose and the mucus came out bright yellow, like egg yolk. I have never seen anything like this, and was wondering if Ted or any readers could comment?

Walnut Oil
Posted by Peggy (Ancorage, Alaska) on 09/13/2007

I have been doing oil pulling for about one month and using cold pressed walnut oil. I went into the dentist for my semi annual cleaning and an exam. both the hygenist and the dentist commmented on how healthy my gums have become. My dentist said "whatever your doing it is working" In the past I have had a problem with bleeding gums--that is GONE.

Multiple Oils Tried
Posted by Francine (Playa Del Rey, CA) on 09/14/2007

I started oil pulling almost 4 weeks ago, I started seeing results of hair softening, teeth and gum health improving, but I after 2 days of the pulling my lungs started filling with mucus and turned into full blown bronchitus, this has gone on for 3 1/2 weeks now and finally I stopped the pulling, the mucus seems less. I started with coconut oil, switched to sesame and then to sunflower (which seemed to be the worst) as far as mucus escalation. The mucus never turned green but it continued to get worse and I was so lethargic I had to stop the pulling. Any advise? I liked the other benefits and my husband is having success.