Oil Pulling
Health Benefits

Oil Pulling: Unlock Natural Oral Health & Detox Benefits

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Dental Issues

92 User Reviews
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Posted by Lucille (Jersey City, USA) on 04/23/2007

Wow! I just read this cure for the first time and decided to try it with my organic coconut oil. I still can't believe it but the chronic sensitivity I had in two of my teeth is gone! It's hard to tell which teeth were hurting! And my teeth feel different.

Dental Issues
Posted by Lucille (USA) on 04/23/2007

I just wrote something but I didn't say which cure it was. So, the OP is fantastic, as I said. Cured my teeth pain immediately. I want to see how it handles my chronic, horrible candida.

Dental Issues
Posted by Vaidvij (Bangalore, India) on 01/26/2007

Oil Pulling Therapy seems to work well in clearing the toxins of the body. I have my bad tooth problem cured and still continuing the therapy. Overall effects are amusing and very much satisfactory.

Dental Issues
Posted by John (Daly City, CA) on 12/12/2006

Today is Tuesday. Last Friday night and Saturday morning I had increasing pain at the root of tooth #12, upper behind canine tooth. It was getting worse. I found your web page and read about oil pulling with sesame or sunflower seed oil. Saturday morning I bought 8 ounces of sesame oil and started pulling 1 table spoon in the morning and 1 tablespoon at night. Same on Sunday, and Monday. The result was immediate. The first result cut the pain in half, the in half again, and now I can feel only a little discomfort at the root of the tooth. I do not know how this works, but am grateful that it does!

Dental Issues
Posted by J. (Charlotte, NC) on 12/04/2006

I have been doing the oil pulling for three days and have seen increasing improvement in teeth whitening as well as gums are no longer bleeding. I also have my husband swishing and a few friends and we are excited and waiting for results to report back. I love your website and find the information most informative and hopeful.

Dental Issues
Posted by Jackie (Sioux Falls, SD) on 11/27/2006

I have been oil pulling for about a month now. I was noticing signs that my gums were receeding. My gums have actually stopped receeding and my dentist told me that my gums have never looked healthier. I no longer have any bleeding of my gums when I brush my teeth. My teeth are noticabley whiter

Dental Issues
Posted by Kitty (Clatskanie, OR) on 07/11/2006

We have a group of people doing this procedure on curezone.com


also www.oilpulling.com has info

There isn't a lot of information on it, in english anyway. It's excellent for dental health with results within days if not hours. It's truly amazing!!! One lady had 3 #9 pockets plus numerous 8, 7, 6 and 5s. After Oil Pulling for 5 minutes a day for two months, she went to the dentist with 2 #7 pockets at worst.

I've been doing it for a few months now. I had gone to the dentist because of problems with a couple deep pockets. He was going to send me to a periodontist for possle surgery. Then I found out about oil pulling. I had posted on the dental forum at curezone and someone mentioned the oil pulling. After a couple days of doing it my gums felt much better. Now after about 3 months my gums are so much better, my teeth are markedly whiter, my mouth feels clean and gums healthy. My cracked heels are almost cured as well (go figure that). I have less aches and pains. It used to be difficult climbing the stairs and getting up my feet would hurt, but I feel much better all around. It's a crazy thing to do but it's fantastic. It's so simple and inexpensive. I use refined expeller pressed (Hain brand) sunflower oil. I also started adding a few drops of oil of oregano, which has anti bacterial properties. Check us out at curezone! Kitty

Dental Issues
Posted by Lisa (Port of Spain, Trinidad)

I began oil pulling 3 weeks after I suddenly developed very horrible bad breath. I have no cavities, am not a smoker, dont drink alcohol, coffee and carbonated beverages and I'm a vegetarian. I used EVOO as i couldnt get Sesame or Sunflower oil. The oil pulling has done wonders for my gums and teeth, my gums are more pink and my teeth are now a lot whiter. A gap i had between 2 teeth has closed up and there is no 'gap' anymore. However the bad breath remains and it is driving me crazy as i have to interact with lots of people. I keep wondering if i should continue with the oil pulling: will the bad breath go away eventually or do i need to use other 'remedies' as well, am I suffering from the herx effect or is my body too acidic? Any suggestions are welcomed. Thanks.

Replied by Kai
(Seattle, Wa)

Best thing ive found for bad breath is h202 (hydrogen peroxide) even the basic 3 dollar bottle from the drugstore will work. Its pretty amazing, I smoke and the ONLY thing that takes the taste and smell out of my mouth is hydrogen peroxide (confirmed by my girlfriend haha) I can even taste the smoke when I spit out the peroxide, it bubbles it all out, hold it in your mouth closed until there is pressure building up from the bubbling, maybe 5 minutes.

If the oil pulling is giving you the bad breath (though that doesn't make much sense, there's nothing in oil that smells bad but may be causing a reaction) I would do this for awhile and see if the bad breath continues, then stop the OP and see if it goes away. One more thought, you may have tonsil stones or some other abcess in your mouth thats collecting bacteria. I had a bad case of strep awhile back that permanently messed up one of my tonsils, there are big spaces in it now and bacteria collect and form "tonsil rocks" its really gross but very treatable and very common. Just a thought, good luck!


25 User Reviews
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Posted by Gail (US) on 10/02/2014


I started oil pulling with coconut oil 5 days ago . After my first pulling, I was nauseated, but my teeth were whiter and less sensitive . The next morning I awoke with a dull headache that lasted for 3 days , and I was nauseated again after my second op with co . The 3rd day I broke out with blisters around my mouth and I felt very hot but not like a hot flash kind of hot also the third night after I did the op I was getting ready for bed and I started feeling very stressed and depressed . The next morning when I woke up I felt okay . I then read on this site that it could of been because I was detoxing copper from my brain which made me feel relieved . Also on the 3rd day my jaws started hurting and on the 5th day I notice my tongue has turned white not coated white but actually my tongue is white . My jaws still hurt . Will continue although I think I will try sunflower and olive oil I will still use co too . Like this site so very informative . It's nice to hear from people who have some of the problems I do .

Replied by Bee
(New York, NY, US)

Hi Gail ;; (U.S.)

I am oil pulling and the first few days I felt like I had the flu.... Its def. detox or die off symtpoms.. They are less now and I have been oil pulling for a month....A lot of plague came off my teeth... gums are better and teeth are whiter. I use organic safflower oil.

Replied by Gail
(Defuniak Springs, FL, US)

I guess I have a yeast problem and heavy metals . I'm looking forward to feeling better I just hope it doesn't take a month . Thanks for the encouragement and I hope OP continues to help you too.

Posted by Malismjau (United Kingdom) on 10/26/2013


Hello! I'm 24 years old female. I started coconut oil pulling about 4 days ago. At the beginning only 10 min in the morning whilst taking shower and didn't notice any particular changes. Last two days I have been doing it 20 min in the morning before breakfast and 20 min before bedtime. I had root canal done on two of my molar teeth 4 years ago. To start with I had infections and I couldn't get rid of them but than it just stopped and I was getting jaw pains every now and than.... yesterday my gums swell around the two teeth, my jaw pains are constant, I had sore throat. This morning I woke up with less swelling. Still feeling horrible. Also noticed that I stink of sweat and it was so intense I had to run to shower straight away. I feel so unwell. I smoke about 6 cigarettes a day. Today I could barely handle one. Feel like I have no carvings at all. Smoke makes me cringe. I am convinced that all toxins and bacteria is leaving my body and I feel very unwell. But happy at the same time and wont stop. I cannot believe I haven't fond this cure before.

Posted by Vee (Texas, Usa) on 08/13/2013

I am on day 2 of oil pulling with Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) and its doing something-just not sure what. I do have questions though. This morning right after swishing I had a bowel movement. Then a small one again when I came home for lunch. About an hour and a half later I was at work & had to rush to the bathroom where I had a loose (and somewhat explosive) bowel movement that kind of scared me-sorry for the gross details. I suffer from constipation often & don't go this often & haven't eaten anything different so I guess I can contribute this to the oil. The most noticiable difference is my energy-I have none! Today I have been deathly tired-more tired than I've been in some time. I also experienced what seem to be faster heartbeats today. Is this normal? And I'm not using organic EVOO-is this ok? I have sesame seed oil in my cupboard but it's not organic & just says pure-can I use this? And what I'm most confused about is brushing afterwards. Is using your regular toothpaste ok? Hopefully I can get some help with these questions. I'll continue to post updates on my progress. Thanks in advance for the help!

Replied by Tinydancer
(Ohio, Usa)

The same tiredness and heart racing happened to me too with the oil pulling. After a couple of days of pulling and I realized what was doing it, I stopped oil pulling completely....... Haven't done it in months. I miss it but the increased heart rate scared me. I used olive, sesame, and coconut oil. All organic and it happened with all of them. Oil pulling should not be taken lightly for some people. MHO

Replied by Steve
(Las Vegas)

It sounds like you both are experiencing some detox symptoms. This does happen with oil-pulling sometimes. Some of the side effects can be racing heart, nausea, headache, flu-like symptoms, rash etc. Take some time off allowing your body to clear the toxins, drink lots of water and start again when you feel good. It's worth doing since you are clearing so much junk from your system.

63 posts

As stated by Steve in Vegas, "sounds like you both are experiencing some detox symptoms"... In this case it's best to dial back and approach this gently. I would trial (*EVOO) pulling for 4 minutes and see how your body tolerates that for one week. When well tolerated proceed incrementally, adding 4 minutes each week g.e.n.t.l.y. Slowly increasing to 15-20 minutes. Additionally, I would also recommend adding 1-2 Activated Charcoal capsules with a full glass of clean water while you're body is detoxing. Charcoal is an excellent aid in assisting our bodies eliminate toxins and reduce the detoxing symptoms. It can cause constipation so be sure to drink extra water. The combo of reducing the pulling time while including the activated charcoal maybe necessary & supporting approach.

*EVOO - Many olive oils have been found to be badly adulterated now, mixed with other cheap, garbage, even rotten olives and non-olive oils. Problems plaguing the olive oil market has become a huge issue. I highly recommend knowing that your oil is pure. One that has been tested clean is found at Costco. Kirkland Signature organic extra-virgin olive oil is a very secure & reliable as pure.

Replied by Mmsg
(Somewhere, Europe)

Val and TinyDancer: When starting oil-pulling you are using muscles that haven't been used in this way maybe ever. Altho we use our mouth muscles for eating and talking, oil-pulling is a whole new area. The tiredness and heart racing might possibly be the overuse of powerful muscles that haven't been conditioned to such movements. Jaw muscles are very powerful: witness people who can balance a heavy bench on their lower teeth!

For this reason I did not start the full 20 minutes as recommended. I barely made it to 3 minutes at first. Working up slowly, the muscles get stronger and can do more.

Posted by 2bconscious (West Des Moines, Iowa) on 03/31/2012

I have been using Coconut oil to Oil Pull every morning now for 6 days. The first day I had pain in my left shoulder, arm and upper back. The pain and concern caused me to go to the Urgent Care Center. The doctor diagnosis was inflammation, prescribed pain pills. I never took the pills. The next morning the pain was gone! I noticed my gums are getting pinker in places where they were dark in color. I also notice my energy level is higher!! I did also start walking on the treadmill every morning for 30 min. 1 1/2, 5 days ago!! I also use Coconut oil for my toothpaste and deodorant!! I love it!! Oil Pulling with Coconut Oil is a winner!!

Posted by Lasvegasprwoman (Las Vegas, Nevada) on 12/14/2011

I started pulling 10 days ago with coconut oil and for the last 7 days have had bad cold like symptoms of sore throat and lot of blowing my nose. I've read this happens often after op, but was wondering for how long? I blow my nose all day and spit up stuff and most of the time it's yellow. Sometimes it never ends. Also feel fatigued and my contact lenses bother me in my eyes. Should I continue?

Replied by Cococutie
(Cincinnati, Ohio)

I know you made this post back in December, but I wanted to post for anyone else who may be going through something similar.

Yes, definately continue on. This is a means of detoxing. Your body is clearning out the toxins built up in your body. Please do not make the mistake of taking cold medicine or anything like that to "relieve" your symptoms as that is just making the process counter-effective.

Replied by Holdemexpert
(Irvine, Ca, Usa)

I am crossing posting this with Oil Pulling since I did a combination therapy and either or both may have done the trick. I had a medium size abcess right at the junction of the gum and my cheek, above a tooth where a very large filling came out, and the tooth cracked in half.

It wasnt too painful, and not too much swelling on my cheek, but bad enough to make that side of my smile lower.. Almost a bells palsey look. I knew if it got worse Id be in deep trouble and a lot of pain. I started with Oil Pulling using EV Coconut oil, 20 minutes first thing in the morning and 20 minutes last thing at night. It seemed to arrest any growth in the infection, but didnt reduce it noticeably after 3 days. It did make the rest of my mouth feel great, and seems to be whitening my teeth a bit. I had no stomach issues, and I like the taste of coconut.

Since I was anxious to get the swelling down before leaving on a business trip, I tried the garlic method on the 3rd night. One large clove, cut in half, and lightly smashed to release the oils. I just tucked the first half clove in the corner of the gum and cheek. Some burning and tears for the first couple of minutes but not bad (I am a garlic lover to begin with). After 10 minutes I switched to the other half clove. I didnt chew or "gargle" with what was in my mouth, although I didnt spit out much either.

The next morning I thought there might be some minor reduction, but I wasnt sure. By that night it was definitely about half the original size, and this morning (a day and half after the treatment) its totally gone. The gum is almost totally healed, maybe a little bit tender.

I am going to continue with the Oil Pulling, Id like to see if it cleans up the tarter and improves my gums before I go to a dentist so he doesnt prepare a more extensive treatment plan than necessary.

Thanks to all contributors in both threads!

Posted by Brian (Minneapolis, Minnesota) on 08/08/2011

First time oil pulling although been winning the battle with other detox methods I figured why not try another along with them it couldn't hurt alternating. Just tried olive oil, and let me say olive oil doesn't taste bad however that being said after swooshing it through my teeth and around my tongue I started vomiting and nasal drainage was pouring out so fast I had to blow my my nose and cough much mucous up. After vomiting a few times I felt better so I went another round hoping to make it more than 15 seconds and I did for near a minute although I hit that point again and when spitting out the oil it was foamy with still a yellow tinge although this was my limit for the day.

I noticed instant results and will keep you updated as I feel over the next couple weeks, btw I had to mouthwash afterward from vomiting and to get the oil residue out and using listerine was more painful than I have ever experienced the past 40 years. I'm winning the fight of having a brain tumor, abdomen tumor, and foot tumor, along with lead and mercury poisoning over the years that left dense metaphesial lines on bones in my wrist. I'm still waiting to see doctors for treatment after diagnosed last February. I'd be dead if I hadn't taken matters in my own hands. Since my several month on off detox regimen with pectosol, chlorella, selenium, ALA, and a couple others I have felt abdomen gummed getting smaller by 60% and look like I'm 27 and not 38 in this short time. Winning as Sheen would say!

Posted by Cruz (Yonkers, New York) on 12/02/2010

When I started to pull olive oil 3 days ago, next morning wake up with a BIGGG HEADACHE! Ok, when to the bathroom and do it again, finish the second day (morning)and some yellow mucus never seen before came out thru my nose. Headache is gone. After that was clear mucus and stuffy runny nose.

Today is the 3 day and have whole day with stuffy (and runny nose), sneeze and cold like, no taste. Dont know what to think. If I still feeling that way maybe I stop pulling and try to massage my gum with the oil (the way my Mom did with babies to clean their (our) mouth.

Replied by Randy
(Jersey City, Nj, Usa)

Could just be a healing crisis--toxins wanting to leave your body. That's a good thing, keep doing it. Just be sure not to swallow... Spit out and clean your mouth thoroughly.

Replied by Timh
(Louisville, Ky)
2042 posts

Betty, the ammonia smell could be some kind of chemical reaction w/ your tooth brush formula as I have never read any report of this as result of O.P. so do your brushing at another time but do a post-clean w/ H2O2 gargle; then monitor for the A smell.