Why Lugol's Iodine is Essential for Optimal Health

Molluscum Contagiosum
Posted by Wiesewose (Cairns, Australia) on 08/14/2010

Editor's Choice

My 5year old daughter had a severe case of molluscum contagiosum. She started with about 10 of the warts on her buttocks, and they started multiplying and spreading very fast. Within a year she had I estimate over a hundred all down her legs. And my 3 other children started to get them too. I freaked out. Twice I went to the doctor, and both times he told me to let it run its course. Yeah right; that was what I did for a year and look what happened! And what if it spread to my newborn baby? My daughter was getting self conscious, you could see them on her legs under her school uniform. I had to do something. I tried ACV, clay baths, a product from the chemist for warts, Epsom salts and olive oil mixed with lemon myrtle essential oil, or even pulling them out with tweezers. Nothing worked.

I then tried Lugol's iodine, and the little buggers started to crust over after 3 days of applying Lugols twice a day with a Q-tip, and when the crust fell off, nothing was underneath!

You could actually see the white center (that is the virus) soak all the iodine up and look like a blackhead, YEAH! That's exactly where the iodine needed to go. Within one month all my children are Mollusum free. You cannot describe the relief I feel, I have to share that.