Why Lugol's Iodine is Essential for Optimal Health

Measuring Lugol's
Posted by I 4 Me And U (Great Plains, Usa) on 02/26/2015

Lugols in the 5% strength is dispensed by the drop, with each drop containing approx. 6.5mg of total iodine. Ask your pharmacist for a standard medicine dropper. Dispense by holding it vertically, barely squeeze the bulb to allow a natural drop to form and drop by gravity into your 3-4 oz. of water, repeat for the number of drops you require. Drink it down, followed by enough plain water to rinse your mouth, throat and esophagus and get rid of the taste. The doctors who have revived the use of iodine recommend a maintenance dose of between 12 and 50mg to achieve and maintain adequate iodine stores throughout the body and deal with the toxic load we face in our modern world.