Posted by Joshua (Windsor, WI) on 02/05/2009
i use castor for so many things, though i work in construction and one day bent my index finger back to quite a painful extent...instantly began to swell to the size of a big toe. i left work briefly and picked up ol'faithful...castor oil. i soaked and wrapped it thouroughly and finished the day of work. as well...i play drums and had three days worth of gigs lined up starting that night...i would simply keep it soaked and wrapped until i had to play and then rewrap when i was done. using this method led my finger to heal quickly, even with the extra abuse i had put it through. great for wrist problems as well.
Jammed Finger
Posted by Jan (Sunshine Coast Hinterland, Queensland Australia) on 12/22/2007
I jammed my finger hard in a sliding glass door. I was in agony, until I poured enough Castor Oil in a cup in which to soak my finger. I kept it there for a good hour. The pain began to ease immediately and I never got a bruise and never lost my fingernail. The nail was slightly pink and I am sure it would have gone black had I not used the above remedy. I was amazed!