The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
High Cholesterol, High Blood Pressure
Posted by Miles (Canada) on 12/24/2014
All Baking Powder now is aluminum free. Baking soda is also a remedy for high blood pressure and cholesterol. Cholesterol is caused by inflammation which causes all our problems like arthritis, Gout, fibromyalgia, Cancer and on and on. The inflammation gets into the wall of the artery and starts to wear it thin so the Cholesterol does as it is supposed to by rushing in to repair it by building it up again. If the inflammation stays in there, then the cholesterol over compensates and then can become a blockage but it is all about inflammation.
High blood pressure is the same, raised by having too much inflammation in the body. No B.S. will not raise the blood pressure because it says sodium on it. Your body (kidneys) already makes the (sodium bicarbonate) Baking Soda but as we age or some bodies in general quit making enough of it to keep us healthy with a good PH level in our blood. I used to be on all the meds. and after taking this and apple Cider vinegar (organic) I went back to my Doctor and he could not believe I was the same person. He took me off high blood pressue and the Cholesterol pills. I have never felt better. These products are amazing God given. Your body was meant to heal itself if you give it the right things. As you start this check your blood pressure daily and see your Doctor before quiting your medication as I am NOT a Doctor but this has worked wonders for me.
Aluminum in Baking Soda
Posted by Dan (Seattle) on 12/20/2014
Ginger, Baking Soda does not contain anything but sodium bicarbonate. Baking Powder, on the other hand, can include aluminum but not all of them do. Hope this helps.
Aluminum in Baking Soda
Posted by Ginger (Quebec, CA) on 12/20/2014
I want to use baking soda as a remedy. I would like to know if the regular baking soda available in stores, contains aluminum?
I am hesitant to use this remedy as aluminum is so dangerous. Thank you for your replies. I appreciate your help.
Baking Soda Details
Posted by Denielle (Australia) on 10/05/2014
Regarding the Colloidal Silver...DO NOT add anything to the water, it changes the chemical structure of the silver particle, you must use pure water, I use water bought from supermarket. I own silverwell generator, look on this site for lots of great information. For toenail fungus you can spray silver on that but personally I think teatree oil would work faster.
Loved to Bicarb, could not shake a flu with mucus constantly running down back of my throat and staying in sinuses giving me dull headaches, so had enough and decided to alkalize and bicarb is most alkaline thing to use so been taking 1tsp in morning in water and because bicarb depleats magnesium been taking quarter tsp epsom salts in glass water at night. 5th day now and feeling so much better going to do this for a week until I kill it.
Adult Onset Asthma
Posted by Lisa (Boise, ID) on 08/17/2014
I have a lot of the same symptoms you have I. E. Skin and breathing issues. I find that if I'm drinking a couple of quarts of water each day it subsides. I'm curious to know if you have had success with the baking soda with any of your ailments.
Posted by Rosemary (AZ, US) on 08/14/2014
Ed2010 Canada. I am looking for advice on a friend's Stage 3 Chronic Kidney Disease. Vit C/Ascorbic acid seems to be a viable option for stabilizing/reversing this disease. Certainly, alkalizing would help also. Based on your previous reply to one of my questions I personally continue to take the 1/2 tsps of ascorbic acid and baking soda 2 - 3 times a day but, I have normal functioning kidneys. My concern for her would be that the baking soda would contain too much sodium for someone with stg 3 CKD. Do you think that this a viable concern? If so, what could she use in place of the baking soda with the acsorbic acid in order to help buffer and alkalize that would not contain sodium? Your knowledge and assistance is greatly appreciated.
Posted by Rosemary (Az, US) on 07/27/2014
Ed2010 from Canada, thank you for your reply. I was wondering because a similar warning is on the baking soda box (I believe the box says 2 weeks, actually) and there are additional statements on other sites of similar warnings/suggestions. Those websites are not as numerous as ones like this that do not mention pulsing or staying of the baking soda for the same length of time that one was using it. Although, I do recall a posting on here somewhere where Ted recommended 5 days on and 2 days off for a particular ailment. Anyhow, thanks again for your reply.
Posted by Ed2010 (Canada) on 07/27/2014
There is no reason explained why ascorbic acid and baking soda mixture should not be taken more than 3 weeks.
Moreover, ascorbic acid and baking soda combines to form Sodium Ascorbate which an alkaline form of Vitamin C.
2 C6H8O6 + Na2CO3 = 2 C6H7NaO6 + H2O + CO2
(above is the chemical reaction equation)
You should understand most of these websites have authors who are paid to write. Even if he is a qualified author, still there is no explanation for why a person should not take more 3 weeks.
Good Health
Posted by Rosemary (Az, US) on 07/26/2014
Posted by Ron (Texas, US) on 07/20/2014
Is it safe to take baking soda daily, so long as you supplement with any vitamins or minerals that may be depleted as a result of long term usage?
Cleaning Teeth
Posted by Mama to Many (Tennessee) on 06/14/2014
I have been using baking soda to clean my teeth for several months. I like it better than any other natural solution I have found so far. I dip my toothbrush into the baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) and add a drop of peppermint essential oil. I brush gently with a soft bristled brush. My mouth feels very clean when I am finished.
I seem to have read in places that baking soda may be hard on the teeth. I asked my dentist his opinion of baking soda instead of toothpaste. He said that it is what people used to use and that he thinks it is a good thing to do. He said that he does not think it is too abrasive for the teeth. He also said that since cavities form in an acid environment and that the baking soda will create a more alkaline environment, that baking soda should be helpful in avoiding cavities.
My mother used baking soda and peroxide for years as her only "toothpaste" at the recommendation of her periodontist! Mom had problems with her teeth for years and worked hard to keep them. (She was in a car accident when she was 6 that seemed to affect her teeth her whole life.)
Perhaps some will find baking soda to not work well for them. I am not suggesting this is the best thing for everyone. It has just worked well for me and I thought my dentist's opinion made sense.
This is a pretty neat dentist, by the way. He is not a natural or biological dentist. He is in a very small town often serving the poor. By what he charges he is obviously not in this for the money. Though my children have had well water since we started going to him, he never suggests flouride for them. He seems to just want to help people keep their teeth healthy. He has really been a blessing to our family when we have needed dental help or advice.
~Mama to Many~
Multiple Ailments
Posted by Mary (Saskatchewan) on 05/30/2014
Laura: have you considered turpentine to kill yeast? Check out Dr. Daniels on Turpentine she calls it the yeast cleaner.
Multiple Ailments
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 05/29/2014
Hi Laura...There are only one or two American doctors like Dr William Shaw that treat Candida as well as other related problems. You can buy kits for testing yourself from him or you can get your doctor to give permission for him to test or treat you. He knows candida well, but the problem is that he charges rather alot for both testing and for treatment. This will depend on your med insurance(which is accepted by Dr Shaw) and you will also have to convince your doctor for permission for him to treat you. See this link:
Dr Shaw Test Pricing
The only other option for you would be to educate yourself quickly on candida problems and just treat yourself, which would be far cheaper. And a good place to start is here on EC. Just type Candida in the upper right hand search box on the EarthClinic page and start there. You can successfully treat and cure serious candida issues yourself, I'm living proof of that.
Another piece of advice: If you have had serious candida issues over the last few years or decades then you will probably not be able to cure it using the single protocol approach -- using just simple remedies like only baking soda or by just using diet or probiotics on its own. These approaches might work for simple localized yeast infections but will not work for serious systemic candida fungal issues. Systemic means that the candida has spread into your blood organs and tissues. This form is much more difficult to treat which is why you should always use a multi-protocol strategy against serious systemic candida issues that incorporates the following or similar strategy:
Anti-Candida and Anti-Pathogen Protocols
Anti-Biofilm Protocols
Alkalizing Protocols
Essential Detox Protocol
The Anti-Candida Diet
Multiple Ailments
Posted by Timh (KY) on 05/29/2014 2042 posts
Multiple Ailments
Posted by Laura (North Platte, Nebraska) on 05/28/2014
Baking soda... Need to find a doc who treats candida, fungus, bacteria, parasites. I am 27. no answers. I know baking soda is the answer. Please help
Baking Soda Details
Posted by Candy (Lincoln, Ne) on 04/29/2014
How much silver a day orally for toe nail fungus, or can it be applied right on the toe nail as well?
Body Odor
Posted by David (Central Sc) on 01/01/2014
A few years back, I too, was using baking soda for several months with no problems, then all of a sudden, I began to burn and chafe; consequently, I change my regime to the following: I slap some virgin coconut oil on first, then I sprinkle borax in my palms and slap that on as well; seems to work well for me this past three years.
Body Odor
Posted by Dallas (Amesbury, Ma) on 12/31/2013

I had the same problem a few months ago. I found the baking soda to be the best deodorant ever. And then I got a burning, itchy rash in both underarms that I am STILL trying to get rid of.
Acid Reflux
Posted by Tracy (Wi) on 11/03/2013
Hello, you may have what I was diagnosed with as you have almost identical symptoms. My GI doctor went in with a scope & told me that I have something called Gastritis. It is when the protective coating of your stomach gets compromised. Meaning it gets thinned out & then exposes your stomach directly to the acid. It can cause ulcers & other problems. In short, gastritis looks like a rash in your stomach. Mine was on the lower half of my esophagus, my stomach and in the first part of my intestines. I had severe pain on my left side just under my rib but had puking boughts every morning & within 20 minutes of eating anything tomato based, milk, butter, dairy in general, coffee. For anyone trying to treat acid reflux by drinking milk like I had tried. Don't, it's an acid! Who knew right? In short, the best thing I was prescribed out of everything was the combo of avoiding said acidic foods and getting prescribed Nexium. After about a month I started to heal. Also, the docs will all want to prescribe you a gammut of other meds that they will tell you are almost identical to Nexium. THEY ARE NOT! They don't work as well & that's a BS story that is really about most insurance companies making them prescribe other things first so they don't have to pay for what works right away. No lie. Now I get acid reflux occasionally. My fix for that is Antacid Chews. They come in cherry & work within 2 minutes! Hope this helps. I thought I was dying up until all of this!
Baking Soda Details
Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 10/30/2013
Hello Msdir:
You are doing the right thing in getting a colloidal silver generator for yourself.
I have two. One I've used for nearly 20 years. The last one I got was via the internet, just google something like "colloidal silver generators economical"...something like that.
Two ways to make it: The "purist" way...takes thirty minutes. The fast way, takes about five minutes. I use the latter.
I've done it the "fast" way for 19 years with amazing results. The only trick is to add twenty grains of sea salt to give the purified water (90 degrees) conductivity. Immediately the silver will be seen coming off the negative pole. That two cup mixture will be diluted with purified water by 32 cups...that is you have a concentrate that you can see visibly and that you will dilute by an added thirty two cups of water. Not cold water. At that point you cannot see any "milkiness" or tinting to the water but you know for a fact the silver is there....just waiting to pounce on unsuspecting viruses.
The slow method does not use any conductivity and after thirty minutes you will see a color to the water. You now have silver in the water but the quality is at least in color different. Some adherents argue that the slow method is the best. I disagree. Nothing works like success and the "fast" method has proven itself again and again. The fast method produces a silver with a wider surface area than the slow. To the "slow" makers, the smaller surface area is superior but I've read at least one report that argues the wider surface area is better...the wider surface being able to kill more viruses. Whatever, the fast method has worked and worked. So I'm content with the fast method.
By the way, the amount of salt into the mixture is NOT so much (twenty grains) as to produce any residue of creamy silver particless in the bottom of the jar. So no silver compound has been produced. And in using the tiny silver strands to make the silver over 19 years, those strands which I started with are still the same ones...not worn down by thousands of productions. So the point is a very TINY amount of silver is being used. But just a tiny amount is needed to kill billions of virus invaders.
I take my CS five times weekly...about three tablespoons per dose and often use the CS in an irrigation. My skin is not grey or blue...perfectly white.
Do not refrigerate the CS.
Keep in a dark room temp cabinet.
Welcome to the wonderful world of becoming a virus/fungus KILLER!!!!
Baking Soda Details
Posted by Msdlr (Clarksville, Tn) on 10/30/2013
I have read the posts and learned a great deal. I have bought and taken Collodial Silver from online and it is expensive. I would love to learn how to make my own. Please advise. Thank you for your tips on baking soda and collodial silver.
Baking Soda Details
Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 09/04/2013
You are right on about the tea tree oil as a microbe killer and you are also right about colloidal silver (CS) doing the same. And if you have your own silver maker, CS is cheap too as you point out. Silver will kill bacteria too as well as fungus and viruses.
I see so many "problems" that might be microbe related and folks need to remember to try an anti viral/fungal/bacterial to see if that is an underlying issue to their problem. The medical community rarely knows what to do about viruses.
I'll also compliment you on observing that purchasing CS retail is a "rip off" and making your own costs virtually nothing. I give it away to friends. And you are so right that the retail usually has very low ppm which is key to killing the infection... mine is about 100 ppm.
Baking Soda Details
Posted by Kittyspanker (Colorado) on 09/03/2013
Janique from Manila, Philippines collodiol silver will help but a much cheaper method that will last you a very long time Is a bottle of tea tree oil make sure it is 100% Tea tree oil 36% terpinen ol-4 is the usual strength make sure it is from australlia were tea tree oil comes from most brands should be.. I got a bottle for 5$ and this will last me a very long time I used to cure staph killed my staph infection in 3 days. It also works on nail fungus and is cheaper the collodiol silver I know collodiol silver kills 98.7% of all fungus known to man so in the very very rare case tea tree oil doesn't work, I might give the silver a try. Try to find somebody that makes it. I make it much better and stronger then at the store. The only cost is about one spoon full of baking soda haha for 20 gallons this would cost you 51,200$ at the store or orderd online at this potency I know its a huge rip off seeing how I can make it for .02 cents and at a much better quality you can make your own. Tea tree oil should work fine 5$ last a year whelp coming her I assume answered my question is it safe to take 2 teaspoons a day of Sodium Bicarboate. I removed all salt from my diet will I've always had 100% salt free diet hated it since I was a kid so that 2 teaspoons is all I can have. Somebody had said they used 5 teaspoons a day for 5 years on here or was it 8 teaspoons lol? he is still alive didn't mention any side effects so I assume using 2 tea spoons of Sodium Bicarbonate a day is fine and that is my only salt intake as well....
Acid Reflux
Posted by Ruchelle (Philippines) on 08/24/2013
Is there such thing as acid in your lung, I also have acid reflux and it causes odor :(. Is there a treatmenr for that?
Broad Benefits
Posted by Alakhi (Livingston, Montana) on 08/08/2013
Baking soda for pcos and acne: I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the baking soda remedy!! It has helped me better than anything with my skin issues, and there is no comparison in how I feel. It seems to help me with all of my food allregies too! I drink the baking soda and use it to wash my face. When I stop using this my issues come back.
High Blood Pressure
Posted by Lori (Dela, Co) on 07/16/2013

I recently stopped taking baking soda (1/4 tsp) daily and a tblsp of black strap molasses and I feel great!! In the last 2 years that I had taken both faithfully my blood pressure rose with each Dr. visit and I hadn't done anything different. I recently had blood work done and my iron level (i'm assuming came from the bsm) was very high. I took every word on the baking soda as being so good for you but I tend to think differently now. Not all bodies are the same and I really think it caused my bp to go up. i'm not a salt eater so it wasn't the sodium I took in other wise. be careful with all natural remedies. every now and then I will drink 1/4 tsp of bs. I do drink a squeezed lemon daily and have not had any problems.
Travel Uses
Posted by Joy (Battleground, Wash) on 04/20/2013
It's almost summer... I take baking soda for hotel stays and spread it on the rug to cut any odors from cleaners or chlorine in nearby pools getting into the air. Take some for camping in tents or yurts ; a little bit of soda in a bowl or on a plate can soak up some of the odor from molds or musty smells.
You will also have it with you for other uses: teeth, bites, stings, scratches, cooking.
Stomach Ache
Posted by Flordeldesierto (Middle Of No Where, Ca) on 04/09/2013
Instead of ingesting baking soda my mother-in-law has the remedy of rubbing on the outside of the tummy a little bit of baking soda mixed in any safe oil (I used coconut oil). I have never heard of this before, but it worked like a charm for my 2 month old's indigestion in seconds. In addition it also got rid of the reoccuring diarhea she had been suffering.
Colds and Flu
Posted by Petra (Los Angeles, California) on 03/19/2013
After having lot of colds and flus this year I started taking a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water every time I get sick now and it cures me in 2 days....
Posted by Alakhi (Livingston, Mt) on 02/20/2013
I have been using baking soda internally to treat my acne and it has really worked for me! I also ocasssiinally wash my face with it, about once per week. I realize how well it worked now that I have not used it for a week. I have about 10 pimples on my face. Back on the baking soda!
Baking Soda and the Pancreas
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 01/24/2013
Hi Dennis... Supplementing Sodium Bicarbonate will not harm the pancreas or the gallbladder. One of the main functions of the human pancreas is to provide pancreatic juices during digestion. These pancreatic juices necessarily contain bicarbonates for a purpose. These juices are important and necessary to neutralize the chyme(food and acid from the stomach) and to create the necessary alkaline medium for proper operation of the pancreatic enzymes for main stage digestion to occur without problems in the duodenum. So supplementing with Sodium Bicarbonate or baking soda is actually beneficial to the pancreas - it restores the important bicarbonate stores in the pancreas necessary for proper digestion -- and will also benefit gall bladder problems.
For gall bladder and gallstone issues Ted also advises adjustments in diet -- no vegetable oils, no dairy, less meat and low sugar intake. Supplement a teaspoon of granulated lecithin(not the oil form) at mealtimes and also taking Ted's citric acid or lemon/lime alkalizing remedy twice a day will also benefit gall bladder problems. I would also advise taking 1000 mgs organic chanca piedra capsules 3 times a day with meals or just take the tea form three times a day. This regimen helps to reduce excess calcium and fat(mainly excess vegetable oils) in the body thereby helping to prevent gall bladder problems and which also helps to remove gallstones as well.
Baking Soda and the Pancreas
Posted by Dennis (Indianapolis, Indiana) on 01/24/2013
I had a gall bladder attack which affected my pancreas, I wanted to take baking soda to help improve my PH. Will this affect my pancreas? Thanks for help and God Bless.
Baking Soda Details
Posted by Alex E (Melbourne, Australia) on 01/17/2013
I am a very healthy male 78 years old. I tend to have an acid diet but with a lot of fruit and vegetables and have no problems. I was wondering about sodium bicarbonate. My question is when to take in relation to meals and time of day. With water or lemon/lime juice etc? Would take the lower level say one teaspoon a day or a bit less.
Alkalizing pH
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 01/14/2013 2042 posts
Jim Humble, founder of MMS and the Genesis II Church Of Health And Healing just released an article debunking the "myth" of alkalizing for health. I have no master degree in biology or pathology, but I do have a bachelor understanding of the acid -alkali balance. I have a pathology textbook with a whole chapter devoted to "disturbances in homeostasis" with PH "imbalance" included. Millions of people don't take acid reducing pharmaceuticals for nothing. I agree w/ Jim that the human body has multiple layers of dealing with PH balance, but he doesn't address the many conditions (diseases) that can disrupt this balance. None-the-less, he simply states that there is nothing you can do (dietary speaking, including antacids) to alter your PH.
From what I can understand, this area of health/disease study is evolving and everyone here on the "PH balanced for life" side needs to read Jim's take, and Jim needs to read the "disturbances in homeostasis" chapter.
As for immediate application, a properly balanced body is one with no nutritional deficiencies; and proper PH especially needs the entire 72 minerals that were available in our Paleolithic ancestor's diet.
Alkalizing pH
Posted by Larry (Fairfax, Va) on 01/13/2013
Please clarify what "BS" is. Thank you.
Alkalizing pH
Posted by Michelle (Griffith, Nsw, Australia) on 01/13/2013
Hey-"just chillin" I have read many articles that suggest deficiencies in your B vitamins can be linked to anxiety and depression. With also reading above that BS can hinder with your B vitamin absorption I would seek a naturopath's professional opinion.. Hope this info sparks an interest for you.
Depletes Calcium
Posted by Brian (Wichita, Is) on 01/12/2013
Milk is ninety percent water, there are studies on milk beating out water and Gatorade in athletes after three hour competitions, ( ) I myself was donating plasma for two years and could not afford to eat food before I donated plasma which would cause me to test LOW on protien levels ( this happened five times) every time this happened I'd scramble up some change and drink a milk, and go get screened again and my protien would go up, there are studies ( independent studies) showing milk to hydrate the body.
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 12/15/2012
Hi Susan... BS should not be taken if the body is in a state of alkalosis (too alkaline) as occurs in many end stage autoimmune diseases such as cancer, hepatitis, HIV AIDS. BS should also not be taken if you have a malfunctioning kidney.
As Paracelsus, a famous medievil Swiss physician said: "Poison is in everything, and no thing is without poison. The dosage makes it either a poison or a remedy."
For a reasonable account of warnings and contraindications for BS, see this link.
For further evidence of the usefulness of BS to the body (other than just for alkalizing) see this link.
I've been using SB against candida in high dosages and on a regular basis since then for many years and have noticed no adverse effects.
Posted by Susan (New York) on 12/15/2012
Bill from San Fernando, can you clarify this statement on E/C. Maybe this is for legal purpose to protect E/C from lawsuit. I know B/S is needed by everyone, is there any reason or under what health condition one should not take baking soda ? As you have mentioned table salt is much more deadly.
Acid Reflux
Posted by Swatantra (Bhopal, Mp- India) on 12/14/2012
Many many thanks Bill for your valuable advice. Before facing my ailments head on please pardon me for dragging this a bit further to have a better understanding of the issue. I shall be grateful if you can spare some more time for this.
I'm in early sixties burdened with acute acidity, loud belching, bloating, heart burns, reflux, once in a while burning pains on left side near the ribs (probably after consuming too much fried foods), occasional sleep paralysis and uneasy breathing due to bloating, recently developed minor umbilical hernia, colds/allergies (frequent sneezing, running nose, blocked right nose esp at night) forgetfulness and what not for many years. I have a feeling it all started about 20 years back after I got my teeth cavities filled up with Mercury amalgam. But I try to control all these through proper diet, preventions, yoga, acupressure, "Ayurveda", home remedies and valuable tips from such web sites to great extent. I want to stay clear of modern medicine. Please help me with the following issues:
1. When you say SB can be consumed over long periods does it mean throughout your life time? I had always felt the need for it after 15 when I had discontinued it days as reported in my first post. I was bit concerned over this issue because of the following observations from different websites :
Few websites were of the opinion that SB should not be taken for more than 15 days at stretch. Although not stating whether it can be resumed after a certain gap or not. Thanks you have made it clear.The content of Sodium in SB was also a subject matter of discussion on some websites as far as its effect on BP/Hypertension etc. But some websites gave results of clinical trials establishing conclusively that the Sodium of SB is free of any adverse effects on BP/Hypertension etc. It may be related to chloride content of NaCl etc.
The timing of dosage was also discussed on some websites and it was concluded that SB should never be taken on full stomach or just after meals. It should be taken only on empty stomach or few hours after meals as this may cause bloating which coupled with full stomach may cause utter discomfort and even severe consequences.
2. Regarding alkalizing the blood & cells with SB & Lime are these two separate destinations? Doesn't the blood carry the medicine to cells? What about the standard dose you advocate for SB?
3. Please name the Magnesium Chloride & pancreatic enzymes rich food items available naturally as SC is. Incidentally we are using SC (sea salt) most of the time already.
4. By taking ACV at mealtimes and also MC etc. please clarify in what manner, quantity & whether before, during or afterwards the meals.
5. I shall be extremely thankful if you can suggest me the treatments which cover my ailments better.
This is an unbelievable website - nothing short of a treasure island. Take as much as you want. I keep coming back to consult. As a matter of fact I had always wished to start a web site on the same lines incorporating "Ayurveda", "Yoga", acupressure etc. as well. Thanks for saving my time. I may not do it now. This is about the best I have seen so far. Congratulations on your wonderful efforts. You are doing the humanity a great service. Keep it up.
However, there is a mild sense of disappointment when I find most of the treatments/medicines given on the website do not actually seem to cure but suppress the symptoms giving short term relief only. You have also admitted it. This may lead to getting addicted to these medicines as well.
I am not sure how far it is practical if you can work on having a team of willing doctors/ specialists to give their opinions as well on the remedies being experimented with, a well equipped lab to analyze the chemistry behind the remedies and above all clinical trials to get a better insight into the treatment and establish conclusively the ultimate cure.
In India there is a well known proverb "pehla sukh nirogi kaya" which conveys - first & foremost happiness (in life) is a body free of ailments. Who will disagree with this? Let us all strive to achieve this on priority.
Finally as far as this website is concerned hats off again and a very loud 'YEA' for it. I don't mind getting addicted to it.
p.s. I have resumed taking SB once again after you have alleviated my doubts. It's my 20th day with half a teaspoon of SB with one lime juice as you have prescribed, first thing in the morning (just 1 dose) & I'm feeling comfortable both with my acidity & colds. I had missed a dose one day & the next day I felt I shouldn't have. I have a feeling I should be taking the night dose as well. Incidentally we enrich our drinking water with a pinch of Lime as well. I will try ACV a little later. A very big THANKS to you once again
Posted by Sandyg (Kanpur, Up, India) on 11/29/2012
baking soda can also help to get rid of dandruff. First wet your hair and then rub some baking soda onto your scalp, wait for some time and then wash your hair. It works. I have tried it and have got positive results
Broad Benefits
Posted by Jay Mango (Germantown, Ohio, Usa) on 11/23/2012
Tea tree oil works best for toenail fungus.
Adult Onset Asthma
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 11/21/2012
Hi Suzanne... The asthma and allergies you have may well be caused by candida in your body.
You should alkalize your blood 3 times a day with Ted's BS and water remedy. This should be taken 1/2 hr to 1 hour after all meals -- 1/4 to 1/2 tspn in a half glass of water.
You should also alkalize your body cells using Ted's lemon/lime, water and BS remedy. Do this at least 2 times a day outside mealtimes.
To get off the prednisone -- try taking between 900 mgs each of pantethine and pantothenic acid and take B complex vitamns once a day. Pantethine and pantothenic acid have been found to give the same beneficial effects as prednisone -- without the dangerous side-effects. As well, you should take between 300 micrograms and 900 micrograms of molybdenum daily to both neutralize the candida poisons and hydrcarbon poisons in your body. Molybdenum also acts to kill candida.
Read this piece of research:
The Candida/Aldehyde Connection
To discover how to kill the candida using other natural nutrients like virgin coconut oil, borax and lugols iodine, see this EC link:
Natural Candida Cures on EC