Baking Soda
Health Benefits

Baking Soda Health Benefits: Natural Remedies & Cleaning Tips

Adult Onset Asthma
Posted by Suzanne (La, Ca, Usa) on 11/20/2012

Hi Ted, I've been taking 1 tbsp baking soda in 8 oz of distilled or spring water every morning for at least 6 months. It's help clear me out in the morning and I read about in online for a cancer cure. I don't have cancer but developed adult onset asthma about 14 mths ago and then candida for over 6 mths now due to 3 weeks of antibiotics for a severe sinus infection from advair that I was on for one month last Feb. I have never been sick like this before in my entire life. I'm 54, had chronic hives for 7 years like 15 years ago but that went away. though I need claritin occasionally for itchiness I've had generally very good health til a year ago when I developed the asthma. Last night I started a 6th or 7th round of 5 days of Prednisone for severe asthma attack.

My question is if you could please tell me if taking the baking soda every morning like that okay long term??? I also take it occsionally 1/2 tspn with juice from one lemon or lime for the candida (which really helps it) is okay. I know the prednisone is very dangerous and am hoping to go to a chiropractor I know soon to do an adjustment since I read how that can cure asthma and the one I've gone to is really superb.

Acid Reflux
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 11/18/2012

Swatantra... Sodium Bicarbonate has a lower toxicity than table salt and is quite safe to use over long periods. Your body needs the bicarbonate not only to help alkalize the intestines and the body, but also for increasing the oxygenation of cells.

If you are worried about taking too much, take the bicarbonate remedy for 5 days and then have a rest for two days. The need for bicarbonates and alkalizing is completely dependent on the food you eat so if you are eating acid foods all the time then you will have to continuously alkalize your body using this remedy.

It is also beneficial to alkalize the cells with the lemon/lime, water and bicarbonate remedy given on this site. Taking just the Sodium Bicarbonate with water will alkalize the blood. Taking the lemon/lime, water and bicarbonate remedy will alkalize the body cells. Both these remedies should also be taken to achieve correct overall alkaline adjustment of the body.

If you have acidity and reflux problems then you should also take Betaine Hydrochloride and pancreatic enzymes at mealtimes. The reason you have acidity is probably because of low stomach acid and the acidity you are experiencing is not occurring in the stomach but is probably occurring in the duodenum, which is wrapped around the stomach.

You can test this yourself by supplementing either ordinary vinegar or apple cider vinegar at mealtimes. If this relieves your acidity and reflux then you have too little acid in your stomach. This relieves the low stomach acidity problem because Vinegar and Apple Cider Vinegar are acidic -- so this increases stomach acidity to correct levels again. However, I must add here that although Vinegar and ACV can relieve the symptoms -- it is NOT a cure because it just relieves the symptoms and does not address the root cause -- which is lack of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. To cure the problem, you must have a source of Chloride for the stomach to generate hydrochloric acid for itself. This is why you must take betaine hydrochloric acid. Other sources of chloride that you can also supplement which will counteract the low acidity prroblem are sea salt (Sodium Chloride) and Magnesium Chloride.

Acid Reflux
Posted by Swatantra (Bhopal, Mp - India) on 11/18/2012

I had taken Sodium Bicarbonate powder about 1 tsp in a glass of water first thing in the morning and also 1 tsp at bedtime for 6-7 days. Later on the quantity was reduced to about 1/2 tsp for another week. In all for about 15 days. I felt completely releived of my sevear acidity and heart burn problem. I have stopped continuous use because I am not sure how long Sodium Bicarbonate can be consumed safely. I shall be extremely thankful if any one can guide me weather it is safe to consume SB on daily basis?

Posted by Amazon13 (Fresno, Ca, Usa) on 10/31/2012

I have been using ACV for many, many years and the health benefits of it is endless. Lisa from Dallas, TX on 06/18/2012 reply was right on the money and to that I would like to warn people that too much baking soda can make your blood pressure rise if not careful. I too now have bouts with Gout and am starting a regimen for that with the ACV and Baking Soda, but my plans are to try the Tri-Salts because this is the first of my hearing about this product!

I will be researching this before actually buying it, I'm a firm believer in researching things before I try them but it sounds promising. I was diagnosed with NAFLD last year and my doctor tole me that there was no cure or treatment for it and that many people in the USA have this disease due to eating too much fatty foods. She left it at that and soon after I left her with that prognosis because I believe that natural treatments will prevail if one persist with the treatments and I was right. I have minimum trust in Western Medicines and the doctors who prescribe them.

I'm doing much better since I left that doctor and started my own regimen to treat and maybe even, who knows, cure my NAFLD. All I can say is I started this the beginning in 2012 and now I'm no longer having the devastating pain that I was having, by the way I had gone to the emergency room of a near by hospital back in August of 2011 for this problem, that is when this condition was identified by the emergency room doctor whom instructed me to go to my primary doctor for followup, which I did.

To say the least she was lackadaisical about how to follow up with my diagnosis even though the emergency room doctor had suggested that my emergency room visit be followed up with a CAT Scan to see if there was more damage to my liver than they were able to see on the sonogram that night. My doctors indecisiveness about the CAT Scan because she felt it was too much radiation, I've never had one before in my life! She being a naturopathic doctor who was determined not to allow me to have the procedure although I specifically informed her that I wanted it, she cancelled it without even notifying me of the cancellation!

There were all kinds of signs of my NAFLD on my body, yet after seeing her for more than three years she never spotted any of the signs, considering all of the blood test that I had within the three years, I was livid about this to say the least! Now I'm in the market for a primary doctor again but this time I'm going to have to feel the connection before I decide on a doctor, because many of them no longer have the inner feelings of wanting to help and heal their patients.

Baking Soda Details
Posted by Chris (Gympie, Australia) on 10/23/2012

hi there I have half a teaspoon of baking soda in 1 litre of water a day / I take this as I am trying to get rid of candida and also if any one out there is interested I also take a product called kolorex / and cut out sugar / looking as if it is working so far / 2 weeks in. hope this helps.

Acid Reflux
Posted by Taffy (Santa Cruz, Ca, Usa) on 10/20/2012

It didn't seem to make sense to take ACV for a tummy that felt so full of air plus the pain, but it worked! We started with 1t diluted with a bit of warm water. Immediate relief! A bit of pressure and distension left was cured by another teaspoon ( 1T warm water). Cool!

Love how EC keeps it simple and tries to get to causes. So, to the cause of the tummy blowing up... At raw food school, I learned about the different chemicals our bodies produce to digest food. To oversimplify, when we mix foods that require acid (protein) and foods that require enzymes (carbs), we are operating competing systems. This can cause the tummy to blow up and hurt. We may not know which system is winning. However, that said, it seems the vinegar cure works for me and my friend regularly... that is, whether there's too much acid or not enough.

I do eat some single food meals which was recommended to me for good digestion. And the paleo diet concept rings true for me. I imagine, as our bodies evolved for 200,000 years, we grazed and hunted and ate one food at a time.

Keepin' it simple!

Best Time to Take
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 10/01/2012

Editor's Choice Hi Diana... When I had candida in the past and I first started to alkalize, I always took both Ted's bicarb and water and lemon/ lime bicarb and water remedies about 2 hours after eating -- outside mealtimes in other words. This greatly helped against my candida, constipation and bloating issues. In those days, I usually started to alkalize in late morning.

Later, I understood that taking sodium bicarb and water outside mealtimes was good for alkalizing both the intestines and the body. However now, I take sodium bicarb and water about 1/2 hr to 1 hour after meals -- because taking it this way helps to alkalize the intestines, alkalize the blood AND helps digestion issues because it supports main stage digestion in the upper intestines which should always occur in an alkaline to neutral medium(not acid).

Normally, during sleep at night, the body's homeostsis mechanism comes into play to re-adjust the body's pH(and electrochemistry) back to a healthy levels again. Since 90% of the food we eat now is acidic -- taking sodium bicarb in this way, an hour or so before sleep, actually helps the homeostasis mechanism to re-adjust the body's pH to healthy levels again.

What I have also noticed is that taking sodium bicarb at night also helps people with slow digestion ussues caused by GERD and other problems. Similarly, slow or poor digestion can also be caused by too little bicarbonates from the pancreatic juices -- so taking sodium bicarbonate an hour before you sleep actually helps to make digestion more efficient and helps to avoid acid intestines, reflux etc at night.

To keep it simple -- the only times when I would never take the sodium bicarb and water remedy would be directly before a meal, during a meal and directly after a meal ie while stomach acid digestion is still working and doing its job -- because taking thos remedy incorrectly like this during meals would adversely affect and interfere with both stomach acid digestion and main stage digestion in the duodenum.

Therefore Sodium bicarb is OK to take for constipation. But I've also found that if you add 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt(once a day) to the sodium bicarb and water and take it that way as Ted advises -- then this tend to work much better to help loosen up the constipation than just sodium bicarb and water alone.

Best Time to Take
Posted by Susan (New York) on 09/30/2012

Hi Bill from San Fernando, sorry I did not make myself clear. So it is ok to take sodium bicabonate and water an hour before my 8 hours sleep? Thanks.

Best Time to Take
Posted by Diana (White Mountains, Nh, USA) on 09/30/2012

Bill, I am taking baking soda in the empty stomach everyday and its helping me. I have chronic constipation. I take little ACV and Baking Soda with lots of water. You just advised that it is not good to take baking soda before 12pm. Please advice it is ok to take baking soda for constipation in the empty stomach.

Best Time to Take
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 09/29/2012

Hi Susan... The reason Ted advises that you alkalize after 12 pm is because, during the night, the body's homeostasis works hard to readjust your body's pH to correct and healthy levels again -- and so in the morning your body should be reasonably alkaline anyway. But, after you have eaten breakfast and lunch -- the acid food that you have eaten will have acidified your body to some degree -- since 80% of the food we eat is acid-forming anyway -- so taking the alkalizing remedies after lunch will better assist in keeping the body alkalized and healthy.

Your post was a little unclear so I will assume that you are a night worker(you didn't mention this) and that you go to bed for eight hours in the morning when you get back from your night work. When you go to sleep for 8 hrs in the morning then this is when your body goes into repair mode(which is exactly what occurs if you go to sleep for 8 hours at night) -- this is when your body tries to readjust your pH to healthy levels again. So, in this instance, taking sodium bicabonate and water an hour before your 8 hours sleep(in the morning) actually aids the body in the alkalizing readjustment process.

But if you were talking about going to sleep for just a quick hour's nap -- then no, this is not the same as 8 hours rem sleep that I've described above.

Best Time to Take
Posted by Susan (Vancouver, Canada) on 09/29/2012

Bill from San Fernando, can you clarify this. What if I go to bed before 12 PM, when should I take the B/S since Ted's post does not recommend taken before 12 pm. Thanks Bill.

Per Ted's Post

Baking soda is ideally taken before bedtime, but also ideally after lunch one to two hours, and after dinner one hours. It is never to be taken before 12 pm or early morning, although it can be used as a toothpaste substitute for most fluoridated toothpastes. Ted""

Aluminum in Baking Soda
Posted by Serendipity (Amman, Jordan) on 09/23/2012

I know this thread was from back in 2011, but I just wanted to say I totally agree with Peaceout (Great Britain). I know that feeling sick can sometimes make you less pleasant than you wish you were, but it's important to keep sarcasm and unpleasantness out of forums like these. Sometimes ongoing health issues can make us so delicate that unkind comments might be all it takes to tip us over into despair. I love Earth Clinic too, and come back time and time again to read. I have weaned so many members of my husband's family off those horrible Rennies and Tums and got them all using Red Mill bicarb instead.

Bless you all for all this priceless information.

Sodium Bicarbonate Tablets
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 09/18/2012

Hi Lucena... I just bought my sodium bicarb tablets from Watsons, but I'm sure Mercury Drug will probably have it too -- I asked for it at the prescription counter.

Something else I found on the internet today. I did an eBay search on "sodium bicarbonate tablets" and found some good deals -- 1000 sodium bicarb tablets (over a years supply) for only about $13.80 or about 570 pesos. That means that each tablet costs just over 1 cent or approximately 0.6 pesos.

Sodium Bicarbonate Tablets
Posted by Lucena (Dubai) on 09/18/2012

Hi Bill.. Thanks for the info. I might purchase that tablet too for travelling convenience. Is it available in mercury or any specific drug store? I will be in cebu. thanks.

Sodium Bicarbonate Tablets
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 09/17/2012

I just wanted to amplify something that Ted from Bangkok mentioned in a recent post that I thought was useful advice. He said that he buys tablets in Thailand -- called sodamint -- that just contain sodium bicarbonate and mint. These are useful and convenient for digestion problems and are also very useful for alkalizing the blood in the same manner as Ted's baking soda powder and water remedy.

So I wondered whether they sold the same or similar tablets in the Philipines and I went to the pharmacist and found sodium bicarbonate tablets. It only cost me about about $1.00 for 100 tablets each containing 650 mgs of sodium bicarbonate. The other advantage of these sodium bicarbonate tablets is that they must also be food grade to be sold for human consumption.

Although baking soda, as the powder, is the better form (no caking agents, fillers, additives etc that are in tablets), the tablet form of BS is very convenient for people who have to work or people who travel alot etc, and is a useful method to help digestion as well as a useful way to alkalize the blood on a daily basis.

Tablets that only contain sodium bicarbonate and nothing else should be used -- and should contain no paracetamol, aspirin or any other drug in the tablet form.

Baking Soda Details
Posted by Lerk (Houston, Tx, Usa) on 07/27/2012

After suffering with hyperacidity for several months and trying the "Green Drink", Baking Soda and lime, baking soda and ACV and just about every supplement and OTC treatment under the sun and achieving lackluster results, I decided that it had to be something else. I eat very healthily, don't smoke, rarely drink alcohol (like maybe 1x/month if that), don't eat fast food or junk food and avoid all red meat, high fat foods, tomato-based foods, chocolate, caffeine, etc. After testing my urine pH for the upteenth time one day, it occurred to me to test my reverse osmosis soft water because I consume around 70 oz of water daily and my problems coincided with my move to a new home where I began drinking the reverse osmosis soft water for the first time. Imagine my shock (and relief) when, after multiple tests, I discovered that the water I had been drinking has a 5.25 pH. I'm posting this in hopes that it saves others out there some anguish. I am now drinking bottled mineral water and using the tap water (pH 6.75) to brew my ginger, chamomille and other herbal teas and my urine pH is stable and consistently in the "normal" range.

Posted by Lisa (Dallas, Tx) on 06/18/2012

Editor's Choice There seems to be a lot of posts regarding ACV with Baking Soda.

My concern is worth mentioning that too much of the BS mixture can tend to mess up your electrolyte balance, if not careful. That can be bad.

I find that Tri-Salts is a much better, safer and healthier alternative to baking soda.

I've had great success using the Tri-Salts (No sodium - only Calcium carbonate/450mg, Magnesium carbonate/250mg, & Potassium bicarbonate/99 mg), and works EXTREMELY well before bedtime, especially if you suffer from acid reflux disease. I also use the unfiltered, organic ACV from the health food store. I order Tri-Salts online. My uric acid levels being "smack dab in the middle range" is actually high enough to always cause me grief. This method works well for me to get it back down. I prefer the protocol mentioned, as opposed to possibly overdoing the baking soda solution.

Baking Soda Details
Posted by Wes (Potomac, Md) on 06/14/2012

Is there any way one can mix the baking soda and molasses with juices? Wasn't sure if mixing the baking soda and molasses with a beverage juice will lessen the potency? I've seen some youtube videos where someone has mixed baking soda with just grapefruit juice and it worked fine.

Any recommendations would be enormously appreciated!

Regards, Wes

Baking Soda Details
Posted by Mellow (London, England) on 06/07/2012

Hello Janique from Manila, Philippines I also had nail fungus and it was driving me crazy. Finally after being I'll with all sorts of problems I discovered I had candida taking all the treatments for this (check out candida diet. Com) my nail fungus is begging to go away =D it feels so great to have strong healthy nails that don't split! Look into this it may have something to do with it. It's not too complicated either my treatment basically coconut oil and probiotics like sauerkraut!

High Blood Pressure
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 06/04/2012 2048 posts

Only recently I had my first case of hypertension crises and "sodium" was definitely a major culprit. Suffering from chronic toxicity of various sources for many yrs and very much disabled I reached a healing crises and required additional buffering w/ sea salt and baking soda (orally) and eventually mineral baths were necessary as my body was depleted in minerals. My BP continued to escalate thru March 2012. I had only slightly reduce dietary sodium to this point and had switched from commercial iodized salt to sea salt as well as Himalayan pink salt autumn 2011. As my crisis worsened I took a DGL/Allantoin dose before rising one day w/ noticeable improvement through the day. The following night I had a batch of air-popped corn w/ the usual butter seasoning and for supper half can of Salmon and WHAM I went down. I suffered thru the weekend and wound up in ER Monday morning w/ reading of 210/135 and feeling very ill. Fortunately 10mg Lisonopril worked wonders (accept for the kidneys of which D-Mannose helped significantly).

So, for me, dietary sodium was definitely a culprit and the Kidneys seem the most affected organ. As for Iodine, there is now on the shelf's of grocers "Iodized" Sea Salt so we don't neglect our precious thyroid. As for natural Iodine supplemental Kelp is as inexpensive as any herb on the market so it only makes sense to take Kelp. Also for everyone suffering from Hypertension it is also recommended to provide natural support for the Kidneys as they are a major factor in determining blood pressure.

High Blood Pressure
Posted by Citygirl27 (Richardson, Tx, Usa) on 06/03/2012

Nevadasmith from PA: That is a great observation. I truly believe that salt is not a culprit with the widespread hypertension there is everywhere. My take on it is it is something else in the salted foods, such as MSG or something else resulting in excessive glutamate. For salt, just be sure you are using "Iodized" salt, so you get the benefit of the iodine when you do use it. If we all insisted on and only bought iodized salt, that is all that would be in stores! Reclaim our iodine (and pineal function) that was taken away when mfr's swapped iodine for bromine in the 70's. Ted/EC has several threads on iodine.

Acid Reflux
Posted by Breeze (Virginia Beach, Virginia, Usa) on 05/28/2012

That should be 2 Grams of magnesium not 2 milligrams. You cannot find a magnesium tablet that low on the market.

Aluminum in Baking Soda
Posted by Cris (Brantford, Ontario) on 05/26/2012

This was an amazing help for me. I also felt like many people posting the same symptoms. I had a feeling of pain in my stomach that was caused buy an onion dip in which caused major pain in my chest. I really thought I was gonna have a heart attack. I do have anxiety and thought it was caused by this but the baking soda was all that I needed to take the pain away. I'm a 32 year old female and thought I was way too young to be going through a heart attack. I really thank you for this information it really helped me!

Baking Soda Details
Posted by Deborah (Melbourne, Australia) on 05/16/2012

Colloidal Silver for fungal infections. Janique from Phillipines, you could try colloidal silver which apparently is antifungal. I had nail fungus on little toe and after a long time, I noticed it was gone as well as any outbreaks of tinea.

High Blood Pressure
Posted by Nevadasmith (Smithfield, Pa) on 05/05/2012

Caution is advised. It is recommended to check with your personal physician.

Some [if not most] folks with hypertension are not salt sensitive and may not experience any ill effects. I have also read that even those who are salt sensitive only experience a mild degree of difference in blood pressure readings if they don't restrict salt.

My wife has systolic hypertension and salt seems to make very little difference to her so she does salt her food but we eat no refined or processed foods like chips so get very little salt otherwise in our diets.

Baking Soda Details
Posted by Janique (Manila, Philippines) on 04/11/2012

Hello, I'm Janique 20 years old from the philippines. I've read about your article about baking soda consumption and I was wondering. If it's really safe to consume. In my case, I've been suffering from nail fungus for the past 8 years, i've tried antibiotics, hand creams, home remedies, nail laquers, and so many stuff but it keeps coming back. Never been cured. I'm also concerned bacause I have acid reflux and chostocondritis which is making it worst due to fungal. Hope you could help me with this kind of situation. Thank you :D

Body Odor
Posted by Onyx (Doha, Qatar) on 02/29/2012


I've been using this for 3 days now as directed by another user on this site (wetting underams and then patting baking soda on it) and it's been very effective as an alternative to anti-perspirant. The only downside was that it stung like crazy when I applied it which continued for about an hour afterwards, this morning I was shocked to see that my underarms were totally raw and scabs had started to form! What I think must have happed is that the baking soda crystals chaffed at the skin on my underams, which is quite sensivie. Anyway I really want this stuff to work, it's so much better than store-bought antiperspirant, so I'm going to try dissolving some in water and then applying it. Hopefully I'll get the same results without the raw skin (ouch).

Depletes Calcium
Posted by Maria (Gippsland, Australia ) on 01/21/2012

Have realized that I did not add that I was talking about pasture fed cows. I tend to think all dairy herds are pasture fed but that is not the case. Thankfully it is mostly here on Oz.

Acid Reflux
Posted by Mike (Sydney, Australia) on 01/11/2012

Here is my formula for curing serious heart disease.

1. Stop Red Meat

2. Filter your water and shower water: Chlorine causes heart disease as does fluoride.

3. Take as much Spirulina as you can - 40 grams a day is a good start. You need the protein.

4. Start taking at least 2mg of Magnesium chloride or Magnesium citrate from a quality supplier. Keep some handy. If you get chest pains, take another 2mg Magnesium is emergency room medicine for heart patients - why? Because people are deficient in it, that's why their hearts are giving out. It also helps prevent and undo the calcification of the arteries, relaxes the heart.

5. Get Cayenne pepper super hot in pills. If you get chest pains or heart attack, together with the magnesium, take that stuff. Known to stop heart attacks.

6. Start taking quality fermented (if possible) organic rice protein - I recommend Boku Protein, or Sun warrior protein every day. You need the protein, this is easily absorbable. Don't over do it though. Relaxes the heart, helps the body rebuild.

7. Plenty of clean water, but not too much. Don't stress the kidneys out. Relax, take it easy. If you have stress in your life, take practical steps to remove it.

Go nuts on the spirulina. It's a food not a supplement. It has everything you need. Do not supplement with iron. Get your blood levels for Iron tested by blood test. If it is high, donate blood to a blood bank to help relieve excess iron. Excess iron is common and can kill you from heart attack as well. Excess calcium is also a problem do not take calcium supplements unless under direction of a naturopath or doctor who has properly tested to determine you are deficient (most westerners are NOT).

Get adequate mid day sunshine. VERY important also. At least 30 minutes in full mid day sunshine to at least 50% of the body is preferable. Do not shower until the following morning if possible. This is giving you Vitamin D3 in the sulfate form which is best. If youc an't do this, get supplements, they are cheap. Vitamin D3, not D2. Take 5000 to 10,000mg per day.

Baking Soda Details
Posted by Flowerchild (Nashville, Tn) on 12/29/2011

After years of acid reflux and stomach issues I started to think I was lactose intolerant. I lived on antacids and stomach relaxers. Then I went on a high protein diet and was eating milk products but no carbs and all my stomach problems disappeared. Sure enough it was the sugar that was the problem. I do take omeprazole daily. It is available by prescription or over the counter. I do like the idea of using baking soda to keep my system alkaline since I eat a lot of fruit and drink juice.

Aluminum in Baking Soda
Posted by Francisca (Zug, Zug, Switzerland) on 12/23/2011

Missy, I agree with most of what you said. I am 54 and my husband 57 and we are also in quite good health, very active and young looking. Sometimes people think that I am some 20 years younger than my real age. Still, I can't agree when you say that one has to stay away from fats. If you read books like Fat and Cholesterol are good for you and Trick and Treat you will understand why. Good fats like saturated fats, olive oil and so are very good for you, even essential for good health! As far as legumes go, the opinions are very divided so I don't know what to think. That said I hope you and your husband stay in great health for many years to come!

Posted by Katy (Alexandria, Va, Usa) on 12/20/2011

I did try the baking soda and water mixture on my face as an exfolliant. My face was smoother after just one use and and blackheads on my nose were completely gone!! I'm sure that regular usage, maybe once or twice a week would have phenomenal effects. I have a friend who is an esthetician, and she told me that after chemical peels they use the baking soda/water paste to neutralize the bad effects of the peel.

Aluminum in Baking Soda
Posted by Missy (Berrien Springs, Michigan) on 12/19/2011

Dear Friends, I am 50 and my husband is 58. We do not take any medications and plan to stay that way as long as possible. Going to the doctor is a waste of your precious time and money when you can prevent it... So read carefully...

To be healthy you need to make sure you have the right diet. It boils down to that. You are what you eat. If you want to get rid of health problems you must have an alkaline diet which is not so hard to get. Lots of vegetables, fruits , legumes( lentils, beans, dry peas, garbanzos) Have a simple diet, in other words. Stay away from the fatty stuff. Yes, I know, the fatty is good, but control it and have mostly of the healthy stuff. Save the unhealthy for special occasions. I would suggest to do a cleansing with the foods mentioned above and with lots of juicing. Our body was made in an amazing way so it heals very quickly when the right fuel is put in it. I have a very sweet tooth and when there is chocolate, cookies or anything of that kind at home, I will devour it! Therefore, I have decided not to have it at home. If I want it, I'll have to buy it and eat it on the spot. My cravings will go away. Or, I can buy something sweet and healthy if I prefer. Now, there are so many products out there that are alkaline to help yourself. Example, lemon is acid but when digested is alkaline. So add lemon juice to your drinking water. Another thing that is very acid but alkaline when digested is the grapefruit seed extract. It does wonders for colds. Search it in the web. A few drops in your water or juice will do the trick. Baking soda I am not sure I would try. IT seems that you have to be too careful with it.

Anyways, Change in diet is the key to all your ailments. You dont have to suffer if you start cleansing your body now and also you will benefit from weight loss. I have 3 grown children and I am as agile as they are. When you are 50 or 58 you do not have to look or feel like an old person... Is too young of an age to be suffering from such aillnents that most people post. Remember, change your diet and you will see a greaat difference. Help yourself with natural things and your blood pressure will go to normal and a better sleep at night, etc. Etc. Also, start walking and build up to 2 or more miles per day. It is great!

Have a healthy life, God loves you and wants you to be happy. You will be happier when you are healthy, but we have to do our part.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Andoy (Boise, Id) on 11/27/2011

Thanks for the tip. It worked for my constipation too.

Baking Soda Details
Posted by Peter (Eden, Nsw Australia) on 01/05/2011

In my own case or personal experience.

For the last 20 years I have suffered from reflux or upset stomach. Many doctors have prescribed reflux medication, some helped but nothing fixed the problem. So after cleaning a drain with Bi Carb (Baking Soda) I thought I would try it on myself. I took half a small teaspoon of bi carb in about an inch of water in a glass. This instantly fixed the reflux. (Great) and lasted for a week.

Note: If you suffer chest pains, as the above take half a small teaspoon of bi carb in about an inch of water in a glass. If you only have Reflux or indigestion it will instantly neutralise the acid causing reflux and related pain. If however the pain persists after 5 minutes it could be angina or heart related.

However over the years the daily dosage needed to keep the reflux in check rose to 5 teaspoons of bi-carb each day. Finally in desperation I looked through the Internet. The cause of the reflux I had been having all those years was caused by sugar. 8 to 10 cups of coffee and tea each day with 2 spoons of sugar in each cup, also several glasses of soft drinks. That's about 8000 yes eight thousand spoonfuls a year. So I simply cut out sugar and soft drinks (No artificial sweeteners or chocolate) Since that day I have never had reflux or needed to take anything to combat it.

I also had a problem over many years with painful mouth ulcers. Constantly reoccurring. I cut out using tomato sauce and this problem also went away (could be the high levels of sugar and acids).

Everyone who eats sugar suffers from an upset stomach in varying degrees. It does not worry some people. However the human body makes a natural antacid to balance this. However it uses the calcium in your body to produce this natural antacid. So if you consume large amounts of sugars in your diet you could have to take calcium supplements.

Regards, Peter

Baking Soda Details
Posted by Susan (USA)

Details from the box of Arm & Hammer Pure Baking Soda:

Nutritional Facts:
Serving Size: 1/8 teaspoon (600mg) **
Carlories: 0
Total Fat: 0g
Sodium 150mg (6% Daily Value)
Protein 0g

**Amount in a serving of baked food.

* heartburn
* acid indigestion
* sour stomach
* upset stomach due to these symptoms

Do not use if you are on a sodium restricted diect unless directed by a doctor.

Ask a doctor or pharmacist before use if you are taking a prescription drug. Antacids may interact with certain prescription drugs.

Do not administer to children under age 5.

Consult a doctor if severe stomach pain occurs after taking this product.

Stop use and ask a doctor if symptoms last more than 2 weeks.

Add 1/2 teaspoon to 1/2 glass of water every 2 hours or as directed by physician.
Dissolve completely in water.
Accurately measure 1/2 teaspoon.

Do not take more than the following amounts in 24 hours:

Seven 1/2 teaspoons
Three 1/2 teaspoons if you are over 60 years

Do not use the maximum dosage for more than 2 weeks.

Other Information: Each 1/2 teaspoon contains 616mg sodium

Alkalizing pH
Posted by Millie (Moorpark, California) on 11/27/2011

I have found that by changing my water I have changed my Life! I drink a special Alkaline water! No more baking soda, lemon juice or vinegar, just water!

Posted by Katy (Alexandria, Va) on 11/20/2011

I suffer from acne also. I have yet to try the baking soda on my face but I plan on doing so soon. As for which oils to use, I use Jojoba Oil, 2-3 drops is plenty enough. If you use to much you will look oily, but I read that a study on Jojoba Oil shows that the oil is much like the sebum our body produces. And too much sebum can cause pimples; so essentially with the jojoba oil, our body doesn't need to produce as much sebum and will not over produce. I hope this was clear enough to understand!

Alkalizing pH
Posted by Imcinnamon (Orlando, Fl) on 11/09/2011

Baking soda is excellent for alkalizing, however, make sure you purchase baking soda without aluminum in it. The well known brand names contain aluminum, which comes with a host of issues in itself.

Alkalizing pH
Posted by Fet (Hampton, Va, United States) on 11/08/2011

Would I have to make water w/ baking soda a part of my regular water drinking routine for an acidic ph? Or would I only have to take it a few weeks to make my ph normal?

Alkalizing pH
Posted by Fet (Hampton, Va, United States) on 11/08/2011

Baking Soda for an acidic ph

How long would I have to drink water w/ baking soda for it to balance out my ph? And would I have to make it a regular part of my water drinking routine? I know in small amounts it's good for you, but I'm hoping a few weeks of doing it daily would be fine.

Acid Reflux
Posted by Pete (Fort Collins, Colorado) on 11/05/2011

I think you're right. I think that may have been a heart attack too. I had one 4 years ago so I know.

I get gas, reflux, etc too, but a tums, cold water, almost anything going down your throat should at least change the feeling and the pain for a short while. If it doesn't change, it's probably your heart. I think taking the baking soda was just a coincidence and the angina may have been subsiding at the same time.

Please get a stress test and a scan. The doctors saved my butt luckily. I had my heart attack at 44 years old. Two of my arteries were blocked, I now have three stents in my heart and I've lost 45% of the function of my heart. Don't let this happen to you. An EKG will show if that was a heart attack or not too. Good luck.

Aluminum in Baking Soda
Posted by Jeillin (Taguig, Manila, Philippines) on 08/17/2011

--anjhelz(at)yahoo. Ca contact me I need help regarding baking soda as cancer treatment. Thanks

Broad Benefits
Posted by Paula J. Schutte, Ccht (Denver, Colorado) on 08/12/2011

Thank you for your information. I am a Colon Hydro Therapist who sees many clients with acid reflux, gout and rheumotoid arthritis. I have used your tip on baking soda, lime and lemon juice with a splash of water for a few years now and it has helped in 100% of the cases where folks stuck with it a bit. Thank you, thank you!

Aluminum in Baking Soda
Posted by Jeillin (Taguig, Manila, Philippines) on 08/11/2011

Hi Bill, are u a doctor in the Philippines? Im searching for a doctor here in the Philippines that could help me to cure my breast tumor using baking soda because I dont want to undergo any surgery like masectomy. Im only 25 yrs old, and have a large lump on my left breast. It was 8cm x 2cm.. I've been contacting Dr. Tulio but his phone was unreachable all the time. And while searching the net, I found this site, and found fellow Filipinos that were active here. Hopefully you could help me. Thank you. -anjhelz9(at)

Aluminum in Baking Soda
Posted by Peace Out (Great Britian, United Kingdom) on 07/04/2011

I absolutely love Earth Clinic and the people here but! Nothing personal! Courtney and Carly........... But I feel you guys do sometimes get a little too sarcastic with people here time to time..... And I've noticed you kind of come on together and repeatedly post. I don't know know if your friends or related or if its a coincidence but FWIW....... Sometimes the way people write its true it can be hard to know the exact tone behind the words. Why not give people the benefit of the doubt and only post a comment back if it directly helps someone's suffering?? There's soooooo much good info on Earth Clinic and I pray it stays that way.

EC: Thank you, Peace Out and Thijs, for bringing this to our attention. Sarcastic and attacking posts will be deleted promptly.

Aluminum in Baking Soda
Posted by Chrissc (Black ) on 07/03/2011

you know, I am one who reaches for naturals above all else, however, sometimes when I see the insane ramblings of some of you, it makes me really wonder how we could possibly have anything in common. THERE IS NO ALUMINUM IN BAKING SODA, there IS aluminum in many commercial varieties of BAKING POWDER... They are NOT the same. Comes down to chemical profiles, people!!

Depletes Calcium
Posted by Maria (Gippsland, Australia) on 06/13/2011

Hi Mariah, I do believe that milk can be a source of calcium. The calcium in milk may not be as absorbable due to the lack of magnesium. Even cows sometimes suffer from lack of magnesium to the point of death unless the farmer gives them an emergency treatment of magnesium.
Note: There is a huge difference between processed milk and RAW milk from a healthy cow. I have noticed that older folk who only have raw milk rarely have osteoporosis (I know of people in this bracket, older dairy farmers). Many of the women who have had bone density scans done have been told that they have the bones of a 30 - 50 yr old, these ladies are generally in their 60's. (This may change with the next generation or two due to the changes in farming practices. ) I have also noticed that when some of these same people stop their farming they develop allergies mild or severe including lactose intolerance. These people had no problems with raw milk in their diets but when they switched to processed milk that all changed.
Your so right about the additives, some (dare I say most) even add an ingredient that makes the milk thicker and it does not show up on the ingredients label. My friends mother-in-law has not been able to drink milk since she developed allergies 6 months after they stopped milking. That was about 10 years ago. Two weeks ago she started to have a milk that does not have this thickener added and guess what - no allergies to it. She is so happy to have milk in her tea again.

I wonder if silica is more important for our bones?

Depletes Calcium
Posted by Elly (Topeka, Kansas) on 06/12/2011

I realize this now and in the US both milk and meat are both subsidized by the government and to keep up the demands of a growing population the animals are kept are kept in what financial forecaster Gerald Celente has called on his youtube videos 'Auschwitz conditions' People sure are getting sicker and a select few millionaires, billionaires, trillionaires are certainly getting richer on pharmaceutical and pharming stocks of this growing sick culture. Since when is it normal for so many people at so young to be on som many meds? or for kids so youngs to already have so many diagnosis? We're suppsoed to be moving forward with technology not getting sicker and dying younger than our elders. Something's just not adding up here. I was surprised to read online people in sunny Florida have vitamin D deficiencies. They listened to the government subsidized ads that the sun is bad. Now in Missouri the tornado victims have a deadly aggressive fungus 'Zygomycosis' It's spread by breathing spores in or by physical contact. Great!

Depletes Calcium
Posted by Mariah (Whangarei, New Zealand) on 06/12/2011

There is a widely spread mis-conception that Milk provides calcium to our bodies. This is pure marketing hype since the 40ties. The slogan "milk is good for your bones" is purely deisnged to sell more milk.

But isn't interesting that today there are more people with osteoporosis than there have ever been?

Often we crave what is bad for us. It's typical for an addiction-like situation. Most humans (about 77%) are lactose intolerant for a reason. Milk (especially cow's milk) is made for cow babies, not for human babies.

But the milk industry needs to sell more of this stuff because they produce incredible amounts of it... so they put it into everything.

When I went diary-free I discovered how milk solids or other things like whey are added to so many products these days it makes everyone sick - slowly!

Same goes with excess animal protein intake (meat) especially preserved ones.

People, it's time to question those false beliefs.

Posted by Jody (Fort Worth, Texas) on 05/23/2011

I think you are supposed to take BS on a empty stomach. Some people have had gas and bloating after taking BS after meals.

Athletic Performance
Posted by Mukhtaar (Leeds) on 04/28/2011

When you excercise, your body muscles produce that are responsible for making you feel tired and reducing their work rate. Baking soda removes these acids from the muscles, but you will def. feel the pain eventually.

Depletes Calcium
Posted by Lorica (New Albany, Indiana) on 03/15/2011

I have had lots of problems with acididty and after research and a blood test discovered it was probably very much related to being gluten sensitive. I did not find that limes helped me a bit to be alkaline and even wheatgrass only helped somewhat. Baking soda has helped a lot... But I started having terrible cravings for milk products, even though I drank lots of milk. Guess what? Baking soda increases the need for calcium, it turns out. Whatever you use BS for, please be sure you get plenty of calcium!

Posted by Cassidyok (Fresno, Ca ) on 02/11/2011

My daughter just called me to confirm that in 12 hours, 1 tsp. of baking soda to a 1/4 cup of water REMOVED (completely) horrible gout pain... So bad they "wanted to cut their foot off" last night. She said she probably put too little of water in the mix, but it worked for them. Shocked, they said there was NO PAIN this morning. Not sure if it took away the pain last night but I think so! I just sent her the link on gout remedies and ACV! That's the one that is really supposed to work. Thank you for this website.

Posted by Angela (Ottawa, Ontario) on 12/23/2010


Hello Ted,
I had been researching cures for cancer.. A scientist told me the bakingsoda/maple syrup cure would be problematic.. & I quote his e-mail exactly below: (please help me know what is true.. The bsoda cure sounded quite hopeful.. I don't have cancer but I like answers & prevention)

"1. Maple Syrup, especially grade c or b is definitely a high nutrition product, however, the volume of sugar still has to be considered and as a short term blood cleansing like the cayenne pepper and lemon / lime and maple syrup cool aid drink, which is commonly known as the Mexican blood cleanser is a fantastically good formula. On the other hand, baking soda to chemically force the body to become alkaline is not at all the same as using lemons or limes, which go in acid and covert into alkaline. The baking soda technology is bunk, junk science. This is the typical, vicious medical powers to be who make money on cancer would suggest such a formula because initially, the baking soda would dilute the stomach acids, make the person less acid and then of course, they don't want you to look at what else happens, which is because the stomach acids have been diluted, the body now utilizes fungus to create sulfuric acid in the lower intestines to complete the digestion that should have been done in the stomach. As a result, the entire body becomes severely acid, the problems of asthma, mucus, and a variety of other lung issues will also develop from this problem, so in the long and short, I think this maple syrup baking soda is a harmful therapy. "

So what do you think Ted?
Angela.. Thank you :)

Alkalizing pH
Posted by Lily (Brisbane, Queensland, Australia) on 12/23/2010

Hello Just chillin, I would suggest 1 tblspn of lemon juice or at least 30ml and 1/4 tspn of bicarb soda. I also am withdrawing from propananol 40mg and am on 3/4 going down to 1/2 tablet on monday. I am also deficient in magnesium, sounds like the low magnesium may have been the cause of the original anxiety for both of us. Good luck with all of this, cheers Lily.

Alkalizing pH
Posted by Just Chillin (Vannes, France) on 12/22/2010

Hallo Ted,
I have emailed you direct, and posted on the site too, but no response. Please would you tell me the actual quantities of lemon and bicarb to mix for alkalizing / cancer cell prevention, as have followed your details, and sometimes it just doesn't stop fizzing. Also lemons can be different sizes, as can spoons. So a dosage guidance would be great. Have also heard that once you have been taking it for a while, can drop to just one drink in the am, instead of both amm and last thing at night too.

Also have been reducing my dose of propranolol 40 mg, as was prescribed for anxiety, and blood pressure going up, but am sure it was just when I was in the surgery. I am now down to less than 20 mg a day, and feel much better, and wondered whether the Apple Cider Vinegar would be good to mix too. I was recently told I was magnesium deficient, and the same person said that could have been the problem right from the begininng, as lack of magnesium can cause anxiety, palpitations, amongst hoards of other things. You comments and guidance would be most welcome. Thank you and Merry Christmas

Alkalizing pH
Posted by Just Chillin (Vannes, France) on 12/08/2010

Just joined this wonderful site, its amazing to read about natural cures. I have been taking bicarb of soda and lemon for quite a while, (for alkalizing) and didn't realize needed to have a break of 2 days or so. I now do that, but am still uncertain of the correct mix of the solution. I have been taking half of a small spoon ( coffee spoon)of bicarb with juice of half a lemon twice a day. I have tried adding the bicarb slowly till it stops fizzing, but it never seems to do that. I have also been trying to get off of beta-blockers Propranolol that my dr prescribed back in March for anxiety, & mild high bloodpressure ( I think it was just white coat syndrome) They made feel worse than I did before, am now down to less than a quarter of a tablet twice a day. I wondered whether I should take Apple Cider Vinegar as well. Any advice would be most welcome,
Thank you in advance

Baking Soda and Potassium
Posted by Vicky (Melbourne, Australia) on 12/01/2010

Hence the lemon juice squeezed into the bicarb solution.. provides the potassium

Posted by Alib (Swansea, Wales, Uk) on 10/22/2010

I use bicarbonate (baking) of soda to wash my hair - just about a level teaspoonful in a little warm water and stirred well. I pour it over and then give it a good rub before rinsing off. I then pour over half a cup of warm water with a dribble of ACV in it, make sure it has covered my hair and been rubbed in and re-rinse to finish. Some people just pour over the ACV but I prefer to give it an extra rinse because I am not that keen on smelling like a chip shop!!! The bicarb cleans my hair and the ACV makes it beautifully soft.

Posted by Alib (Swansea, Wales, Uk) on 10/22/2010

Spots and acne are the body's way in some people of getting toxins out of the body. Some natural products will actually encourage toxin removal by triggering rashes or spots. What that really should tell you is that your diet is wrong. All detox symptoms - rashes, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, etc. , are coming from within and the the only ways the stuff can get there is through the mouth and skin from the food we eat or the chemical-based skin products and make-up etc. , that we use. 'You are what you eat' is a very true statement. The more sugar and processed carbs we eat the more likely it is that our bodies will have to detox. Cleaning up the diet and concentrating on fresh natural foods and pure water is the key but it won't necessarily stop the spots and acne overnight - the body will have to clear the toxin backlog first.

Acid Reflux
Posted by Lorrie70 (Redwater, Alberta, Canada) on 08/25/2010

I just want to tell ''YEA'' that I have just lost my son from a heart attack, being his arteries were 90% blocked. He use to get bad ''heartburns'' too... So just to be safe instead of sorry, why don't you get your heart checked? It could be more serious than you think..... Lorrie

Baking Soda and Potassium
Posted by Freakzilla154l (Philadelphia, Pa, Usa) on 08/24/2010

Hello all, I've been drinking baking for over 2 weeks now by itself ( I add a pinch in all water I drink), however I would like to start adding the potassium into it. However, I do not know exactly what potassium is the correct and best to use and where to buy it at? I read a lot about it on here, but there is so much info that I'm confused. So, could someone please enlighten me on which potassium to buy and where I can buy it from? Thank you so much! I'm doing this for ulcerative colitis and I feel like the baking soda works sometimes, but not all the time. I'm having a lot of mucous and gas... Any help is grateful. Thank you all!!!

Posted by London (Sandusky , Ohio) on 08/08/2010

Baking soda is very good for acne. I've been using it as a face wash in place of soap for the last 6 months, and I have seen a great difference. However, I wash my face with castile soap in the mornings in the shower as well. I do the baking soda when I wash my face at nite. Make a paste, rinse, etc

Posted by Dianna (Austin, Tx) on 06/22/2010

it is probably the olive oil. for me olive oil makes me break out even though my skin is more prone to dryness. sesame oil makes me break out too. i usually do not have pimples pretty much ever - so i can tell soon whether or not something is causing me to break out and i've used either olive oil or sesame oil and the very next day had a cystic type pimple show up!

try using another oil - castor oil works for me - virgin coconut oil works good too - but my skin is too dry for the VCO.

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