(Mpls., Mn)
Hey Whitney!
I give my dogs all sorts of acidophillus- from the drugstore clearance bin, to the health food store refrigerated section, to natural probiotics that I make myself. Sauerkraut - home made and unpasturized - is an excellent source of probiotics and its cheap to make. Kefir is another excellent source, can be home made also. IMHO the key with giving probiotics is to mix them around so that you give your dog many strains of probiotics and not just one.
My dog , a border collie developed a bad smell after taking some pills prescribed for coughing. I only gave him about 8 out of 24. This was in June of this year and he developed a bad yeasty smell...I know the pills were the problem cuz I didn't give it to my other dog. There was a big flea problem in the area we were in and it did cause a lot of problems such as hair loss from intense scratching...I treated that with baths with palmolive soap mixed with alcohol and vinegar straight on the skin... it helped. However when we moved to Denver and no fleas...Bandit continued with the awful smell....back in SC I had started giving them Brewers yeast beginning in Dec he had grown all the hair back and the smell had decreased by 90 percent....and today we gave him a bath and the smell is completely gone.
(Naples, Florida)
We have a pair of Irish Wolfhounds one 165 pounds the other 220. One has had allergies since he was about 2, the other in the past few months. They will be 7 on Valentines Day. After treating the first one with prednisone, antibiotics and oatmeal shampoos over the years we realized we were on the wrong track. We fed grain free Blue Buffalo for several years and had things under control.The larger one was the runt of the litter, go figure. However, he had difficulty with his bowel movements from the time he was a puppy to the point we joked about getting him a newspaper to read. We started them both on yogurt when they were very young. About a cup each which they love. solved the newspaper problem. In our ultimate "lack of wisdom" we switched them to the higher protein Blue Wilderness not really looking at the binder in the food. POTATOES. In addition to the Blue Buffalo and yogurt, we give them scrambled eggs in olive oil and blueberries every morning, and boiled chicken breast, carrots and green beans every evening. In the past year the runt gained at least 25 pounds (potatoes)and started scratching his front legs, licking, moaning and chewing on his feet and became less active. The other who had early skin allergies, has developed a full blown yeast infection complete with elephant skin, moaning. Prior to researching the systemic aspect of this problem we treated him with fresh aloe from our garden twice a day and scraping off as much of the black scabs as possible without causing open sores. It breaks up the yeast and helps heal the new skin at the same time. It really helps with the itching and if they lick it there is no problem. We are starting the systemic detox on both dogs and will increase the probiotics and prebiotics temporarily along with the yogurt (we use Cabot plain yogurt as it is low in sugar) and Braggs ACV in their food two tablespoons twice a day stirred in cream cheese treats. We fully expect the detox to exacerbate the skin problems for a while but with the aloe and baths should be able to keep them comfortable. We changed to Zignature (limited) dry food and intend to alternate flavors as well as keep them on the eggs, blueberries, yogurt, chicken and green beans. We are temporarily stopping the carrots. Aloe plants are easy to find, grow indoors our out and have many medicinal purposes. Used it on horses for healing as well.
(East Sussex)
Stop the ACV. Apples = sugar. Just give filtered or bottled water.
Steroids and antibiotics feed the yeast.
Vegetables can have natural sugars.
Stop feeding any commercial dog food and change to raw. Raw meat and raw bone.
Bathe in an antifungal shampoo. And for a final rinse use half WHITE Distilled vinegar/half water. leave on to dry.
Have a mixture of this in a spray bottle and use daily. Clean out ears also, with the same mixture.
A good probiotic yogurt every day. And fresh, garlic. Turmeric with a little black pepper. A drop of grapefruit seed extract.
Give AND use on the skin, coconut oil. If the skin is really bad, mix in some neem oil.
The most crucial in all of this, is diet. This is the route cause of most skin allergies, particularly yeast.
NO, booster vaccinations. NO chemicals in their environment.
White vinegar is great for cleaning with!!
Go right back to basics to get it under control.
I know from my own experience this works.
When my now, 5 year old, Shihtzu was a puppy, the vets nearly killed him, pumping him full of steroids and antibiotics.
That's when I started raw feeding.
I now have 4 very healthy dogs.
Apple cider vinegar contains negligible amounts of sugar, 0.4 grams of sugar per 100 grams ACV. The sugar is what the bacteria digest in order to create ACV.
I realise this is an old post, I'm putting this up for the readers. Candida thrives in an alkaline environment, ACV is alkalizing. ACV has very little to no sugar content. 1 teaspoon of ACV contains no sugar, 1 tablespoon contains 0.1g. ACV is also warming, so if you have a warm dog, then yes, avoid it. ACV balances PH and if you research, it is alkalizing... in turn it helps to keep the candida population in check
(New York)
I would avoid steroids. One of the side effects is raising blood sugar. Yeast loves sugar.
I would limit any kinds of carbs. Buy dog food that the first five ingredients are not.
Plain yogurt would help replaced the natural flora in the gi tract that yeast took over. Flavor yogurt probably has more sugar in it.
Oatmeal is also a carb. I would avoid bathing my dog in it.
(East Sussex)
Please refer to my earlier post.
Only PLAIN probiotic yogurt must be given. Never a flavoured one.
As I said, use an antifungal shampoo.
NO steroids or antibiotics. Because they feed the yeast. IF, antibiotics ARE needed, then use Colloidal Silver.
STOP, ALL, commercial food/treats/biscuits.
And feed only raw. Even with raw, there are certain things you MUST avoid, when dealing with yeast. NO, fruit or vegetables. Because they contain, 'natural' sugars. Which will also feed the yeast. So, just RAW meat and bone to start with.
You can try adding other elements of a raw diet, once you have the situation under control. When, you can try one thing at a time, to see if there is a reaction.
You can give a multi mineral and multi vitamin. But check the ingredients. Many contain yeast!!
NO, booster vaccinations either. NO spot on flea treatments. The garlic will deal with fleas.
Do your research.
(Naples, Florida)
Per previous post as to making major changes with the two hounds experiencing problems with yeast I am happy to report within two weeks all signs of yeast had disappeared on both dogs. They love their new food (Zignature limited contents) are on pre and probiotics along with plain yogurt, ACV. Lost weight, are far more active, appear to feel better and as they are about to be 7 they do not show any major signs of aging. Will constantly monitor how this treatment is going and have many other options to switch to if yeast becomes tolerant of our current system.
Unfortunately one developed a tumor on his shoulder that required major surgery (Malignant) but encapsulated, that because of the long healing process we had to put him on a prophylactic antibiotic and sure enough he started itching on his paws and front legs. However, spraying the ACV on them and rubbing it under his nails and into the skin has helped keep it under control. Once the course of the antibiotic is finished I am confident he will return to normal. Prognosis is good for a few more good years with him without any advanced treatment. Cathy
(Naples, Florida)
We are now over 30 days into our treatment of the Irish Wolfhounds (who turn 7 this Saturday) and they are yeast free. Both have lost weight. The larger one from over 220 to 212 and has lost his bloated look. His activity level has increased and both run and play again. The other one that had the terrible black scabby outbreak has not had an episode since we started the treatment of ACV, and aloe externally and changed their food to Zignature limited content various flavors. They have been getting Greek yogurt all along and get scrambled eggs, yogurt and blueberries with their kibble and boiled chicken breast and green beans for dinner.
I would highly recommend using fresh aloe directly from the plant on hot spots, and the elephant type skin areas along with the ACV. Both tend to break up the yeast. We also have used the red light laser treatment for healing. Both have beautiful coats by the way. We use Orvus shampoo which has gentle healing characteristics, whitens is easy to rinse out; have used it for 40+ years on horses and dogs. You could even mix it with a little blueing to give white and silver dogs that incredible bright look. Will check in in a month or so to update the yeast issue. As for the hound with the cancer tumor, we just found two more lumps that are small and will be removed promptly. Fortunately just under the skin.
(Aspers, Pa)
Hello! I have a 9 yr old eng. bulldog who, over the last few months, has become quite yeasty. Been to the vet 2 times in the last month for ears (antibiotics and drops) -- to no avail. Over the last few days, I noticed her hair-coat felt greasy -- come to find out is yeast. Gave her a bath last night with dawn dish-soap (original-blue) to get rid of the greasy feel; although I know it doesn't do a thing for the yeast (found out after the bath). Will be purchasing anti-fungal/bacteria shampoo today. I've been feeding her Blue Buffalo/Basic (grain free lamb/potato or salmon) for a few years now. In addition, she gets a heaping scoop of yogurt and a TBS of coconut with dinner and a TBS of Fish Oil in the morning. Last night, after her bath, I fed her hamburger meat and greenbeans -- she loved it. After dinner, I was looking at her paws and BAM...more yeast -- even after the bath. I'm SMH over this. Anyone have any input?
(Mpls., Mn)
Hey Carrie!
To combat the yeast from the inside out, consider alkalizing your dog's drinking water with baking soda - 1 teaspoon per liter is a typical amount to start, and you can lessen or stop after a week or two. You might also consider Ted's Borax protocol to eliminate yeast in the GI tract:
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 12/12/2014
"The borax dose is the same regardless of the weight of dogs. In the end small dogs drink less than large dogs. The only difference is the sex of dogs which the female dog requires half the dosages male dogs.
So a female dog is always 1/8 teaspoon per liter dose. And male dogs is 1/4 teaspoon per liter water. Weight is irrelevant.
Borax dosage for 1 week. Then 1/2 dosage in week 2. Stop for 1 week. Resume.
Borax dosage for 4 days, then no borax/water for 3 to 4 days. Continue on/off schedule until ailment clears."
To combat the yeast from the outside in, consider Ted's Anti-fungal/Anti-staph solution:
- 1 - 16 oz bottle of 3% hydrogen peroxide
- 1 bottle Milk of Magnesia
- 1 box Epsom salts
- 1 box Borax
- Filtered or distilled water
Dilute the 16 oz brown bottle of 3% hydrogen peroxide to a 1% solution by dumping the bottle into a jug and adding 32 oz of filtered or distilled water; I just fill up the empty brown bottle with water and dump it in the jug twice. Now you have 48 ounces of a 1% solution of hydrogen peroxide.
Add 4 table spoons EACH:
Borax, Epsom salts, and Milk of Magnesia.
Shake the dickens out of the solution. I usually run a tub full of hot water and set the jug in the tub, and then when the tub cools where I can bathe my dog the solution is by then an agreeable temperature for the dog. Bathe the dog in doggy shampoo or what have you, get all the crusty lesions gently scrubbed up and loose skin and scabs off and rinse well. Now drain the tub and when empty plug it up again and now pour the jug of prepared solution over the dog. I use a plastic cup to scoop up the solution and keep pouring over the dog. I try to keep this up for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes I pull the plug, squeeze off any extra water with my hands and let the dog drip a bit in the tub, and then I take the wet dog with bare hands and put her in a crate with no bedding. Do not towel the dog off - you want as much of the solution to stay on the dog as possible, so it can 'work'. I allow the dog to drip dry in the crate with no bedding. It helps to have the house heat ON, and a nice tasty bone or high value chewy in the crate to distract the dog for a bit. After half an hour I let the dog out and towel dry as best I can and then let them work themselves dry by running all about the house. You do NOT rinse the solution off - you let it dry completely and that is it, until the next bath.
If you have a tiny dog, if you do not wish to make up such a large quantity of solution, the single batch is as follows:
- 1-1/2 cups of 1% hydrogen peroxide
- 1 tbsp MOM
- 1 tbsp Epsom salts
- 1 tbsp Borax
You may be able to put this into a spritzer bottle and spritz problem areas on your dog, of w hen dealing with the feet make up the solution and stand the dog in a basin or tub to soak just the feet, but I find it best to tackle the entire dog with a full body treatment first, before using the spot treatment approach.
I find the effects of the dipping solution last about 24 hours, so you could dip every other day. Some dogs may find this harsh to the skin, so a follow up with coconut oil applied topically after the dog has dried off may help areas that are getting dried out. Usually you can get a handle on the skin infection if you dip every other day for the first week and then reduce to every few days until it clears - it is something you have to play by ear as each dog is individual.
I would give it 3-6 weeks for results.
Please report back!
(Chicago, Il)
Hi Carrie, I also have a 10 yr. old English Bulldog. She has a terrible yeast infection. I've been feeding her Primal Raw Lamb for the last few years. Although Primal dog food is the best of the best. The Lamb is a hot protein and makes the yeast infection worse. My holistic vet had me change her to Turkey or Duck raw food. Really seems to be helping. Also giving her two capsules of Probiotics twice a day, along with a tablespoon of coconut oil twice a day. Hope this helps!
(Santa Cruz, Ca)
Thank you all for taking the time to write this info.; your comments and suggestions have been far more helpful than anything else I could find on a website!
(St. Louis Mo)
I have a 6 year old black lab. Last July he started smelling so bad you couldn't be near him. we could not tell where the odor was originating. He just reaked. We bathed him in various shampoos recommend and the vet suggested a steroids, drops and an ear wash, even though neither ear looked infected or directly smelled. They also check his feet and could not find yeast. The smell did go away, but was back within a week. I looked to the Internet and found information suggesting apple cider and water spritz. It worked for a while, but the smell started returning, fortunately the weather turned cold and the smell was gone. With the hot humid days we've had recently, I've noticed the smell returning! I gave him a bath today with the medicated shampoo and then tried the solution suggested by Theresa and added a tablespoon of yogart to him food tonight. Still could not find any areas on his body. Hoping these things work, can't live with this mystery or smell!
(Miami, Florida)
(Mpls., Mn)
I have a male and a female - it's impossible to do separate water bowls only the male has the yeast problem, will it harm my female to drink this water?
I am new to all of this. My 8 yr old German Sheppard has a yeast infection all over his body. You say you have switched the diet over to completely RAW so do you mean raw meat? And if so, how can I do this at a low cost. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my dog but I am disabled and my income is very limited so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I have coconut oil, green tree oil, acidophyllis but have no idea what to do with all of it. Please help with any suggestions to help get my sweet boy better.
Thanks so much,
Angela and
(Mpls., Mn)
Hello Angela,
First things first when dealing with a yeasty dog; make sure the groceries you feed him are of the best possible ingredients. This means a grain free type diet. RAW meat diets or BARF - bones and raw food - diets tend to be superior over most dry kibbles, but you will have to google home made diets if you wish to go that route. All I suggest is to read your kibble ingredient list and if you see grain or corn in the first 5 ingredients it is time to upgrade to something else as corn is known to cause yeast and skin issues in dogs.
Next, to get a handle on a yeasty dog I start with a good sanitizing wash - Ted's Mange Remedy is a good place to start. I wash my dog and then rinse well, and then squeeze out excess water before doing the mange dip. This rinse is good for mange, but it also does a nice job at cleaning the skin and really cuts down the surface yeast. I would then follow that up with Ted's anti-fungal dip after that, every other day or so as needed until you get the skin under control.
Now, to fight the yeast from the inside out, you address the diet - and then I would consider alkalizing with baking soda in the water and alternating that with Ted's Borax protocol for dogs. I alternate between baking soda water or borax water several times to help clear out the yeast internally. Let me know if you need help finding those remedies on this site.
You can just add the acidophillus to his food - sprinkle on top. I rotate the brands of acidophillus to give as many different strains as possible.
Good luck!
(Rochester, Nh)
My dog needs grain free and wild protein. I was feeding him Blue Basics Duck and Potato. This was very bad because of the potato, he lost a lot of fur and the yeast grew because of the potato. He is now on broccoli as a treat instead of carrots (less sugar) and Natural Balance Limited Ingredient diet along with a raw fish food. I also give him some plain yogurt daily and antifungal baths twice a week hopefully can reduce his baths to weekly (he would prefer only monthly).
It has been a long time finding out what works, and I'm not sure this is the answer but he is improving. I have been doing a lot of research on yeasty dogs. The main thing is to eliminate as much sugar as possible. Yogurt does have sugar but also the probiotics to out weigh the sugar. I need to add acidophilus to his diet but I can't find out the dosage for a small (17 lb.) dog. So far he is improving since I stopped the Blue Basics with potato and his beloved carrots (he loves broccoli to but not as much).
For the last year I have had my dog to the Vet probably once a month and they give him antibiotics. This was a "temporary fix", it only treated the symptoms, not the problem. I will take my dog to the vet, but I will be informed and ask many questions.
I will help my best friend with research and common sense. We know our pets better than anyone.
(Kilworthy, Ontario)
Hi Veronica
I have two Cocker spaniels, and a Springer Spaniel. Spaniels are notorious for yeasty ears. My male Cocker spaniel (Oliver) is very sensitive to EVERYTHING. My daughter ( an animal behaviorist) did some extensive research on dog foods, highly recommended raw but second choice was "Natural Balance" dog food aswell. I tried it for about three years...the yeast problem was better but not gone. Then I did some more research and found a limited ingredient food called Performatrim. It is working much better than the "Natural Balance " for Oliver's yeast problems. However, like humans every dog is different so a trial basis is best for new foods.
Just thought I'd mention my success as Ollie's yeast issue didn't go away because of the potato starch in the "Natural Balance". It is much better now, but still not completely gone, his ears are bad....going to try the Apple Cider Vinager solution though...also on this site.
I have just started all the dogs on Turmeric, two of my dogs have cysts and have read good things about the turmeric reducing them and even curing them on this site. Will see if it also helps Ollie with his yeast.
This is an Awesome site, and I'm so happy to be saving $$$ that would have gone to the vet, sorrily they gouge pet owners and play on their emotions. I would far rather do holistic medicine on my pets, it is a less invasive approach to their aliments. Thank you all for your stories and recommendations.
(Cypress Texas)
When my dog was a puppy, she had yeast infection, that was 14 years ago, my vet said to use Monistat cream, like women use, on her skin. Worked very well.
(Columbus, Oh)
Garlic – No. and NO onions, leeks or chives. Garlic is part of the Allium family, & is five times more toxic to dogs than the rest of the Allium plants. Garlic can create anemia in dogs, causing side effects such as pale gums, elevated heart rate, weakness, and collapsing. Poisoning from garlic and onions may have delayed symptoms, so if you think your dog may have eaten some, monitor him or her for a few days, not only directly after consumption.
©2016 American Kennel Club. All rights reserved.
(Mpls., Mn)
Glenda, you can safely feed garlic to dogs, and there are many documented health benefits.
(S. Africa.)
A vet gave my dog a 7 day course of steroids for what he said was inflamation in a back leg joint. He could not stand on the leg at all.
The steroids caused his stomach to bleed. I went to another vet who immediately told me to stop the steroids as they cause severe ulcerations of the stomach lining. He examined the leg as well and found that the two tendons over the knee were torn and he had to operate to fix it. The operation was a wonderful success. Probiotics are best for stomach problems. Especially for runny tummy.
I am a veterinarian. I do not gouge pet owners and I definitely do not play on their emotions.
(Mpls., Mn)
Cut out the potatoes in the dog food; sweet or regular! Potatoes are carbs = sugar. Sugar feeds yeast. I have a golden retriever that has been immune compromised since we got her at 10 weeks old. I finally stopped the steroids injections and put her on a grain free dog food that has salmon and green peas. No "dog cookies" anymore but she loves bell pepper, and green beans plus plain yogurt. The outbreaks are under control for the most part.
I use an antifungal shampoo on her (Malaseb) and also soak her feet in a solution of 1 cup of vinegar and 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide mixed in a gallon of water. it helps it get into the nail bed where the fungus likes to live. I also use this as a final rinse after her not rinse off. I think if you cut out the potatoes in the diet you will start to see some results
(Mpls., Mn)
Hey Norma,
Debbie's post is over a year old, so in case she does not respond I have some thoughts. If you are dealing with a puppy who has not had the initial puppy shots and a 1 year booster shot, then ideally you let your puppy heal and get the booster. If you are dealing with an adult dog who has had the puppy shots and 1 year booster, then - if it were my dog - I would not give any more shots or vaccines in any form, this includes kennel cough.
(somewhere, europe)
I bought ACIDOPHILUS and gave it to my dog 2x a day. It cleared up FAST. It was the only that WORKED! Everything else on here is Bull****.
I did ACV, which seemed to irritate his skin. I decided to leave him alone and bathe him every other day to keep it clean. I left him alone besides baths, and wrapped acidophilus pills in pieces of ham which he gobbled up. It went from horrible to CURED.
Screw all these other home remedies. Let their bodies heal it up and just give them acidophilus I bought it for $4!!!
(Waterloo Ontario Canada)
My Wheaton Terrier developed a scaly, smelly rash that was very itchy last year. It started as a few spots on her tummy to covering most of her back. the vet said it was allergies and prescribed a food that is hypoallergenic and a cortisone shampoo that I used every other day. she wouldn't eat the food. The shampoo helped a bit. I came across an article by a veterinarian on Facebook that talked about led me to another article about yeast infection. She described the scaly rash that my dog had and the smell that is similar to a taco chip. That was the smell my dog had. Late in October I started her on a diet of raw food which she didn't like. Instead I switched to cooked meat. I give her no grains, rice, potatoes or other fruits or vegetables as these things can feed the yeast. I also started her on a cleanse called Candigone. It's a mixture of herbs that help cleanse the body of the yeast and probiotics. I gave her 1/2 a capsule 2 times per day and 25ml of the tincture 2 times per day. She just completed this cleanse. I have added a vitamin supplement since the meat alone is not sufficient nutritionally. Within a few days of starting this routine the rash and itching were reduced. After one month the rash and itching were completely gone and I am no longer bathing her every other days. She had a grooming 3 weeks ago and still smells good. The other thing is her mood is completely changed. She is playful again and has so much energy again. This infection was making her miserable. I really believe you need to find the internal cause in order to cure the issues on the outside. Shampoos and ointments are only treating the symptoms.
I was feeding my dog Wellness Core dry dog food.
Hi, my schnauzer was fine until he got his shots. my next dog will NOT be vaccinated. The immunization destroyed his natural gut microorganisms. that's number 1.
it took me 5 years to figure out what yeast was. When I found out, I put him on Nzymes. followed it exactly as described and it did not work. His itching is so severe that he has bleeding spots throughout his body. He had temporary relief after my holistic vet took him off all dog food and I started cooking him cool foods like turkey, liver and beef and vegetables, nothing canned or dried. However, that was short lived after 3 mos. Why? because candida is bad living microorganisms you HAVE to kill, just like you have to kill worms.
I also tried coconut oil which is a fungicide. Unfortunately, the DIE-OFF of the candida from coconut oil is so severe that his itching which is severe actually becomes worse during the die off. It is unbearable. if he could speak he would scream, I am sure. San anyone please tell me how you are handling candida die off itching?
My family pressured me to stop the madness and let him live peacefully with steroids until he dies. His suffering took such a toll on me that I relented. However he is not responding to even the steroids now and he's back to bleeding and scratching again.
3rd. please realize my friends that in my case the immunization was the instigator of his gut imbalance. But the truth is ALL dog food is the reason why there is an epidemic of yeast infection is bad for dogs, especially dry dog food. Why? because dogs need food that is alive, just like humans. Live food has live enzymes which balance the gut.
By the way Winston only eats live food now. I do not give hi anything canned or dry dog food. So as you can see, even with the live foods the candida has to die.
Having said that, my poor schnauzer is still suffering. I am starting to read your posts and still wondering how to handle the die off of the candida if I put him on some of your suggested treatments which makes him itch even worse than he already is. Please tell me did your treatments cause severe itching and then it got better? how long does that go on?
Thank you, Amelia
(Pasadena, California)
I am so sorry to hear about your dog's suffering. Are you still feeding him home cooked food? I agree, yeast and candida are a difficult battle. I have a dog who gets very itchy a few times a year and I have finally worked out what really helps him.
1. Weekly or bi-weekly baths with tea tree oil shampoo (found in organic section of grocery store). I make sure to rinse out the shampoo very well.
2. Grain free dog food... I cycle through them, but my dog is doing well the past few months on Taste of the Wild, bison formula. Before that I had him on Blue, salmon formula.. but his coat got very dull. There seems to be more vitamins and nutrients in Taste of the Wild. I feed him 1 cup 2x a day soaked first in hot water to soften the kibble.
3. I give him a small scoop of very potent human grade, multi strain probiotic in EVERY MEAL. I get mine at based in Glendale, California. Pricey, but a bottle lasts for months and months.
4. Fish oil - pharmaceutical and human grade. 1 capsule a day without fail.
5. If his ears are starting to smell yeasty or if I notice him scratching them, I wash them out with a liquid the vet gave me and use q-tips. This liquid works much better than the home remedies I've tried and doesn't irritate his ears. I do this once a week.
I really hope this helps. I personally believe there ARE better solutions than steroids. I know you will help your furry friend and send you many prayers to find things that will help him.
(Mpls., Mn)
Hey Amelia!
Some things to consider:
Since you suspect you are dealing with yeast try adding 1/16 teaspoon of epsom salt in 1 liter of non-chlorinated drinking water for 2-3 days - max; this is not intended for long term use, just to nip a break out in the bud. When you stop the epsom salt in the water you can then start adding 1 teaspoon baking soda to 1 liter of water; do this for 5-7 days. This is a 'break out' or crisis dose. After a week you can cut it back to a maintenance dose of 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda to the water. If you suspect a fungal component you can add 1/16 teaspoon borax along with the baking soda in 1 liter of water. In acute and extreme cases 1/4 teaspoon of borax in 1 liter of water is indicated. Many humans take 1/8 - 1/4 teaspoon borax in 1 liter of water daily as a detox and antifungal/antiyeast, so long term use is not an issue, however all these remedies are something you should 'play by ear' and should be adjusted as you see fit. The water additives address mineral deficiency issues and should be addressed first.
If there is a staph infection going on, consider bathing him in a solution of Milk of Magnesia; use 1 part of water to 2 parts MOM and saturate the spot to kill off any bacterial or fungal infection going on. If he licks it up he MAY get loose stools as this also when taken internally is used to detox. If the spots are dry and crusty you can apply vaseline after the MOM treatment - up to you. Another consideration is mixing 50:50 baking soda and borax, mixed into 1% hydrogen peroxide to form a paste- apply gently to pyoderma 4 x day [rubbing or grinding the paste into the skin may cause to inflame the skin and make it worse].
Read up on Turmeric; you might consider sprinkling turmeric on his skin when he starts scratching to see if it helps to calm it and heal it.
I ditto the advice to give probiotics - but I also suggest brand hopping, so that you give a number of strains of bacteria and rotate them around.
Some people report sucess in calming the skin by adding herbal Thuja Occidentalis to the food, and/or herbal nettle [urtica urens] to the food, or dosing homeopathic thuja and/or urtica.
As much as I dislike the steroid route, I have found it helpful to use them to calm the skin to where it can heal and then using grain free rotation diet/probiotics/frequent bathing/ACV to water/baking soda to water.
(Naples, Florida)
We adopted a 'rescue' dog in April. He is a lovable, 5 yr old- 23 lb. Cavalon.
He had some spots on his belly, and over time, they would change, and got worse, as well as many turned into sores. He would scratch, and was miserable. The Vet said to give him the antibiotic, and he would be fine. He was, and after about 3 days, the spots came back. We repeated the antibiotic! 7 months into this, she took a skin test and said he has a serious case of yeast infection... and told me to put him on Salmon, sweet potatoes, and pumpkin! Like a fool, I did.... he got worse!
I did some serious investigating, and if you are allergic to yeast, NO potatoes, or any starch should be given.
I found a site that gave me a fairly good idea of what he could have, and what I could see myself preparing for him.
He now gets, a "gourmet" dinner - 4-6 oz of prepared chicken, 2 tbs of can pumpkin, 2tbs can green beans, 2-3 tbs quinoa [cooked] --- he also gets a hard boiled egg every other day. In addition to this, I give him a multi-vitamin - 1, 000mg Omega-3 fish oil - 200 IU Vit E - 1, 000 IU Vit D3 ----- the days he does not get an egg, I give him 2 tbs quinoa, and 2 tbs pumpkin around noon time.
Since most [all that I have found] treats have some sort of starch or yeast he is off all of them! He gets broccoli, or green beans as a snack. He just happens to love them ;)
He gets a bath in Tea Tree shampoo once a week, and he does not have any odor!!
He is so much better. I feel confident I am on the right road with him now. I swear, we have to be their advocates, and think outside the box! Most doctors do not appreciate internet research, but we must continue to try and heal our pets with our brains!
This site was recommended to me by a dear relative... I thank her!!
I hope you and your pet find the perfect combination to a good, and healthy life ~~
(Hope, Bc, Canada)
Very good, but canned food? Raw veggies into the processor with turmeric and a little celtic salt would be better.
(Dighton, Mass)
I have a stratfordshire bull terrier that I adopted from a kill shelter when he was 6 months old. When I first adopted him, his paws were pinkish brown and naive me thought they were dirty! At about 5 months old he was obsessively licking his paws, his rear end and scratching his ears. When I took him to the vet they found both of his ears severely infected and said it could be the result of allergies gone unchecked. They put him on steroids and antibiotics. The ear infection cleared up, but he continued to have red, itchy paws. I put him on a completely grain free diet. I feed him Wysong epigen dry dog food in the morning and a raw diet at night. I have him on Ultimate Flora probiotic (50 billion), 1 pill/day to help restore his good bacteria, he takes oil of oregano capsules, 1 capsule in the a.m. one capsule p.m. To help kill the yeast, he takes sea cure 4 tablets/day, to help with "leaky gut", he gets 1 teaspoon of salmon oil on his food (a.m and p.m. Feedings), he gets 20 drops of Apawthecary detox drops 2 x day on his food, to help with his yeast detox, he also gets Enzyme Miracle 2 x day with his food at 1 scoop per cup of food as directed to aid in digestion. I have been soaking his paws in a solution of 1/8 cup ACV, 1/8 cup hydrogen peroxide, 2 cups water, 3 x day. he has been on this regimens for 2 1/2 weeks and I see little to no improvement on the yeast on his paws. When I do the foot soak, he goes crazy and spends the next 15-20 minutes aggressively licking his feet. I am so frustrated and don't know if this is working or not. Should I continue the treatment, as it is quite expensive and hope in time he will get better, or try something different? I appreciate any advice out there!!! So desperate to get my puppy healthy.
(Mpls., Mn)
Hey Dmjshriver!
I have dogs with skin issues and I share your pain :(
Couple things -
Have you considered using a holistic vet? Find one here:
And, sounds like you are going all out to try to heal your boy. The diet changes are all good. The supplements appear OK. I cannot tell from the info you provided just how long you have had this dog and how long you have been dealing with his itching and how long you have been treating with the various supplements. In any event, if you are not seeing any results then a few things come to mind.
You are giving your boy lot's of stuff to treat the yeast over growth and detox; it's entirely possible that the treatment is working and that you are seeing the results of the detox in action. With natural approaches conditions often appear to worsen in the process of getting better.
And, while your probiotic looks super duper, flooding the system with too much of a good thing creates an imbalance...which is not a good thing. So the key species in your probiotic are various lactobacillae, while the main species for canine specific formulas typically contain Enterococcus faecium. If this were my dog I would change it up - try PB8 for a bottle, then DDS/FOS for a bottle, then maybe 'Fortiflora', and so on. You want to populate the gut with myriad species as the domination of 1 species would actually present as some of the problems you are seeing.
And, while the dry diet looks like its top of the line, if you can go RAW entirely, that would be best. If that just isn't workable, you might consider rotating proteins or changing brands entirely. Not all dogs do well on the top rated diets - through no fault of the diet, its just comes down to a personal chemistry thing.
And, soaking the paws in the ACV/peroxide bath to relieve the itching clearly isn't cutting it. With the info provided I could not ascertain if he is chewing his feet raw or if he is just licking his paws obsessively. If he is experiencing a contact allergy you would *think* rinsing his feet as soon as he came indoors would help noticably - but it appears to have no impact. That makes me think possible pododemidicosis/demodex mite infection around the base of the nails and feet.
If this were my dog I would find a holistic vet to determine a long term plan to eliminate the yeast and get his system back in balance. I might change up the kibble, or go entirely RAW if I could. I would rotate brands of acidophilus frequently. I would also alkalize either by adding raw, unfiltered, unpasturized, 'with the mother' type ACV to the food 1 or 2 teaspoons am and pm in his wet food to start. I would also add baking soda to his clear, non-chlorinated drinking water - 1 teaspoon per liter for the first week, and then drop it down to 1/2 teaspoon per liter after that. I also would implement my allergy plan based on Ted's remedies that I regularly use on my pack during allergy season:
Allergy skin battle plan for allergy flare ups
- Borax laundry booster - the plain stuff with NO scent.
- 1 -16 oz brown bottle of 3% hydrogen peroxide
I get both of these from the grocery store.
Empty hydrogen peroxide into larger bottle - I use an empty 1 gallon vinegar jug. Add to this 32 oz filtered or distilled water - I just refill the hydrogen peroxide bottle twice - and dump into the jug. What this does is change your 3% hydrogen peroxide into 1% hydrogen peroxide.
Next add 1 cup of the borax crystals and shake. There should be some un-dissolved crystals in the mixed solution - this is just right. I try to use hot water from the kettle on the stove, that or sit the jug of mixture in the sink full of hot water while I bathe the dog.
Bathe the dog - use whatever shampoo and rinse well. Squeeze out excess water and make sure the tub is drained. I then plug up the tub. Now pour the mixed up solution over the dog. I use a small sponge to soak up the solution from the bottom of the tub and squeeze it out onto the dog again and again, making sure I get the head and underneath. Keep squeezing solution over and over onto the dog for about 15 minutes - 30 minutes is better. Then pull the stopper from the tub and let the excess drain. DO NOT DRY THE DOG OR RINSE THE DOG. The solution has to remain wet as it is still working. Allow the dog to air dry. I just pop mine into their crates and I remove any absorbent bedding.
If you are worried about poisoning your dog keep in mind that borax has the same toxicity as table salt. The solution doesn't seem to hurt the eyes or sting any sores on the skin. Some dogs feel instant relief!
Now, the above remedy is Ted's remedy for mange, but its a good start for troubled skin. I will do this dip 2-3 times the first week when allergies hit and skin starts to get itchy and yeasty. I would treat the entire dog with the mange remedy and only after treating the entire dog for 2-3 baths in the first week would I then shift to the Antifungal/Staph solution, and this can be made in small batches so you can treat only the affected areas and not the whole dog.
Ted's Anti fungal/staph skin solution - you will need:
- Milk of Magnesia [magnesium hydroxide]
- Epsom salts [magnesium sulfate]
- Borax [sodium tetraborate]
- 1% hydrogen peroxide solution
Mix 1 tbsp of MOM with 1 tbsp epsom salt and 1 tbsp borax into 1-1/2 cups of 1% hydrogen peroxide. Apply and do not rinse. This solution should knock out any staph infection or yeast infection going on in the skin. Just apply generously to the affected area and allow to air dry. I usually quadrupple the batch and treat the entire dog; once they have had a couple full body treatments I then would mix up a small batch and use in a spritzer bottle to spot treat areas. I mix up the solution fresh daily as I am not certain how long it keeps.
Now, since you soak your dog's paws 3x day in ACV/hydrogen peroxide and you are not getting results, try povidone iodine for a foot soak. You can obtain the iodine at your local drug store. You want to dilute the povidone iodine with water to the color of iced tea, using just your eyes – no scientific formula is involved. If it comes up too light, just add a bit more of the iodine. If it's a bit dark, add more water. You can use a dish tub and soak 1 foot at a time, and keep the solution for up to 1 day. Soak each foot 2-5 minutes and then pat dry - no need to rinse.
Please report back how it goes with healing your boy!
(Dighton, Ma)
Thank you for your response. I have had my stratfordshire for about 6 months now. I adopted him when he was about 5-6 months old. He came to me with what I now know was yeast on his paws, belly and ears. A few weeks after I brought him home he was aggressivley scratching his ears and I took him to my vet, who diagnosed him with 2 severe ear infections, which I was told was possible from allergies. He had been fed Trader Joe's kibble at the shelter, which was mostly corn and fillers. unfortunately I didn't realize at the time I took him to the vet that he had a yeast problem. I changed his diet to Wysong when he was about 8 months old. Because he continued to obsessively lick his paws I started investigating on the internet and I realized he has and has had since I adopted him a severe yeast problem. I have been treating him with the fore mentioned treatmeets for about 3 1/2 weeks now. His paws seem a little less brown, but the black on his nails seems to have gotten worse. I will try the soak and bath treatments you suggested, and just recently bought a new probiotic. I was just curious how long it took pets to see really notice able results on treatments if their dog has had problematic untreated yeast for 6-8 months like my poor pet. I am committed to getting him well, but I don't want to continue to bombard him with treatments if I've passed the timeline for seeing results. Does anyone have feedback on how long it took for their dog/s to heal from problematic yeast? I will post the results of the new treatments soon. Thanks for your advice.
(Mpls., Mn)
Hey Zdmjshriver!
I had an red/rednose who had black nails from licking her paws; the saliva built up on her nails and discolored them. What you may be seeing is the same thing.
Yeast manifesting on the skin usually makes the skin itchy and dry and black, sort of like elephant's skin; what you are describing with the paw licking sounds more like allergy - contact allergy even.
What might help your dog is a povidone iodine foot soak/rinse. You can obtain the iodine at your local drug store. You want to dilute the povidone iodine with water to the color of iced tea, using just your eyes – no scientific formula is involved. If it comes up too light, just add a bit more of the iodine. If it's a bit dark, add more water. You can use a dish tub and soak 1 foot at a time, and keep the solution for up to 1 day. Soak each foot 2-5 minutes and then pat dry - no need to rinse.
When you ask about length of time it takes to resolve a yeast issue, consider that it took months to get your dog into bad shape and it will take just as many months to return him to good health - inside and out. Also consider if he is genetically prone to allergies that he may be living with this all his life. You don't state what color staffy he is, but is he blue? Quite often blues and dilutes are disproportionately suscepitble to allergies. I had an OFRN who had yeast issues - she was the one that lead me to my current holistic vet. Her systemic yeast infection manifested in her reproductive tract resulting in experiencing her first heat cycle at 4 months, and then as soon as she was out she would start back in again. Holistic thinking indicates that if you spay before resolving the issue that is manifesting it will simply manifest elsewhere in the body, so I was determined to resolve her yeast issue before spaying her. It was 10+ years ago, but I want to say it took a good 3-4 months, first with treating with 1 type of acidophilus for 3 weeks including cleaners such as milk thistle, and then back to see what else was indicated and then dosing those remedies and another type of acidophilus for another 3 weeks and so on and so on. It was not a quick fix, however many symptoms resolved very quickly once we were on the right track.
Allergy symptoms IMHO don't seem to resolve quickly - not while the allergen is present. So while you may still be dealing with yeast, you also very well may be dealing with allergies.
If you are certain you are dealing with systemic yeast -and I would trust your gut feeling over anything I might advise from my keyboard, far, far away from your real time situation, you might consider dosing borax in the water. Borax is the ultimate antifungal, you might consider combating the yeast from the inside out by adding 1/8 or 1/4 teaspoon of Tetrasodium Borate or Borax in a litre of water and having him use that as his sole source of drinking water. Use this protocol for 5 days on then rest for 2 days. So, 5 days on, 2 days off with the Borax. Borax is anti-fungal - so anti-yeast - and also good for bones and helps to balance the hormones as well as chelates and removes fluoride from the body. Borax affects your male hormones or androgens in a viagra-like manner, which is why you must rest for 2 days -- to avoid gland over-stimulation.
Source from EC:
If you are not seeing the results you'd like with the detox drops you are using, again, go with your gut; keep at it if you feel they are helping, otherwise discontinue if you feel there really are not bringing the results you thought you would see by now.
Please keep us posted!
(Austin, Tx)
I just recently adopted Dakota (about 3 weeks ago) who has had a chronic yeast infection. She was in foster care for 7 months, and since I don't know how bad she was when the foster family got her, I don't know how much better she got. What I do know is after 7 months in foster care with a great couple, the yeast infection was still active, and they had been doing everything they were told to do. (new food, baths with special shampoo, antibiotics, and benedryl for the itching and scratching.) She also has little skin growths all over her body (some like skin tags, others like big pimples) She has lost all her hair on parts of her body (chest, legs, arm pits) and her skin has turned black where there is no hair. (which I have recently learned are common side effects of a yeast infection.)
Last week I took her to my regular vet who "packed" her ears b/c along with, yeast there is another bacteria infection going on. Dakota also had Blood test results showed that her liver numbers are really high.results showed that her liver numbers are all very high. The vet suggested I change her diet, and put her back on antibiotics along with another liver medicine to try and get her liver back on track.
The vet that I spoke with about Dakota's blood test results was not my regular vet, but something she said did not make sense to me, so I started doing research. I read all about a raw diet, and was fully prepared to take that path, but I came across a website that suggested several different types of dog food that are good to use when a dog has a yeast infection. The one you are using was one of the choices, but another was a brand called NUTRISCA. It is GRAIN FREE and POTATO FREE. I gave her "homemade food" for about 3 days, and today (Friday, March 7,2014) is day 3 on the Nutrisca, and the difference in Dakota has been remarkable! Her energy level today is night and day from what it was a week ago, and there is a remarkable difference in her eyes. The food must taste really good, but she gets very excited when it is time to eat, and she gobbles it up.
She has a long way to go before she is 100%, but the more I read, the more I am learning that she can be completely yeast free with the right food, yogurt, and apple cider vinegar. :)
This is a very long note to suggest you may want to try the Nutrisca Dog Food. I think a critical component is to eliminate potato from your dogs diet.
I have a Westie that was diagnosed with yeast infection. He is 6 years old and we have battled this for quite some time. I tried the acidopholis for several months, but did not see any noticeable improvement. I am going to try the bath treatments posted here along with some of the other suggestions and hope something will help him.
(California, US)
Yes, mine do that when I feed them chicken. It seems to be offensive to them. Mine do well on turkey leg or thigh meat, and buffalo for red meat. I was in a rut and fed the same proteins over and over. We have stopped that now, and even though my girls are eleven and ten, we are enjoying a more natural diet and health benefits. It can be from many pollen allergies as well. Mine have stopped that almost completely when I stopped feeding them kibble. You might enjoy learning through pet health videos free by Dr. Becker. It's great fun. My dogs love our new addition; homemade bone broth. YUM~
(Santa Vlara)
Saying everything else is bull**** is irresponsible. I have a frenchie and the vinegar HP mix has worked really well. Just because one remedy works for you doesn't make the other remedies suggested bull****.
The link above to find a holistic vet is incorrect. Here is the link:
I know this post is 3 years old, but I just saw it today. I have the same dog (mine is long haired) with the same problem. I have fought his yeast infection for 6 years & have tried everything his veterinarian has prescribed & suggested & its just not working. It either doesn't work at all or it comes back in a few days! Ive noticed that summer time is significantly harder on him. The summers down here are brutal! I'm will start this routine as soon as I'm through writing this email, & will be posting my results in a few days.. WISH ME & BEAN GOOD LUCK & KEEP FINGERS CROSSED!!!
(Sydney, Australia)
Tara, sometimes this can be a long road what works for one dog doesn't work for another but I would start with the diet all raw, include oily fish and no processed food what so ever, but there are many things out there that can help. Good luck.
(Stuart, Florida)
(St. John's, Newfoundland)
(Naples, Fl, Usa)
My 10 yr old, 35 lb. PBGV, Max, was diagnosed 1.5 years ago with Cushings Disease. I am managing his disease with one Trilostane 100 mg capsule per day. He is doing extremely well.
However, he was constantly scratching and licking his paws creating bloody, hairless patches. I tried EVERYTHING my vet, dermatologist, recommended: injections, special shampoos, allergy meds you name it... spend hundreds of dollars.
Fortunately my groomer informed me Max was suffering from yeast and I should call my Vet to request a medicated shampoo for the treatment of yeast and administer Acidophilus in pill form. I ordered the medicated shampoo and consulted my local heath food store, Whole Foods, and found an ACIDOPHILUS capsule 340 mg. I administer one, sometimes two pills, per day inside a pill pocket size of an all meat hot dog... He gobbles it down, a treat!
In addition, I have switched to feeding him Blue Wilderness brand dog food with high protein, NO GRAINS, corn, wheat or soy. He likes the Salmon best but will eat the chicken and duck flavors too! The food is expensive, approx. $30.00 for a 11 lb bag but worth every penny.
Max was a sick and "ugly" looking dog until I finally found the right combination of food and medication. His coat is thick and soft, he rarely scratches and almost never licks. He walks with me a least a mile each day. He is alive and thriving. I contribute his well being to my groomer and from the information I gained from reading posts on this site.
(Langley,bc, Canada)
I have spent the last 6 months taking my cairn terrier to the vets and being told he has allergies to the environment. The vet told me to feed HP and gave me meds for his skin condition. He has gotten worse over the last month and I had him at my groomers and right away she told me he had a yeast infection. Told me to try Natural Balance with sweet potatoe and salmon. I also after reading about the acidophilus am now giving him that. Does it get worse looking before it gets better is my question? And what can I put on his sores that won't harm him? Thanks
(Houston, Texas)
For the sores I use hot spot medicine. I don't really like it too much though because it's messy. I found a spray that has medicine to treat wounds. It prevents infection. I can't recall the name, but I found it at a pet store. Honestly, I believe it's a generic. Also, I sometimes spray the apple cider vinegar directly on her. I have some spray with bitterant in it, so she won't chew her skin, but it doesn't work as well as the vinegar. She hates the taste and won't lick. Besides that it seems to help treat the infection from the yeast.
(Houston, Texas)
I'm about a week or so into the acidophilus treatment, along with a few other things I'm doing. Sadie was so bad that I was about to give up. She was one hundred percent bald and completely miserable. So far I have noticed that she sheds skin A LOT more than before, but after every bath, her skin looks healthier. She's even getting wisps of fur where there hasn't been any for months. I don't really know if a dog like this gets worse looking before they get better, but with my Sadie that is definitely the case. Her yeast odor is a lot worse, but like I said, after a bath she seems better. The only annoying thing in all this is that I have to bathe her daily because of all the skin shedding and odor. I just make sure to bathe her in medicated and oatmeal shampoos, followed by a good rub down in Monistat. She is already in better spirits. She was playing with her toys and loving on my pug. I'm going to stick with it because, so far, things look encouraging.
(Quezon City, Philippines)
Hi, Maegan! I have tried steeping a bag of jasmine tea in water and then giving my dogs a rubdown with this infusion. I am not sure if other types of tea have the same effect, but our dogs have stopped continually scratching and biting themselves after only a few applications. And the jasmine tea smells great on them. However, it still takes a few weeks at least for the hair to gradually grow back. I have read of another product that got me thinking. It is white vinegar. I find that the tea infusion is helpful in treating hot spots and yeast infection but not too effective in killing off ticks and then read somewhere about the benefits of white vinegar. So now I am using white vinegar with water as a spray on them. And then I also dissolve a bar of the mildest and most natural soap I can find here in water and then mix two to three caps full of white vinegar into it and make a homemade shampoo. This shampoo we use like a regular shampoo on them, and it leaves them smelling just great! So I was thinking this vinegar concoction may be of help to you, too.
(Quezon City, Philippines)
(Roseville, Ca)
Just reading your great tips on yeast infections. Just brought my dog home from the groomer today and she said my buddy has a yeast infection. She told me NOT to use shampoos with oatmeal as the yeast feeds on it. I noticed someone mentioned batheing their dog with it and thought you may want to know. Thanks for the great tips!
(Austin, Tx)
Our 14 year old chow mix has been plagued with a yeast infection of her skin for several years now. She has also been diagnosed with Cushings. We treated her with Lysodren for over 2 years for the Cushings with little change. We finally gave up on the Lysodren. Being encouraged by your postings here about acidophilus, I started giving her 3 to 4 pills spaced throughout the day. I also started bathing her in a medicated shampoo every 4 days. I treat her flare up spots with an otc spray for athlete's foot. This is working!!! She feels better because she's off Lysodren, she's not itchy and her skin and hair are very much improved. Just wanted to let others know there is hope to clear this up. I feel she has turned the corner.
(Newport Beach, Ca/usa)
There is a comment in here from someone in March 2012 who said her groomer told her that her dog has a yeast infection and that she should switch to Natural Balance with Sweet Potato.... THIS IS WRONG! Sweet potato is a starch, starch turns to sugar and yeast feeds on sugar.
She is correct in that when on a proper treatment to rid your dog of yeast that the symptoms do get temporarily worse. This is due to the body purging the toxins at a greater rate through the dogs skin which itches terribly. However, feeding your dog an inappropriate food that contains starch or sugar will also make it get worse, but for the wrong reason.
Special made raw food (research the types online) is the number one recommendation. As well as a supplemental daily dose of pro-biotics the dog needs to replenish their system with in order to maintain the proper levels of yeast. And a medicated anti-fungal shampoo is also recommended with bathing at least twice a week. Again, research online for brands. There are also a number of homemade daily rinses that you should do IN ADDITION to all the other treatments. They involve a diluted mixture of water and vinegar, or water and lemon juice, or water and baking soda.
Diet is number one and whatever you do, DO NOT LET YOUR VET ADMINISTER ANTI-BIOTICS OR STEREOIDS!!!! RESEARCH YEAST INFECTIONS IN DOGS ONLINE AND DO IT NOW. There is a ton of information online about this and thank God I found it as our 6 month old puppy has been suffering for 8 weeks. Everyone thought it was an allergy. Vets were quick to treat some random infection they thought it was with more anti-biotics. Anti-biotics only strip the poor dog of the good bacteria it needs to fight the yeast. RESEARCH!!!!
(Sugar Land, Tx)
I need help. I just wrote a whole thing and lost it! So here I go again.
He is two from the vets information and we rescued him from the city. he is a french bulldog and when we got him home he was on antibiotics because the city thought his skin was bad from being out in the Texas heat and fleas, she said they did skin scrapes to make sure it wasn't contagious because we have other dogs and he was safe.
So my trouble started when his antibiotics were done from her skin concerns and being neutered.
First the odor and then the elephant skin growth in the folds of his neck. My husband did some research on the internet and found the yeast infection infrmation and suggested we change his food and get better less aggressive shampoo. We went straight to the store and found, NUTRISCA, grain free and potato free and sprinkle oregano on it at meal time. It has helped his gas problem although he has gas it doesn't STINK! Anymore.
The first shampoo we changed to was a baby shampoo with lavender and it made him fell better but then I found a pet shampoo with tea tree as suggested on another site. It did work on lossening up the elephant skin spots and is suppossed to soothe the skin. But my next research/purchase will be the Malaseb shampoo.
What does work is the white vinegar and water rinses. I do them daily. I put a gallon of water and one cup wv and it helps him. After I soak him I towel dry him and put a clean T shirt on him. The t shirts , with some modifications, help protect the red spots from direct scratching and I use my son's old T shirts because store dog shirts seem to irritate him. He has a large neck and broad chest so the store clothes bother him in this area. My son's shirts work best I put them on him backwards. Anyway he gets hours of relief and a clean shirt everday. With the tea tree and rinses I have gotten a lot of the odor under control. But I want to get the peppermint oil to complete this portion of the regimen.
But today was a downer! I woke up and his skin was inflamed and oozing. It hurts my heart to look at his tender skin under his thinning coat. I have to count myself lucky because he doesn't have the ear issues but every other symptom. What I am thinking is we changed to food in time and the ears didnt have a chance to get started.
QUESTION # 1 But when does the inflammation even out. With all the efforts! Will it get worse and then better because I really feel this has to be the worst. He has spots all over and under and his neck is bad again. And today the smell came back!
I want to try acidophilus to round out my efforts. But I have a question. I looked at the health food store but didn't buy it because it was not free of soy yeast or dairy products. And the ones I found at the pet store were not acidophilus so I am going to have to order some on the internet.
QUESTION #2 Yogurt? I am guessing you are using the plain unsweeted kind but are you using it to give additional enzymes or the way to give the enzymme with out purchasing additional probiotics.
Awaiting any feedback to help keep me strong and not fall weak and head to the vet!
(Kure Beach, Nc Usa)
Struggling with dogs yeast: Hi Emilia, Sorry to hear about your dog's problem, I hope this helps you get started. I have a 1 1/2 yr old cockapoo. She has already been on antibiotics for yeast infections 4 times. The last time for 21 days. This did not help and a few days ago it started again. I noticed the tell tale smell and irritated skin. I had minor surgery and wasn't as involved with day to day caring of kids and dog for a few day. I wasn't suppose to drive yet and wanted to give her relief and that is when I found this site which is amazing.
I want to share what I've done so far because I believe it is working. The first thing was a baking soda and water soak so she could get some relief. I filled the tub just a few inches and added 3 tsp of baking soda. I sat her in the water because her problem was her girl parts, behind, stomach and underarms. Then I wiped it on the areas that couldn't soak then removed her from the tub. I towel dryed her and blow dried her hair because the vet said the yeast grows faster when wet. I was going to take her in the next day until I read on. There are so many natural treatments but I didn't want to over do it. The next treatment I tried was plain old white vinegar because that was all I had. I made a small amount of 50/50 solution white vinegar and water. Other people have said you may not want to use on open sores and I agree. My girl didn't squeel in pain but was happy when I was done. Then I gave her a human fish oil soft gel coated in peanut butter. It was 1000 mg and Many post say you may want to give more for dogs with skin problems but I want to build up. The WV did give her relief for a few hours.
Meanwhile I went to a health store and bought organic coconut oil, organic Apple Cider Vinegar and plain organic yogurt. Greek was all they had so that is what I bought. When I came home I put 2 tsp on top of her dog food which is a limited ingrediant grain free. A note, she has been on special food for over a year and the yeast still comes back. I don't think that is reason enough to go to easier to find or cheaper food, just confirms to me, food change is not enough. She loved the yogurt and ate it up. Then I made another small 50/50 Apple Cider Vinegar and water mix and wiped her again. When it was dry, I used the co. I Very generously coated her rectom, under tail, back legs, girl part, under belly and under arms. I used a different napkin every time my napkin was dry because I've been told yeast can spread. She was very greasy so I did cover the furniture. So we both went about our business for an hour or so and when I checked on her, the red was so, so, so much better. Not perfect but it was obvious that she had relief and at this point relief was what I wanted for her.
The antibiotics are a band aid and nothing done correct or well happens fast or without experimenting. I have been very watchful and let her out often. I'm assuming there will be some type of diarrea or less than normal ability to hold bowels in with the addition of yogurt and a fish oil pill. I kept her very greasey for the rest of the day and had her sleep on a towel on my bed so I can easily change it daily. Gave her the same today. 2 tsp of yogurt with food, Fish oil with peanut butter, Lubed with coconut oil. Midday I bathed her with a med shampoo in the tub and rinsed very well. Emptied and rinsed tub well and added fresh water and some acv. I used a rag to rub the clean mix on all affected areas. I did not rerinse. Towel dry then blow dry. I use a small, not super powerful travel size dryer and concentrate on drying the infected areas. I will rub coconut oil on before bed and give her a clean towel to lay on. No diarrhea yet but still taking her out often.
She is doing very well and is suffering much less. When I'm sure she can tolerate the yogurt without bathroom problems, I will give her coconut oil to eat because other posters have reported good results. Lucy's yeast doesn't sound as serious but I sincerely hope one of these treatments gives your dog the relief that lucy found. Good Luck!
(Kure Beach, Nc, Usa)
July 14, 2012 Update "I need help with dog yeast"
Hi, I posted some treatments found on this site for chronic yeast infection that I just started with my 1 1/2 yr old cockapoo. I have been treating topicly with 50/50 Apple Cider Vinegar and water and I have been rubbing coconut oil on affected areas. I am happy to report singificant relief for my dog. Less red and lesions from biting and scratching, smell almost gone and noticably less scratching all over. She still has pink fur but she's a white dog so I think she needs a few baths to rid stain.
I also added 2 tsp organic greek plain yogurt to limited ing. dry food and 1000mg fish oil.
Question She has started not coughing or vomiting but kind of like a human trying to release phlegm. She doesn't know to spit out and I can tell she re swallows it. She just vomited some yellow bile like substance and isn't very excited to eat. I have read many reviews saying whether human or animal, releasing of toxins when starting natural treatment is common. If anyone can give advise or let me know if this is normal I would appreciate it very much. She has not had any diarrhea from change in diet. I will say this is positively working, I just don't want to ignore signs that may need vet atten. And I also dont want to go to vet and get talked into antibiotics or steroids. Thank you!
Hi Suzebel, Your situation sounds a lot like what we went through with one of our dogs. This site has been a lifesaver for her, for sure, because our vet had her on steroids constantly which I know was not good for her.
What put our Daisy on the way to health was a combination of things: 1) chewable acidophilus tables and 2) making sure in addition to being grain free that the limited ingredient dog food didn't have any potato or sweet potato products.
She liked yogurt at first but then would not eat it regularly which is what got us to the chewable tablets. After about 10 days of the acidophilus, she lost most of her appetite, was visibly bloated, and had green slime in her waste. After 2-3 days of that (to the point where we were seriously worried and had scheduled a vet visit) she slimmed down to normal and had appetite again. With just the acidophilus tablets and limited ingredient food, her skin started to heal, the smell went away completely, and hair started to grow where she had been elephant-skinned. Our theory is that period of bloating and slime was the dying-off effect.
We continue to give her 2 tablets daily (she's a 70 pound dog) and it maintains her health in that instance. She does occasionally get itchy and then has reduced appetite spells for a day or two, but it is nothing like what she was before.
I hope your dog is going through a dying-off of the yeast also and will come out the other side on the road to health. I am not a health professional so cannot confirm what you are describing is that but wanted to share our experiences with our dog because I know it can be scary!
(Kure Beach, Nc, Usa)
Jessica from Texas, Thank You. I have been diligent with treatment and still researching. I have read about grain and starch free food. Found a few brands but couldn't find reviews that weren't posted on retailer websites. Lucy contiues to get better with the yogurt and fish oil. The coconut and 50/50 acv/water continue to relieve her itch. I will order the food and add acidophilus pill. Thanks again for sharing Daisy's recovery treatment! I hope it continues to bring her good health!
(California, Usa)
(Bronx, Ny)
(Port Jervis, New York)
wow, my dog has seen the vet numerous times in the past few weeks, she is miserable, smells is itchy and has licked her paws raw. She was misdiagnosed several times, I did my own research and it seems my dog has systemic yeast infectiom. I read Coconut oil and oil of oregano are very helpful so I am staring this along with probiotics and the vet did give her a full thyroid workup which did not show much. Her yeast levels came back on the low side, but I am sure this is what it is. NEVER use oatmeal shampoos as oatmeal is a grain and yeast thrives on oatmeal. Use tea tree or lemon shampoo. I have been feeding my dog CHICKEN and RICE, but am switching to truly grain free. One brand has rice, both brown and white. Will let you know how this all works out. (the vet prescribed antibiotics and steroids) we all know antibiotics kill the good bacteria so be careful if thats what your vet prescribes. Even vets can be wrong. Be your own dogs advocate!
(Aberdeen, New Jersey)
Hi, to you all! I had 3 yorkies suffering from yeast, I know what you all are going thru. I did my research and found a website that helped me cure them, until two years ago, I took Mutsy for a dental and without my authorization they gave him rabies vaccination. From then on, Mutsy went backwards, first he was diagnosed with Cushing (caused by all the cortisone injections and pills the vet gave him, in addition to antibiotics) and because of the Cushing, I was afraid of giving him the drops that had cured him from yeast before. He also has developed kidney failure and the diet he is in k/d is full of potatoes which is very bad for yeast infection. I am now taking him to get acupuncture, he is still not doing well. The vet that does the acupuncture told me to give him plain yogur that we need to boost his immune system. I need to explain to you all that my Mutsy is now 16 yrs old, so you would understand my situation is delicate. I know about white vinegar, but his skin is so raw and he has open sores, so I cannot use it. I did use Malaseb shampoo together with pledges of Malaseb as that website had recommended and it worked. Unfortunately, the feds shut them down and I was not able to get the Malaseb shampoo for the past two years until now: I was able to get it online, but not the Malaseb pledges.
Since I know the pain of seeing your loves one scratching and itching and even crying, I wished to let you know my experience. Careful with the acidophilus pills, better use the yogur. Good luck to you all!
(Elizabeth, Nj, Union)
This is just to share my experience and maybe help someone who might be going through the same problem I was. I have a 5 year old black cocker mix and she is a very picky eater when it comes down to dog food. I've always had her on what I though was good dog food like iams but she ate very little of it and always seemed hungry. Months ago I was in Shoprite and saw Purina Lamb and rice and noticed that it looked like it had little pieces of meat and bought it thinking maybe my dog will like it. Less than three days later she started scratching and she developed a yeast infection so I took her to the vet. He prescribed antifungal shampoo by the end of the week she was a lot worst so I took her back and he prescribed some fungal pills by the end of that week even worst she now had soars all over her body and fungus everywhere including her ears. She had huge scabs all over her body and the sores where looking bloody and infected so back to the vet we went. He did blood work, scraped her skin and a couple other tests and put her on antibiotics but she just kept getting worst and now she wasn't even eating the home cooked food I was making for her.
At this point after like four visits to her vet I was giving up on him. Even though I had been googling all along I started to try different things. I tried the vinegar and peroxide rinses after her antifungal shampoos every two days, I started her on vitamin c to boost her immune system and omega 3 oil pills. I had her shaved so that the shampoo got a better chance of working but still 2 days later the fungus kept coming back. I also started her on the human version of acidophilus (Walgreens). This all helped but I still had to bathe her every two days because the fungus and little pimples kept coming back.
Then one day I was sitting in the living room applying castor oil to my face, neck and hand like I do every night (good for wrinkles and dry skin) and I decided to put some all over her body thinking it might help with the itching. I went to work the next day knowing that when I got home I would have to give her a bath but to my surprise there was no obvious fungus anywhere so I sat in front of the computer and googled castor oil and fungus and was surprised to see that it works great on fungus, infections, sores, lice, ticks ect ect so I've been doing it every other day and the yeast has not returned. now I'm not saying that castor oil can cure fungal or yeast infection because from everything I've read fungal and yeast infections are caused by allergies to either food or other things but it has stopped her itching, she doesn't have a single sore and I haven't seen any white fungus since I started using it. Her skin is looking really good and her hair is growing nicely and she's not shedding and now I'm only bathing her once a week. She doesn't evens shed as much in the bath tub which would always take me a long time to clean after a bath because of all the hair loss. Now I'm only giving her a bath once a week. Three days ago I started her on Great Life Grain Free Salmon dry food and to my surprise she likes it and so far so good.
For her ear infection I do my own solution. I found the recipe on the cocker Spaniard AKA page years ago because she was always getting ear infections and that too has been doing really well. I have given the ear solution recipe to many people and they all have said that it's the best thing ever & that it works faster than anything the vet has ever prescribed for them. (The ingredients you'll need are white vinegar, powdered boric acid, isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol), and Betadine antiseptic solution. Generic versions of the Betadine are known as Povidone-Iodine, and those are fine, too. Just be sure not to use "Betadine Scrub", which is Betadine with a detergent added. What you want is "Betadine Solution" or generic "Povidone-Iodine Solution".) I've been using this for many years (Boric acid has mild antibiotic properties against fungal or bacterial infection) My dog has never had to be treated for ear infections since I started using this years ago. As soon as I see she's getting an ear infection or I catch her scratching her ears I start the treatment and it clears it in a few days.
Anyway like I said in the beginning I'm just posting this in the hopes that it can help someone.
(Plainview, Ny, Usa)
I have a 5 year old Shepherd mix, adopted from the North Shore Animal League. He is a wonderful guy... but we've recently been dealing with the dreaded yeast.
Switched to Nutrisca - Chicken and Chickpa recipe
Bathing him 2x per week with Malseb; spray w/ACV & Water mix
1x day - 2 capsules - Probiotics
1x day - 2 capsules - Apple Cider Vinegar
1x day - 2 capsules - Candida
2x day - 2-3 Benedryl
I've purchased an inflatable collar for him to wear because he's ripping his skin apart. If he gets the collar off, I find a new spot on his head that he's ripped open. It's breaking my heart and after going though the regimen every day, I still don't feel like I'm helping him at all. Some say they see improvement within days or weeks. On some websites, I read it will take months to see any improvement... very discouraging.
I've been putting Hydrocortisone cream on his open wounds... It seems to help with the healing process fairly quickly. Is there anything else I should be using? I'm will try anything!
I've spent $$$$ at the vet with steriod shots, meds, antibiotics... Antihistamine shots, nothing works. I've lost my money and my faith with this vet... Not sure if I am going to take him somewhere else for a look. It's been great to find this website... I just hope I'm doing the right thing!
(Sarasota, Florida)
I love all the suggestions. I wish I had looked this up earlier. I have been battling the yeast for almost 2 yrs now and been down the road with the vets giving steriods and antibiotics. After it got to costly I finally have decided to take things into my own hands. So yes we are doing the Rice and meat, Bathing with Hibiclens (can get at pharmacy and came recommended from pharmacist)active ingrediant Chlorhexidine gluconate which has been helpful. I also used an Walgreens anticeptic cleanser/pain reliever to help with the sores. I had a friend remind me yeast feeds on moisture so I got the idea to use Medicated Gold Bond Foot Powder and it appears to be working great! Of course you have to get the sores cleared somewhat but it keeps his skin dry, less itchy, and smells good. I have only been using it for two days but his mood has improved drastically and has started wagging his tail again. I'm not claiming these are the tell tale remedies but so far its looking promising. Look forward to trying some of the remedies posted too, especially the ear one (powder probably not good idea for ears). Thanks
(Central, Fl)
To Coopersmom in NY: One more thing I would suggest is yogurt. I have been using a lowfat, plain organic yogurt. My dog is about 70 pounds, and I give her about a generous half cup each evening. She has a doggy door, so I am blessed to not have to worry about if it loosens her stool. I have tried many things in the past, including expensive pills from the vet, and the yogurt seems to have made the most difference. Good luck!
(Franklin, Nc)
I foster for a rescue group and have adopted a few of my own, one of which has severe food and environmental allergies. She is on a vegetarian diet, which is grain-free, and we manage her symptoms pretty well. Her yeast infections will flare up and I'll know she's been sneaking into the other dogs food, although this doesn't happen very often. When it does, she will have the yeast infection developing in her ears and the BEST solution I have found is a mixture of Gentian Violet Solution, Boric Acid and Witch Hazel astringent. It's a 16 oz bottle of the witch hazel, 4 Tbsp of boric acid and 16 drops of the gentian violet. I keep this in a jar and will use a dropper to put it into her ear and massage well, then dab with a tissue and repeat once. Do this only a few times a week and the ears clear up perfectly. I also use it on my pekingese that has a very narrow ear canal and always has irritaion in her ear. The gential violet is anti-viral, anti-fungal and a natural antibiotic. The boric acid soothes the inflammed tissue and the witch hazel reduces swelling. It does not burn like isopropol alcohol will. I have used this for many years and have many friends that now use it as well. It is a 'violet' colored solution and will stain your clothing if you get it on yourself. It will eventually fade away off the fur.
This is a great solution for the ear infection, while waiting for the acidophilus and other products to take effect, as they get immediate relief.
(Snellville, Ga)
My Lhasa has been miserable with the constant scratching and licking. Both of us were never getting uninterrupted sleep. I tried all types of shampoo and food changes, but no relief came for her. I didn't want to start her on drugs, but was getting close to giving in.
Then, I discovered this site via a search. After reading the symptoms described by everyone, I knew I was on track to a possible solution to Sasha's ailments.
Two days ago I began giving her a tablespoon of organic plain yogurt in the morning and evening. I also added ACV to her water bowl.
Yesterday, I bathed her with a medicated shampoo and rinsed her with a 50/50 ACV solution and at night rubbed coconut oil on her worst areas (lower back and tail). I have also put the ACV solution into a spray bottle. Whenever I see her lick or scratch I spray the area she is attending.
I'm happy to say she is now sleeping peacefully and has scratched only a few times during the day. She is still licking, but far less than before. I will bathe her again tomorrow. Will also try to get the ear solution ingredients and start the ear wash.
BTW-She loves the yogurt and licks the bowl clean each time. She also drinks the ACV water, but isn't as enthusiastic about that.
Thanks for this site. It truly has been a help for both of us.
(Snellville, Ga)
Also, forgot to add that I changed her to grain-free dry food (I always add warm water to soften it and make a slight gravy) and I am temporarily using a quick squirt or two of the ACV/water solution as needed for ear itch relief, whenever I see her scratch at her ears. This is just until I can get all of the ingredients for the ear wash.
Day 4 and very little scratching. She is still licking. I spray the areas she licks with the ACV solution, but she still goes back and licks the area. It seems that she is licking it because she likes the taste of the ACV solution. I might be wrong, but that appears to be the case. Go figure.
(Snellville, Ga, United States)
Day 9 - Very little scratching, some licking/chewing and she is sleeping through most of the night with hardly any scratching or itching. Her skin has returned to looking more normal (not the dark elephant skin). Most of the scabs are gone.
Have bathed her with the medicated shampoo, rinsed with ACV solution, dried, combed and put coconut oil on skin when dry, twice in 9 days.
Continuing with ACV in drinking water and have reduced heaping tablespoon of plain greek yogurt to once/day (instead of twice/day). Also, I spray ACV solution on any area she scratches or licks/chews. Unfortunately, she likes the taste of the ACV solution and will still lick at the sprayed area (but not chew) to taste the ACV.
Never did the ear spray. Couldn't find the boric acid. Most stores here are not allowed to sell it. Not sure if it's really needed though.
(Chattanooga, Tn)
Thank you for your responses on the yeast problems in dogs. I have three out of four dogs with some type of skin problem from itching for no reason to full blown yeast. I was making a homemade diet for my dogs, crockpot of vegetable/fruit with a quinoa base and adding EVO can venison to it. Also adding lots of supplements that I been told was good for them. Two of the four was allergy tested by blood and that where we can up with venison as my meat source. Since the yeast out break starting back in December 2012 with one dog. I was told a new allergy test was being performed with salva. So I started with the first dog to see what she was allergic too, venison and quinoa. So lets rethink my homemade food. I went a head and had the other two that was blood test, retested with the salva test. Believe it or not they both have allergies but not as bad as tested by blood. Anyway now I have three tests that I can compare to see what to feed them. All three allergic to venison and quinoa. My vet suggested raw goat and goat milk but my dogs wouldn't touch neither (also very expensive for four dogs). So we tried raw pork and they wouldn't eat that. So I made the comment at the vets office, my dogs was use to cooked/canned food not raw. She came up with can Evangers Pork and Evangers vegetarian vegetables. I was told to do 1/2 can of pork to 1/4 can of veg. To make a complete meal for one dog (i have four to feed). So I mixed it up and they had a hard time getting bits stuck in their teeth. So the next day I took one can of pork, 1/2 can of vegetables and two shots of goat milk (needed to use up) and put in blender. They wolfed it down. My problem now is the can vegetables main two items are sweet potatoes and potatoes. I have one allergic to potatoes. Also two with the yeast which potatoes are not good for. So now trying Sojo dehydrated vegetables and adding can pork to it. They are both on rx from vet and I add acidophilus to their mixture. My vet took us off the fish oil/hemp oil because it causes heat. My vet stated that the yeast is an inbalance of their system and that the liver is trying to get rid of the toxins, explaining their skin conditions of smell, leaking, ear infections, etc. She also gave me shampoo that doesn't seem to work. So your helpful hints of baking soda, vinagars, castor oil, coconut oils, teas and not using oatmeal shampoo are very helpful. I have purchased a Brita water filter for the main water source so their water is pure. The dogs and cats have a Drinkwell which also filters their moving water. My main concern is getting the dogs' diet back in order with something everyone can have, whether I make or buy that won't cost us an arm or leg to feed them. Then, getting their skin condition calmed down and internal systems back in balance at the same time. So my journey has just begun again. Thanks again for the feed back.
(Brighton, East Sussex, Uk)
Hi, I am replying to your post about yeast issues in dogs. I have 3 Shihtzus. One of them, Teddy had yeast issues as a puppy. I kept taking him to the vets who kept pumping him full of antibiotics and steroids. And he was getting, sicker and sicker, to the point I thought he was going to die. So, I decided, enough was enough and took 'things' into my own hands. After doing loads of research. I discovered the antibiotics and steroids were actually feeding the yeast. That's when I discovered Earth Clinic. He was fed on canned dog food at the time. It had vegetables in it. Plus on research on how they produce any dog food. I discovered it was full of rubbish etc etc. I would not feed any vegetables they contain natural sugars. Not even potato's. You have to think about what wolves eat. And go right back to basics. And raw bones. Good for their teeth. Contain calcium. There is yeast in so much even hidden. Mine get raw chicken on the bone. Like a drumstick. Give it whole. I buy big frozen bags and defrost as needed. And any other meat. Like minced beef and pork. Also, big bags frozen. They get one meal a day. It really doesn't cost me much. That's all they need. You can give fish, now and again. A tin of tuna or salmon as a treat, in fish oil.
My Teddy is bathed in D10 shampoo, which is anti fungal. I get mine from Ebay. You can do a final rinse in half water/half white vinegar. Leave to dry or use hair dryer. You can also put the same mixture in a spray bottle and use between baths. I stay away from ACV. It's made with apples. Again, it's sugar. Clean ears out with half water/half white vinegar. No treats. They don't need them. Give them a bone to chew on. Never, ever, give cooked bones. They splinter. Keep it simple and it's so easy. If they are hungry, they will soon get used to the raw meat. Don't cook the meat. Plain yogurt can be given now and again. And just the filtered water to drink. Even my 4 cats, eat the same. I always have colloidal silver. In case they ever need antibiotic. I also give them half a clove of fresh garlic a day. Keeps fleas away. (Not cats. Toxic to them). They have Food grade DE in some natural yogurt. I do not put any chemicals on them. And, NO booster vaccinations either. The only time I use ACV is on the backs of their necks if they have an eye infection. I can honestly say, I have 7 very healthy animals. No fat on them. Just pure muscle. No skin problems. Lovely soft fur. Lovely, clean teeth. I don't like vets. They earn so much money from the drug companies.
(Bartlett Tx)
We have a 130 lb Great Pyranees that we adopted 6 ms ago from the shelter. He was found in a ditch and was covered in lessions and hard severe yeast infection in his ears. We refer to him as the million dollar dog because we have been through so many antibotics and treatments. He has been to the vet and poked and proded so often that he has become agressive at the vet, not good in a 130lb dog. He has to be sedated to be examined, adding even more to the cost. I am SOOO thankful to have found this site. I'll be changing his food right away and adding yogurt to his diet. He is does have thyroid problems so he is currently taking that medication along with 2 others. He is getting sick of pills in peanut butter but had already turned his nose up at velvetta and hot dogs. We do bathe in vinager and water, but clearly not often enough. I will also try adding a bit of Apple Cider Vinegar to his water and see if he has any issues with it. There are a lot of other great ideas here as well. Thanks so much everyone for sharing. I feel like there might be hope without it costing me a fortune!
(Mpls., Mn)
Kudos for rescuing this big boy! You may find that ZYMOX works wonders for his ears.
And the Great Dane Lady has great info on resolving systemic yeast infections:
I also have had to trick my dogs into eating pills - after going through many types of soft cheese, pill pockets and the like, I can't get much past them! What has worked for me lately is to wrap the pill in raw ground beef, or some smelly canned food - they are too busy gobbling the moist food down to check for pills!
(Oregon City/oregon/usa)
I have a pit bull husky mix, she's had skin issues since we rescued her. After many tries and fails, I finally just put her on a raw diet of pork, and fresh produce. The redness and swelling decreased. While staying with my mom she caught a yeast infection. Funny thing I thought to try the probiotic before reading this. I really hope it wks.
I found this site very informative but would let folks know that chicken and pork bones splinter and can actually puncture a dog's intestinal track. As a owner of a dog that had pushed his bowel duct outside of his body and needed emergency treatment I would advise against giving any dog drumsticks, ribs or other bones that may splinter.
(Lucerne Valley Ca.)
(Mpls., Mn)
Hey Pearl,
The first thing to consider is diet - what are you feeding your dogs? Check the ingredient panel on your dog food bag and if you see grains of any kind try switching to grain free and test it out for at least 6 weeks. In addition to the food switch try alkalizing your dogs drinking water with baking soda; you might also consider Ted's Borax protocol for dogs. If you are already feeding grain free consider switching protiens to beef only or fish only - read the bag to make sure you are only feeding one protien and give it 6+ weeks for results. It may be very helpful to have a dog food diary and record everything your dog takes by mouth, including chewies. Record when symptoms clear up or get worse to see if you can find a pattern and isolate a cause.
Thank goodness for this site. I wish we had had this info in 2001
(Atlanta, Ga)
Laurie! Thank you so much for posting this. My Cocker Spaniel is getting yogurt and acidophilus today!
He has been scratching, chewing and licking himself raw for 7 years now. For the first year I spent thousands of dollars at the vet, all to no avail. They had him on antibiotics, steroids, prescription dog food, medicated shampo, etc... I got so discouraged when they told me that he was probably a puppy mill dog (bought him at PetLand) and it was probably neurological because they didn't know what else to do.
I recently started him on the enzymes program and it has helped somewhat. I tried bathing him in apple cider vinegar but dang, it brought back the horrific smell. I've read that his symptoms are indicative of leaky gut syndrome (or systemic yeast infection) and that ACV feeds the yeast! So I stopped that. I also read that steroids accerbate the problem as well. Ironically, that was the only thing that gave him relief, but they had to continually increase the dosage to the point that it was no longer a safe alternative. And to think I started this dog out all natural. Refused shots, wouldn't give him the flea protection stuff becuase I was afraid it would poison him. HA! Boy have we come a long way ... in the WRONG direction!
His coat looks great and his skin is trying to heal but he wont stop chewing and scratching. I had a cone around his head for a month and it just rubbed his neck raw and ulcerated the skin. So now I have a muzzle on him and he can still lick his paws.
I will add the yogurt/acidophilus and get on my face and pray it works. Thanks for sharing.
(Coloma, Mi)
(Coloma, Mi)
Vickie, it sounds like we are in the same boat. My Lab/Newfoundland has a real yeast problem. I put her on raw food about six months ago and that has helped some and she absolutely LOVES it. I also finally found a vet (an old country guy) who looked at her and said she had a yeast problem. I wanted to kiss him because I have been to three different vets for a diagnosis and they refuse to say it's yeast. They just wanted to throw more drugs at her but said they really didn't know what she had. It's very costly and frustrating. I also put her on the enzymes and she did a little bit better but this new vet has her on a probiotic which has helped a little bit more. She does have a lot more energy. He says it will take time but that her gut is getting better (He does muscle testing). I also add some yogurt from time to time, but I think I will take Lauri's advice and add it every meal with some acidophilus. At least that's not going to hurt her. Maybe we can find something once and for all to help our pets. Let me know how it's going for you and I'll do the same. Thanks.
(Vancouver, Washington)
I went to the vet with my 7.4 pound, 13 week old Lhasa Apso/Rat Terrier mix puppy yesterday and they told me she had a ear infection and my husband bought these ear drops and antibiotics for $54 plus the $104 for the vet visit. But today it looks like it has gotten way worse. I really wish I would have thought about googling her symptoms before the vet. Also for such a small dog would you recommend doing this regimen or not?
(North Carolina)
I have a 3 year old pit bull he just started getting a horrible yeast infection.... I remembered it worked great on people but I didn't know about a dog...thanks guys so much and the Apple Cider Vinegar for his feet is great to know. I love my baby and thanks to your website I know what to do thank-you.
(Portland, Oregon USA)
Hey thanks for the info. I just got back from the vet with my german shepherd mix who has had a yeast issue since we adopted him from the humane society. He has been on anti biotics and steroids on and off and as soon as he finishes his problems start all over. I have changed his food and now was just told to go to a food with no grains. So $250 later, when i got home i got on line to see what i could find about yeast in dogs and up popped this web site. I just bathed him with the medicated shampoo but in a couple days i will try the vinegar rinse. I'll give him yogurt for his snack. I'll let you know how it works. I hope it does because otherwise the vet wants to put him on meds that may damage his liver. Laura
(Toledo, Oh)
I'm going to try the acidophilus.I have a Cairn terrier who has Atopy (basically allergic to the world). We have finally controlled the allergies with Atopica but she also has a recurrent yeast infection and we have given her Nizoril orally to treat it successfully but it can be harmful when given with the Atopica. We have given them together but I have to monitor her urine to make sure there is no bleeding. I use Nizoril shampoo on her but not with a lot of success. I know how helpful Acidophilus is with humans so I'm willing to try it and maybe the vinegar to see if it will help clear up her skin.
(Manchester, Tn)
(Fair Oaks, Ca)
beware of the medication ATOPICA, it almost killed my dog. Go the natural route. read all the side effects in the package. Please reconsider and I know how frustrating it is cause my dog is basicly allergic to everything also. I am always trying different thing cause thing seemd to work for a little while then they dont, ( I think she builds an allergy to whatever it is shes eating) but please beware of atopica and also ketocenazole(spelled phoneticly).
Acidophilus and Yogurt
Within two days the fungal rash on her chest improved. Within a week the rash was gone and I took her off the Ketoconazole. She has been rash free for about one month now. She still has a mild case of fungus in her ears, which I cleanse out daily with a Broad Spectrum Cleanser. The acidophilus and yogurt has made a world of difference. She is a 20 pound dog. I give her 1 to 2 teaspoons of nonfat plain yogurt and 1/4 of acidophilus smashed into powder, in her food twice a day. Hopefully everyone will have as much success as I did! She is a wonderful dog and worth all the effort.
Acidophilus, Yogurt, Dietary Changes
He was almost cured. Something still wasn't right. I read somewhere to change his food to Taste of The Wild/ Salmon flavor. I did and about 3 weeks later he looks beautiful again. His hair is almost completely back, He has stopped scratching and the odor is gone. What a ride that was. The combination really works. It took me about a year to find what combination works. This really worked for my dog. I hope it works for yours. It will save you a lot of money and time if you get it right the first time. Make sure you bathe once a week with the anti-fungal shampoo and your dog will have some peace. Good luck to all!
(San Diego)
I have an 8 month old German Shepherd imported from Germany. He has itchy ears and now lacks hair around his noise. The vets keep giving him antibiotics and a de wormer. He is on a raw diet from Darwin and is doing good with the food. I think he needs probiotics. Any suggestions on brand and amount?
(Mpls., Mn)
Hey Linda,
You can buy online via Amazon, or may find available at your local farm and fleet type store Probiocin Pet Gel 15g and/or PetAg Bene-Bac Plus Pet Gel, 15 grams; if you use these products follow the dosing advice on the packaging. You might also consider probiotics from your local health food or vitamin store. My holistic vet uses acidophillus blends from the human vitamin store, so you might also consider buying a bottle and then when used up, buying a different kind of acidophillus and so on. Rotate among a variety of probiotic types for the best results.
ACV and Yogurt, White Vinegar and Distilled Water
I have two toy poodles. One is black and one is white. With that said, the black one seems to be chewing on his paws, and scratching like crazy at his face. His face stinks really bad and his eyes water non stop. I switched him to a holistic food brand and threw out all of those commercial food treats. I have looked at some yeast infection websites at the pics but he doesn't look like any of these. I think maybe this is caught in the beginning stage. He is not lethargic or anything by no means. I just need to know if and what I need to clean the face with and how much. He weighs 9 lbs. I am not sure if I need to use apple cidar vinegar or white vinegar. What kind of yogurt do I get? Do i just go to Wal Mart and buy whatever kind? Please someone help? I want to make sure I am doing the right thing for them both. They share the same water and food bowl so whatever I do for one , is it going to hurt the white one. He is only 3 lbs so he weighs considerable less and right now, only chews and licks his paws for hours sometimes....Thanks in advance for any help. And I want to thank everyone for opening my eyes to all that bad dogfood out there that I was feeding my babies.....
EC: Remedies on Epiphora (excessive tearing) page might be helpful.
(Elbridge, NY)
My dog had this same problem and I was beside myself , when it came down to where it progressed and he was pulling his hair out. Use plain or vanilla yogurt.(I would say a 1/4c would work) My dog is 80lbs and loves it -so, I give him 4-8oz at a time. Organic is the best. Sugar in the yogurt adds to the problem(feeds the yeast) I also used apple cidar vinegar in his water(2tbsp in each dish full). If possible go organic with this, as well. I also live on city water and started giving him filtered water (removing the chlorine) I can say his hair is back, the smell is gone andhe apppears to be in perfect health.
(Stockbridge, Wisconsin)
(Fairfield, Ca)
I also have a doxie with the "black elephant skin" under her arms - she loves to burrow under blankets too which doesn't help esp when it's hot. I feed her Innova, and I don't want to put any more steroids in her so I've started with an organic, plain yogurt. She gets a table spoon two times a day, don't know if that's enough or not - but...she also gets steamed green beans and steamed carrots. No other treats (she actually likes a green bean as a treat)
(Raleigh, Nc)
My dog eats Innova also and he still has yeast infections. I'm starting to think this food is not that great because he poops way more now than when he ate just cooked ground turkey.
I am going to try to switch to raw food and add some kefir or yougurt to is as well as fresh veggies.
His symptoms are not that bad and include flat black spots on his belly that itch, itchy chest and eyes, the inside corners of his eyes are red.
He was on antibiotics twice already in his short life (9 months) and the infection comes back. The vets thought it was staph but I am convinced it's yeast.
(Worcester, Ma)
(N. Ridgeville, Ohio)
i have never heard anything like that about turkey. But I feed raw and have for 8 years so all I have feed is raw turkey when I have fed it. If people can not feed raw than they should make sure they feed a kibble with no grains/soy/corn and wheat and watch the fruit or veggies you feed as some (like carrots) are high in sugar and that does not help yeast. One of my dogs has horrible environmental allergies form march thru oct every year. He gets a yeast infection on his skin every year and I have yet to find anthing to get rid of it or keep it under control so I am glad I found this site. He is already on Apple Cider Vinegar for acid reflux. I was thinking of using it as a rinse for his skin also.
(Richmond Hill, Ga)
(Queensland, Australia)
I know this is an old thread but there is no validity in the post re turkey causing pneumonia!
Pneumonia is caused by a virus or bacteria, certainly not by what you or your furbaby eats!
I have a black Standard Poodle who has been on turkey and brown rice for a few weeks as we battle the dreaded yeast ear infections. I have just started him on yoghurt and dilute wv & water ear cleaning with damp swabs.
(Columbus, Oh)
Posting this again, as this remedy is 100% effective in treating yeast/bacteria in dogs' ears. I've used it for my Golden Retriever's yeasty ears (black gunk) after I adopted her a year ago. After following the directions below, AND feeding NO-grain formula food/treats, her ears have been yeast-free for 9 months!
Healthy Ear Recipe (from Arcane)
1 tube Monistat (generic is fine)
1 tube Polysporin (use the real deal - it's inexpensive)
1 tube Cortaid (generic works here as well)
Use tubes of similar size. Mix all three together in a container that can be closed well. It takes a bit to incorporate because the Polysporin is a bit like Vaseline. Once incorporated, it stays mixed.
If ears are gunky, inflamed or smell bad, start with using a pea sized dollop twice a day. Use your finger to gently push it into the ear. Rub.
Dogs will only shake their heads once or twice! It's a creamy, very soothing mixture. Once you have the ears under control, lessen how often you use it till you're only using it once a week. Once a week keeps ears from getting bad again.
My doctor (human) is the one that came up with this as her dogs were having ear issues that weren't really under control from the things her vet was prescribing! Anyone that I know that has gone to using it has had remarkable results and the dogs are much happier and SAFER than using anything with alcohol in it. I was told by my vet that alcohol just dries the ear out - which includes drying out the ear drum AND that if there is even the tiniest of perforations in that ear drum, it can let alcohol down
into the middle ear where it can do permanent damage. That's why this cream is SOOOOO good! There's nothing "liquid" about it. It goes in and melts it's way down to where it's needed. No alcohol to cause drying or damage and it will take care of anything yeast, bacterial etc...
ACV and Yogurt, White Vinegar and Distilled Water
(Dallas, Texas)
Tina, It is possible that the cause of your little pooch's problem is linked to her diet? Dogs can't process plants the way that humans can so instead of using it as protein, it turns into sugar creating a perfect atmophere in their intestines for yeast to grow. Once the yeast get overgrown, it will come to the surface (skin). I have heard that antibiotics and even preventative meds like heart worm prevention, etc. can feed the yeast, making the infection worse. Because dogs are carniverous, you might switching to an all meat, or at least a carb free diet. This would exclude anything that turns into sugars including, vegitables, fruits and grains.
(Federal Way, Wa)
(Lake Worth, Fl)
Tina, please stop feeding the dog that brand of food. Check out An independent website that evaluates dog food. I feed my dogs a grain free organic dog food. I bet fit and trim has corn in it, not something a dog should eat. My boyfriend thought I was out of my mind when I started talking about the dangers of grocery store dog food. Then I put him in front of the computer to read.
ACV and Yogurt, White Vinegar and Distilled Water
(York, Pennsylvania)
How much ACV and vinegar is given a day and how is it given? In time will the skin that has turned black ever return to its normal color? When you say yogurt is this the yogurt bought in the grocery store? I have to westies but only one has the yeast infection. Thanking you in advance for any help you can provide.
(Peterborough, England)
(Colorado Springs, Co)
I have not tried a remedy - but was curious of the ratio of the vinegar,yogurt, and distilled water. I have an english bulldog - in which the vet has told me that he has a yeast infection under his chin, legs, and paws. I would like some help to get rid of it and to ease his pain. What can I do - Please help! Josie
(Fairhaven, Ma)
I just recently tried a 50/50 mixture of Apple Cider Vinegar and water to help with my 9 month old Weimaraner, Brody, to help what I beleive is a yeast infection. He has all the common symptoms, rash, very oily coat, and a horrible smell. I sprayed him down and brushed the mixture into his fur. The smell has gone away instantly, and oddly he doesnt smell like vinegar. I also gave him 1/2 a cup of plain yogurt, and he ate it right up. I hope this helps, if not we will be seeing the vet.
(Ringgold, Georgia, USA)
(Las Vegas, Nv)
Posting my email PLEASE send my names of food without grains etc. I now have 4 pugs. One is fine but licks is front paws, female has chronic vajayjay yeast (yogurt after spending 6000.00 has kept it at bay), and two new male pugs 9 and 5 I took over from a cpl moving to the upper mid west. These last two have yeast slightly on their skin but both have had it in the ears so badly it's cobblestoned. One doesn't have have an active probelm now but one came to me with drops and pills. Cleaned his ears and almost got sick. I've had dogs for 35yrs and never seen anything like it when I cleaned his ears. SD makes him sick I was told currently eating the green bag with the paw prints on it.
The Yogurt about two table spoons per feeding seems to have helped loosen up their stools but the ear issue I need to find different food for them as the green bag has wheat in it.
Bought some hypo allergenic shampoo so hope that helps some. Please email me directly with solutions, types of food, supplements, and how much per pound to give. Thank you!
(Willow Grove, Pa)
Grocery store foods, especially lower end, will exacerbate yeast problems. they are far too high in grains/carbs. you want to choose dog foods that have meat in at least the top 2-3 ingredients. i have a 13 pound frenchie and she gets two tbps PLAIN lowfat yogurt on her food. ACV we are gradually mixing that in. we shampoo with the Miconazole Nitrate and Chlorhexidine Gluconate (antifungal shampoo) twice a week the first week, cutting back to once a week after that. dont want to dry out the skin any more than necessary, causes even more itching. google those ingredients and it will take you to the shampoo. adding fish oil capsules can really help, omega 3 & 6 fatty acids are very important. my best advice, go with a grain free food, or the least possible grains you can afford. ask at your local pet supply for options or again, try google. no more table scraps other than meat/veggies. no carbs/starch/sugar. that feeds the yeast. as for cleaning ears, id google antifungal ear dog. the same brand as the above shampoo makes an ear cleaner with the same name, works very well. do this every 3 days if you can. dont give up hope, it sometimes gets worse before it gets better. this can all take up to 30 days for you to notice changes. the body must detox.
(Fernandina Beach , Florida)
(New Haven, In)
I have 2 Westies too. And only one is suffering with the yeast. It just started this past summer. I am currently trying the vinegar and yogurt, and bathing her in Veterinary Formula Antiparasitic and Anitseborrheic shampoo that I bought at Tractor supply. I let that shampoo stay on her yeasty skin for 10 min. It does make her feel better and the black elephant looking stuff on her skin has disappeared. I think we are slowly getting it under control. Thank you for this site, I didn't even know what was wrong with her till I started reading about yeast.
ACV, Probiotics, Fish Oil

(Mpls., Mn)
Hey Sandra!
It sounds as if your cocker is experiencing the Herxheimer reaction. As the yeast die, they release a toxic by-product that may cause nausea or fatigue. In addition switching to a more pure diet will also cause the body to flush toxins out. Allow your boy access to plenty of fresh water and fresh air to help him flush the toxins out of his system.
One other thing - you might consider dosing the ACV and probiotics separately, about an hour apart rather than feeding the works in 1 meal; this to avoid any contra-interactions between the two.
ACV, Yogurt, Probiotics
(Mpls., Mn)
Hey Wendy!
The main ingredients for the U/D diet are: "Brewers Rice, Corn Starch, Pork Fat, Dried Egg Product, Powdered Cellulose, Chicken Liver Flavor, Flaxseed, ..."
The grain components may contribute to yeast infections. Given that the stones are the results of either an acid ph or an alkaline ph in conjunction with a bacterial infection, I am hesitant to recommend the standard 'go to' remedy of ACV or baking soda.
That said, to deal specifically with the yeast, you might consider Ted's Borax protocol for dogs - borax in the drinking water to kill off the internal yeast.
There are several ear washes to consider; Ted's Anti-fungal/Ant-staph remedy works for yeasty ears.
An OTC product you can order online for yeasty ears is Zymox - I use this product when I am in a time crunch and do not have any of Ted's remedies premixed and on hand to use.
Allergy Testing
She's allergic to chicken, potatoes and fleas, the worst, then follows with pork. We have had her on Fromm Lamb & Lentils grain free for about 3yrs now.
She also has auto immune hemolytic anemia. Happened at 4.5yrs shortly after her vaccines and the trifexis flea pill. We almost lost her on day 3. She had to have a transfusion, then we had to go to the emergency animal clinic and stay a week until her pac count got back in the 30's. She's in remission now and no problems until now.
We had to board her to go to a college graduation and she got fleas and now we have a very bad skin yeast infection. The store we get her Lamb & Lentils from ran out and they are the only ones that carry it. We got duck and sweet potatoe, and I think along with the itching and scratching of the fleas and the substitute food, she came down with yeast. So, after reading all this, I went to the store and got plain yogurt and I had the apple cider vinegar and the baking soda. So I just put a tablespoon of yogurt on her lamb, that they finally got in, and we'll start the rest tomorrow morning along with some goat's milk. I hope this helps. With this disease, she can never take another vaccine the rest of her life, preferably no steroids or antibiotics too......
Allergy Testing
We tried steroidal meds he put on 5 pounds, yes doubled his weight and it is bad for them. It didnt work, next step was to put him on perscription dog food, and see an allergist. The allergist did the testing like on a human. Found he was allergic to many many things. Cats being one, I thought that was cute. I now give him a weekly injection, it was expensive but when you take on a companion you contract to care for them.
Benadryl is safe for dogs, make sure its not the cold kind, just the allergy kind. Also when a dog chews his feet, and has hair loss on the underside it is a sign of inhaled allergies. Like pine trees, pollen, dust mites etc... almost like hay fever in humans.
Anti-Fungal Medication
I went to my vet last week, and she put her on Ketoconazole, an antifungal medication. I have since pulled her off of it. She was totally off her food, and I was worried she was failing, altho, after a few days, there is definitely an improvement in her skin. I came home from the gym one day, and the other 3 pekes were at the door to greet me - she was still laying in bed, not aware I was there. I thought she was dead!
I am very seriously considering feeding her a totally raw diet. I changed her food from Eagle Holistic Fish, to Now. She is not fussy about Now. This morning I fed her ground chicken with green beans. She ate the most she has eaten since her bout with not eating and not feeling well taking the meds.
My 12 1/2 yr old Belgian Tervuren eats totally raw, and has been for the last 3 years due to itchiness, altho, he is still itchy, is on thyroid medication, but otherwise very happy. He takes Vanectyl-P every second day.
So, I am in a quandry like the rest of you, and appreciate all the information posted here. Thank you!!!