Castor Oil
(West Bend, Wisconsin)
feedback for Melissa from Austin, Tx (4-17-2013)
Her description of her dog's tumor reaction from using castor oil pack treatment reminded me of the description I read of tumors being treated with a product called "Black Ointment". As the tumors are being destroyed and break down, they exhibit All the "symptoms" Melissa was describing! She might want to look up websites on "Black Ointment";some of them have photos of various tumors during treatment, from start to finish. Evidentially the Very nasty-looking "symptoms" should not scare you into stopping treatment;otherwise you halt the Complete elimination of the cancer. Treatment might even cause a fairly deep pit/hole, but this is a good sign, showing that the "root/s" have been destroyed. Hole will fill in from bottom out; just follow the "Black Ointment" treatment directions. (Or complete the castor oil treatments until nastiness stops & then maybe use aloe vera gel to help new skin growth).
Best Wishes & Blessings to You and your Furry Angel!!!
I used black salve on my dog from herb healers. It definitely was a messy process but it removed a large tumor. Unfortunately later on another tumor even larger grew in its place. I didn't feel like dealing with the bloody mess as she'd rub her back on my area rugs and get blood all over. But it shrank the tumor like onion layers. I've used it on myself multiple times. I'm going first to try castor oil to see if it's less messy. Herb healers said this current tumor is too big to treat with BS but recommended iodine. That was extremely messy as it stained everything.
(Santa Rosa, Ca.)
Hi! Feedback to Mellisa, from Austin, Tx.
Also additional support to Kati's reply to Mellisa. From my understanding when skin growths as tumors are being treated with natural health remedies, they will have ugly looking symptoms when they are breaking down from the natural destroying process. So, I would not stop treatment. I know it can seem bad but it is a good thing in a natural healing process.
I have experienced headaches, cold like symptoms, slight rashes, swelling of the face and lymph glands from taking nutrional supplements and eating lots of veggies and fruits. These symptoms lasted only a day or two. I have also experienced upon each wiping of my nose to seeing blood and dark dried blood on my tissue for about ten days. I believe these are all symptoms of toxins leaving my body. Have patience and faith that all this will end and healing will be done.
God bless you all and pray for healing for all that believe in God.
Take care! Shelly :)
Castor Oil
I read about how it helps dogs, but will it help shrink the tumor in my parrot's leg? I know it bothers him and I give him natural pain killers. He mutilates that same leg. The tumor showed up about two weeks ago and I started the castor oil about 1 week ago. I sure could use some help with any suggestions.
(Elkhorn, Nebraska, Usa)
I have two standard dachshunds that each have marble-sized fatty tumors on their lower necks (at the top of each front leg) Both dogs are approx 10 years old and overweight.
I am going to start a 'castor oil pack therapy' on them. Each has a different, separate condition that might also respond well to the packs. One (Jeau) has chronic pancreatitis, high liver enzymes, and a 'sludgey gall bladder'. The other (Linus) has intestinal adhesions from surgery and develops blockages that are painful. I will update in two weeks!
I also have a 13 year old bald dachshund (Telly) that gets warts that need surgical removal. They start out flesh -colored (he's considered a 'blue', so his skin is dark grey) but then they change to light pink and then dark pink. And they grow. I am going to dab some castor oil on these growths each day. He has approx 6 warts right now in varying degrees of needing removal. Will also update his condition in two weeks! (he's also paralyzed and gets frequent UTI's... Will castor oil help with this??)
Try oregano on niece had a wart on hand and her grandma used oregano oil on it and 3 days later it was going away. It is very hot-spicy so don't get it in eyes or pet's mouth...its like a hot chile....I apply to my Chihuahua's chest so he doesn't sound like he has a breathing problem anymore.....kind of sounded like asthma before.
(Lake Forest, Ca)
Was just reading your post with interest as I have a tiny 5 lb. dog who is partially bald and is developing several warts or some type of growth that grow quickly. One of them is ulcerated and he licks the growth a lot how are your dogs doing and did your treatment you tried work? I hope that your little ones are doing well.
Castor Oil
My goal is to get rid of the tumor asap w/out hurting my pup. Obviously Cancer hurts. Feedback from all dealing with a similar situation/Nasal Tumor or "who have had current success" using Castor Oil or? would be so very very greatly appreciated. Thank you to all who respond as I am scared. Also, please tell me how long it took to get the tumor to go away, did it bleed/ooze/get infected & if you gave anything natural to your pup for pain? Thank you again. My email: [email protected]
P. S. At her last Vet visit after being on the Herbs for only four weeks, the tumor shrunk! It did not grow or stay the same which was a true miracle. But as I wrote above, I can see I have very recently made it much larger from what I am putting on the eye & tumor topically. Is this the STORM BEFORE THE EXIT OF THE HORRIBLE TUMOR?
(Bangalore, India)
Is your dog better? I have a dog with the same condition and I'm treating her nasal tumour with homeopathic Hekla Lava 6x given 2ce a week. Other than discomfort breathing (mucus blocks the passage) she's eating well and active. Hekla lava seems to help with the mucus and with a bony growth on her right hindleg - but I can't see any improvement otherwise.
I will try the castor oil application as well.
Castor Oil
Since I'm a senior I could not lift my 85 pound dog into the car....I took a picture of my sweet Molly's back leg..and took it to the vet that had seen her for 5 years..( She is a farmers daughter country vet)
The look in the vets eyes was horrible..then she says that all she can do is surgically remove the tumored bone and attempt some chemo and radiation to the tune of $7000-$12000.00..but would not suggest it because doing that procedure would not prolong my dogs life any longer than not doing the surgery.. I almost passed out with fear..gained my composure and asked for any holistic methods out there since nobody in my town has $7000-$12000 laying around in their cookie jar....
Frantic I started searching for holistic ways to help my dog..I came across this site.. It is day 8 of putting castor oil on my dogs leg 5 times a day.. I am praying like the other people reports in here... that the egg shaped hard lump surrounding my dogs back leg will start to shrink.. So far no shrinking..
Question..If it in fact does start to shrink..and if it bursts..WHAT do you apply to the opening when it bursts??
Again this is only the beginning of the second week..No shrinkage as of yet..She is still eating like a champion morning and evening...going to the mail box down the drive way with me and going out to get the newspaper..on three legs and holding her back leg up.. she would walk/hop around the block on her leash if I let her.. (on three legs)
Her spirits are high for a 10 year old doggy..
One concern is last week after about 3 days of the caster oil...She started hopping on her good back leg and pulling her bad leg up..She is eating like a champ and still racing outside to the fence with my other dogs to inform the neighbors dogs in barking that she is STILL the big dog...
(Newton, New Jersey)
Please please try the spice turmeric. Check the pages here for it that's where I learned about it many months ago my dog had a growth and I couldn't afford treatment, I posted about how it shrank within weeks, I put turmeric in his food (it's good for people too and they are now experimenting with it for cancer cures for humans) please read the turmeric postings on earthclinic! I posted about my golden retriever Zeus. Also google it on the internet! It's an Indian spice, it's not uncommon but it ain't basil or oregano, so if you can't find it in your town order it overnight from a good spice site - a nice big bag - it's not too expensive. You should feed it to him in his food twice a day, mix in with a little water or wet food so he'll it - use a level teaspoon full each meal. Also apply externally like a paste to the tumor. This should not give him upset stomach - my dog has super sensitive stomach but this didn't bother him a bit. In fact turmeric is antidiarrheal - read what the humans used it for here too. Great for pets and people and safe, though I think it makes my dog smell funny but who cares? I believe this may really help you and it can't hurt because it's not dangerous. I gave it to my dog and I take it too.
But please read up on it thouroughly first. It contains curcurmin, a super food, a super spice. Very good stuff.
I have a bag of it. My dog's big round growth of an inch shrank away and within maybe 5 or 6 weeks was a couple of millimeters only!
Please read the pet postings on turmeric and search the web for the latest scientific findings on it!
Good luck to Mollybirdie, my prayers are with you!
(Ottawa, Ontario, Canada)
I wrote about my 17 year old Shih Tzu and castor oil shrinking her tumor. Molly from Texas wrote sounding desperate like I felt. I just want to say that as hard as it is try to be patient because this didn't work overnight. I'm on week 7, the large bloody one is completely gone and the small one is slowly shrinking and the large one in the wrist is smaller. You asked about what I did when the tumor burst. I continued to put the castor oil on and wrap it. If you read other cures using castor oil they refer to a castor oil wrap. That is what I used. Apply the castor oil, wrap it in cotton and secure with tape. Then bandage with a self adhesive bandage found in pet stores. One thing to be very careful of is if the tumor does burst then there is a good chance it could become infected and your Molly would need antibiotics. I should note that my Mollie is 10 lbs and I have been giving her a tsp. of flax seed oil, and 1/8 tsp of tumeric once a day. Hang in there.
(Corona, Ca)
I know this post is late but I thought I could share some research I have been doing. I have an older boxer who had a tumor in his left leg, my husband & I were talked into getting Care Credit and after a $1500 vet bill another one grew back a year later. The vet told us that our dog should have chemo therapy but I did not want to put him through that. I have since given him natural supplements and tried various homeopathic remedies to keep him healthy. Overall, he still has a great energy level but the tumor has gotten larger. It is the size of a baseball at this point. He does not seem to be in pain and from what we have been told it is benign. I stumbled upon a great site that gave some of the following helpful advice that I would like to share: (since i cannot post the link, here is the info)
Homeopathic Treatments:
Homeopathy views the symptoms of disease as signs of an underlying imbalance that must be corrected if your dog is to recover. Because they treat underlying conditions and not just the fatty tumor, homeopathic remedies take time to work. A homeopathic vet will choose which remedies to apply to your dog based on the dog's individual symptoms.
Dr. Jill Elliot, DVM, recommends treating your dog's fatty tumor with the homeopathic remedy Thuja 30C, administered at least once as an oral dose of three tablets. If your pet's overall condition appears to improve in the three weeks to month after the first dose, she advises a second dose and further observation to notice if the tumors are shrinking.
Dr. Elliott mentions that many holistic vets believe fatty tumors may result from over-vaccination. Thuja is commonly used to treat dogs that react badly to vaccines. Dr. Messonier adds Viscum Album and Arsenicum Album to the list of homeopathic remedies.
Herbal treatments:
Dr. Messonier also suggests a variety of immune system-strengthening herbs to treat dog tumors of all types. Among them are alfalfa, burdock, dandelion root, garlic, goldenseal and milk thistle. He also recommends using immune-strengthening mushrooms, including reishi.
Get guidance from a homeopathic vet before attempting to treat your dog's fatty tumors with homeopathic or herbal remedies. Locate a certified homeopathic vet in your area at the Academy of Veterinary Homeopathy website (see References).
I am going to try a homeopathic treatment system this week and I will post again regarding the measurements, reaction and treatments I felt most helpful for our big guy, Sampson.
(Regina, Saskchewan)
(San Antonio, Texas)
Turmeric does work... We have 2 dogs with the same problem and we have been using it with Pomegranate extract and Broccoli extract and also use the Turmeric Extract... Go to a holistic health store and tellthem what it is for and they will tell you how much per pound your dog is to use. Also don't feed them store bought dog food anymore... Make your own with Organic Chicken and buy some liver and cook it and mix in Broccoli and spinach and Shiitake Mushrooms. Also Beets are good for them too. Organic Coconut Oil is good for them. A good Krill Oil is good too. You can look up a good diet for dogs that have cancer and it will tell you more to put in it... The Dog Foods now have alot of not good stuff in it and is actually causing the cancers.... when you start them on a new diet it's ok to get them slowly into the new food by doing parts to parts on it till they get used to the new.
(Mpls, MN)
(Mpls., Mn)
Hey Bigwoods!
Others with more experience should chime in, as I have only started working with Castor Oil.
I found castor oil at Walgreens, for about $6.00 for maybe 8 ounces.
(Raleigh, Nc)
01/31/2015 is great for the Turmeric. I purchase Organice 1#for approx $12. The castor oil too.. organic..Heritage brand. If you use the caster oil packs I buy the flannel from them as well.
Castor Oil
I found this site and began applying castor oil 5 weeks ago. I started by simply putting some on my finger and spreading it on the open, bleeding large tumor and covering it with a little pink sock. I would apply the Oil 6 times a day. I did this for 3 weeks. The tumor started to grow, which I expected because I understood it had to grow before breaking down. At this point I cut up a cotton shirt and applied lots of castor oil to all of the tumors then I wrapped it in the cotton, followed by adhesive pet bandage, followed by a fake fur, homemade mitten. I do this 2 to 4 times a day. I have been doing this for 2 weeks now. The large tumor is gone and healed. I have continued the treatment to get rid of the other 2 tumors and today I noticed that the small tumor is starting to shrink and the large one in the wrist is softer and smaller. I have taken pictures so I actually have proof that this works. I wanted to share this because I am so grateful for finding this cure. I would like to thank all of you who sung the praises of Castor Oil and took the time to write down your stories. I hope that this can help to give someone the hope that I needed and received.
(Hayesville, Nc)
Do you know of anyone who has used castor oil on a cat? My cat has a tumor that just keeps growing. My vet told me he could take it off a few yrs. ago, but that every time he had done that, the cat only lived a few months. I am going to get some castor oil TODAY and start putting it on her.
Keep using the castor oil. Place it on the area and use a heating pack to help absorb into their system. I JUST did this for our cat and it worked. Our vet was impressed with this remedy. I can't say enough how much I value all of you on this board. Thanks so much and good luck to you!
(Briabane, Qld Australia)
Hi my Labrador has this huge growth on his side that has started bleeding. We started applying castor oil about 4 days ago. It's gone down but has burst and is now quite open. More than pus is starting to come out of it. Is this supposed to happen? Also what did you do after putting castor oil on? Thanks, John
(Hope, B.c., Canada)
Get a good quality turmeric and cover the wound with it. Later, when dry, you can use coconut oil to close the wound nicely. Turmeric is anti tumor, natural antibiotic, blood cleansing. Om
Thank you, I am going to try that. Thank you so much.
Would you be willing to show me what it looked like please. As I have a ten in half year old shepherd/lab mix who has what I was a told was a tumour and really hear a lot of good things about this oil. I have him on antibiotics but if it doesn't go down in size I will have an operation done to remove it. I have been doing this method to but not sure what to use for the war flap as it is basically in the very edge near the bottom ear. Please help with any Advice. Thanks in advance
Does castor oil burn if put on the cats open wound? Is it ok for her to lick it. My cat had surgery 2 yrs ago and had her uterus and mammary gland removed. After 2 yrs, there was an external growth which then opened and started bleeding. The vet told me to keep it covered and put sofradex to stop the itching and said it would dry. It seems to have become flatter and wider abt 1/2 inch dia and is very slow to heal. Looks like its bigger. I dont want to put her through surgery again. Will castor oil help? Will it hurt her?
Dear Rachel,
We have not found castor oil to burn open wounds.
It is not harmful for your cat to lick it. It may help hairball problems if she has any! If she gets too much castor oil though, she may get diarrhea.
Personally, I think castor oil is a good thing to try.
~Mama to Many~
(Hope, Bc Canada)
Rachel, India
It is not possible to predict as every individual reacts different. Once the wound is open apply haldi (turmeric) and when dry and healing, apply coconut oil. Keep feeding with some turmeric dissolved in coconut oil. patience pays off.
Namaste, Om
Thanks a lot will do. Personally am not very good at dealing with wounds so I think Im panicking. My cat of course cries like a baby and I can't bear to see her in pain. This is an awesome site which helps understand everyones love n pain in dealing with their pets. I put castor oil on her today, fingers crossed
(New Boston, Tx)
Finding it hard to write my own post. Please I am in need of desperate help for my cat. He is around 9. I have written on here before. My boy was diagnosed with lymphoma back in Nov 2016. After being misdiagnosed with an URI I started him on Essiac tea after a while was pretty good and his coat looks the best it has ever been.
Anyway 3 days ago his right third eyelid covered most of his eye and he went back to being lethargic and not eating. Took him to a vet and he is on antibiotics. She said it maybe a cyst behind the eye or a tumor. Also I may have to get his eye removed if it doesn't respond.
One I really do not want that and two after $1700 for the other treatment it's too much of a strain.
What can I do? If I do castor oil will it grow the tumor/cyst and then his eye pop out. I'm terrified of what can happen.
I've come home to give him his antibiotics and he is hiding. This scares me as it is what happened to my 8yr old soul kitty and I lost her to cancer.
Please help me please
Please help me :( this is urgent ..
my dog has a large cyst o tumor on his right back and it has a blood so I think the tumor is ready to burst .. this is the first time to experience this and I cant afford to bring my dog at vet bcoz I am student only .. so please tell me what to do when it burst :( im begging you I want to help my dog .. his suffering :( if the tumor is already burst should I put some castor oil? or what will I do to stop it from bursting or helping it to make small? :( please help me
Have you tried Turmeric paste on your dog? Also Arnica homeopathic 30 remedy to promote healing. Also sounds as if he needs a probiotic, kefir is really excellent as it has at least 10 strains of healthy bacteria needed for optimum gut health and Vitamin B, amino acids and magnesium, you can make this yourself. Get the gut strong, use the turmeric paste it acts as anti inflammatory and good for tumours, growths etc.Good luck.
(East Sussex Uk)
Hi, keep a very close eye on if you if you think it is about to burst.Don't walk him in any wooded areas.
He may not want to walk far if he is in pain.
The main thing is, if it bursts you have to prevent any further infection. Go to your local health shop and buy some colloidial silver. This can be used for cleaning and healing. Also, get some manuka honey. This is brilliant for healing wounds. You also, need to get some dressings. That are sterile. You need some gauze and some self attaching bandages. And some sterile cotton wool for cleaning. Do NOT try to burst it yourself. Get plenty of dressings. And start doing it now. The pressure may help it to burst. I know you are on a tight budget. But, if it gets infected, you will have to go to the vet. so, you clean it, then apply the manuka honey. (It must be the Manuka type). And then dress it with the gauze. And the bandage. You can now buy the type that doesn't taste nice! He mustn't be allowed to chew it. It may be best to get a cheap Elizabethan collar.
Get some organic flax seeds (whole) from the bulk section, about a pound. Get some cheat new ladies knee high pantyhose, two pair. Prepare the flax, about 4 tbsp by grinding it in a clean coffee grinder until the seeds are opened. boil a cup of water. Put flax into foot of pantyhose, and make two knots . Cut between knots so you can use the leftover hose for another poultice. Put poultice into hot water for five minutes to hydrate it. Apply to area, be sure it is not too hot. Bandage over it so it can draw out anything from the mass. Change twice a day with new poultice. Three day minimum, in a row. If mass emerges, carefully clean area with diluted apple cider vinegar on a washcloth. The Apple Cider Vinegar will acidify the skin and restore balance. Healing should begin and show closure in a few days. If not healing or increasing heat or signs of infection, seek vet help. This old fashioned medicine works. Good luck.
Castor Oil
I have an adopted black lab, age 15, "Lady", with a large tumor that appeared on her right leg joint (started as elbow callus appearance). The Vet stated that I would probably have to "put her down" soon because she will stop walking due to leg discomfort. He did not recommend surgery or chemo; she does have an obstructed nasal passage since someone probably kicked and crushed her face at some point in her life. She often gets antibiotics for her nasal infections - we have to carefully feed her to keep food out of her nose.
I am writing to say thank you for your directions and the Castor Oil... it's been nothing less than amazing!
I began treatment a week ago as you directed and the large, mushy mass is now 1/3 the original size, no edema. She is walking around and even rolling in the grass. I will continue all phases of her treatment and wish to say thanks on our behalf, she feels very good, frisky and most importantly, she is able to truly enjoy her days more.
Castor Oil
(Odessa, Florida)
My cat Clyde has a growth on his back paw pad it is getting larger and it is pink and closed no opening, on the same foot now he has developed the same looking growth in a cluster of 3 a little higher up. Will the castor oil work on cats and does it have to be covered? Just don't know if I should apply it to a closed growth and it opens it up and it gets worse. Please help us. He is the love of my life.
Castor Oil
(Austin, Tx)
My wife's cat, Piglet (Apple of her eye), had his left hind leg removed b/c of the tumor there, couldn't get margins on it etc., and then it started back again on the spot where his leg used to be. He wouldn't stop licking it wide open, so we've just had him wearing the old Cone of Shame. They get used to it after awhile, and we take it off him every day or so for awhile so he can bathe himself (under our strict supervision so we can keep him from licking the tumor). You'll want to brush your cat a lot though, since they can't do it for themselves anytime they like with the cone on, and of course lots of scritches and petting around the neck/head where he can't reach anymore.
Castor Oil
Castor Oil
(New York)
I know this post is almost 2 months old, but, thought I'd share; I found this lady's blog about how she applied the castor oil. It makes a lot of sense because it includes the use of heat.
Hope that helps! It also seems a lot of people are using band aids of some kind and leaving it on their dog. I'm sure there are a few ways!
if you haven't fixed the problem already, good luck! ^_^
(Dundee City)
Hi, don't know if anyone can help me but I've been to the vet with my dog Tabby and the vet wo'nt operate on his growth - it is on the left side of his bum area and it's the size of a golf ball and its an open wound kind of like a tomato cut in half all open. It is too near his bum area to operate in case he can't get the toilet.
What can I do? Nothing the vet is giving me is working. Can someone please advise me im at my wits end...
(New York)
First off, I would get a second opinion on operating since it is open, it may get infected.
If you are looking for an at home remedy to try, read through this thread.
In particular, look under "Large Growths". It is the second section on the page. Try the turmeric, coconut oil and lecithin powder as an external treatment. (Some have tried caster oil in place of coconut oil.) See the video
Let us know how you make out.
Castor Oil
(Woburn, MA)
(New Milford, Ct)
Valerie I saw that you used castor oil successfully on your dog's cyst and you also indicated that it had burst. I purchased castor oil for my Boxer's cyst, which has also burst, and noticed that the castor oil has a warning which states "do not use on open wound." So I am wondering if you used it on your dog when the wound was still open. My Boxer keeps licking the wound and so it never seems to have the chance to heal. I was hoping that the castor oil would heal it quickly, but don't want to use it if using it on the open wound is dangerous.
Thanks VG
(Metairie, La)
![0 out of 5 stars](/images/side-effects.png)
Did you get any response on the burst cyst and castor oil? I was putting castor oil on a large cyst / lump on the back of my dog's neck every day for about 2 weeks. All of a sudden it grew larger and got hard as a rock. It now has burst slightly. Any idea on what to do? What happened with your pet?
(Metairie, La)
Update on my dog with cyst on neck that slightly burst after 2-3 weeks of castor oil. The original 3"lump turned into the size of my hand overnight. Slight opening of skin occured but no real expulsion of pus. Brought him to vet and excision of huge neck bulge resulted in massive pus/infection. Dog put on mega antibiotics, etc. Almost 2 weeks has passed and original lump is now gone too.... He has another checkup this week. Incision was kept open and cleaned 2-3 x daily to expell infection and cleaned with water under pressure and expelled as well. He was put on Clavamox, Zeniquin, Benadryl and Cimetidine. He weighs 112# Rhodesian Ridgeback. He is excellent and improved after 1-2 day of mega antibiotics.
I can only assume that the castor oil prompted the cyst to progress that had been lying under his skin for a long time.
Vet was puzzled that she thought he had been bitten by a snake. I assured her that he had snakes in my yard. I repeatedly told her it probably was the castor oil........she doubted that is what caused the progress in the abcess.
EC: Thank you for the update, Dee!
(Cebu, Philippines)
(Portland, Usa)
This is frustrating. A fluid filled cyst and a fatty solid tumor are not the same thing. A cyst is easily popped and drained with a knife or even a needle, but what about a fatty tumor?
Does the castor oil force a cyst to become so large it ruptures? Therefore would it be BAD for a fatty tumor that will never rupture but continue to stay a mass?
(Sacramento, Ca)
(Poulsbo, Wa)
Has anyone found the castor oil treatment to be effective on mammary gland tumors?
(Toronto, Ontario)
I was just reading on,
"Castor oil primarily contains ricinoleic acid, a fatty acid component that is notable for its many healing benefits for the human body. Ricinoleic acid possesses the ability to draw toxins and other poisonous components out of the tissues, thereby restoring the health of parts of your body that have been infected.
Castor oil, a natural plant oil extracted from the castor bean seed, is said to pull out tumors from the body, according to American psychic Edgar Cayce. It is often recommended for the treatment of tumors near the surface.
Aside from reducing or dissolving tumors, castor oil is also regarded as a natural remedy for other swellings in the skin. It can be massaged on bunions, moles, warts, calluses, and cysts. There are also reports that uterine fibroid tumors and ovarian cysts that are benign or non-cancerous may also be addressed by castor oil.
They also said, don't use it on cancerous growths as it may aggravate the condition.
(Ventura, California)
My nine year old poodle-mix has had what seems to be a fatty tumor that is a little larger than an eraser. When she was three years old, this was just a skin tag, but over the years it grew and it became mostly round and white.
After benefiting from so many of the remedies here on this site, I decided to try castor oil on the tumor to see if it would go away. Every night, for three weeks, I rubbed a bit of castor oil on the tumor and nothing seemed to be happening.
At exactly the third week, my dog started licking the tumor a lot for the first time and when I checked her, the tumor had split open and there seemed to be a bit of blood and pus. I panicked since I was afraid that she would get an infection (and with the bad economy, I have no money for either of us to go to a doctor at this point) so I put hydrogen peroxide on it to clean it and wrapped it in a bandage so that she couldn't lick on it.
I kept cleaning it regularly and keeping it wrapped, though the wrapping comes off easily and she starts licking it more.
The problem is that the tumor seems to not be healing. The open spot is there and it doesn't look right and I'm afraid to continue to put castor oil on it when it is like this, so I have been continuing to keep it clean with H2O2. I feel really bad that I put my girl through this when the tumor wasn't really bothering her to begin with.
Right now, the tumor is open on top and looks lumpy inside and there is a dark center (reminds me of the dark center that warts have).
I hope that this doesn't mean that this is a cancerous tumor. I just wanted to post this so that you will know what you might be getting into with the application of castor oil. It definitely does something.
(Ventura, California)
An update on Castor Oil and my 9 year-old poodle mix's abnormal growth:
Three weeks of nightly castor oil made the growth rupture.
I then treated it for two weeks alternately with hydrogen peroxide, alcohol and antibiotic ointment, and kept it covered to prevent licking.
After a month, the once large eraser-sized growth is now a flat, reddish, hardened and dry spot. I'm still not confident that this is a good thing since I would like for it to be completely gone. I think that I will let it rest for a week and then begin the castor oil treatment again.
Thanks for everyone's comments. They really help!
(Ventura, California)
Update on "Tumor" with Castor oil treatment:
I had a veterinarian inspect the flattened, bumpy spot that was left after the castor oil ruptured the large growth, and the vet said that it is/was a WART.
So, apparently, castor oil is very activating to tumors and dissolves them. Now that I think that it's a wart, I think that I will use ACV to clear it up.
Thank you to everyone who posts here. This is the greatest resource on the internet and has helped me and my family very much.
(Lawton, Ok)
Hello, today I just found a golf ball size tumor on my dogs neck, which isn't opened. I came across the castor oil cure and just wanted to know if it would work on the tumor if the tumor felt like it was connected to something inside his neck? It doesn't feel like a loose tumor. I don't mind taking him to the vet if I have to, not that I dont want to, just have to get extra money. I appreciate your time and answer. Thank you soo much.
(Chesapeake, Va)
Princess has a tumor on her leg and one on her breast, the one on her breast has grown to the size of a grapefruit, I will try these remedies ive seen mentioned her she is very old. I'm just praying this works for her.starting today with the tumeric and will be going out to get castor oil and gauze.
(Albuquerque, Nm)
I have a 10 yr old pitbull. She was diagnosed with a madt cell tumor on her leg a yr ago. I have put her on a grain free diet. She also has a very enlarged spleen and liver but no cancer there. I just started rubbing castor oil on her liver area, I hope this works but can I rub it on her mast cell tumor? I just want her to feel good. Oh tried chemo and it turned her skin black and she had a very serious side effect so I stopped right away.
(Brookings Oregon)
(Goshen, In)
(San Jose, Ca)
(Edinburgh Scotland)
Castor Oil
(New York, Ny)
I only just stumbled on this site. I have a 12 year old Yellow lab with a Gi-normous fatty tumor that has grown around her front shoulder/chest. It is impeding her ability to move around and causing the leg to 'go out'. It seems many of the people here are dealing with much smaller tumors and are able to apply the castor oil (is that with or without the aloe-vera oil?) and then cover with a band-aid. What if the tumor is too big to use a band-aid? Also, my dog has a small (its laughable really compared to the fatty tumor) mast cell tumor on it's belly. Will this treatment possibly work well for it as well? Can I use the oil in conjunction with the alkaline drops (will they help to shrink the cancer?)Any advice is appreciated. Aside from having trouble moving due to the fatty tumor she is not symptomatic as far as the cancer and still has much life in her.
(Brinnon, Wa)
(Newport, Maine)
I am a "retired, " Vet Tech yet will be back to open a Pet Rehab. I utilize both Eastern and Western Medicine on my Rescue kids. In a nutshell my Doberman may have a MCT. 0;(. I am going to an Oncologist for a second opinion this Thursday as our DVM so far has managed to introduce blood into his bladder from a cysto , preformed with an US. This led to costly , not needed Rads to check for stones and over use of Abx, and after a C&S with no diagnosis, I used ACV and guess what= gone. Now I found a tumor. Brought him in for a FNA. Now the more I read my books speak with collegues I realize it could be inflammation yet when aspirated that alone can release Histamines, one MCT & a few questionable Spindle Cells. The report came back AGAIN as improper collection and no definitive diagnosis. So frustrating. I have started the Diphenhydramine BID as it makes total sense and is reccommended prior to Sx to aide in the metatasis if it is even a MCT or malignent. I also picked up Famotadine as I read A LOT on many side effects of Cimitidine. Including elevated ALP( liver enzymes.) Well many Dobermans AL(K)P sits high, so to let all know I have had great success with Milk Thistle with ALL my Dobermans.
Yet on to the Castor Oil..I tried it today, yet I am inquisitive and wonder if it falls off or ulcerates, do you still NOT have dirty margins? Also can't this cause more Histamines to be released? My question is has anyone had any testing post Castor to make sure there is not any dirty margins left? Grazie, Blessings. As of now it is only .9 mm barely a cm. I despise surgery (Sx, ) unless absolutely needed for life, yet also worried that the CO could create what could be benign into Malignent? MCT's can arrise from inflammation and trauma as well as environmental factors. My guess is the latter that is another story about our toxic area and home. 0;(. We are all affected.
(Mpls., Mn)
Hey Italiandobergirl!
Tumors can fall off cleanly or they can ulcerate. The margins are irrelevant when using these remedies because they boost the immune system and cause the body to reject the tumor cells so the histamines are not triggered. JMHO!
Castor Oil
(Butler, AL)
Jess, from N.J. stated that she cured her dog with castor oil. It wasn't mentioned if the oil was applied or given internally twice a day. If given internally, how much should I give Dutches? She is a 12 yr old golden retriever.
(Alloway, New Jersey)
(Jax, Fl)
This worked. I applied it several (3 ) times a day and thank God, it worked. I truly don't have words to express the gratitude I feel for this site. My Sadiebelle was miserable and had already went to the vet for this and endured a painful procedure that left me in tears. The thought of having to return for another procedure when I noticed it growing back was devasting for my husband and I. But then I checked this site and sure enough, earthclinic cured my girl. Thank you, thank you, thank you! :)
(New Milford, Ct)
Can you tell me if Sadiebelle's cyst had ruptured? How long did it take to clear up? My Boxer has a cyst that she just won't let heal, as she keeps licking it as soon as it seems to be almost dried up. Although it is never completely gone it does look like it has shrunk alot, once the stuff inside (mostly blood)oozes out.
I am not sure that I can use the castor oil on the cyst when it is still open and bleeding a bit, as the bottle says not to use on an open wound.
(Asheville, Nc)
(Brisbane, Qld Australia)
I have used castor oil on every huge wound on horses and big ones on dogs with no ill effects (for over 12 years), I have done it ever since a old bushie told me to use it on a horse that opened his chest on a steel fence post and vet advised to put down, horse healed without a scar and full muscle movement. It keeps flys away, though on a dog that can lick his self we had to bandage at first then, he then had a ice cream container on his head for a day. I am about to use it on a squamous cell carcinoma on a horses nose to see the effect will keep you updated... Oh and my mother had it placed on her foot when she sliced the ball just about off when she was a child and she has not had any problems with it, it doesn't burn but it does heat up so don't rub in at all pouring over is best and if you can not cover it it is better as have heard of it blistering. But have used on back legs of unhandled horses and if it hurt to apply they would have kicked me for sure, I hose down first so they get used to the water movement then pouring castor oil is not even felt and after the 3 day they just let me pour it on. It seems to settle the nerve ending and stop the pain...
(Meerut India)
(Hope, Bc Canada)
Castor Oil and Aloe Vera
You are just great. My dog had a fatty lump a few days back, I found this article after googling. I just dunno how to thank or express my gratitude for this miraculous remedy for Dog lumps. I tried Castor oil with aloe vera topically on the affected part in my dogs body. After applying it for only 5 days the inflammation has gone down to 5%. I'm still applying the magic potion, expecting it to get vanished. THAAAAAANKS A LOT TED! May all the animals bless you for helping them out!
PanchoeCastor Oil, Chaga
(Mpls., Mn)
Hey Debbie!
THANK YOU for sharing about Chaga!
It looks like a very helpful fungus!!
Please keep us posted on your Beagle's progress!
(Austin, Tx Usa)
Chaga is actually in the Funghi family, medicinal mushrooms have been used for centuries in Asian, Japanese cultures to enhance the immune system. They have also been known for their cancer fighting benefits. My 12 year old Lab has nasal cancer, I am using medicinal mushrooms (including Chaga) and herbs to try and treat him. Check out Paul Stamets/Mycologist. It has only been a coupleof weeks but I am hopeful from reports from some others. Best wishes for all in the healing of our sweet best friends.
(Barcelona, Spain)