Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Treatments for Pet Tumors: A Guide

Castor Oil, Chaga
Posted by Debbie (Manitoulin Island, Ontario) on 01/07/2014

I have a 12 year old beagle with mammory cancer. The tumour was bigger than a baseball on her lower stomach. I have started putting castor oil on the tumour after applying very warm water to it, 3 times a day. I have also been feeding her a homemade liquid drink called Chaga. Chaga is a tumor on a birch tree. It is cut off the tree with a knife and is black. I boil a piece of Chaga in boiling water, until the water darkens. I store the boiled liquid in a bottle in the fridge, and give her about 3 ounces a day. Can also break up some doggy treats to put in it with a little tumeric spice. She loves it. I believe this restored her health considerably. She was very sick, and now has lots of energy. The tumour is shrinking slowly, however her health in general is back to normal. How ironic, "Tumor growths on the longest living thing on earth could be the answer, and right in your backyard". Won't stop looking for answers until it is gone, and certainly can't afford those outrageous vet bills. Also feed her salmon to give her the Omega 3 required. She really thinks that is a real treat.