The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Posted by Amy (Glendale, Arizona) on 09/29/2008
I took my 14 year old cat to the vet because she was limping. The Dr. determined it was her elbow, and gave her a shot of cortisone. My cat stopped eating, and 48 hours later I had to put her down. The cortisone may have brought to light an underlying problem, renal failure. I know she would have shown symptoms eventually, it all just happened so fast.
Posted by Janet (Palm Coast, Florida) on 09/24/2008

Vet has her on prednisdone 5mg and hydroxyzine 10 mg to relieve itching. Currently she is experiencing shortness of breath or panting. Sometimes at rest she does it. Would these meds cause her problem? Thanks. Oh, doc wants to do skin test on her to find out the source also.
Xylazine and Atropine
Posted by Patricia (Laurel, Maryland) on 09/08/2008
I took my dog in to a Veterinarian to be neutered and he injected him with Xylazine & Atropine for a sedation prior to a surgery and he died within minutes. The vet in question used a 100 mg/ml bottle which states for large animals only Cattle, horses & cervidae not reccommended for small animals. I am devastated and traumatized by this and wanted you to know about this. It was not a vaccine as such but FDA reports over 740 animals of all different species have died. The side effects are so horrible. Mutley was my dog's name and I miss him terribly everyday. Why would anyone use this drug? I have found vets that use this for euthenaisia. I had to subject my dog to a necropsy to find out what I already knew, that he was found to be a normal and healthy dog. He was only 2 yrs 10 months old. I fear many more animals will die under this veterinarian's care. No surgery ever took place. Note that the FDA has only the reports that were filed. I am sure there are many more ,as this vet told me that these things happen. I am sure that others let it go. I am not. The clinic treated me very badly and even threatened to sue me if I told any one that my dog died there. Thank you for reading my story. Sincerely, Patricia Deeds 301-497-7692 Should you need to contact me.
Posted by Dottie (Harrisburg, PA) on 08/21/2008

NSAID [non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs] for dogs: These are VERY dangerous drugs. Many dogs have died from just one dose. I had 3 dogs that I gave 1 Deramaxx pill many them sick & lethargic I stopped them immediately. Will not give any of these meds to my dogs ever again.
Posted by Cindy (Torrance, California) on 08/12/2008

I had a similar problem with Ketoconazole as my Shar Pei had a terrible case of yeast. I stopped the medication after his underbelly started spotting black. After scouring the internet I found the website It took over 1 year to completely clear up the yeast using their protocol and only feeding him a protein diet (I still cook chicken and spinach for him). I recommend anyone who has a yeast problem with with pet to start them on this protocol.
Posted by Rick (Huntington Beach, Ca ) on 06/13/2008
Cortizone shot: I had 12 year old Lab in healthy condition.Within two weeks he begin vomiting became lethargic. Took him to the vet died two days later.dont know if the cortizone shot weakened his resistance or not. Vet said he died of a bacteria that went toxic.
Posted by Guenady (Nice, France) on 08/10/2008
For your accumulated information on adverse reactions to drugs, two of my dogs were prescribed ketoconazole for a yeast skin infection. One survived the treatment, the other died during treatment. Other than the skin infection (which was not life threatening), he had no health issues. I was not told before treatment that this medication is hepatotoxic and that it can kill, that it has been established by the manufacturer that there is a 1:10,000 risk of allergic reaction (with underreporting recognized). The vet was not aware (!) of the symptoms of allergic reaction, so when I reported them she did not stop the treatment (dark urine, extreme fatigue, skin turning black and peeling...). When I finally stopped the treatment myself, because my dog was just getting sicker and sicker (after 13 1/2 doses administered out of 30 prescribed) it was already too late. 4 days later he came down with hepititis and 34 days after starting the treatment he died (with bloody vomitting and bloody diahrrea). Although I reported all this, despite my distress) nothing was taken into consideration, everything was dismissed as being a coincidence, and I was given the classic excuse 'your dog was already sick and would have died anyway.' This is an outright lie, of course, and contradicts all the medical file of my dog. But try to get an adverse reaction taken into consideration when the 'authorities' don't want to take it into consideration! Of course there is underreporting! Normally I never give vet medicines to my animals, only homeopathy, but at the time I had no alternative therapy, as skin yeast infection is very difficult to treat. I have since gotten my second dog almost out of her condition, using probiotics and herb Robert and direct applications of hydrogen peroxide on the worst affected areas. My opinion of vets and the authorities that 'oversee' them, has descended to about 0. Would like to know if others have had bad experiences with ketoconazole.
Flea/Tick/Heartworm Medications
Posted by Bev (USA) on 04/22/2008

Hi, My dog when she was 2, ( a golden retriever/lab mix) was started on Program the one with flea control and heartwomer. She developed ITP. A autoimmune problem with her platlets. She had to be put on predisone because her platlets were so low. She had a bone marrow biopsy, an ultrasound and many blood tests. She is finally went into remission and has been very good for many years. So I know that it was not her but the medication. If it was her it would have stayed not gotten better when she was taken off of it. I know other dogs have actually died because of this drug. they went into the same autoimmune except it attacked the red blood cells instead and the dogs died. Just thought you should add this to your problem meds. thanks Bev B.