Pet Medication Side Effects
Natural Remedies

Pet Medication Side Effects & Drug Detox

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Posted by Jessica (Port Hueneme, Ca) on 08/31/2015

Baytril killed my cats!

I had two different cats of different ages given Baytril for different reasons. Both of them died 2 weeks after being given the drug. They took the pills for one week. I watched and kept taking them back to the vet. I complained that I knew it was Baytril and was brushed off. With both of their lives ending in a final seizure. Take this drug off the market. I see way to many complaints all over the internet.

Posted by K (Pa) on 06/23/2015

Our dog also was having problems when walking. Vet prescribed rimadyl...worst thing ever! He had diarrhea for the next few days. It was uncontrollable. Felt so bad for the dog. We stopped it because he was suffering too much. He was back to normal after stopping it.

Flea/Tick/Heartworm Medications
Posted by Om (Hope, Bc Canada) on 03/20/2015

As one homeopathic vet said, one must be very naive to believe that a poison that goes into the blood to kill parasites will not harm the host. It is a fact that animals so treated routinely and less, do not ever have a long life span or no unwelcome effects from the body with a message, that poison kills. One breeder of German Shepherds knows they live only eight years and still uses these poisons.

I have always flea combed my cats and did little, if ever any spraying but with ACV .

Here in Canada, and I am sure, across the border, there are essential oil orange house cleaning products that also work very well on dogs and very diluted, on cats, too. Here I use TKO and it keeps the skin soft as well I have noticed that TKO also works on red mites.

As I make a lot lemon/lime drinks, I use the skins in a gallon glass bottle filled with white vinegar. If there is sun, it can be put out on the porch. Otherwise in about three weeks it should be ready for spray cleaning jobs and spraying dogs. For cats it is also good to use a solution with water and ACV.

So there are good results and economy. Your pet will benefit greatly and put any poisonous "remedies" far away from usage.

Even a solution of ACV is very effective though probably has to be used more frequently. It pains me when vets sell their poison and pretend they care for animals. People, wake up and be critical and research anything suggested by them, avoiding results of "clinical trials" and visit the links on holistic usages.

Namaste, Om

Vibramycin / Doxycyclin
Posted by Cielle (Greece) on 03/18/2015

ok, so it turns out the the Vibramycin somehow caused an inner ear thing to get going in my cat... So perhaps it wasn't a "side-effect" as such, but didn't cover what was causing the ear infection and let it get out of control...

She is now on baytril and cortisone for ear infection - seems to have cleared up a great deal - but yesterday started collecting fluid under her skin at the base of her OTHER ear... And who knows what has caused all of this and whether she would have been better off on no medication in the first place...

I am going to wean her off cortisone and stop antibiotic soon... I just hope the ear infection won't come back and that the fluid will go away... and try to never ever put her on meds again - I have managed to avoid them for all of my other cats and dogs...

Vibramycin / Doxycyclin
Posted by Cielle (Athens, Greece) on 03/06/2015


I saved a cat that I found out in the snow a few weeks ago... she was fine and strong apart from one blocked nostril ( on and off ) due to upper respiratory disease... I took her to the vet as she got worse and got all blocked up and would not eat. He prescribed Vibramycin / Doxycyclin and she has just gotten way way worse.. the blocked nose has cleared up but she makes noise like she is in pain whenever I pick her up to move her and was just basically looking very unwell and down...

I just thought that she was ill due to the respiratory thing and since I don't usually give cats any conventional meds, thought that perhaps it just takes some time for them to kick in... But today she is really tilting her head to the side, she was not able to keep her balance and actually fell to the side... I looked at the side-effects and saw that it said something about "pressure in the head" (translating from Greek medication notes... ) and that if one feels it to immediately stop... I have stopped it and hope she gets better... I called the vet and he said he had never heard of this happening with this medication and that she could have already had something underlying causing this... I just don't believe it, she was absolutely fine with her head and balance etc... I know it is the antibiotic and feel very sorry that I gave it to her... I mean it says "don't give to pregnant women" and "don't give to children under 8" in the medication notes!! What on earth would make anyone think it is ok to give to small animals!!! ???

Posted by Ariana (Berkeley, CA) on 03/02/2015


Steroids are often prescribed to suppress allergic reactions to things, the most common of which is a food allergy. Therefore it is infinitely better to try changing your pet's diet. There is a lot of information about this on the web...but many people believe that animals are not meant to eat grains, which is widely used in dog and cat foods. I now believe it is the source of many problems for cats in particular. It led my cat to getting IBD (inflammatory bowel disease) which led the vet to prescribing Presnisolone (steroid) which she has been on the last 2+ years. Steroids suppress the animal's natural immune system and my cat apparently got a kidney infection sometime and I think didn't have the ability to fight it...that's why I'm dealing with now. ugh. Poor thing...she is weak and now on steroids and antibiotics. (You have to wean them off steroids slowly...)

Flea/Tick/Heartworm Medications
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 02/11/2015

Hey Charlotte!

Read up on EC's heartworm remedy page on this:

While it can be used to treat a heartworm infestation, it can also be used to prevent one and it would seem to be a product that would be helpful for you.

Flea/Tick/Heartworm Medications
Posted by Charlotte (Mississippi) on 02/11/2015

I have a miniature Schnauzer. She has some sort of hallucinations while she is on the heart worm medicine about halfway through the month. She runs in terror, hiding in corners and under beds. Her heart is racing and she can't be calmed. I am afraid to give her more heart worm medicine. I am researching alternative ways to prevent heartworms. I already get her blood tested for all the yearly shots. She has not needed the yearly shots for three years because she shows plenty of antibodies in her blood.

Posted by Om (Hope, Bc, Canada) on 02/11/2015

This is not the first time I hear this. I have diabetes myself and after doing research dumped insulin and am well just by watching the diet. You can find out by visiting GreenMedInfo online about diabetes medicines.

See also online about Transferfactor . It has quite a reputation for healing pets and people I believe.

Vet dog diets sold in the clinics is the worst. For diabetes they sell wood dust. I saw that and was taken aback. But I have never considered that specific diet as anything but profiteering at the cost of an innocent animal that can't talk back. A well thought out diet as well as your pet can thrive on it . Exercise is vital and keeps the blood sugar down. In my case, I would have a word with the vet, I can tell you. All the best.

Namaste, Om

Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 02/09/2015

Hey Cathy!

I am sorry to hear about the complications your huskydoodle has experienced.

There is such a thing as steroid/prednisone induced diabetes in dogs; this normally resolves when the steroid wears off [give or take 6 weeks].

However in some dogs that are pre-diabetic, the steroid shot will make the hidden condition obvious; since poodles are a breed that have a predisposed risk of this genetic condition, it makes it that much harder to really know if the shot is to blame, or if this is simply your senior dog's genetic history coming to the surface.

I think the follow up appointment to check the med dosage is a good idea, and I would certainly ask your vet if this might be reversible when the shot is fully worn off. It would also be a good idea to review diet to that if your dog's diabetes cannot be reversed that you do not add to complications by feeding the wrong diet or treats.

I know folks who have had diabetes appear in their 10 or 11 year old seniors in many breeds, and the biggest hurdle was finding the correct insulin dosage; once that was worked out their dogs health and happiness was restored and they lived with great quality of life for many years.

Good luck and please keep us posted!

Posted by Cathy (Ortonville, Michigan) on 02/08/2015


I saw your site while I was doing research on diabetes in animals. If possible I would like to get more information from you. This is why.

I have a 10 year old Huskidoodle, he has always been super healthy. He got an ear infection that was annoying him and home remedies were not working so I decided to bring him to the vet. Besides this ear infection he has not had any other health issues whatsoever and I have had him since he was a puppy, so I brought him to the vet and the recommendation of treatment for his ear infection was an ear cream and a steroid shot. I allowed them to give him the shot and I applied the cream for a week and his ear cleared up and he was back to normal for about a month. Then he started drinking a lot, became extremely tired, not eating like normal and lost 4 pounds and also started having accidents in the house. Which he never has before except in his first 2 weeks of being potty trained. I did not bring him to vet until the second week of this because now I was scared and it was not getting better.

We went to the same vet and he had a urine test and full blood work done. I was told it is diabetes and he was put on insulin 2 times a day. The insulin is Novolin N and for now it is 20 ml twice a day and in 10 days he goes in for a check-up to see if his dosage needs to be adjusted.

I need other peoples opinions about all of this, he was so healthy and happy and active and now he is sick and miserable. Was it or could it have been the steroids shot? It was so quick, from healthy to I thought I was gonna lose my poor boy. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Sincerly, Cathy

Unknown Medication
Posted by Myrna (Ione, Wa) on 01/18/2015

You can also give her cranberry pill for bladder infection. I use a splash of vinegar in my dogs water because it will help them not get bladder or kidney stones.

Posted by Rita (Miami, FL) on 12/17/2014

My cat was killed by Clavamox. My cat seemed to have a hairball he could not expel. On Friday he doesn't eat most of his food but does drink water and can walk and sit up fine. Saturday morning he doesn't want to eat and he feels very warm as if he had a fever. From symptoms I thought he might have a stomach infection from hairball; he could still walk and sit up fine.

His vet gives me Clavamox. I force feed him some food and 1 hour later I give him 1 ml of Clavamox. Soon after he ingests the antibiotic, he vomits the food I had given him and the hairball came out, his temperature goes down, but he seems to become weak, lethargic, and not able to walk well or sit up well. I just thought he had not eaten well and this is why he was like this. He still doesn't want to eat so I force feed him again water, food and Nutrical to keep him from dehydrating every 4 hrs. 12 hours later I give him another 1 ml of antibiotic.

Sunday morning he feels extremely cold to the touch, he doesn't want to eat or drink water, he is severely weak, almost unable to walk and unable to sit up. I don't give him the antibiotic and I start force feeding him food, water, Pedialite, and Nutrical every 2 hrs, and heating up towels and putting them on him to bring up his temperature, but he just gets worse as time passes. He has severely shrunk in size by now, seems to be very dehydrated no matter how much I gave him. I rush him to the emergency vet clinic where he dies.

I later find out in the internet that an allergic reaction to Clavamox makes them vomit and drowsy which were symptoms my cat presented, and Clavamox can also make their muscles weak which my cat also developed. My cat seemed to have had a severe allergic reaction to Clavamox.Be very careful in feeding this antibiotic and if you see any of these symptoms don't wait and rush him to the hospital immediately, it can mean the difference between life and death.

Posted by Lovie (Los Angeles, CA) on 12/09/2014

My dog was prescribed Ketoconazole and cefpodoxime for an ear Infection. 2 weeks later he passed away. I brought it up to the vet and he said that liver failure is a rare side effect. I asked when he prescribed the medication what side effects there were. He only said vomiting and diarrhea. If he would of told me liver failure it's possible that I would have asked for an alternative medication. I am so sorry I ever gave my dog that medication without researching it myself. Don't trust your vet or the drug companies. Do your homework. I learned the hard way.

Flea/Tick/Heartworm Medications
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 11/02/2014

Hey Melanie!

You should contact your veterinarian immediately and report the side effects you are seeing.

I think you have your meds mixed up. Tri-heart is an oral ivermectin/pyrantel combo drug that is given monthly to prevent heartworm as well as other common worms in the GI tract such as roundworms. The only injectable heartworm medication is Proheart 6 - lasts for 6 months, and the working drug for that product is moxidectin. The side effects you are seeing - lethargy - is associated with moxidectin. This drug was pulled from the market because it caused many adverse reactions and deaths among pets that administered this drug. The manufacturer made some changes to make it safe[er], and it was then re-released, however the product website states that if you notice any side effects to contact your veterinarian immediately as if may be a life threatening situation:

Flea/Tick/Heartworm Medications
Posted by Melanie (Tennessee, US) on 11/01/2014

I have a 9 month old American Bully pitbull puppy. He got his first 6 month tri heart heartworm shot today and he is really lethargic. He is normally very active during the evenings. But all he is doing is sleeping. He stares into space and freaks out over something that isn't there. Is he going to be ok? He was on the tri heart pill and he was fine. But now im worried about the shot. I got it for him bc I am moving and I wouldn't have the money to get he pill for a month or two. Is lethargy a common side effect from this or is it something I should be worried about?

Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 07/06/2014

Hey Debbiehd!

Sorry to hear about the side effects your lab is experiencing.

If this were my dog I would bathe him immediately to remove as much of the substances as possible from his skin and coat. Use cheap human shampoo and follow it up with an apple cider vinegar rinse to neutralize any soap residue.

Next, I would have him ingest an internal cleanser such as bentonite clay or activated charcoal; these should be available at your local health food store or whole foods co-op. Mix a teaspoon or so into canned wet food and do this am and pm for 3 days.

Benadryl would not hurt, I would go for it were it my dog, and also I would consider using OTC anti-itch creams with cortisone. This is not for long term use, but just to nip the reaction he is having in the bud.

It wasn't clear if you used the regular Pet Armor or the Plus - the plus has fipronil and S-methoprene. The S-methoprene leaves the body in about 5 days, while the fipronil stays longer. Support your boy by making sure he is taking in plenty of liquids - this may mean giving him wet food for the next week or so to ensure he is taking additional liquid in besides water.

Posted by Debbiehd (Dayton, Ohio) on 07/06/2014

I applied PetArmor to my Lab about a week ago. He started scratching violently and I thought it would wear off. He did not even have any fleas--I was using this as a preventative. What should I give him? He is miserable and also has developed a lump under his leg, one of the places he is itching severely. I just started researching PetArmor and there are some lawsuits because their pets died. What can I do to help him? This is such stupidity that you can't even trust what you buy at the store for $40 or $50 dollars. Can anyone help me with this? Should I give him Benadryl? How much? He weighs 115 lb. Thank you.

Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 07/01/2014

Hey Redragtop!

I am very sorry for your loss.

Please report the death of your dear Siamese to your vet. At the very least, blood work should have been performed prior to giving your cat this injection to ensure your cat's organs were able to process this synthetic steroid properly.

What a senseless loss - I am so sorry.


Posted by Diamond (Ma, US) on 06/30/2014

To Redragtop, owner; I am so sorry for your loss, I know how it feels to lose your loving pets. I hope in time your sorrow and pain will go away. I guess like most of us learn the hard way, there are no real answers, right or wrong, but we do learn from mistakes made. She is still with you in spirit and will let you know he is still there with you. God Bless.

Posted by Redragtop (Pocomoke City, Maryland) on 06/30/2014

My beloved 10 year old Siamese cat was in distress from fleas, so I called our local vet for some help. Our Vet was not in, but his nice young associate helped us. He agreed that my baby showed signs of an allergy to fleas, and gave him two Depo-Medrol shots to make him "feel better in a couple of days", and sold me a topical flea medication for "instant relief". This was on Friday afternoon.

On Saturday, my cat stuck to me like glue. I couldn't leave his sight. He wouldn't eat, but I could get him to drink water. At bedtime, I put him in my bed. After several hours, my baby woke me up with a terrible cry, and started with a seizure. He had seizures all night long, and passed at 4:45 Sunday morning.

Now, I find out that Depo can cause kidney failure .... the vet didn't warn me ...... it was supposed to make him feel better .....

Posted by Ingrid (Daytona Beach, Florida) on 06/06/2014

10 y/o chihuahua with CHF. Vet gave cortisone injection, dog went lethargic. She walked like a drunk and kept falling down.

297 sugar, liver GGT 44, BUN 144, I brought her home with IV electrolytes and insulin. I don't know how she made it through the night. NEVER give your pet a cortisone shot. They stopped giving them to COPD patients as it compromises the immune system. I will let you know if she makes it a week.

Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 04/21/2014

Hey Sharon!

It would appear the 2 week regimen of metronidazole knocked out all the good bacteria in your dog's GI tract. If this were my dog I would do three things:

1 - keep up the daily oatmeal baths

2 - Alkalize the water first by offering 1 teaspoon of baking soda to 1 liter of water for 5-7 days [this is a crisis dose], and then after this time frame reduce to one half teaspoon per one liter of water as a maintenance dose.

3 - repopulate the good bacteria in the GI tract by offering probiotics. You can buy human brands of acidophilus such as DDS w/ FOS, or PB8 or Shiff's Digestive Advantage; you can also buy special doggy 'Forti Flora' - however I recommend getting 1 bottle/brand and then feeding it until gone and then switching to something completely different so many, many strains of bacteria are reintroduced to your pet's system.

Posted by Sharon (Phx.,az) on 04/20/2014

All these horrific reports about medication side effects have me really spooked. My Heinz 57/GSD/staffordshire terrior female dog had to go on a two-week course of Mitronidozole for a bad gastritis attack. Before that, she was in great health, the original happy, lovable 'chow-hound' who could eat anything (even the neighbor's damn cat's poop because said neighbor will not keep it inside) Anyways, I digress....

So the Metronidozole cured the gastritis - and it it also cleared up some ghastly Dog Breath- Unfortunately, now my poor dog is itching and scratching herself to pieces. She is so miserable....We immediately put her on a homemade diet of: Ground turkey, rice, green beans & pumpkin. She's been two weeks on that. No change. We've done the Oatmeal shampoo bath; that helped about 24 hours. I tried a half of 50mg. generic Benedryl tablet; didn't make a dent in the itching.....

I really don't want to take her to the $$ Vet $$ for more $$ medication$ $$ with more side effects, but I am at my wits end. When you all send in your stories, please be sure and add any treatment that may have helped too or if anyone has dealt with itching after Metronidozole (flagyl) treatment please write in.

Posted by Jodi (Las Vegas, Nevada) on 02/15/2014

Rimadyl is deadly! Please take you pet off this drug immedietly! Please do not allow you Vet to prescribe this to dog almost died because of it. I took him off and he is almost back to his old self. Incredible that there is So much info about this yet you people do not get it.

Posted by Lorant (Tryon Nc) on 08/29/2013

Would not be surprised at this at all.... The Dermaxx is a recycled drug that the FDA banned for humans, you may remember.... It is VIOXX!! Killed a lot of people and many others nearly died of side effects. The Big Pharma companies do this quite often with defective human drugs, just shift them over for use at the vet's office. Most people do not know this! No money lost this way... Sad, huh??

Posted by Laws (Maywest, Fl) on 07/17/2013

Find a lawyer that could show that ketoconazole was the cause of death and you could have a good case.

Posted by Mskuhl (E Patchogue, NY) on 07/16/2013

My dog Bailey just died today. He was on Ketoconazole, and developed pancreatitis and diabetes. We took him back to the Vet to put him on fluids and insulin. He was at the Vet overnight, when they called in the morning to say he develope a fever of 109 and to come in because he would die soon. He was only 9yrs old and was a great companion. We should put a class action suit against the drug company that makes Ketconazole.

Flea/Tick/Heartworm Medications
Posted by Mary (Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada) on 07/07/2013

An idea for mosquitoes that dogs can safely be given black walnut hull (powdered), I use it myself. It stops them from biting among its other positive qualities.

Posted by Heather (Fayetteville, Ga) on 06/18/2013

My cat Limpy was given one Metacam injection after having a few bad teeth pulled. She came home and was eating and feeling good but with in a week she stopped eating. The vets found Fuild all in her chest but no signs of cancer. Sadly she passed a few days later. I had no idea there were so many reports about the side effects of Metacam. There is a web site called Metacam I will always believe this drug killed my cat. The vets are so misguided by the drug companies and seem to be more interested in padding their wallets. I lost the best cat I have ever known because of the vets and this drug Metacam.

Posted by Andrea (Hobart, Tasmania, Australia) on 05/04/2013

My cat Sam-Panda has a serious heart condition, and has lately developed a throat irritation. He was prescribed Metacam for the irritation, but just as I was about to give him his first dose I read that it is contra-indicated in animals with cardiac disease. Reading about other animals experiences with this drug, I have no doubt my precious boy would be dead now if I had followed the ve'ts careless advice.

Posted by Palhuc (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada) on 04/19/2013

I took my 5.5 month old ragdoll kitten for spaying this week. After 2 of the 4 doses of metacam given to her for pain I noticed she was so hyper, jumping up walls and nonstop climbing. She also appeared to be watching the ceiling and I could not get her attention (possibly hallucinating). She responded very well after surgery, ate , drank and went to bathroom almost immediately after coming home from surgery.

She did not appear to be in pain but I did not want to take a chance so that is why I gave her the pain meds. Today did not give pain meds but she is very calm and not hyper like on metacam. I believe this was not a good med for her. I will continue to monitor for any changes in behavior and changes.

Posted by Patrice (Melbourne, Australia) on 01/21/2013

I took my 14yr Border Collie to the Vet for a back problem requiring acupuncture, whilst there the Vet convinced me to try a short five day course of cortisone for her. Within a couple of days she was panting hard and had excessive thirst and hunger, followed by a complete collapse. The Vet diagnosed it as Distibula (an inner ear problem) but my brilliant Natural Therapist, Kinesiologist, Energy worker said it was a stroke, neurological (not an inner ear problem) caused by the cortisone, which had blocked Sally's immune system from working correctly when she had eaten some broccoli that wasn't organic and had been sprayed with pesticides. Her system couldn't cope.

Thanks to the Natural Therapist and Homeopathy Sally made a pretty good recovery.

That's what Cortisone does: blocks one's own immune response to dis-eases, which can then run rampant. and is like fertilizer to cancer.

Posted by Om (Hope, Canada, Bc) on 01/19/2013

I completly sympatise with the agony and sorrow these vets have caused to you and the kitty. I have had a cat hospice since in my early fifties and now I am seventy-seven years old with some dogs/cats remaining. Vets have killed several of these cats that should have been treated with love, not greed. I have had to experience cats dying of broken heart, abandonment and othere factors. This has broken my life to some extent. Even now I am mistreated by city hall even though everything is in order with numerous letters of support. Antibiotica are given for everything and the result is often a cat literally withering away. I give diluted buttermilk or yoghourt for a long time, even baby probiotics and have put some now on a famous tea that has the name of the nurse in reverse that cured thousands of sick people here in Canada in the past. Now I give natural Ayurvedic and western remedies that are for people which are supporting and healing.

I found vets putting down pets that should have been left to die naturally with the support of the owner as I have done. I have only one hope that in the near future there will come a completely different healing system, not a sickness system based on dollars. These vets are heartless, cruel and avaricious. I once volunteered for a vet only to realize that these people have sold themselves out to a life of money raking, forgetting their purpose in life.

My life was full of pain and because of the agony I had to witness without hardly any support of two-legged ones. The love I have received was beyond words and I know they are far more aware than people have them be. Even now I am ostracised and driven out of a international spiritual community because I am considered unclean because of my life with cats and dogs in need. God bless you all animal guardians and look forward to times when this cruel and spiritless system will disappear. Om

Posted by Roxane (Rocklin, California) on 12/19/2012

My six-year old Silky-Yorkie mix was put on Ketoconazole for a fungal infection in his ears. A few days later I woke up to vomit all over the house! Took him back to vet, where he spent the day having tests, including an ultra sound for his organs.

Here is what they found: Inflamed, swollen liver, pancreatitis, extremely high blood glucose levels. And other, more minor things. Now he must have insulin injections twice a day for diabetes caused by the pancreatitis. He was overweight but in good health otherwise. He is tolerating the insulin well, but I was beside myself the day he stayed in the pet hospital, as they told me I had a very, very sick dog. His name is Harry.

I thank God he made it through, but am so sorry I ever gave him that Ketoconazole. Antifungals are rather dangerous for humans, so what was I thinking when I gave it to my dog? I have good vets and don't blame them, although I wish they had told me about the liver side effects. I think that if a drug can harm the liver, it can surely harm the pancreas. Could not be a rare coincidence, come on! And now he is a diabetic for the rest of his life. It's quite a chore making sure he gets his shots twice a day, but my Harry is worth it! You all know what I mean! -- Roxane

Posted by April (Oak Grove, Mo) on 11/06/2012

My 10 month old chow chow had reaction to Trifexis. He had it for 3 doses and I finally called Elanco and reported it. They sent a refund to the vet I bought it from. My dog was lathargic and had no appetite for 1-2 days after each dose and after the 3rd month he had strange body movements. They said they would report to ???? doggy FDA or something like that but I don't know if they did.

Posted by Daveyo (Nakhon Sawan, Thailand) on 08/30/2012

Sorry to read about the death of your dog. 300mg of that stuff is definitely a killer. A huge overdose. Sue the VET or find another VET or report that VET to the VETERINARY BOARD and have its license be revoked. You have some options to think about.

My God, seems the VETS are getting worse.


Posted by Poes4me (Belle Center, Oh) on 07/31/2012

Bruce, from Cumming, GA, I'm sorry to hear about your friend Scout. Because I've heard some good things about Ketoconazole I didn't hesitate to give it to my yeasty, 12-yr-old peke when my vet prescribed it. However, by the 3rd day of taking it my peke started showing signs of ataxia, and by day 5 he could barely lift his head, and could barely walk, so I discontinued the med. I don't know if the combo of it along with his phenobarbital and potassium bromide (for his seizures) caused the toxicity, but Ketoconazole will never be given to my boy again.

Posted by Bruce (Cumming, Ga) on 07/27/2012

My 4 yr old 72 lb Golden Retriever Scout died today. I believe his death may have been caused by ketoconazole. My vet prescribed ketoconazole 300 mg twice a day for a yeast infection in his ears. Scout also received his annual vaccinations for rabies and bordetella the same day the prescription began.

Scout died on the 11th day after beginning this treatment. The only symptom he exhibited over this time period was a decrease in energy and on his last day, a lack of appetite.

I will never allow my dogs to take this drug in the future. I would appreciate any information about ketoconazole and others experiences with this drug.

Flea/Tick/Heartworm Medications
Posted by Lindak220 (Hoffman Estates, Il, Usa) on 05/29/2012

I know your post is from Sept 2011; however, I found a spot on WebMD for pets after experiencing a terrible reaction with my 3 yr old shih tzu. I have since bathed her and will be starting her on a ground turkey / rice diet. She is on day 2 of diarreah and has experienced hyper activity as well as increased heartbeat. I read in the email thread that between small dogs and cream colored dogs (my dog fits both criteria) this flea / tick med should not be used. I also read on a 50/50 combo of ACV/Water to help prevent ticks; I am going to be looking in to that closer as it is natural.

Flea/Tick/Heartworm Medications
Posted by Gregory (Dfw, Texas) on 05/17/2012

We have a boxer mastiff and a greyhound. We live in the southern part of the US and there are many mosquitoes during damp wet warm weather. Both of our dogs have been on the Tri Flex - heartworm, tick, flea combo.

My greyhound showed a swollen ridge around the back of his neck. Then on this seaon the first dose he got a large black spot on his tounge, he was lethargic and he kept contstanly looking back at his hind quarter. A week or two later large black spots formed on both upper side of his hind quarter. Afraid this might be kidney, adrenals, or liver, I did not give him the next months dose and he has cleared up nicely.

Greyhound got his energy back with normal alertness. Everytime he goes out I spray him with full strength Listerine which he doesnt seem to mind. And I give him herbal wormwood just in case. I am praying that he test out negative again in six months. The boxer mastiff just seems agitated all of the time since he went on Tri Flex and both had started bad dreams after they went on it. Its a tough call.

Posted by Shea (Cloverdale, Ca, Usa) on 05/16/2012

I took my 12 year old toy poodle and 1 year old cat into the vet yesterday, for what I thought was mange. Turned out to be a really bad skin infection for my poodle and flea allergies for my cat. I made the gut wrenching decision to put my poodle down as his quality of life was so poor. :( They offered to give my cat a steroid shot to help with him scratching and biting. By the time we got him home, his back legs were paralyzed and all he could do was flip and roll around. He looked as though he was having a seizure. I immediately took him back to the vet. When he got there his temp was 106, heart rate close to 350, was blind and still had no use of his back legs. Here I just put down my beloved poodle a hour ago and now I may lose my cat!?

They pumped him with liquids to try and dilute the steroid shot and gave him a sedative to help him relax. It's been almost 24 hours and although he is feeling a little better (is walking and we think has his vision back! ) I WILL NEVER GIVE ANY OF MY ANIMALS A STEROID SHOT! Anybody else ever seen this? My vet said he has given over 500 of these shots in 30 years and had NEVER seen a reaction like this.

Clavamox and Doxycycline
Posted by Jeanir (Pittsburgh, Pa) on 05/06/2012

I know humans benefit from cayenne pepper when overdoses or accumulation of pesticides is the problem. I knew someone that was almost completely paralized and came back to normal, by using cayenne pepper everyday, he was a farmer. He still uses it everyday because he thinks it was his life saver.

Clavamox and Doxycycline
Posted by Sandyb (Shamrock, Tx) on 04/23/2012

I want to amend the above post as my Corgi, Buffy did not have a reaction to the Doxycycline but last week was diagnosed with Dysautonomia, a horrid disease that strikes dogs, cats, horses, rabbits, and I read a Llama got the disease. There is no known cause, treatment is just to keep them comfortable and the mortality rate is 90% in dogs, 70% in cats. This disease attacks the neurons in the ganglia that controls the involuntary functions like eye dilation, blink function, respiratory, coronary, digestive functions. There is no cure at this time and our beloved companions either die of aspiration pneumonia or are euthanized due to poor quality of life. Our Buffy is no longer with us and we miss her terribly. This disease started in Europe in the 1900's and first canine was diagnosed in Missouri in the late 1980's. Missouri and Kansas are most hard hit with the disease but other states have reported it. Rural dogs close to pasture land and ponds are at risk vs city dwelling dogs. Research studies show some information that it could be due to pesticides and/or herbicides. I just wanted to correct the prior information I gave in my post so people will become aware of this disease that apparently increasing in number although still considered a rare disease. Thank you.

Posted by Planetheart (Los Angeles, Ca) on 04/10/2012


Holy crap I was just reading that your dog was put on 1500 mg of metranidazole. No wonder your dog was having seizures. That's way tooooo much of a dosage. Even if your dog was 100 pounds, the dosage should have not been more than 500 mgs twice a day. Someone really screwed up big time. We rescue special needs dogs and many of them are actually on metranidazole, never had an issue and if a dog needs to stay on it long term, after a week or so they usually keep them on it once a day, not twice a day. A 5 pound dog, only gets 25mgs twice a day. I'm so sorry this happened to your dog.....

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