The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Unknown Medication
Posted by Abby (Houston, Texas) on 10/11/2009

I took my dog Blanca (Maltese) on a Monday 2 years ago to the vet because she was coughing. The vet gave me some medication and told me that she thought it has something to do with sinus. Blanca died the following Wednesday. I was and I am still devastated.
I got myself a JRT and now she developed a bladder infection and I can't trust the vet. I am giving her ACV and hope that this will go away.
Posted by Adia (Rio Piedras, San Juan, Puerto Rico) on 09/16/2009

Prednisone for long time use can harm your pets liver. No doubt. I have a 17 1/2 years female dog and after some infections, prednisone, phenobarbiturics etc... she is suffering liver & kidney failure. But after 2 years since last "treatment" and prohibition to give vaccines, antibiotics etc, she is still here. Is true she is very skinny but she eats a lot and dances and barks to whoever comes near the house(she never did this before).she is also almost blind but she goes around the house and to the front patio on her own.She doesn't tolerate vets food.I make her food every two days(she loves fresh made food!) And supplement with omegas, spirulina(protein!!),antioxidants,4Life Transfer Factor Plus, NO tap water, NO sugar, No junk, NO EXCUSES TO GIVE MUNCHIES and NO COMMERCIAL NOTHING.You can search and talk to Pet Alive and NZYMES.They have remedies. I use some on my oldie and on my own. Others are from HEEl lab.(homeopaths) Again,be careful with food. EXTREMELY. There are a lot of things that stimulate the inmunologic system (allergens)and a lot of venom. If you need more info come back to the page. And if you want, leave an e mail for contact.
Flea/Tick/Heartworm Medications
Posted by rocketmann80 (Blytheville, Arkansas USA) on 06/23/2009

my coment is about the Vet's advice, and how bad my cat was harmed by ME, taking my cat to the vet., and how frontline failed. It can cause some serious side effects, if used all the time. Also never let your cat get dipped, I have photos of the torture my best friend went through, I will blame myself forever, for not asking,WHAT IS A FLEA DIP, AND WHAT DO YOU DO TO MY CAT DURING A FLEA DIP! Thank you, Janet
Flea/Tick/Heartworm Medications
Posted by Terry (West Palm Beach, FL) on 06/09/2009

Dog medications for fleas/ticks/heartworm: My daughter has a 15 month old, 88 pound Golden Retriever. Her vet recommended a monthly flea/tick medicine. "Riley" is not the same puppy after this treatment. He is lethargic and sad. I recommended garlic in his food. The vet said absolutely NOT! I've read articles all over the internet, and garlic is given. There are small ticks on him when we walk him. Fortunately they come right off. What can we use to keep fleas/ticks off him that is safe? Why don't vets want garlic used? I cry seeing him after these treatments. So many pets get cancer, and I think it must be related to their food and these toxic medications.
Posted by Norma (North Vancouver, BC) on 06/07/2009
I had a 11 year old Rough collie with very bad arthritis. I had had him on Recovery for a year and a half but he was getting worse with age. I decided to try Metacam even though I had been very nervous about it. Within 10 days he became very ill - and I rushed him to the Vet. His heart rate was a way up and his gums were very pale. He ended up in the Critical Care unit and was diagnosed with ulcers and he had vomited and ingested and had pneumonia and partial bloat which they had to wait out because of his condition.
My Collie came home with many meds and he did recover. I had him on something to coat his stomach but within 2 months he had bloat again and had to be put down. I will never again put a dog on Metacam. I do not recall the measurement for Metacam but it was whatever was recommended for his weight.
Posted by Ingrid (Geneva, Ohio) on 06/06/2009

My dog was on metronidazole last year for colitis. The vet put her on two meds. I don't remember the other off hand but another vet was surprised she was put on both at the same time. She also was given a higher dose than my other dog who is a bit bigger than her. She became incontinent. After searching the internet I found this was a side effect. It took a while but it finally passed. I believe it was the medicine and it had to completely leave her system for her to get back to normal.
Allergy Shots
Posted by Pamela (Ada, Oklahoma) on 06/01/2009

My bull terrier has received allergy shots in the past. The past week I took her for her regular shot, but they gave her a dose for a 61 to 80 lb dog. She weighs between 60 and 63 lbs. I had noticed side effects before, but not this drastically. She has been having panting episodes, especially at night. She seems more hyper and cannot get enough food.
I have been monitoring her intake as her stomach has been swollen since the shots. She has also had a very loose stool since the shot. I have given her 2 kinds of medicines for bacteria in the stomach since this happened.
I am really worried about her since I read the other readers comments about the side effects of allergy shots. I will NEVER take her to this vet again. I think they over dosed her. I am going to find another vet probably in another state as the vets here in Oklahoma seem to have no clue what they are doing. I had a 2 year old bull terrier die in November because he started having seziures. The vets here had no idea why...I just don't think these people are interested in anything but getting your money. No more allergy shots for my dog. I will find an alternative solution.
Flea/Tick/Heartworm Medications
Posted by Sheri (Wylie, Tx) on 05/16/2009

I just want to warn those of you that still use the veterinary obtained or medicinal (internal, spray, or spot drop) flea / tick repellents: I recently read about someone, that really touched my heart with his story of killing his dog by using such items on it. These products can cause cancer to your pet. It is a chemical, it is toxic to the fleas and you are putting it on your beloved pet and using your pet like a flea magnet so when the they get bit the flea dies, think about what is running through your pet's body, veins, bloodstream and organs that is so potent to kill fleas and the eggs. I used them for years and never had any animal die with cancer but I will tell you what he said makes sense; animals are a magnet for fleas, so by pumping their bodies full of toxins / chemicals that kill fleas if they bite them, what are we doing to our pets, and what does this say about us as a human race. I am in no way judging anyone...just wanted to share!
Posted by Joanne (Skowhegan, ME/USA) on 04/21/2009
My Pit-Plothound is now 10.5 yrs old. He has arthritis in his neck and front leg. He hollers sometimes when just standing still. I have been giving him 1 Rimadyl (weight 55-100 lbs) for the past 3 yrs only when he is limping or he hollers. He has had no adverse reactions. Because it works for him, he takes it without coercing. Ya! He lets me know (believe it or not). His energy level is good because he reminds me when it is time for our walk. It could be others have issues because of the food they feed their babies. I make mine home-made turkey stew with vegies. I read the labels on the bags and cans and don't purchase dyes, by-products, etc. You can blame a lot of things on the easiest you can get away with, but if you do not care enough to read labels, like you are particular about your own food, their will be consequences that are not good.
Posted by Nancy (Sioux Citiy, Iowa) on 04/09/2009

My young cat Daphne about 1 yr old in 8/08 injured her paw. The veterinarian gave her two cortisone injections a week or two apart. Her injured paw is fine but she now has some sort of skin infection that moves around her jaw, chin, neck, shoulder area that presents itself in thickened skin and scabbiness. It seems to be in one area, then moves from one area to another. The skin where the infection once was will seem perfectly normal for awhile, then this thickening comes back again. She appears healthy otherwise, but she has had this skin problem for well over half a year now. Also she wore a plastic Elizabethan collar for 1 1/2 weeks while her paw healed, due to her excessive licking of her paw. I'm not sure which contributed more to her skin problem, the cortisone or the Elizabethan collar. Before she hurt her paw she was perfect in every way.
Posted by Niena (Traverse City, Michigan) on 02/10/2009

My dog got injured and Rimadyl was prescribed. But by day three of Rimadyl, I was mortified and stopped giving it to him. By day two he had the worst case of the runs so malodorous, so black & sickly smelling - unlike anything I've smelled as a parent, as a hospice worker and after 5 years working in waste treatment plants. He was weak, despondent, confused, constantly thirsty and unwilling to eat anything. By day three I was convinced.
Two days of no Rimadyl and his stool is firming up a bit. He's still thirsty but alert and hobbling around, shaking his tail - and happily eating again.
For inflammation he's munching on fish oil capsules and loving yogurt w/spirulina & ACV. We're recovering. No pet-loving Vet should prescribe Rimadyl - not Ever!
Posted by Teresa (Mccomb, Mississippi) on 01/29/2009

I have 11 beautiful dogs. Needless to say I am an animal lover and live well below poverty level, but I try very hard to take care of my dogs. I have been giving my dogs ad diluted mixture of Ivermectin for years for all worms, including heart worms.
The mixture was given to me from a kennel in Louisiana. BEWARE, Ivermectin is very strong in small doses and is very hard to give to a small dog, but at this time my dogs are doing well on it and it IS NOT recommended for COLLIE BREEDS.
FOR ANOTHER NOTE.... my full blooded Siberian Husky had a toxic reaction to it as well. She started walking like she was drunk and weak, had shallow breathing and at one point she quit breathing. I researched and found that this was a definite side effect from Ivermectin. I took her off it immediately and put her back on a monthly pill from the vet. The pill still has Ivermectin, it says so on the packet, but the dosage is so miniscule compared to my personal mixture. I do believe however in my personal opinion only, that her hyperactivity had some cause in her having a reaction. My other 10 dogs are doing well and haven't had any side effects and none have never tested positive for worms of any kind.
Posted by Lisa (Lilburn, GA) on 01/21/2009

Side Effects to Pet's Medication: The day after giving my 43 lb Shepherd mix her Heartguard heartworm medication containing ivermectin, her face and upper lip swelled up. She looked as if she had been stung by a bee, but it's Winter here and she had no sign of insect bites. There are no other possible explanations. The vet thoroughly checked her out and couldn't find the source of the problem. He did not suggest an allergic reaction to Ivermectin. However, after researching the drug I found out that facial swelling can be a side effect. Benadryl has helped a little, and we placed her on antibiotics just in case there is a local infection.
Posted by Joe (Mentor, Ohio) on 12/30/2008

I strongly suggest to anyone with a senior pooch to refrain from the use of this drug in any dose, for any arthritis. I gave it to a senior female cocker spaniel and she developed severe heart trouble which led to her demise.
Also, I agree on the rabies yearly vaccinations being unneccessary. I have never had a problem knock on wood, however, I am in doubt as to the need yearly.
Posted by Christina (Ashburn, Va) on 11/29/2008

our dog was was put on a long term dose of metronidazole for irritable bowel syndrome a few months ago. unfortunately the medicine caused severe neurological issues in our 12 year old lab/husky. shortly after taking his morning dose one day, he wasn't able to walk straight and lost all control of his limbs. he's mostly recovered, but i think he has had some side effects from this medicine. he was experiencing some arthritis issues prior to this but it's gone down hill rapidly since (the neurological episode occurred this past june, and now our pup can't nearly walk as far as before, despite herbal treatments and acupuncture). i think the use of a long term dose of metronidazole should really be studied further.
Xylazine and Atropine
Posted by Guenady (Nice, France) on 11/29/2008
I am so sorry to read about your loss and the horrible way your vet treated you. Your motivation to do something is the same as mine, my dog died in great suffering, and that can't be undone, but other potential victims can be warned. I agree, go to it, but don't expect lots of help from the authorities. You need to file a complaint with the veternary licensing board, and you will need the results of your necropsy. I presume it was not done by the same vet. He would not incriminate himself. Do include in your complaint that you were threatened with a lawsuit, in order to keep you silent. You might also contact one of a number of associations that have the courage to help with advice regarding complaints against vets. Here's a good one : , email :
[email protected] . The only way to make vets more responsible, since their professional associations aren't doing the job, is to call them to account. They operate a business like any other, but worse because they can and do kill our loved ones. You might also consult a lawyer about filing a complaint, first for the death of your pet, then for the threats. Hope you had witnesses, but even if not, file the complaint because the vet will have to give an explaination, and even if he lies and it's your word against his, he will think twice about doing the same thing again. Be brave!
Posted by OTH (Atlanta, GA) on 11/20/2008

My dog was scratching a lot (been a life long scratcher) but otherwise perfectly healthy so I bought him in to the vet one day when I had to bring in my other dog. The vet gave him a cortisone shot and said he may eat, drink and pee a lot. He was fine for the first 24 hours but then had a night of severe vomitting (9 plus times including blood) and was left lying and shaking in pain. He has now been at the vet for 24 hours on an IV and is in the same condition and still won't eat. No one at the vet warned me about these kinds of side effects and we don't know yet what will happen. Wish us luck.
Posted by Jean (Johns Island, SC) on 11/16/2008

My chocolate lab, George - a rescue - was prescribed Rimadyl for early signs of arthritis. No information was given me about adverse side effects, and this was in 1997, several years before the "Client Information Sheet" became available by Pfizer, was given to the vets, who in turn are supposed to give the CIS to their clients. Since this is not mandatory, most vets don't take the time to distribute the CIS.
My George's story may be seen at:
To read about the Class Action Lawsuit against Pfizer - see:
Posted by Pamela (Austin, Texas) on 11/15/2008

My 8 year old standard poodle was prescribed ketoconazole to suppress a chronic yeast outbreak in his ears. His liver would not tolerate it. I pilled him once. He vomited bile. That was the end of that.
Xylazine and Atropine
Posted by Linda (West Newfield, Maine) on 11/05/2008
You go Patricia!! Just the fact that you were threatened tells me a LOT. And I'm so sorry for your loss. Stay strong!!
Posted by Jean (Desert Hills., Arizona) on 10/03/2008
I would like all pet owners to not give their dogs Ketoconazole for Yeast or Valley Fever. Against my best judgment I gave this to our dog for Valley Fever and he died 3 months later from a failed liver. This is one of the side effects. It is much better to go Natural and stick with this so your dog will have a better life. And by the way they have a cure in Tucson, Arizona at the University of Arizona, but this is another drug and would have to be checked out for side effects. Many states have Valley Fever now. The states are California, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, Arizona, and Utah. This problem in in the dirt. Something needs to be done. This affects humans and animals and etc.
Please beware of what I am saying for the sake of your pet!!!