Pet Medication Side Effects
Natural Remedies

Pet Medication Side Effects & Drug Detox

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Clavamox and Doxycycline
Posted by Sandyb (Shamrock, Tx) on 04/08/2012

My 7 yr old Pembroke Corgi has a history of allergies, bladder stones, and recently, contracted a Staph infection. Culture taken from inside the nose as she was having stuffed nose, crusty skin on outside of nose. Found one sore, very small on right flank. She was not herself, took her to vet, she put her on Clavamox for seven days. She appeared to worsen, took her back, changed her to Baytril and added Doxycycline. Got culture back on nose swab and put her back on Clavamox and to continue with bacterial Doxycycline. She continued to worsen, no appetite, vomiting, fever, white count had not changed, losing weight. Took her back 3/23 and she was given Covenia injection to treat the Staph and was given another round of Doxycycline to take with Covenia. She has continued to decline, no appetite, did not have fever this past Friday when took her back as she suggested she get a B-12 shot to give her some energy. On exam her left eye was completely dialated and did not grow smaller when flashlight instrument went over eye. Also the vomiting still happening about every other day to two days. She said to use Famotidine acid reducer with food to keep acidity down. I had noticed late Friday night her problem with swallowing and she would try to eat some cooked chicken but would quit after a few bites. It was apparent her throat hurt and she would cough and spit up clear slime. After a thorough reading about Doxycycline side effects I believe she now has a possible throat lesion from this med. Also, on the Covenia site it states that Doxycycline: "CONVENIA has been shown in an experimental in vitro system to result in an increase in free concentrations of carprofen, furosemide, doxycycline, and ketoconazole. Concurrent use of these or other drugs that have a high degree of protein-binding (e.g. NSAIDs, propofol, cardiac, anticonvulsant, and behavioral medications) may compete with cefovecin-binding and cause adverse reactions."

I stopped the Doxycycline Friday after she had her am pill. I am waiting to see tomorrow if she is improved at all. This morning she coughed up blood streaked slime.

Please respond to my inquiry as soon as possible. She now only takes chicken broth in a baby med dropper, no solid food at all because of apparent throat pain.

Prescription Eye Drops
Posted by Ricky (Hammond, La) on 03/23/2012

My 5 year old Pekingese developed corneal ulcers on each of his eyes due to early drying of his tear ducts, I brought him in to be seen. He was prescribed an antibiotic eyedrop and a pain relieving eyedrop. I administered his medication as instructed by the veterinarian. He then became lethargic and refused to eat or drink anything, he began vomiting clear liquid which resembles saliva and had diarrhea which looked like brown vomit. Jasper passed away 2 days after beginning the medication he was prescribed, this may be coincidental but I would like to know for certain.

Pain relieving eye drops: Flurbiprofen Sodium Opthalmic Solution USP 0.03%

1 drop in each eye once a day

Antibiotic eyedrops: AK-TOB Tobramycin Opthalmic Solution USP0.3%

1 Drop in each eye 3 times per day

Posted by Michael (Chilliwack, B.c. Canada) on 03/19/2012

Ivermectin destroyed maggie's nerves... (my first border collie)....

Posted by Anneg (Portsmouth, Hampshire, Uk) on 03/16/2012

My 16 month old Portuguese Water Dog Dylan was castrated on 12th March and sent home with Metacam. I dosed him with 24ml (dog weight 24 kgs) as directed on 13th and that night, all night, he had horrible yellow explosive diarrhea - I thought it was a reaction to the op and Metacam was supposed to make it better so give him another dose on morning of 14th - by the afternoon he was lethargic and couldn't/wouldn't eat so phoned the vet who told me to take him off the Metacam - he had diarrhea all that day and night and very little to eat. Yesterday he just lay around and had nothing to eat but we did manage to get some water in to him - last night I was only up 3 times with him and today 16th he has not had to 'go' since about 8 hours ago and has eaten a little chicken so seems to be on the mend.

Having now researched this drug on the internet I would not touch it again with a barge pole!!

Posted by Ali (Dothan, U.s.) on 03/03/2012

Side effects, Dear Liz , I just found this site, so I know this comment is late in coming. But I still wanted to express my deepest thoughts to you. I hope so much your baby made it. I'm going through a serious problem with my cat too. She has been sick for so very long and is on antibiotics again, and the Vets have drained my senior income and put me in debt that will take the rest of my life to get out of, if I live that long. And yes, I'am very, very bitter about it too, because they still have not found any solution to help her.

With the office visits costing so much with every trip ( $38.00 To $52.00 a visit) I could never save up enough money to pay for the treatments they kept needing. (Seniors have a hard time trying to just pay for their pets food. I do without many times so she can eat. ) and, I feel I have to keep trying to help her and not give up on her she is my Love, a Big part of my life. Now with over $7,800 in credit card bills and watching her die, I'm beyond depressed. I can't find the strength to put her to sleep. The Saddest part about it too, is, the disrespect I felt from the office staff because I would ask about the cost of each test and why it was needed, and sometimes the test were just crazy to do. And always, always in a rush to get you out, and won't talk to you. I have never felt so lost and low in being a human being as I did in my Vets office. They all acted so insensitive to the deep love I had for my cat and made me feel like I was cheap and just a crazy cat person and wanted service for nothing. I feel I will Never try to own another pet and Not because I don't think we need to help our animals , but, because I 'am going to Refuse to EVER support another Vet in my life time. I have Learned a thing or to about them through all of this. Most of them have a need to take a serious look at their morals, and learn Money isn't Everything, and realize humans have brought on this over population of animals and put their life in harms way and we owe it to them to help them. You would think a Vet would be a lot more caring, but, they are not, it's a very sad state for those of us that do care, but, have to suffer so much trying to help them. I have Lost a Big part of myself because of my resentment about This So Called Profession of doing it for the animals. A loving Pet owner deserves more respect because of their Love for their pets. So many pets are abused so very bad.

Posted by Jilbert57 (Brinnon, Wa, Usa) on 03/03/2012


I have a 5 year old aussie/heeler who I give Interceptor to monthly for heartworm prevention. I was told by two different vets not to use a medicine with Ivermectin in it as the herding breeds are subject to seizures from it.

Posted by Cinmorin (Edmundston, Nb, Canada) on 02/12/2012

We gave my Aussie 105mg of pyrantel (which seems to contains Ivermectin) two weeks ago and she had two seizures in the next 8 days. We were devasted and didn't know what to think. I asked 3 vets about it and only one seemed to believe it may not necessarily be epilepsy... She has been seizure free for 4 days now, but I'm still anxious about it... Is there something we can do or a mediation that could help her recover? I'm scared it could worsen...

Posted by Carly (Raleigh, Nc) on 01/14/2012

My 10 year old Jack Russell began allergic reactions to, what we thought and were told by vets, flea bites. The itching and chewing to the point of seeping sores has driven him (and us) crazy for nearly 6 years. We spent ridiculous money on one remedy on top of another, injections, steroids... You name it. We became a stressed out, worn out, broke and vet-leary bunch embarrassed to be seen in public with our patchy smelly dog that appeared to be neglected and abused. Our dog was miserable and we were clinically depressed of the whole issue... And (can't believe I'm saying this) considered other options to relieve his suffering, and ours.

Then came the day when I was faced with what I thought were earmites and a severe ear infection. This was a first for my dog and I was confused because it didn't LOOK like earmites but was red, crusty and he was scratching it raw.

Finally, at my wits end, I was reading a homeopathic site and the article mentioned the smelly, itchy stench of a yeast infection in dogs. Frankly, never having had one, I was under the impression this was only a human and female ailment. WRONG! I began treating him immediately for a yeast infection. I started him on Blue Buffalo food (duck) and half a tab of acidophilus and filtered water. I rinsed out his ears with an earwash and bathed him in Nazirol (ketoconazole) shampoo every 2 days. I currently use only hydrosol for fleas and ticks.

My dog, in just over a week, has become a different animal. He is the dog we originally brought home. His eyes are clear and alert, he is energetic and keen and he sleeps like a rock, no scratching, no anxiety and we are sleeping disturbance free.

I am posting this because I can't even imagine giving ketoconazole orally. I am deeply disturbed that for so long and from so many of what were touted to be the best veterinarians in our area, not one of them suggested that Yeast might be the problem. I have decided to seek out a holistic Veterinarian because I no longer trust the expensive drug-pushing establishment.

Nutrition is a best weapon for many ailments. While I am in no way suggesting medicine has no place in treating animals, I will say that owners should be cautious.

Posted by Cheryl (Stockton, Ca) on 01/08/2012

To the December 2011 poster - how is your dog doing?

Posted by Jeffersonhi (Mililani, Hi) on 12/27/2011

Our 15 year old New Zealand Light Golden Retriever was prescribed Ketaconazole on 12/10/2011 by our vet, who did a complete work-up on her since she hasn't been in to see the vet in two years. We were there just for a check-up which they "required" in order to refill our Rymadil prescription for her achy joints. They did a blood test, fecal sample exam, the works - and kept her in the small kennel cage all day long... Then charged us $480 for it all. We were gratified to hear from the vet that she's a strong dog for her age, and had a clear result from her blood and stool sample test.

We dutifully gave her the Ketaconazole twice a day... But stopped after she refused to eat anything. We went online and discovered this (and many other) threads documenting the terrible and awful reaction to Ketaconazole... And are worried sick. We are giving her Pedialite to get fluids into her (she licks the bowl clean), but don't want to give her food yet... Since she was vomiting everything we gave her earlier. It's been 12 hours since she last ate. We have no alternative but to take her back to our vet (who has otherwise been a good friend and shown kindness in every respect to our dog and us). We will be sure to print out this thread for his enlightenment on Ketaconazole.

Posted by The Doob (Truro, Cornwall, England) on 10/25/2011

Took my healthy, normal old english sheepdog 6yrs old to vet with small scab. Removed it, gave metacam jab after op. Swelling at op site few days later, gave more metacam to reduce swelling. Then started with side effects of metacam, ie bloody stools/bloody vomit. 3 day stay in vets with gastric ulcer. They said he was fit to collect him, bring home.. But I could see he was sick, fluids on abdomen, rushed him to another vet's, referral centre. Severe advanced peritonitis, ulcer had perforated. Major op. Complication after complication, because the perforation was not detected/treated early. Feeding tubes.. 2 failed oesophagus tubes, abdomen reopened to place gastric tube, that worked. Came home, food and meds through tube for three weeks..liver/pancreas now recovered. After three months, all tests now normal. £12,000!! Couple weeks ago one of my other dog had a lesion.. Wet eczema, new vet wanted to stick him with steroids, NO WAY!

Posted by Timh (Louisville, Usa) on 10/19/2011 2042 posts

Liz, I am terribly sorry for this incident (accident). The Hippocratic oath has been broken again. I also hope your kitty is still alive as of this writing. If I may suggest a couple of things which might help. First, I am a big advocate of magnet therapy as it helps sooo many conditions. If you have a refrigerator magnet rub your kitty with the side that sticks to metal surfaces. Do this for several hrs if possible on a daily basis. If possible buy him a magnet pet pad to sleep on. For internal cleaning, add one drop of H2O2 3% (Hydrogen Peroxide) to his water dropper. Slowly increase by one drop until he is back to normal. Hope this isn't too late.

Posted by Liz (Kenmore, New York) on 10/14/2011

My 14 yr old male Norwegian Forest cat was given antibiotics to treat dental problems he was having. I was in bad shape financially, and could not pay the full amount of all the tests and cleaning, (because the vet, like every other vet, refuses to do payment plans) so the vet put him on a 2 dose a day antibiotic. He doesn't weigh too much anymore because of his age, so I was very surprised when they told me the dose was 1mL, which was the entire tube dropper. Just seemed like way to much. Especially when they told me that he developed a heart murmur.

So I gave it to him and within the first 2 days, he started vomiting up this white bubbly phlegm all the time and had diarhrea very bad. I had called the vet, and they said it was "normal" and to not worry about it and it would go away within a few days.

The next few days were spent with him hiding constantly (which he only does when he's hurt or sick - which is very rare) and his appetite went way down and he stopped going to the bathroom all together.

Within the end of that week of him being on it, he had a stroke when I was in the middle of brushing his hair. I immediately stopped giving him the antibiotics and hoped he would recover from having the stroke because by the next day he was walking around and eating again.

But he hasn't. He's gotten worse and he's still vomiting up that white stuff. And now he refuses to eat, drink and still hasn't gone to the bathroom. And to make matters worse, I've called every vet in the city and no one takes payment plans so I can't even treat him. All they keep telling me is that he'll need a whole bunch of tests and that it's going to cost a lot of money which is due at the end of the visit, and they won't even see him unless I can pay the entire bill. Talk about being in it for the animals!

He was fine before he got put on this stuff, and now I have to watch him slowly die because of it. He was the most loveable cat and would cuddle, bring me socks, play and chase our other 2 cats around the house. Now all he does is sit in the tub or hide under the bed and we've been forced to feed him using a syringe. He was the best cat ever with the most unique personality and now I'm forced with the decision to euthenize him or not, which is the hardest decision I've ever had to make. He was my little boy and I love him to death and it's their fault that this is happening to him!

Posted by Rebecca (Jacksonville Beack, Fl) on 10/07/2011

I am so against all these poisons for our animals. My Golden/Shepherd mix is almost 12 years... And took her off Demerax (?) and Rimadyl, ... And just give her plain aspirin. She has had only two Rabies shots in her lifetime... I refuse to keep going back.

We had an American PitBull... Beautiful healthy dog until a friend of ours who worked at a Vet's office administered "Advantage Multi" on his back for flea, tick, and worms?? Multi POISONS at one time!! I was against it.... Three hours later he had four grand mall seizures for the first time in his five years... He went right down after that for the next six months, one seizure after another.... This POISON had compromised his nervous system AND his respiratory system!! He got so bad my son had to put him down.... His quality of life was horrible! Well, I wrote the Advantage company and highly complained and accused them of killing our dog and I told everyone I saw, all the Vets around here... And it wasn't long after that.... It was in the news that cats and dogs were dying from this product, and it was taken off the market! I can't find it anywhere. Too many poisons to our children and animals are being given to US... And all at once! I gave some flea medicine back to a Vet when it caused my dog to throw up his entire dinner an hour later. The Vet got perturbed with me because I would not give it to my dog.... I told him IT is POISON to my DOG.... You are killing my dog trying to kill the fleas!! It wasn't Heartguard.... It was a new poison that has to be given with food. So I have had enough... And only give Aspirin, and spray them with alcohol.... They don't have fleas anyway!

Flea/Tick/Heartworm Medications
Posted by Katie (Albany, Ny) on 09/04/2011

Anybody's dogs have reactions to Vectra 3D for fleas and ticks. My dog is all scabby and has blisters where I put it on his back, the vet said it was his allergys, BUT it's only where I put the stuff.. Any response will help.. TY

Posted by Cheryl (Fort Worth, Texas) on 08/28/2011


I have used Iverectin for over 20 years from Mastiffs to Mini Schnauzers, Am Staffs, Jack Russels.. One of my Am Staffs is solid white and she has done great on it, I have never had a problem with it at all, but I was warned years ago, NEVER give to them while they are hot.. So I dose mine early morning.. That may be part of the problem with some of the effects some have seen using it.

Flea/Tick/Heartworm Medications
Posted by Skeeterone (Pegram, Usa) on 08/28/2011

Read lots of posts about pet's vaccines, diet, etc.

Does anyone have any comments on Heartguard or Tri-Heart Heartworm meds when given to herd dogs?

I do warn that even a dog like mine, a Fila Braziliero Mastiff, that has some herd dog in her breeding background should not be given Heartworm meds. I have never given the meds before, I read extensively. I had never given the heartworm meds before because it is so toxic. But with weather changing all over the country I decided the chance of heartworms was becoming so prevalant that I would go ahead and go against my true feelings. I treat my lawn, my dogs (also toxic) for fleas, no stagnant water, etc.

My Fila puppy was 3 mos old when I first gave her the meds. She has been itching and biting herself intensely ever since, I tried everything, vet said probably an allergy but did not venture a guess as to any possibility except diet or flea control. I have tried everything, from hydrocodone spray, to creams, a weak clorex bath, apple cider vinegar, changing her diet, etc. Never used too much flea control dip.

I discontinued the heartworm meds, just a week ago. She seems some better for the first time in almost 4 mos. She has always had a beautiful coat, and seemed to have healthy skin, etc. Now there is some breaking out on her inter legs, not on her body which is the main area she scratches and bites on. Maybe the the breakout is kinda like measles, or chicken pox in humans. Maybe the allergy has moved to the skins service and is going to go away.

I also have given her vitamin C in the form of calcium absorbate because she was a winter pup and to help her immune system and MSM a natural sulfur that I gave her for a birth defect in her spine. I discontinued both for now.

I just wondered if anyone has had any bad side-effects from giving their pet heartworm meds.

I know there are much worst side effects and damage that heartworm meds can do than just itching. I also have found thru reading that its easier to get rid of heartworms, than to treat the side effects that sometime never go away. I hope my baby girl, Jazzi, is not one of the unlucky ones due to my error. After reading the posts in this website, I'm almost afraid to give her a rabies shot.

Where is all of this going to stop. The food that we and our pets buy is unhealthy for us, and meds are the same and getting worse or else all the info we have now is just now coming to light for people like me. It's all about greed as far as the profitable situation that selling all these poision products are putting big companies that we once trusted....... We can no longer know anything is safe.... Not for sure.

Unless we grow our own garden and slaughter our own animals for food for us and our beloved pets. Even then the enviroment is questionable also.

Would hope to read someone's experience with heartworm meds. Or learn any info that I might not have read or heard about. There seems to be there's nothing that's safe. Years ago there was worry of plagues, now we have to worry about vaccines, meds, and most everything that was put into place originally for eraticating disease. Now only profit seems to be the issue with big business for man and his best friend.

Thanks for reading, May God Bless all the humans and pets adversely affected by the state of our world.


Posted by Julie (Coventry, England) on 08/22/2011


Posted by Cheyenne (Lakewood, Colorado) on 07/21/2011

I had a cat who died very suddenly at 4 1/2 years of age, he was fine the evening before, dead the next morning. I had a room mate at that time who was on 475 mg effexor and I have seen her drop pills. Would effexor have been deadly if my cat had swallowed one pill? What other causes could there have been for him who was healthy to all of a sudden die?

Bentonite Clay to Counteract
Posted by Fiona (London, England) on 06/24/2011

My cat was in a bad way from being overdosed at the vets with drugs. He developed diahrroea with blood in it and after the vets medicine for the diahrroea failed it occured to me to try some Bentonite drink. He took this without resisitance (unlike the vets medicine which we struggled to get into him) and after eating about a teaspoon worth of thick Bentonite mixture (hydrated of course... DO NOT GIVE DRY BENTONITE)he was back to normal the next day thank God

Research the healing effects of edible clay.... It's marvellous stuff. I always have some ready to go (as you must have allowed the Bentonite clay to absorb the water for a minimum of 20 minutes)

All the best,


Posted by Steph (Kennedale, Tx) on 06/20/2011

An australian shepherd or border collie mix puppy we had taken had some kind of rash so we thought after a month of it not going away after using different shampoos we should take it to the vet. He was treated for ringworm. The vet had prescribed ketoconazole and after 5 days of giving the half tab every 12 hours we noticed he stopped eating. We were told to stop giving the medicine and to try giving boiled chicken and rice. The pup became very weak and fatigued and would not eat and just lay there. Deciding not to take him back to the vet who had prescribed this treatment which was made him worse than what he was originally, we let the dog peacefully go.

I would really think twice before giving dogs medicines and found out that most cases of ringworm can disappear on their own. I should have stuck with mother nature instead of trusting a licensed professional to assist with this matter of nature.

Posted by Max (Monterey, Ca) on 06/02/2011

hello.. We just took our 6 year old beagle to the vet because his ears were itchy. Vet said ears were just red inside and gave him a coritsone shot and some ear drops it has been 4 days and he has drank a ton of water, seems uncomfortable and peeing a lot. Vet said he would drink and pee a lot. After reading everyones comments I will never go the cortisone route again. thank you all for your comments even though many of them are heart breaking..

Posted by Brenda (San Antonio, Texas) on 05/31/2011

I have found that for a small dog 1 teaspoon of whole organic aloe vera daily works wonders for dogs or cats with allergys of any kind. Please check the animals food for chemicals. What is in the treets you give them. Brenda

Posted by Doug (San Antonio, Texas) on 05/05/2011


Ivomectrin should not be used on Border Collies it absolutely causes siezures. We chose Advantage Multi based on research and advice from several other Border Collie owners. Our two year old Border Collie has had no problems with Advantage Multi.

Posted by Itsytexan (Houston, Tx) on 04/29/2011


The rule is "White Feet Don't Treat", which I have recently learned the hard way. My vet gave my dog heartworm preventative with Ivermectin in it and she almost died. I have since learned that some dogs, often the ones with tan or brown bodies and white feet (hence the rule) have a gene mutation that makes then sensitive to Ivermectin. It basically goes straight to their brain. It's ugly. The vet never should have given this dog, that was a stray with 4 white paws and looks like an aussie/lab mix (aussies, collies, and a few other breeds are more likely to have the sensitivity). And when she saw that my dog could barely walk, she should have known what was happening. Please spread the word about this.

Posted by Susan (Brockway, Pa Usa) on 04/26/2011

I am very cautious to what I give my 13 year old terrier mix. He was in such bad shape, as a 8 month old orphan when he showed up on our doorstep. He needed surgery on his leg and I thought I one point we were going to have to put him down. The vet started him out on 75 mg of rimadyl. I read how it can cause liver damage, so I cut him down to 1/2 tablet and observed him over a period of time. He did fine. So I cut him down to 1/4 tablet with 1/2 tablet Glucosamine Chondroitin. He has flourished and has done really well. I don't understand why vets don't start out an animal on the lowest dose, and move up to higher doses as needed. Especially when it can cause liver or renal damage.

Posted by Jim (Renovo, Pa) on 04/24/2011



his weight is 75 pds and was given 37 mg per day.

the vet felt it was not the DERAMAXX . He was fine until I gave him this pill. day after I stopped it he is back to about 80% and is peeing and walking .

pupils have returned to normal and he is loving dog he has always been.

folks STAY AWAY FROM DERAMAXX, I know it works on some dogs but I believe if I would not have stopped it after 4th day my lab would be dead. Not blaming the vet but it is not SAFE for every dog. vets feel its like aspirin, ITS NOT AND COULD KILL YOUR DOG.

Posted by Tome (Hendersonville, Nc) on 04/02/2011


I do not know whether the bacteria that is causing havoc among people taking antibiotics is a problem for our animals but just in case, I would think it wise to include some acidophilus in your animal's diet while he or she is on the antibiotics. Once a person is suffering from c. Diff, it is very, very difficult to cure. The cramps alone will bring a strong man to his knees and our animals will not be able to tell us about the cramps. Also, until the c. diff is under control with acidophilus, one cannot eat even a bite of banana (in my case, at least) without bringing on the cramping.

Posted by Lblibris (Slc, Utah) on 03/05/2011


My 15 year old cocker developed nuerotoxicity to this drug and unfornately passed away within one of week of taking it. Please view this website that tells about our experience and more information, including where to report adverse reactions to medications.

Posted by Casperc (Casper, Wy) on 03/01/2011


My 5 yr. Old OES dog was prescribed 1500mg of metronidazole 2 times a day for 10 days initially because of vomiting and diarrhea. With the first vet visit a blood workup was done with good results, just a little dehydration. The second vet visit was 7 days later because the vomiting was still happening (stools were a bit better). They did x-rays on the second vet visit that revealed thickened intestines (maybe a foreign body present also???) and he was prescribed an additional 10 days of 1500 mg 2 times a day of metronidazole.

I came home last night (17 days into taking meds) to a dog having a seisure and not being able to get up afterwards. When I tried to move him he had another seisure and again was unable to stand afterwards. The vet came to the house and as they tried to move him he had another seisure. They administered valium to calm him. After some time he was able to get up and was wobbly. They kept him overnight and apparently he had more seisures this morning. They are trying to keep him sedated and hydrate him and will keep him for another day at least. We're suspecting the Metronidazole.

Posted by Julee Johnson (Medina, Ohio, Usa) on 02/25/2011


I read on here that a women's Border Collie had seizures when her dog was on Heart Guard. I do not keep my Border Collie mix on Heart Guard year round. She has had three seizures that I have witnessed over the years. I went through her records and she was on Heart Guard at the time of all three seizures. I don't think I'll put her back on it and I'll be curious to see if she has anymore.

Posted by Godsgal (Santa Clarita, Ca) on 12/20/2010


My late Bichon Frise was prescribed Metacam (meloxicam) 1. 5mg oral suspension for arthritis. He did not show any symptoms of arthritic pain and was a bouncy, youthful little guy until he was given this medication. After only one dose, he became disoriented, started walking in circles and kept "crying". I immediately took him off these meds and did a search on line about this medication. There were so many side affects that I called the vet to discuss this. He refused to take my call. My little guy lived another 2 years but his quality of life was gone after just 1 dose! Please beware of this drug!

Posted by Lulu (England, Uk) on 11/25/2010

Just wondering if Ketoconazole Shampoo has the same effects as the medicine? I use the shampoo for treatment of scalp psoriosis and works well. After reading the items about Ketoconazole Im just not sure if I should use it on my dog? any thoughts would be much appreciated : )

Posted by Anna (Philadelphia, Pa,usa) on 11/04/2010

My unspayed dog was given prednisolone -side effect: breast tumors!

Flea/Tick/Heartworm Medications
Posted by Sp (Lavergne, Tn) on 11/03/2010

Hi, In regard to the garlic. How much garlic can I give my dogs? Thank you.

Posted by Karen (Idaho Falls, Id) on 10/25/2010


My sister-in-law raises show shelties and has done so for at least 20 years. She informed me that it is a known fact that shepherd breed dogs are highly allergic to ivermectin- it should NEVER be prescribed for herding dogs as it is known to be fatal to them. That vet should never have given it to a shepherd mix.

Posted by Kristine (Bayville, Nj) on 10/16/2010

Hello. I do not want to sway anyone, but I wanted to share my experience. I have 2 long haired Chihuahua's who are going to be 17 next month. The one had arthritis so bad at age 8, I thought he was dying. He could barely get up without help. He has been on rimadyl for 9 years now. He takes a 1/4 of a 25 mg tablet per day. He now runs around like a puppy! He is in better shape at almost 17 then at 8. My other chihuahua has been taking it for the past few years, the same dosage. I don't know if it is because my dosage is low (5 pound dogs) but I think the medicine has given my dog a great quality of life. I think you have to research & do what you think is best, but some of the comments like reputable vets would never prescribe are uncalled for. For me, it saved my dogs quality of life & I don't think he would still be alive without it. Like I said, I don't want to sway anyone, but I think you need to research & make your own decisions. Good Luck to you all.

Allergy Shots
Posted by Wendy (Vancouver, Washington) on 09/16/2010

Many thanks to all of you warning about the allergy shots. I have a 20 lb, 2 yr old Jack Russell terrier who has bad allergies (very loud snoring, and probable sleep apnea). He has also had three seizures since I rescued him last Feb. He was severely physically abused and neglected, but otherwise I have no medical history on him. I have had no past experience with terriers, or any other small/med sized breeds, nor these two medical conditions. But I will definitely avoid any shots. Any further posts to help me help my dog is greatly appreciated!

Flea/Tick/Heartworm Medications
Posted by Julie (Coventry, England) on 09/14/2010

Hi, I would recommend sprinkling turmeric and cayenne onto your dog's food. It appears the ticks and fleas don't like the smell. My dog spends alot of time in The New Forest and the area is rife with ticks. He has not had one. Forget what the vet says, these toxic chemicals he is selling you can cause brain problems as well as affecting the nervous system. GO NATURAL.

Flea/Tick/Heartworm Medications
Posted by Natalie (Greenbelt, Maryland) on 09/04/2010

Gayle, could you please give us the name of this repellent? Thank you!

Posted by Ney (San Cristobal, S. C., Dominican Republic) on 08/21/2010


Warning! Amistar 50 WG is the name of a commercial product whose active ingredient is azoxystrobin. It is used in agriculture against certain types of fungus. I used it with my dog trying cancer. Nevertheless, after the treatment finished, my dog developed a kidney infection. I cannot, positively, say the azoxystrobin causes the infection, but, just be careful. God bless you...

Posted by Crysgrits (Charlotte, Nc) on 07/28/2010

I had an incredibly similar experience with the metronidazole, although our dosage was not long-term, it was a typical 10 day dosage. My 7 year old terrier mix was put on metronidazole as a precaution because she was sick and they were using it as an antibiotic. After about 2 days of being on the drug, she was unable to walk straight, a few hours later, she was unable to operate her hind legs. The vet we were using kept her for the day, flushed her system, put her on iv's, etc. However, I would not let them keep her overnight, as they did not have anybody there overnight. I picked her up and intended on keeping her for the evening. A few hours later, I couldn't take it. It was clear that she was completely unaware that I was sitting right beside her, and her eyes began shaking (shifting right to left) uncontrollably. I had to take her to an emergency vet (different vet), and he warned me that this is a rare side effect, but known, and can even happen in humans as well as dogs. He told me it essentially attacked her brain. Luckily she turned out to be OK, after 2 days in the hospital hooked up to fluids to flush her system of the drug, but apparently most dogs with the reaction are not as lucky. None of my dogs will ever be given this drug again.

Flea/Tick/Heartworm Medications
Posted by Gayle (Birnamwood, Wi) on 07/13/2010

I use and have been very happy with a horse fly repellent that I get at a farm store. It is organic and safe to use on cats and dogs over 12 weeks of age. I just spray it on when I notice any bugs starting to bother my pets. Works great for mosquitoes flies, ticks, fleas, gnats and lice.

Posted by Mountainlady (Bakersfield, Ca) on 07/03/2010

My black lab has had skin itching most of his 12 years. After many useless trips to the vet, my feed supplier suggested changing his food. We now feed all natural products with no chicken or beef products or by products. He cannot tolerate the grains or glutins in anything. He is now fed duck and potato canned food and a glutin, meat and grain free dry food for several years. His skin condition has improved greatly and the itching has stopped. Most of the time, I have found the allergies are caused by food. The vet didn't bother to tell us that and would rather medicate than suggest a change in the diet. Unless of course they are able to sell you the food. Don't fall for that either. We also found that he is allergic to a lot of stuff in treats. When he starts itching again, we stop what ever is new to his diet. Now he gets dry white bread toast pieces for a cookie treat and he has no problem with that. They are crunchie and he loves them.

Posted by Dalia (Winchester, United Kingdom)

Re: Metcam (allergic reaction). I had Teddy, a 2 year old pekingese who put his back out. The vet injected him with Metacam and within hours he had breathing problems and the next morning he died. The vet admitted the death was caused by an allergic reaction to the Metacam and he did what he could to counter balance the reaction but to no avail. Has anyone else had this problem?

Posted by Donna (Las Vegas, Nv) on 03/23/2010

Am answering this cause my dog is almost lame in one hip from displaysia, and wew have him on Tramadol. I gave our other Dog the prednizone and rimadyl and she died from her injuries, but was so uncomfortable until she did. The dog, is much better, and there's not the side effects with the Tramodal as with the other nsaid and such. It's worth a try. I found out recently my sister had her collie on tramodal for three years before she died, and she did great. It worth the try anyway, if your having trouble with the other.

Posted by Romina (Los Angeles, Ca) on 03/02/2010

I didn't know of any of these side effects when my dog got the shot. He is 3 years old now and has about 4 of these shots. He has very bad allergies and itching all his life but the treatment for that is too expensive for me. The shots seemed to work fine with him for about 2 months but the itching would return. He's never seemed to have any of the side effects listed only that he would drink more than the normal amount of water. Thank you all for your posts I will be sure to NEVER get him that shot again. Are there any ideas of anything else to do to stop the itching??

Posted by Dana L. (Darlington, Sc) on 02/07/2010

My pekingese mix was prescribed Ketoconozole three days ago but after her third dose today (100 mgs 2x daily) I think I'm going to stop giving it to her. She has developed a nagging cough, which she has NEVER had before since she started taking this medicine. I'm worried that the long-term side effects will be much worse than this cough we're experiencing. I don't know what I'll do about the yeast infection in her ears but we'll just have to find something else!

Posted by Dp (Louisvill, Ky) on 02/03/2010

Vet gave Annie a steroid injection last night for an ear drainage problem that antibiotics did not clear up. Annie is a semi-feral and very difficult to treat kitty. She came home last night and ate normally, but this morning is lethargic and won't touch her food. Vet says it may be due to office visit trauma. But I'm very upset and worried.

Posted by Beth (St. Louis, Mo) on 11/15/2009

Alternative for Rimadyl Needed

My two dogs got into a fight today and one ended up with stitches. He just got home a while ago and is doing okay. They gave me Rimadyl for pain- but considering the chance of horrible side-effects- I'd like to opt for a more natural remedy. I don't want him to be in pain though either- does anyone know anything I can give him for the pain? He's a Border Collie-mix, right around 50 lbs. Thanks for your help!

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