Pet Medication Side Effects
Natural Remedies

Pet Medication Side Effects & Drug Detox

| Modified on Jun 21, 2023
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Earth Clinic has already received extensive reports on the ailments and side effects caused by medicines prescribed for our pets by well-meaning veterinarians, and we're concerned. Please let us know about any side effects you have witnessed after your vet administered a new prescription or medication. We'd like to know the breed of your pet and also which medication/prescription he or she received. The more information you can give, the more clearly we can make conclusions about which medical treatments are causing side effects in our dogs, cats, and other pets and how best to treat them.

Please note, if your pet has experienced side effects from a vaccination, please read our extensive pet vaccination side effects page.

Home Remedies for Pets Suffering Medication Side Effects

If your dog, cat, or other pet is experiencing ill health or various side effects from a veterinary medication, you may want to consider activated charcoal, bentonite clay, or homeopathic nosodes for dogs to counteract the effects of the drug.

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Allergy Shots

1 User Review

Posted by Pamela (Ada, Oklahoma) on 06/01/2009

My bull terrier has received allergy shots in the past. The past week I took her for her regular shot, but they gave her a dose for a 61 to 80 lb dog. She weighs between 60 and 63 lbs. I had noticed side effects before, but not this drastically. She has been having panting episodes, especially at night. She seems more hyper and cannot get enough food.

I have been monitoring her intake as her stomach has been swollen since the shots. She has also had a very loose stool since the shot. I have given her 2 kinds of medicines for bacteria in the stomach since this happened.

I am really worried about her since I read the other readers comments about the side effects of allergy shots. I will NEVER take her to this vet again. I think they over dosed her. I am going to find another vet probably in another state as the vets here in Oklahoma seem to have no clue what they are doing. I had a 2 year old bull terrier die in November because he started having seziures. The vets here had no idea why...I just don't think these people are interested in anything but getting your money. No more allergy shots for my dog. I will find an alternative solution.

Replied by Wendy
(Vancouver, Washington)

Many thanks to all of you warning about the allergy shots. I have a 20 lb, 2 yr old Jack Russell terrier who has bad allergies (very loud snoring, and probable sleep apnea). He has also had three seizures since I rescued him last Feb. He was severely physically abused and neglected, but otherwise I have no medical history on him. I have had no past experience with terriers, or any other small/med sized breeds, nor these two medical conditions. But I will definitely avoid any shots. Any further posts to help me help my dog is greatly appreciated!


4 User Reviews
1 star (1) 

Posted by Chilkat (Uk) on 08/04/2017


It is exceedingly irresponsible to use any allopathic drug found in a drawer on a pet, firstly without seeking vet advice, & even MORE importantly if it is a fluoroquinolone so called antibiotic such as Cipro. PLEASE DO NOT use Cipro or ANY fluoroquinolone on any living creature unless it is dying! These extremely dangerous so called fluoroquinolone 'antibiotics' are actually failed chemo drugs, they are topoisomerase inhibitors masquerading as antibiotics, & they are trashing the lives of countless people & our precious pets through the world, they have been doing so for around 30 years. This includes ALL modes of administration of FQ, INCLUDING the topical versions, the eye & ear drops . I am now permanently disabled because of this drug, & my precious cat was also sent irreversibly blind by the FQ BAYTRIL.

Please note the following : The FDA have again updated the warnings on this class of so called ' antibiotic'. because of our advocacy, this time confirming that are indeed associated with disabling & potentially permanent side effects of the tendons, muscles, joints, nerves, & CNS all which can occur together in the same patient, I know so, I exist in this horrific world every day along with many others. The FQs should only ever be used as a last resort drug, when all other suitable antibiotic options have been tried & all have failed due to the serious risks they pose.

Again, & I cannot stress this strongly enough, Please, do NOT take this so called ' antibiotic' unless you will die without it. Please google fluoroquinolone toxicity / FQAD ( fluoroquinolone associated disability ) for more information on this worldwide atrocity. You can find stories of pets who have suffered injuries from these so called antibiotics here. Http:// Https://

Posted by Budda (Va.) on 10/29/2016

I am very anxious to find a natural remedy for my 1 yr old Sharpei who started suffering allergies at 6 months during the fall time which now he is a year and they are starting again. He is on prednisone and antibiotic because he was scratching and biting himself so bad he had open cuts. We did notice a huge difference the first time he was on the antibiotic stopped the itching and healed all the hot spots. This time around his skin under is foreleg is so dry and cracked and peeling. I am very concerned that it is from the antibiotic. I have been putting coconut oil on it, but need advice for another remedy please or has anyone else experienced this before?

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hey Budda!

I have experienced seasonal allergies in my dogs before along with dogs with food sensitivities. I had one who only had problems in the fall, like your dog, and I have had others who seemed to be sensitive to the mold in the lawn during the spring thaw, and others to the pollen from certain trees. I have gotten them through with prednisone, and antibiotics when they blew up and got infected - no fun! Prevention is almost as much work as effecting a cure when you have a sensitive dog. What helped my pack was:

1) top quality groceries and NO grains/corn in the diet, no diets with artificial anything/dyes/added colors, no doggy junk food

2) alkalizing the drinking water with baking soda on a rotating schedule

3) Ted's Borax protocol for dogs [borax in drinking water] on a rotating schedule

4) oral supplements to reduce inflation - turmerc, yucca and quercetin

5) boosting the immune system with colostrum from health food store

6) reducing allergens in the environment - neutral laundry soap and house hold cleaners

7) frequent bathing in Ted's Mange Remedy when dogs seemed 'itchy'

8) benadryl - if you know an episode is heading your way sometimes dosing ahead of time can avert an allergic reaction

9) prednasone/steroid shot - when I am out of ideas and my pet is suffering, I will use them.

The key is to keep looking for solutions until you find one that works. I would start with the diet and I would not hesitate to rotate protiens - so fish protien for one bag, next bag I buy is chicken diet, then the bag after that is beef diet, and so on. NO doggy junk food - which is pretty much any dog treat on the market. I use cubed swiss cheese for treats [yellow cheese is colored with annatto which some dogs are sensitive to]. I would also have an allergy dog on a limited vaccination schedule / no more vaccines.

Good luck and let us know what works for your pei!

Replied by Debbie
(East Sussex)

I know this is a quite awhile since you posted. So, I don't know if you will read this.

If anyone needs an antibiotic. You should use Colloidal silver. The best quality.

This can be given internally and sprayed on externally. I never use anything else for my 4 dogs and 3 cats. For any type of infection.

I would also, recommend using original, baby shampoo, to bathe in. Followed by, in the final rinse. half water/half white vinegar. And, leave it on to dry.

Feed only raw. Food causes a lot of allergies. And, skin issues. Etc.

Posted by Tome (Hendersonville, Nc) on 04/02/2011


I do not know whether the bacteria that is causing havoc among people taking antibiotics is a problem for our animals but just in case, I would think it wise to include some acidophilus in your animal's diet while he or she is on the antibiotics. Once a person is suffering from c. Diff, it is very, very difficult to cure. The cramps alone will bring a strong man to his knees and our animals will not be able to tell us about the cramps. Also, until the c. diff is under control with acidophilus, one cannot eat even a bite of banana (in my case, at least) without bringing on the cramping.

Replied by Liz
(Kenmore, New York)

My 14 yr old male Norwegian Forest cat was given antibiotics to treat dental problems he was having. I was in bad shape financially, and could not pay the full amount of all the tests and cleaning, (because the vet, like every other vet, refuses to do payment plans) so the vet put him on a 2 dose a day antibiotic. He doesn't weigh too much anymore because of his age, so I was very surprised when they told me the dose was 1mL, which was the entire tube dropper. Just seemed like way to much. Especially when they told me that he developed a heart murmur.

So I gave it to him and within the first 2 days, he started vomiting up this white bubbly phlegm all the time and had diarhrea very bad. I had called the vet, and they said it was "normal" and to not worry about it and it would go away within a few days.

The next few days were spent with him hiding constantly (which he only does when he's hurt or sick - which is very rare) and his appetite went way down and he stopped going to the bathroom all together.

Within the end of that week of him being on it, he had a stroke when I was in the middle of brushing his hair. I immediately stopped giving him the antibiotics and hoped he would recover from having the stroke because by the next day he was walking around and eating again.

But he hasn't. He's gotten worse and he's still vomiting up that white stuff. And now he refuses to eat, drink and still hasn't gone to the bathroom. And to make matters worse, I've called every vet in the city and no one takes payment plans so I can't even treat him. All they keep telling me is that he'll need a whole bunch of tests and that it's going to cost a lot of money which is due at the end of the visit, and they won't even see him unless I can pay the entire bill. Talk about being in it for the animals!

He was fine before he got put on this stuff, and now I have to watch him slowly die because of it. He was the most loveable cat and would cuddle, bring me socks, play and chase our other 2 cats around the house. Now all he does is sit in the tub or hide under the bed and we've been forced to feed him using a syringe. He was the best cat ever with the most unique personality and now I'm forced with the decision to euthenize him or not, which is the hardest decision I've ever had to make. He was my little boy and I love him to death and it's their fault that this is happening to him!

Replied by Timh
(Louisville, Usa)
2042 posts

Liz, I am terribly sorry for this incident (accident). The Hippocratic oath has been broken again. I also hope your kitty is still alive as of this writing. If I may suggest a couple of things which might help. First, I am a big advocate of magnet therapy as it helps sooo many conditions. If you have a refrigerator magnet rub your kitty with the side that sticks to metal surfaces. Do this for several hrs if possible on a daily basis. If possible buy him a magnet pet pad to sleep on. For internal cleaning, add one drop of H2O2 3% (Hydrogen Peroxide) to his water dropper. Slowly increase by one drop until he is back to normal. Hope this isn't too late.

Replied by Ali
(Dothan, U.s.)

Side effects, Dear Liz , I just found this site, so I know this comment is late in coming. But I still wanted to express my deepest thoughts to you. I hope so much your baby made it. I'm going through a serious problem with my cat too. She has been sick for so very long and is on antibiotics again, and the Vets have drained my senior income and put me in debt that will take the rest of my life to get out of, if I live that long. And yes, I'am very, very bitter about it too, because they still have not found any solution to help her.

With the office visits costing so much with every trip ( $38.00 To $52.00 a visit) I could never save up enough money to pay for the treatments they kept needing. (Seniors have a hard time trying to just pay for their pets food. I do without many times so she can eat. ) and, I feel I have to keep trying to help her and not give up on her she is my Love, a Big part of my life. Now with over $7,800 in credit card bills and watching her die, I'm beyond depressed. I can't find the strength to put her to sleep. The Saddest part about it too, is, the disrespect I felt from the office staff because I would ask about the cost of each test and why it was needed, and sometimes the test were just crazy to do. And always, always in a rush to get you out, and won't talk to you. I have never felt so lost and low in being a human being as I did in my Vets office. They all acted so insensitive to the deep love I had for my cat and made me feel like I was cheap and just a crazy cat person and wanted service for nothing. I feel I will Never try to own another pet and Not because I don't think we need to help our animals , but, because I 'am going to Refuse to EVER support another Vet in my life time. I have Learned a thing or to about them through all of this. Most of them have a need to take a serious look at their morals, and learn Money isn't Everything, and realize humans have brought on this over population of animals and put their life in harms way and we owe it to them to help them. You would think a Vet would be a lot more caring, but, they are not, it's a very sad state for those of us that do care, but, have to suffer so much trying to help them. I have Lost a Big part of myself because of my resentment about This So Called Profession of doing it for the animals. A loving Pet owner deserves more respect because of their Love for their pets. So many pets are abused so very bad.

Replied by Om
(Hope, Canada, Bc)

I completly sympatise with the agony and sorrow these vets have caused to you and the kitty. I have had a cat hospice since in my early fifties and now I am seventy-seven years old with some dogs/cats remaining. Vets have killed several of these cats that should have been treated with love, not greed. I have had to experience cats dying of broken heart, abandonment and othere factors. This has broken my life to some extent. Even now I am mistreated by city hall even though everything is in order with numerous letters of support. Antibiotica are given for everything and the result is often a cat literally withering away. I give diluted buttermilk or yoghourt for a long time, even baby probiotics and have put some now on a famous tea that has the name of the nurse in reverse that cured thousands of sick people here in Canada in the past. Now I give natural Ayurvedic and western remedies that are for people which are supporting and healing.

I found vets putting down pets that should have been left to die naturally with the support of the owner as I have done. I have only one hope that in the near future there will come a completely different healing system, not a sickness system based on dollars. These vets are heartless, cruel and avaricious. I once volunteered for a vet only to realize that these people have sold themselves out to a life of money raking, forgetting their purpose in life.

My life was full of pain and because of the agony I had to witness without hardly any support of two-legged ones. The love I have received was beyond words and I know they are far more aware than people have them be. Even now I am ostracised and driven out of a international spiritual community because I am considered unclean because of my life with cats and dogs in need. God bless you all animal guardians and look forward to times when this cruel and spiritless system will disappear. Om


1 User Review
1 star (1) 

Posted by Ney (San Cristobal, S. C., Dominican Republic) on 08/21/2010


Warning! Amistar 50 WG is the name of a commercial product whose active ingredient is azoxystrobin. It is used in agriculture against certain types of fungus. I used it with my dog trying cancer. Nevertheless, after the treatment finished, my dog developed a kidney infection. I cannot, positively, say the azoxystrobin causes the infection, but, just be careful. God bless you...


1 User Review

Posted by Jessica (Port Hueneme, Ca) on 08/31/2015

Baytril killed my cats!

I had two different cats of different ages given Baytril for different reasons. Both of them died 2 weeks after being given the drug. They took the pills for one week. I watched and kept taking them back to the vet. I complained that I knew it was Baytril and was brushed off. With both of their lives ending in a final seizure. Take this drug off the market. I see way to many complaints all over the internet.

Replied by Kelli

I am extremely thankful to come across this post, my cat was just prescribed this medicine along with others after having a suspected respiratory infection. He wouldn't take this drug regardless of my many efforts and the vet told me to stop administering. I can't tell you how GRATEFUL I am to know this, I had never heard of the drug before and in my research came across so much information it's hard to know what to listen to esp when your cat is seriously ill. Thank you so much for letting others know. I am however deeply saddened that it was learned by the loss of your cats, my heart goes out to you and I am truly sorry for your loss.

Bentonite Clay to Counteract

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Fiona (London, England) on 06/24/2011

My cat was in a bad way from being overdosed at the vets with drugs. He developed diahrroea with blood in it and after the vets medicine for the diahrroea failed it occured to me to try some Bentonite drink. He took this without resisitance (unlike the vets medicine which we struggled to get into him) and after eating about a teaspoon worth of thick Bentonite mixture (hydrated of course... DO NOT GIVE DRY BENTONITE)he was back to normal the next day thank God

Research the healing effects of edible clay.... It's marvellous stuff. I always have some ready to go (as you must have allowed the Bentonite clay to absorb the water for a minimum of 20 minutes)

All the best,



1 User Review

Posted by Rita (Miami, FL) on 12/17/2014

My cat was killed by Clavamox. My cat seemed to have a hairball he could not expel. On Friday he doesn't eat most of his food but does drink water and can walk and sit up fine. Saturday morning he doesn't want to eat and he feels very warm as if he had a fever. From symptoms I thought he might have a stomach infection from hairball; he could still walk and sit up fine.

His vet gives me Clavamox. I force feed him some food and 1 hour later I give him 1 ml of Clavamox. Soon after he ingests the antibiotic, he vomits the food I had given him and the hairball came out, his temperature goes down, but he seems to become weak, lethargic, and not able to walk well or sit up well. I just thought he had not eaten well and this is why he was like this. He still doesn't want to eat so I force feed him again water, food and Nutrical to keep him from dehydrating every 4 hrs. 12 hours later I give him another 1 ml of antibiotic.

Sunday morning he feels extremely cold to the touch, he doesn't want to eat or drink water, he is severely weak, almost unable to walk and unable to sit up. I don't give him the antibiotic and I start force feeding him food, water, Pedialite, and Nutrical every 2 hrs, and heating up towels and putting them on him to bring up his temperature, but he just gets worse as time passes. He has severely shrunk in size by now, seems to be very dehydrated no matter how much I gave him. I rush him to the emergency vet clinic where he dies.

I later find out in the internet that an allergic reaction to Clavamox makes them vomit and drowsy which were symptoms my cat presented, and Clavamox can also make their muscles weak which my cat also developed. My cat seemed to have had a severe allergic reaction to Clavamox.Be very careful in feeding this antibiotic and if you see any of these symptoms don't wait and rush him to the hospital immediately, it can mean the difference between life and death.

Replied by Kelli

I am truly sorry for your loss, my heart goes out to anyone losing a pet having been there myself, I am deeply saddened to know this happened to you.
I am grateful for the information as my cat recently was rushed to the vet with a high fever which resulted in 4 days in the hospital. He was given Clavamox and Baytril. He would not take the Baytril and I continued him on Clavamox for 12 days as directed. I discontinued at day 12 because he vomited but made a full recovery. It's so hard to know what the symptoms will be if there is a reaction, sites like this are incredibly helpfulin that regard. I am grateful for this knowledge as I have another cat and I know what to look for.

Thank you for sharing. Again, I am truly sorry for your loss.

Clavamox and Doxycycline

1 User Review

Posted by Sandyb (Shamrock, Tx) on 04/08/2012

My 7 yr old Pembroke Corgi has a history of allergies, bladder stones, and recently, contracted a Staph infection. Culture taken from inside the nose as she was having stuffed nose, crusty skin on outside of nose. Found one sore, very small on right flank. She was not herself, took her to vet, she put her on Clavamox for seven days. She appeared to worsen, took her back, changed her to Baytril and added Doxycycline. Got culture back on nose swab and put her back on Clavamox and to continue with bacterial Doxycycline. She continued to worsen, no appetite, vomiting, fever, white count had not changed, losing weight. Took her back 3/23 and she was given Covenia injection to treat the Staph and was given another round of Doxycycline to take with Covenia. She has continued to decline, no appetite, did not have fever this past Friday when took her back as she suggested she get a B-12 shot to give her some energy. On exam her left eye was completely dialated and did not grow smaller when flashlight instrument went over eye. Also the vomiting still happening about every other day to two days. She said to use Famotidine acid reducer with food to keep acidity down. I had noticed late Friday night her problem with swallowing and she would try to eat some cooked chicken but would quit after a few bites. It was apparent her throat hurt and she would cough and spit up clear slime. After a thorough reading about Doxycycline side effects I believe she now has a possible throat lesion from this med. Also, on the Covenia site it states that Doxycycline: "CONVENIA has been shown in an experimental in vitro system to result in an increase in free concentrations of carprofen, furosemide, doxycycline, and ketoconazole. Concurrent use of these or other drugs that have a high degree of protein-binding (e.g. NSAIDs, propofol, cardiac, anticonvulsant, and behavioral medications) may compete with cefovecin-binding and cause adverse reactions."

I stopped the Doxycycline Friday after she had her am pill. I am waiting to see tomorrow if she is improved at all. This morning she coughed up blood streaked slime.

Please respond to my inquiry as soon as possible. She now only takes chicken broth in a baby med dropper, no solid food at all because of apparent throat pain.

Replied by Sandyb
(Shamrock, Tx)

I want to amend the above post as my Corgi, Buffy did not have a reaction to the Doxycycline but last week was diagnosed with Dysautonomia, a horrid disease that strikes dogs, cats, horses, rabbits, and I read a Llama got the disease. There is no known cause, treatment is just to keep them comfortable and the mortality rate is 90% in dogs, 70% in cats. This disease attacks the neurons in the ganglia that controls the involuntary functions like eye dilation, blink function, respiratory, coronary, digestive functions. There is no cure at this time and our beloved companions either die of aspiration pneumonia or are euthanized due to poor quality of life. Our Buffy is no longer with us and we miss her terribly. This disease started in Europe in the 1900's and first canine was diagnosed in Missouri in the late 1980's. Missouri and Kansas are most hard hit with the disease but other states have reported it. Rural dogs close to pasture land and ponds are at risk vs city dwelling dogs. Research studies show some information that it could be due to pesticides and/or herbicides. I just wanted to correct the prior information I gave in my post so people will become aware of this disease that apparently increasing in number although still considered a rare disease. Thank you.

Replied by Jeanir
(Pittsburgh, Pa)

I know humans benefit from cayenne pepper when overdoses or accumulation of pesticides is the problem. I knew someone that was almost completely paralized and came back to normal, by using cayenne pepper everyday, he was a farmer. He still uses it everyday because he thinks it was his life saver.


9 User Reviews

Posted by MJB2 (Kansas City, MO) on 10/19/2021

My cat has flea allergies and had received a cortisone shot about once a year for the last 8 years or so. She never had any issues with the shot until last year. A few hours after the shot I noticed she was so stiff and had a large hump to her back. The next day the hump remained and she stumbled when walking and would fall when she tried to jump. Took her back to the vet but he said her hump was her loss of muscle mass due to being older. I insisted she had never had that before. He also suggested her stumbling and falling was old age and it was probably a coincidence she got the shot the same time that happened. A year later and she's never been the same after that last shot. I know it was the cortisone shot that caused this.

Replied by candygjrl

Hi I am so sorry to hear about your cat. Did things improve? I hope you can give us a positive update.

Posted by Patco007 (Miami) on 07/13/2017

Today July 13th at 6:30pm I brought my chihuahua to the vet for a stomach problem, they quoted me $500 to run some test. I told them I would go home to discuss with my wife and come back in the morning. They then pushed for a steriod shot which I accepted thinking it was the right thing to do. 30 minutes later, just as I walk in the house, my dog dies in my hands. We are in pieces right now! What can I do?

Posted by Patrice (Melbourne, Australia) on 01/21/2013

I took my 14yr Border Collie to the Vet for a back problem requiring acupuncture, whilst there the Vet convinced me to try a short five day course of cortisone for her. Within a couple of days she was panting hard and had excessive thirst and hunger, followed by a complete collapse. The Vet diagnosed it as Distibula (an inner ear problem) but my brilliant Natural Therapist, Kinesiologist, Energy worker said it was a stroke, neurological (not an inner ear problem) caused by the cortisone, which had blocked Sally's immune system from working correctly when she had eaten some broccoli that wasn't organic and had been sprayed with pesticides. Her system couldn't cope.

Thanks to the Natural Therapist and Homeopathy Sally made a pretty good recovery.

That's what Cortisone does: blocks one's own immune response to dis-eases, which can then run rampant. and is like fertilizer to cancer.

Replied by Ingrid
(Daytona Beach, Florida)

10 y/o chihuahua with CHF. Vet gave cortisone injection, dog went lethargic. She walked like a drunk and kept falling down.

297 sugar, liver GGT 44, BUN 144, I brought her home with IV electrolytes and insulin. I don't know how she made it through the night. NEVER give your pet a cortisone shot. They stopped giving them to COPD patients as it compromises the immune system. I will let you know if she makes it a week.

Posted by Nancy (Sioux Citiy, Iowa) on 04/09/2009

My young cat Daphne about 1 yr old in 8/08 injured her paw. The veterinarian gave her two cortisone injections a week or two apart. Her injured paw is fine but she now has some sort of skin infection that moves around her jaw, chin, neck, shoulder area that presents itself in thickened skin and scabbiness. It seems to be in one area, then moves from one area to another. The skin where the infection once was will seem perfectly normal for awhile, then this thickening comes back again. She appears healthy otherwise, but she has had this skin problem for well over half a year now. Also she wore a plastic Elizabethan collar for 1 1/2 weeks while her paw healed, due to her excessive licking of her paw. I'm not sure which contributed more to her skin problem, the cortisone or the Elizabethan collar. Before she hurt her paw she was perfect in every way.

Replied by Brenda
(San Antonio, Texas)

I have found that for a small dog 1 teaspoon of whole organic aloe vera daily works wonders for dogs or cats with allergys of any kind. Please check the animals food for chemicals. What is in the treets you give them. Brenda

Posted by OTH (Atlanta, GA) on 11/20/2008

My dog was scratching a lot (been a life long scratcher) but otherwise perfectly healthy so I bought him in to the vet one day when I had to bring in my other dog. The vet gave him a cortisone shot and said he may eat, drink and pee a lot. He was fine for the first 24 hours but then had a night of severe vomitting (9 plus times including blood) and was left lying and shaking in pain. He has now been at the vet for 24 hours on an IV and is in the same condition and still won't eat. No one at the vet warned me about these kinds of side effects and we don't know yet what will happen. Wish us luck.

Posted by Amy (Glendale, Arizona) on 09/29/2008

I took my 14 year old cat to the vet because she was limping. The Dr. determined it was her elbow, and gave her a shot of cortisone. My cat stopped eating, and 48 hours later I had to put her down. The cortisone may have brought to light an underlying problem, renal failure. I know she would have shown symptoms eventually, it all just happened so fast.