Tooth Abscess
Health Benefits

How to Use Hydrogen Peroxide for a Tooth Abscess

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by April (Bowling Green ) on 10/24/2015

I have a broken molar, and being new to the area had to find a new dentist. I finally found one that takes our insurance but my appointment is still a week away. By a few days ago, the tooth had gotten infected and the roof of my mouth swollen to the point I had trouble closing my mouth. I tried two things. First, I pulled coconut oil for three mornings, with no change but increased swelling and pain. Finally yesterday morning, I mixed half hydrogen peroxide 3% with water and swished it in my mouth for about five minutes, then rinsed, brushed my teeth and went to work. Around noon, my work partner asked if I was ok and I realized that I was tasting something really bad. Apparently the abscess started draining, and by this morning the swelling and pain is gone. Still going to have tooth pulled, but thanks to the H202, no infection and no pain!

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Blacjac687 (Toledo, Ohio) on 04/15/2015

I''m not going to give anyone a bunch of bs. by talking about garlic cloves or dentist's so here goes..."I have to have all my teeth pulled but in insurance". I've had several abscesses and all I did was to massage the sore area until the pain subsided and then put about 2-3 cap's of Hydrogen Peroxide in my mouth and saturate the painful area with the HP. The pain will pass almost instantly and since I have several bad teeth, rinsing with HP once or twice a day and letting it foam up in my mouth heads off any further flareups.

"IT'S ALL THAT SIMPLE "! I Should add "I did have a puss bag on my outer gums" so I sterilized a needle and lanced it a few times to empty it, adding pressure on my face to make it drain "then put some HP (APPROXIMATELY 1 OZ.) in my mouth and let it foam to kill the infected puss. "ALL MY PAIN WAS GONE IN 5 MINUTES "!! NOW JUST RINSE YR MOUTH AND HAVE A BETTER DAY......JACK

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by FR (NYC) on 10/01/2007

Hi, just wanted to share with you my cure for an infected gum -- hydrogen peroxide. Also wanted to respond to Subashini from Kuwait, because I may have an answer for her about the bad breath and oil pulling.

My story (I'll try to be brief)... got a piece of food stuck in the gum behind one of my front teeth. No matter what I did -- floss, oil pull, swish peroxide -- it didn't come out. I then went to a new dentist last week to have my teeth cleaned and the stuck particle removed. Lucky me -- the hygenist was just filling in for the day and during the teeth cleaning part, said she saw something dislodge but then "lost sight of it". Okay, fine, I thought. That night I awoke in the middle of the night with terrible bad breath. It was so bad it actually woke me up. Yes, I do have sensitive smell!! When I looked at the right front tooth the next day, I noticed that the gum was severely swollen, from the tooth to the roof of the mouth. The bad breath also persisted. I started my holistic regime of oil pulling, then later swishing with hydrogen peroxide. The oil pulling, like Subashini said, made my breath worse. YUCK! I tried swishing with sea salt. No luck. Finally I had the idea a couple of days ago to soak a cotton ball with hydrogen peroxide and then hold it (tightly) to the swollen gum for 10 minutes. I also pinched another h202 soaked cotton ball to the back side of the tooth where the piece of food had initially lodged. Interestingly, it didn't hurt, but certain areas of the gum turned white. 10 minutes later the white had disappeared. Glad to say that my bad breath smell immediately disappeared and has not returned. My gum is looking a little better. A couple more days of this (soaked h202 2x a day) and I think I will be back to 100%. I highly suggest this technique if you have a tooth abcess or swollen gums from an infection. It is the best way for hydrogen to penetrate, otherwise it just turns to foam if you swish it around in your mouth.

So Subashini, I think your issue may be an infection somewhere in your gums that the oil pulling is bringing to the surface. Infection smells like dental plaque -- quite disgusting. My suggestion is to pull up your top lip (then pull down the bottom lip) in the mirror in daylight and look for redness in your gums. If you can pinpoint an area, then soak it with hydrogen peroxide cotton ball 2x a day for a day or two. I would predict that your issue of bad breath will immediately go away, even after you oil pull.

Oh, one more thing. You will need to bend over a sink whilst holding the cotton ball to your gums and let your saliva run out. You may need to do round 2 during the same session. Most importantly, you don't want to swallow anything! Rinse well afterwards. Hope this helps someone, somewhere. All My Best,

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Julie S. (Ft. Lauderdale, Florida) on 05/02/2007

Hydrogen Peroxide 3% solution has cured my toothache. I had a nasty cavity that was causing a lot of pain. I couldn't chew or put any pressure on my teeth on the left hand side. I read about the amazing cures with hydrogen peroxide & decided to try it. I took a shot glass and diluted it 50/50. From the first time I swished the rinse to the present, it has worked like magic! Not only has my toothache gone away, but my gums look & feel so much better! I also put hydrogen peroxide drops in my ears to prevent cold & virus. It has taken away earaches and sore throats.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Kim (Westport, MA) on 02/06/2007

I began using hydrogen peroxide and prohealth mouthwash to take away the pain of a lost filling as I have no dental insurance. I began to notice immediate results in pain, diminishing so I continued to gargle and swish on affected area several times a day for 3 days: ratio is 1:1 equal amounts. I still have the lost filling and on occasion when food enters and bacteria begins to grow, I swish the mixture and it cleans it out and I am good to go. I hope this helps. It sure did me!

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Brandee (Longwood, FL) on 01/01/2007

Gargling with Hydrogen Peroxide cured my peritonsillar abscess. I would not have believed it if I read it on this site. But, I was facing a very painful procedure to drain a peritonsillar abscess and read on a different site that gargling with hydrogen peroxide sometimes helps. I did two gargles about 2 minutes apart. Less than 10 minutes later I coughed up (I know, GROSS) a whole bunch of blood and puss. Instantly my throat felt better.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Nancy (Houston, TX) on 10/31/2006

I had been to this site a week or so ago and remembered I had read Hydrogen peroxide was good for a mouth rinse. So when my tooth became sore and swollen I threw one capful of 3% in my mouth and also threw in a capful of water, swished it around the sore tooth and let it do its thing for a couple minutes, 2 times a day and the second day the swelling was gone and the tooth was much better! Today I don't have any pain! I thought of all the people who wont do this and who would spend hundreds of dollars at a Dentist's office instead. *SMILE*

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