Gallbladder Flush Recipes and Treatment

Gallbladder Flush
Posted by Peakeszoo (Albany, Oregon) on 05/09/2009

I have suffered from gallstones and attacks for a couple of years. A friend of mine brought me the gall stone flush recipe 3 days before I was scheduled to have my gallbladder taken out. I figured it was worth a try. I cancelled my appt to have surgery and did the flush instead (epsom salts, apple juice, olive oil and grapefruit juice). The flush worked. I passed hundreds of green stones from lima bean size to small gravel/sand sized. I felt no pain, or nausea at all. The epsom salts (mag. sulfate) do cause diarrea and a cleanse of the system. There was no discomfort in this, just time spent in the bathroom. The cleanse has had no bad side effects at all with me...and I repeat it every 4-6 mos as needed. It does not taste good and swallowing the cocktails is the hardest part. But the flush does work and I recommend it to anyone with gallstone issues.

Now I am reading and understanding that a maint. level of magnesium should be taken daily as that could be the cause for my constant need to re-flush...that along with my diet.

Try the natural works! Doctors do not know how to make people well...that is not their job, they only treat symptoms to make people feel better. My doctors (other than my naturopath) were baffled that these natural flushes have worked. I don't think they believe me. They keep telling me eventually I will have to take my gallbladder out. My answer is I will do what I can to avoid that as God put my gallbladder in my body for a reason! Doctor's also don't tell you that when your gallbladder is removed, you have a much higher chance of getting intestinal cancer due to the bile dripping constantly into your intestines.

Gallbladder Flush
Posted by Eliza (Ft. Worth, Tx) on 10/07/2008

i did the Clark flush and it saved my life 3 lemons 1/2 cup 1/2 oilve oil epsome salts .i had black circles under my eyes and i had got HBV @ work & workmans comp Dr.s tried to kill me with steroids .i did the flush and i got rid of the HBV and the yellow and i passed Okra looking stones and green stones marble size about 12 cups worth the first flush along with tons of sludge and very tiny stones .i had to do another one 2 weeks later i felt bubbling in my back ...where the pinching was before the first flush .The emergency room refused me care and after taking a Ultra Sound .sent me home to die was a county hosp.went home & i did a search for a healer and cure zone . com came up .That Saved my Life ! (The Hand of GOD) i was looking for a healer ...After the flush i went to a Duke Dr. and he did another Ultra Sound and compared the emergency rooms and his and he couldnt believe it ! He asked me what did I do ? I told him the story He gave me a Liver Biopsy ...WOWO what Pain...But I had got RID of the HBV along with my stones .The Duke Doctor told me the workmans comp Doctors tried to KILL ME with steroids because that is the LAST DRUG they give LIVER CANCER PATIENTS prolong the liver ...but the Duke Dr. said it should of killed me .I couldnt get a lawyer to take my case ...most yelled and some hung up on me .I moved far away from that place .Anyway I have told several people and they have done the Flush with great success ..I need to do another one I feel very tired and hurting when i eat certian things .apples calm it down a bit .I am 2 yrs past due .The first Flush Saved my life I thank GOD for it ! And it probably saved some others I have told about it and have done it .I felt 20 years younger and I could go to the bathroom .My liver was shutting down and kidneys before the flush ..I was only putting out 1/8 a cup @ a time and I felt like I had to go all the time then i would only do a few drops .I was in bad shape .YES thank GOD for The FLUSH !

Gallbladder Flush
Posted by Gallstone Removal (Houston, Texas) on 09/28/2010

I tried your gallstones cleansing suggestion and lo and behold, I passed out a lot of stones - much more than I expected. I did not eat anything other than the red organic apples for 2 days [even though they say the green is better and I did the flush with epsom salt, olive oil, and lemon. I did not need to use honey ['cos I could tolerate the taste or peppermint oil ['cos no nausea.Thank you for your post. It works

Gallbladder Flush
Posted by T (Maryland, Usa) on 09/02/2009

My father had his gallbladder removed, but subsequently had incidents requiring hospitalization to remove stones from the bile duct. He has serious heart problems (congestive heart failure, a-fib, majorly blocked arteries) and also takes a ton of meds including blood thinners, which makes things tricky when you need surgical procedures on short notice. Months ago the symptoms began yet again. This time I printed out info on the lemon juice/olive oil flush and he decided to do it. Given his existing health problems I was very guarded, so I kept careful watch, ready to whisk him straight to the hospital if needed. The cleanse went off without incident; he passed some stuff and has not had a symptom since! Did he pass "real" stones? I have no idea. All I know is that he definitely was in the same boat he'd been in several times already and was on course for yet another hospital stay - the flush put a fast and clear stop to it, sparing him another dangerous hospitalization and the painful stomach needles he always has to take for days afterwards to thin the blood back out in a hurry.

That cheap and easy remedy spared him a LOT of pain and trouble and potentially dangerous complications. So say what you will - I know for a fact that IT WORKS. And I (and he) have Earth Clinic to thank, as this is the place I learned about it. This site is so truly a blessing, I could never praise it enough :)

Gallbladder Flush
Posted by Anonymous (Park City, Usa) on 12/03/2009


I would just like to ad a WARNING. I have read alot about gallbladder cleanses and some insist that you must drink apple juice for a few days before the cleanse and also use epsom salt the day of the cleanse. The reasons for this is the apple juice seems to make the stones soft and mushy and the epsom salt opens up or expands the BILE DUCTS so that the stones don't get stuck.

Research this very GOOD, before making that choice. I don't doubt that you or your family has had sucess doing it your way, but just think everyone should really put alot of thought and planning into doing a gallbladder cleanse. So GOOGLE and research several articles, PLEASE! I wouldn't want someone to be rushed to the emergency room, in pain and a hard stone stuck in their bile duct and have to have an emergency surgery. Again, I do believe you, it's just a personal choice of mine.

Gallbladder Flush
Posted by Ron P. (Ohio) on 06/27/2021

I have been battling gallstones since my first few major attacks 2 years ago around this time. I have the diet and regimen mostly under control working w an ayurvedic practitioner and using ted's advice and Hulda Clark cleanses.

Also, I have the same issue with my right shoulder though it isn't frozen, it won't get better and x rays show absolutely nothing, but now my chiropractor and acupuncturist both confirmed my c6 is blown out to the left so I think I am on a nerve, too, which is ultimately hurting my digestive system because the nerves in neck control communication there. what have you done physical therapy wise to mend yours?

Gallbladder Flush
Posted by Isabel R. (Ningbo, China) on 01/09/2018 2 posts

Thanks Steve! This Herb gold coin grass is easy to find here but I did not buy it because I am afraid I don't know the amount to take per day. Or if I should boil it or take it raw. If you have this information would be great. Have a nice day

Gallbladder Flush
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, Usa) on 07/06/2016 489 posts

I was just reading about how much the liver seems to love DMSO.

I used to have stones off and on. Now I drink lemonade or grapefruit juice regularly and take a swig of olive oil a couple times per month and haven't had any problems for several years.

I use MSM in my water - 3 tsp per gallon - but I think I'm going to add the general, 1 tsp of DMSO in juice in the mornings. But first I'm going to use 50% DMSO and 50% aloe lotion, topically, for a while and see what happens.

A couple swallows of olive oil sounds really gross but it's not at ALL bad! I was really surprised. It's not really "oily"...somehow...just an interesting little sidebar...

Gallbladder Flush
Posted by Chryssanthi (Patras, Greece) on 11/06/2016

Hi. Thanks a lot for the information. One thing I would like to ask is whether you have had a sonogram after the flush.

Thanks a lot,


Gallbladder Flush
Posted by Gigi (Colorado) on 08/07/2017

Hi Mama To Many, I've been having discomfort about 2" under my right rib. It happens after eating fatty foods which doesn't happen often (but more than usual recently). Blood tests have revealed higher than normal biliruben range. I'd like to do a gallbladder cleanse but a parasite resulted in a big weight loss and am finally 100 pounds, needing at least another 10 not to be underweight. Apple juice is another issue. The parasite compromised good health. Gluten sensitivity was another result and now sugar levels are a few point away from being pre-diabetic.

Any suggestions? Many thanks for all your wise recommendations on EC.

Gallbladder Flush
Posted by Donna (Port Huron, MI, USA) on 12/15/2008

... To the person who might be breaking up gall stones in the liver and being in a lot of pain passing those stones, it is a good thing to pass those stones. I passed a lot of them at once, and immediately my energy level increased. Now I understand what is meant by a sluggish liver. But I passed all those stones, hundreds of them in one evening, by using a liver cleanse. There are many of them described on the internet. I found one that used lemon juice, olive oil, grapefruit juice and Epsom salt. I took this at night, woke up in the morning and passed all those stones painlessly, and lost about 3" on my waist overnight. I know that because I had to tighten my belt. The Epsom salt (food-grade) apparently relaxes the muscles enough to open the ducts to allow the stones to pass out easily. I was amazed at their size...

Gallbladder Flush
Posted by Ed (McKinleyville, CA, USA) on 07/20/2008

The Dr. said my gallbladder was packed full of gallstones and I would need surgery to remove it. I have really gotten into herbal remedies and so I started look for an alternative. I found Dr. Clark's book, THE CURE FOR ALL DISEASES and it was a Godsend. Dr. Clark says the stones come from the liver and settle in the gallbladder. Her book gives 4 major cleanses that she says are the best things you can do for your body. The 3d one is the liver cleanse which starts with the gallbladder. She says to do the parasite and kidney cleanse first to keep it from affecting the liver cleanse. Dr Clark says the liver manufactures bile which we need to properly digest our food and acts as a filter to remove toxins from our body. She says when the gallbladder is full, so is the liver. Dr. Clark recommends doing the liver cleanse every two weeks for up to a year to get all the stones out. On the third cleanse I realized every two weeks was too much for me so (I'm 58) I am now cleansing once a month. But, I am getting excellent results! With every cleanse (I've done 7 so far) I'm passing over 100 stones about the size of a BB on average and hundreds more tiny stones about the size of grains of sand AND the bile is starting to flow again, digesting my food much better! I have pics I've taken of the gallstones if anyone wants me to email them. I am also keeping a diary of my cleanses too. I go to an herb store for the ingredients for the cleanses.

Gallbladder Flush
Posted by Alan (Adelaide, Australia) on 07/16/2007

I tried numerous Gall bladder cleanses over a 3 year period. Whilst i got stones passing the 1 stone in my Gallbladder At first Ultra Sound 3 years ago was 2.1 cm did not pass. I had several follow Ultra Sounds during the 3 year period usually within days of a flush. Every time the US showed the stone still present in my gall bladder.

After 3 years of persisting with the Pain and the unpleasentness of the flushings. I decided I would undergo a Lap Choly. I strongly believed the pain i was suffering was not my Gall bladder but after 7 doctors and 3 specialists the medical boards refused to look for another cause to my pain until my Gall bladder was removed.

The day of the surgery came and instead of a Lap Choly i ended up having a open Choly to remove the Gall bladder as it was inflamed by this point in time. I requested to keep the gallbladder intact after the surgery the Surgeons agreed to this (for Religious purposes (wicca)). And preserved the GB in formalin solution. It is indeed inflamed and is larger than a snooker ball. I tried a total of 25 flushes over the 3 year period and non of the flushes got rid of the Stone. In the End the gall bladder had to come out. However i was right about one thing. The GB was not the cause of my pain as i had same pain symptoms 1 week after the surgery. (Pain in the upper Left Abdomen, with bloating) Most likely severe IBS.

Gallbladder Flush
Posted by Karen (Moberly, MO) on 12/10/2006

This cleanse had worked for me by eliminating intermittant gall bladder pain. On my third cleanse, I did pass human liver flukes which filled the entire commode! These were identified and confirmed. Hulda Clark said that when you are clean enough and have killed parasites that this would happen. It did. The same thing happened to my daughter.

Gallbladder Flush
Posted by T (Maryland, Usa) on 10/09/2009

Hi Sherry,

I had collated info for my father on the flush from different sources after reading up - there's different protocols out there but they are pretty similar overall. If I recall correctly, the one he followed was this: He drank a lot of apple juice the day before and day of the flush (it's supposed to help soften stones). On the day of the flush he ate light and healthy foods (no fats), and didn't eat anything after about 1 or 2 pm. About 6 pm he drank Epsom salts in distilled water - you mix up about 2-3 tablespoons in 3 cups of water, and drink half that at 6 pm, and the other half at 8 pm. The Epsom salts are to dilate the ducts for easier passage of stones. Sounds really gross but he said it wasn't as bad to drink as you'd figure. You can add some citrus juice to help if the taste is really that bad for you.

At about 10 pm, he drank 2 ounces of olive oil mixed with 2 ounces of FRESHLY SQUEEZED lemon juice (don't use bottled). You need to mix those 2 together very thoroughly - shaking well in a jar with a lid works well - and drink it all down quickly. Go immediately to bed and stay there, and lay on your right side for awhile. At about 6 am, drink some more Epsom salts in water if you can. A couple of hours later you can start taking in some fruit juice, and awhile after you can start to eat again - eat lightly.

You want to take it easy for a day or two and you'll want to be near a bathroom, so do this on a weekend or whenever you have a couple of days off work. I've read that you can repeat it if necessary, but don't do it a third time without waiting a couple of weeks in between. He only did it the one time and has had no problems since, but if he felt any discomfort he'd do it again. As maintenance, he drinks some apple juice regularly and also sips some fresh lemon juice in water. He now takes milk thistle and dandelion root as well, and has cut down on fatty foods.

I'm no doctor and the usual caveats apply here - ask your own doctor about your health concerns, especially if you're on meds or have pre-existing conditions. My dad has serious ones and this didn't harm him a bit (on the contrary, it kept him out of the hospital!), but everyone is different and you need to learn as best you can what is right for you.

I'll add that some protocols I've read have people taking a lot more of the lemon juice and olive oil, repeatedly over a short time. That protocol seems to have more reports of making people vomit (little wonder!). At no time did my dad feel nauseous on the one he did, which uses much less oil/juice. We figured that if it didn't do the whole trick, he could just repeat it. I'd personally rather do it that way than take so much in at once.

Gallbladder Flush
Posted by Presouz (Ca) on 12/18/2021

I did some research and did a prep for gallbladder flush. I used malic acid instead of apple juice because being keto I cannot drink that much sugar. But I chickened out! I live alone and I thought, man, what if one of those start to get stuck. So I did a prep for it and found out that malic acid and water with some Stevia a little bit of lemon powder is very tasty. I'm sure it's hard on the teeth so I drink through a straw wish I had the guts to go through with it.

Gallbladder Flush
Posted by Gayles (Gulfport, Ms) on 06/27/2020

I have similar health issues as yours. Your story inspired me to try this regimen. Which fulvic & humic acid drink & enteric probiotic did you buy?

Gallbladder Flush
Posted by Gayles (Gulfport, Ms) on 06/27/2020

I have similar health issues as yours. Your story inspired me to try this regimen. Which fulvic & humic acid drink & enteric probiotic did you buy?

Gallbladder Flush
Posted by Ma (Phoenix) on 06/28/2020

Hi Gayles,

I take inner vitality fulvic/humic acid 2oz twice a day. It's sourced from new Mexico which is the only source of this in US. It cost 40 for 1 gallon and lasted me over a month. The probiotics, I bought from the health food store in New Mexico called wildly edible (google it). The owner is very knowledgeable in natural health and he makes a lot of his supplements including the probiotics. I've purchased his multivitamins, vitamin c, probiotics, fulvic/humic acid, and plant based iron supplements from him. He ships too. I think his prices are cheaper than sprouts or natural grocery store.

Gallbladder Flush
Posted by M (Phoenix ) on 12/09/2023

I noticed you are in Phoenix. I am too. Is your NP doctor here and if so could you provide the name pls?

Gallbladder Flush
Posted by Tami (SC) on 02/09/2023

I don't have RA, but Dupuytren's. I'm so glad you found success. It gives me hope that something similar may cause my disease. Thanks for sharing.

Gallbladder Flush
Posted by Sophie (Uk) on 08/23/2022

Thank you for sharing your story. What strength of lugols iodine did you take?

Gallbladder Flush
Posted by Susu (Dallas) on 04/03/2023

You should do it again in sixty days.

You'll thank me.

Gallbladder Flush
Posted by Ahp (Donora) on 10/22/2016

I have gallstones. I did a liver flush and the pain has returned. I had a ultrasound done and it looks like I have a tumor. What are the herbs for the liver?

Gallbladder Flush
Posted by Sapna (Delhi, India ) on 07/24/2022

Did you take any ultrasound or CT scan post the flushes? I would really like to know if it has actually gone.

Gallbladder Flush
Posted by Saturday5 (Bushey Heath, Hertfordshire UK) on 02/19/2015

I have confirmed gallstones but was also diagnosed with diverticular disease many years ago. Due to many years of over prescribed antibiotics I have permanent chronic abdomen pain ( like eating brillo pads for most meals ) and is very difficult to differentiate between this and the real thing. What I would like to know is, would it be dangerous for me to do a gallbladder flush because the stones might get lodged in one of the pockets. I have no idea what size these are and also, I was advised many years ago not to have colonic irrigation. Can they be safely dissolved and pass out naturally which would be better for me?

Gallbladder Flush
Posted by Timh (KY) on 02/21/2015 2063 posts

S: I always advise doing a colon cleanse directly after the gallbladder cleanse as each of these remedies help the other.

I would first try a passive ridding of the gallstones by taking the fallowing nutritionals: Artichoke Leaf Extract, Dandelion and/or Yellowdock, ACV, Lemon Water, Triple Strength Lecithin, Choline/Inositol, Niacin & Niacinamide.

Have you tried any of the remedies for the Diverticulosis here on E.C. ??

Gallbladder Flush
Posted by Bb (Nv) on 11/13/2016

Timh, can you provide more information and details on your passive plan for passing gallstones? How much of each item and on what sort of schedule?


Gallbladder Flush
Posted by Mactine2k7 (Arizona ) on 03/29/2024

Have you ever tried whole leaf aloe vera juice?

Gallbladder Flush
Posted by Jeanette (Australia) on 10/23/2015

Hello Rhoda,

I'm very interested to know how big your stones were. I have had a scan and they found quite a few small ones and one large 2.5cm stone. I've been warned it is too big to pass the bile duct so I'm scared to do a cleanse. I have read about a lot about flushes and it sounds amazing. I just want to shrink the big one so I can do the flush and get all the benefits.

Gallbladder Flush
Posted by Bob (Beijing, China) on 02/06/2012

Learned about the gall bladder cleanse of apples, Epsom salt, and oil/juice procedure. Tried it and had good success passing about 20 plus little soft pebbles about the size of papaya seeds. Feel great!

Want to thank you for your site particularly the organization of it so that on can see yea, nay experiences in terms of numbers and real life experiences.

Yea, yea, yea for this method for me and am telling others. Family members now trying. And, looking forward to checking out other mass successful remedies.

Proof is in the pudding :)

Gallbladder Flush
Posted by Su (Lombard, Il) on 12/13/2011

After reading the many posts here (some very entertaining! ), I decided to try the olive oil/lemon juice liver cleanse because it was the easiest to do and least time consuming. This was my first stab at any type of cleanse! I don't have stones... just wanted to get the gunk out of my liver.

Had no water or food after 1pm.
Mixed 4 Tbs Epsom salt & 3 cups water in a plastic cup - 5pm - drank 3/4 cup of the Epsom salt water
7pm - drank 3/4 cup of epsom salt water - 9pm - squeezed 3 lemons and 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil into a plastic container w/lid and shook it up. Took it to the bedroom to consume. The mixture smelled AWFUL and tasted just as bad! But I managed to choke it down (with a straw to the back of my throat) in about 10 minutes The tartness of the lemons is what made it very difficult for me! I laid down immediately after, my head propped up on two pillows and managed to sleep for 2-1/2 hrs before having to make a "#1 pit-stop".

I went back to bed and slept until 5:30. Took another dose of 3/4 c Epsom salt mixture and slept until 7:30. Then consumed my final dose of Epsom mixture (yea! ). About 1/2 hour later, had a bowel movement. Peering in the bowl my stool was very dark, stringy and oily. I decided not to poke and prod at it (yuk! ), but satisfied that if the cleanse removed some of the gunk in my liver, that's enough for me! The only physical symptom I had throughout was a mild headache, but not sure if it was from not eating or from the cleanse itself.

Gallbladder Flush
Posted by Denny (Marble, Pa Usa) on 11/09/2011

I have done 11 Dr. Clark's liver/gallbladder cleanses over a period of 5 years. After the 7th one, not many stone evident. The rest were for maintance purposes. Only a few stones and cholestral shaff. I was not originally suffering attacks. I highly recommend this protocol.

Gallbladder Flush
Posted by Acel (Royal Palm Beach, FL) on 10/09/2020

How big were your large stones? My biggest ones are 2.4 cm. so I doubt if the gallbladder flush will be able to flush them because I've heard talk about it only working for stones 2.1 cm and smaller.

Gallbladder Flush
Posted by Jamiesimko (La Mirada, Ca, Usa) on 01/07/2011

Just did the Liver/Gallbladder flush today and watched about 120 stones come out of my body. It works. Do it!

Gallbladder Flush
Posted by Suzanne (Canton, Ga) on 11/23/2010

Just completed my first gall bladder and liver flush. I was diagnosed 2 years ago with a diseased gall bladder and was told I needed to have my gall bladder removed. At the time, I didn't have insurance and could not afford the surgery.

After much prayer, I decided to try changing my diet. I went completely organic and removed all processed foods from my diet. Began taking ACV, but not regularly. Symptoms went away for almost 2 years and I have felt great. However, recently I began to experience the dull ache just under my right rib cage again. I've been reading about Hulda Clark's gall bladder and liver flush for about 2 years and was afraid to do it. I was afraid something would get lodged and I might end up in the hospital.

But, after reading the comments on earth clinic, I decided to go ahead and try. It was as many have said easy and painless. I did experience nausea during the night, and still have a little nausea going on. I think as soon as I eat the nausea should pass. But, I have collected maybe 60 stones varying in size. The largest was about 7 cm. I will probably try this cleanse again in about 3 weeks. Thanks to everyone who posts their experiences!

Gallbladder Flush
Posted by Elle (Toronto, Canada) on 10/27/2010

I have also used Hulda's flush many times with great success but have always taken the ornithine as recommended. It helps you go to sleep and stay asleep so as not to be disturbed by the discomfort you may experience through the night. I prefer using fresh squeezed pink grapefruit juice with the olive oil (personal taste) and read a little trick that I tried the last time.... That is to add a tablespoon of grapefruit juice to the Epsom salts to help mask the taste and it definitely helps. I also found drinking both the oil mixture and the Epsom salt mixture through a straw helps cut down on the taste. Thanks for the apple cider vinegar tip and the magnesium advice too..... I am still making gallstones and can't figure out why. I am definitely trying all of the suggestions.

Gallbladder Flush
Posted by Sacredsoul (Charlottesville, Va) on 09/03/2010

Does anyone know if there is a compound unique to lemon that makes this work, or will lime or orange do just as well? I am allergic to lemons (and hate grapefruit). Any alternatives you know of would be appreciated. Thanks!

Gallbladder Flush
Posted by Plozaique (Nassau, Bahamas) on 08/27/2011

I read somewhere that you can use sour apples or sour grapes.

Gallbladder Flush
Posted by Pat (Athens, Al, Usa) on 04/29/2010

I had my gallbladder removed in 1997 - full of stones including some that looked like "tater tots" (no kidding)
My question(s): does the body still produce these in the absence of the gallbladder? if so how and where? How are these things best eliminated? What benefits might I see if I were to follow such a cleanse? (if neede due to not having the gallbladder in the 1st place)What would be the best of the kazillion cleanses out there for such a situation (IF needed). I'm doing the ACV with baking soda, blackstrap molasses, and coconut oil already - only recently however (about a week or so now).


Gallbladder Flush
Posted by I M Trying (Nm) on 10/23/2017

This is very old, sorry, but curious if anyone responded or you tried it and what you found out. Thank you!

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