Gallbladder Flush Recipes and Treatment

Gallbladder Flush
Posted by Stratkat (Marlin, Texas) on 02/11/2010

For whom it concerns -

I just finished the liver/gallbladder cleanse/flush.

It worked!!! Pass almost 100 stones... the largest 1/2 in diameter.

Thanks for the post...

Gallbladder Flush
Posted by Wyandotte (Canada) on 10/28/2015 13 posts

6 ounces of oil seems like a lot. 4 oz. should work. I'm just saying this because so many people can't get 6 oz. down the hatch. If you can, well, that's good.

Gallbladder Flush
Posted by Ann (Sydney, Australia) on 05/29/2016

Medical doctors are trained to understand disease. They are not trained in health.

It is a rare doctor indeed who understands health ...

Gallbladder Flush
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, TN) on 02/22/2009

My wife and I do 3 liver and lymph detox's a year at the direction of our anti-aging doctor. It is a 10 day limited fast will lots of minerals and vitimins. I think it is the 3 days of only crucifers that does the detoxing. However, we always end this fast with Hulda Clark's liver flush using epsom salt, olive oil and lemon juice. After several years, we do not get stones, just a little gravel. I presume if we had kidney stones, they too would pass. Lots of apple juice is a player in cleaning up your liver and kidneys.

At church this morning, it was announced that an older lady friend had been taken to a Knoxville hospital last night and sent home with the prognosis of kidney stones. I gave her son in law Earth Clinic's web site, but am not optomestic that she will use the lemon juice and olive oil cure. It's too cheap and simple. I could expound for hours on how this site had helped us . Especially in addressing Demodex mites and sinus congestion. That story also repulses most folks. The solution must come from Big Pharma.

Gallbladder Flush
Posted by VK (Delhi, India) on 12/10/2008

My son was involved in a road accident about 7 years ago, was in coma for months and like a vegetable thereafter. After prologned physio, family efforts and God's will, he is today about 85 to 90% recovered. However, probably due to a PEG in his stomach (through which we use to feed him mashed food as he could not respond at that time), he seems to have developed gallstones. Four months ago he had severe gallstone pain (attack?) and later was diagnosed for pancreatitis also, hospitalised, and after stabilising, an ERCP performed on him. Now the doctors want to remove his gall bladder.

I read about the Liver cleanse and would like him to try it. What stops me is the Epsom salts - they are magnesium sulphate. Four tablespoon Epsom would be 40gm or nearabouts (at-least 10gm of magnesium) while our daily recommended magnesium is about 250-400 milligram. Can anybody tell me if it is safe to take internally such a large dose of magnesium sulphate over a couple of hours, and if anyone has had any side effects (hypermagnesium or some such thing)?
Thanks for the help.

Gallbladder Flush
Posted by L Perry (Wichita Falls ,Texas, U.S.) on 10/29/2009

4tablespoon Epsom is safe. I'm 62 and one of 8 kids in my family. Any time one of us felt sick or moody my parents would give us at least 4 tablespoon of epsom salt in warm water and then a glass of clean water ( to clean our system out ) we never stayed home from school pretending we were sick. My oldies sister is 68 and my youngest brother is 50 years old and we're still alive, all 8 of us. I hope this help you. Mrs Perry

P.S. Just make sure the stones aren't too big.

Gallbladder Flush
Posted by Christine (Toronto, Canada) on 12/10/2006

Tried the modified olive oil flush by taking 2 tablespoons olive oil daily with lemon juice. Don't bother! Sure it may get rid of some stones. And they come right back. That's the problem with the olive oil flush. If you do not address the underlying condition, you are stuck.

The underlying condition can be allergies, which can be caused by systemic candidiasis. Also, the Bircher-Benner Clinic of Switzerland believed gallstones to be caused by chronic infections that the gallbladder attempts to encapsulate with gallstones.

Many people struggle with systemic candidiasis which can be caused by living in a home with airborne mold. Constantly breathing in mold will give you a killer fungal infection that you won't be able to beat unless you move.

Apple cider vinegar, marshmallow root tea (made by soaking the cut root overnight in cold water), and horsetail tea can help dissolve the stones. Also, kombucha is said to be a cure for them if you live in a non-moldy environment - it won't brew in a moldy environment.

Gallbladder Flush
Posted by David (Msp, Mn) on 01/14/2010

I also have done this cleanse and had no ill effects what so ever. Each time I passed 150 - 200 stones of various sizes and colors. It was very easy to do and the one thing I varied slightly....I used about 3/4 of a cup of olive oil and the same of fresh pink grapefruit juice.

Gallbladder Flush
Posted by Chris (Monroe, GA) on 06/28/2006

A friend's wife did this cleanse and passed over 200 gallstones. He gave it to his father in law in Orlando and he is 72 years old. He passed a bunch and went to his doctor and his gallbladder was perfectly clear. He had another doctor to examine him with the same results. Me, I am using Apple Cider Vinegar the name is _______ and it is organic. This is suppose to soften the stones and dissolve them down so they will not get caught in the bile or pancreatic duct. If they do it can be fatal. My dad had pancreatitis from a blocked pancreatic duct and bile duct. It was discovered so late that he later chose hospice. A stroke was involved also. He would have been a diabetic because the pancreas formed necrosis, and was cut three times which released enzymes that are digestive and they go to the internal organs and start digesting them. Be careful with gallstones. Some are pea size some are marble and some form together and will not go through the ducts.

Gallbladder Flush
Posted by Lynn (Calgary, Ab) on 09/02/2009

There are stones in the liver as well, maybe you need to do more clenses to remove all the stones. When the liver is purging stones they end up in the gall bladder and then they have to leave the gall bladder.

Gallbladder Flush
Posted by Sherry (East Alton, Illinois) on 10/08/2009

I am trying to find out about the one that wrote this review- T from Maryland, about her father. Could you please tell me the lemon juice/olive oil recipe that he used and the instructions please. Thank you, Sherry

Gallbladder Flush
Posted by Tara McDonald (USA)

Here is a remedy for removing gall stones. I removed over 150 in one session - a few the size of peas, with the rest being small or tiny. Instead of being hard, the olive oil makes them soft like jello.

Anecdotal Symptoms.
I did this cleanse just in case I might have any - my only symptom being that I got small sharp pains on my right side just under my ribs (where the gall bladder is located) whenever I tried to go jogging.Others reported eating and then vomiting and/or feeling like they were going to die - the pain so intense as far up as their heart, that they could not call out for help.

Buy really nice extra virgin olive oil (organic) - it will taste better and give you a better cleanse.
Buy lots of lemons.
If you eat meat regularly, stop eating meat for a few weeks / a month before you start the fast.
If you have access to a natropathic doctor, you may want to consult them regarding this cleanse, especially if you have concerns regarding intestinal parasites - they must be dealt with first.

The Fast.
Go on a liquid fast for 3 days of watered down juice and water, making sure your juice is clear juice for the second and third days.

The Cleanse.
On the evening of the third day, start taking a tablespoon of olive oil every 15 minutes followed by sucking (not chew) on a wedge of lemon, or having a spoonful of fresh squeezed lemon juice. Do this until you have consumed about 2/3 of a litre of olive oil if you weigh about 125 lbs, or a whole litre if you weigh about 225 lbs ( until you cannot possibly take another spoonful). Go to bed.
When you wake up with an urge to use the washroom, your gall stones will come out by the dozen with liquid. You will want to be close to the bathroom for a few hours. If you have a scientific interest, this will be really cool. Some will be red, most will be varying shades of green - some bright like newly sprouted grass.

Post Cleanse.
Eat light meals after the gall stones have finished coming out.
Maintain a diet that includes raw fruit and veggies, and avoids processed and highly processed foods.

The large gall stones come out last, and you may need to do more than one cleanse to get them all out. In a family rampant with gallbladder removal operations, I got all mine out of my gall bladder in one go, and will instead keep my health and my gall bladder because of this cleanse.

Also, another cleanse designed to alleviate allergies and other health problems claims to remove gall stones and their precursors from the liver with only one day of fasting in a cleanse that uses epsom salts. I do not know anybody who has tried it, but it sounds interesting.

Good health to you!

Gallbladder Flush
Posted by Connie (Chino Hills, CA)

I have done the olive oil-lemon treatment about six times. I found it to be very successful in removing the gall stones. EAch time I did the cleanse my stones got smaller and smaller. I probably have expelled between 300 and 500 stones. Unfortunately for me I still have the pain in the gall bladder area. Is it possible that the gall bladder was so stretched and distended that it is permanently damaged in some way. I know I don't have more stones, but do still get some sludge. A side note: I have used the epsom salts with and without the cleanse and find that it relaxes the musles a bit when the stones are being expelled. Doesn't seem as painful.

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