Frankincense Essential Oil for Ganglion Cysts

| Modified on Jan 27, 2024
Frankincense Oil
Posted by Karen (Coeur D'alene, Idaho, Usa) on 02/12/2013

I had a very painful ganglion cyst on the palm of my hand. Before resorting to surgery, I tried this remedy. I put 2 drops of Frankincense oil on a bandaid and covered the cyst. Every 48 hours I changed the bandage. It stunk, the cat hated me petting her, but it worked. Each bandaid change yielded less pain and a reduced cyst. After approximately 2 weeks, I can't tell it was ever there. I am going to try the same thing on a sebaceous cyst on my head that I have had for years. Makes me wonder if there was a specific reason our saviour was given a gift of frankencense. Also, gives new meaning to "He annointeth my head with oil... " Thank you Yah for providing all that is necessary for our health and healing.

Frankincense Oil
Posted by Pitsa (Athens, Greece) on 02/21/2015

I had ganglion on my feet for 3 years which sometimes was painfull. Two doctors said I should remove it with surgery. I read in Earth Clinic about frankincense oil, so I used it. In the morning and before sleep I put some frankincense oil and massage smoothly. It seemed to become smaller after two days. At the 10th day I decided to massage it a little harder. And that time I heard the noise of the cyst cracking! And it's gone! That was two weeks ago.

Frankincense Oil
Posted by Acoya (Canada) on 07/23/2023

At the beginning pf the year I discovered that I had a Ganglion cyst on the outside of my right ankle. I went to the doctor to get it looked at and they basically said there was nothing that I could do and that it would probably dissolve over the year. They would not drain it for me or do surgery to remove it. I asked if there was any natural way of getting rid of it and I had 2 doctors say no. Fast forward 6 months later, its still there and gets really swollen at the end of the day due me standing on my feet for 8 1/2 hours everyday. The outside of my left ankle has now started to develop a Cyst as well. I came across this chat thread and was so excited to read peoples success stories in getting rid of their cysts. For the past 2 days I have been Massaging in Frankincense Oil onto the Cysts in the morning and then when I get home in the evening I soak both of my feet up to my ankles in a Eucalyptus/Peppermint Epsom Salt bath for 20 minutes. This is followed by another round of me massaging Frankincense Oil onto the Cysts. This morning when I woke up I immediately noticed the difference on my right ankle. Usually when I wake up the swelling has gone down but you can still see the bump on my ankle. There was no bump on my ankle this morning. I see no difference on the left side so far but that cyst is a-lot smaller and just started to develop. I am hoping that I'm not sharing these results too soon but I am excited to see if they completely go away. I will continue to do this routine for the next couple of weeks till there are no swelling or bumps.

Frankincense Oil
Posted by Jane (Ma) on 04/03/2016

Well, I was kind of doubtful about whether frankincense oil would work on the ganglion cyst on top of my foot but I gave it a try. Twice a day mixed with some apricot oil and I massaged it a bit. I thought it seemed a little smaller after a few days but then I wasn't sure. I was about to give up but I decided I might as well keep it going. So I put some more oil on and basically pushed it from both sides with my two thumbs pressing towards the center and it popped! What a shocker. Disappeared before my eyes. Maybe the oil helped thin the sac. Who knows. Anyway, it's gone. Let's hope it stays that way! I would definitely recommend the frankincense oil!

Frankincense Oil
Posted by Christine (Durban, South Africa) on 09/12/2014

i tried this after reading all the home remedies for ganglion cysts and this seemed less of an effort on my part. Just with 2 applications - one at night and one in the morning, it's gone!!! Thanks guys for the tips :)

Frankincense Oil
Posted by Rebasherpa (Junction, Il) on 06/07/2016

I had a ganglion cyst on my wrist the size of a small marble. I applied frankincense oil on it is several times a day and in a few months it was completely gone - no evidence of it ever being there. Also frankincense oil works like a charm for skin tags mine was gone in 3 days and has not returned in 2 1/2 years.

Frankincense Oil
Posted by Sula (Oakland, US) on 10/03/2014

Three days of applying Frankincence oil and wrapping with a sports tape on my finger and it has worked--my ganglion cyst is about half the size and no longer painful. I'll continue to use it to bring the size down but am thrilled to be pain free after four months. Thank you to those who posted about their experiences--the solution was only ten dollars and worked so quickly!!

Frankincense Oil
Posted by Cj (Trenton, Mi) on 08/28/2018

I had a ganglion cyst on my thumb near the lower part of my nail. Applied Frankensense oil put on a bandaid each night and after two nights it was reduced! It keeps flattening the more I use it! I'm a believer for sure!

Frankincense Oil
Posted by Mike Minnesota (Mn) on 06/03/2016

They are not kidding. Frankincense makes the cyst smaller in no time at all. I saw a big difference after two days and now four days later it continues to shrink. I'll keep applying it twice daily for a another week and I'm sure it will disappear completely.

Frankincense Oil
Posted by Supertigertv (San Francisco, California) on 08/07/2014

I really did NOT expect Frankincense Oil to work on the Ganglion Cyst on my left wrist. Just seemed too EASY. However I had some I had bought several years ago and was averse to either the book slam method or bee sting so I decided to give it a try. Why not? I put some Frankincense Oil on my wrist two different days then decided to actually MASSAGE it in which felt weird, but then two days after that I was surprised that it had diminished in size to be almost impossible to see! I don't even feel the need to continue treatment it has reduced in size so much. THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR YOUR HONEST EXPERIENCES AND INFORMATION!

Frankincense Oil
Posted by Out West (Montana) on 12/31/2021

No experience here but have read where "DMSO" as a carrier will assist with taking essential oils below the dermal layer.

Frankincense Oil
Posted by Ky Mama (Clinton, Ky) on 01/01/2013

My 16 year old son had a ganglion cyst on his wrist that was painful. He put frankincense essential oil on it (undiluted) and overnight his pain had improved. Because he was no longer bothered by it, he didn't keep at it, so it is still there, but reduced in size. Another time it bothered him again and the same remedy worked for him. Frankincense essential oil is expensive, but useful for many things and worth having a bottle around. And it is cheaper than the doctor for sure!

Frankincense Oil
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 07/06/2017

Dear Rosanna,

I have used Frankincense oil for cysts without diluting, one drop massaged into the cyst once or twice a day.

If you have sensitive skin, dilute in a few drops of castor oil as it also effective against cysts.

~Mama to Many~

Frankincense Oil
Posted by Carla (Missouri) on 03/03/2016

I had a cyst at the base of my middle finger toward the palm, but after only a day using frankincense and massage it popped and flattened right out. It's amazing! It's still a little sore so I'll keep using it til it's gone. I've had the cyst for about 6 months. Frankincense is like a miracle cure.

Frankincense Oil
Posted by Carol S. (United States) on 04/30/2014

After reading about frankincense for ganglion cyst here, I tried it, and honestly, it was kind of miraculous. After a single day of applying oil (only once) and covering with a bandaid, the cyst on my index finger knuckle (which had been red, sore, and irritated -- about the size of half of a small pea) was a third its usual size. I'd had the cyst for over six months, and was about to go attempt a removal. Now, a week later, it's barely raised at all and there is no pain or irritation (even if I bump it, which was excruciating before the frankincense). Thank you!

Frankincense Oil
Posted by Amanda (England) on 09/14/2013

I just wanted to let people know that having watched my wrist ganglion grow for over 6 months to the size of a walnut, I found this site and saw several remedies suggested for ganglions. I went for the easiest option - I rubbed Frankincense essential oil on it morrning and night and was gobsmacked when I realised, it wasn't my imagination but that the thing was shrinking. It took 6 weeks in all, and I am now able to practice my yoga again. Thank you all for your amazing input into this site. It is sorely needed.

Frankincense Oil
Posted by Maryjean (Deland, Florida) on 09/30/2016

I just applied Frankincense oil to the small ganglion cyst on the underside of my left wrist. It's only been 5 minutes, but the pain is considerably reduced. A very good sign! I'll apply again before bedtime and keep it up for a few days to see what happens. My feeling is that the oil will work. Glad I checked here at Earth Clinic first.

Frankincense Oil
Posted by Robert (South Orange County) on 12/11/2015

It's possible the Frankincense has nothing to do with breaking up the cyst. The massaging itself may do it over time. It's the same concept as hitting it with a book but less painful and it takes longer. The fluid is still in your body just not encapsulated in the cyst.

Frankincense Oil
Posted by Dee (Texas) on 03/27/2017

I didn't have time applying this three times a day, I would get busy and forget. It is on my joint on my index finger. Although it was huge it didn't bother me till my hands got cold and I made a fist. So I added my drops to a bandaid, then replaced the bandaid twice a day. It's been about 3 days now and it has gone down considerably. I'm so excited. I thought about the book therapy, but I'm not into pain.😂😂

Frankincense Oil
Posted by Brian (Sydney) on 04/27/2016

My Cyst is inside my wrist, so might be a lot harder.Frankincense didn't work at all after two weeks of massaging with it undiluted 4 times a day. Frankly it seems worse, not better at all.

My last one in the other wrist was sucked out using a needle and ultrasound guidance by a doctor. They perforated the cell wall and it's never come back. Cost $270 though.

Frankincense Oil
Posted by jennifer (UK) on 07/31/2023

That is very interesting. I do not know if Frankincense oil has any magnesium compounds? After doing some physical exertion one day, a ganglion cyst developed on my inner wrist. It was still there a year later, when taking a pinch of Epsom Salt (magnesium), for high blood pressure! ), each day for 10-14 days the cyst shrank and then was gone for good. I was astonished as I had done nothing else out of routine, and did not expect that!

Frankincense Oil
Posted by Mrs Yee (Singapore, Singapore) on 09/18/2023

Hi, there are 4 types of Frankincense oils, may I know which one you used? Thank you.

Serrata, Carterii, Sacra & CO2

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