Ganglion Cyst Natural Remedies and Pain Relief

| Modified on Jan 27, 2024
Ganglion Cyst Pain Relief Remedy

Ganglion cysts can be inconvenient and painful. They may interfere with normal activities. Natural remedies for a ganglion cyst offer relief from pain and swelling and include frankincense essential oil, castor oil, Epsom salt, massage and ice.

A ganglion cyst presents itself as a lump at a joint, especially the back of the wrist. These fluid-filled lumps can hinder movement of the affected joint. Ganglion cysts can also create pressure on a nerve, resulting in pain. Traditional treatment of these cysts is to remove or drain them surgically.  Unfortunately, these cysts often return after surgery, which is especially frustrating because of the cost involved in surgery and the time lost for the procedure and healing.

9 Ganglion Cyst Home Remedies

1. The Book Method

While it may sound barbaric, a common way to swiftly get rid of a ganglion cyst is to hit it with a book.  This free remedy only costs the amount of courage needed to implement it.  You will find stories of our readers who ventured to try this remedy on this page.

2. Frankincense Essential Oil

Frankincense essential oil is one of the more expensive essential oils but it is reputed to be one commonly used for cysts or tumors. This oil is gentle and most people can apply the oil neat (without diluting) to the skin and experience relief in a short amount of time.

3. Needle Piercing

A sterilized needle can be used to self-drain the cyst. This is another remedy that costs only the gumption to try. In spite of the temporary pain, there are some who prefer this way of dealing with a ganglion cyst.

4. Serrapeptase

Serrapeptase is a natural supplement that is used to dissolve all manner of non-living tissue that is causing trouble in the body. Serrapeptase can be used to treat ganglion cysts. This is one of the few methods that deals with the cyst indirectly instead of working on the cyst itself. Serrapeptase can be bought online or in health food stores.

5. Castor Oil

Castor oil, the kind found in pharmacies and health foods stores, can be used to dissolve cysts. Apply a few drops of castor oil to the cyst twice daily and gently massage the oil into the cyst. The massage may be helpful as well to eliminate the cyst.

6. Epsom Salt

Epsom salt can be used for ganglion cysts. It can be taken internally each day as a magnesium supplement, or it can be applied to the cyst itself. To apply Epsom salt to the cyst, add a little bit of water (or coconut oil) to 1/2 teaspoon Epsom salt to make a gritty paste. Use a bandage to attach the paste to the cyst overnight.

7. Do Nothing

If the cyst is not causing difficulty with activities or pain, it can be left alone. Sometimes these cysts will resolve on their own without any intervention at all.

8. Massage

Simply massaging the ganglion cyst on a regular basis may be enough to heal the cyst. Make a habit of massaging the cyst at a traffic light on the way to work or school.

9. Ice

An ice pack used for 10 minutes twice daily may help the cyst to heal naturally. This remedy is especially useful if the cyst is causing pain.

Continue reading to see which methods our readers have used to cure their ganglion cysts at home! Do you have a natural treatment for ganglion cysts? Please share your remedy with us!


1 User Review
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Posted by Jean (NC) on 09/26/2022 1 posts

Had a fairly large cyst on top of my dominant hand. Tried castor oil, and frankincense for a few weeks and nothing happened. Then I watched a video and a woman said one of the remedies is fresh aloe gel twice a day for 20 min. I left the aloe on there and covered with a bandaid. At night, I did the frankincense and a drop of castor oil. It took a few weeks but woke up this morning and the cyst is gone. Plus you need patience. Don't give up too soon.

Apple Pectin

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Posted by Lad (Bel Air, MD) on 10/13/2006

Apple Pectin cured Osteo-Arthritis and ganglion cycsts in the small knuckles. The hot-water/ACV soak recommended on Earthclinic was the most helpful topical treatment I ever tried for my painful knuckles. But when I started taking liquid citrus pectin, I noticed more lasting improvement during the day. When I later added apple pectin pills, the pain relief neared 100%. I read where pectin revives stiff, damaged synovial tissue - which is the culprit in ganglions. Doctor's only recommended Glucsoame/chondroiton./MSM, gloves, or surgery! I've tried just about EVERY arthritis supplement out there over the years, (including some fairly exotic and costly ones). But these very cheap, simple and widely available food-based home remedies did the trick for me. It's a shame they aren't more widely known.


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Posted by Bill (Athens/ Greece) on 09/01/2020

Many youtube commenters write in the below link to have success with Aspercreme. I 've tried it for more than a week with no result on my wrist.


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Posted by Deirdre (NC) on 05/31/2023

I had a ganglion cyst on my wrist for a number of years. It was a little smaller than the size of a pea. Well, I just realized it is completely gone! Since being consistent with the borax protocol healed my trigger thumb in 4 months last summer and early fall, I'm guessing borax also was the key remedy that shrank my ganglion cyst. Wow. A doctor had told me it would never go away in 2018. Tried all the remedies mentioned on Earth Clinic for a ganglion cyst, and none helped at all. Amazing.

Here is a pic of what my ganglion cyst looked like. Mine was about 1/3 the size of this woman's cyst, so you get an idea of how much it shrank!

Replied by Alex

Maybe the ganglion cyst is the effect and not the cause of pain in the wrist. I mean the effect of a problematic arthrosis for example in the wrist, from repetitive strain as in the calpal syndrome. I drained mine again before some weeks in order to relieve pressure from the irritated nerve, and even though it became flat somedays the nerve is still irritated and I feel my hand weak and with limited motion. So I am about to start these exercises and stretches from the book advised in the carpal syndrome topic:

Sharon J. Butler Conquering Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Other Repetitive Strain Injuries: A Self-Care Program<

Castor Oil, Frankincense Oil

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Posted by Christine (South Africa) on 03/12/2018

I had a ganglion cyst on my second big toe. I left it because it did not bother me and because years ago I had one on my finger and after a few months it disappeared. This one on my toe did not go away and kept on growing till it was about 7mm in diameter and touching my big toe so I started looking at Earth Clinic for help. I started rubbing on castor oil and Frankincense oil 3 x a day ( because I had those oils in the cupboard!). One week later it had formed a scab which I could lift off and so it went on till it was gone. I am so happy with Earth Clinic advice!

Clay Tablets

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Posted by Philippa (Surrey, BC, Canada) on 03/17/2009

I have problems with cysts/ganglia developing on my wrists and finger joints. I usually have to have them removed surgically. This was a real problem as I had to limit activity and keep the surgery site dry for several weeks after each surgery - not to mention the pain.

I had started developing another cyst on my left wrist that was becoming big enough to be considered my parasitic twin. I was putting off having it looked at due to the pain, the surgery, the inconvenience, etc.

I had previously been taking Terramin Clay tablets (1 tablet per 50 lb. of weight) to help cleanse my system; but, had stopped for some unknown reason. I started taking the clay tablets again without realizing that they could help my cyst.

Over a period of several days, my cyst shrank and disappeared. I had no idea how it happened; but, was delighted nonetheless. Two days later I happened to stumble upon the Terramin site at a place that was explaining how the clay in the tablets was small enough to break through the blood/tissue barrier. These particles were so small they had the ability to enter the cyst, start cleansing it and eventually remove it.

I'm back on my clay and loving it!

DMSO, Essential Oils

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2 star (1) 

Posted by Krusty (Thessaloniki - Greece) on 02/01/2022

I used frankincense essential oil with many drops of DMSO for months, every day and had no result at all.

Replied by Betty

Not for your type of cyst but I used iodine and DMSO for epidermal cyst on my back. It worked. Maybe try iodine instead?

Replied by Tiffany

How many times a day and for how long did you apply the ointment?

DMSO, Essential Oils
Posted by Chip (St. Augustine, Fl) on 02/27/2018

Editor's Choice Getting Rid of a ganglion cyst:

I have tried it out on several people and it works consistently. I am 70 and have a girl friend who has been affected by a painful ganglion cyst.

A few words of warning: A key feature of this protocol is DMSO. There is a lot on the web about it, however I have found it hard to find a bunch of the gotchas about using it in one place. So before we get into the protocol a few words about DMSO.

DMSO is an all natural product as it is a byproduct of processing wood into wood pulp for making paper. DMSO stands for Dimethyl Sulfoxide. It has been used for a wide variety of medical problems since the 19960's. It is readily used throughout much of the world, however in the U.S., Big Pharma has convinced the FDA not approve it's use for medical purposes except under extremely limited circumstances. In spite of that, it is still used extensively by veterinarians and it is legal for human use in Oregon and Florida. I

In spite of it's near miraculous properties, it is a strong solvent and it is best to take a few precautions. One of the basic properties is that it transports whatever is on the skin into the body to which it is applied. Therefore, it is essential that hands be cleaned as well as that area of the body where it is to be applied.

When it is used to help heal ganglion cysts I like to start by applying a dilute essential oil mixture to the affected area. I use a small glass roll-on- bottle (readily available on line.) I use a 3 to 5% solution of Organic Frankincense and Carrot Seed essential oils. (note that the non-organic essential oils are often synthetic and should not be topically applied.)

I use coconut oil or rose hip oil as carrier oils. They both help protect the skin and shield it from the solvent DMSO effects. Although sometimes just the Frankincense by itself works to eliminate the ganglion cyst.

The DMSO should be either 50 or 70% gel solutions cut with Aloe Vera and scented with an essential oil. (This is readily available on line.) Although the unscented DMSO will work, most people who use it get a garlic like smell given off from their pores. Although it is available in 99.95% pure solutions a 50 to 70% solution is more readily absorbed. Later I say slather the DMSO on, not rub it in. The more it is rubbed the more it can irritate the skin.

The Protocol:

  1. Coat the ganglion cyst with the diluted Essential Oil mixture.

  2. Apply a poultice of Epsom salt mixed with a little coconut oil to the ganglion cyst.

  3. Slather on the DMSO over the Epsom salt poultice and leave on for about 25 minutes.

  4. Usually within 10 minutes the cyst will feel better.

  5. Apply this protocol 3 or 4 times a day until the cyst disappears, then continue for 2 weeks to ensure the roots of the cyst are destroyed.

Grape Seed Extract

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Posted by Toourlady89 (Hayward, Ca, Usa) on 09/13/2011

Years ago, my daughter had a ganglion cyst in her right wrist that was in the way and painful when she writes. A surgeon advised surgery to drain it but he said it could recur. Instead, at a friend's suggestion, I started her on Ganglion Cyst(Tru OPCs ) other name is Proanthocyanidin.. Dose suggestion is 1 mg per kg weight once a day before meals or divide the dose and take it twice a day.. The cyst cleared in about 6 weeks.. Or longer, there is no definite time... Another friend had a big one in his right foot and has been unable to wear shoes for months.. It also cleared after taking Tru OPCs and never re appeared.. We used Nature's way Tru Opcs but they are also available at Costco as grape seed extract...


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Posted by Katherine (California ) on 07/30/2023

Years ago, I had a ganglion cyst on my middle finger for a long time. I saw a hand doctor and general practitioner with no help. I then read an article by Dr David Brownstein where he said that all cysts are caused by low iodine in the body. I put some iodine from the Drug Store on it and by the third day it was almost gone. I recently felt a cyst returning in that area and took some iodine internally. In a few days the area was clear again.

Luquid Sulfur

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Posted by Carla (Texas, US) on 06/12/2014

Liquid sulfur, prescribed by my naturopathic doctor for my ganglion, relieved the swelling, redness and pain in less than three days.

Replied by Joyce
(South Carolina)

I said Yea, because my sister had a cyst and used MSM which has sulphur in it and it disappeared completely.


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Posted by Keira (Sydney, Australia) on 07/27/2016

Editor's Choice Ganglion Cyst: I had raised painless red lumps on both thumbs near the joint, I read the posts on Epsom salts treatment which are full of magnesium, & thought it would be easier to take magnesium tablets. I took two 500mg tablets a day- one in the morning, the other at night. After 3 days I thought the lumps looked slightly smaller. I continued taking the tablets. After 3 weeks the lumps were now gone, but the skin was still red. I continued taking the tablets & after another couple of weeks the redness was totally gone.

I now take a maintenance dose of one tablet daily, & now several months later they have not returned.

Replied by Dinyar

I have hard lump on my palm below the fingers. Some times they are quite painful and when I do some work with my tools. I do take chelated Mg 100 mg twice daily. I cannot tolerate more than this (loose BM).

I wanted to know about liquid Sulphur treatment- Do I apply Neat (100% pure) or diluted? also, I saw liquid Sulphur for gardening is that ok to use?

Thank you


Replied by Baldev Raj
185 posts

Hi Dinyar,

You can in fact apply Magnasium oil on it, the best would be if you can mix magnesium oil and DMSO 50/50 and apply that solution three four times a day on the cyst you will get better result and will not have any BM problem.


Magnetic Bracelet

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Posted by British (Long Island, NY) on 06/08/2012

One thing that did work for the cyst on my wrist was a magnetic bracelet. This was a lot less painful that the 2 times it was popped before.


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Posted by Alex (Thessaloniki / Greece) on 05/20/2021

Editor's Choice I had a ganglion cyst in the upper part (hairy) of my left wrist for more than six years. I have tried the needle method and it got swollen again and refiled in few months. Frankincense Essential Oil didn' t work for me either.

The following instructional video saved me:

"How I Fixed the Ganglion Cyst in My Wrist"

So I followed the three pillars:

1) I removed the prolonged tension in the area by buying an ergonomic vertical left hand mouse. It has a different hand grip from common mouses. Prolonged mouse usage is thought by many doctors to cause ganglion cysts in the wrist.

2) I bought a foam roller and applied it to my upper forearm and wrist.

3) I did some dumbbell (5kgr) exercises by lifting it up just by moving the wrist (palm facing upward) to strengthen the antagonistic muscles.

In about two months my swollen ganglion cyst has almost flattened and the results lasts until now for many months.

The Hammer Method

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Posted by Mama T (Nv) on 08/13/2021

I had injured my ankle and went to the chiropractor. The next morning I had needle pain in my big toe and a ganglion cyst on the bottom of my foot on the tendon to my big toe! I went back to the chiropractor and he worked on my foot some more. He said the cyst will not go away and I may have to have it drained! OR he said "you could hit it with a hammer"!

I went home and looked it up on line and saw the medical remedy for draining it and blah blah. Then I went on and saw this treatment.

I used a hammer! It took a lot of whacking and then I iced it! Now it is greatly reduced! Maybe a book gives you a broader surface area for hitting the cyst.

Thank goodness for Earth Clinic.

EC: Hmmm... 17 readers on Earth Clinic used a book, not a hammer, but please share the post where you read about using a hammer for a ganglion cyst! 

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