White Tongue Cure

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Freya (Plymouth, England) on 06/06/2009

White coating on tongue: I tried all of the remedies suggested on this page and none of them worked! I was wondering if it meant baking powder of bicarbonate of soda? Anyway, completely by accident I discovered that if you put a pea sized amount of special tooth and gum toothpaste for treating gum disease on your tongue for a minute, it will give a pink tongue for the day! This is only temporary and it tastes yucky, but it is simple and easy.

EC: In the USA, we call bicarbonate of soda (and not baking powder) "Baking Soda".

Posted by Kevin (Temecula, Ca) on 05/21/2009

Work amazingly!! regular table salt will do! put it on my tongue for about 40 seconds, then brushed with salt on my toothbruush three times and boom, most of the white coat was gone!! great remedy!! im excited!

Posted by Elsaeasterly (Elsewhere, Ca, Usa) on 02/22/2010

I have searched for the brush you describe and cannot find it. Could you please post the brand name here or, if not allowed, email me at elsaeasterly (@) yahoo.com without the spaces, of course?

Posted by Watery (New York, New York, Usa) on 03/15/2012

To create such a toothbrush yourself, just take a lighter and set it to the smallest flame. Light it and hold the part near the brushes about 5cm from it. It will slowly heat up, making it bendable. Gently bend it in the right curve and hold the toothbrush under water to make it solid again. I did this with my toothbrush, and finally got rid of the bacteria at the back of my tongue: brushing with baking soda and glycerine, cleaning areas previously impossible.

General Feedback
Posted by Lisa (Grand Rapids, Michigan) on 04/10/2009

White tongue coating. READ THIS............

Getting to the source of the problem. There may be many reasons that we have a white tongue, but there could be something that many of us have in common that we are eating, chemical exposure, dehydration, medication, etc.

Please note: Be careful with cleaning your tongue as some people develop constant tongue burning that does not go away.

Let's answer these questions so that we may see if we are doing something in common that is contributing to a white tonuge coating. Please feel free to add questions that you feel may have contributed to your white tongue coating. Try to think of something new that you did, something you ate, something you may have been exposed to, new medications, that you changed before you started getting a white tongue coating.

Please do not use any brand names as we are not allowed to use them on this site.

I included my answers.

1. Do you drink at least 8 glasses of filtered or bottled water each day? (8 ounces of water for a total of 64 ounces of water each day.) No
2. If not how many ounces do you drink? 30-50 ounces a day.
3. Do you have any digestive problems? (Stomach hurts, stomach uncomfortable at times, stomach enlarged, constipation, or diarrhea, etc.) Yes, stomach uncomfortable at times.
4. Are you taking any medications? Yes
5. If yes, what is it for? (Females include birth control pills.) Birth control pills.
6. Have you taken any antiyeast medications? Yes.
7. Do you drink alcohol? No.
8. Do you smoke? No.
9. Do you have any animals? If so what are they? Yes, 1 cat.
10. Have you been scratched or bitten by an animal? Scratched by cat.
11. Do you use or are you exposed to chemical cleaners? Such as bleach, counter cleaners, etc. Yes, bleach, toilet cleaner, and table cleaner.
12. Do you use air freshener in your home? Are you exposed to air freshener at work or at friend or relative's home? Yes, automatic air freshener in my home.
13. Do you wash your toothbrush? I do now. I wash it in dish soap and rinse well.
14. Do you soak your toothbrush in salt? Yes, I do now. (Occasionally)
15. Do you brush your teeth daily? Yes, sometimes 2x a day.
16. Do you floss daily? Yes.
17. What new foods did you start eating that you didn't eat before? Yogurt, salmon.
18. Anything else that you can think of? Not at this time.

General Feedback
Posted by Mr.whitey (North Canton, Ohio) on 09/26/2010

I had just read about medacation contributing to the "white coating" and was wondering if a. D. D. Medication, or reactive airways medication is contributing to my white tounge btw ive never smoked chewed or drank my stomach also hurts often I own 1 cat also I brush twice a day... So wut am I doing to cause the white coating? one more thing if I may add a question... Have you ever used chewing tobacco? no but it can lead to many tounge problems

Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 03/15/2009 490 posts

Hi Jan, Never heard of anyone having tonsil stones before, but the same old EV olive oil & lemon juice that works on kidney stones, should also dissolve stones located in the gallbladder, parotid glands or elsewhere.

Posted by Cara (Philly, PA) on 04/23/2009

Hi Jan, Whatever you do, PLEASE DO NOT resort to having your tonsils or uvula removed to get rid of your tonsil stones. I did just that in January 08 and here it is a year and a half later and I'm still suffering for it. Because of the operation, I developed LPR (acid reflux of the mouth instead of the chest). My mouth is dry 24 hours a day, I have a permanently coated white tongue, nothing but air in my mouth (no taste inside), and can no longer eat any of my favorite foods because my throat will immediately close up and my mouth will be dry for months. I drink only water all day long and that helps for maybe 2 seconds and then I'm bone-dry again. I'm on this website because the coating on my tongue has gotten worse.

It is the biggest regret of my life, because you can't run away from the feeling inside your mouth. It's awful, so please do not consider it. Live with the tonsil balls and cough them out as much as possible and keep up really great oral hygiene. Trust me, as much as I hated those tonsil balls, I'd sell my soul to have them back now.

Good luck! Email back if you have questions.

Posted by Jessica (Tacoma, Wa) on 10/14/2010

I suffered from tonsil stones for years and then decided to get the tonsils out. I feel that it was the best decision I have ever made. I do suffer from white tounge coating from time to time, but I think it has more to do with yeast overgrowth than anything else. I say it depends on the person. I am thankful to be rid of those nasty and annoying tonsil stones.

Posted by Bean (Orlando, Fl) on 07/06/2011

Are you lactose intolerant. I used to get tonsil stones and realized it had to do with drinking milk.

Posted by Lisa (Ny, Ny) on 07/02/2013

Great to hear the salt worked for you? How long did it last? Did your family notice your breath wasfresher? (I am concerned that the reason people instantly get pink tongues is because the salt burned their tongue and that's just blood under the surface showing.

Posted by Marissa (Seattle) on 10/26/2016

I have been battling with a white tounge as well. All I read are these horrible conditions that cause the white coating. I also suffer from IBS and was excited to read this post. Thank you, I will be researching more on this!!!! And trying salt!!!!

Posted by Maria (Veracruz, Mexico) on 03/12/2009


It worked for a while, but it doesn't stop the coating for good and all the dryness of the mouth. Do you know how can we stop that?

Posted by Sri (Ny, Ny) on 11/12/2009

As far as I can tell, if it is returning repeatedly, you need to balance the pH of your body with one of the remedies posted elsewhere on the website, namely, Ted's formulas taking probiotics or using some over the counter supplement to balance the pH.

Posted by Josh (Long Beach, Ca) on 09/26/2013

So I've been suffering from white coated tongue for the longest I have tried a couple things and nothing seem to work. I lost my sexual life, family life due to this situation and really what I would like to know is does the salt treatment really work. Cause I need a cure or all hope is lost for me.

Posted by Zarina (Lusaka, Zambia) on 02/18/2009

i was looking for a cure for coated tongue and the first posting i read was on salt, i tried it right away and it worked so simple really, i felt foolish because it is also so logical.

Posted by John (Bayside, NY) on 01/29/2009

It works temporarily but when will the white tongue permanently go away???

Posted by Shaun (York, UK, England) on 01/29/2009

John, I have tried all the usual tricks and treatments to cure this and the best I have come up with is to just to simply get a warm face flannel and rub the tongue twice a day. Job done. Of course you can use salt or whatever, but once I had cleaned up any possible candida (with Milk of Magnesia and or borax/bicarbonate), I found it wasn't necessary to use that any more. I know this may sound all to simplistic but I assure you that you will chuckle to yourself when you see the results.

Posted by Anon (Buffalo, NY) on 01/17/2009

Hi. Where can I find glycerin? I looked in the toothpaste aisle and in the organic aisle at the supermarket. Is it something you can only find online? Thank you.

EC: No, check the wound care section in your local pharmacy or grocery store. We usually see it on either the very top or the very bottom shelf. At Whole Foods, we once found a great brand of vegetable glycerin in the castor oil/massage oil section. Singers use veggie-based glycerin to coat sore throats as it's safe for internal use.

Here's one advertised at iherb.com: http://www.iherb.com/ProductDetails.aspx?pid=7962&at=0

Posted by Mari (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) on 02/15/2011

I didn't know glycerin could be used like this! The only thing I've ever used it for is making fondant for cakes and restoring the consistency of icing when it dries out.

Wilton sells it in 59ml (2 fl oz. ) bottles in craft stores or cake decorating stores too. Usually about $5 (CAN), but if you go to a Michael's Craft Store with one of their 40% off coupons, it brings it down to $3.

I've had the white tongue problem for a while too, so I'm going to give this a try.

Posted by Emma (Melbourne, VIC Australia) on 01/14/2009

Just tried the salt thing on my tongue and it worked! Just used a mouth swab (like a big cotton bud) on it and it all came off! Except that irritating bit at the back, but I can live with that for the time being! Thank you everyone who suggested that little one!

Have had a coated tongue (which goes an attractive shade of brown if I drink too much tea! Lovely) on and off for about a year now-it does get better if I drink more water and don't brush (esp not hard brushing-this can damage your taste buds-not good!). I do think its a dietary think-Dr Gillian McKeith talks about cures for coated tongues in her book "You Are What You Eat"-must dig that out...!

Posted by LB (Buffalo, NY) on 01/03/2009

I'm amazing I found something that works. I've had this white tongue issue for some time now and my girlfriend kept telling me to brush my tongue, which I had always done.. and did not work.

I took a spoon of sea salt, put it on my tongue, held it for a couple of minutes.. did it a couple of times.... then brushed my tongue with a little sea salt.. rinsed a few times in between and after... and my tongue is a little sore, but it's pink again after all this time!

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Shawnta E. (Virginia Beach, VA) on 12/22/2008

The white tongue issue most of you are probably referring to is called geographical tongue. This is only present in about 3% of the population. I was diagnosed with this about 3 years ago, and officially, there is no cure for it. I had searched high and low for one, and all official websites state there just isn't one. However, some sites have stated to brush with peroxide, but I haven't had much success with it. Sorry I couldn't offer a positive remedy.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Laura Regan (Ohio/usa) on 02/17/2014

I have found that rinsing the affected area of a geographical tongue with white vinegar will stop the progression of the white patches in their tracks!!! There is a very minimal amount of tingle involved, especially if applied immediately after brushing teeth & tongue. However, it is very quickly followed by a slight numbing feeling, which as you know will give you some relief as those patches can get very sore when brushing. I did this several times throughout the day during the last episode, mainly for the numbing effect & was surprised at the containment I noticed. Tried it again @ the very first sign this time & have noticed the same results! Hope this helps!

Posted by Jennifer (LA, CA) on 12/16/2008

This really works! I did not expect this to work at all. I noticed since I got ill I had really bad coating, dehydration, and worse breath than usual. I am so glad I found this site. I have tried all kinds of over the counter remedies, never worked.

I first gargled with sea salt and water for about five minutes because the coating was quite thick. Then I spit, put sea salt directly on my tongue and tried to leave it on there for at least five minutes coating thoroughly.

I then spit that out and brushed with the leftover remnants of salt, rinsed. Then I did a paste of sea salt, baking soda, and hydrogen peroxide and brushed tongue, teeth, roof of mouth and gums.

Lo and Behold! It worked! I've never, ever had a pink tongue and it is pink and I can feel my tastebuds for once! Woo Hoo.

I finished by rinsing with hydrogen peroxide, then flushing mouth out with water. So far so good.

I am also going to try the charcoal to help with digestive tract and the glycerin w/peppermint oil as a way to leave my mouth with a fresh taste after doing the salt/baking soda treatment.

Good luck you guys! This worked for me and I've never ever had a pink, pink tongue. Wow.

Thanks Earthclinic.

Posted by Tami (RDU, North Carolina) on 05/28/2009

I would like to say that I too had a white tongue for over 10 years. I hated it and I was unaware that it smelled. I brushed several times a day, flossed twice a day, and used my tongue scraper. When I asked doctors about it they said that it was normal for some people to have a white tongue. Recently I got fed up with it and the only tongue a person should settle for is a PINK tongue. I read a post here and I tried sea salt on my tongue for 5 mins and then used my tongue scraper... I actually saw some pick coming through. Then I tried 1 part sea salt, 1 part hydrogen peroxide, 1 part glycerin, and 1 part water and used my tongue brush with this solution until I saw more and more PINK. I was so excited!!! I was about to go to another doctor's appointment until I found this. Thank you all for your posts. I finally got rid of the dreaded white tongue monster!!!

Posted by Heather (Atlanta ) on 03/22/2016

Can you share more about the measurements for the paste?

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Jeanne (Hickory, NC) on 11/19/2008

white tongue: I am using Oral Peroxide, have been for apx. 2 months. Very little diff. Looking for home remedy that works.

Posted by Tammy (Honolulu, Hawaii) on 10/05/2008

I tried the "salt remedy" for a white tongue. I just tried it for the first time and see a remarkable improvement! Tongue is a little tender, but I can live with that a lot more easily than that dreadful white tongue!

Posted by Jacob (Miami, Florida, Usa) on 11/15/2011

I've been trying the whole salt thing for 2 days without result. Will see what happens with the baking soda.

Posted by Maz (Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia) on 07/27/2012

White tongue is mostly caused by Candida and to get rid of that, it is recommended to take oregano oil for two to threee weeks. Take a break for two weeks and then take olive leaf extract for two week. Take a break for two weeks and so on. Do that for a period of no longer than eight weeks in total. Candigest is a powerful supplement which digests the cellulose (of which candida is largely composed) and kills the yeast. You are also suggested to take Candigest for a period of 30-60 days. White tongue will not only cause bad breath but also acne so you might want to try take those supplements to get rid of Candida but seeks your doctor first before implementing it.

Posted by Andrea C (Wales) on 04/24/2014

I used finely ground pink Himalayan salt on my toothbrush, brushed my tongue. I then made my own toothpaste with Celtic sea salt, cayenne pepper and some peppermint oil.

Brushed my teeth and rinsed my mouth with salt water. From a shag pile rug, now 60% better and a lot of pink showing. It was bad!! Looking good and I can taste a lot better too. Love Andrea C xxx

Posted by Sherri (Atlanta, GA) on 09/27/2008

White Tongue: Yep... the salt worked for me when nothing else did. I used a coarse natural sea salt. I had to re apply it several times a day, but it definately seems to be taking care of the problem. Go figure.... my Mom always said gargle with salt water if you have a sore throat. This almost always worked as a child, but I never really realized the curing abilities of salt until now. The tongue thing was so upsetting and GROSS!!!! I'm glad to have found a home remedy for it. I'm super clean and pay extra attention to oral hygien... so go figure. I'm glad it seems to be going away. My tongue is almost completely pink after only just starting the tx yesterday. Plus I noticed my breath seem just fine first thing in the morning which before I could taste a very bad icky and I'm sure smelly breath upon wakening. This morning I felt my mouth was fresh.... hmmmmm ... good ole salt~ yippie!

Posted by Rick (West Valley, Utah) on 07/24/2008

Didn't work for me. Tried brushing with salt and rinsing gargling with salt water. No effect.

Posted by Hans Raiber (Siberia) on 10/12/2008

It's just because you weren't putting much effort with it. I personally tried doing this and it works like a charm! Try doing it for a little longer and use a bit more salt, if it burns that's actually the white film coming off your mouth, if you stopped then then evidently nothing would happen. If you fight the burn it'll work though!

Posted by Mike (Virginia Beach, VA) on 07/17/2008

Thank you so much! my tongue was so white it made me sick to look at it. After just one use of salt on my tooth brush my tongue was pink and healthy. I'm now proud to show off my tongue ring lol.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Wolf (Malibu, CA) on 04/07/2009

30 to 60 minutes? really?

Oil Pulling
Posted by Betty (Miami, Fl) on 12/16/2013

I just tried the oil thing but with olive oil. I put a good coat on and brushed with the thing on back of the toothbrush. I left it on for about 3mins then put another coat on and brushed again. Left it on for another 3 mins then I added toothpaste to breakup the oil and brushed again. I immediately rinsed and my tongue was beautiful and pink. I had never seen it this clear I almost took a pic to send to friends then I thought of how stupid that may look lol

Posted by Amanda (Northfield, Ohio) on 05/20/2008

White Tongue Remedies: I just wanted you to know I tried the salt water thing. The white on my tongue did not come off. I am going to try the listerine next and I will let you know if that does not work.

P.S. Brushing your tongue is usually not a good idea. You should check with your doctor first to find out if it is serious or not. Brushing your tongue with a serious tongue condition can pretty much make it worse or ruin your tongue for life.

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