I've had a white tongue for most of my life. Along with 100 other symptoms that no doctor could figure out the orgin of. I just realised most, if not all of my symptoms are from candida. I spent years scrubbing my tongue with salt, but now I have a new solution. If you break a capsule of undecylenic acid in your mouth the white completely disappears. It only took a day for me to have the pinkest tongue after I tried this. Of course, the cause of your white tongue would need to be candida for this to actually work.
Clove Powder
Every time I have a sore on my tongue due to cold sore or bacterial sore on the tongue, I put on my tongue the powder of Clove. Usually in 2 days the issue is resolved. Hope this will help someone. Thank you
Digestive Enzymes
Digestive Enzymes
Digestive Enzymes
I suffer from slow gut motility and constipation as well. I brush with a natural toothpaste. And follow up with a dry mouth rinse that has glycerin. But all these other things - strict diet, nightly senna tea, natural toothpaste, dry mouth rinse - I have been doing for many years and they didn't completely help my white tongue. Even multi-strain expensive probiotics didn't help. Digestive Enzymes are the only thing that has helped - it has changed my life! I've even stopped the expensive probiotics. I think a good diet is also key -but I even splurge now and then...and with the digestive enzymes, my tongue has been ok. Or if I have a flare up it clears up within a day.
When Gut imbalance is the problem - Digestive Enzymes are the solution!
Hope this helps someone! Note: I have never had bad breath, so maybe there are other reasons for white tongue that the digestive enzymes won't help. But for a white coated geographic tongue, they will help!
Oil Pulling
Red Wine
Baking Soda, Hydrogen Peroxide, Sea Salt
Milk of Magnesia and Salt
After a life of partying, drinking, eating bad stuff, bad sleep and so on, I became sensitive to white coated tongue and acne. 7 years ago, I went to a doctor.. and he said it might be b12 deficiency.. I took b12 and nothing happened, then the doctor said it was just a case of geographic tongue. I was frustrated that I couldn't find a solution for that and then I purchased a book about geographic tongue, but the information there was about sleeping with nystatin powder in the tongue, and taking a antibiotic called flagyl. Well, here in Brazil we don't have nystatin powder, so I became literally the entire day holding that liquid on the mouth for days, and taking huge amounts.. The tongue didn't even improve a bit. Then the complications became very bad and with my stomach problems, I had to do a stomach surgery that I couldn't eat for 15 days, just jelly with sugar and water. Amanzingly, my tongue was pink for the first time in 5 years, but as soon as I started eating again, I got the white tongue again..
Very well.. few years passed and I experimented with a lot.. lots of frustration, and I tried brushing with salt.. a lot of the white came off, but did not solve the problem. Turns out that the salt exfoliates tongue, so it helps A LOT, but at some point, the white stuff didn't come off anymore and kept there. Then I read here in earthclinic in the Thrush page that people were using Milk of Magnesia. I hold The Milk of Magnesia the ENTIRE DAY, like 16 hours, and then in the intervals, I brushed my tongue every 3 hours with salt. Then BOOM, this was the secret, the Milk Of Magnesia softens the white stuff and the salt exfoliates it. This is the perfect combination, and nothing else than that helps for me.
Trust me, I tried colloidal silver, MMS, probiotics, holding everything I read above my tongue.. Pau Darco teas and so on.
I found that If I eat certain things like a VERY unbalanced meal like just Carbs, or just Fat, it was a matter of time before I feel upset stomach and white tongue.
Stress is also a trigger.
Alcohol is a trigger
And, incredibly, orgasm is a trigger (I'm male). According to my research, people say a lot that when they have acne, their tongue is also always white. When fapping, it releases a lot of hormones, creating acne and guess what.. white tongue..
The trick I told before is only for removing the SYMPTOM, and not treating the illness.
I also tried 7 capsules of betaine HCL with each meal, enzymes, you name it.. never worked.
So basically my life is being stress free, balanced meals always, milk of magnesia and salt for oral care, being pretty much a monk (no sex/no orgasm).
But hey.. I'm just sharing my experience. I still trying to find out a real CURE for this. I want to have a girlfriend and be able to eat things like a avocado smoothie again, or eating an omellete without knowing that I will have this white tongue. I hope I give ou guys some ideas to test..
About the white tongue problem. Likely a thrush or virus infection. I have suggested the use of colloidal silver to many and once many years ago I had the condition. Here's how: Take a tablespoon of CS and let it slowly drain down the tongue and throat. Do that again. Twice a day do this and in three days if the white coating is better, keep up for another week or two. This condition may arise from an infection in sinuses so also consider a nasal irrigation, using the CS and "snort" the liquid into both sinus cavities. Repeat twice daily for a week.
Oh, also the infection (white tongue....if indeed an infection) could be coming from the bronchial region and via a reflux action bringing an infection into the mouth and throat. If you suspect bronchial/lung issues, see my posts on using "steamer-inhaler" and using CS to knock out bronchial infections.
Multiple Remedies
Geographical Tongue: food sensitivities- look into nightshade food family, foods high in histamine, and pH balances
White Coating - thrush/candidiasis - I have found swishing (called oil pulling) with coconut oil (ie. While in shower, or getting dressed, or making breakfast) and brushing is tremendously beneficial, and your teeth feel super smooth too! Coconut oil is antimicrobial and helps loosen "bad" bacteria's grip. Spit out swished oil, do not swallow. Rinse mouth. You can repeat this as often as you like throughout the day. Then go ahead and enjoy coconut oil mixed into yogurt, salads, and smoothies to support bacteria health in your intestines. May also break a probiotic capsule in mouth and swish it around, then spit out.
White coat equates to overgrowth of "bad" bacteria...which occurs in intestines and travels to the mouth and depending on severity, rest of body. Bringing good/bad bacteria back into balance (aka healthy gut flora) will prove beneficial to your mouth health and overall health. Listen to your tongue!
You are especially at risk if you have taken antibiotics that wipe out good bacteria with the bad, consume sugar/sugar drink which feed "bad bacteria, " and eat processed foods. Sound like you? Seek help, gain understanding, and help others once you have been helped, just as people are doing on this board!
Eliminate Dairy
Black Seed Oil
I drank ~10ml of black seed oil yesterday by the suggestion of my friend, just for general health purposes, not to target anything. today I saw DRAMATIC improvements in my tongue!!! Almost totally normal! Incredible... I drank another 10 ml today. funny enough, I've been waiting for an online order of pao d'arco tea to come in. I was hoping that would help, but I guess I already found my cure. I'm going to keep taking this stuff and rubbing it everywhere else to see what other magic it can work. just look up the case study of the man who was cured of HIV by taking black seed oil with honey and you too may be inspired by the possibilities of black seed oil.
One online link recommended oil of oregano and I bought it for $25.00. I'm sure it would take time, but I wanted something I could see a quick difference with. I searched online and found your site where people had used salt. I know salt is healing for sore throat, and I was desperate for anything. After the first brushing the yeast was gone. I did a second brushing and gargled with hot salt water. I was skeptical it would be back in the morning when it was always worst. But amazingly, it wasn't! I'm so thankful I came upon your article before I suffered a year again.
Thank you for your information. Peggy
Probiotics, Glycerin, Coconut Oil
1. I buy refrigerated probiotics (blend of Lactobacillus rhamnosus & Lactobacillus acidophilus). Open one capsule and use a soft tooth brush to gently rub the powdered contents onto your tongue. Then just leave it on as long as you can and swallow the rest. It's a good idea to take a daily capsule as well internally.
2. I bought organic, food grade vegetable glycerin. Place a few drops on your tongue and rub it in. Allow it to stay on your tongue - it is also safe to swallow.
3. Use virgin, organic, cold expeller pressed coconut oil.. I've been using it for oil pulling for years. Just take a small teaspoon of the c.o. and let it melt on your tongue.
I used all three methods about an hour or two before bed time. It started working before I went to bed. The next morning, the numbness and swollen feeling were gone and the pink color is returning to my tongue.
Activated Charcoal
What is the name of your toothpaste? I have been told to use the SLS free toothpaste. I have yet to find any and have looked everywhere. I am into my second bout of oral thrush within a year. Very disturbing to me.
Thanks, Take care. Gerry
Salt is the best remedy to treat white-colored tongue. Sprionkle some salt on your tongue and scrub it with a toothbrush for a minute.
Oil pulling is another effective practice that tretas white-coated tongue. Before brushing your teeth in the morning, put 1 tablespoon of extra-virgin coconut oil in your mouth. Swish it around in your mouth between your teeth and under the tongue. Do this for 15 minutes until you see the oil turns milky in color. Spit out the oil and rinse your mouth with warm water. Do this once in a day for overall oral health.
Put 1 tablespoon of aloe-vera juice in your mouth and swish it around for a few minutes and spit it out. Then drink 1 tablespoon of aloe-vera juice and repeat this remedy for few times daily. Continue this for 2 weeks and you will find amazing changes in your tongue.
Im dental receptionist, I suffer from that symptoms.
Hydrogen Peroxide, Sea Salt
Activated Charcoal
So it must be to do with the balance of the flora. Having read these posts I have brushed the contents of a biotic capsule on my yellow very carpety tongue and am keeping my fingers crossed and wonder if there is a connection between the tongue and how my stomach plays up.
Brushed my teeth and rinsed my mouth with salt water. From a shag pile rug, now 60% better and a lot of pink showing. It was bad!! Looking good and I can taste a lot better too. Love Andrea C xxx
Re tongue coating and metallic taste;
Glad the situation is under control but to know just how much under control you might want to experiment. When you find yourself with a free weekend where you are pretty much by yourself, suspend your normal preventative formula. If the white coating and metallic taste come back quickly then the underlying cause is still very much present. Clearly, an infection is at work; likely as you said...fungus, but may be combined with a virus and/or bacteria. I've found that if I take two tablespoons of Colloidal Silver and hold in mouth allowing it to swish back into throat and barely "drain" down back of tongue, that all candida is eliminated and breath issues are resolved so long as regular hygiene is practiced. I use the CS to insure underlying oral hygiene four or five times weekly. After holding the CS in mouth for a full minute (swishing around) then spit out. Usually then I drink the same amount to kill viruses in the body. I used to have a white coating issue (never the metallic you spoke of) and after I started the CS "mouth wash" the problem was quickly eliminated.
I started searching on the internet and after years of trial and error, I found a process that keeps it at bay, and ironically I live a much healthier and happier lifestyle now because of my bad breath.
I found out it was candida that was causing the halitosis and I read up on that. There is a ton of info online about the candida diet that I wont go into here. Some people go hard core into it but I made a few changes in my diet and am also aware of things that can cause a candida outbreak. In general I stay away from sugars, alcohol, cigarettes and vinegar.
Now for the products I use. I found that toothpaste that does not have sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) works best because it does not dry my mouth. Also I stay away from alcohol based mouth washes for the same reason.
I carry a travel toothbrush (the ones that fold) and a small tube of toothpaste if I go out at night. I have one in my car and at the office, and I brush after every meal.
I use a sugar free xylitol gum after I brush my teeth to bring some moisture back into my mouth. Xylitol also makes it difficult for the candida to stick to surfaces of your mouth.
This was my system for several years and it was fairly effective but I still knew I had bad breath several times a day and had to go to the bathroom and brush my teeth, then chew xylitol gum. Even then, sometimes it would come right back, requiring 5 or more trips to the bathroom during an evening out and not feeling "kissably confident".
What really brought my confidence back was Acidophilus. At first I took pills, and they helped but the most effective product I have found is a liquid Acidophilus probitic. I think it is because it coats my tongue, and throat. It really, really helps. Probably more than anything else, but its not a cure and won't do it alone.
So now after each meal, I brush my teeth with SLS free toothpaste, use alcohol free mouth wash, then swish 2 table spoons of acidophilus yogurt in my mouth and swallow. If my mouth gets dry I use xylitol gum. I stay away from sugars, alcohol, vinegar and cigarettes, and after 10 years of embarrassment, trial and error I finally have my bad breath under control.
If I don't do the above it comes right back, but my lifestyle is much healthier, and my confidence is SO much higher! It took me many years to refine this system, I can only hope it helps someone else with this dreadful problem.
Hydrogen Peroxide
White Tongue Remedies
Most of the white coating is gone but still some left. Keep in mind, our tongues indicate what our digestive health is like. I have a candida, bacterial, & viral overgrowth. I'm using the protocol from Bill to get rid of this awful condition. Good Luck & God Bless!
White Tongue Remedies
The white coating is related to fungal/viral/or bacterial buildup.
So I use anti pathogens; H202 sprayed onto tongue; or gargle with colloidal silver; or coat with any of the anti viral oils, like tea tree oil once a week.