I live in a cabin in the middle of nowhere, and pretty sure I got strep after a very stressful few days, a trip to the big city and the International Airport being around hundreds of people (where presumably I was exposed to strep), and a night of missed sleep which happened all at once. These same conditions happened to me a year and a half ago, and I received antibiotics in the emergency room which REALLY messed up my digestion and mood although definitely cured me of the strep at that point. That time, I was scared into going to the ER because my gums were inflamed and hurting as well and I was frightened by the possibility of secondary illnesses (and as we know, dental diseases can affect the heart, and strep can have secondary effects on the heart).
Being in the middle of nowhere now, with no way to get to town very soon, this is what I have: paprika (related to cayenne), spicy chili sauce (doesn't say what kind of hot pepper is used), apple cider vinegar, two heads of garlic, and luckily, a pound of goldenseal powder. I took a large dose of goldenseal yesterday and throughout the day today, and am feeling a great deal better. I plan on continuing with the high-dose goldenseal for another week. I encapsulate it and swallow it with an awesome homemade chai with lots of soothing, moistening cinnamon, and lots of pain-relieving clove, which is the only thing I feel like drinking right now. I feel confident that I can properly treat my case of strep with herbs this time. No need for me to be scared. I am about to go try gargling with the paprika and maaaaybe the spicy chili sauce diluted with warm water... Oh, and the first thing I did was gargle with hydrogen peroxide and that took the pain down to 50% for maybe an hour. Thanks everybody for sharing your experiences.
I used to suffer from strep throat quite frequently before I switched from antibiotics to home remedies, but since I have severe tonsil problems, even going natural hasn't saved me completely. I still get strep once a year or so. (as opposed to about 5 times a year before).
I have used goldenseal many times to cure my strep throat, it is a wonderful natural antibiotic that can be taken orally or applied topically to the tonsils, as well as gargled. It can be used straight or watered down a bit if the taste is too strong for you. The dosage will vary depending on the strength of the tincture you buy (mine has 800mg in one 0.8 ml dropperful), but a dose of 2-5 dropperfuls 2-3 times a day is usually adequate. It has always worked wonders for me.
It's one downfall is that constant use creates resistance, so it's best not to use it as your go-to antibiotic for everything(it has many uses). Try to cycle through other natural antibiotics to avoid immunity to it. (oil of oregano is a good one for strep as well) As well as temporarily decreasing your body's ability to absorb B vitamins. It's said you should avoid taking supplemental vitamin B at the same time as it will decrease its effectiveness