Multiple Remedies
So where do I start? First I would like to start by thanking god and Earthclinic and particularly Mama to Many.
From my experience with nasal polyps, one thing I have certainly learnt is that it is there to teach us a few things about us and make changes to get better. First on an emotional level and then the physical level. Is there some emotional pain that you are experiencing in life? Then please sort that or atleast start working to sort that. As per Louise hay the world famous spiritual healer chronic sinusitis is being angry at someone close to you...does that happen with you? If yes then sort that anger and keep the affirmation "I declare peace and harmony indwell me and surround me at all times" on through the day. Talk to God, ask for forgiveness and seek his help to get you through this phase. I know how hard it can be because I have myself felt it, the helplessness, the pain. The tears and desperation to get better can only be expressed by someone who has felt it. I dont want to even list down any of those physical experiences because I will in turn touch upon what you are going through yourself and that will make you feel low. We have to keep searching for solutions so lets talk remedies.
If you want to cry it out, do it, trust me do it..Go to your washroom, your car, youe husband or wife and do it once...Scream out, and let it out but the very next minute after the flood gates are opened get to work on the most important project, and that is your health. Mind you, I am still a work in progress but its a day to day activity and you cant slack. Keep the faith and keep trying, you will see improvement.
Thats for the mind, now comes what you can do to internalize and consume.
1. Take out allllll the junk food out of your name it.....chips, cookies, biscuits, chocolates, cakes, fried food, pizzas, burgers, extra processed sugary foods, sweetmeats, canned juices, aerated and carbonated drinks, canned food, preservative foods, sauces. Avoid MSG in chinese foods, if you wanna eat chinese food ask for it without ajinomoto. Stay clean, and trust me you will start seeing small differences. All these foods promote inflamation which is worse in this situation. I have a major sweet tooth but ive stayed away from all this for nearly 5 months now after tons of reading on this condition. Has it helped me? Yes, ive lost nearly 8 kgs and I feel healthier and fresher, so you will only gain out of this my friends. I was told I have LDL cholestrol in april this year, was getting obese, had fat around the tummy...couldnt run with my son etc...u know the feeling of being bloated and out of energy.
I am a vocalist by profession and you could def imagine the problem I would have with breathing freely, but then one day when I was bathing my toddler son and couldnt smell the body wash I was applying on his body, I cried and sobbed and told myself after that, I have to do all I can to heal and God will do the rest. I have to do all I can for my health, and God will heal. Thats when I first chanced upon Earthclinic in May 2017 after struggling.
2. Eat right, salads, greens, radish, onions and garlic ( not too much if youre on homeopathy : that is a wonderful alternative therapy too and I will come to that ), brocoli, spinach, carrots, beetroots, lemons, chomp away on this along with your meals or before and this is all pure fibre and can help you fight the infection. Drink atleast 3-4 litrs of water a day so your body doesnt dehydrate, sinusitis / nasal polyps worsen when the body goes dry.
3. Eliminate foods like wheat, gluten, yeast, dairy, white flour, potatoes, eggs, alcohol, caffeine, corn, jams and jellies, pickles, red meat, black tea from your diet as these produce excess phlegm in the body which doesnt get released as the polyps block them from coming out and thats where they get infected in turn.
4. Eat vit c rich foods like citrus foods, pineapples which contain bromelain that helps a lot. Sprinkle lemon in warm water and sip it through the day, apples, berries, kiwis, strawberries, another rich source of vit c. Eat mangoes which are rich in Vita A and that helps the sinuses a lottt.
5. Chicken broth soup with a dash of cayenne pepper can open up the sinuses and help in a way. Tomato soups, clear veg soups, Warm water with 2 tbps of organic apple cider vinegar ( go for the one with the mother) can help to thin the mucus and flush it out.
6. If you need carbs, go for a moderate portion of rice. I need carbs as I sing, and need energy. Eat lean meat like grilled chicken, salmon fish, hummus, chick peas, lil olive oil, walnuts, flax seeds, chia seeds, oregano, all of these nuts have fatty acids which help a lot. Pumpkin seeds also have zinc and magnesium whcih can help.
7. Steam inhalation, massively helpful to loosen all the phlegm in your sinuses, morning as you wake up and once before you sleep. If you do not intend to take homeopathy then you can use essential oils like Tea tree oil ( super super ) in the steam and inhale it. Put in like say 5 drops of essential organic TTO and I inhale the steam for 4-5 mins and you will see how relaxed you feel. Essential oils normally are and antidote for homeopathy hence it would be nice to speak to your homeopath before mixing the two.
8. Mama to Many's technique...Super like for this one!
Mix hexane free castor oil 1 tablespoon +10-15 drops of organic TTO and input 2-3 drops of that mix in each nostril if the polyps are right in your nostrils. So lie down on your back so that the mix reaches the polyps and this can really shrink them. Continue this once every morning and night after steam inhalation till the polyps go away and your sense of smell should improve soon. Under no circumstances should you directly apply any essential oil to your polyps using a q tip or ingest it. If the polyps are deep in the sinuses then take a spoon of castor oil first thing when you wake up and this will help too.
9. I know this is difficult but you will have to do it, 3-4 times a week of atleast 45 mins of workouts. Release sweat, and your toxins will be released. Run, walk, cycle, weight train ...choose any of it but do it.
10. Sleep well, atleast 7-8 hrs so the body heals itself through rest, also put your head elevated by sleeping on two pillows so all the mucus fliws down
11. Get an allergy test done so you know what you are allergic to and avoid that accordingly. If you are allergic to dust so be it, wear a face mask and dont feel concious, remember your health first!
12. Do yogic breathing and pranayam exercises, this is also helpful to open up the breathing pathways. Anulom vilom can help, but it has to be done only when the nasal passages are clear. Try this sinus massage below to help drain the sinuses so the phlegm flows out of your nose and is not stuck up in the sinuses. Never blow your nose hard to release phlegm, it could put the infection back inside, instead sniff it and spit it out. Thats way better, plus blowing puts further pressure on the sinuses.
14. Homeopathy, read on it and see for yourself if it suits you. What it does is to strenghten our immune system and make us stronger so we are not prone to allergies etc. It certainly has a very good solution to this. Very holistic healing, heals us from the root but needs to be with a homeopath who can read your system and heal you from within.
15. Lastly, plz plz stay strong...i am doing that coz there is only one way to be. Strong and have immense faith, I know what this can do to you, I have been through a stage of extreme depression through it but in all of it I kept doing is praying to God. Speak to him, talk about your good and bad days, but keep the attitude of gratitude and doors will open up for you. I remain open to your queries if I can help in any way but all the remedies on earthclinic are wonderful so plz follow that..It is after being on this site that hope sprung up within me so a massive thank you to earthclinic. Me listing down my journey is to help others who are going through this and also my way of thanking Earth clinic. May god always bless you :)
Dear Mama to Many,
Good afternoon, trust my email finds you well. Been a while since we last chatted in Sept.
Its been a good 4-5 months up until now. The polyps have started to cause issues again. Although this time thankfully the mucosal thickening isn't there but there is congestion like its waiting to be released. There has been anosmia again since 8 days now, just traces of smell in between. Ive restarted the castor oil and TTO oil mix for over 8 days now but waiting for it to fully show results.
Ive ordered for essiac tea as well, and will be hunting for dandelion leaves too as ive read that it can really help with polyps. Read that green tea also helps to shrink them and have started that too. Whats your view on basil leaves? And can basil oil with steam inhalation help? I didnt call for serrapeptase yet but dont know much about it too. Is it a natural remedy Mama to Many?
Any suggestions from your side? Really tired of just surfing for information on this condition, need to cure it now.
Dear Raj,
I am sorry to hear of the return of the polyps but it sounds like you are taking prompt action and I am hopeful that you will get this resolved quickly!
I have high hopes for essiac. It seems to help so many things.
Serrapeptase is used to dissolve non-living tissue. It seems to have an anti-inflammatory effect. It is supposed to be taken on an empty stomach.
I do not know about the basil leaves for polyps. I have heard of inhaling basil fumes for migraines. And I love basil. I would love to hear if this helps you.
Do you have allergies that flare up and may aggravate this? Nettle tea may be useful if these other things you are doing do not prove to be effective.
Thank you for asking - I am doing well!
~Mama to Many~
Multiple Remedies
Seeking urgent help for natural cure of Nasal Polyps which ive been suffering from for the last 1.5 years. Ive had bouts of healing like a good 2-3 months but when it goes bad it really is unnerving. Ive been doing horsearadish honey mixture last three days. Stings the sinuses like crazy but not seen a major difference. Ive been putting a mixture of castor oil (1tsp) and tea tree oil (5 drops) in the morning and night before sleeping. Started with a mixture of ACV (2tsp) and natural honey (1tsp) in a cup of warm water since last night. Took it today morning too on empty stomach.
To be honest ive had bouts of smell in parts since last 6 days of starting the natural therapies, comes and goes but the gaps are very big. But it is still a blessing after 3 weeks of anosmia 😓. My ENT did a scan and said surgery is needed as the sinuses are infected too. I am against surgery and so is my homeopath who is also working on meds for me. Today morning the nasal inhaler I use which has eucalyptus oil opened a little and my trouser started to smell of eucalyptus oil. My colleague asked me, "have you applied a muscle spray or something?" I said yes tearfully that I have a backache and its a eucalyptus oil based muscle relacant gel. I'm in tears as I write this now 😫😓..please please please friends.....plzzzz suggest how to cure this. I am at an absolute end of fatigue with this now.
I would try food grade diatomaceous earth. I have bad allergies and haven't been able to breathe out of my nose forever, but since starting diatomaceous earth a couple weeks ago, I can finally breathe through my nose. It could help you. I started with a tsp. in 8 oz of water a day and still on same dose though I know some go up to a tablespoon a day. Good luck.
Multiple Remedies
Have had nasal polyps about 13 years. Have done the nasal steroids and about every remedy in these pages over the years. A few months ago was still in my chronic state of 100% blocked nose on both sides, chronic sinus infection, soaking wads of tissues, sinus headaches etc - you all know! Nose was swollen and fat.
Much better last few months. I have been taking twice daily a rotating and varied mix of a tiny pinch of goldenseal, 1 drop GSE, 1 drop clove oil, 1 drop oregano oil, now and then 20 drops myrrh or olive leaf tincture - all of the above to keep infection at bay.
Have been squirting home-made nasal spray (distilled water, xylitol, baking soda, colloidal silver, GSE, 3% h2o2, baby shampoo - all these not measured but in tiny dabs into the distilled water in an empty saline nasal spray bottle), alternating with an oregano oil-based nasal spray I purchased and plain homemade colloidal silver also sprayed in the nostrils. I squirt each of the above in the nose at least once each per day.
Other vital parts of this regimen that have helped greatly:
L-arginine (500mg) once daily.
1000 iu methylcobalamin B12 once daily (in the morning! ).
500mg cordyceps capsule each morning.
5000mcg biotin once daily.
From 2 to 5 drops 2% Lugol's iodine daily, depending on how I feel.
The oral and nasal items in the 2nd and 3rd paragraphs are to kill/prevent infection.
The arginine boosts nitric oxide, which helps kill infection and seems to assist in opening the sinuses (humming 20 minutes a day also boosts NO).
The methylcobalamin I saw mentioned on a few forums as greatly relieving decades of chronic sinus trouble in many people.
Cordyceps boosts immunity.
Biotin is needed to help the body beat back fungus - whether sinus infection, dandruff, athlete's foot, jock itch, etc.
Iodine helps to improve low thyroid, which is endemic now due to bromine having replaced iodine in American bread, and chlorine and fluorine in the water. Low metabolism is loved by fungus, & 96% of sinus infections are primarily fungal (Mayo Clinic).
One final thing and likely the most important: look up "cured nasal polyps -normal body temperature", then look up Matt Stone and read his e-book "Eat for Heat". The latter worked for me better and faster than iodine alone.
I can smell things for increasing lengths of time every day now! I can even get some air through one or both nostrils for some time every day. My nose looks mostly normal now, and I am using less tissues. It wakes me up, running, much less often.
Good luck to you all, and remember, use your own judgement and discretion on any of these suggestions. Pay attention to how your body responds.
Multiple Remedies
I know why water fasting and other fasting can help sinus conditions and polyps and many other conditions and that is because it clears the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is important for our immunity and helps in dealing with stress and allergy. If the lymphtic system is clogged with the over consumption of foods and some very challenging foods then your nose and sinus receive more inflammation from the garbage build up. The lymphatic system is like the garbage man that takes away the garbage. Garbage may just turn into polyps. Instead of polluting and causing a worse diseased situation little sacks of garbage called polyps form to protect us.
How do we heal this?
1. Drink your 8 glasses of water per day. Enjoy herbal teas. Maybe goats or almond milk if you must add something. No sugar.
2. Avoid lots of fats. Just a little fat to cook in and satisfy your stomach as this will help stop sugar cravings.
3. Avoid dairy and wheat as much as you can.
4. Thinks about eating lots of greens instead of grains.
5 Get a good night sleep and let your lymph system work when it prefers. It works better as you lay down and rest.
6. Exercise regularly as your lymph needs that help it to do its work. You need to be active for it to circulate.
7. Get good lymphatic massage and remove tension from your lymph restricting chronic tight muscles. Especially those ones cleaning your head and sinuses.
8. Take lymph herbs like fenugreek, bayberry and redroot(not bloodroot), take vitamin c 5000mg spread throughout the day and 2000mg of bioflavanoids. Take quircetin and bromelain. There is a bloodroot nasal drops you can make up as a spray from godshear herbalist UK this will dissolve polyps.
9. Also smaller meals spread throughout the day can be easier on our body. Try taking meals with a good digestive enzyme supplement. You can try taking this supplement between meals also and last thing at night and let it help clear your lymph.
10. This information is like gold. I am sure it will help. It's your time now. Wishing you the best of health.
Eating many small meals is not easy on your body! It creates insulin resistance which is the basis of most disease.
Multiple Remedies
I've been struggling with chronic sinusitic and nasal polyps for 4 years. Within a few months of my first bout with chronic sinusitis I also deveoped asthma, an allergy to aspirin and ibuprofen, and have since developed all kinds of food sensitivities. I believe what's at the root at all of this is simple: immune defunction. But treating that can be quite complicated and take a long time. It's taken me years of experimentation and emotional upheaval to find a natural regimine that shows results, and I've finally found a combination of things that is working. I have wanted to avoid surgery and over-medicating, so the results I am having so far are great. Actually, what brought me to this in the first place was this: I had been controlling my sinus issues with a nasal steroid for a year, and then suddenly got a bad infection on which the steroid and anything OTC had no effect on whatsoever. After 4 weeks of suffering, I got aggressive about the following...
First there is the diet. After being gluten free for several years and more recently elliminating processed sugars and dairy, I have adopted a Paleo diet that is beginning to take in principles of the Specific Carb Diet and even GAPS. Please Google especially the last two to find out more information about these things. Going grain-free and adopting a strict whole-foods diet (no 'organic' frozen pre-packaged foods) began to make a huge difference in how I felt overall. It has not cured my sinus issues, but it has supplied me with energy and vitality I otherwise lacked. It has elliminated most of the brain-fog I had for years with chronic sinusitis, and I have the energy to keep up with regular exercise, work, and school. It has also balanced out the bloating and wieght gain I've experienced being on low-dose nasal and lung steroids. Recent emphasis on rebuilding the gut using L-glutamine, therepeutic strength pro-biotics, home-made bone broths, and fermented vegetables has also increased this overall vitality. According to GAPS dieters, there is strong hope for being able to eventually tolerate the foods I developed sudden allergies and intolerances to (dairy, alcohol, almonds, grains) but for now I strictly avoid all of those things.
Next, there is the direct attack to the polyps and sinus infections. Twice a day to a half-filled neti pot, I put in 1/4 tsp salt, a few drops of tea tree oil, a few drops of concentrated Grape Seed Extract, and a few drops of Goldenseal. Since one nostril is completely blocked by visible nasal polyps, I simply soak what I can for a few minutes instead of passing the water from one sice to the other, as that's pretty impossible for me at the moment. In the other nostril, I can get the water far enough back that it runs into my throat. I let that happen a little bit, but otherwise, try to hold it in as it can be a bit intense with all the oils and instead just soak the area. When I'm done with the neti pot, I apply a few drops of Neem Oil into each nostril and suck back what I can. Neem oil is not only an anti-fungal/anti-bacterial, but it is also a strong tonifyer to the mucous membranes, like Goldenseal as well. I aim to balance the bacterial-fighting properties of waht I use with some tonifying properties to help rebuild damaged tissues. Every once and a while, I dab a qtip into coconut oil and tea tree oil and pply it directly to the visible polyps and surrounding tissues.
In the two weeks I've been doing that particular regimine, I've experienced visible shrinking of the polyps and of the surrounding facial swelling. I've reduced my usage of my prescription nasal steroid to once a day and might aim to slowly elliminate it to allow my immune system to properly function in my nose for further assistance. My stuffiness has come in and out- I believe that as the polyps shrink, a TON of trapped mucous is being released. Every once and a while, I almost literally scrape out (with a qtip) thick chunks of bright colored mucous, which I could see easily getting trapped with the polyps and feeding their inflammation. Also, as larger polyps shrink, I imagine they leave room for the medicine to finally start reaching other hidden polyps for healing, so I am not expecting overnight results.
I have some days where I can nearly smell in one nostril, and where the airflow is so clear that I forget my struggles. Congestion and inflammation always returns, but it comes in and out. On stuffier days, my neti pot regimine almost always brings instant relief, de-inflammation, and sinus draining.
FWIW, I've also been committed to weekly acupuncture treatments and taking Bi Yan Pian, a chinese medicine complex you can find on amazon at great prices. For chronic conditions, this sort of treatment can take a long time to start showing their effects, but I believe in their support. I have a community acupuncture place that I attend with sliding scale fees.
Most days, I also have a cup of ACV 'tea' sweetened with stevia and occasionally spiced with cayenne pepper. I regularly drink dandelion tea, tulsi tea, nettle tea, and also take spirulina and chlorella supplements, all for their blood-cleansing immune supporting properties.
After reading things here, I'm going to experiment with adding Castor oil to my regimine, directly into my sinus and as a pack on my liver. But so far I feel really good about what I have going and think it'll take some time to measure my results drastically. The relief I've received so far is incredible.
(Middle Tennessee, US)
Samter's Triad is a salicylate sensitivity. If you avoid not only aspirin etc. but also high-salicylate foods, you may be able to breathe much better. Salicylates in skin-care products may be even worse (wintergreen etc). Alternatively or in addition, you can buy special enzymes to help you digest salicylate-rich foods. Or look up "aspirin de-sensitization".
Best of luck to you, I have nasal polyps too, but not Samter's or I would know how to relieve the problem at least in large part!
Awesome! God bless you, may you heal sooner than ever 😊
(Buffalo, Ny)
Samter's Triad is not a salicylate sensitivity. Doctors used to think it was back in the 1960s, but no longer. Samter's patients react to all NSAIDs (including those that are not salicylates), as well as other substances that selectively inhibit the COX-1 enzyme. Aspirin is acetyl salicylate. We react to the "acetyl" part of this compound, not the salicylate. Dietary salicylates do not inhibit the COX-1 enzyme and experts on the disease do not recommend avoiding salicylates.
Multiple Remedies
For Sinus Polyps, I suggest using an inhalation steamer bowl (any spare bowl) or facial steamer. Place a few drops of tea tree oil, cinnamon oil, thyme oil and clove oil. You can just add one or two of the suggested oils or all of the oils. Use while you are out and about and don't have time to steam - sinu orega.
Get a food allergen blood test from such places as your medical nutritionist or naturopath. Do an elmination diet. Pick the five top culprits/suspects to start with.
Go on an anti candida diet and also try caprylic acid.
Eat extra virgin hexane free coconut oil. Nilstat liquid for your mouth to gargle and swallow and get nilstat tablets from your doctor. Also try oregano oil or herb tablets. Cook with it it is great with meat. Wonderful herb.
Hope these few suggestions help. Using a salt and bicarbonate soda filled neti pot can help but drain your sinus later and dry it by blowing gently.
Multiple Remedies
Hi everyone,
Well, it has been months now that I have been reading EC and investigating on the internet how to cure my polyps. First of all let me tell you, I have allergic rinhitis, asthma ( take a cortizone inhaler every day), and polyps. The first time the polyps attacked me was ten years ago. I had partial blockage and complete anosmia. The Nose throat, etc specialist gave me a corticoid that did NOTHING at all. That really made me angry because I was breast feeding at the time and was not aware of what was inside the spray. Amyhow, the specialist said I needed SURGERY! Alarmed, I turned to my Homeopath who gave me a treatment that gave me back my sense of smell. I was very happy and forgot about the whole thing...
Last Febuary, after a severe nose cold, the polyps attacked again. This time completly blocked on both sides. It was horrible! I couldn't sleep because everytime I relaxed, I choked for my toungue was sucked my the vacum effect of breathing only through my mouth, for there was absolutly NO air coming in through my nose at all. I suffered enormously, my state of mind deteriorated for not being able to sleep and I became sort of depresed. The GP gave me cortizone spray wich I refused to take. I started to attack with megadoses of vitamin c, ascorbic acid and went o an homepath. The blockage went away after about 10 days.
After that I was breathing again, but still I had the appointment with another spcialist in the uk. I thought the problem was gone, but the moment he saw into may nose he said I had an "enormous" polyp on my left nostril and surgery was needed. Needles to say, I was very disappointed and sad with the news, but still, I was breathing through both my nostrils... A couple of months after that, the polyps came back stronger, bigger more resistant, the day of my birthday and for no apparent reason. Complete blockage again, no sleep, fast deterioration!
Then I started a regime of many things that I investigated and have been working great! First urgent thing was to get rid of the infection and clean the sinuses. How to do that especially if nothing was coming in or out of my nose?
I started taking MEGA doses of ascorbic acid powder, up to "bowel tolerance" (please check went up to 40 grams a day! Also, there is a breathing system developed by profesor Buteyko. With one of his exercise I could unblock my nose long enough to risne with salt water four to five times a day. This specific Buteyko exercise consist in blowing the air out of your lungs and gently moving your head until you cant take it anymore, then start breathing takeing short breath, provoking a slight sense of suffocation, to create CO2 wich will open the nose pasagges for a short time, enough to do the salt water rinse. This sounds brutal and it feel even more so, considering that with this illnes we are already suffering from suffocation, but it works! After four days of doing this, the polyps ceased and I could start getting air in through my nose again. This was end of june, scince then I have still batteled with this polyps, even with an homephatic remedy sold on the internet that "declares a battle of sinuses" but that di not work for me. But, following the Buteyko technique, the ascrbic acid protocol and four other important practices that I will describe, I have been able to CONTINUALLY breathe ONLY through my nose since... Breathing ONLY through the nose is one of the BUTEYKO pricipals to avoid overbreathing or hyperventilation.
A recomendation I can give right away and something that I have been practicing since july is, taping the mouth during the night to avoid at all cost snoring and mouth breathing. I know when you have polyps this is torture, but it is an essential practice to start getting better! The more you breathe through the nose, the less blockage you get and the inverse is also true.
I have bought two books of this technique and I have paid an expensive course to learn how to breathe correctly to reverse and STOP my asthma and my rinhitis and to reduce my polyps. I have also started "Autohemotherapy" and oil pulling. "AHT" is a thecnique where you take blood from your own vein and imediatly reinject it intra muscularly, in the arm, leg or buttock. There is a lot on the internet about this, look up DR. Louiz Moura from Brasil on youtube. After I started the breathing exercises and tje autohemotherapy six weeks ago, I have reduced my inhalers to more than half, have had no need for releiver, my postnasal dripping is gone and I dont need to blow my nose but once or twice a day if any. I continue to take 20 grams of ascobic acid daily and also take a b suplement, iron, selenium, zinc, iodine for my thyroid. Chloruro de magnesio salts, 20 grams diluted in 1 liter of water, take a 3 oz. daily. I also do a "Castor oil pack" some days a week. I am feeling great today!
My plans are to reduce my polyps considerably by the end of this year, but so far I have acheived complete unblockage, and I feel that I am actually healling myself. I do Tracendetal Meditation 2 times a day and a 30 minute brisk walk in the park. I haven't taken at any moment ANY allopatic medicaments. I give thanks to God to put this challenge in my life, for I am dedicated to heal myself in a Holistic way and be in better condition than before.
(St Albans)
I am 67 and have nasal polyps, sinus disease and asthma for the last ten years. I have had several surgeries for polyp removal, my septum straightened and my left drainage port, (top of the nose) widened. The left side has caused no problems for six years, but the other side makes my life AWFUL.
I do the following self help. Nasal douching, made of warm water and a teaspoon of sea salt. As I pour into one side of my nose, I also sniff it right back into my throat. Then spit it out. That really helps and I've never had a single cold in the last two years. I do this as often as needed. I have so many polyps I have to take steroid drops, but by douching have cut that down to under half the frequency.
I do yoga every day, the inverted positions are invaluable and I eat a diet of 80% fruit and veg. This is a good anti inflammatory diet.
I'm having surgery in two weeks and feel very confident, that once gone, I will keep my nose free of nasties providing I keep up the diet, douching and yoga.
Multiple Remedies
1st of all, thank you all for sharing your experiences and self experimentation. I too have suffered from 25 years of nasal polyps - if I knew then how this would effect my quality of life, I would have cut off my nose. I have had 1 surgery, enjoyed a sense of smell for around 6 months and breathing for a couple of years before the polyps returned. After nasal sprays and on and off Prednesone, I was about to go for the 2nd surgery when I came to this site.
So far, I have tried just about every suggestion here. To summarize -
Hydrogen Peroxide 3% - made my nose burn like crazy and bleed, but seemed to reverse the growth - might be a solution if you can stand the cure.
Sinus Wars 13 - seems to dry me out, but no shrinking of the polyps. Still taking it as it doesn't seem to hurt - been on it about a month now.
Manuka Honey - nice honey, bit expensive and might be beneficial to a nasal infection, but didn't seem to shrink the polyps.
Nasal wash - clove oil, salt, baking soda, warm water - helped to clear out some nasal congestion and like the HP 3%, it burnt like crazy so didn't look forward to those washes.
Tea Tree Oil - Ta Da!! It is now about 2 weeks since I started treatment, and I was really hoping this was the one. It doesn't sting the nasal pasages, but it does make me cry as it gets near the eye ducts. Well, the polyps are not gone yet (they started out as really large pushing my nose out and coming out into both nostrils) but I now have days that I can breathe out of my nose! Just like nature intended :-) I am really hopeful that the polyps will keep shrinking. Initially the polyps fought back and enlarged, but after a few days, they started turning to another consistancy and then shrinking. This was not a few days solution for me, but weeks - keep it up every day (qtip with the Tea Tree Oil up the nose several times a day, as mentioned on here - Thank you! ).
That plus - no alcohol and no coffee (both are important to quit so please just do it - drink tea but not Tea Tree :-) and Exercise - so many people are saying that on here, and it is so true. That keeps the gunk flowing. Drink water, of course.
My theory is that there are several causes of these nasty creatures - dry nasal passages, allergies, fungus. They probably have different cures too depending on your cause. I believe the Tea Tree Oil keep the passages moist and probably kills the fungus too. Avoid whatever allergies you have as best as you can too, because all of these cures are based upon letting the body heal. Best breathing to all!
(Las Vegas, Nv)
I feel like I just hit the jackpot with this website. I am at my breaking point with allergies and sinus problems. I had sinus surgery in april 2010 - for a few months, things were great. I started allergy shots in June 2010. Since April '10, I've had about 5 infections, for which I take an antibiotic/steroid mix. this is WAY better than the 1 infection every 6 weeks I was getting prior to surgery. but I am still stuffed up 90% of the time... The allergy shots haven't done anything so far. I am still taking allergy pills every night, and even use afrin when I just can't take it anymore.
I started bikram yoga in jan. '11. I believe this has helped tremendously. Being in the heated room really opens up your nasal passages but obviously we can't be in a 105 degree room 24 hours a day. I dust like a crazy person. I wash my sheets at least 2x a week... What really sucks is that if I take a sip of alcohol, my nose immediately closes up (and I love wine!! )
I thought about asking my Dr. about the interpolyp steroid injections, but I just don't want to put any of that stuff in my body any more!! My husband and I are planning to start a family soon, so I want to have all that junk out of me before that happens.
I am going to try some of these home remedies and I PRAY that something will work!!! I refuse to get surgery again, as it was obviously not a solution.
THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR TIPS AND ADVICE!!!! I'll let you know how it goes... :)
(L.a., California)
I just had in the last two weeks two polyps on their own coming out of my nose. Both were large and nasty, one more orange with blood traces in it with more irregular shape and the other more yellow with the shape of plum or peach kernel. The thing is I didn´t even know I had them! I went thru all sort of specialists in my shitty country and they were all giving me all sorts of corticoseroids to heal my problems, and my reactions to it were even worse then when not using all these pumps, antihisaminics and other drugs. Normaly my right nostril was for I don´t know for how many years now completely stuck and I thought it was due to my septum deviation. What happened really. I could not take any more nosedrops (oksimetazolinclorid) cause they started interfiering with my heart. This was a very serious thing and I had to find some other solution for my nose. I got a flu three weeks ago and I normaly could not breathe anymore. What I did is I took mint oil and I was applying it on my forehead (sinus frontalis ) and under my nostrils for lets say three times a day, and I also applied them a bit long the middle of my nose and between my eyes and under my eyes (trying to cover sinus maxillaris). Of course in this case, I would have eyes closed and waited for some time untill the drops wear of.
So people mint oil! MINT OIL! Since yesterday since the second one came out I can acctually breath like I can not remember when was the last time I was breathing like that. I have to say I was also doing some pranayama exercises, trying to breath strong thru both of my nostrils... So I was now completely shocked, first of all I had no idea I had these monsters inside and second of all I can not belive my nose is finally free, and it doesn´t look so swollen any more, and I am happy these things are not inside anymore. So I recomend mint oil.! Be patient. but after one week make a little pause so that the skin can regenerate
p.s. my forehead skin I must say was a bit peeling after a few days but it helped!
(L.a., California)
I just had in the last two weeks two polyps on their own coming out of my nose. Both were large and nasty, one more orange with blood traces in it with more irregular shape and the other more yellow with the shape of plum or peach kernel. The thing is I didn´t even know I had them! I went thru all sort of specialists in my shitty country and they were all giving me all sorts of corticoseroids to heal my problems, and my reactions to it were even worse then when not using all these pumps, antihisaminics and other drugs. Normaly my right nostril was for I don´t know for how many years now completely stuck and I thought it was due to my septum deviation. What happened really. I could not take any more nosedrops (oksimetazolinclorid) cause they started interfiering with my heart. This was a very serious thing and I had to find some other solution for my nose. I got a flu three weeks ago and I normaly could not breathe anymore. What I did is I took mint oil and I was applying it on my forehead (sinus frontalis ) and under my nostrils for lets say three times a day, and I also applied them a bit long the middle of my nose and between my eyes and under my eyes (trying to cover sinus maxillaris). Of course in this case, I would have eyes closed and waited for some time untill the drops wear of.
So people mint oil! MINT OIL! Since yesterday since the second one came out I can acctually breath like I can not remember when was the last time I was breathing like that. I have to say I was also doing some pranayama exercises, trying to breath strong thru both of my nostrils... So I was now completely shocked, first of all I had no idea I had these monsters inside and second of all I can not belive my nose is finally free, and it doesn´t look so swollen any more, and I am happy these things are not inside anymore. So I recomend mint oil.! Be patient. but after one week make a little pause so that the skin can regenerate
p.s. my foreheadskin I must say was a bit peeling after a few days but it helped!
Multiple Remedies
Hi All
Having suffered from a return of nasal polpys follwing 2 bouts of surgery I consulted an Ayurvedic doctor and have found this regime really succesful in shrinking them and giving relief. I hope it helps some else as this is a really debilitating condition.
Eat 5-7 raw Basil leaves before breakfast and again before dinner
Get a fresh turmeric finger and hold it over a tea light until it smokes. Make a paper cone and inhale the resulting smoke thru the nostrils to relieve congestion and discharge mucus.
A teaspoon of castor oil taken for 4-7 dys also helps.
Avoid sugery foods and diary products as they feed the condition.
Do some yogic breathing exercises every day.
and the very thing is to make a steam bath as follows
Put several broken Basil leaves and 4 crushed garlic cloves in a basin of boiling water. Add a pinch of turmeric. Put a towel over your head and inhale for 20 mins for real and lasting relief if done daily.
(Lloydminster, Alberta)
Can you please tell me if you put the castor oil in you nose? Do you use a dropper or Q-tip or your finger? And the castor oil pack on your liver area? How did you do this? Do you use a warm towel? How much castor oil? I would run to the store right now but its after midnight, I can't breathe, my head is pounding, and I am about to give up. I sure hope this works.
Multiple Remedies
I think all of the remidies for sinusitis are great and they all work to some extent. My problem is nasal polyps.When polyps are combined with sinusitis it is misery! Can anyone help me!!
(Scarborough, Ontario, Canada)
To one Joanne from Poughkeepsie, New York, USA
I am something of an amateur "artist" of most things holistic and have no real education on the matter so take this as you will.
However I have been attempting to treat my female counterpart's Nasal Ployps, which have lead to several sinus surgeries being required to remove them (one every year) however they kept growing back faster and faster each time.
My attempt to treat/cure said condition took the form of a few things,
1: beeswax candles burning for approx 30 mins every day around her (cleans the air and gives off negative ions among other things)
2: the daily application of an olive oil based medical oil I created myself... in a nutshell it was olive oil, Castor oil, tea tree oil, rosemary, basil, lavender and a few other odds and ends all mixed in and left to distill in my closet for approximately a month before hand.
3: a "shot" (alcoholic sized) of Apple cider Vinegar or Balsamic vinegar every day.
4: organic whole foods as a diet... no carbonated drinks, fast foods etc.
5: Some rather esoteric things like Reiki and other types of Energy work.
She still has polyps however they are nowhere near the size that they should be and it's been upwards of a year and a half with no need for surgery. However all of the above was only ever done in theory... trying to actually push that all on someone who would rather just take a sinus steroid or puffer to make her feel better for a while is another matter all together.
However the point remains, nothing else has changed in her life but what I imposed upon her, most recently I've stopped forcing such things on her and let her make the decisions... and she seems to me to be degenerating again.. unfortunate, but that is her choice and I can't make it for her.
Good luck with your issues, I am more then available for giving advice as I can... sufficed to say anything I ever recommend I test on myself first.
(Salina, KS)
My husband has suffered with nasal polyps for many years, had surgery 23 yrs. ago but of course they're back. Like you said, add allergies or a cold to polyps and you can't breathe at all, pure misery.
A few days ago he came down with a bad cold, couldn't breathe. He started with this treatment I read about on the net, homeopathic.
Here it is:
Pulsatilla 30, 5 pills twice a day under the tongue, for 10 days. Wait one week. Then take Sanguinaria 30, 5 pills twice a day under the tongue for 10 days. Wait 20 days for results. It's only been a few days (3 or 4) with the Pulsatilla, but the cold is gone and the breathing is back to "normal". He also began taking 1 Tablespoon flax oil daily, which I plan to increase to twice a day. I'll post results after the treatment is complete.
I bought the Pulsatilla 30 at the local health food store, and ordered the Sanguinaria 30 online from The Vitamin Shoppe. There may be variations of the name, like Sanguinarius or something. It's actually bloodroot.
I should mention that when he came down with this awful cold, he began coughing yellow phlegm almost right away. He took a nebulizer treatment with H2O2, 3%, diluted 1 to 3 with sterile distilled water (boil distilled water for 5 min. and store in jar). Bronchitis cleared up after a couple of days of 1-2 treatments a day.
Nasal Irrigator
I submitted a post in the last 24 hours regarding the use of vaporized PEG in an amazing reduction of nasal polyps. I then did some research, and found this interesting, and wondered if it may be related to my findings:
Polyethylene glycol inhibits intestinal neoplasia and induces epithelial apoptosis.
Supplementation of Apc(min) mice with 10% PEG 3350 (in drinking water) resulted in a 48% (P<0.05) reduction in intestinal tumor burden and induced 2-3 fold increase in mucosal apoptosis.
Dietary supplementation of polyethylene glycol (5%) also stimulated colonic mucosal apoptosis 4-5 fold in AOM-treated rats, the regimen that we previously reported to reduce tumor burden by 76% (P<0.05).
In summary, we demonstrate, for the first time, that PEG does protect against Apc(min) mouse tumorigenesis. The correlation between pro-apoptotic actions and chemopreventive efficacy of PEG in these models strongly implicates induction of apoptosis as one of the impending mechanisms of chemoprevention.
Nasal Irrigator
I bought a nasal irrigator years ago and it helped me avoid a sinus surgery on my polyps. The attachment goes right onto your waterpik and the water pulses at the same rate as the non-functioning cilia in your sinuses. A little salt water/baking soda mix and it actually is refreshing. Try it! I still use it when I get flare ups and it gets all the "gunk" out of there!
Nasal Polyp Remedies
So glad I've found this amazing site! I'm really fed up with no sense of smell, blocked nose runny nose! And the pain in my sinus and head! I've read through all your feedback and advice in the statements you have all posted here but my polyps are from back of my nostrils to inside my sinus in face and forehead - any ideas of what remedies I could try as I can't reach them with cotton buds etc!!! Help! Really trying to avoid another op! I'm also asthmatic. Please help thanks :-)
I hope this helps. I saw many specialist they were baffled at what was making me sick, they all had different ideas. It appeared to be a guessing game. I took my CAT scan to noted expert in the sinus field , and I had serious nasal polyps. For 16 months, I was sick my symptoms were flu like symptoms, dizziness, nausea, pressure in my head, teeth sensitivity, and headaches. I had dry, red , light sensitive eyes, and eye pressure along with blurred vision this is from the sinus inflammation putting pressure on the optic nerve, and the dizziness is from the sinus inflammation putting pressure it on the nerves of the ears. Apparently, doctor are not taught this in med school.
I did lots of research, I think perhaps polyps are a fungal infection which has biofilms. First dissolve the biofilm by using serrapeptase and then you dissolve the fungus /polyps. First sterlize water and then let the water cool so you don't kill the powerful enzyme action of serrapeptase. Empty half a capsule of serrapeptase in the neti pot let it dissolve and then using the neti pot rinse out the sinuses. First you hold one nostril shut and breath in the contents of the neti with the other nostril, the water should go to the back of your throat and then spit this out and then alternate to the other nostril do the same thing. Then do it again and hold your head down to get deep into the sinuses and then let all the water drain out. Wait 10 minutes while the serrapeptase dissolves the biofilm. Now rinse sinuses with a mixture of 1 teaspoon of good quality collodial silver, 1/2 drop of tea tree oil and 1/2 drop of peppermint oil in some sterilized water in the neti pot.
@Mel: The systemic enzymes (Nattokinase or Serrapeptase) which Faith recommends can also be used as oral caps (which is the standard method); maybe easier than topical admin but either way will work. Then you could use the exact same method F. Proposed w/ natural antibiotics; additions from her list would include Grapefruitseed Extract, Oregeno Oil, Hydrogen Peroxide, Aloe Vera (inner leaf) gel.
I had my first ever Nasal Polyps a few moths ago and Nebulized Colloidal Silver for a quick end to the problem (Can't recall exactly if I was or was not taking systemic enzymes during that period). Mine were only a few days old as a side effect of detoxification (bad stuff entering the bloodstream); the "few days old" may have been an advantage as the fibrin coat would not have had time to develop.
Cod Liver Oil applied directly over the entire nose will certainly help; you may smell fish for a few hrs but it's worth it, lol.
Do report your results.
Just found this site.
Was dx w/nasal polyp several weeks ago. I was having nose bleeds and didn't know why, so I went to the ENT who used the endoscope and then sent me for a scan. Left nostril is blocked in back. He Rx steroids, which I cannot take, since I have a reaction to them. He wants to do surgery of course, but I also have a problem w/anesthesia, and he wouldn't do it w/a local. He said they are caused by fungus... he is the same dr who years ago told me that nail fungus, dandruff and candida are caused by the same fungi.
I don't have colds but do have sinus problems often, and for years I have had a problem w/my ears feeling blocked, and not one Dr.has been able to explain fluid behind the ear drum. I have resorted to using hearing aids, but guess what..I don't hear any better w/them than w/o. Till today, I knew of no one else that had that blocked ear feeling, so I am happy to have found this site just to know I am not alone.
I was looking to see if Tea Tree Oil or Colloidal Silver would be a solution, and and happy to see that some of you have tried them and had good results. I also know that when I eat "junk" my sinuses are worse. I love my dairy, and don't really care for the substitute "milks"... have a sensitivity to the casein protein. Even when I gave up coffee and the occasional glass of wine the sinuses did not clear up... so it is back to eating better... someone mentioned eating citrus "acid food" it is not the food being acid that is the problem, it is the "ash" that is created when the food is burned for energy... citrus has alkaline ash.. meats are very acidic...turkey is okay. I will get back on track w/food and try the tea tree oil/CS combo in my little nasal spray bottle.. dislike the Neti pot... feel as if I am drowning when I use it.
Thanks for sharing your comments.. made me feel better that I was on the right track.
While investigating ways of dealing with nasal polyps which are driving me nuts, I came across this very interesting and surprising article which links nasal polyps with Helicobacter Pylori, the bacteria that causes stomach ulcers. Doctors say that they don't know the cause of polyps but it would explain why people have cured them with Lugol's iodine, colloidal silver, ACV etc and why they just grow back after surgery. I am presently experimenting with lugol's iodine in a saline nasal spray as recommended in other posts and significantly increasing probiotics.
Please report back how it goes. I only trust people's experience, not articles. Thank you. Be well.
P.S. I do have H.Pylori which is impossible to eradicate, just to reduce its levels. H.Pylori is blamed for everything from heart disease to like you are writing nose polyps.
There used to be an excellent article about the role of H.Pylori, but unfortunately it looks like it has been removed (I bet they were forced to remove it). But I still have several email from people all over the world thanking me for that article. Many were scheduled to stomach ulcer surgeries which they cancelled after reading the article and following its advice.
Pranayama Breathing
Sinus Polyps: For me I used the natural breathing technique of pranamya and it has worked wonders. Note: Since starting pranamya my polyps have reduced significantly. I can now breathe through my nose via both nostrils (polyps for me developed in the right nostril so right nostril and right ear became blocked) but when I first discovered polyps at first
I struggled to breathe through my right nostril at all - I used nasal sprays and sometimes steam to get rid of any mucus causing nasal congestion in my nose and then to soothe the inflammation caused by polyps. Gradually I was able to get enough out that I could more effectively use pranamya to breathe through the nostril and now a significant amount is gone. I still use nasal spray as needed - it helps reduce inflammation - note: when I sneeze I find it easy to exhale and the polyps come to the surface with liquid from spray also coming out my nose.
My ENT specialist says situation in my case is not bad enough to undergo surgery I can just keep doing pranamya and using spray as needed. I was also given a spray to lubricate my blocked ear and that has also helped. At first my nose and ear were so blocked that even when there's no liquid stuck in the ear if I tried gently using a cotton swab to clean excess earwax the cotton would get stuck in the ear. Not anymore I can safely put a cotton swab in my ear to remove earwax and pull it out.
When the ear was too blocked for a cotton swab I used an earwax removal liquid product my doctor recommended for loosening the wax in the ear. I've heard some say its not a good idea anyway to use cotton swabs no matter how careful you are. I'll probably just start using such sprays in my ear to reduce the earwax regularly now even when ear is completely opened.
I don't know how or why when polyps develop it occurs in one nostril instead of another - for me as noted it was the right nostril but have had great relief with this approach. Also to help sleep at night I use a Vicks like solution that can be put in the nose to provide temporary relief to help breathe through your nose.
Also recently to help reduce the chance of nasal infection and clean the insides of my nose I use a nasal saline spray - that is non-medicated but according to the bottle is pediatrician recommended. One can look up on the Internet instructions to make their own home made nasal saline sprays using water and non iodized salt - iodized salt tends to cause more irritation in the nose. The nasal saline spray I have is a sample bottle that was purchased (I don't remember where) so its not a home made solution.
I hope this helps.
Well I just thought of giving an update on the status of my nasal polyps. They are almost completely gone. Pranamaya has really worked wonders for me. As noted I have used nasal sprays before to shrink polyps but using nasal spray does not resolve the underlying problem of inflammation and irritation in nasal cavity. That is what breathing exercises like pranamaya are for. Use a finger to cover one nostril and try to breathe in and out through the other nostril. In my case I covered my left nostril and inhaled/exhaled from the right nostril that had the polyps. My polyps were very bad when I first discovered them (went to regular family doctor and was told I had nasal polyps and should make an appointment with an ENT to determine a course of treatment - in the meantime was given nasal spray)
I tried a number of different things to resolve the situation. I used the sprays given, I used nasal decongestant pills (this sometimes was effective) but what worked best was pranamaya to not only get rid of polyps but prevent their return. I know it's been said in most cases people who get polyps surgically removed discover they grow back. So it is important to treat the underlying irritation and inflammation. By the time I went to see my ENT specialist - my polyps had shrunk to a point that the ENT specialist as noted said surgery was not needed.
I ended up going to ENT several months later because while pranamaya helped shrink the polyps my right ear still felt clogged. When my ear ached I had to apply a warm compress to it and to help reduce the polyps further I occasionally used (as directed) some nasal decongestants that also helped at least for a while in suppressing and shrinking my polyps.
Using nasal decongestants or nasal sprays and/or antihistamine nasal sprays may have had some positive effects but they are only for short term use and should not be used longer than intended. Fortunately, pranamaya has worked wonders - it is the best solution of all. Even if you use the sprays to shrink the polyps they only work for a short period of time and once you stop using them they can grow back. Same with surgery which is expensive and risky I hear. A number of people with surgery have their polyps grow back and have to get surgery again later.
A better solution: even if you go for surgery all nasal polyp sufferers should try this: do nasal breathing techniques (pranamaya) for at least 5-10 mins a day to help treat the underlying irrititation and help prevent polyps from growing back in the first place.
I have now gotten rid of most of the polyps - I no longer feel any pain around or in my nose due to polyps and my right ear feels better. It is still slightly clogged but the ear canal has opened up quite a bit. Before it was completely blocked.
(Montreal, QC)
(Newman, UK)
How can you do Pranayama yoga if both of your nostrils are completely blocked 24/7?
(Edison, NJ)
(United Arab Emirates)