Nasal Polyp relief from a Himalayan Salt Crystal Inhaler! I had to write on this forum to tell you all about an amazing remedy for polyps! I've suffered badly for 22 years, no sense of smell for most of that time. I had the operation about 8 years ago and only lasted a year. Since then I've had all the usual terrible problems, sinusitus, mucus, constantly blowing my nose etc, etc. At the beginning of this month, I saw an ad in my local paper for a ceramic salt inhaler filled with Himalayan salt crystals, and would last for 6 years. I decided to give it a go, you inhale the vapors through the mouth and breath out through the nose, for about half an hour a day. After the 2nd day I noticed my nose had cleared a lot at night and I had had a better night's sleep! I've used it for nearly a month now and I can't believe the difference! I'm virtually clear at night from mucus, so I'm breathing through my nose with my mouth closed so less snoring. I'm using significantly less tissues throughout the day as my airways are much clearer, I would say about 50% improved so far.
The BEST news of all though is that over the past couple of days I have actually had a faint sense of smell coming back! I first smelt a faint coffee smell, then today I was cooking and all day I have smelt garlic and the cooking smell. It's still only faint but it's definitely coming back! This has been the best treatment I've tried so far, and believe me I've tried a few on here - cider vinegar, tea tree oil, etc. I am still on my nasal spray which is prescribed, but it's actually able to spray up my nose at last, instead of hitting the polyps and dripping back out. I would say that the salt inhaler is having the same effect as when I've used steroids in the past, but the massive difference here is that the salt is 100% safe and natural. I read how it works and it's something like the crystals are totally untreated in the natural form, and when inhaled into the lungs particles coat the lungs and airways to fight bacteria and dry up mucus. Only need to use for 30 minutes a day, and breathe out through nose (this was hard at first due to the obstructions, but I persevered and it has got easier each day). The feeling I get after using the inhaler is it feels cold on my chest, like I've been up in the mountains on a really crisp clear day, or been by the sea breathing in the windy air.
Oliver from Paris, this is what I do:
1. I Eat a few leaves of fresh basil before breakfast and before dinner
2. I Do the nasal rinse (cup of warm distilled water, 1 tsp seasalt, 12 drops of bloodroot (herbal), and 12 drops of h2o2 (hydrogen peroxide).
3. I Do the vapor (boil a cup of distilled water and a few or 3 drops of tea tree oil)--inhale vapor for about 1-2 minutes. I close my eyes when I do this. I can feel a burning sensation in my nasal but that's for the polyps so it's good for me.
4. I drink black tea with ginger powder and green tea with natural honey.
5. I increase alkalinity in my body and drink a half cup of warm water with 1/4 tsp citric acid and 1/4 tsp of baking soda (citric acid that I find in herbal section of the market, where I find the ginger powder). Even if I eat acidic food, I'm ok.
6. I drink half cup of fresh coconut milk (or almond milk)--warm and then add half tsp of turmeric powder.
7. I make smoothie everyday that covers most of the foods that are effective for my polyps (dandelion, broccoli, spinach, berries, apple and brazil nuts). If I don't find brazil nuts, I take selenium.
8. I take zinc which I get from a vitamin shop or healthfood market
9. I started taking Pulsatilla pellets 200c (herbal-windflower) which I get from a healthfood market and take 3 pellets 3 times a day. I will do this for about 10-15 days and see if it's effective. This is good for my nasal discharge. I may continue to use it if needed.
10. I take Vitamin C if I don't have enough citrus for the day. I also take Vitamin E. My smoothie covers most of my Vitamin A so I don't take this anymore.
I feel good now, can breath and just have a little nasal discharge. I also feel healthy and more energetic.
RR from Northridge
Eliminate Sugar
Dear Brian, I am really grateful to you for writing about your findings here. About two months ago, my nasal polyps (I've had them for about 7 years) were at their worst and I was desperately looking for a cure. My research led me to findings similar to yours, but after reading your post in which you succinctly explain the link between sugar and nasal polyps, I was convinced that this is the way forward.
On 30 April 2012 I went off sugar completely and within 6 weeks, I had stopped mouth-breathing. My sense of smell came back gradually and is only getting better day by day. I can taste my food again! It is a gradual process where some days it may look worse especially in the beginning, but like you have mentioned, one must persevere, because it does work.
The other thing that I did was I applied Tea Tree Oil directly to my polyps with ear-buds for about a week. I believe Tea tree oil is a strong anti-fungal and many people have recommended it here too. My thinking was that if there was any surface fungal growth, that would be taken care of by the Oil.
I have also noted your additional point about reducing carbohydrates too, and I am in agreement and will put it into action.
Thanks Brian. People, this really works!
Anti-Candida Diet
I lived in the uk for 40 years with a very clear sinus.I moved to live in a tropical island-so call paradise and lived there for 3 years.Well you know living on a tropical island is no fun.The humidity is very high and built up of mould everywhere in the house.There was mould everywhere on the furniture and even on my purse. If there is a rain and wind, then everything in the house get mouldy. You have to take everything from the wardrope and wash them, dry them. At the end of the 3 years, I notice a swelling on my left nostril. I did not know what they were.When I got back to UK at the end of 3 years, I was breathless when I had my flu. Everything was blocked up.I had no sense of smell and I was breathing through my mouth. My dr told me that swelling on my nostril was the beginning of polyps. Drs will tell you they do not know the causes of polyps. Here is a typical scenario of mould and polyps. Drs do not believe in all that. They only believe in surgery. So we sufferers of polyps must stand together and try to fight this evil nasal polyps.Thanks to the internet we might be able to find a cure for the nasal polyps.
Exposure to Toxins Link
Nasal polyps suddenly appear due to exposure to toxins
I had extremely bad nasal polyps for 15 years, right after heavy exposure to dental mercury.
I got rid of them (using iodine in saline rinse, plus boosting thyroid function). For 7 years since I've breathed easily and perfectly through my nose.
About 10 weeks ago a neighboring farmer sprayed his crop field a quarter mile from us, with 2-4d and glyphosate. It drifted downhill to us, we breathed it all night. It made us both sick. My polyps came back within 24 hours! We met another family who were sickened by the same farmer's spraying. The (pregnant) wife cannot breathe through her nose now!
The remedies I used before are not working for me this time.
If you want to be healthy, support organic farmers.
While investigating ways of dealing with nasal polyps which are driving me nuts, I came across this very interesting and surprising article which links nasal polyps with Helicobacter Pylori, the bacteria that causes stomach ulcers. Doctors say that they don't know the cause of polyps but it would explain why people have cured them with Lugol's iodine, colloidal silver, ACV etc and why they just grow back after surgery. I am presently experimenting with lugol's iodine in a saline nasal spray as recommended in other posts and significantly increasing probiotics.
Try elderberry as there are some people here getting great relief and for most it is gone completely.
Make a syrup - two cups water to one cup of dried berries, then add either honey or sugar to your own liken and take a dessert spoonful every day.
Apple Cider Vinegar, Tea Tree and Coconut Oils
So it's been over a year that I've had nasal polyps, in three days I managed to reduce my polyps by 50% by making my own natural and organic nasal spray.
- 12 drops tea tree oil
- 2 tea spoons coconut oil
- 4 table spoons Apple Cider Vinegar 100% pure
- 100ml warm distilled/ pre-boiled water
- 1 Nasal spray bottle.
Combine all ingredients, shake until mixture is cloudy (oil and water need to mix this way)
Pour into nasal spray bottle and prime the spray.
Dosage and Preparation:
1 spray per nostril in the morning and evening, DO NOT inhale or sniff, you want it on the polyps not down your throat, if the bottle has been standing for a while the coconut oil will start separating, war the bottle in a cup of hot water for 5mins then shake until cloudy before use.
It burns like hell fire for 60 seconds, DO NOT sneeze or sniff during this time. Make sure all equipment, containers and utensils are 100% sterile. DO NOT use tap water, distilled or boiled water that has cooled ONLY. Please keep it organic, tea tree oil, coconut oil and ACV usually are organic, don't assume, CHECK.
Vitamin D and Serrapeptase
High Dose Vitamin D and Serrapeptase
I have suffered from sinus polyps with severe chronic sinusitis: lost sense of smell, congestion, drainage, 2 surgeries etc. Please listen very carefully because this protocol works
1 High dose Vitamin D: 1500 TO 20000 IU's daily (most vital)
2. Serrapeptase: 240.000 SPU's once daily (most vital)
3. probiotics:
4. Spirulina-1-2 tablespoon per day
4. Zinc 30 mg daily
5. clean diet: gluten free, dairy, yeast free. lots of fruit and veggies, lots of water, lemon water (the juice of 2 lemons in the morning with water)
For Nasal Polyps, Tea Tree oil with the carrier Castor Oil works quite well.
If you want immediate relief try Omega 3 Fatty Acids. My nasal passages were completely closed by polyps to the point that I could only breath thru my mouth. I did some research and read about Omega-3's so I gave it a try. I took about 600 mg of Omega-3 in Fish Oil form and within minutes the swelling shrank enough that I could actually get some air thru my nostrils. Wow I was amazed.
Hello, my therapy (composed by myself) is in the morning nose flushing with a bottle of warm water and 1,5 teaspoon ACV. In the afternoon nose flushing with special nasal rinse salt. Later in the afternoon fluticason drops on the ENT-doctor his prescription.
I notice that I have less snot in my nose. And I believe the theory that this ACV attacks bacteria, one of the responsible causes (or the only cause). Now I can't find a clear therapy on the web about the frequency (how many flushes or cleaning with Q-tip?) and necessary period of use (how many days? weeks?).
- Are the complaints completely gone after you used ACV? I mean no chronically inflamed nose.
- If yes, for which period did you used the ACV-cleaning?
- Did they came back after stopping ACV-cleaning?
It would be very nice if you tell me your story, it can be useful for me and other persons who try this method and need improvement in their nose condition and hereby overall health.
Regards from the Netherlands, Klaas
Colloidal Silver
I believe I can provide some help to those who are suffering with polyps and the associated nasal inflamation, runny nose, postnasal drip that comes with polyps.
First, there is an underlying congestion problem caused by any number of factors ranging from environment to diet. One nurse once told me that she had observed a correspondence between those who had chronic congestion and those who had a particular blood type and she believed the blood type produced a thicker mucus.
Second, those who suffer with such congestion will correspondingly be most likely to find an infection developing in the sinus cavity... because it is inflamed and as such an infection can more readily grow there.
Third, the infections in such people tend to be cronic and hence the cronic infection will produce the polyps that is housing either, virus, fungus or bacteria or a combination of the three. The variability of such a mix is the reason why polyps are of a variety and "behave" differently, some spreading.
Fourth, a partial solution: As to the underlying congestion issue (see the item "First" above) I have no suggestion but as to the consequential result of infection (see item "Second" above) we can aleviate the infection easily. By using on a regular basis "collodial silver" to knock out the "oft occuring" infections we can keep the sinus cleared of the congestion, postnasal drip and running nose because those three are the by- products of the infection. The polyps will not grow or will die off with constant irrigation of a silver solution.
I use silver in my sinus cavity when ever I feel any sign of post nasal drip or runny nose; sign of a cold; congestion like a stuffy nose. I use an ear syringe to squirt the colloidal silver (gently) into my sinus cavity and there will be a stinging on the dominately infected side.
The reason some people get results from Tea Tree Oil is that TTO is an anti viral and anti biotic and anti fungal. I do not think it is nearly as effective as colloidal silver and TTO can have some side effects as enumerated in preceeding posts.
I make my own colloidal silver, a very simple process.
So in conclusion: An underlying congestive sinus is caused by any number of reasons but the real problem is the consequential infection of the cronically thick mucus passages. If the infections linger, polyps will develop. Thus, one must irrigate the sinus passages with colloidal silver to eliminate the secondary effect... cronic infection which is causative of the polyps.
Frank T., IMHO your solution is in the beginning of your post: try cutting down on sweets. My doc told me a trick that works: a craving for sweets shows a need for protein. When the crave strikes, try a nice piece of salmon or a delicious egg dish!
Fiber Supplement, Probiotics, Enzymes
I would like to thank Don in Toronto for his advice regarding the probiotic supplement, the description of which I googled. It is indeed Colon Green, which I have now been taking since March of this year. My nasal polyps seem to have shrunk to some degree, but I have much if not most of my smell back, which was nill. Even strong smells went unnoticed, and now I can enjoy food and drink again! Many thanks Don!
Vitamin C, Grape Seed Extract
High Doses Vitamin C and Grape Seed Extract:
I have had a sinus polyp for 12 years and have tried so many herbs and such to get rid of it to no avail. This past year I read an article (link is at bottom) on taking high doses of Vitamin C when ill.
Last week, right before my summer vacation I developed a serious sinus infection due to allergies. Based on the article I had read I decided to take high doses of Vitamin C along with Grape Seed Extract which is supposed to be 20X more potent than Vitamin C.
I took about 2000 MG (milligrams, NOT grams) of Vitamin C about every 3-4 hrs.for 3-4 days. In addition I took 100 MG of Grape Seed Extract 2x/ day--all with plenty of water. I was also taking Vitamin D and garlic but not in large quantities.
On day 4, I sniffed my nose and "something" moved to the back of my throat. I do not want to be rude but...I moved it into a tissue to examine it because it felt so strange and large. It wasn't your typical nasal mucous that comes with an infection. It looked like a large wad of gum and had the same rubbery texture but was dark red in color. I was pretty sure it was my nasal polyp and upon looking into my nostril with a light I could not see it anywhere. I have looked for several days in disbelief that it could actually be gone but it has yet to return a week later. I think it just finally "dried up" up and detached. I am breathing freer than I have for years and cannot believe what has seemingly transpired.
PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING LINK FOR INFORMATION ON TAKING HIGH DOSES OF VITAMIN C. I have found it to be very helpful for my own health concerns.
I hope this gives those suffering with nasal polyps a possible route to pursue for their relief. I encourage you to read a great deal and educate yourself on all risks and side-effects in regards to your own body and it's needs.
I am just beginning to help my husband with his newly diagnosed nasal polyps. His right side is completely blocked, so he is having ear trouble too. My approach includes diet, cleansing, herbs, and homeopathy. Diet plan: I let him have one food at a time, fruit, oatmeal, chicken soup, plain yogurt.. (no junk! All organic! ) and would ask for reports of more or less stuffiness. Grapefruit made him stuffy.. Poor guy, he's been eating grapefruit every day for 10 months. Then I had an idea: why not use the simple test used for homeopathic remedies for food too? So: first I had him hold his left hand out, with his thumb and middle finger pressed together. I say, hold strong, and then I try to pull them apart using my two index fingers. His test was weak, I could pull them apart with little resistance. I had him hold a package of oatmeal over his belly button for a count of 8 seconds. Tried the test again while he still held it there. Strong like bull! I couldn't pull them apart. Ok, oatmeal he can eat. Tried the grapefruit. His hold came apart like wet spaghetti. No more grapefruit until he tests strong for it. The I went bananas, testing him on all sorts of things. No more coffee, beer, cashews, etc. He did fine with organic pinot noire wine, but weak on another red wine. Unfortunately, he wanted to test ME on my gluten free cookies... Sob... But I tested strong for coffee.. Yea! I could test him for anything, really, I had him hug me and he tested super strong! (thank goodness) The theory is if a substance makes your test strong, it is good for you, if it makes your test weak, then its not. Allergies can be tested this way. For free. Let me know how it goes!
Fungal Sinus Ball Remedies
i had fungal ball taking up 8%of sinus. I was going to have the surgery but kept putting it off. During this time when I would swim in the pool at the gym I would go under the water put my head back and let the pool water fill my sinus. I did this for a while and what was left of the fungal ball flew into the back of my throat and I spit it out. It was about the size of half a golf ball
Sinus Polyps, from my various experiences with sinus polyps I can very well understand the pain a sufferer goes through hence would like to share the little bit of information I've learned, if it can help people i would be most most happy. I am available anytime for any questions so feel free to drop a query and of i can assist I will :)
The below is a strict diet plan that I still follow for nearly 2 years and I promise you while the results might take time but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Think of the times when you will want to breathe free and that will motivate you to get better :)
1. Start the day with flax seeds, walnuts which will give you omega 3 fatty acids and dates will keep your sugar levels well as it is natural sugar and fibre. Sip water like an athelete through the day.
2. Eat more lean meats like grilled chicken, fish salmon and egg whites without the yellow. Avoid all kinds of red meats like mutton, lamb, beef etc as they create more phlegm.
3. Incorporate ghee (clarified butter) in foods and reduce usage of oil, if at all rice bran oil is good.
4. Cut down majorly or if possible avoid on dairy like milk, yoghurt, cream, lassi, paneer, butter etc
5. Reduce sugar if possible avoid, mainly refined sugar like mithais, chocolates, cakes, cookies. Gur (jaggery) based sweets are fine
6. Major uptake of water through the day along with aerobic exercises 4 days a week or yoga surya namaskars along with anulom vilom which is alternate nostril breathing.
7. Majorly reduce if possible totally avoid maida (white flour), and wheat products like chapati, breads, nans, white flour buns, puris, oily and butter rotis. This is the real killer!
8. Incorporate fruits like lemons, mangoes, apples, pears, kiwis, papayas, strawberries
9. Eat more rice based stuff for carbs like rice, rice rotis, rice flakes, Sorghum, pearl millet, buckwheat etc
10. Spinach, onions, ginger, cabbage, bitter groud, yellow lentils, clear chicken broth soup, raw green chillies are superb for sinuses.
12. Meditate, forgive yourself and others, pray to God and relax more often in nature like a walk down the beach. This is prime trust me. Louise Hay the legendary healer said that sinus infections are a result of stored anger against a person close to you. So imagine that the polyp is like a small bulb in your sinus cavity and that inverted bulb stores all the inflammation in your sinuses, which is nothing but the accumulated phlegm. So if anger = inflammation and you release that anger and if inflammation is the phlegm then what will the polyp store? Nothing coz there is nothing there to store. You've released the garbage out "mentally" and subconsciously. I would highly recommend EFT (emotional freedom technique ) to release your anger or irritation. You will see changes for sure. The polyp is a teacher and makes sure we learn our lessons on a spiritual level, food intake level and medicinal level.
13. When you wake up on empty stomach do teeth pulling with coconut oil, its a technique where you put a tea spoon of the oil in your mouth and swirl vigorously for 5 mins. It will really help your post nasal drip.
14. Steam inhalation with eucalyptus oil or tea tree oil. Hot water pot - put 5 - 6 drops of these essential oils and inhale the steam with your head covered with a towel. Fantastic fantastic way to clear your sinuses congestion
15. Another great great technique which will help - apply a paste of raw and dry ginger power mixed with water all over your sinuses and your face and sleep in the night. This will clear all your inflammation so you can start breathing normally. It will sting for sure but you will get used to it,
16. Input drops of castor oil in your sinuses to loosen up the passages. It could also shrink the polyp for some people. Try mixing 5-10 drops of tea tree oil mixed with 1 tbsp of castor oil for more effect and apply 2 drops of this mix in each nostril.
17. Exercise, run, and stay happy. I know its difficult but you must do your best to stay calm, cry out if you want but pray more and more. Doors will open, dont ever ever give up.
So in summary, the dry ginger paste on the face, dietary changes and EFT are my picks to help you on this journey. You will see massive changes, just trust God and walk the journey. God bless.
Multiple Remedies
Dear Raj,
I am sorry to hear of the return of the polyps but it sounds like you are taking prompt action and I am hopeful that you will get this resolved quickly!
I have high hopes for essiac. It seems to help so many things.
Serrapeptase is used to dissolve non-living tissue. It seems to have an anti-inflammatory effect. It is supposed to be taken on an empty stomach.
I do not know about the basil leaves for polyps. I have heard of inhaling basil fumes for migraines. And I love basil. I would love to hear if this helps you.
Do you have allergies that flare up and may aggravate this? Nettle tea may be useful if these other things you are doing do not prove to be effective.
Thank you for asking - I am doing well!
~Mama to Many~
Dietary Changes
I've had nasal polyps for over 5 years. I had the surgery 3 years ago and the polyps grew back worse. I have begun to work with an acupuncturist and she had me research leaky gut syndrome. I am now on a regimen of vitamin supplements and an 80% plant based diet with very little sugar. The first week was HARD (toxin release) but I am feeling MUCH better (3 weeks so far). I am told it takes 2 to 3 months to go through this detox/rebuilding process.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Thank you for sharing your ACV to cure nasal polyps...I have mine ..and I think I follow your way of curing nasal polyps.
Colloidal Silver
Hi Mikes
Sorry for long delay in replying - only saw this now as I scrolled down.
I bought colloidal silver in the health shop - not cheap but lasts for ages. If you get a large bottle, then put some in a smaller bottle and add a few drops of tea tree or lavander oil. Just spray a few squirts in each nostril morning and night. I also find if I have been eating too many carbs I get a bit clogged up, but the raised bed really helps too.
Again, sorry I didn't see this message from you for ages, and hope you get relief. Best wishes.
Multiple Remedies
Have had nasal polyps about 13 years. Have done the nasal steroids and about every remedy in these pages over the years. A few months ago was still in my chronic state of 100% blocked nose on both sides, chronic sinus infection, soaking wads of tissues, sinus headaches etc - you all know! Nose was swollen and fat.
Much better last few months. I have been taking twice daily a rotating and varied mix of a tiny pinch of goldenseal, 1 drop GSE, 1 drop clove oil, 1 drop oregano oil, now and then 20 drops myrrh or olive leaf tincture - all of the above to keep infection at bay.
Have been squirting home-made nasal spray (distilled water, xylitol, baking soda, colloidal silver, GSE, 3% h2o2, baby shampoo - all these not measured but in tiny dabs into the distilled water in an empty saline nasal spray bottle), alternating with an oregano oil-based nasal spray I purchased and plain homemade colloidal silver also sprayed in the nostrils. I squirt each of the above in the nose at least once each per day.
Other vital parts of this regimen that have helped greatly:
L-arginine (500mg) once daily.
1000 iu methylcobalamin B12 once daily (in the morning! ).
500mg cordyceps capsule each morning.
5000mcg biotin once daily.
From 2 to 5 drops 2% Lugol's iodine daily, depending on how I feel.
The oral and nasal items in the 2nd and 3rd paragraphs are to kill/prevent infection.
The arginine boosts nitric oxide, which helps kill infection and seems to assist in opening the sinuses (humming 20 minutes a day also boosts NO).
The methylcobalamin I saw mentioned on a few forums as greatly relieving decades of chronic sinus trouble in many people.
Cordyceps boosts immunity.
Biotin is needed to help the body beat back fungus - whether sinus infection, dandruff, athlete's foot, jock itch, etc.
Iodine helps to improve low thyroid, which is endemic now due to bromine having replaced iodine in American bread, and chlorine and fluorine in the water. Low metabolism is loved by fungus, & 96% of sinus infections are primarily fungal (Mayo Clinic).
One final thing and likely the most important: look up "cured nasal polyps -normal body temperature", then look up Matt Stone and read his e-book "Eat for Heat". The latter worked for me better and faster than iodine alone.
I can smell things for increasing lengths of time every day now! I can even get some air through one or both nostrils for some time every day. My nose looks mostly normal now, and I am using less tissues. It wakes me up, running, much less often.
Good luck to you all, and remember, use your own judgement and discretion on any of these suggestions. Pay attention to how your body responds.
Salt Crystal Inhaler
UPDATE: I wanted to update you - I've carried on using the salt pipe and it's now 6 months on. It's been incredible, I can now smell everything about 80% of the time, and even when the smell fades for a day or 2, I can still taste 100% of the time!!!!! This treatment has been incredible, I can't recommend it enough. I noticed that when I caught a cold it only lasted about 5 days and never went to sinusitis like it usually would (and take about 3 weeks to recover from! ). I've been sleeping much better and generally feel great - what a fantastic relief! I still use my prescribed nasal spray as I noticed it does still help along with the salt pipe, but I'm hoping that I can eventually fade this out.
Dietary Changes, Probiotics and NAC
I suffered for many years (10+) with nasal polyps and chronic sinus infections. I had other health issues but this was one that was chronic and annoying!
What helped me the most was
1) going gluten free/dairy free and
2) taking a good non-dairy pro-biotic and NAC 600mg (N-acetyl cysteine).
I haven't had a sinus infection since 2008 and I rarely get sick with colds/flu and I no longer have allergies... I know this may seem extreme but it is worth it. Hope this offers some hope!
Good Luck ~ Carleen
I used Home Health castor oil-- cold pressed, cold processed, and hexane (poison) free. It has been safe for me.
I mixed one tea spoonful castor oil with 4 oz hot water and drank it before going to bed
Multiple Remedies
I've been struggling with chronic sinusitic and nasal polyps for 4 years. Within a few months of my first bout with chronic sinusitis I also deveoped asthma, an allergy to aspirin and ibuprofen, and have since developed all kinds of food sensitivities. I believe what's at the root at all of this is simple: immune defunction. But treating that can be quite complicated and take a long time. It's taken me years of experimentation and emotional upheaval to find a natural regimine that shows results, and I've finally found a combination of things that is working. I have wanted to avoid surgery and over-medicating, so the results I am having so far are great. Actually, what brought me to this in the first place was this: I had been controlling my sinus issues with a nasal steroid for a year, and then suddenly got a bad infection on which the steroid and anything OTC had no effect on whatsoever. After 4 weeks of suffering, I got aggressive about the following...
First there is the diet. After being gluten free for several years and more recently elliminating processed sugars and dairy, I have adopted a Paleo diet that is beginning to take in principles of the Specific Carb Diet and even GAPS. Please Google especially the last two to find out more information about these things. Going grain-free and adopting a strict whole-foods diet (no 'organic' frozen pre-packaged foods) began to make a huge difference in how I felt overall. It has not cured my sinus issues, but it has supplied me with energy and vitality I otherwise lacked. It has elliminated most of the brain-fog I had for years with chronic sinusitis, and I have the energy to keep up with regular exercise, work, and school. It has also balanced out the bloating and wieght gain I've experienced being on low-dose nasal and lung steroids. Recent emphasis on rebuilding the gut using L-glutamine, therepeutic strength pro-biotics, home-made bone broths, and fermented vegetables has also increased this overall vitality. According to GAPS dieters, there is strong hope for being able to eventually tolerate the foods I developed sudden allergies and intolerances to (dairy, alcohol, almonds, grains) but for now I strictly avoid all of those things.
Next, there is the direct attack to the polyps and sinus infections. Twice a day to a half-filled neti pot, I put in 1/4 tsp salt, a few drops of tea tree oil, a few drops of concentrated Grape Seed Extract, and a few drops of Goldenseal. Since one nostril is completely blocked by visible nasal polyps, I simply soak what I can for a few minutes instead of passing the water from one sice to the other, as that's pretty impossible for me at the moment. In the other nostril, I can get the water far enough back that it runs into my throat. I let that happen a little bit, but otherwise, try to hold it in as it can be a bit intense with all the oils and instead just soak the area. When I'm done with the neti pot, I apply a few drops of Neem Oil into each nostril and suck back what I can. Neem oil is not only an anti-fungal/anti-bacterial, but it is also a strong tonifyer to the mucous membranes, like Goldenseal as well. I aim to balance the bacterial-fighting properties of waht I use with some tonifying properties to help rebuild damaged tissues. Every once and a while, I dab a qtip into coconut oil and tea tree oil and pply it directly to the visible polyps and surrounding tissues.
In the two weeks I've been doing that particular regimine, I've experienced visible shrinking of the polyps and of the surrounding facial swelling. I've reduced my usage of my prescription nasal steroid to once a day and might aim to slowly elliminate it to allow my immune system to properly function in my nose for further assistance. My stuffiness has come in and out- I believe that as the polyps shrink, a TON of trapped mucous is being released. Every once and a while, I almost literally scrape out (with a qtip) thick chunks of bright colored mucous, which I could see easily getting trapped with the polyps and feeding their inflammation. Also, as larger polyps shrink, I imagine they leave room for the medicine to finally start reaching other hidden polyps for healing, so I am not expecting overnight results.
I have some days where I can nearly smell in one nostril, and where the airflow is so clear that I forget my struggles. Congestion and inflammation always returns, but it comes in and out. On stuffier days, my neti pot regimine almost always brings instant relief, de-inflammation, and sinus draining.
FWIW, I've also been committed to weekly acupuncture treatments and taking Bi Yan Pian, a chinese medicine complex you can find on amazon at great prices. For chronic conditions, this sort of treatment can take a long time to start showing their effects, but I believe in their support. I have a community acupuncture place that I attend with sliding scale fees.
Most days, I also have a cup of ACV 'tea' sweetened with stevia and occasionally spiced with cayenne pepper. I regularly drink dandelion tea, tulsi tea, nettle tea, and also take spirulina and chlorella supplements, all for their blood-cleansing immune supporting properties.
After reading things here, I'm going to experiment with adding Castor oil to my regimine, directly into my sinus and as a pack on my liver. But so far I feel really good about what I have going and think it'll take some time to measure my results drastically. The relief I've received so far is incredible.
After reading your posts about eliminating sugar for sinus polyps, I decided to try this. I am on day 3. Yesterday for 5 minutes I got my sense of smell back! Today I have tasted my lunch and have had my sense of smell back twice throughout the day. I have had 2 FEES operations and within 6months of each op the polyps have come back, I have tried steroids but they came back. I am allergic to dairy, they also trigger my polyps. You are a genius! You really have changed my life! People who don't have polyps won't understand. Thank you so much! Hopefully in the future having a sense of smell will be a regular thing for me :)
Hi everyone, This is just to let you know that I have found this cream named Cansema Deep Tissue and put it inside my nose on the papilloma. It stang like someone was burning me with acid for about 5 minutes, than subsided. My tumor was as large as a grain of rice. It took 5 applications due to the fact that I (my helping husband) hardly could reach inside, but now thanks to Good God and this cream, it is gone!
Hope this helps somebody!
Fiber Supplement, Probiotics, Enzymes
Another update after using [the fiber, probiotic, enzyme supplement] for 6 months now. Polyps completely shrunk and sense of smell has returned for 1st time in decades. Still eating every food that I want. Best wishes all who have long suffered with these polyps.
Fiber Supplement, Probiotics, Enzymes
Regarding the discussion of nasal polyps; I also developed those for a short while. In my own case, the polyps were food related. I had developed them 3 years ago after returning from a trip to Asia and was scheduled for their removal until I read about the possible after-effects of that removal surgery here.
My reading caused me to realize that I had changed my breakfast diet while at the hotel, to include raisins and other dried fruits. I also ate a few raisins for a quick snack during the day. As it turned out, I recovered my hearing quickly and fully when I gave up the dried fruit. Perhaps there was some fungal connection, I can't answer to that. I gave the dried fruit theory a quick test recently, by snacking on raisins for a few days and I could "hear" the muffled sound of my polyps returning again.
Best wishes to you for discovering your own answers.
Castor Oil
I am putting castor oil in my nose for last 10 days and I have seen visible improvent in my breathing. I dont think that polyps have shrunk drastically but for sure improvement is visible.