Sinus Polyps
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Managing Sinus Polyps

Carrot and Black Grape Juice, Coffee
Posted by Joule (Denpasar, Bali Indonesia) on 11/08/2017

Hi everyone there!

I have got sinus polyps in my nose almost 4 years two of both in my nose. At first, I tried coconut oil mix with tea tree oil. And after 1 weeks I felt its good. But they are came back again. And I hear from my grandfather, he told me to drink carrot and black grapes juice, and black coffee without sugar.

I mixed carrot and black grapes juice and I drink, after two minutes, I drink black coffee without sugar. In one week, I felling better and sleep better. I watting in three weeks and my sinus polyps gone completely. And now I feel free sinus polyps for one year. Thanks.


Joule Yon

Selenium and Zinc
Posted by Jessica (Denver, Co) on 03/22/2010

Editor's Choice Thank you, Ted! I took your advice to treat my nasal polyps

I took selenium and zinc for 30 days... at first my polyps grew more, mostly trying to fight back... But after about 2-3 days of that they retracted, more and more until i could breath once again! No more headaches, blowing my nose, embarrassment while talking to people!

ps. I also cut a lot of dairy from my diet. Not sure if they won't come back, but for now i feel great

Posted by Robert (London) on 02/19/2017

I have suffered with sinus polyps hell for 16 years, (31 yr old now, 2 surgeries, tried EVERY cure) and without wishing to be overly optimistic, after three days of taking l-tyrosine, this does appear to be shrinking my polyps.

ACV, Tea Tree Oil, Astragalus Nasal Rinse
Posted by Pedro (Calgary, Canada) on 08/08/2016


Thanks for this great thread.

I've been growing these things for about a year now. Turns out I have the disease that comes on in your thirties where you get asthma, then sinusitis, then Aspirin allergy and then polyps.

I lost my smell and taste for the last year and they came back when I took the oral steroids, the nasal rinse steroids and the antibiotics. That was my fifth round of antibiotics. It worked during the treatment but the symptoms and polyps came back about a week after the treatment ended. They have me on the wait list for surgery (Canadian system) but they say I will have to continue taking the steroids after that surgery so what's the point (Also, the steroids cause weight gain and I've worked too hard to lose weight to pack on pounds again).

A few days ago I started treating my nose with a nasal rinse with the salt/bicarbonate solution with Teatree oil. After a week I settled on four drops four 8 ozs. Five was too painful and three is too easy. I think this had some affect. Then I added an Apple Cider Vinegar rinse. A 1 to 8 ratio then I use 15 - 30 ml mixed with 8 ozs of water, the salt/bicarbonate solution and tea tree oil. That seemed to have helped clear one side completely.

I then added four drops of an astragalus root tincture (Will be adding more as the week continues) because it is supposed to be good for vascular endothelial cells (this is according to some articles my brother-in-law read about ancient Chinese longevity that we discussed in a non-related conversation). I wanted to try and do something that would help with the vascular system because of the article reported in here about Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor.

In the last couple of days one side of my nose has cleared up and the other is getting better. It has also reduced the mucus in the sinus. I had weird flu like symptoms at one point today which I think could have been because the one side drained and let my immune system get back in that region of my body.

I still have the upper respiratory system inflammation but at least this seems to be helping the sinus. I will try a colloidal silver rinse in the next weeks if the progress stops. I was doing the rinse for three times a day for a few days then twice a day and now once a day.

I may go back to twice a day and trying the H2O2 inhalation as a last resort. I am also looking for things that are producing inflammation in my body. Sugar seems to do it, cheap beer (sniff - I guess I have to buy premium) and refined wheat (but only in a huge load like a giant sandwich [my gut will balloon as I digest it which seems to be a sign to me at least] - a little seems fine though).

I'll keep you posted on my progress. Thanks for all of the ideas folks. I want to avoid surgery but since it is in a year any ways, I have time to play with the home remedies. I am trying to look on the bright side of this. Maybe The Lord has let me have this affliction so that I change my diet to reduce inflammation and live a longer healthier life.

So many of you have suffered so much more than me on this and I will keep you as a general body of people in my prayers (whether you like it or not - ;) ).

Be in touch soon.


Iodine Saline Rinse
Posted by Yearningtobreathefree (Tennessee) on 11/18/2016

Update: Sense of smell is back almost 100% of the time now, it is becoming normal for me to be able to smell things. Often notice odors before my wife does. Breathing through nose now as I eat and type.

Get or make a saline solution without preservatives... Over the last few weeks I slowly developed a sore throat and a cough. Finally looked up benzalkonium chloride, the preservative in my saline spray. It irritates mucous membranes, destroys neutrophils - the immune cells that fight inflammation, paralyzes nasal cilia and causes rebound sinus congestion!!! All great for repeat sales, I'm sure. Stopped using it yesterday, throat already hurting less, cough less frequent.

Bought 100 little packets of sodium bicarbonate/sodium chloride mix (no preservatives) for use in nasal irrigation. Mixed 1 packet in 8oz distilled water as instructed, then filled my empty and rinsed nasal spray bottle, added 10 drops 2% Lugol's. Back in business, getting better and better!! A miraculous transformation after years of misery.

Iodine Saline Rinse
Posted by yearningtobreathefree (Tennessee) on 10/19/2021

Hi Gmjk:

Yes, it did wonders for me. However, please see my posts under "Treat for low thyroid" in this sinus polyps thread.

Ever since I did the latter, I no longer need the iodine/saline rinse. Sorry, I did not respond to your query much sooner, I got discouraged that no one seemed to be trying my suggested remedies, so have not looked here in ages. It saddens me that so many are suffering prolonged misery, as I did when they might be cured, as I was.

Alkaline Diet
Posted by Oliver (Paris) on 12/30/2012

Nasal Polyps - I've suffered from nasal polyps for seven years now and the last three I have lost my sense of smell. I've tried every possible remedy and two sinus operations and nothing works. The tea tree oil remedy some of you mention is, I believe, only effective for polyps caused by fungus, or perhaps those in sinuses you can get to with a Q tip. Mine are too far inside for that and although the diluted tea tree oil feels good and opens up the airways it did not cure them.

I've tried everything else, including fresh water ray oil, acupunture, Sinus Wars homeopathic remedy, various natural cold remedies, antihisthamies, all kinds of antibiotics -- you name it. There are only two things that work, and both temporarily: corticosteroids and a draconian alkaline diet. I think you all know about steroids; in high doses they work like a dream, but the polyps come back after a few weeks and, at least for me, the sprays don't work.

However, the diet I did was near miraculous. I was actually not even thinking about the polyps, but just wanted to do a near fasting diet for a week or so. I eliminated coffee, alcohol, dairy products, meat and anything else that causes mucus, and lived basicically on a few nuts, water and raw vegetables for a week. Suddenly everything cleared up and I felt like new and could smell and taste again. Even my ears, which I hadn't realized were partially blocked because of the sinusitis caused by the polyps, were suddenly free. Unfortunately after I started adding back some cooked foods (although still totall vegan) the polyps returned and I lost my sense of smell again. At least I lost 7 kilos in less that a month.

So if you are really frustrated and have some self control, try a fast or near fast and eliminate all acidic foods.

Posted by Bryan (Houston, Texas) on 07/24/2012

I have suffered with persistent nasal polyps for about 15 years; I developed an allergy to aspirin which is linked to the polyps and asthma. During this time I had the polyps surgically removed at least 7 times (that I can recall off the top of my head) only to have them grow back within 6-8 weeks. Needless to say I could not smell, had limited taste (thank God for Tabasco.... only thing that gave food flavor) and had at least 6 major sinus infections per year requiring extensive antibiotics.

Recently I started taking Lecithin (2 1200 MG softgel caps) and Ginko Biloba (2 120 MG Caps) along with my daily vitamins. After about 2 weeks of this I started to detect odors. Now, not having smelled for 15 years I had no idea what I was smelling, but the fact that I could smell SOMETHING was great. About another 2 weeks and I caould breathe easily through my nose and I could smell all sorts of things. I had forgotten the joys of smelling freshly brewed coffee, chocolate chip cookies baking, and my wife's perfume.

I believe the Lecithin is the major player in my success. Lecithin, from what I've learned about it, is an emulsifier; it dissolves things and keeps them suspended in another liquid. This allows you to get rid of the waste products in your system rather than letting them collect in your body. The Lecithin has also helped lower my cholesterol and improve my cardiac health in general.

Take this for what it's worth. It worked for me and it is a cheap and painless alternative to some of the other treatments I've seen. I would love to see a clinical study on this, but whose going to do that when there is no drug to be marketed once the study is complete.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jill (Brisbane, Queensland Australia) on 08/03/2011

I recently had a problem with a nasal infection and polyps blocking one side of my nose. I discovered your site and tried ACV and by next day my nose was clear. Meanwhile my husband had a sinus problem and I wanted him to try ACV as well. He didnt like the taste... So I am better and he still has sinus... go figure! Your site is excellent - thanks so much.

Vegan Diet, Water Fasting
Posted by Laura Carrington (Victoria, Aus) on 10/14/2009

Hi y'all. i just wanted to share my experiences with nasal polyp cures which were found from a variety of sources, over a number of years. like all of us sufferers here, i have tried EVERY SINGLE suggested method of curing this ailment ever known to man

- Visited 4 different doctors for 2nd opinions, saw 3 specialists. underwent 4 different cat scans/xrays etc. spent almost $1000 on total medical expenses.

- NASAL IRRIGATION with a variety of salts and herbal/medical infuses

- NASAL SPRAYS of the cortisteroid, over the counter and prescription manner(rhinocort, etc)

- ATOPICAL CREAMS - cortisteriods of many strengths, in prescriptions. applied onto inner nasal walls

- APPLYING/swabbing chemicals eg h202 in powder and liquid form, of different strengths

- ANTIBIOTICS - 3 types, for a few months each


- HAYFEVER/ALLERGY tablets x 10 types

- VITAMINS - C, B complex, A, garlic oil, horseradish, zinc, omega3, fish oil,

- DRINKING LITRES upon litres of clear water ever day until the point of feeling unwell

- HOMEOPATHIC remedies


- EXTENSIVE HOME RENOVATION to replace all dust-mite sensitive areas, carpets to tiles/wood flooring, curtains replaced, bedding, EVERYTHING

- installing better heating/cooling systems

- IONIZERS to collect dust


BUT ALL TO NO AVAIL. well, they work initially, for perhaps a short period of time, but then relapse back to original, intoleratable state

but what i would like to share with you all, is my most recent attempt with WATER FASTING/VEGAN DIET

during my years of researching for a cure, the term 'fasting' did pop up alot, but i never paid attention to it, as it seemed difficult and too intensive to attempt and sustain as a part of my lifestyle

but after exhausting all other alternatives out there, i ultimately resorted to this method

yes it is incredible difficult to cut out all foods, and only consume VEGETABLES and FRUITS, and WATER (teas are allowed), and you do feel TIRED and lethargic, and dizzy most of the time during the intial phase, but after 1.5- 2 weeks, you begin to see GREAT RESULTS

I stopped my other remedies during this time period, and stuck to the FAST strictly

now it has been 3 weeks, and to my delight, the size of my POLYPS shrank immensely. the doctors were equally surprised at what a simple, non-evasive, safe, non-medical, natural, process of fasting could avail to. BREATHING is incredibly easier, EVERYTHING is looking up and up. it is very liberating!

on a side note, you LOSE WEIGHT in the process. which is always good.

So i urge you all to give this a shot. dont waste any more money in useless medicines and whatnot.

hope you all found this helpful! i was really excited about my discovery and really wanted you all to be made privy to the benefits of fasting! CHEERS! and bless you all!

Dietary Changes, Water Fast
Posted by Dori (Usa) on 11/12/2018

Editor's Choice We had lived in Hawaii for one year before my 33yo husband started having asthma symptoms (2010) which started a few months after a sinus infection that wouldn't quite go away. He lost his smell and taste almost immediately but the nasal polyps and aspirin allergy didn't show up till a year later. (Sampter's Triad) He was overly stressed, drinking alcohol and coffee daily, and had a high processed food diet. I had him trying every single remedy/cure that I researched online for about 5 years until he refused to try anything else. Some diets minimized symptoms but nothing cured him.

HOWEVER!! About 3 years after the symptoms started, he again got a cold/flu. He was flat out on the couch for 3 days. He didn't eat one bite of food and only drank the fluids that I gave him which consisted of ACV diluted in warm water, Bone broth that I made, herbal teas (Pau d'arco, echinacea, licorice root etc and water. All of his symptoms completely disappeared after only 3 days of fasting and drinking those liquids.

He got his smell and taste back, the polyps were gone and he could breathe easily through his nose and he had zero reactions to any foods that he ate. (we were too afraid to test his aspirin allergy) This amazingly lasted for the 3 weeks that he abstained from coffee, alcohol and eating relatively healthy. He then decided that he would begin drinking decaf coffee and after several more days he started in on the caffeinated coffee. All of his symptoms returned within the week.

I have a feeling that a liquid fast, or maybe even better, a water fast for 5-7 days would cure this thing. Then of course no coffee, alcohol, sugar, white flours, processed foods, dairy (unless raw/organic), meat (unless grass fed/organic), along with lots of fruits, veggies, water, bone broth, some nuts.... Aflatoxins seems to pervade lots of foods out there. I think that, along with chronic stress is enough to destroy the digestive system which makes you susceptible to food allergies, leaky gut, respiratory issues and a host of other things.

Serrapeptase, Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Caitriona (Dublin) on 12/30/2016 4 posts

Husband cured and manages ongoing chronic sinusitis including sinus polyps with Serrapeptase am and pm, and Grapefruit Seed Extract nasal spray 3 times daily.

Castor Oil, Steaming, Neti Pot
Posted by Marilyn (Canada) on 04/18/2016

I am very happy to report that my nasal polyps have not become a problem since using castor oil.

In the morning I steam my sinuses, then I use the neti pot with 1/4 tsp salt and 1 tsp apple cider vinegar to one cup distilled water (warm).

The AC vinegar stops all bacteria growth (sinus infection) In the evening I steam again and put 2 drops of castor oil in each nostril when I go to bed.

I used a rinse (cortisol) from the doctor for a month to get them down so I could breathe and smell again. Once that was done I have only used the castor oil and apple cider vinegar to keep all infection and polyps at bay for 3 months and running!! I think I'll cancel the MRI scheduled next month in preparation for surgery...don't need it!

Eliminate Sugar
Posted by Brian (Adelaide, Sth Aus, Australia) on 09/15/2012

This week I saw my doctor on a matter apart from polyps but while I was there, I did ask for a nose examination. Without any declaration all he said was "How did you do that?" So me, the patient, then told the doctor how I cured my polyps.

The cure is free. It doesn't come in a bottle there are no magic potions, lotions or sprays and operations are a useless waste of time and money. All you need to do is swap the energy source you get from carbs and go high on protein at the same time. My absolute recommended low carb limit is 10% of product and there are no limits on protein bacon and eggs, all meat products, beef, lamb, poultry and fish- the diet of our paleo ancestors. Generally, serve with above ground and not below ground veggies (potatatoes & parsnip are the worst) but also avoiding corn, nuts and fruit.

To appease the sweet tooth, surprisingly, strawberries and cream are okay. It's the sweet tooth that gets one into this mess so it's denying the sweet tooth that is the only way out. From experience, the yearn for sugar does subside in due course. And also, if one is a Vegan, sorry to have to say it but you may never find a cure.

What I said to the doctor is this. Low carb, high protein. The problem is a yeast infection of the nose. The yeast feed on sugar in the diet and produce ethanol (read alcohol, which causes brain-fog) as well as compromising the thyroid which compromises Vit D levels and in turn compromises the immune system which is supposed to control the alien yeast infection. The immune system desperately needs help and the only way to do that is to reduce carbs in the diet, reduce the ethanol, unconfuse the the thyroid, boost the Vit D, boost the immune system response and win the battle. All for free just by changing the carbs intake to less than 10% of product and go high on protein to maintain energy and weight levels. And it takes about a month to get there if you don't cheat. Cheers :)

Castor Oil
Posted by Rowena (Canberra) on 08/06/2021

Thank you to everyone praising the benefits of castor oil for nasal polyps. I have been afflicted with this for 20 years. I've had surgery which was life changing (deviated septum), however every now and then they would return. I am using a tiny spoon of castor oil in my nose and I was able to breathe within hours. I'm still unwell and recovering from seasonal flu, but castor oil is providing excellent relief. Thank you to you all.

Keep Head Warm
Posted by Diane (California) on 07/11/2021

Chronic Sinusitis and Sinus Polyps:

If nothing works it could be Cold affecting your head!

Try wearing a warm cap on your head and don't allow your head to get cold! Also you can get a blow dryer and use warm air on your head and see if that gives you relief! I didn't have this problem when I was young, it happened when I hit my late 50's! I am back to normal knowing this cold can affect my sinuses! And once in awhile even the air-conditioner starts my sinuses up again, only I place a warm cap on my head and the sinus problem stops!

DON'T LET YOUR HEAD GET COLD! See if this helps!


Serrapeptase, Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Mikes (Ireland ) on 04/10/2017

Hi Sharon,

First thing I do get off symbircort, I'm on new one called revlar also known as breo it's great you only take it once a day and it a lifesaver.

As for serrapeptase took about 2 months for it to start working for me, uptake victim c as for grape fruit extract I I got empty spray bottle added just 3 drops and put sterilised water into bottle and spray it once in morning and once at night.

It might sting but keep at it you will see results and keep taking apple cider vinegar.

Hope this helps you and you start to feel better, If I can do it so can you.

Kind Regards,

Mikes from Ireland

Ketogenic Diet, Supplements
Posted by Abra (Ne, Ohio) on 09/07/2015

I'm so glad I found this site! Like many of you I was desperate to find some relief from chronic sinus polyps and infections. Special thanks to Brian of So. Australia for the low carb diet posts and Bryan of Houston for the lecithin suggestion. Your posts really helped me with my sinus problems and started the healing.

My background: I've had Samter's triad (nasal polyps, asthma, and aspirin/salicylate sensitivity) and many allergies for most of my life. I've had several sinus surgeries, chronic sinus infections, polyps deep within my sinus cavities, total loss of the sense of smell, and round after round of antibiotics and steroids to clear up severe sinus infections, only to start again with the next serious sinus infection that was always right around the corner.

What worked for me after about 6 weeks:

A ketogenic diet, this is a high fat, moderate protein and low carb diet. Pretty much the only carbohydrates that are allowed are dark, leafy greens and non-starchy vegetables. To make up for the reduced carb calories, you eat LOTS of delicious fats: extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, butter, bacon, and cream. Library books I found helpful: "Keto Clarity" and "Primal Body, Primal Mind." Google "ketogenic diet" and search on you tube. There is lots of information on this diet pro and con.

All I can say is that it made an amazing difference for me. The daily gallons of mucus just dried up. After several years of not being able to smell any odors at all, I can smell the coffee in the morning and can actually enjoy the taste of food again! Before I found the ketogenic diet, I went the anti-candida and low carb route, but I think it was still too many carbs for me. Low carb never killed the appetite and the carb cravings like the keto diet did. I'm never going back.

At the same time I started the ketogenic diet, I started taking the lecithin and ginkgo biloba supplements suggested by Bryan of Houston. Twice a day I took the following: 1200mg sunflower (non GMO) lecithin and 120mg of the ginkgo biloba extract. I didn't get Bryan's dramatic 2 week results, but my sense of smell is finally back and I'm grateful.

What didn't work for me:

Be gentle with the tea tree oil and hydrogen peroxide as both can be a little harsh, so you might want to start with a diluted dose until your sinuses adjust and/or heal. I just use sea salt in a neti pot morning and evening to wash the sinuses. I tried the above, but didn't like the burning feeling and didn't feel any improvement to stick it out. Also, be careful of rinsing out your sinuses and tilting your head back and down to move the rinse deeper into the sinus cavities as it can force the liquid into your eustachian tube.

Hopefully I can get through the winter without a sinus infection?that'll be the real deal :>).

Posted by Elissa (Uk) on 04/23/2015

I I could not breathe through my nose or smell for many years! The suffering was unbelievable. I would never wish it on anyone. My nasal polyps were cured in a few short months by taking Combination Q tissue salts initially by New Era tablets for "Catarrh & sinus disorders". For some strange reason I have never got a straight answer as to why New Era are no longer in business! I searched for many months until I found a small outlet that makes the same tablets. Combination Q consists of four active constituents in equal proportions: ferrous phosphate 6x; kali mur 6x; kali sulph 6x; nat mur 6x. Try homeopathic outlets, they should understand all this! I suffered from years of major nasal polyp growth in both nostrils. My GP sent me down the only route they know: pharmaceutical drugs & surgery! I had several surgeries virtually every year or 2 years until a friend told me what his Dad took for exactly the same thing which cured him. Since my cure I can breathe through my nose and my sense kf smell is fantastic too! No thanks to regular drug pushers ie today's GPs! When I told my old GP about this cure he had no idea of alternative cures! It seems the conventional medical establishment motto is "a patient cured is a customer lost"! It's not in their business interest to cure you! Whenever I feel the polyps growing again I simply take more tablets for a few days until it goes again! Once every few months I may flush both nostrils with pure warm water with a small amount of salt. I Boil water then let it cool. I add about half or 1 teaspoon salt and it works well for me. For the nasal flush I use a dedicated "Sinus Rinse" plastic bottle. It took me many years of suffering to figure out what worked for me. I thought I'd share my experiences with all those suffering. We should seriously be asking why aren't our general practitioners telling us this!?

Iodine Saline Rinse
Posted by Yearningtobreathefree (Tennessee) on 01/05/2017

This remedy killed off my chronic sinus infection and started shrinking the polyps as a result. I've since found the real cure for my nasal polyps (finally! ), and likely, I believe, yours too: see under the remedies for nasal polyps my posts on "Treat for Low Thyroid".

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