Sinus Infections
Natural Remedies

Find Relief from Sinus Infections Naturally


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Posted by freeone (oregon) on 03/17/2023

This is very effective for sinus infections.

Goldenseal tincture, I have from Earthpharm.

Use 1/2 dropper in 1/2 teaspoon salt solution. I used a dropper with my head tilted to ceiling, one dropper of the mix into each nostril. It didn't burn at all. It helped more than anything so far. Also drank a cup of water with a 1/2 dropper of goldenseal tincture. As GS also has berberine it passes through the blood-brain barrier, it's powerful, and helping as mentioned -more than any other remedy.

Replied by freeone

I'm continuing my breakthroughs. I'm writing on this thread b/c I never had a sinus issues and then 10 months ago... pure hell, in fact this is a special tormenting hell. So I feel to reach out to others b/c unless you deal with it, you don't know how debilitating it is. Not sure if it was from Covid, but it started around when I contracted it. My new added remedy is Green Tea Extract by Life Extensions 785 mg.[no caffeine ] So this is a game changer, the first day it gave me headaches but sinus symptoms were less. Next day no headache, and hardly any sinus symptoms, and I at pasta with cheese last night. I know...right? I use the 1/2 golden seal 1/2 salt solution in a cup of water. I've only had to use one dropper in each nostril head at ceiling but I use it after eating [another game changer]. Today no need for the golden seal so it's really working.


The green tea extract is 725 mg. This is a high dose, but under the toxic level which are over 800mg. The Life Extension brand which I'm using has no caffeine, comes in capsules, and use one daily orally . As of today... my symptoms are almost GONE...So this along with the recent goldenseal droppers in saline in nostrils after eating, have changed my life.

I also use 1/4 teaspoon Vitamin C powder 1 to 2 times daily

ACV daily

Since hardly any symptoms last 2 days no goldenseal, as this is powerful and I'm only using if symptoms are significant.

The H2O2 and iodine did help, the baby shampoo did cleanse and drain but the draining was drip drip and lasted for hours so I don't know if I would recommend it, and I only used 1 drop of baby shampoo in salt in a cup of water. These remedies helped, but the symptoms still persisted.

To be sure ... check out any contraindications for you using green tea extract.

Posted by Lisa (Flemington, Nj, Usa) on 12/03/2010

I put goldenseal tea in the neti pot & rinse my sinuses with it. 2 teabags in 12 oz. of warm water. It stings, but it's a natural antibiotic, and the neti pot gets the antibiotics directly to the site of the infection. The best part is that the worse the infection seems, the more immediate & dramatic the cure! This cure was give to me by a homeopath, & I've used it many many times. In fact I'm off to the health food store right now to get another box of tea bags.

Posted by Beth (Roseville, MN) on 08/26/2006

For sinus problems use goldenseal power mixed with water to make a paste. Put it up your nose with Q-tip. Repeat until symptoms disappear. I have tried EVERYTHING else and THIS WORKS!

Posted by Kim (Milwaukee)

When I feel an attack coming on (due to allergies or weather change) I start taking Goldenseal tablets. If you catch the attack in the early stages, the goldenseal will stop an infection and clear up congestion. The mix of Echinacea and goldenseal didn't work for me. Once the infection has a foothold however, the goldenseal didn't help much.

Grapefruit Seed Extract, ACV, Echinacea

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Posted by New Natural Believer (Idaho) on 02/11/2014

Editor's Choice Thank you all. I have suffered from sinus infections for my entire life, now in my 30's. Previously, I have always just gone to the doctor for antibiotics if salt water nasal irrigations did not clear it up. A recent gnarly infection that would not clear up, even after a round of azithromycin (zithromax), had me searching for natural remedies. I hit it with the triple attack of apple cider vinegar, grapefruit seed extract (4 drops to my salt water irrigations, 3x day) and some echinacea drops with the acv. Amazingly, the sinus infection cleared up in 2.5 days. I did feel better after first irrigation. I would imagine neti pot achieves similar result, I've just always used the baby squirt bulbs.

I'm a convert, can't believe how great the grapefruit seed extract worked! Thanks again for everyone's testimonials, otherwise I would have never tried it. Paying it forward.

To clarify, for natural remedy rookies like myself that may read this:

- grapefruit seed extract (gse), 4 drops added to your nasal irrigation salt water...make sure not too much salt or it will irritate your nose. I use about 8 oz. water, enough salt to taste it but not strong, 4 drops gse. Stir and squirt into each nostril three times each day until symptoms gone.

- apple cidar vinegar taken orally with 8 oz water, 1 table spoon acv.

-echinacea taken orally mixed in water, 2 droppers of .5 ml, twice a day

Hope this helps other sinusitis / sinus infection sufferers as much as it did me!

Grapefruit Seed Extract, Oil Pulling

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Posted by Amy (Denver, CO) on 06/01/2009

I'd been suffering for a week from a sinus infection and was not interested in my doctor's advised treatment of 10 days on harsh antibiotics (which incidentally had never cured a sinus infection for me in the 3 times in the past that they'd prescribed it.) So, I google'd "holistic sinus infection cure" and found this site. After reading a few dozen posts on the "sinus infection" page, I found a couple of things to try; here are my results:

1. ACV: while I'd read that this works best at the first signs of a cold and I was already five days in, I tried it anyway. About 1-2 Tbs in hot water with a dash of lemon juice and some agave syrup to sweeten it and I drank it like a tea. Very pleasant with the agave and I started to feel some relief soon after drinking (I also inhaled the steam after mixing and felt some relief from that too.) Since it didn't provide as much instant relief as I was hoping for, and WAS providing some canker sores in my mouth, I limited this to just the first day or two and then stopped.

2. Oil Pulling: I started this at the same time as the other remedies so I'm not certain what the effect has been on curing my sinus infection, but I can attest that I feel better, my skin looks amazing, my breath has significantly improved and I no longer see a white film on the surface of my tongue. This is after just 3-4 days of use. I'm using 1 Tbs of organic sesame oil, swished around for 15-20 minutes every morning right upon waking, then spit out, of course.

3. Grapefruit Seed Extract: I think this was the magic bullet for me. I've been using 2-5 drops (teeny, tiny drops) in with my saline sinus irrigation twice a day for the last 4 days and I am almost 100% better. This (and the oil pulling) I've been doing consistently. While I didn't feel immediate relief after my first irrigation with the GSE, every time since then I feel the pressure release from behind my face and my cheekbones stop aching. Now my symptoms are almost completely gone; I cannot believe it. On the first couple of days I was using more drops (4-5) and now I'm down to 2 drops. It doesn't taste the best when it runs down your throat and there is a funny sensation that it creates that is kind of like burning but not painful, but all in all it's really easy; not much different than just plain saline.

I have to say I'm totally blown away at how much better I feel and without aid of antibiotics. I did continue to take ibuprofin in limited amounts (no more than once a day) when the pain was more than I could take), but other than that I've been cured by these holistic remedies. I'm so grateful for this website and all of the people who have posted their success stories on here! I never would have known to try these things had it not been for finding this resource. Thank you!!

Grapefruit Seed Extract, Sea Salt

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Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tenn.) on 01/23/2011

I have been spraying my nostrils for the last 3 years with a concoction of sea salt, baking soda and GSE that I make myself. Take 1/3 glass of warm water, Add 1 tsp of sea salt, 1 tsp of baking soda and 8 drops of GSE. Stir , allow to cool and pour the clear portion into your sprayer. This keeps my nostrils open, but it has not dried up my sinus, which I guess is a good thing. If you look at any animal they all have nasal drainage. It seems that is just natural. What you don't want is for your sinus to dry up with no flow.

Grapefruit Seed Extract, Sea Salt
Posted by Katie (Camano Island, WA) on 06/16/2009

I have had two severe sinus infection flare ups over the last two months. The post nasal drip from this infection has caused me to have SEVERE laringitis, so severe that i could not talk at all. As if my vocal cords were completely gone. I could only use sign language and even whispering hurt my throat and head. Has anyone ever had this problem? I have looked everywhere on the internet and have not found one story of laringitis caused by a sinus infection. I am using 13 drops of GSE and 1/8 tsp. of sea salt mixed in 3/4 cup warm water. i use a full eye dropper, tilt my head back and squirt it up both nostrils. Then i quickly plug my nose and put my head down between my legs. I plug one nostril and gently breath in through the other. Doing the same with the other nostril and back and forth for about 1 minute. When i first started doing this, the pressure in my sinus was almost unbearable. But now on my 5th day of doing this about 3-5 times a day, the pressure is gone. I still have laringitis but it is not lasting as long as my first bout with this infection. I am also starting the ACV drink. If anyone has had this Laringitis trouble, please let me know. I was completely mute for 3 days!!!

Replied by Ken Shumaker

It's funny how we get these problems, and it seems like we're the only one that has it. Anyway I just went through an ordeal where I got hoarse and had a sore throat intermitantly, glands under my chin swollen and hurting down the sides of my neck. It scared the hell out of me. I did some research on the internet sounded like severe post nasal drip so I started trying different things. Nasal flush, nasal flush with about 3% hydrogen peroxide and drinking a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and I feel much better looks like I'm finally on to something. I love being able to find help and reading about other people having similar issues to help each other.

Replied by P

Your post above which is good but concerning the 3% hydrogen peroxide it would be a great idea when you post something you would put the amount of the 3% hydrogen peroxide as well if you add water to it and how much water (no tap of course )

I'm doing a nasal flush with about 3% hydrogen peroxide and drinking a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and I feel much better looks like I'm finally on to something. I love being able to find help and reading about other people having similar issues to help each other. and drinking a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and I feel much better looks like I'm finally on to something. I love being able to find help and reading about other people having similar issues to help each other.

Replied by Kelly
(Sherwood, Or)

Yes, I can relate! I've had a terrible sinus infection for seven weeks and the main symptom has been laryngitis. I initially had total laryngitis for two weeks at the onset of the sinus infection. It has still not completely cleared up. I'm on my fourth round of antibiotics and steroids, and I so want my voice back! My dr had a CT scan ordered which revealed near complete opacification of my right sphenoid sinus; the recommending surgery. I'm still not willing to go that route til I've tried sister recommended nasal irrigation with organic grapefruit seed extract. Praying this works!!!

Replied by Janie
(Hood River, Oregon)

Yes, I have also had laryngitis with my sinus infection. In fact, like you, my voice completely left me two weeks ago and has yet to return completely- thus the reason for visiting this site. I am a music teacher and this is disastrous. I added 1 tsp. of Apple Cider Vinegar to my saline solution (1 tsp Kosher salt/baking soda), tonight, and am anxious to see if my voice improves. I have had 3 courses of antibiotics (Amoxicillin, Azithromycin, and Doxycycline- the latter accompanied by Prednisone), and know there has to be a better, more effective way! This site is awesome!!

H2O2, GSE, Sea Salt Rinse

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Posted by Llball (Belmont, Ma) on 02/13/2010

Remedy for Sinus Infection - WOW, FAST!

After reading through several pages of posts about remedies for sinus infection (which I have had for at least 10 days now...sinus/face pain, headaches, fatigue, achiness, etc) I decided to combine a few suggestions into a solution that was miraculous for me. I made the following mixture for my netti pot (which is actually a ceramic child's tea pot from my daughter's old tea set, sterilized of course :):

10oz of water
1 T. regular 3% Hydrogen Peroxide
5 drops grapefruit seed extract liquid concentrate
little less than 1/2 tspn. sea salt

I tried to run the solution through my nose, but it was too blocked, so I just poured some up in my nostril and then put my head down between knees to hold it in and let gravity work it up into my sinuses. Let is remain in there about 30 seconds or so...very slight burning/tingling. Then put my head over the sink and blew my nose, then repeated on the other side. Did this a couple of times each side, each time releasing a little more mucous. Then I waited a few hours. Within 2 hours, the right nostril ejected a large ball of mucous tinged with a little blood and pus (gross!..I know) and the right nostril was clear. The left side discharged a little more mucous but did not clear. I repeated the process focusing on the left side and on the second rinse, the left side also gave up a large blob of mucous also slightly tinged with a little blood and yellow pus. After then, my sinuses let go more mucous (no more blood and pus, just really thick mucous)than I have ever seen coming out of one person's nose. I could breathe clearly for the first time in over a week and the pressure and pain were greatly relieved. I can tell that I am not fully back to normal yet, but to have this much recovery in a matter of hours is WONDERFUL!! I feel so much better and wanted to pass this remedy along right away.

Replied by Latanya

I really appreciate all of the wonderful posts and options put before my eyes. I tried two of the remedies and they both worked. I used a tumbler with detachable straw to run the solutions thru my nostril and it is working. The post nasal has subsided.

Hemp Seeds

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Posted by Amanda (New York) on 11/28/2010

Hemp Seeds (about 2 tablespoons 3X a day) have helped my sinus congestion/allergic sinusitis TREMENDOUSLY!! Within minutes of taking them, I actually feel them halting my allergies and my sinuses becoming clearer!


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Posted by Elvis (Marina, California,usa) on 07/30/2012

After nose surgery, I contacted sinus infection. After 2 years and six doctor specialist, no cure. Lost of sleep, waking up with mucus in my mouth. Hacking all the time, cause I could never clear my throat and sinus headaches all the time, just frustrated me. I sent for 3 herbal extracts (thyme, clove, cinimon)to cure my postnasal drip, I took a chance. I put six drops of each in a container and set it by my bed side. In one week I was healed.

Replied by B. Wilder

I am prone to sinus infections and have a terrible one right now. Did you leave it by your bedside to breathe it in? Or did you drink/consume it?

Mama To Many

It sounds to me like he is talking about drops of essential oils placed at the bedside. We have seen essential oils placed on a cotton ball near the head to help a cough quite a bit. (You would not want to take 6 drops of any essential oil internally.)

Though, if you do not have those essential oils this could be an expensive fix. Saline solution in the nose may work as well and would be very inexpensive.

Chronic Sinus Infections may have some helpful solutions for you, too.

~Mama to Many~


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Posted by Laura (Westminster, Vermont) on 03/25/2007

I'm surprised that you have no mention of horseradish on your website. I used to take antibiotics at least once a year for sinus infections until 12 years ago when my naturopathic doctor recommended horseradish. Since then, I have had no problems if I eat a lot of horeradish (usually about a jar a day) at the first sign of infection. Until now, that is. I have developed a sinus infection and the horseradish I just brought home from the grocery store is not strong enough. So, I am going to try some of the other things listed here, at least until I can get my hands on some stronger horseradish.

Hot Shower

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Posted by Patrick (East Storudsburg, Pa) on 08/04/2011

Ok, I'm going to share this in hopes it helps somone, the hot shower for sinus infections is the key:

As hot as u can stand it on your face and forehead, then I suggest not blowing your nose at all, instead imediatly after getting of the shower take some toilet tissue or cotton and plug ur nasil passages. Wait around 10 to 20 min, by then your sinuses should be opened up, gently blow your nose and after replug your nasil passages again , wait an hr then repeat the shower and redo all above, my nasal passages where so inflamed I had blood coming out, after one day of this the sinus passages were now clear. This was the only thing that helped me. It sounds weird but it worked!!!!! I think the reason was that the hot steam got into the passages and by plugging the nasal area up it let the warm vapor open the swollen passages up, letting the mucus to lossen up. Be warned when you get ready to expell your sinuses youll be suprised at what is released, nasty!!!! Good luck

Hot Showers, Hot Tea, Chicken Soup

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Posted by Tatianna (Fort St John, Canada) on 08/27/2008

My sinus infection ruined my whole vacation!I kept annoying everybody in my class from me snorting.And i was stuck with it for 3 months.It was so bad that i kept having panic attacks and had realy hard troubles breathing so I couldnt lay down. But then having hot showers, drinking tea and eating chicken noodle soup makes a huge change!


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Posted by Grayson ( Colorado Springs, Colorado ) on 06/17/2011

Is it possible that a very dry climate can lead/add to sinusitus? When I travel to humidity I feel 100% better.

Replied by Susan
(Charlotte, Nc)

Yes, I would agree that climate (and also smog) can affect sinus issues. I had nonstop sinus issues and allergies starting about a year after I moved to Southern California. After years of suffering from this, we moved to the humid South and I haven't had a sinus infection or serious allergy attack since then. Half of my friends who live in dry and polluted environments have terrible sinus issues.

Replied by Ruthie39
(Houston, Tx)

I have lived in the South all of my life. I have suffered from seasonal allegies and sinus infections for years.

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