Sinus Infections
Natural Remedies

Find Relief from Sinus Infections Naturally

Posted by FRANK (FL) on 09/21/2023

I am so glad I tried your solution. It helped me where as I went thru many antibiotic solutions that didn't come close to what your formula did for me. I was diagnosed with a staph infection 2 years ago. went from green mucus to clear in 3 days. I am very grateful for your formula and Earth Clinic info. Frankie Cee

Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 08/27/2023


I had a client come to me with chronic sinusitis. She has been to the doctors many times over the past 6 months and has been prescribed different antibiotics and nasal sprays (Fluticasone) with no relief.

Since she was not responding to any anti-biotic treatment made me suspect she had a fungal infection and these lame doctors are not treating the underlying problem. Plus, researchers at Mayo Clinic discovered that sinusitis, an inflammatory disease, is caused by yeast 96% of the time and cured by anti-fungals. Fungi are the major cause of a chronic sinus infection. Individuals with weak immunity are more susceptible to such infections.

According to research, chronic sinusitis (there is also acute sinusitis) is a consequence of an immune disorder triggered by fungus. Back in 1999, a research team discovered that there were fungal organisms present in the mucus of 96 percent of patients who underwent chronic sinusitis surgery. Namely, fungus and mold spores are in the air all the time and therefore, we inhale them and they stay in the sinuses' mucus lining. Since yeast are opportunistic organisms that flourish as immune function declines, it becomes obvious why these diseases are seen more. People who are more prone to chronic sinusitis will experience an immune response to the fungi, which will further cause sinusitis signs. This is why antifungals will be much more effective than antibiotics in treating the problem. Antibiotics do nothing to kill fungal infections and I believe they make things worse.


She said she could see results after the 3rd spray. In less than one week, she is 90% better.

About Goldenseal Root

Goldenseal Root (Parts Used: primarily the root, to a lesser extent leaves) is widely used in many herbal salves and ointments as a disinfectant. Goldenseal root contains berberine and hydrastine which have a broad-spectrum antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral action. Goldenseal root was used by Native American tribes, including the Cherokee and Iroquois, as a yellow dye and for health conditions.

The herb's primary value is as an infection fighter for upper respiratory congestion and sinus infections as well as a topical antibiotic in skin infections, staph infections of the skin, cuts, wounds, sore throats, mouth ulcers, athlete's foot, ringworm, bronchitis, colds, whooping cough, pneumonia, gastritis ulcers, eczema, psoriasis, constipation, acne, thrush, recurrent ear infections, vaginitis, urinary tract infections, and eye infections (such as conjunctivitis and blepharitis).

How to make a Goldenseal Root Tincture Sinus Spray for Chronic Fungal Sinusitis

Material needed:

* 30ml empty clean nasal spray bottle

* Distilled water

* Goldenseal Root Tincture 1oz (must be alcohol-based ~ Not Glycerin based)


1. Add 15ml Goldenseal tincture to an empty nasal spray bottle. (1:1 ~ v tincture to water)

2. Top off bottle with distilled water.

How to use:

1. Use this spray twice in each nostril 2-5 times daily for a few weeks to resolve sinus infection.

Note: It stings a little for about 15 seconds but after that you're good to go.

Posted by freeone (oregon) on 03/20/2023

I'm continuing my breakthroughs. I'm writing on this thread b/c I never had a sinus issues and then 10 months ago... pure hell, in fact this is a special tormenting hell. So I feel to reach out to others b/c unless you deal with it, you don't know how debilitating it is. Not sure if it was from Covid, but it started around when I contracted it. My new added remedy is Green Tea Extract by Life Extensions 785 mg.[no caffeine ] So this is a game changer, the first day it gave me headaches but sinus symptoms were less. Next day no headache, and hardly any sinus symptoms, and I at pasta with cheese last night. I know...right? I use the 1/2 golden seal 1/2 salt solution in a cup of water. I've only had to use one dropper in each nostril head at ceiling but I use it after eating [another game changer]. Today no need for the golden seal so it's really working.

Posted by freeone (oregon) on 03/17/2023

This is very effective for sinus infections.

Goldenseal tincture, I have from Earthpharm.

Use 1/2 dropper in 1/2 teaspoon salt solution. I used a dropper with my head tilted to ceiling, one dropper of the mix into each nostril. It didn't burn at all. It helped more than anything so far. Also drank a cup of water with a 1/2 dropper of goldenseal tincture. As GS also has berberine it passes through the blood-brain barrier, it's powerful, and helping as mentioned -more than any other remedy.

Posted by Lisa (Flemington, Nj, Usa) on 12/03/2010

I put goldenseal tea in the neti pot & rinse my sinuses with it. 2 teabags in 12 oz. of warm water. It stings, but it's a natural antibiotic, and the neti pot gets the antibiotics directly to the site of the infection. The best part is that the worse the infection seems, the more immediate & dramatic the cure! This cure was give to me by a homeopath, & I've used it many many times. In fact I'm off to the health food store right now to get another box of tea bags.

Posted by Beth (Roseville, MN) on 08/26/2006

For sinus problems use goldenseal power mixed with water to make a paste. Put it up your nose with Q-tip. Repeat until symptoms disappear. I have tried EVERYTHING else and THIS WORKS!
