Sinus Congestion
Natural Remedies

Quick Sinus Relief: Natural Remedies for Congestion

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sherry (Barnesville, Georgia) on 03/04/2012

A Huge Relief! 5 days before a scheduled surgery my sinuses shut down. First I thought it was a cold or head cold, but had no other symtoms other than sinus trouble. I was in a panic that I would have to re-schedule my surgery that was 6 weeks in the making:( I tried the cup of hot water and thankfully had Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey on hand. It cleared up the congestion and headache immediately. Will try again before bedtime as it seems sleeping is the worst. Thank you for this site. Will be back!

Pickle Juice
Posted by Paul (Wrangell, Alaska) on 02/21/2012

Reading your site on nasal congestion. Just tried a shot of pickle juice and water. 20 min later, nose has stopped draining. Cool.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Isabel (Tulsa, Ok) on 01/31/2012

I mixed 8 ounces of hot water with 3 tablespoons of ACV with honey. I have been drinking it twice a day for 3 days now. Its hard to say if its curing me or not. I've been feeling a little better since I took it, but it may have just been the fact that it is the end of my cold/flu whatever it is. My congestion is really bad, and it cleared away while I was drinking, but came back a few minutes later. Overall, I still feel awful, but the congestion doesn't feel as strong. Hard to say, but worth a shot! I think my sickness was just too serious, I need stronger meds.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Petnut (Spokane, Wa) on 01/25/2012

I read through this post and thought I would try it - within minutes my sinuses are draining. I put about 2 tbs in a cup of tea with some stevia. Lovin it.

Tomato Tea
Posted by Julz (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) on 01/25/2012

The tomato tea is not only delicious, but it honest to goodness is the only things that's worked thus far for my sinus infection. Finally I can breathe!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Brenda (Manning, South Carolina) on 01/23/2012

I've gone through sinus surgery and suffer at least once a week with congestion and running. Got bad tonight that I could not breathe thru BOTH nostrils. I am pregnant so I can not take anything. I drank 6 oz of warm water with 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar and one tbsp honey. Warmed it in the microwave for 20seconds. After about 5 minutes, I can breathe thru left nostril. Right one is still blocked but I'm happy to have at least one to breathe from!!!

I do know that cutting sugar and caffeine will help. A nutritionalist also said that milk/dairy is mucous forming. Can't live without all three! I also learned thru study that continuous decongestants will actually worsen congestion. Hope this helps everyone because it is miserable not being able to breathe!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sarah (Austin, Texas, Us) on 01/23/2012

I tried this remedy just now, to the letter, and it literally worked immediately! I'm blown away! To the OP, thank you so much! :D

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Priceless (Dayton, Ohio) on 01/18/2012

Ok I was @ my wits in... I had spend over $50 in over the counter medication. I had ended up over medicated myself @ this point due to now insurance already missing a week of work the only one working in the home... I found this remedy. I honestly went and bought the ACV and fixed my glass as soon as I walked in my home. Instantly I started feeling better. I did wake up around 3 am due to the pressure I guess. I took a tylenol so I could return to sleep. Took another class 8oz this morning..! Everyone @ work was like you look like you went to the SPA!! You look better!! ...

Most of all I thank GOD for healing. But I appreciate this website.. I told everyone @ work.... @ lunch one of my co-workers is running to get some ACV... I do hope this helps someone.. Because everyones remarks definitley helped me..

Thanks for all the responses!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ali (Edmonton, Ab) on 12/27/2011

In the city of Edmonton, this time of year, it has been really brutal for cold and sinus problems! It's very dry, dusty and there is no snow.

I have been suffering from colds and sinus trouble... and I refuse to take antibiotics, because I do know for a fact that there are natural cures for everything.

I swear by apple cider vinegar uses for many things, but I have not tried it for sinus trouble, THANK YOU for all the comments. I will try the ACV now.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Juju (Atlanta, Ga) on 12/27/2011

I've been suffering from a really bad cold, I have a horrible stuffy nose and I haven't slept for two days. I tried the hot water, honey, cayenne pepper and Apple Cider Vinegar recipe and it seems to work! I took about 3 sips and my nose cleared up! Let's hope it stays unstuffed through the night!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Bonniem (Riverside, Cal., United States) on 12/22/2011

Hello I have been using a drop of Apple Cider Vinegar in warm water in my Neti pot. It works great for sinusitis! I irrigate my sinuses and even use a little in my ears which also helps. I get great comfort from using ACV in water in my Neti pot.

Is this safe? I only use it when I need to and I only use about one drop of Apple Cider Vinegar in the water.

Can this upset the PH Balance in my sinuses? Anyone know?

Tomato Tea
Posted by Kaelyn (Rockport, Tx) on 12/19/2011

I did not have any V8 on hand, but I used a can of Amy's organic tomato bisque soup, I added 5-6 cloves of finely chopped garlic, fresh squeezed lemon. I only had taco bell hot sauce packets so I used those and added extra cayenne pepper. I did add a little worcestershire sauce for added flavor. I heated it on the stove as to not kill any of the nutrients by using the microwave. IT WAS DELICIOUS. Really spice but sooo good. I could breathe freely through my sinuses within the first five bites!!! I have been eating garlic for days to help my immune system but this cold has finally caught up to me. Thank you earth clinic! I love you!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Elizabeth (Savannah, Ga) on 12/07/2011

I have had clogged sinuses for about 24 hours now, and my experience tells me that if I let it go on any longer, it will turn into a sinus infection. I've tried OTC decongestants and none have worked. I used my Neti pot 3 times today, with relief for about 10 minutes each time. After surfing the net looking for some kind of home remedy, I found your site and I tried the ACV.

I made a hot 8 oz cup of chamomile tea, poured 2 tbsp of regular Heinz ACV in it and then stirred in 1 tsp of honey to make it palatable. It was still a horrifying taste even with the honey.

I barely got through half the cup before my sinuses cleared and I was able to breathe through my nose. Not sure how this works, but so thankful it does!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Courtney (Boise, Id) on 11/25/2011

After being sick for two days with sinus congestion, lowgrade fever, and sore throat, I finally came across this site. I've been looking for a natural remedy for my sinus congestion because I'm breastfeeding. So, a little skeptical, I mixed two tbsps raw apple cider vinegar into a glass with about 6 oz warm water and about 1 tsp honey. A few sips into the glass, and my nose started running! Now I can breathe a little -- not completely clear, but definitely a relief in pressure! I'm considering drinking some more. It doesn't taste very bad at all (might help that I can't really taste right now :)).

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kalki (Mumbai, India) on 11/24/2011

Oops, I hadn't noticed the replies to my post. I put 4 teaspoons (2tbsp) of ACV in one litre (33 ounces) of water and drank it throughout the day for 10 days. Cleared my nose by the 3rd day.

Revised dosage: "2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in 16 ounces of water. Usually 1-2 tall glasses of the concoction are all you'll need each day."

Posted by Shorty (Austin, Tx) on 11/07/2011

Another thing that works for congestion is a spice called "anise", you boil the seeds and drink it with honey & lemon. my mom swore by it when we were younger & I used it for my infant kids since it was hard for them to cough up the mucus.

I need to use it myself for I have been suffering from nasal congestion/mucus & acid indigestion. That combination makes it hard to breathe freely, and sleep.. I wish you a speedy recovery.

Posted by Nathan (Pittsburgh, Pa, Usa) on 10/30/2011

To relieve lingering sinus congestion due to allergies, I tried the method of snorting small rice sized amounts of cayenne powder.

Like Veejay25 said, there is about 30 seconds of fairly intense burning. For me, however, the burning continued for approximately 30 minutes after taking the powder. After the intense first few minutes, it gradually lessened. The pain is nothing that an average person could not tolerate. There was also about 6 to 7 minutes of intense sneezing, watering eyes, and nose blowing. If you plan to try this, make sure you have about 10 or 15 minutes to recover.

My sinuses cleared slightly, though not completely. I should stress that I did not have a severe sinus condition, so better results could probably be achieved during treatment of a worse condition.

One question to consider is the potential for cayenne to damage the nasal cavity if used chronically. Of course we should all realize it would never be recommended to use many (not all) of the remedies on this site for extended periods due to the lack of scientific research on long term side effects.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kathy (Little Rock, Arkansas) on 10/24/2011

You don't inhale it and you don't steam it over your face/skin! Go to or and read the many uses for vinegar BUT YOU MUST USE IT CORRECTLY YOU CANNOT MISUSE IT AND SAY YOU DO NOT RECOMMEND IT! You could misuse anything and get bad results. Your post was ridiculous. Your own fault!

Posted by Paterin (Pensacola, Florida, Usa) on 10/24/2011

Bret from Bean Station TN wrote that just getting up - moving around - walk, exercise -causes shrinkage of nasal passages. I must have missed that the first time around because I thought I discovered the following all by myself: Two nights ago, when it was obvious I could forget about sleeping, I stumbled into the room where I keep my small trampoline, and in the dark, I got aboard, hanging onto the window frame for support, and I jumped. Pure magic! The obvious explanation - what Bret said. So last night, I did my jumping just BEFORE bed -again pure magic. I know there are other problems of the nose, but what if this is all you ever needed to try?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Crystal (Kennewick, Wa, Usa) on 10/07/2011

My left nostril had been completely swollen shut all afternoon from a cold or sinus infection I'm fighting off. I ignored it till bedtime when I realized that I wouldn't be able to sleep like that. So I turned to earthclinic to see what to do before going to get an otc decongestant. I saw that ACV has yet another use and I have it by the gallon so I tried it - 2 tbl in about 8 oz of water with ginger/honey drink mix (I'm out of my raw honey) After a few sips I did feel less irritation and a slight improvement but still couldn't breathe on the left side. I finished the drink and still not able to breathe I decided to go across the street to the store for the tomato tea ingredients. It took about 15 minutes and by the time I got home the left nostril was open and running. That was about 30 minutes ago and I'm still breathing freely thru my nose and I'm drinking the tomato tea just for good measure. I just wish I had done this earlier in the day!

Red Pepper, Ground Pepper
Posted by Red9979 (Miami, Fl) on 09/06/2011

cayenne pepper might work better, but I did not have any at hand, decided to take a facial vaporizer, that has the nose attatchment, to the water, I added crushed red pepper and ground black pepper, smelled it for about 15 minutes, at medium or high setting made me sneeze instantly, did not burn and cleared me but then again I do not have chronic sinus. I guess for chronic sinus or bad infections with headaches and sinus pain- the cayenne would be more powerful .

but if your desperate enough and do not have it at hand, try my method might work for you.

Posted by Rosa (Monterey, Ca) on 08/25/2011

After reading this, I took a long, hot shower and I can already feel the difference. I am a Soldier so NOT going to work is NOT an option. I've been trying for 3 days to find relief from this severe congestion. Thanks!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Faye (Lakeland, Fl) on 08/15/2011

Are you steaming it and breathing the vapors? Or are you drinking the mixture. It's not clear.
