Sinus Congestion
Natural Remedies

Quick Sinus Relief: Natural Remedies for Congestion

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Colleen (Greenwich, Ny) on 02/12/2011


I've been suffering with severe head congestion for almost two weeks now. Ironically enough, after I gave in and got antibiotics my congestion and ear infection started to get a lot worse. Can antibiotics make me sicker? Has anybody else had this happen or was I already so sick that coincidentally enough the day I started them I got worse?

Thanks so much for your sight!! Love it!! And PS. Hydrogen peroxide in a netti pot worked WONDERS for my congestion. It just doesn't last.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jessica (West Union, Oh) on 02/12/2011

My sinuses have been congested for days. I am 17 years old and I've tried pretty much every OTC medicine I can find. I just tried the ACV remedy using 8oz of water, 2 TBSP ACV, and 2 TBSP of honey. After about ten minutes, I could already breathe through my nose again! I couldn't even taste anything because my congestion was so bad, and now I can again. Thanks, this was great!

Posted by V (Seattle, Wa) on 02/11/2011

Niacin for sinus problems

I had not taken niacin for a long time. I also have a cold. One of those icky sinus congesting colds. My mouth is dry and my snot is thick and sticky and yellow (sorry for the imagery). I just took a high dose of niacin (1000mg) and when it kicked in and my body began to flush I had the urge to blow my nose and when I did my sinuses cleared out completely and they have not been this clear in over a week). I'm not 100% sure if niacin is related to my sinuses clearing but the odds of them clearing out for the first time in a week within 20 minutes of taking niacin would be low. After my niacin flush began to disapear my sinuses began to congest again. This could be a coinsidence but I don't think so.

If you have not taken niacin before you should know that it will make your capiliaries open and when they do blood flows much more easily. Because your capiliaries have expanded they are larger and more blood flows through and you can see this happen as your body turns pink/red. You can also feel the increase in blood flow with a tingling/itchy feeling as well as a warm/hot sensation which are due to vastly improved circulation. These sensations will not appear imediately, they will build up over a ten to twenty minute time period. Because the heat and itching will gradually increase do not be alarmed, after 10-20 minutes the effect will plateu and then decrease and the effect will be over, no matter how unpleasant it was.

I do not recomend taking niacin for the first time at least 2-3 hours before an event or meeting friends because the reddening of your skin may embarass you if you are not used to it (even if you are used to it, I can tell you it is not a flattering look, lol). Also while niacin itself (as far as I know) does not interfere with sleep the itching feeling can make it difficult to fall asleep if not impossible or may wake you if you fall asleep before it kicks in, so I do not reccomend taking it before bed until you know if you can sleep with it.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kat (Austin, Tx) on 02/06/2011

I was skeptical, but yep - sure enough. The ACV worked. Just smelling the vinegar started to open up my sinuses. I'm so super thankful because I think there is nothing quite so maddening as packed sinuses.

Knitted Hat
Posted by Dianec (Los Angeles, Ca, United States) on 01/31/2011

Hello I submitted the sinus help regarding accupressure and sinus rinse about a year ago! For a week now I have had very little problem with my decade long sinusitis nightmare. While the accupressure and sinus rinse helped this is what is working for me about 100%. I HAVE BEEN WEARING A WARM CAP ON MY HEAD DAY AND NIGHT AND I HAVE NOT HAD ANY PROBLEM WITH MY SINUSITIS! I'M NOT KIDDING! So far the draining, spitting, and post-nasal drip have stopped. It seems keeping my head warm keeps my sinuses normal! Try it and see if it works for you! Such a simple thing has me back to normal.I have been wearing a large green knitted cap that covers my entire head.Thanks Diane

Neti Pot Remedy
Posted by Debrah (Oxford, Nova Scotia) on 01/31/2011

I've (always?) had a stuffy nose and finally got smart enough to check the internet and found out about using a neti pot for sinus congestion. So I tried it and the benefits that first time, have lasted overnight. I will do it again today and every time I start feeling slightly congested. Neti pots work big time!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Fox (Tucson, Az) on 01/30/2011

I have to admit I am sharing because I got results, was desperate could not sleep sinuses blocked could not breathe, headache, pressure and ear ache, I immediately took 8 oz hot water, 2TBL of ACV and 2TBL honey. Came back and kept reading (still a little skeptical) I had to run for tissue for my nose started just running (within 10 min) just water flowing, now I am breathing after 20 minutes Thank you

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by David (Grand Rapids, Mi) on 01/28/2011

My elderly father in law has been struggling with sinus congestion for more than a year. Unable to take decongestants because of heart medication, he has been suffering to the point of panic attacks and sleepless nights. Long story short, tried the acv/honey mix and almost immediately his congestion disappeared and finally is able to breath easily. My sinuses (sinusii?) began to clear from across the room. Thank you for this post.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Yogitha (Singapore, Singapore) on 01/24/2011


So glad to hear ACV has worked for so many. I am 23 weeks pregnant and I had a debilitating cough for over a month which finally started to subside last week right when the mucous shifted to the nasal cavity. 6 days of no sleep, completely stuffed nasal passage, breathing through my dry mouth. Last night I tried ACV in water and honey and did experience some temporary relief but had terrible congestion all night. Started to have jaw and teeth pain now. I really had high hopes for this remedy cos I desperately want to avoid medication. After nausea, kidney stones, constant fatigue and now this, I am at my wits end. I didn't experience any of this in my first pregnancy..

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Larry (Fairfax, Va / Usa) on 01/15/2011

Please tell me the particular type of honey you used, and was the water hot or room temperature. Also, was anything else added to the water besides the honey? Thanks.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Helena (Houston, Tx, Usa) on 01/14/2011

Hi I am a longtime sinus suferrer and have gone through a lifetime of antibiotics, I have no health insurance and always opt for a hollistic method first I also have chronic asthma as well as many other ailments. While sitting in agony and desperate for help I stumbled across this website and just happened to have the miracle ingridients here at home I got a 8oz glass of water put in 2 tsp of honey and drank it.

As I was reading all theese threads and about 30 min later and thinking yeah right like this is going to work all of a sudden my packed sinuses started moving I could feel it and while reading I had to run to the restroom my nose was running like a faucet and my nasal pasages feel so clear I am in total shock and dibelief this really is a miracle thank you so very much from the bottom of my heart I am a true believer now I will pass this on to everyone I know crying from happiness thank you again I was about to bash my head into a wall before reading this literaly. Thank you , helena

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Silvurchrm (Atlanta, Ga) on 12/31/2010

I tried the Apple Cider Vinegar and I didn't have any relief. In fact it irritated my stomach. I mixed 2 tbsp of Apple Cider Vinegar with 8 oz of water and drank the mixture. I waited and tried again with no change. Maybe I have something to severe or it just didn't work for me. On to something else

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dee (Los Angeles, Ca) on 12/27/2010

WOW-- unbelievably quick relief! I have had a sinus infection for the past 5 days-- unable to breathe through either nostril, with ears popping, impaired hearing, and sore throat nightly after breathing through my mouth constantly. I tried everything-- at least six over-the-counter nasal sprays (both traditional and herbal remedies) as well as a neti pot/saline solution. Nothing seemed to do the trick and I was at wit's end. I just came across this site, immediately mixed up some ACV and water, and downed it. Less than 15 minutes later I am breathing clearly for the first time in almost a week! I would never have believed it was so good for this chronic problem-- I will keep this trick up my sleeve for future use! Many thanks for the tip...

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Es (Nj, Nj/usa) on 12/23/2010

I confess I didn't think ACV really did much since I've read all the testimonials for years now, but never noticed anything amazing when I took it. But one thing was that once when I was coughing all morning at my old job I didn't want to disturb my coworkers and the only thing I had onhand was a bottle of ACV on my desk. Took two swigs straight and the coughing. Stopped. Immediately. No kidding, my coworkers were amazed. Happened again the next day, did it again it worked. My coworker then started hacking away driving me nuts so I gave it to him. It worked.

Anyway so I started taking it in water a few days ago when I caught my fiance's cold because it soothed my soar throat. Now I did lose my voice for 3 days, vinegar or no vinegar. But I woke up in the morning able to breath through my nose, to my utter surprise. Now the past 3 days I can actually breath through my nose and I had been congested for about two months. It feels great to breath through my nose again. I'll keep taking it. Thanks. ES

Garlic, Salt Water
Posted by Anon (City, State) on 12/17/2010

For chronic cough and congestion try this. Take a laxative for a few days, eat nothing heavy or with gluten or casein in it, and consume ginger/cayene/honey tea, and fresh grated horseradish. Cat's claw might help, too. Plain oatmeal with only unrefined coconut oil, fresh lemon juice, dandelion root tea, plain vegetable and fruit salads, hot thin soups and unsweetened teas are also good. Valerian root tea, raspberry leaf tea, chamomile, ginseng, blackstrap molasses are also good.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Allbetter789 (Sacramento, California Us) on 12/16/2010

I want to share my experience with people because I was so grateful that other people posted tips and facts that helped me in my time of need. When I Googled sinus infections just 3 days ago I was desperate for relief! I lost my job 4 months ago and although I have health insurance I really didn't want to pay $100 out of pocket for a doctor visit. I really wanted to beat this thing naturally without drugs or antibiotics. My right ear bled lightly for 3 days from the intense sinus pressure and I would go to bed with my heart just pounding in my head and ears. After long bouts of coughing up stuff I was gasping for air and the thought of laying down to sleep actually scared me.

Anyway the key to kicking this was good nutrition and HYDRATION! I literally beat this thing in one day and feel great. Here's how my day went. I woke up and ate just a banana for breakfast. Then I went to my favorite Indian buffet for lunch knowing that everytime I went there my nose would run because the food is so spicy. Then I came home and grabbed 2 bottled waters and went for a combination 3.5 mile jog and walk. This took one hour. Then I went to Jamba Juice and had a 16 ounce fresh squeezed orange juice, a 2 ounce wheat grass cocktail, and a power-sized pomegranite smoothie. I drank the first 2 at home and then walked out the door with the smoothie and one more 12 ounce bottled water. I repeated the same walk pattern for another 3.5 miles. I live in a rural area and the key to success was that on both walks I constantly coughed, spit, sniffed in and drank the whole time.

Posted by Tanya (Hailey, Id, Usa) on 12/13/2010

Wow! I'll have to remember this! Thank you for sharing! :D

Posted by Diane (Berkeley, Ca) on 12/13/2010

This seems rather drastic. The same thing happens to me when I cook (very spicy) authentic Thai and Indian food. And it's a lot more pleasurable. I love the chile high, and the nose-clearing goodness of those thai chiles. Eating spicy food on a regular basis is great for the body.

Posted by Veejay25 (Seattle, Wa) on 12/13/2010

WOW! After reading all these reviews on sniffing cayenne for sinus congestion, it may come across as too good to be true; but I tried it and all I can say it WOW!! It really does work ladies and gentlemen. I took about a (half of a rice size) amount of cayenne, placed one amount on my pinky finger (for one nostril) and the second amount on a small spoon (for the other nostril), and simultaneously sniffed each amount. Instantly, I did feel burning and I breathed and recalled a scripture "when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I", and then I could tolerate the 30 secs on burning. I felt a menthol sensation and a throbbing of the blood vessels in my nose (it wasnt scary or anything). Then the mucous began to ran down my nose. I blew my nose and SO much mucous came out! Before the treatment, nothing came out. After blowing my nose, my pressure and clogged ears was instantly relieved! Praise God for cayenne.

Garlic, Salt Water
Posted by Alex (Toronto, On. Canada) on 12/01/2010

Hello, I have had so much success over the last few years with many of the remedies here on Earthclinic and I finally feel like I need to add my comments. I was coming down with a cold and sore throat so I started taking ACV and honey , gargling with cayenne pepper and took Vit C. I thought I had licked it in a couple of days so I stopped taking everything - big mistake - my sinuses and chest started getting very congested so back I came to the site and I tried the garlic up the nose trick. 1 clove of garlic, minced finely with about 40 drops of salt water. I dropped about 2-3 drops in each nostril and it was very painful for a minute or so but I have continued to do this a couple of times per day. My sinus pain is completely gone and they are almost clear. Now all that is left is a cough which I will try and get rid of quickly next. Thank you to all of you for your contributions to this site and my health!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Arsieiuni (Arley, Al, United States Of America) on 11/02/2010

I drank the suggested 2TBS ACV in 8OZ water last night because I really didn't want my sinus to remain congested today. I slept incredibly well and did not wake all night with stuffy head like the day before. This morning, the congestion is markedly less. I still have some congestion in my sinus and some has gone into my throat around the voice box region. Yesterday I did Oil Pulling, Cayenne gargling and ACV and it has turned my horrible sore throat, severely stuff sinus and headache (no fever) into a mild congestion in my nose and throat. I love this site! Thank you, and another YEA! For ACV please!

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Georgeiou (London) on 08/31/2010

I had sinus problems for years and kept going to the doctor for all sorts of nasty medication with side effects. Until I discovered that by using cotton buds and adding a wrapping a little extra cotton to the bud so it can absorb more hydrogen peroxide and then inserting it inside your nose right up where it is congested within seconds it cleared my sinus problem. I them simply blew my nose and all the nasty mucus came out and I was able to breathe normally. Use the same technique on your ears one at a time and rinse after about 15 minutes. The fizzing sound you will hear is oxygenation taking place and the death of nasty bacteria. I used an empty small travel spray container, filled it with hydrogen peroxide and distilled water 50/50 ration spray and several times keep inside your mouth for about 10 to 15 minutes and rinse. Kills all nasty bacteria. I use all the above when I get a cold and it`s amazing how quick I recover. The solution of hydrogen peroxide I used was 9%. It really works. You can get 3, 6 and 9% Hydrogen peroxide from your local chemist. Cost less than a £1. Best wishes and a speedy recovery.

Oregano Oil
Posted by Demetrius (Austell, Ga, Usa) on 08/10/2010

I have been suffering from post nasal discharge from one nostril for more than 15 years I had surgery 3 times but the problem persists to the point that has made my life miserable and quite embarassing since I have to deal with clearing the back of my throat from thick mucous that gets stuck there and requires a lot of coughing and effort to be cleared. I was reading some of the entries about certain remedies and I got interested in the remedy with the oregano. I went to my local herb shop to buy the liquid oregano but I found a nose spray which contains the essential oils of oregano, bay leaf, sage and clove in a sea water base. I tried it out and has made a big difference my problem did not go away but the phlegm is less thicker easier to clear and plus my problem sinus side feels less obstructed than before. It has to be the oregano.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Judie (Roseville, Michigan) on 07/23/2010

Does the ACV have to be a certain kind? I had an older bottle but it was just from the grocery store, kind of a clear brown or does it have to be from the heathful store? I'm very desperate but this site has been extremely helpful! Thanks everyone! Sincerely,
Sick of being stuffed up 24/7 :(

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Baruch (Memphis, Tn) on 04/18/2010

TO: Jenny from Las Vegas, NV Please go to a good health food store purchase a copy of Dr. Paul _____s book on the many, many SAFE uses of ACV. He in now deceased. Just to add a bit of info for his credibility >> He passed away in a hospital at the age of 93 or so from pneumonia. The skeptic would say that there are a lot of people that live to be 93 or so. However, Dr. Paul _____ was in the hospital due to an accident. The skeptic says, "so what". The accident that put Dr. _____ in the hospital was a SURFING accident!!! He was surfing at 93!! He got pneumonia while in the hospital! You will be blessed indeed with all the information in his book. I do ACV regularly.

Be well, Baruch

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kevin (Old Lyme, Ct) on 03/21/2010

Apple Cider Vinegar tea and sinus congestion

I've had sinus infections for decades, and I'd never had a splitting headache like I had tonight. In fact, I don't really get headaches. I think these circumstances might have something to do with it: I'm 49, it's spring, I went out and played some hard basketball. As a result I was getting spotting on both eyes, little patches where I couldn't really see well, a sensation like sunblindness. I ate--my doctor tells me low blood sugar can cause this, and eventually it went away, but the headache got worse, and the combination of symptoms made me think I might be getting a stroke. Well, you try going to sleep with the nagging presumption that your headache is a stroke. I thought about all the things you think about when you think this night is your last: my beautiful kids growing up without, my ineradicable bad habits. I grew furious about certain facts of my life (debt, unemployment, poor health insurance) and vowed to do everything I could to change these facts, if it turned out that I was not in fact in the middle of dying.

Then I came downstairs and tried some alternatives to morbid insomnia, and I wound up pouring myself three cups of warm water with some apple cider vinegar. My sinuses have cleared, and with it my splitting headache. My insomnia remains, but I can live with that.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kayla (Orlando, Fl) on 03/19/2010

I tried using generic cold flu medicine for a couple days, which made my cough go away but then I developed horrible congestion. I tried acv, lemon juice, garlic and salt heated with water and the congestion started to go away the second I inhaled the mixture. Relief was immediate.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Heather (Venice, Ca) on 03/05/2010

I'm amazed. I have a wicked cold. I tried over the counters all day to no success. Sat in the shower and tub with steam for tiny respite. Tonight my nose was so congested i thought my face might pop off. So i googled home cold remedies and found this. My husbands out getting the goods for the tomato tonic but in the meantime i put 2tbs apple cider vinegar in a warm glass of water and 10 minutes later i can close my mouth to breath and my ears have opened up. Thank you apple cider vinegar. Oh and I'm 37.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Whyitsme (Renton, Wa) on 03/02/2010

After spending years stuffed up, and trying everything including acv, I just wanted to post a possible cause to your congestion. Took me a long time to figure out with not much help from my Doctors. Congestion caused by food allergies and overgrowth of candida albicans (yeast) in body. Candida can cause a lot of problems from food allergies to muscle and joint pain (which I also suffered). I would suggest seeing a naturopath who can test you for food allergies and also help you try a candida diet. I am doing so much better, and with watching my diet I hope to be rid of allergies and get candida under control. Life is so much better when you can breathe and have energy. Candida feeds on sugar, yeasts and gluten to name a few, which are heavy in the american diet. Worth checking out.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Becca (Rockford, Illinois) on 02/28/2010

ACV is great, and you can buy the unfiltered organic versions at a lot of stores nowadays. They even sell it at the big box stores here for only 5 dollars or so. It's amazing how well ACV works for not only this, but other issues. When you have a meal that sits too heavy with you (think Thanksgiving!) swallowing a couple teaspoons will help with bloating and "cuts the grease" in your stomach. It's also a great weight loss tool... Try to drink an 8 oz glass of water with at least 2 tbsp. of ACV every day and you'll be amazed at how much easier you lose weight when dieting.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Amy (Ely, Mn) on 02/24/2010

Used it twice yesterday and this morning, I can hear out of both of my ears again! Verry happy. Had some sinus drainage also. Getting better!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Amy (Ely, Mn) on 02/23/2010

Ive been diagnosed with chronic sinusitis, everytime i get sick it goes right to my sinuses. A few years ago I had a CT Scan and/or MRI(cant remember which) of my sinuses and they were almost all impacted, so they put me on antibiotics for 6 weeks, the heavy duty stuff, and when they did they scan afterwards it was worse! So ive suffered long with sinus headaches. This past week, my sinuses have kind of cleared, i can breathe, but i still sound stuffed, my sinuses hurt and my ear is plugged. I went in before it got really bad and they said i had to wait until it got bad. I work right across the street from an organic store, so i went and bought some ACV today and i look forward to using it, thanks to this website! Ill let you know how it works! Thanks everyone!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kathy (Vancouver, Wa, Usa) on 02/15/2010

I have a question about sinus congestion. 10 days ago I developed ear infections in both ears along with a sinus infection. I have had sinus pain/pressure for about two years but never knew it was my sinuses until I went to the dr last week. I'm on antibiotics and the ear infections are cleared up, although my right ear is still somewhat plugged. But my sinuses are still congested, although I don't have any nasal discharge and nothing comes out when I blow my nose. I have been taking the unfiltered ACV, 2TB in warm water with honey, 2X daily for two days now. I do notice some mucus coming from my mouth several times a day but it doesn't feel like it's working on my sinuses. Is it common for it to take longer to open up my sinuses?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Michael (Las Vegas, Nevada, Usa) on 01/24/2010

hello Ive been suffering from congestion in my chest/nose for the past 4 days. I tried the acv recipe and I can feel my sinuses draining thank god. tomorrow is my 21st birthday so I have a big day ahead of me tomorrow. I tried (every otc medicine I could get my hands on). With no results they seemed to be congesting me even more and I couldn't sleep more then 2 hrs at a time. So I jumped on the web and looked up natural remedies and came across this website. I didn't have all or any of the ingredients to make the spicy tomato drink. So I went to the next remedy I could find on the site. Its now 4:20 am and I can breath now!! I live alone so i don't have measuring spoons/cups so I just put 2 big splashes of acv into a 1/2 bottle of water. I couldn't taste a thing so i drank it down and now I feel great (well I can breath/sleep now) I cant tell you how thankful I am. thanks again. who would have guessed acv is all i needed to breath lol. from skeptic to believer
