Sinus Congestion
Natural Remedies

Quick Sinus Relief: Natural Remedies for Congestion

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.


2 User Reviews
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Posted by Kikay (Los Angeles, Ca) on 07/13/2014

Been to the doctor so many times and doctor told me to take claritin to release the pressure in my ears and nose. I had MRI due to pain under my right jaw when nose is clogged and I had it for the last 2 years and cured after eating garlic with honey for 7 days. I minced the garlic and downed with organic honey and water. I also made some garlic nasal rinse and do it when taking a shower so I can wash the garlic smell off on me. It did help a lot and I am so thrilled that now before going to bed and waking up in the morning my nose is not clogged anymore, what a relief! Not taking the claritin anymore and I will replace it by eating garlic at least one clove a day for the rest of my life. Thanks for all the tips and post that everyone had shared here.

Posted by Haywood (Arlington, VA) on 03/16/2006

I cut up cloves like the size of pills, and took them with water. I did this treatment at night so I could go through the next day without being bothered with hay fever.

Garlic, Onion, Red Pepper, Thyme

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Posted by Pattie (Gonzales, louisiana) on 06/05/2007

i tried the tomato juice tea. it did not cure my sinus congestion, but it was a nice temporary fix. I also use one of my own. I take one white or yellow onion and chop it, 10 cloves fresh chopped garlic,1 tsp. red pepper, 2 tsp. thyme. Put in a pot with 8 cups of chicken broth. bring to a boil ,then let simmer for 45 min. or until onions are transparent. when it is ready add 1/4 cup apple cider vinager to it/ sip or eat like soup. salt and pepper optional. really opens the sinus

Garlic, Salt Water

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Posted by Alex (Toronto, On. Canada) on 12/01/2010

Hello, I have had so much success over the last few years with many of the remedies here on Earthclinic and I finally feel like I need to add my comments. I was coming down with a cold and sore throat so I started taking ACV and honey , gargling with cayenne pepper and took Vit C. I thought I had licked it in a couple of days so I stopped taking everything - big mistake - my sinuses and chest started getting very congested so back I came to the site and I tried the garlic up the nose trick. 1 clove of garlic, minced finely with about 40 drops of salt water. I dropped about 2-3 drops in each nostril and it was very painful for a minute or so but I have continued to do this a couple of times per day. My sinus pain is completely gone and they are almost clear. Now all that is left is a cough which I will try and get rid of quickly next. Thank you to all of you for your contributions to this site and my health!!

Replied by Anon
(City, State)

For chronic cough and congestion try this. Take a laxative for a few days, eat nothing heavy or with gluten or casein in it, and consume ginger/cayene/honey tea, and fresh grated horseradish. Cat's claw might help, too. Plain oatmeal with only unrefined coconut oil, fresh lemon juice, dandelion root tea, plain vegetable and fruit salads, hot thin soups and unsweetened teas are also good. Valerian root tea, raspberry leaf tea, chamomile, ginseng, blackstrap molasses are also good.

General Feedback

Posted by Larry (Fairfax, Va/usa) on 06/11/2011

I've suffered from congested sinuses for years, so after reading on the site about ACV, I was quite enthusiastic about drinking ACV/honey/water to overcome my problem. But, just after twice drinking the suggested ACV mixture, my chronic systemic fungal infection flared-up, big time.

My alternative physician suggested using betaine HCl instead of ACV to alleviate my nasal congestion, thereby not ingesting vinegar that fungus thrives on..... Anyone have similar experiences with ACV increasing fungal growth and/or tried betain HCl for relieving sinus congestion?

Replied by Debbie
(Melbourne, Australia)

Larry you write: "My alternative physician suggested using betaine HCl instead of ACV to alleviate my nasal congestion, thereby not ingesting vinegar that fungus thrives on".

The above is NOT true. Vinegar does "not" thrive on fungus. I totally cured by toenail fungus by ingesting ACV (and doing nothing else). I had it for many years and even took tablets years ago to cure it but nothing worked until I drank the ACV.


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Posted by Dannyboy2015 (Waterloo, Ontario) on 12/16/2014

I have found Ginger Tea (a pinch of Ginger Powder) or eating a small ( penny sized )slice of the Ginger Rhizome works far too well for relief from Sinus Congestion. I think it does for the Sinus what a Colon Flush does for the Colon so take it easy with the Ginger. It also helps ease infection to a large extent.

Ginger can be an alternative to Sea Salt and Hydrogen Peroxide, which I may never try as it seems somewhat harsh to me.

Grapefruit Seed Extract

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Posted by Sherry (Weatherford, TX) on 11/19/2006

I suffered for years from chronic sinusitis that would last for months at a time with little or no relief. I was taking Cipro until my Dr. voiced his concern for my future. He told me that because I am allergic to Penicillin and I was taking the strongest prescription of Cipro available with little effect, if I got a bad infection, there would be nothing that they could do for me. This made me look for an alternative natural cure. I found out about GSE online and immediately bought it. I had been suffering at that time with an episode of sinusitis that had lasted for over 2 months straight with facial/head pain. I was desperate! I mixed it with water and a little salt and sniffed it as instructed, and within 30 minutes I felt and actually heard crackling in my sinuses. I started feeling relief, and by the next day I felt better than I had in years! It totally subsided within about 3 days. I have not had sinusitis since that day. Anytime I feel any sinus pressure or a cold coming on, I reach for the GSE. I bought the bottle 4 years ago for $18 and I am still using the same bottle. What a great and inexpensive cure!

Replied by Sophiee

GSE has changed some of its ingredients so just mindful of that if you are buying it

Honey and Cinnamon

2 User Reviews
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3 star (1) 

Posted by Merle (Hillsboro, Oregon) on 12/23/2007

I have been struggling with a ongoing sinus congestion causing severe headaches on waking and thick drainage down the back of my throat for almost 3 months. I had been taking over the counter remedies but had resigned myself to a trip to the doctor for something stronger to knock out what I believed to be a low level sinus infection; it wasn't clearing up and today was worse than ever when I woke up. I remembered reading about honey and cinnamon remedy for "something" so thought I would look to see if there were something for sinus problems. On your site I found a remedy - 1/4t cinnamon with 1Tbl honey. Well, I tried it and within 15 minutes I could feel the pressure lightening, the drainage becoming thinner and less - I feel wonderful! I am not often moved to write a comment, but I just can't keep this one to myself - Thank you so much!

Replied by Tina
(Malvern, Pennsylvania)


I tried the tablespoon of honey with a teaspoon of cinnamon to try to cure my sinus infection. It helped initially, but only for a few minutes. I don't believe this actually works.


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4 star (1) 

Posted by Natasha (Denver, CO) on 03/25/2009

If you are suffering from cold and can not breathe- eat a bite of bread with a quarter of a tea spoon of horseradish. It works in seconds! But for a short time. So you will have to eat another bite in half an hour or so. But you will appretiate the life.

Replied by Still Stuffed...
(Mucus, Usa)


My dad and I do this it helps for about an hour though... :P

Hydrogen Peroxide

5 User Reviews
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4 star (1) 

Posted by Colleen (Greenwich, Ny) on 02/12/2011


I've been suffering with severe head congestion for almost two weeks now. Ironically enough, after I gave in and got antibiotics my congestion and ear infection started to get a lot worse. Can antibiotics make me sicker? Has anybody else had this happen or was I already so sick that coincidentally enough the day I started them I got worse?

Thanks so much for your sight!! Love it!! And PS. Hydrogen peroxide in a netti pot worked WONDERS for my congestion. It just doesn't last.

Replied by Nv
(Washington, D. C.)

Yes! Antibiotics can make you sicker. They indiscriminately kill off bacteria of all kinds, many of which are your body's first line of defense. Additionally, antibiotics are of no use if your sickness is caused by a fungus, a virus, or a resistant bacterial strain.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Georgeiou (London) on 08/31/2010

I had sinus problems for years and kept going to the doctor for all sorts of nasty medication with side effects. Until I discovered that by using cotton buds and adding a wrapping a little extra cotton to the bud so it can absorb more hydrogen peroxide and then inserting it inside your nose right up where it is congested within seconds it cleared my sinus problem. I them simply blew my nose and all the nasty mucus came out and I was able to breathe normally. Use the same technique on your ears one at a time and rinse after about 15 minutes. The fizzing sound you will hear is oxygenation taking place and the death of nasty bacteria. I used an empty small travel spray container, filled it with hydrogen peroxide and distilled water 50/50 ration spray and several times keep inside your mouth for about 10 to 15 minutes and rinse. Kills all nasty bacteria. I use all the above when I get a cold and it`s amazing how quick I recover. The solution of hydrogen peroxide I used was 9%. It really works. You can get 3, 6 and 9% Hydrogen peroxide from your local chemist. Cost less than a £1. Best wishes and a speedy recovery.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Anonymous (USA) on 06/28/2006

Tilt your head back and spray into nostrils with a 50/50 mixture of h202 and distilled water. This is great for colds and plugged sinuses. The peroxide will bubble and help to kill the bacteria. Hold for a few minutes then blow your nose into tissue. Warning -- it may sting for a minute or two!

Replied by Lori
(Topeka, Kansas)

This really DID work!!! I was suffering for day's and then I tried pouring the hydrogen peroxide into both nostrils. I even mixed equal parts of HP and water. It seemed to take the sting out of bit. Thank GOD I found this site. I can sleep tonight!!!

Replied by Ty
(Columbus, Ohio)


Hydrogen Peroxide, Sea Salt

1 User Review
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Posted by Dwight (S. Florida, US) on 12/19/2014

I mixed sea salt and hydrogen peroxide and squirted in each nostril to try to relieve my stuffy sinuses. The solution is very uncomfortable and it remains in my sinuses until I repeat the process about 3 times.Only then will it start to come back out the same nostril and if I keep it up some will eventually come out the opposing nostril. It just seems to get soaked up there.


1 User Review
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Posted by Samantha (New York, Ny) on 07/30/2013

Kimchi for sinus infections/congestion: I have just recently discovered after adding other fermented foods to my diet like fermented veggies & sauerkraut that KIMCHI works wonders at clearing up sinus congestion!! It's a must try!!

Knitted Hat

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5 star (1) 

Posted by Dianec (Los Angeles, Ca, United States) on 01/31/2011

Hello I submitted the sinus help regarding accupressure and sinus rinse about a year ago! For a week now I have had very little problem with my decade long sinusitis nightmare. While the accupressure and sinus rinse helped this is what is working for me about 100%. I HAVE BEEN WEARING A WARM CAP ON MY HEAD DAY AND NIGHT AND I HAVE NOT HAD ANY PROBLEM WITH MY SINUSITIS! I'M NOT KIDDING! So far the draining, spitting, and post-nasal drip have stopped. It seems keeping my head warm keeps my sinuses normal! Try it and see if it works for you! Such a simple thing has me back to normal.I have been wearing a large green knitted cap that covers my entire head.Thanks Diane

Replied by Freqman
(Bayshore, Ny)

I agree with the hat trick. It has cut down episodes.

Replied by Geraldine
(Park Forest, Illinois)

Thanks I'm keeping my head covered all the time, especially if it help with my sinuses. Also I been using ACV for my congestion. I pray it breaks this congestion out my chest. I drink it along with Cayenne pepper and tea and cinnamon lemon juice. I been down a week ready to stand sinuses relief.
