Natural Remedies

Effective Home Treatments & Natural Remedies for Shingles

BHT and B12
Posted by Swfowkes (Cupertino, California) on 06/10/2022 46 posts

I disagree with Oscar on the B12 issue. The synergy between BHT and B12 was independently conformed by Ward Dean decades ago. BHT is lipid-soluble, B12 is water-soluble, so they work in different compartments in different ways. But both are classified as antiviral (catabolic, aerobic, acidifying) by Emanuel Revici's metabolic schema.

I had a shingles outbreak in my 40s due to allergic/toxic exposure to urethane adhesive. Trigeminal outbreak, two of three nerve paths, which responded quickly to BHT and B12. At 24 hours, the redness was dramatically reduced. By 48 hours, it was almost natural skin color. BTW, my outbreak was highly atypical in not being in any way painful. No pain, no itching, no neuropathy, only skin lesions. I had natural chicken pox as a child, so this outbreak was likely shingles. It was diagnosed as shingles by visual inspection by MD. And no shingles outbreaks since despite 25-30 years of aging.

Vitamin B12
Posted by Charles (MN) on 04/12/2021

to aurora in mason city:

lysine for shingles (it's a herpes virus) 3000 mg a day 1000 morning, 1000 noon 1000 night. for 3 days. 500 mg. every day for the next week..

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Shadel (Nebraska) on 04/06/2021

Having shingles pain for approximately 3 months, I am at a loss what to take/apply for this problem. I experience pain at night which disturbs my sleep tremendously. I have used vinegar, cooling gel, colloidal silver, oregano oil, coconut oil. Also goldenseal paste. Thank your for suggestions.

L-Lysine, Manuka Honey
Posted by Julie (SWFL) on 03/21/2020

Lysine + maximum strength (MGO) raw Manuka Honey raw

My husband had chicken pox twice (as a child and in high school) and recently had his first episode of shingles, on one arm.

I gave him 1000 mg Lysine (by mouth) twice a day, coated the rash with the highest MGO rated Manuka honey and covered it with gauze + a tube bandage overnight for 5 days. It's gone.

Posted by Lisa (Hawaii) on 03/02/2020

I had a case of shingles (Chicken pox virus) about 35 years ago, since then I have taken melissa oil, vit c, lysine, and b5 when the old pain flares up. (also what I used when I got the shingles long ago.)

About a year ago, I did a course of BHT - 1/4 tsp once a day for several months. I think it is finally cured and I have not had a flare up since. I will be doing another course just to keep it in check, and also as a coronavirus prevention (cure). I have not had to take the other supplements because it has not been a problem.

Coconut Oil, Carrots
Posted by Katzie (Alberta) on 04/11/2018

Thank heavens that getting shingles a 3rd time is unheard of! You should be in the clear now. For everyone else, DMSO or ACV are VERY effective and quick on the lesions. Best of Health everybody!

Coconut Oil, Carrots
Posted by Nanoagain (Texas) on 04/15/2018 1 posts

I had good luck taking oil of oregano capsules two or three times a day on an empty stomach for a shingles outbreak.

Lysine, Olive Leaf
Posted by Angee (Nz) on 10/07/2016

Have had shingles for 4-5 years now. was never diagnosed as this. was told had fibromyalgia becos I didnt get the rash. had neuralgia pain all this time.could not sleep at night for fever and excruiating pain in neck, head and liquid coming pooling in eardrums and eyes.It all started with central back itch/sore. Read this blog and sought Lysine and olive leaf extract 500 mg. Started taking two nights ago. Slept well last night first time in months.

Same doc advice as many on this blog, viral meds and antidepressant for pain both of which never worked at height of pain/fever. Then this week rash appeared I happened to use ozonated olive oil which my husband just happened to have on guidance from this site. Was using ACV but I have to say ozonated olive oil which is what they put in makeup and is clear not green worked MAGIC on the rash and itch. While ACV works as an antiseptic and emergency I found the olive oil worked better.

I read the dietary guide here and stopped drinking tea and coffee and drank green tea and strawberries only. No more choc or nuts. Feeling amazingly better.

For any of your doubters out there,,, THIS REALLY WORKS!! Don't get the shingle vaccine as my research is not kind on it and I believe it doesn't help as people who got it as a preventative still got shingles later, I read many reviews from many different sites to be sure. I am taking the Lysine and will continue a long course of this for at least a year to kill off the herpes virus, as I also read in this blog. I will keep this site updated with my results.

My back is still slightly tingly but the itch has gone and it is slowly receding. Thank you earth-clinic 9my god) blog for great advice which was much needed in my times of sleepless-painful-exhaustive 1am nights.

Calamine Lotion
Posted by Michelle (Va) on 10/04/2015

It is also nonsense to think you have to be 60+ to get shingles.. I'm in my 40s, and am suffering shingles in my neck and shoulder. The ER didnt think I was old enough for it and gave me a steroid for pain.. needless to say that onset the rash quicker/stronger.. Calamine lotion dried up the rash in 2-3 days but the pain is still terrible.

Calamine Lotion
Posted by Kayla (Md) on 04/27/2018

I'm 25, and this current outbreak of Shingles is my 6th (yes, SIXTH) outbreak in the last YEAR.

Yet I can't get the Shingles Vaccine. I have a 3 year old and a newborn that can both easily get Chicken Pox from me now. But nope, can't get the vaccine, I'm not 50 yet. Only 25 more years of this before I can get some long-term relief without taking pills every single day. I am so sick of getting Shingles!!!

Calamine Lotion
Posted by Gary (Kitchener On) on 02/02/2023

Hi Beverly

I know that the #1 skin care is Hemp Oil.. It works.

Best wishes


Calamine Lotion
Posted by beverly (Texas) on 02/02/2023

Thanks.............I had my husband spray his jock itch antifungal on it after my shower.......makes me laugh even saying it.......the pain is very mild compared to last night..... I think I do have some hemp oil.

Cayenne Pepper
Posted by Doreen (Austin, Manitoba Canada) on 01/28/2018

Hi, I have shingles, thought I had arthritis, after a week of pain, then small rash on my shoulder, decided to go to doctor. He prescribed Valacyclovir 500mg. 2 three times a day. Sooo painful, I decided to go on earth clinic, tried the cayenne missed with water put on sores, seemed to help, but I am not getting results like everyone else, what am I doing wrong. Help Doreen

Red Marine Algae
Posted by Breathoflifeedu (Texas) on 11/15/2014

When my son was 12 years old, he developed a painful rash on his back, neck, and face all on the same side. A couple days after I was at my chiropractor and he noticed it and told me that it was shingles. I asked what I could do to get rid of it. He went in the other room and came back with a bottle of Red Marine Algae. He said for my son to take 2 capsules in the morning and 2 capsules at night until the bottle was empty, if the it was not completely gone then get another bottle and follow the same instructions but to take all of the bottle regardless. I followed his instructions to the T and by the time he finished the first bottle it was completely gone and he has not had another occurrence, he is now 22 years old.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Michelle (Los Angeles, California) on 09/29/2014

My 3 prong approach to treatment of shingles:

I have never had shingles before but I had chicken pox when I was 2 years of age and I am now 51 years old in good health. On Sunday night I felt my upper back was itching so I scatched it as well as my upper chest. That morning I woke up to red blisters and scratch marks on my back, shoulder, and chest. I went to the dermatologist and she diagnosed with contact dermatitis and gave me steroids by mouth and a topical steroid ointment. I used that and my lesions spread and got worse. So I went to another doctor 2 days later and he diagnosed me with shingles.

Although I was now 96 hours out of first lesions he prescribed me Valtrex and Keflex for the lesions also looked like they had a superinfection of bacteria in addition to the shingles. I also was told to take benadryl for the itching which I took for a day then stopped after I started my 3 prong approach.

I went home and researched shingles and decided to create my own treatment plan that combined western medicine and homeopathic remedies for my lesions were red, irritated, itchy, and spreading.

I have been using this 3 prong plan for my shingles the past 48 hours and I no longer have pain or itching. Also the newer lesions are gone and the older lesions particularly the ones I initially scratched are healing. My plan is definitely improving the shingles.

1. TREAT INTERNALLY: I am taking the Valtrex as prescibed as well as finishing my course of antibiotics. In addition I am drinking Apple Cider Vinegar 2 tablespoons per 8 ounces of water three times a day. I am taking 1000 mg Lysine three times a day.

2. TREAT EXTERNALLY: I soak a gauze pad with full strength Apple Cider Vinegar and place it directly on my lesions for 30 minutes three times a day. The Apple Cider Vinegar dries the lesions up and has gotten rid of the itching and pain. At night I place Virgin Organic Coconut Oil on the lesions and leave them exposed to air. Coconut oil totally soothes my skin and is helping with healing. It has anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties.

3. LEAVE LESIONS ALONE: I keep clothing off of the lesions as much as possible (my lesions are on my neck, upper back, shoulder, and upper chest) so I wear a tube top to cover my breasts at home and when at work a lose top. I stopped the steroids all together for I felt the steroids by mouth were feeding the virus and the topical steroids were totally irritating my skin making it more red and burned.

With this treatment plan I feel energized with minimal pain and itching and my lesions are healing quickly.

Epsom Salt
Posted by Kenneth (Beach Lake) on 07/15/2015

Do EPSOM SALT HOT COMPRESSES SEVERAL TIMES PER DAY, even eyebrows, scalp, bumps go down but return later day. Just keep doing, don't overheat & get blisters, likewise leg calves, & other areas of body. While damp, you could dust Baking Soda, BUT NOT THE EYES AREA.

Also, don't get EPSOM SALT Moisture in eyes. if do, RINSE IMMEDIATELY.

Epsom Salt
Posted by Marcie (Wv) on 07/22/2016

My dad has shingles and the doctor said LUKE WARM water for a bath, not Hot. He had the shot and they are extreme. This is from a doctor. So I'm not to sure about Hot Baths! I know. They are AWFUL. He is 78 and they are HORRIBLE

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Kmac (Chicora Pa) on 11/01/2018

I have heard that California poppy helps calm those nerves.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Charity (Faithville, Us) on 11/02/2018

This is a video on how to make stuff from poppy and how to use with no addiction for pain relief

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Judyl (Philadelphia) on 05/01/2014

I just submitted a post in gratitude for the suggested remedies. However - I didn't realize that I wasn't signed in - since I had just registered. So please review my post as a registered participant. There was only one suggestion of the many that I printed out that recommended eucalyptus oil. Someone suggested V-Vax years ago and it was amazing in healing a damaged toe. So I dug it out and tried it again. It was so much more effective than apple cider vinegar. I like ACV as a remedy for other ailments but there was no comparison on my skin. I am so grateful to have been able to eliminate the pain within a week and heal my skin so quickly. At the age of 63 I have resisted getting the shingles vaccine even though I've had a couple of friends who have suffered from Shingles. I am so happy to have found a remedy that I can easily share with others :)

Essential Oils
Posted by Koolteach (NC, USA) on 01/11/2015

How old is your mother? You may actually be harming her, rather than helping her. I currently have Shingles. I am taking Lysine, Vit C, B Complex, Olive Leaf extract, and more recently starting taking Royal Jelly with Propolis and Pollen in it. I can't tell you how much difference this has made in just two days.

I tried all the essential oil "recipes" for Shingles and the only one that came close to helping maybe 10 mins. at a time was Tea Tree mixed with a quality Olive Oil. I have since abandoned that and am depending on the supplements listed above. The Bee product is fabulous. I highly recommend it. I was told last week that I have the post pain and that I can expect to be a "long-time patient" while my doctor tries various combos of narcotics to fight the pain. But, the Bee stuff works great and I finally think I will get out of this hell of the virus and finally get my life back. I hope this helps you and your mom, but back off a bit, won't you? If she is older, she does not need a bunch of stuff. Just find what works for the majority of us here and go for that.

Vitamin C
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 12/19/2013

Mark, if you want, you can experiment with topical application (try a small area to test) of h2o2. The plain drugstore stuff.

Vitamin C
Posted by Hisjewel (America, New York) on 12/06/2016

Shingles is a Pain,

This Shingles pain flare up was of short duration. I almost forgot I used anything. O" but you will try whatever is available to keep from scratching your skin off.

I did not have anymore Lysine for pain as I was not looking for a revisit. So I took Tylenol or Aspirin. I sprayed on the Hydrogen Peroxide. Rub on the Castor oil after hydrogen peroxide dried.

That evening I even tried some Antibiotic Ointment that had been around a few years to help heal after some stitches. I was out of lemons and settled for Realemon juice in a glass of water. Anyway by the second evening no pain.

Now the challenge is as I understand through the posters and scholarly of EC is to, flee stress and eat gut friendly foods.

One of my main problems is I love a lot of acidic foods, and I do not balance them with vegetables or bitters each meal. But I am a big girl, (in size too), and I am about to eat my vegetables...... I love Earth Clinic!


Vitamin C
Posted by Timh (Ky) on 01/30/2017 2063 posts

HisJewel, glad to see your progress. Also, do consider St John'swort during the winter months and Echinacea during warm climate for improved antiviral response. I use Oil of Oregano softgels plus Milled Flax to keep my colon clean, then populate with probiotics and Glutamine. You may also consider some Lymphatic drainage or cleansing methods as it appears necessary in your case.

Licorice Extract
Posted by Mr. Ree (Usa) on 04/04/2014

For $8.95 it's certainly worth a try...I have always recommended "Natures Answer.' I have not tried other licorice extract...I got rid of my shingles in 3 days about 1 1/2 months after it surfaced...Then beat it twice more when it hit the same day...In one hour! I still have the bottle a couple of years later and it's 1/2 full.

Licorice Extract
Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 04/05/2014

Hello Kilee,

Re Shingles

You might also consider this: The ongoing nerve pain might be that the virus is still working. That is the virus has not been killed. Look under the Shingles (Ailment Section) on Earth Clinic and you'll see numerous remedies to deal with Shingles.

I have a post there and relate my experience with Shingles. I used a combo of Cayenne and Vitamin E and DMSO and Colloidal Silver as a salve. The CS and Cayenne were used to kill the virus; the E to make sure the Cayenne did not burn the skin and of course the DMSO was the carrier. And it too is anti viral.

Next, consider the possibility that the virus has damaged the nerves. So even if you do kill the virus, some shingles cases continue to hurt because of nerve damage. To help with nerve healing I use "AEP" and it's called Calcium AEP. (NOT just calcium.) The AEP is what you are after. Google; nutrition review calcium AEP. Great article. Dr Robert Adkins used it as primary item in treating his MS patients.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Tara (Cambridge, Boston) on 06/18/2013

Meghan, the coconut oil caused you to vomit. You should never take such a high amount to start of anything, and especially not when you are feeling so desperate. Many people start with 1/8th teaspoon and work their way up. Don't give up on the other remedies, I have tried them all and they are awesome!!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Mistyhaired (Arkansas) on 01/09/2017

LOL, I'm so sorry to laugh, but of course you vomited. You just did it all at once! I think it's funny bc it's sort of my nature to go all out too, but unfortunately a slow, gradual introduction to anything new to your body is best. Best of luck to you. :)

Posted by Bob (Somewhere, Az) on 11/16/2012

The best way to get rid of shingles is to wipe them with a little clorox on a cotton ball. Early on this will work really well and dry up the lesions in 1-2 days. I have not tried in on PHN and don't know if it works. I know it dries up the lesions. It really works. If the lesions are on your face be so careful not to get clorox into you eyes as it will burn!!! DO NOT DRINK IT!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Willow (Gardner, Co, Usa) on 11/15/2012

About 4 years ago, I had severe stress reactions to my partner and my family's behaviors and "ran away from home" 800 miles away to a little house that my grandma used to live in. The house is full of black mold. After a month of hiding out there, I got shingles for the first time, I was 46. Now, I'm almost 50 and this illness is returning yet again. I've had it every winter, sometimes severely and it's hung on as long as 5 months. Got some relief that first year by floating in the ocean in February near Boca Raton, FL. Back then, I did not know I had shingles because I don't get the pain others describe. Perhaps this is because I've never used painkillers.

I'm an herbalist, and this year as the stressful holiday season approaches and the itching starts, I'm grateful to find your site. Woke up at 5 AM and stoked the woodstove (we are off-grid) and got a headache from the cold in the house. Can't shake it. And bumps are starting to rise! So, I'm megadosing Vit. C, powdered and made into a paste with cayenne and honey. 2 Tblsp/hour...Plus Lysine--I think I'll try 3 1000-mg. Caps today. Plus ACV in filtered water from our spring. Plus 1/2 a B-complex tablet each half-hour. Quit coffee, chocolate (waah! ), nuts. Eating organic apples, homegrown cabbage, lentils, garlic, and oats. Teas of lemon balm, oatstraw and licorice root. Washing the areas with decoction of lavender, witch hazel and ACV. Will update.

Topical Paste
Posted by Gus (Agnes Water, Qld Australia) on 10/27/2012

Hi heres my adapted paste for Shingles, adapted from thi site of course!

1tsp coconut oil.
1tsp cayenne pepper.
2tsp apple cider vinegar.
1tsp neem oil.
2tsp kaolin clay
2 cloves cut up garlic .

Combined all ingredients and applied, results in 24 hours are amazing. Applied quite frequently. regards

Calamine Lotion
Posted by Tressa (Mount Pocono, Pa.) on 05/27/2012

I'm in my 80's and got a case of shingles, the perscription my Dr. gave me was too expensive and it was to treat shingles. So I didn't buy it I saw that shingles looked like poison ivy so I treated it with calamine lotion by soking toilet paper with it, placed it around my middrift and wore a white T shirt. My shingles was gone in 2wks.

Posted by Renee (Pensecola, Florida) on 02/21/2012

I have read many of these replies of all treatments you have tried, I have suffered for 3 CONSTANT years now with the shingles on both sides of the body, face, arms and other places. I have found to help stop immediate itch and severe pain till anything you have taken orally can work place ICE on the blisters, red bumps, or just when the itch starts this will calm it and feels great! Ice for 20 minutes at every hour soothes the nerves.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Awagner3216 (Albuquerque, Nm) on 12/07/2011

I tried some aloe from the plant that I have and it made the itching and pain worse! I'm going to go to the store and get some Apple Cider Vinegar and Tea Tree and Eucalyptus oil.... Hopefully it will work, I'm only 22 and this is the first time that I have ever dealt with this. I hope that this is not a life long thing that keeps coming back!

Essential Oils
Posted by Ruark (Sydney, Nsw Australia) on 11/10/2011

I have been experiencing shingles for the first time. On the face which is excrutiating. Read a post here on using eucalyptus oil, so I just applied some and it certainly quelled the pain. As soon as I can get someone to help apply it to my scalp I reckon it will knock down the degree of pain too. Wow shingles is horrendous, any relief and a good night's sleep please.

Essential Oils
Posted by Sarah B (Jefferson Twp., Pa) on 05/27/2012

I used an essential oil mix that has provided so much relief in only a day and a half. Tried bc it was all I had that had Eucalyptus oil in it and turned out to be amazing.
