Natural Remedies

Effective Home Treatments & Natural Remedies for Shingles

Cayenne Pepper

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Posted by Henry (New Jersey) on 03/02/2006

mix small amt. of cayenne pepper and mostly aloe vera gel. I applied several times daily on infected area relieved the pain and never blistered- found in Herbal Drugstore book.

Chlorine Dioxide

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by ORH (TEN MILE , TN) on 12/05/2021

HI U OLE PATOOTS, ORH here and will do little medical practice without a license. Tractor Driver has another Shingles outbreak and is always around her left eye. Treatment in the past has been antibiotics and Vit C IV. It is now back after only two months. As all know I spent almost 40 years breathing Chlorine Dioxide fumes while working in pulp mills. Chlorine and Chlorine Dioxide are two different animals. I have the compounds to make a weak solution of CDS and it takes a day for the gas to be absorbed in distilled water. Jim Humble called it MMS but this is called CDS, the proper name. Shingles is a virus and this will address it. We shall see. It cures Covid 100% in 4 to 8 days as all know Bolivia went from 100 deaths per day to zero. They even passed a law that it had to be used. If this works, BIG BROTHER will be after ====ORH==== for certain.

Replied by ORH

HI U OLE PATOOTS, ORH here and just checking in to let you know that making CDS is a no-brainer if you have the right glassware. I did not and had to make do with what was in the kitchen. The Chlorine dioxide is made and now I have to properly dilute to suit what program we opt for. Everything must be glass with no plastic. I have the graduated cylinders and liter jars ordered from Amazon. Researched and found that CDS cures Genital Herpes so it should handle Shingles because that is Herpes Zoster. Herpes is supposedly not curable but one person said she had breakouts every few weeks for the last 20 years and had none for 6 months since taking the CDS. Now that will give the medical folks indigestion for certain. Life is just a bowel of cherries. ====ORH====


3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Danny (Toronto, Canada) on 10/03/2015

I had shingles on my back over thirty years ago.

I have a book Our Earth Our Cure. It suggested to use a clay poultice on the area. I went to the Heath food store and bought regular powdered clay. You take a glass or ceramic bowl, put some clay in the bottom and cover with tap water.Let it sit for a couple of hours. Get a white piece of cotton cloth and put some clay on it with a wooden spoon ( no metal ). Place the cloth on the affected area. Since it was on my back I used one of those elastic bandages and wound it around my body.Keep it on overnight and re-apply in the morning. Within 24 hours the pain disappeared.

I kept it up for a whole month and have never had any recurrences since then.

Replied by Rhoda

My daughter recently applied a bentonite clay poultice to a blistering shingles rash on my arm. The blisters and pain were gone the next day and the rash was no longer visible in 4 days. I have suffered shingles attacks for years and tried many remedies. None, prescription or over the counter have been effective.

Posted by Jathinder (Kent, UK)

I have taken this opportunity to pass on this cure for shingles after my son suffered a severe case of shingles on his face. After trying several creams by the doctor which failed to work I decided to use a powered form of clay which I mixed to a medium paste with distilled water and put in on my sons face where the shingles first appeared, only covering the blistering ares. This enabled the drying clay to absorb the liquid coming from the blisters, as I found it was this liquid from his face when spread which caused further blisters when in contact with his skin. This helped contain the shingles to a small part of his face until the virus had taken its course. I hope this is of help but I know how helpless I felt when the first bout of shingles spread over half of my son's face with the creams doing nothing to help. The clay paste needs to be applied regularly as if too thick it cracks and flakes of, too thin and it will not absorb the weeping blisters therefore a consistency which you can see absorb the weeping blisters is fine.

Cocoa Butter, Vitamin E and Dlpa

2 User Reviews
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4 star (1) 

Posted by Kat (Orlando, Florida) on 05/07/2007

I have found that a combination of cocoa butter/vitamin e cream, and herbal pain killer DLPA have helped with the pain, though it doesnt take away the tingling feeling. but the really bad burning is tolerable now, and the itching is almost completely gone. I have also read a lot of homeopathic remedies that say urine applied topically can help. but im kinda scared to try that one.

Replied by Earthstylist
(Santa Barbara, Ca, Usa)

Hi. I had one wart on my vagina so I started using the ACV and cotton ball to cure it. I slept with the cotton ball over night, and when I woke up, the wart was gone. But now, my vagina looks white and bumpy and I just found a different wart. I tried using the cotton ball with ACV but this time it hurt so badly that I only used it for 5 minutes. Is my vagina turning white and bumpy because of the ACV or are more warts coming out? The newer bumps look kinda like irritated skin but I'm not sure.

Replied by Earthstylist
(Santa Barbara, Ca, Usa)

Hi. I had one wart on my vagina so I started using the ACV and cotton ball to cure it. I slept with the cotton ball over night, and when I woke up, the wart was gone. But now, my vagina looks white and bumpy and I just found a different wart. I tried using the cotton ball with ACV but this time it hurt so badly that I only used it for 5 minutes. Is my vagina turning white and bumpy because of the ACV or are more warts comming out? The newer bumps look kinda like irritated skin but Im not sure.

Coconut Oil

4 User Reviews
5 star (4) 

Posted by Mama To Many (Tn) on 09/19/2020

My husband had an outbreak of shingles. It started with an odd pain in his arm then he had a few blisters on his wrist. They were pretty painful but he was still able to work. (He works with his hands.) He experienced the most pain at night - I think that is often the case... daily activities are a pain distraction.

At night he took ibuprofen a couple of times and used our homemade menthol salve (a homemade Vicks) topically.

I suspect he had such a mild case of it because he has been on coconut oil for months. Coconut oil is an amazing antiviral, in our experience. He takes a tablespoon in his coffee every morning.

Anyway, if you have shingles, I would suggest adding coconut oil to your daily routine and whatever else you end up doing for it. For viruses we use cold pressed- the kind that smells like coconut oil.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Hot House Flower (Albuquerque) on 07/17/2016

I had shingles about a year ago after a long stressful year of overworking my body. At the time I did not know what was wrong with me. What I was experiencing was tingling and nerve pain in my left arm and I could not figure out what it was. I did not have health insurance at the time so I did not go to see a doctor. But judging from what others have said about the meds that doctors give for shingles it is probably a blessing that I did not go see a doctor. I never had an outbreak because once the tingling and nerve pain began I started putting a mixture of essential oil mixed with coconut oil on my left side of my body, many times a day to calm the nerves. I never broke with anything but I was left with nerve pain and a weakness in the left arm and left leg and also tingling. For the most part the shingles was under control, then about a year later, it began to come back. Then I had a pre-stroke and that really scared me because I was getting electrical shocks constantly. I still not knowing what I was suffering, I did a parasite cleanse which helped a lot and I continued to eat organic. I was no longer getting tingling or electrical shocks but I still had weakness and nerve pain in my left side. By chance, I bought some Frankincense resin and began to make lotions using coconut oil and Frankincense resin. I began putting this on my left side of my body especially on my glands and nerve paths. Slowly over a 5 month period the pain and weakness began to leave my body. I feel mostly recovered.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Debbie (Ny) on 05/28/2013

My boyfriend was diagnosed with Shingles. It was the left side of his face, from his eyelid up to his hairline. It was very painful. He was prescribed steroids and an anti viral medication. I immediately went to your site to see what else he could use to help the affected area. He uses coconut oil. It soothed the area, and it is helping the area heal faster. Thank you for all the great info you provide, it was extremely helpful. Sincerely, Debbie

Replied by Meghan

At 21, I was diagnosed with shingles yesterday for the 1st time ever and am devastated. I want it gone ASAP. I read almost all of these remedies. I just drank a shot of orange juice mixed with 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper. Followed by a mixture of green tea, with 2 tablespoons coconut oil and 2 tablespoons ACV. I threw up in the trash can before I even finished the cup. It was so disgusting and all that mixed did not settle well at all. I would not recommend drinking any of that and I doubt it helps much, if any. I think I'm just going to stick with applying it to the blistered area from now on!

Replied by Tara
(Cambridge, Boston)

Meghan, the coconut oil caused you to vomit. You should never take such a high amount to start of anything, and especially not when you are feeling so desperate. Many people start with 1/8th teaspoon and work their way up. Don't give up on the other remedies, I have tried them all and they are awesome!!

Replied by Mistyhaired

LOL, I'm so sorry to laugh, but of course you vomited. You just did it all at once! I think it's funny bc it's sort of my nature to go all out too, but unfortunately a slow, gradual introduction to anything new to your body is best. Best of luck to you. :)

Replied by Kimay

I think that it is better to take avc in small doses. The other things are not as hard on the stomach.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Carol (Los Angeles, CA) on 07/22/2006

My sister had an attack of shingles with pain so bad she could barely walk. She was misdiagnosed at first and told she would need back surgery. The 3rd doctor diagnosed shingles, and warned her that the terrible pain could possibly be permanent and that the ugly blisters on her back might cause scarring. She told me this on a Sunday morning and I said, "Try coconut oil. Keep it in your system (3 tablespoons a day)." She did, plus rubbed it on her back. The very next day, Monday, she went back to work (she had been out over 2 weeks), and worked ALL day. She told me that her pain had stopped and that the blisters were going away. It has been a week now and she is feeling "better and better." Because of her success, I began using Coconut oil for myself and noticed overnight improvement for my rosacea. May I also say that I think coconut oil tastes delicious!

Coconut Oil, Carrots

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Zander (Oh) on 04/08/2018


This site has gotten me through two bouts of shingles, preventing the eruption phase entirely the second time, I might add.

The first time I had worn myself out, lots of stress holidays, estranged from family. I woke up one morning any my right eye felt incredibly dry, as though it had been kept open all night & had a hair dryer blown on it. ACV (apple cider vinegar) with "the mother" is always on hand in my home so I made an eye wash. I used that throughout the day, every day just leaning over a little round dish with a teaspoon or so of ACV in filtered water a opening & closing my eye with it immersed in the water. This helped & turned out to be the right thing to do to normalize the pH & mitigate the spread to & severity of the shingles in my eye.

At this point I did not know what I had, mind you. Days wore on, such fatigue ~ finally I had the incontrovertible sign ~ a band of small, raised blisters on my right side waist in the back, right where a belt would rest. "Shingles actually derives from Latin, "cingulum" meaning girdle or BELT.

I began lysine, vitamin C & I was getting better but still not winning. Then I saw a post on here (p.5 last I checked) from an Australian fellow which saved me, COCONUT OIL. Viruses defend themselves from our immune systems with their own viral walls. Coconut oil permeates their defense, allowing our own immune system to fight them where they live. I took 2T of unrefined virgin coconut oil every day. The first time I took it, it knocked me out ~ I'm guessing this was from a die- off effect as my immune system finally had broken through the virus' defenses & was killing it very efficiently now.

COCONUT OIL saved me. Within a few days of taking the coconut oil daily, I was cured.

Fast forward two years, hard work, holidays, friend died. The fatigue, fever, dry eye, burning & tingling were back on my right side. I began the lysine, Vit C, coconut oil regimen at once. Nary an outbreak. When my body burned (ear, neck) somewhere, I spread coconut oil with DMSO & cayenne there externally as well as taking internally.

I was able to "manage" the shingles this way (0 outbreak) but I just couldn't seem to shake them! This went on for nearly 3 months!

One day I bought a frozen carrot dessert tray (12 servings or so) at a Indian grocery store. The dish is called GAJAR HALVA

I began having a serving a day. By the 7th day I was feeling 95% better. Hmmm...what have I been doing differently? I thought of the carrot dessert...full of vitamins no doubt. I wonder if...sure enough, Vitamin A kicks up white blood cell FIGHTERS in your arsenal!

This is what saved me this time.

Shingles is incredibly depressing when it lingers, particularly. It's telling you something's are really out of balance.

Try the remedies, do what you can to avoid or transcend stress and sleep, sleep, sleep. Your body heals during sleep.

The Gajar Halva I bought frozen recommends heating it in the microwave. Please do not declare nuclear war on your food. Microwaving blasts open the cellular structure of foods, making them something like cancer cells.

Take the 5 mins to heat up as much as you want each time on the stovetop. I poured coconut milk over mine ~ nirvana!

Get well.

Replied by Katzie

Thank heavens that getting shingles a 3rd time is unheard of! You should be in the clear now. For everyone else, DMSO or ACV are VERY effective and quick on the lesions. Best of Health everybody!

Replied by Trish
(Juda, Wi)

I was diagnosed with shingles on Monday this week. I have had the rash for a week now, no blisters yet. It stretches from my spine under my shoulder blade to my sternum like a belt all the way around. Very uncomfortable. I have toughed it out for a while, but the past few days the pain is so terrible. Deep muscle pain like I was severely bruised from arm pit to hip, front, back all the way round. Terrible pain. I am taking the prescribed anti virals and nerve blocking pain meds, but the exhaustion and pain is keeping me from everything. I am also concerned about spreading this to myself on other parts of my body and also my kids and husband. I also read to mix baby aspirin and bag balm together and apply to the rash, their rash healed in three days, what do you think? I am also going to try eating the coconut oil as I use this quite a bit, so do I eat 2 tablespoons at one time? What other things do you recommend?

Replied by Art
2226 posts


I have used a topical aspirin lotion that I made myself for a friend with shingles and they found it quite helpful. The aspirin is antiviral and disrupts the replication of the varicella-zoster virus. The aspirin also acts as an analgesic to help with some pain relief and all without causing digestive upset!


Replied by Nanoagain
1 posts

I had good luck taking oil of oregano capsules two or three times a day on an empty stomach for a shingles outbreak.

Coconut Oil, Frankincense Essential Oil

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Pam B. (Mobile, Alabama ) on 11/24/2020

I've had Shingles a few times. The experts will tell you they last 2-4 weeks. I had an area on my chest. Twice a day I applied coconut oil and a few drops of Sacred Frankincense Essential Oil. It worked for me. The Shingles were gone in 10 days.

Cola Nut

Posted by Nanabea (Accra, Ghana) on 01/13/2011

My Grandma had a really bad episode of shingles. It weakened her and put her in agonisin pain. I came to this site to find something to stop the excruciating pain. I tried the ice pack and the acetone and aspirin concoctions they all worked relatively well. The cola nut however did the trick, although it itches unberably it took the pain away and cured the redness. The blisters vanished and she was up and doing the next day. It was such a relief to see her well again.

Colloidal Silver

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Liz (Melbourne, Australia) on 11/14/2012

Hi, l have had shingles 3 times in 3 months but quite mildly, l use colloidal silver and keep a wet solution on at all times with cotton wool, you can put it in your eyes, l have been using it successfully for 15 years on any external infection. Sometimes l drink it for my ulcer and it helps straight away, also sore throats, eye infections. It's fantastic.

Colostrum, Lysine

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Para (Tennessee) on 01/08/2019

Editor's Choice Because of another underlying disease, I have Shingles every day of my life for 5 years.. The way I keep it from flaring up and causing me pain in my head is Colostrum LD Powder. I worked up gradually to 2 or 3 Tablespoons a day. This will take the pain away within an hour or two after taking it. I also take 500 to 1000 mg Lysine daily. Prevention for me is taking the Colostrum and Lysine without fail daily. If I have made mistakes (forgetting to take the above or eating arginine foods) and ended up with a severe bout of Shingles, I add in Manuka Honey from New Zealand 15+ officially graded it seems to give an extra punch when coupled with the other things.. How I get severe bouts - eating anything chocolate, eating Vanilla Bean not Vanilla flavored but the bean itself .. got to stay away from Arginine foods very important because if the Arginine fills up the pathways and is overpowering the Lysine in the pathways, you will get an outbreak of Shingles.

Corn Starch

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Kenneth (Great Falls, Montana) on 09/25/2008

My mother is 90 years old and has been suffering horrible pain from shingles. After using everything the doctors had to offer including morphine pills and other suggestions, I came up with the following:

Took corn starch and very cold water and wash cloths. I applied them to the area that was in pain. Within about 10 minutes I could feel the cold cloth becoming as warm as her skin. I kept changing the cloth about every 15 minutes. In addition, took a hot water bottle and put it in the freezer. It is now day two and she is coming out of it without itching and the unbearable pain. Don't know why, but it works.

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