Natural Remedies

Effective Home Treatments & Natural Remedies for Shingles

Dave Thomas Shingles Protocol
Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 09/28/2011

I have found the cayenne is a key to killing the virus. We know the virus runs along the nerve. My favorite transport is DMSO. I believe the cayenne acts to "cauterize" the virus. However cayenne works, it kills the virus. Because you have to get it down to the nerve, DMSO is a great solvent as well as an anti-oxident and carrier. (Thus, make sure your hands are clean and the area of application is clean when you use DMSO. ) By the way, the younger shingles sufferer will be able to overcome shingles better than the older because the immune system can fight off the virus better.

To keep the cayenne from burning the skin I also add natural vitamin E. This must be the natural d-alpha tocopherol and not the synthetic E. Then I add any other herbal to "thicken" the mixture to make into a paste if needed. The paste should be very moist but not drippy.

I also add a dozen drops of colloidal silver to make sure the virus is killed.

So my anti shingles paste formula sufficent for two applications, one on day one, then skipping a day use a second time is as follows:

10 capsules of cayenne

10 capsules of natural vitamin E

20 drops of colloidal silver

20 drops of DMSO

any herbal/ corn meal etc to make the liquid more paste like as needed. Put into a bowl and mix until paste like.

Apply on top of affected areas. Let dry until the paste has hardened and is flaking off the skin. I even suggest if applied at night, after drying, put on a tea shirt and just let the paste fully incorporate overnight. Shower off in the morning. You will see the blisters have changed color from a bright red to a rust color... Part of the healing process. Even if the "blisters"are healed over, apply over sensitive spots. This will work to kill the virus even after months where the skin is healed back but pain remains. The pain is there because the virus still lives. This has worked so well... I would say 40 times... I am not a doctor of course, but when the regular medical community fails sometimes logical remedies work.

I also recommend that if one really wants to help the whole system fight the virus, take the cayenne orally, with food to avoid too much stomach burn, along with the natural vitamin E. Do this for a month. (I take these two as part of my own nutrient formula every day... 800 iu of the E and one capsule of cayenne.)

And so much of what is on this wonderful website is good science and good logic. Oh, of course be very careful if applying this formula to the face if the shingles are there; keep out of eyes.

Posted by Louise (Saint George, Utah) on 09/26/2011

I have used L-Lysine for over 30 years to PREVENT and lessen the outbreak of cold sores and shingles. I first heard about it in the Saturday Evening Post in the 1980's. They apparently did several studies on the subject. At the time I had cold sore blisters on my mouth almost continually. I began to take mega-doses of L-Lysine (at least 3000 mg per day). I took them for about 15 days and because the cold sores were almost gone, I reduced the dose to about 1500 mg a day for another 30 days. I then took about 500 mg a day for another 2 or 3 months.

Then, because I had not had any breakouts, my drive to take the amino acid had become almost non-existant. What I discovered is that if I felt a tingle on my lip--I knew that an outbreak was immenent and I began to take the mega doses of L-Lysine again for a week or so. Then I never had an outbreak of cold sores again. Each time I got the tingle the L-Lysine prevented the outbreak. What I didn't know was that the virus is sneaky. I broke out in shingles on my chest during a time I wasn't taking the L-Lysine and I didn't know what the pain was signaling. When I started to breakout in the blisters I realized what it was and began the mega doses of L-Lysine again. When I was able to see a doctor to confirm my outbreak--I had no pain, and refused to take the offer of pain medication. He, of course, scoffed at the idea the the amino acid had anything to do with the lightness of my outbreak.

By the way, I've not had another outbreak of shingles, either. If I feel the burning/tingling sensation anywhere on my body. I take the mega doses of L-Lyine and I have never had any more outbreaks. IT WORKS!!!! It saved the quality of my life!

Posted by Chrissy (Adelaide, Australia) on 08/28/2011

I recently had a serious bout of shingles; huge blisters from my clevage under my left arm through to my spine, After taking all the meds the doctor prescribed which did little to help the pain or help me to sleep, I decided to give acupuncture a try. The relief was instant, I have slept like a baby since beginning the treatment and the pain is very much under control. I'm only sorry I didn't get the treatment right from the onset as the acupuncturist says she could have stopped the shingles in it's tracks.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Kay (In The Valley, Ca) on 08/08/2011

Was it baking powder or baking soda that you used? I don't think they are interchangeable. Thanks.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Victor (Edmonton, Alberta Canada) on 08/05/2011

after reading through alot of posts on this website I tried the ACV and CP rub and it did help but after doing more research and trials I found that baking powder helped the most. Found in "1801 home remedies" take baking powder and mix with enough water to make a paste. Apply paste to affected area and let dry. Helps dry the blisters and with itch. Found it works better then ACV because it's a paste that stays effective for longer then the liquid ACV. Orally I tried ACV with CP, lysine, echinacea but found the best oral remedy to be "cat's claw". It's a natural viral treatment. Taking them all won't hurt either seeing as they are all natural.

Diaper Cream and Mylanta
Posted by John From Pa. (Abington, Pa) on 07/31/2011

Licorice extract will get rid of shingles in 3 days...

50% the first day... 75% the second and 100% the third day...

I had shingles and got rid of them in three days.. They came back in 2 different places the next couple of days and I also got rid of them... Never to reappear...

John from PA

Diaper Cream and Mylanta
Posted by Jlh (Victor, Iowa) on 07/30/2011

I tried ACV and aloe for my shingles and it didn't do anything. My sister in law shared a remedy she had heard of: mix equal parts of desitin diaper cream and mylanta and spread on the blisters. It is amazing! I am on day two of this mixture and it is really helping. The blisters are still there and still uncomfortable if they get pushed on, but much better than burning, stabbing pain constantly! My blisters are in an area that clothing rubs so I have been miserable. This mixture has made it possible for me to wear clothing without sever pain!

Posted by Dan (Bisbee, Arizona) on 07/04/2011

Hello, I want to suggest goldenseal tincture as a remedy for shingles. It tends to sting a bit but really helps to alieviate my symptoms. Also works on mouth sores and funky gums. I aply it topically and in the case of mouth problems I swish it around as long as I can then swallow it. One dropper is enough.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Breizhbabe (Woodley, Reading, Berkshire, Uk) on 05/30/2011

Hi, When our children had chicken pox, which is the same virus as shingles - to ease the pain of the blisters we were advised to put some oats in a muslin cloth, tie it and place it in the bath. This produces a milk which bathes the sores and soothes. I tried this last year when I had shingles for the first time and it was very soothing. I also put calamine lotion onto the spots (you can also use this for sunburn). I currently have shingles and I think they have affected my scalp. When I wash my hair I put one drop of tea tree oil into the final rinse water and this has soothed the scalp. I wonder whether peppermint might also help. Now I have read the article on apple cider vinegar will try that. You can buy organic apple cider that isn't that much more expensive.

Posted by Nypie (New York, Ny) on 05/21/2011

Hi all,

Last week I came down with a rash and then a few days later a cluster of blisters near my lip that looked horrible. I assumed they were the worst case of a cold sore I had ever had and proceeded to use whatever had worked in the past. To my horror nothing worked and I stayed inside my home for days feeling depressed about it while applying cold sore ointments and more. While thinking about it I thought it odd I also had a rash around the bumps which had never happened before so I started googling. So I came to the conclusion I had Shingles-hurrah! ... ? Knowing I had turmeric in the medicine cabinet and knowing it's supposed uses for skin ailments I decided to give it a try. I just pour a bit in my palm, add a bit of water and then apply it to the affected area. It is working! It is obviously healing and looking much better. I'd also advise tea tree oil & vitamins through diet & supplements.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Lysine
Posted by Monica J (Western Suburbs Of Chicago, Illinois ) on 05/15/2011

Hi all. Just finished a recent bout with shingles and thought I would share here in repayment for the great advice I have read here over the years.

I have had shingles a few times before and found the apple cider vinegar treatment (swabbing lesions with cotton soaked ACV) has worked for me. In fact, even treated my son when he had chicken pox that same way and lessened his time spent with that awful childhood illness.

This last time was different for me however. Instead of having shingles in a 'convenient' location, grouped together on my back or leg where I could treat with ACV, dry and then coat with an OTC anti itch cream and then cover with a bandage... No, this time they appeared on my foot. And like many here didn't recognize it as shingles - thought I had some nasty spider bites. After a day or two as they were spreading, realized well into the problem that this was a new location for shingles.

Maybe waiting a day or two to treat with ACV made it less effective than it was in the past. I was able to soak my foot a few times a day in a small foot bath of ACV and that helped with current lesions. However, having it on my toes made it difficult to keep the lesions from spreading and multiplying. One area would sprout a lesion and then go thru its stages and break as it was rubbing against another toe and then that toe would have a lesion (or two) the next day.

Then I remembered this site and read thru the comments here again for another clue as to what to do. The clue was the amino acid Lysine. The lack of the amino acid in one's diet is considered to make one liable to viruses such as shingles.

I had an older bottle of bee pollen in my cabinet. Bee pollen is a 'complete food' and contains all aminos. I took three tabs immediately and then 3 every 12 hours. (Why that time? Made it up - thought it would take that long to get thru my system.)

So, will keep up with the Lysine intake and of course, keep a supply of ACV on hand in case of future outbreaks.

Posted by Eva (San Jose, Ca) on 05/03/2011

Homeopathic Rhus tox C30 stops the pain of shingles. I used it years ago, and now a friend of mine got shingles and he healed within a day.

Posted by Elationrelation (Minneapolis , Mn) on 05/01/2011

Natural cures help but are slow, and overall one needs to look at stress, diet, etc.

The best cure for shingles blisters is "Staphaseptic, " which is a natural ointment available in a tube from your pharmacy over-the-counter shelves. Most stock it and others will order it. (The box is white with rust-orange, yellow-gold with black accents, and is good to have on hand for other things, from simple infections, to boils, staph and even MRSA). You will see a dramatic change or even resolution within 24 hours. Apply 2-3 times per day.

The cure for the disease itself and the nerve pain is homeopathy, and though ideal to see a doctor trained in it, Arsenicum 200c works for many people. Pain level can decrease quite quickly. Continue for 2-3 days after symptoms are gone. Dosage is up to your practitioner, but often 3-5 pellets, 3-5 times a day, works.

These two things will bring dramatic change within 24 hours.

Electro Muscle Stimulus
Posted by D. Ron (Madison, Wi, Usa) on 03/14/2011

A patient came to my office with painful shingles on her arm and back. Ran my electro muscle stim over the area for about 10 minutes. She came in a week later and told me the shingles cleared with in 48 hours.

Cola Nut
Posted by Nanabea (Accra, Ghana) on 01/13/2011

My Grandma had a really bad episode of shingles. It weakened her and put her in agonisin pain. I came to this site to find something to stop the excruciating pain. I tried the ice pack and the acetone and aspirin concoctions they all worked relatively well. The cola nut however did the trick, although it itches unberably it took the pain away and cured the redness. The blisters vanished and she was up and doing the next day. It was such a relief to see her well again.

Cayenne Pepper
Posted by Jessaka (Tahlequah, Ok) on 01/10/2011

Hi, I have been using Tabasco Sauce for years whenever I had a sore throat and always wondered how well it would do on shingles. Then my friend's husband got shingles, and I told her about it. He tried it and felt so much better that he went to his doctor and bragged to him about it. I have tried capazin on certain things, but it doesn't kill the pain as well as Tabasco Sauce.

Turmeric, Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mitch (Gatineau, Quebec, Canada) on 10/16/2010

My 85 year old mom has been suffering excruciating pain due to shingles (along the nerve on the back of her leg to her waist) for the past 3 weeks. The pain was unbearable and she could not sleep at all because of the pain. I could no longer bear to watch her suffer so much so I looked up this site and found turmeric and apple cider vinegar. I made 00 capsules filled with tumeric and gave her 2 capsules before going to bed last night and mixed ACV with 1 tbsp honey and made her drink it. When I came to see her this morning, she said that it was the first night she had not felt any pain in the last 3 weeks. She has become a believer in natural remedies and so have I. Thanks to everyone for your testimonies.

Posted by Capowrs5 (Davenport, Fl) on 10/08/2010

This 'cocktail' absolutely works! It's amazing.. The minute I felt an outbreak start, I took it and it was better the next day... No rash at all.

Black Tea
Posted by Suanne (Geelong, Australia) on 08/10/2010

I had shingles and the medication the dr gave me was not effective so I used tepid black tea to dab on the blisters and it cleared it up in a couple of days. I use the cut side of a slice of lemon to cure corns. Use it every time you think of it over the day. Soon gone forever.

Cocoa Butter, Vitamin E and Dlpa
Posted by Earthstylist (Santa Barbara, Ca, Usa) on 07/05/2010

Hi. I had one wart on my vagina so I started using the ACV and cotton ball to cure it. I slept with the cotton ball over night, and when I woke up, the wart was gone. But now, my vagina looks white and bumpy and I just found a different wart. I tried using the cotton ball with ACV but this time it hurt so badly that I only used it for 5 minutes. Is my vagina turning white and bumpy because of the ACV or are more warts comming out? The newer bumps look kinda like irritated skin but Im not sure.

Cocoa Butter, Vitamin E and Dlpa
Posted by Earthstylist (Santa Barbara, Ca, Usa) on 07/05/2010

Hi. I had one wart on my vagina so I started using the ACV and cotton ball to cure it. I slept with the cotton ball over night, and when I woke up, the wart was gone. But now, my vagina looks white and bumpy and I just found a different wart. I tried using the cotton ball with ACV but this time it hurt so badly that I only used it for 5 minutes. Is my vagina turning white and bumpy because of the ACV or are more warts coming out? The newer bumps look kinda like irritated skin but I'm not sure.

Posted by Lucy (Santa Cruz, California, United States) on 06/03/2010


I thought this was an old persons disease, not so. The medication they gave me did nothing for the pain, so I tossed that.

Health books always start with a fast to give your system a rest. I went on a 10 day orange, grapefruit and lemon fast with large amounts of L-Lysine three times a day. I still needed something for the pain, that went on for weeks. The pain is so intense, making it almost impossible to even sleep.

Visiting my brother, I found him taking 500 mg of Niacin every morning, was he crazy! His face was as red as a beet, but he didn't seem to care. I never took anything more then 50 mg of Niacin.

I thought if he can take it, so can I. A few minutes later my face started getting hot and tingly, but to my surprise the pain from my shingles was gone, not just slightly gone, it was gone.

I found Niacin only lasted about 4 hours before the pain started coming back. Another thing I found out is that it only worked on an empty stomach in the morning. Every day the pain became less intense. After about a week, the pain was gone. So far never to return.

Zostavax Vaccine
Posted by Tom (Elgin, Il) on 03/15/2010

Pharmacies charge just $25 for the vaccine, I just called after my doctor wanted $225.
