Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Sciatica

| Modified on Oct 12, 2024
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Candied Ginger Slices
Posted by Moonchild (Texas ) on 04/07/2017

Editor's Choice

Instant relief with ginger:

I have a friend who was in severe pain for at least a week & a half. The sciatic nerve in his left leg was so bad when he finally managed to get out of bed in the morning one leg was an inch or two shorter than the other. Needless to say he was in terrible mood & not all that nice to those around him. He was in excruciating pain & had been to the chiropractor, & was taking anything he could get his hands on for after doing some research I bought some crystallized ginger & took it to him. This was around 6pm or so. He ate one piece & had a hard time swallowing it, going on & on about how bad it taste. A little later we were eating dinner & he said "you know I think my back was getting better anyway" I said "oh so the ginger did help?" "Instantly! " Was his response. So he continued eating it piece by piece every few hrs or so. By that night he was acting like his old self-THANK GOD!

Apple Cider Vinegar and Epsom Salt Foot Bath
Posted by Brett E. (Fullerton, Ca) on 05/01/2017

Editor's Choice

Newly Found Relief with Strange but Simple Method

Hello all,

I'm an 18-year-old senior in high school and I've been suffering with sciatica for 2 years. I've seen countless doctors, physical therapists, chiropractors, etc. From acupuncture to cryotherapy, I've tried every physical method to treat my pain. Nothing has worked. They believe my pain started from a sports-related back injury. I have two bulging discs in my lumbar spine. The pin generally is focused in my upper right buttock, but spreads down my leg throughout the day.

About 3 days ago, I tried something new. I filled a bucket with hot water, and put 2 cups of apple cider vinegar and a handful of epsom salt in it. I soak my affected side's foot in the water until it cools, and get straight into bed after. No walking or getting up after it soaks.

I feel like this method is working. The pain has not been spreading to my leg and I am managing my pain in a much better way. I would recomend you try this method because I pretty much lost hope of being able to walk without a limp, but today I played pick up basketball with my friends for the first time since my injury. Comment with any questions or advice!

Candied Ginger Slices
Posted by Diane Powers (United States) on 04/26/2019

Ok, so I am one of the last people to believe some of the fantastic posts on any page about remedies related to relief of pain. The other night, I couldn't sleep because of the pain from my sciatic nerve. I received an email from Earth Clinic in my inbox about the new & improved site. I decided to click on it & see what can be done about the recent pain I have been having in my right thigh. I kept reading about eating candied ginger & the wonderful healing benefits of eating it for sciatic pain. I was excited to go to the store in the morning to try the "cure". I bought the small quantity & ate a piece on my way home from the store. I ate another piece right after dinner. I am here to tell you that I have no pain from my sciatic nerve in my right leg! Can this be, that after 2 pieces of ginger, relief from the pain that keeps me up at night? Folks, I am as amazed as any one could be but I am a believer now. Try it for yourself, the package cost me about 5 bucks from Sprouts here in Texas. Thank you to all who posted about this remedy. I'm going back to bed now, not because I was awakened by pain but because I was so excited to write this post. Good night!

Posted by Marykaylady (Tempe, Az, Usa) on 04/15/2011

Editor's Choice

I AM CURED OF SCIATICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nothing on this thread helped me but B-12. So many medications deplete B-12 and old age too. My friend told me to get this and in 7 days that sciatica was gone. You can do what you want. I have been meaning to come here for a month now because it is sad for so many to be hurting when all they have to do is buy this product. Get the one that dissolves under your tongue.

Thanks JO in AZ

Vitamin D
Posted by Lisa (St. Paul, MN) on 11/24/2019

Editor's Choice

Vitamin D completely cured my sciatica.

I used to feel it especially when driving and had to sit on a tennis ball at times, which helped, but only slightly, and who wants to do that every time you drive? I was only about 40 at the time, but I felt like my body was already beginning to break down. This was a few years ago, and I had read somewhere that Vitamin D is great for nerve-related things, so I decided to up my dosage to what I had read would be about the maximum for me, which was 10,000 IUs per day.

I am a 5'1 woman weighing about 110 lbs. To my great relief, my sciatica went completely away after only a couple days or so of taking this amount of Vitamin D and it hasn't returned since. The only times I feel it creeping back a bit is when I forget to take my Vitamin D in the morning!

I had a co-worker who struggled with sciatica as well. She went to physical therapy and was considering surgery and suffering a lot. I told her about my experience with Vitamin D, but, sadly, she didn't seem to comprehend the idea. She was actually concerned about how much more money she'd be spending on vitamins by consuming this much (even though I'm sure the surgery she was considering would've been much pricier). Sometimes people just can't hear you when you try to help them, so I stopped trying to convince her. I buy the Target brand Vitamin D, so it really isn't expensive or hard on my budget. And it was so simple for me to solve this issue. All it took was a bit of research and following a hunch.

I hope by sharing my story I can help someone else who needs another idea to try.

Candied Ginger Slices
Posted by Dena22 (Md) on 06/19/2018

Candied ginger completely cured my sciatica. I had pain down my left leg for a while and I came here looking for a remedy. I bought the candied ginger slices from the grocery store and ate a couple pieces everyday. After the first day the pain was gone. I kept eating it and the pain stayed away. Now I just eat it every once in awhile and still no pain. It might not work for everyone but it's worth the try.

Candied Ginger Slices
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn) on 05/12/2017

HI YA'LL,,,,,,, slept, so I may have reported this before. My pharmacist friend at church told me that she took ginger candy for her sciatica pain and it went away in a few days. I sent this to my troops and learned that it had worked for those that had this problem. My back problem is diminishing as I worked 8 hours at the farm the other day and survived. Wish I knew the answer, but I shoot with a shot gun and just hope something works. So far something is working and I have no clue. I 'm not after answers, I'm after relief. I got a feeling that our new PEMF device is a major factor in solving my pain problem, but then again, I do so many things. Think my FIR sauna is also a factor.

What definitely has gone away is my sciatica pain. My lower back still gives out with work. Maybe 80+ years is a factor. Ticks are bad this year with the mild winter. My Tractor Driver has to inspect Honey, our Rat Terrier, after a day at the farm. Last trip, she picked 9 ticks off her. Lyme is the latest rage and is a result of our Gov. messin with Bio stuff. Are we stupid or what? Lord, hep us to get right.

ATS ========ORH=======

Posted by Heidi (Georgia) on 08/15/2017

The last two nights I had severe pain starting between my shoulder blades going down to my feet. I read Harry's post below and took L-Lysine 1500mg. The pain subsided a couple minutes after I had taken Lysine and has not come back. It's been three days now that I am pain free. Thank you!

Posted by Allan (South Africa) on 03/08/2015

Am I the only one to have experienced 100% cure by L-Lysine for severe Sciatica? Having been in agony for ten days with severe sciatica which made it painful to lie, sit, stand or walk and made sleeping very difficult, but just a series of cat naps between being woken by the pain, in desperation I resorted to L-Lysine on a Saturday afternoon empty stomach. Took 1500 mg followed later that evening, two hours after supper with another 1500 mg. Nothing else out of the ordinary was done or taken. The results were dramatic. On Sunday morning the sciatica was about 80% better. I continued taking 4 same doses per day, always on an empty stomach.

On Monday morning sciatica was 90% better, on Tuesday a.m. 95% better and Wednesday about 99% better. On Thursday a.m. 100% better. Gone. Continued taking gradually reducing doses until the last dose on the Saturday morning, then stopped. That was two years ago. The sciatica did not return.

Note: There is a certain carcinoma which feeds on Lysine and also an excess can produce gall stones and other unwanted side effects.

Has anyone else tried it for Sciatica?

Tennis Shoe Technique
Posted by Jessi (Vergennes, Vt) on 09/27/2017

Editor's Choice

After 3 solid months of sciatic nerve pain shooting from my back down to my calf I was going crazy. I could't sleep, sit or even function the pain was so bad all the time. I had tried every remedy out there to no relief. I stumbled upon the tennis shoe idea for sciatica on Earth Clinic and thought I had nothing to lose.

After sitting on a shoe for 10 minutes (it hurt a lot the first time! ) I got up and actually felt less pain in my calf. I was shocked! Gradually throughout the day I sat for longer periods of time and after 3 days I am just about pain free! I honestly can't believe it! Thank you so much for this suggestion!

Tennis Shoe Technique
Posted by Russ (Farmington, New Mexico) on 07/10/2008

My name is Russ and I would like to add some information to your web-site, (great web site by the way, I love it). I have a way for people that are suffering from Scyiatica to ease and eliminate their pain. No cost at all, just simply sit on a tennis shoe with the back of the shoe facing forward on a semi firm chair. It hurts at first but the pain subsides. My pain was totally gone with in 2 hours. I believe the way it works is the shoe supports your tail bone allowing your gluts to relax allowing your slipped disc to fall back into place. Works wonderfully well and people will be very grateful for this information.

Tennis Shoe Technique
Posted by Michele (Wolcott CT) on 02/14/2021

I am so glad that I found this post. Searching on piriformis syndrome, which I have to admit is a self diagnosis. But there was no denying the pain that I felt in my buttocks. I didn't search on sciatica because there are no shooting pains down my leg(s). But maybe that was coming in the near future I sit too much, especially during tax season, so I know that contributes to the cause.

I tried this method and on first shot, I felt the pain melt away from the muscles in my buttocks. It was a miracle. I have been sitting on the sneaker for hours in each day since and I am happy to say that I am experiencing more and more hours each day with less pain.

It is not clear, so I want to state,

I use a low rise, sturdy sneaker (tennis shoe) sole down, back of shoe in the front. This sole is nearly an inch thick. I feel an upward pressure on my "sit bones". And as one poster said, maybe it is pushing my pelvis and spine back into alignment. I'm not sure. I but can vouch for it's effectiveness. It costs nothing to try.

At work, I cover the sneaker in a knit legging. Hoping no one notices. But it's that or change jobs so I am not sitting all day. That's not going to happen! Good luck to all those who suffer with pain.

Posted by Harry (Israel) on 12/26/2015

Incidentally, I cured my bilateral sciatica with l-lysine 1000 mg. complettely in 3 days .I HIGHLY RECOMMEND FOR EVERY INFLAMMATORY SCIATICA PAINS!!!

Hyaluronic Acid, Collagen, Chondroitin Sulfate
Posted by Prioris (ME) on 12/19/2020

Biocell's special formulation of hyaluronic acid, biocell's collagen and chondroitin sulfate

How to cure 90% of sciatica quickly

Study on sciatica pinpointed herniated discs as the cause of 90% of all sciatica. Chances are very high that if you have sciatica, you have some degree of herniation causing it. You need to cure the hernia to cure the sciatica.

How to cure the herniated disc?

Use Biocell form of Hyaluronic Acid which includes Biocell's collagen and chondroitin Sulfate. It also uses rooster comb type of hyaluronic acid. Doctor's Best brand is the one I use. I can't recommend anything but this formulation because I can't prove it was any one specific ingredient. All 3 components are used by the gel between the discs.

There are two type of Hyaluronic acid.

1) Original rooster comb based HA

2) fermented high molecular weight HA

I have completely cured both L4-L5 and L5-S1 herniation in 6 weeks.

The L5-S1 literally crippled me with sciatica and put me on crutches and bedridden for 7 weeks along with severe pain. I was taking the fermented form of HA so wasn't protected.

When I realized what the cure was, my progression was

After week 1 ... most pain sciatica pain went away

After week 2 ... 95% of the pain went away and could stand

After week 3 ... I could start to walk somewhat without crutches and start rehabilitation of my right leg ... still some very slight sciatica

After week 4 ... I could walk around better without any crutches. Still need to rehabilitate my leg to get it stronger

Take 2-4 capsules of the Biocell formulation with cup of water on empty stomach

You will know within 1-2 weeks whether it is working.

Of course if you have more milder type of herniation, sciatica will probably resolve quicker.

Without the supplement, people with degenerative disease may never heal or take a long time. People who are young and relatively healthy will likely take only 4 weeks.


as a bonus, it will regenerate the gums

Tennis Shoe Technique
Posted by Katie (Ann Arbor, Mi) on 09/04/2010

Wow, I just read this and tried it right away because my sciatica was on fire (it felt that way anyway) and I did get instant relief in my back, it took a little longer for the leg and foot (my sciatica effects my foot really bad) but definitely cut the pain by 75% or more. Thanks for the tip. I love this site, it is filled with a wealth of information. What works for one person doesn't necessarily works for someone else and here you get several suggestions you can try. Beats what the doc's are doing for people.
