Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Sciatica

| Modified on Oct 12, 2024
The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Ginger, Turmeric, Cinnamon
Posted by Mitch (Helena MT) on 09/19/2024 9 posts

Made a concoction for Sciatica that has sidelined me for 8 days. I have been in and out of the Hot Bath using Dead Sea Salt, which helped in the Bath, but didn't last... Have dealt with Nerves feeling like there is a constant mini Football bulge in my Hamstring or Calf, just seemed like a huge knot... I figured WHY NOT... So I did...
TSP Ginger
TSP Turmeric
TSP Cinnamon
TBSP Honey
In Boiling water... Downed it and for the first time, don't have a NEED to get in the Hot Bath... The Nerve Stinging is down 75%,
My Legs and Butt still hurt wickedly because of all the gimping around I have had to do for 8 days, but it's more like I had a heavy day in the Gym yesterday and I'm paying for it.
Too early of course, but if THAT impacts Inflammation that fast, being that all 4 are Anti-Inflammatory, I will be drinking that maybe twice a day forever, whether I feel like I need it or not... I'm not even thinking about the Hundreds of other benefits to the 4.
And it tastes good... Need the Honey to combat the Turmeric, but it's all good

Candied Ginger Slices
Posted by ShirneySharon (Eagle, ID) on 06/22/2024

Hi, I too am in search of relief from sciatic nerve pain. I read that you have a PEMF device and I would love to know what you got because I am considering getting one, but there are so many and I don't know the right one? I'd love your input. Thank you so much.

Posted by Dena Lewis (New Orleans, Louisiana ) on 05/21/2024

Bananas/Avoid Caffeine

I'm currently pain free from sciatica due to me eating bananas smoothies. I add strawberries and peanut butter with dates and a little maple syrup and cocoa powder. I drink this for a week and also did piriformis muscle massage twice a day on buttocks, and back of thigh and the calf. I massage the entire sciatic muscles. You can find videos on YouTube or tic tok. I do it twice a day everyday and I'm pain free. I didn't have to do anything else. I believe sciatica pain is triggered by a potassium deficiency. Caffeine should be avoided because it takes certain vitamins and minerals from the body. I also take a multivitamin, vitamin d, magnesium and eat vitamin b rich vegetables daily along with meat for b12.

Cyst Removal
Posted by RW (OH) on 02/24/2024

My husband was suffering from sciatica for many months without relief. He could not sleep and was in constant pain. The only thing that helped somewhat, was walking. Finally, a doctor ordered an MRI of his back, and a cyst was found inside his spine. He had surgery to decrease the cyst as much as possible, and when he got home he said he had no pain in his legs. He continues to improve and now has no pain. He came home from the hospital the same day as the surgery.

Sea Salt
Posted by annettegarciarealtor (Lubbock, TX) on 02/22/2024

Sorry but sea salt didn't work for me. I'm having an awful time so have been trying just about anything. This was a fail for me.

Hyaluronic Acid, Collagen, Chondroitin Sulfate
Posted by Phyllis (Florida) on 01/10/2024

Thank you for the good information of the right kind of HA. I ordered the rooster comb based HA and it's supposed to come today. I also have the other type of the HA. Should I only take the one that is rooster comb based or should I also take the other form with it? Also is it best to take 4 at a tiime or take 2 in morning and the other 2 before bedtime?

Do you still take it?

Candied Ginger Slices
Posted by Belinda (uk) on 12/18/2023

Hi Karen, I'd just like to point out that your suggestion to throw away the boiled ginger water that is in fact how ginger tea is made and that good stuff is going down your sink drain! For those of us who can't or don't want to use sugar in our diet, pour boiling water over finely chopped ginger, leave for at least 20 min, sieve and add a natural sweetener such as Agave or Rice Syrup.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Epsom Salt Foot Bath
Posted by Belinda (UK) on 12/15/2023

More info would be useful please.

Posted by Gramma_elaine (Minnesota) on 12/02/2023

It does matter what kind of b12. Methylcobalamin is the most absorbable.

Tennis Shoe Technique
Posted by Gravitas (London, United Kingdom) on 11/17/2023

The tennis shoe is placed between the legs. You should feel pressure on both of your "sit bones". I'm using it now, it really works.

Arch Supports and Magnets
Posted by Gloriya (Mexico) on 09/16/2023

I had sciatica when I was very young, and it was caused by wearing Earth Shoes because the heel was lower than the rest of the shoe. I wore normal tennis shoes and walked a lot on a straight highway and it went away. Now I am very old and I have sciatica again, and I noticed that I have been wearing shoes with a lower heel. I forgot that I can't do this!

This may be the root cause of many people's chronic sciatica. I hope so for your sake because it's a very easy permanent cure.

Hyaluronic Acid, Sea Salt
Posted by Teresa (WA) on 08/28/2023

I tried Ted's remedy of hyaluronic acid and sea salt with my husband. He had been to the conventional doctor and chiropractor. Nothing was working. Ted has helped me in the past when he was answering questions on earth clinic. My husband's sciatica was so painful. After 2 1/2 weeks his pain is gone. We are still using the remedy. I wanted to let all who come to earth clinic about Ted's remedy. The man is truly gifted and so compassionate. I hope he is still with us even though he has been ill. Thank you Ted. He has been a blessing to my family.

D3, Temporary High Dose
Posted by Gary (Kitchener On) on 08/16/2023

Hi guest

Sorry to hear of your problem. Mag Oil is Magnesium Oil. Best thing for your nervous system is vitamin D3. Everyone in my opinion should be taking 10,000 ius daily Monday through to Friday and stop on weekends. High dose I took 10,000 3 times a day for 2 days when I had sciatica. After that, it never came back. I hope this helps you.

God Bless


Piriformis Muscle Massage
Posted by Dena (New Orleans, Louisiana ) on 08/03/2023

I was in pain with sciatica to the point I couldn't walk to the toilet. I was placed on naproxen pain killers as well as Tylenol. I wanted to be off painkillers because long term they can damage your liver and kidneys. I tried all the remedies like apple cider vinegar and chlorophyll with only worked temporarily. While laying in pain I went on tic tok and found piriformis muscle massage. So I massage my buttocks each twice a day. I woke up with less pain every day. Today I took zero pain killers. I do plan to do cold laser treatments, a deep tissue massage and spinal decompression with a chiropractor in the future to keep it from coming back. I ordered a double lacrosse ball to help with the butt massage so I don't hurt my wrist. This worked better than the yoga exercises I was doing. Sciatica is caused by weak buttocks and muscles so do exercises that focus on those area.

Hyaluronic Acid, Collagen, Chondroitin Sulfate
Posted by Connie (GA) on 07/21/2023

Hello Prioris,

Thank you for your posts. What dosage did you take and at what frequency?

Hyaluronic Acid, Collagen, Chondroitin Sulfate
Posted by Prioris (ME) on 07/16/2023

I left this out of previous post. Just wanted to be complete.

I recommend that product for sciatica especially severe sciatica that doesn't heal.

Most sciatica is mild and temporary and will heal on its own with rest, especially in younger people. If it doesn't heal in 4 weeks, one needs to bring out the heavy artillery of the supplement. If this doesn't heal the sciatica then one may be in the 10 percent category of other causes.

Many You Tube videos recommend physical rehab of various types which is absurd when the supplement can make it so much easier and far less pain. Plus it is not healing the root cause.

Hyaluronic Acid, Collagen, Chondroitin Sulfate
Posted by Prioris (ME) on 07/16/2023

That is the product I recommend for herniated discs, back pain and regenerating the gums. Also it may help regenerate the joints but I have no experience with that nor how long it would take in your case.

Arthritis is a systemic infection.

What you use depends on how bad the infection is.

1) I would normally tell you to use ionic boron. That can be found on amazon. You could make your own from borax but amazon liquid drops are just more convenient. Plus it has some magnesium.

Ionic boron is more slow.

2) I would recommend minocycline if it is bad. Of course using antibiotics comes with a caveat.

You could be sensitive. I take it with bromelain to attack any biofilm. The positive thing about minocycline is that it doesn't wipe out your gut bacteria but only the gram positive gut bacteria so most good bacteria is protected.

You can go to calvet website.

You need to make an account because it will not show you the product minocycline without having an account. It's important the minocycline be a QUALITY one.

After making the account, just search for antibiotics minocycline. It will be container with 30 capsules. Take one twice every day with bromelain.

The alternative is to get a doctor to write a prescription. This can be yours or an online doctor. Some doctors may refuse or refer you to a specialists. The calvet website cuts thru the red tape.

People will claim other things work for arthritis but I think it is dependent on how severe the arthritis is. I had osteoarthritis so had to revert to the minocycline. It is used successfully in other chronic illnesses.

Hyaluronic Acid, Collagen, Chondroitin Sulfate
Posted by RSW (OH) on 07/15/2023

Hi Prioris,

I have very bad arthritis in many parts of my body. Is this the product you are recommending?

Doctor's Best Hyaluronic Acid + Condroitin Sulfate 180 capsules

Thank you for posting this.

Address Disc Bulge for Sciatica
Posted by Prioris (ME) on 07/15/2023

90 percent of sciatica is caused by herniated disc. I discovered how to heal my herniated discs a long time ago. The gel between discs degenerates. It needs to be regenerated. Please see my post under Hyaluronic Acid, Chondroitin, Biocell collagen. This is a supplement that absorbs very well. Most pain eliminated in 1 week. No need to exercise. I had severe sciatica at L5-S1 and was crippled.

Hyaluronic Acid, Collagen, Chondroitin Sulfate
Posted by Prioris (ME) on 07/15/2023

That's strange. You can find it on amazon and many other health supplement websites. I use "Doctor Best" brand because it is lowest cost. Maybe outside the US, it could be a problem. You look at the back label to determine it's from Biocell.

If it works, please post information on other sites. Sciatica is a very terrible thing to permanently have. Or a nightmare if it is severe.

Posted by Olivia (Ningi ) on 06/13/2023

Well…there is a web site “ Microwaterman “ & he sells lots of things but he sells the book + magnets

book is “ Conquering Pain “

really great information in there…rare earth magnets are more powerful than ordinary magnets (10x) & are best. Magnets are forever so once purchased no more need the book to optimise the placement of the magnets. The book will show you how to place the magnets for best affect and also how to set up circuits with the magnets because the human body runs certain electrical circuits, very weak circuits that can be stimulated with the magnets to get a more Speedy result… I hope this helps nothing worse than to be in pain…

Posted by Tessa (British Columbia) on 06/09/2023

Hi Heidi (USA), Karen (Western Australia), DiDi (Oregon) –

Olivia hasn't responded to your queries yet but I bought a book about 15 years ago called Conquering Pain – The Art of Healing with Biomagnetism.

It sounds like the book Olivia referred to on May 19,2023.

Here is information on sciatica from the website of BiomagScience ( For the record, I am not affiliated in any way with this company.

Here is their FAQ page:

There are contraindications for using magnets. Don't use if you are pregnant. Do not use near pacemakers, defibrillators or electrical implants.

As a disclaimer, they recommend that you use magnets as an adjunct to treatment advised by your physician.

Always do your own research.

You might find some helpful tips on magnets here:

Good luck!



Posted by Caroline (British Columbia) on 05/26/2023

I had bad sciatica pain years ago but the thing that cured me instantly was drinking water. I read online that anything to do with disc pain is dehydration...a bell went off....I went straight to the water tap and never had it again. The reason I got it was I was on a colon cleanse that pulled too much water...didn't drink extra as they recommend. you should be drinking half your body weight in ounces or you are dehydrated like 75% of the population.

You may fix everything that's wrong!!!

Posted by Heidi (USA) on 05/25/2023

Hi Olivia, who is the author of the book and do you have a link to the magnets you are using? Thank you! Heidi

Posted by Karen M (Western Australia) on 05/25/2023

Interesting, its been over 20yrs since I used magnets for my pain. Not in that area, but the neck. I was drawn towards looking for the book. When I google, there are several books with that title, so can you plz share a link to the one, thank you

Posted by Gary (Kitchener On) on 05/24/2023

Hi Chris

Yes, 60,000 Vit.D3 in 3 days.

It works well on fixing the nervous system.

All the best,


Posted by Susan K (Springfield MO) on 05/24/2023

Dr Norman Shealy has recommended 50,000 units Vit D weekly for many years! (Father of Holistic Health)

Tennis Shoe Technique
Posted by Mary McQueen (Scotland) on 05/23/2023

Please explain where you place the shoe? On one side or in the middle?

Posted by Chris (Chico, Ca) on 05/23/2023

So to be clear are you saying that you are taking 10,000 2 x a day for a total of 20,000 IUs? That is a lot of D3 if I am correct.

Posted by DiDi (Oregon) on 05/21/2023

Thank you for the information Olivia!

Yes, I would kindly like more information about the magnets and the book.


Posted by Gary (Kitchener On) on 05/21/2023

Hi Olivia

I increased my vitamin D3.

10,000 ius morning and night for 3 days.

Fixed me up and never came back. I read Vitamin D3 works on your nervous system.

take care


Posted by Olivia (Ningi ) on 05/19/2023

magnets for Sciatica

I have recently had a bad attack of sciatica come on… I tried many of the therapies, suggested by people on this channel…

Sometimes things would dull down a bit but then they would increase in discomfort… I was getting desperate… I have a set of rare earth magnets, and also a book that talks about the placement of the magnets on the body for whatever ailment you have…the book is called conquering pain…well, there is a section in the book about sciatica….It talks about the placement of the Magnets in a horizontal fashion at the base of the spine. I of course Magnets have a positive and a negative side, and it is very important how they are placed and what polarity is against the skin.The placement of the magnets for sciatica is as follows.

Low down on the spine in the middle is a double stack of Magnets where is the positive side against the skin and these can be placed there where with 3M sticky tape…once that is in place then 2 inches either side of that placement is a double stack of magnets with the negative side against the skin. So, you have a row of magnets, three in a row…and also, they are double stacked, so two magnets stuck on top of each other. All of these Magnets are attached to the body with the 3M. Sticky tape. Once they are on the body they are left in place for at least three days…don't remove them.Within half an hour of placing the magnets on my body I could feel something happening. By the one hour, mark all pain had disappeared. I could sit, laydown and finally get some sleep….It is now day two…and still no pain, it is wonderful. I wanted to share this with people because sciatica is a shocking problem to go through. It is debilitating and disabling.If anybody wants more information about the Magnets and the book you can reach out to me through this website and I am happy to give you more information.

Candied Ginger Slices
Posted by Penny (KY) on 02/14/2023

Why candied? What about fresh ginger to avoid the sugar?

Apple Cider Vinegar and Epsom Salt Foot Bath
Posted by Pete (Oklahoma) on 02/10/2023

I used traction to cure my sciatica

Address Disc Bulge for Sciatica
Posted by Patrick Cooke (UK) on 01/10/2023

Sciatica Caused By Disc Bulge AKA Slipped Disc

I was diagnosed with a bulging disc and severe dehydration of a few discs including the bulging disc which was impinging the left sciatic nerve. I was in a bad way. Physio never helped. Used a chiropractor twice a w££k to help realign the spine after years of poor posture. A chiropractor can only help align the body to where it should be, the rest is on you to learn how to move, sit and lift correctly. if you don't do this, your spine will end up out of alignment again causing your body to compensate and then more pressure on the disc. While you're doing this you want to focus on strengthening your core muscles to support your spine and posture. This will support the disc healing process and long term back health. (If your car was in a crash you would strengthen the impacted area to ensure its was safe to drive)

The next thing to do is regain disc height, when the discs are dehydrated they lose height and the disc wall will weaken leading to higher risk of the disc bulging. Unlike other parts of the body, the discs cannot draw in nutrients by themselves, they need movement and draw in nutrients like a compressed sponge draws in water. complete safe workouts to get the nutrients into the disc is key to rehydrating the discs. I would also ensure to drink plenty of water along with supplementation of key minerals like Magnesium, sodium and potassium to boost your mineral intake. Minerals are the foundations to health. Avoid alcohol (Dehydrates the body)

You may feel more pain early on, but you're agitating an already sensitive area. It's a long healing journey just stay patient and be consistent.

I had a lot of secondary inflammation around my hips caused by my body's response to the pain. so by the end of the day, I could barely walk. I cut out gluten entirely from my diet and the inflammation was significantly reduced and the sciatic pain had halved. It took two weeks for dietary changes to set in and it was hard to avoid Gluten products but it was definitely worth it.

Obviously this was my experience and not medical advise but I have now being free of sciatica for 5 years without a flare up.

Hyaluronic Acid
Posted by Barbara (Idaho) on 01/01/2023

Yes! Ted's Hyaluronic acid and Sea Salt remedy for Degenerative Disc Disease.

Hyaluronic Acid
Posted by Barbara (Idaho) on 12/31/2022

I have had sciatica for almost 40 yrs (happened during childbirth). I am now 70 and the episodes are lasting longer and are more frequent. This last bout lasted almost 4 months. I have tried the tennis shoe and ball technique, ginger slices, inflammatory supplements, blackstrap molasses, lysine, dmso (for pain, but made my breath stink)..etc. Finally came across the Hyaluronic acid recipe (Ted's recipe) and after 2 weeks I am back to normal! Other remedies that I feel contributed to my recovery is:

1. yoga (adapt and modify for your individual practice) and stretching out that piriformis muscle.

2. foam roller- I put pressure on that piriformis muscle (it hurts but consistency helped my leg)

3. chirp wheel- this is a shark tank product that aligns your spine! much relief from the Hyaluronic Acid recipe 3x a day on an empty stomach. I am so grateful!!!

Hope this helps someone else as Sciatica is so debilitating and painful. Good Luck!

EC: Hi Barbara, are you referring to Ted's Hyaluronic Acid and Sea Salt remedy for Degenerative Disc Disease per this page: ? Please let us know.

Tennis Shoe Technique
Posted by Hollyhock (America ) on 11/07/2022

No one is answering on placement of tennis shoe! I would love to know as well! Does it go in center crack of the butt or under one butt cheek?

Common Salt
Posted by Doug Smythe (Yucaipa) on 10/27/2022

My cure for the Severe pain running from my lower back on the right side, lower.... all the way down my hot sexy butt, through my thigh- in the back, down through my calf and into my right foot... Severe, pain shots like electricity, pretty much constant pain throughout the day and even in bed and even when sleeping.... (THE CURE FOR ME WAS)... THIS.... I ate two large avocados with lots of Common Salt on them. The next morning was a night and day difference, compared to the 6 days of painful hell before.... On the 2nd day the pain was pretty much non existent... I'm a 60 year old guy in Yucaipa CA.

Tennis Shoe Technique
Posted by M in M (Md) on 09/10/2022

Motivational Doc (Dr.Alan Mandell) has a seated piriformis stretch video…..might help.

Tennis Shoe Technique
Posted by Beth (West Virginia) on 09/08/2022

Hi Michele, where do you place the tennis shoe under the leg that causes you issues or just sit on it regular like a cushion, I see a few people are unsure, and I want to try it myself as I have really bad Piriformis syndrome. Thank you

Candied Ginger Slices
Posted by Rose (pennsylva nia) on 08/23/2022

I heard that ginger can be used for parasites so maybe do a parasite cleanse I been using wormwood and black nut oil to help me. Tastes like sh#t but you will feel better after feeling like sh#t off and on but the parasites come out! I took pics

Magnesium Oil
Posted by Heather (Ohio) on 06/21/2022

Sciatica Pain:

Magnesium oil (spray) was the only thing that helped me as well! 5 sprays to the lower back at bedtime, woke up and the pain is gone!!

Candied Ginger Slices
Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 05/18/2022

Hello Tap Out Stress Mary Cassidy,

A herniated disc pressing on the sciatic nerve (or possibly osteoarthritis?)

Yes, the candied ginger does seem to be a quick (temporary) fix for sciatica and sacro-iliac problems.

However, all that sugar is no good long term!

Maybe switch to a once per day Arthritis Smoothie as follows:-

Almond Milk 1 cup / Turmeric 1 tsp - 2 tbsp / Ginger 1 chunk 1/2" x 1/2" / Cinnamon 1/2 tsp / One Banana / Pineapple 1 cup / Vanilla extract 1 tsp / One large Carrot / Hemp seed 2 tbsp (optional).

All the above are among many ingredients recommended for arthritis treatment - there is no shortage! Some recommend using cow's milk if you cannot get almond milk but dairy consumption should be minimized for arthritis sufferers (also grains unfortunately) plus a host of others which you can research:- "Worst Ten Foods for Arthritis" that sort of thing...

Finding what best suits you is a journey you will need to embark upon for yourself. My only other advice is to try alternatives for a month or so before giving up.

I have learnt that with arthritis, it is as much about giving up some (dietary) things, as about taking correct supplements and exercising and getting good rest as well as developing good postural habits.

Get an "expert" to evaluate your sitting posture and acquire a good sitting habit. Makes a huge difference to sciatica.

Also, there are some very beneficial exercises on u tube that really do work for this condition - one shouldn't despair - help is at hand.

Meanwhile, enjoy the candied ginger lumps!

Please let us know how you progress.

Cheers from Down Under

Candied Ginger Slices
Posted by Tap Out Stress Mary Cassidy (MT) on 05/17/2022

Unbelievable--I slept well after eating the candied ginger last night. It wasn't completely gone but I'll report back after a week's use. Super excited.

Vitamin C
Posted by Anne (Cali) on 02/13/2022

Vitamin C ....I would use ascorbic acid form of vitamin C as suggested by Dr Max Gerson. In his book Gerson Therapy he said the other two forms are not good, just read it today by coincidence. He did extensive research on cells and how to put a body back to health so it can fight tumors.

Slippery Elm Bark Tincture
Posted by Alanna (Fairhope) on 11/26/2021

I had sciatica for about 8 months and nothing helped until I stumbled upon a book called back pain. The book indicated to take 12 drops of slippery elm bark tincture in about an ounce or 2 of room temperature water 3 times a day for about 2 weeks. They said it helps 85% of people and what do u know, it helped me.

Candied Ginger Slices
Posted by Jitendra (India ) on 09/28/2021

Candied Ginger is doing wonders for sciatica nerve pain. Thank you all.

Candied Ginger Slices
Posted by Apple (Daytona ) on 05/08/2021

You can make it from scratch. That might help you with sugar content. Or maybe just eat ginger or take a ginger shot

Hyaluronic Acid, Collagen, Chondroitin Sulfate
Posted by Deanne (Sydney, Australia) on 04/15/2021


Thank you for letting me know about this remedy!!

My condition is much improved since taking liquid biocell collagen. Been 3 weeks and want to continue. The biocell you mentioned was hard to find for me but I ended up finding it at collagencollective website, they sell it in liquid form and the liquid biocell stuff is doing its thing and working for me. Will continue and update. Thanks again!

Sea Salt
Posted by Eva (CA) on 03/20/2021

Thanks, sea salt worked after years of trying everything else.
